Why save something? This is your choice
I once had a Panasonic, a long time ago ...

But, I do not regret buying Martha at all.

To decide, compare the programs and capabilities of Martha and Panasonic - then decide for yourself.
Martha's programs and features are here:

Now see what Panasonic can do
Natalja AW
Thank you Tatiana! This will be my first slow cooker.
Natalja AW, I have a small panasik for 5 years. She took Martha because she needed a cartoon with a large volume. Big Panasik didn’t take it, because Panasik’s temperature range is small (I don’t compare it with new ones), but I wanted to try curds, yoghurts, and boiled pork at low temp.
my thoughts:
in Panasika I got used to sensory programs (buckwheat, milk porridge) - they are more convenient with him, because it is enough to adjust the amount of water and not think about the temperature and time. you immediately understand what you want the consistency of buckwheat to get. at March, you have to think about everything (but I also think you can then adjust everything as it should). in this case, I always get a panasik - cook rice, buckwheat. milk porridge.
in March it is good because the temperature spread is good. fries and bakes are much more powerful than panasik (small). there are many cooking options. and I bake all sorts of charlotte pies, I cook jellied meat now only in it, with porridge for the dog I understood from 3 times how much time and temperature it takes to cook everything. a big plus that March remembers changes in programs - temperature and time, that is, you can customize each one for yourself - and then just poke a button (I did that part of it, though after a long switch off the light everything went off)
baked meat - everything worked out clearly.
I don't cook soups in cartoons.

Well, you need to get used to any device and make friends with it.And the soul should lie precisely in this saucepan

Therefore, it is easier and more comfortable for me with Marta than with Panasonic, I did not succeed in love with him, it was love - and not food
Admin, of course. the choice in favor of March made from your reviews that the saucepan works. and now I use it with pleasure and have adapted a lot for it. the flight with March is good, but I still get Panasika for dishes that are already familiar to me - I just know that he will do them well, and in March I did not even try to try it)))
Natalja AW, for the price of Panasonic you can buy two March. If, as they say in the SC, every third of March gets into the service, then you have a 100% chance of getting one serviceable one. With a single Panasonic chance = 50% (either serviceable or not).

All multi-cookers (pressure cookers) have defects and faults, business is based on that, since it is not profitable for manufacturers to produce the "correct" equipment, there will be little sales
Read the topics on the multicooker forum - you will learn a lot of interesting things about the quality of the appliances

It is better to navigate correctly in the manufacturers, so that you can quickly and immediately contact the service department to exchange the device, and just be able to receive advice on the operation of devices in writing or by phone.
Martha has such an opportunity!
Study the manufacturers' websites carefully.
And the opinions of multicooker users on the forum.

And choose by today's times the devices are relatively high-quality and cheap, based on the above - so that you don't feel sorry for money later.

And multicooker (pressure cooker) and others like them, can work "for centuries" or not work at all - as you are lucky
Uh-huh ... I also thought for a long time whether to take March again, or what else to see?
Well, this model fell on the soul, and for the price it is good, and for the possibilities ...
And to consult is also not superfluous.

And here's another plus for Martha - I hope it's a plus - I took it under warranty, and the service says that they won't repair it, that the manufacturer has a simple solution - to issue a write-off certificate right away. Well, within 3 weeks they promised to return the money or exchange. So I'll take it, now I already know about one sore - I'll check it right away (fortunately, Yulmart changes or returns money without a sound for 14 days). If everything goes well, I'll open a topic about her.

Dmitriy, be lucky and everything will work out
Elena Tim
Martha and the airfryer browned the top
I accidentally saw ...
Does Martha have an airfryer? That is, the upper ten is set?
Quote: Elena Tim
Does Martha have an airfryer?

No, this one she browned with a lid from the airfryer.
Elena Tim
Fuy! Otherwise I almost rushed to Martha to want.
Natalia, Thank you!
Quote: Elena Tim
Otherwise I almost rushed to Martha to want.

And to not want it))) Good machine. And you have one more Wishlist - one less - and Martha will be pleased that she is on the list)))
Elena Tim
Quote: shnt
And you have one more Wishlist - one less - and Martha will be pleased that she is on the list)))
No, well, if you put the question like that, then of course.
I want a little.

There are two interesting features in March: smoking and deep frying
I have not tried deep fat and I will not - I feel sorry for the pan and I do not like deep fat. It seems to me that there are other professional deep fat fryers for deep fat.
And until the chef of MARTA recommends smoking, the smell remains from smoking. Probably, you can have an additional pan and gaskets for this - I have not tried Well, since the chef does not recommend it, I will not try

But in general, the fact that there are such functions in this multicooker, and they work - it's already good!
I like MARTA, while it pleases me with its good and practical variety of programs and functions, ease of operation
Elena Tim
Quote: Admin
I like MARTA
This is immediately evident from the number of great recipes with which you got rid of in March.

Well, you had to try the saucepan
And after all, the declared programs work
Can you please tell me if a bowl from Redmond M70 is suitable for March 1989? Five-liter golden ... I was tired of choosing a cartoon. Redik is slowly but surely going crazy in the literal sense of the word (his electronic roof is driving), and the lid has knocked over. Therefore, I will take a new one. But there are 2 good bowls and an airfryer lid. It's a pity ..... Duma between Polaris 0517 (measured the cup, it seemed to fit), March 1989 and again Redik ... Or don't go crazy, take Redmond again ...
In principle, if the question is in choosing Mart's multicooker, then you can take it with your pots.

And from redmond and can be sold here on the forum, separately - perhaps there are people who are looking for them.

I can't say anything about the cups, I don't have a redmod
Tatyana, Thank you! Selling is probably not an option. Shipping will cost more: pard: Yes, and I like them to the very best. I'll go to another Temko with a question ...: mail1: Although Marta is now on the off-site at 3999 and for the second purchase in the check there is a 40% discount, for the third 50% .... Zamanukha ....
I want to boast, I still took Martha True model 1981. On Ali, now the price is 2900 I could not resist.
Please tell me, I'm looking towards this multicooker ...
What I would like:
1) make baked milk
2) to make baked cottage cheese later
3) what kind of cheese is possible? I want mozzarella, but homemade ala farm cheese is fine))
4) does the yoghurt overheat? I want thick, without sourness, not flaking
5) I want porridge, but it’s supposedly made of spelled or amaranth, which need to be cooked longer (or from wild coarse black rice) - is it possible to manually change the time there?
My milk Milk: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, butter

Including in March 1989:

Multicooker Marta MT-1989Ghee (multicooker Marta MT-1989)
Multicooker Marta MT-1989Sour milk + cottage cheese in a multicooker Marta MT-1989
Multicooker Marta MT-1989Boiled cottage cheese, salted (slow cooker Marta MT-1989)

On the first page of the topic, I already gave a table with the programs, and the temperature of the multicooker - look.

Baked milk can cook too, but I didn't cook it.

Multicooker (ANY!) can't cook cheese... For cheese, sourdough and special cooking conditions are needed.
Otherwise, you just get pressed cottage cheese, with the taste of cottage cheese.
But if a slow cooker can cook yogurt-yogurt, cook cottage cheese, then you can think about cheese.

Yoghurts-curdled milk-kefir cooks perfectly! This milk is distinguished by its leaven.
Now in my multicooker there is yogurt made of milk + cream + yogurt - the cooking time is 4 hours approximately in fact, T * 40 * C
I want thick, without sourness, not flaking - it depends on the quality of milk, starter cultures

Porridge cooks great too. Time can be changed. Different porridges are important, different porridges are needed))

Quite a successful multicooker model!
Thank you so much!!
To be honest, I already ordered it so I was inspired by your reviews (and all the reviews on the network are generally positive) ... but they haven't called me back yet (from the official store)
Are there any reasons why this multicooker is sold at such a low price (4 thousand)? All such analogs are 2 or even 3 times more expensive.

This model replaces LUMME (one manufacturer). Perhaps the model is being promoted.

And then, if the model is not scolded, it suits in all respects, why should we be puzzled by the price

Read the topic from the very beginning, I wrote a lot of interesting things about this multicooker, including about pots.
Natalja AW
Admin, Tatiana, I bought it and already love it. Very neat and correct. I use and enjoy it. The hand reaches for Martha, not for Panasonic (and got hold of him for the company). He's also good, but different. Thanks for the tip. And it's good that I got into this topic in time

Natasha, congratulations on your purchase! Use it, let it only bring joy
Raspberry Zemlyanikina
Girls, I can't find reviews on March 79, 81. You can order 88 or 79, 81 in the store. In 79, there are more programs, but it's embarrassing that the control panel is next to the steam valve. On my Brandik, the panel fell off, now I press the buttons. No one had such problems? I also want to ask the experienced Mart users about the company's service policy.
When I got to the store, I talked to the managers. In two, the sellers strongly recommend Redmont. The Moulinex and Phillips are said to be weak copies of Redmont. We saw its popularity in Russia and riveted a multicooker. March did not see one in stock. Redmond's 800 liked the saucepan. I also really liked Ourson 515. But there is a pressure cooker, and I can't decide if I need it. The multicooker is easier to use, as I understand it.

Girls, well, let's just discuss and share the cooking experience here for MARCH only in MARCH !!!!!!!

For other multicooker pressure cookers, there is a common theme Choosing a slow cooker, pressure cooker, rice cooker (2)

Everything is fine with MARTA, it works fine!
I did not contact the service - it was not required.

I already wrote about the service in the topic, on pages 1-2. And about the pots too. Take a look. I don't want to drag texts here for the hundredth time.
Quote: Malina Zemlyanikina
I can't find reviews on March 79, 81. In the store you can order 88 or 79, 81.

I have MARCH 1989, so I am writing about her.
I can't say anything about other models. It can be on them to open separate topics, if they are the same.
In the 1989 model, there are enough programs, moreover, the most necessary programs that have shown themselves well.
Raspberry Zemlyanikina
I am asking for petitions for my questions. In the topic of choosing multicooker, I asked three times, no one answered me there. The post had a question about Martha, so I copied it from the general thread.
I didn’t find any Martha in stock, so I could touch and see. From the possibility of ordering 79, 81 and 88.
Initially, I did not think about this company at all, since I did not come across their products. When I asked questions, I read the discussions of these multicooker.
Therefore, now I am considering it for purchase.
Quote: Malina Zemlyanikina
From the possibility of ordering 79, 81 and 88

I have already answered above - I am not familiar with these models, try to look at the U-tube.
And it's good to order March through the official website, no problem 🔗 You can contact by phone, find out the conditions of everything, including service and purchase. You can talk to the chef on the phone.
Natalja AW
Malina, I ordered through the official website. I am satisfied with the delivery, payment upon receipt, the multicooker works flawlessly
Girls and boys! I bought Marta's first cartoon in my life, only the model is different, namely 4301. There are no topics about her yet, so I'll ask here. The manual says that before the first use, you must turn on. steamer program for 60 min. with a bowl filled with water to 70%. Is it from the useful volume or from the total? I measured the full volume, it is really 5 liters. The scale in the bowl is graduated for every about 5 liters and the upper one, the last risk is 4.5 liters. So how much water to pour? And another question. In this case, you can not put a steamer? And is it necessary to add lemon juice there? There is no smell at all. 70% of 5 liters is 4.5 liters. Is it that much water to boil? Should the multi lid be closed at the same time? Here I am "teapot" First time
It will be enough to pour water of about 3 liters, add lemon juice, close the lid and set the STEAMER mode, bring it to the end of the program.
The insert for this procedure can be omitted, it is not needed there.

If there is no smell, you can simply rinse the multicooker with dishwashing detergent, rinse well with clean water. That's what I do.

And it is advisable for this model of Martha to open a new theme, since it differs both in appearance and in the set of functions according to the menu from March-1989.
And then I don’t want to mix up the issues of operating these multicooker, and the recipes for the dishes. There may be confusion in the questions and answers

Tatyana, Tanya, I have already poured 1.5 liters of water and put it on the "double boiler" program for 20 minutes. The main thing for me is that the water with lemon boils for 5-10 minutes. Maybe that's enough. Although, of course, you can cancel the program or turn off the cartoon and set the same program, but with a larger count. water. Now, if the water with a volume of 1.5 liters does not have time to boil for the set 20 minutes. , then it will take another 20 minutes. immediately (if so possible) put. That's it, the water is boiling, and there are still 5 minutes to go. Fine, it will. In general, I took the cartoon only for baking (they praise biscuit in them) and yogurt (I don't have a yogurt maker). For now, I will test it for these purposes, and then it will be seen. There would be a topic about it and write there, but I am not able to create a topic myself (that's who would have created it). And there are no proven recipes yet.

You can move Multicooker Marta MT-4301

Enjoy your preparation and learning!
Hello. sw. members of the forum! :-) Tell me. you are welcome. how can you buy March 1989 in Ukraine?
Thank you.

This can be found on the official website. Martha.
Or from their fellow countrymen
Girls, this is a recipe ham Tumanchik-Irishki I cooked yesterday in Belobok in my beloved Martochka: girl_love: The dish was being prepared on the "Russian stove" program for 4 hours, the temperature was monitored with an electronic thermometer with a needle with the lid closed. I took a stainless steel bowl from Panasonic (I bought it additionally for a long time), it is great for Martha, it did not lay anything inside, the ham maker lay on its side. If anyone needs it - ask, I will answer in more detail about the process
Multicooker Marta MT-1989
nut, Irina, I look at the photo of the gorgeous ham and I understand that such a charm is beyond my shoulder! Well, perfect - with a smooth skin and a layer of salsa, the drawing itself - the pieces are so beautiful
Irina Of what and as is it so cute? If it is impossible in this thread, then send me to the right address

*** I often go to Martha's topic - I want my daughter to buy a new multicooker in addition to the old Panasik 18th. I look closely, while Marta and Shteba are in the lead, which is not surprising: THANKS Admin and Masinen !!

Irisha, the ham turned out great, the brand did a great job too!

Irisha, decorate the ham with your own recipe, it's worth it
Girls, good morning everyone Thank you for the praises
Natalia this recipe - , everything is done very easily - Irina told everything very easily
Tatyana- the recipe is not mine, I just cooked it in March and it will not be decent to pass off someone else's work as my own, all I can tell you about t * and the time of tracking the cooking process itself in March

Added on Friday 07 Oct 2016 09:13 AM

I took the meat 50 * 50 - a piece of pork is not greasy and a piece of underwire or brisket
nut, chic ham
Thank you Olya, I tried
Natalja AW
Girls, boys, maybe who knows which stainless steel bowl will fit this Martha?
Got a multicooker today 89.
Immediately questions - how to set the clock, where and in what mode is the lowest temperature. and how to regulate it.
and where there is a multi-cook, multi-chef.
With a multi-cook, it's clear there is a button.

Here, here I chose all the programs from the instructions for Martha, and using the recipe book I determined how and where to cook and decorated it with a table:

I didn’t expose the time, I don’t even know how it’s done. It was somehow useless to me. When the multicooker is working, the timer turns on and the program starts counting.

The temperature and time can be changed when the desired program + or - is turned on, including during the operation of the program
Quote: Admin

Here, here I chose all the programs from the instructions for Martha, and using the recipe book I determined how and where to cook and decorated it with a table:

I didn’t expose the time, I don’t even know how it’s done. It was somehow useless to me. When the multicooker is working, the timer turns on and the program starts counting.

The temperature and time can be changed when the desired program + or - is turned on, including during the operation of the program
Thank you very much. A + and are pictograms with a clock or not. there are no such buttons.
Quote: pushkar

Thank you very much. A + and are pictograms with a clock or not. there are no such buttons.

Tomorrow afternoon I'll look and give a comment

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