You can marinate the chicken first and then fry it. The result is always soft and juicy. I marinated chicken in soy sauce, so I don't salt it later.
I got used to making chicken in March, right in its entirety, frying for 1 hour, salt-pepper-garlic ... and turn it over once.
It turns out so soft that the whole carcass cannot be pulled out, it falls apart ...
The son loves such a chicken very much
Well, girls, it's so good that you are. Always help with advice. I will try to make a chicken according to your advice. The main thing is to be juicy. They made an omelet. The husband knocked everything down with a blender. Probably not necessary, did not rise in March. But in Toshka the omelet is already bubbling and lush. True, they knocked down there with a simple hand mixer. Let's see what and how next. Very obedient and easy to use Martushechka. Good luck to all.
Quote: madames
True, they knocked down there with a simple mixer by hand

In general, it is recommended to beat the eggs for an omelette, with a fork, and not until thick foam, but only to mix the mass
madames, how's the chicken?
Tell me, on the Extinguishing mode, is everything boiling violently too?
Oh sorry. My mail changed, so the messages did not come. I did the chicken a second time - a little on the fry, then - the quenching - it turned out great. Golden and soft and juicy chicken. The chickens are the same, their own. Different modes-approaches, we get different results. You need to study, try and love your Martushechka.

Helen! During the extinguishing, everything was fine with me, it was quiet, it didn't seem to boil. I left the soup on it to rise. A wonderful slow cooker, almost everyone likes it.
Quote: addresat
Is everything boiling violently in the Quenching mode too?

Look at the display, what temperature is shown?
On the STEWING program, the setting is 100 * C (as on SOUP), which is a lot for a quiet boil. For a quiet boil, it is desirable to have 95 * C, then there will be a slight "whispering".

Set the temperature lower, or choose another program with this temperature.

There is a table of programs and temperatures here, and what is desirable to cook for these modes What the multicooker Marta MT-1989 can do (my culinary experiments) # 2

And you need to use your ability to change the settings of the multicooker when cooking.
I have a March 4308 - there are fewer modes than in your model, but those that coincide are the same in time and temperature. I'm boiling on the Extinguishing!
Admin, thanks for the table, I already copied it myself!
And I had mushroom soup. So I put it on stewing, since the meat turned out soft, then so that the mushrooms reach, as I need, 20 minutes. And on the "soup" mode, the mushrooms weren't cooked a little. I am mastering Martha, obedient. Boiled milk, excellent. Everything is clean, no climbs.
Quote: addresat
I have Martha 4308

Lena, for this model "Multicooker Marta 4308"you need to open a separate topic, and already there share your experience of using

After all, our models are different, the management is different, and it is not always possible to get to the point with your advice
And it is undesirable to confuse, combine different models in one topic - we ourselves will get confused
Admin, there is a topic with Martha 4301 - we have everything in common except for covering the bowl.

Lena, that's fine So there will be someone to talk to, let's move on to that topic
Tatyana, I have a question for you.To boil rice for a side dish, do you run the Groats program 2 times? In 20 minutes on Krupa, the rice was half cooked and there was liquid on the bottom. I started it again and got a normal rice. Do you need to run buckwheat twice too?
I cooked, pilaf, it turned out delicious, the rice was separated one from the other I liked the pilaf, in March
I also cooked pilaf, everything is fine. But Krupa's program is very short, you need to double the time.
Marpl, Marina, I didn't cook rice for a side dish, so I won't tell you

I, in a small Redik, cook rice at a time of 45-50 minutes, I like the result, but in March, the program is set in time.
Quote: Marpl
To boil rice for a side dish, do you run the Groats program 2 times?

Marina, 20 minutes is not enough for steaming rice and cereals.
I put up a program CEREALS, I set the time to 40 minutes (versus 20 minutes by default). That is, I immediately set the right time so as not to drive it twice.
The other day I cooked buckwheat like that, 40 minutes on "KRUPY".

About water: first I put rice in a saucepan, level it along the bottom, and add enough water so that the water level is at the height of the first phalanx of the index finger above the level of the cereal. Then the side dish porridge will be of normal humidity.

Look here, I write in more detail about cereals:

Multicooker Marta MT-1989Buckwheat-rye porridge with onions and liver (multicooker Marta MT-1989)

What the multicooker Marta MT-1989 can do (my culinary experiments)

Girls, on the official website of Marta, the MT-1988 Multicooker costs 2999 rubles, maybe someone needs it.

Marisha Aleksevna
Girls and boys, please advise someone how to be. I scratched a non-stick pan by March 1989, turned to Martha, they had a bowl under the order and delivered to our city at a cosmic price, they advised a bowl from Lumme 1447, but it is nowhere on sale. What else can you replace?
Marisha Aleksevna, it seems to me that almost any 5 liter mold will do. I once ordered myself a universal saucepan from China for my multi Aurora, so it also fits my March 4308, although the shapes of the multicooker are completely different. Go shopping with a tape measure and try on bowls of different multicooker.
Marisha Aleksevna, I to my March 4301 in stock and on the action in LENTA (500 rubles) took a bowl for 5 liters REDMOND RB-A503. When I bought it, I thought, if it doesn't even fit (for that kind of money, why not take it), then I use it for baking in the oven. The bowl fits perfectly, the multi lid closes normally (nothing interferes). True, I do not use it yet, it is in stock
Marisha Aleksevna
Mila56, thank you very much, I have two such bowls for Redmond 4503, I will try them. It didn’t even occur to me to use them.
I bought pork here on a weekend. They made a kebab for the holiday, set aside a piece for drying. And there is still a considerable amount of meat bones left. These are the ones. Multicooker Marta MT-1989 My husband loves to gnaw bones. Well, I decided to adapt my Martochka to the preparation of a delicious dish.
Dried onion recipe by Admin went into action. I really like its sweet concentrated scent. And during its heat treatment, there is no vigorous onion smell, as from fresh. Also useful in this recipe is dried carrots, also from Admin. After some thought, I decided to use dried tomatoes as well. Multicooker Marta MT-1989
From the spices I took the pork seasoning, the real Georgian tkemali sauce (my friends brought homemade one). Added olive oil, a little water. Stir everything thoroughly.Multicooker Marta MT-1989
I poured it into a bowl with bones, ribs, cartilages. Massaged everything, added a bay leaf Multicooker Marta MT-1989 and put Martha on the frying mode for 20 minutes. After this time, I set the "languor" program for 2 hours. Three times during the entire cooking time, the contents of the saucepan were mixed.
Here's a miracle I did. Multicooker Marta MT-1989 Multicooker Marta MT-1989
The aroma is wonderful! the taste is generous!
Well! I did it well. Well, rather, Martha.
Hello everyone. I also use this slow cooker for about a month. I am very satisfied. Made baked milk and ghee according to Admin recipes. The class worked. Baked potatoes - recipe from the book.Very tasty, fast and problem-free
Now I want to make cottage cheese. Somewhere I climbed on topics and inside there was a recipe for making cottage cheese without any extra. starter cultures. Milk was simply poured into a bowl and aged .... the next day, cottage cheese was already made. I can not find. Can someone tell me and poke my nose? ))
Tanya, I saw your recipes. I want pure milk without adding anything. I saw some girls doing this
1. For the first time I cooked broth on the "broth" mode (before that I did it on Soup). I threw in the chicken backs from the set (we are buying the cat, but the broth was urgently needed), onions (this time with the peel), carrots and on the Broth program for 2 hours. After a while I looked in, and there was a gray foam floating there. Well, I think, okay, I'll put it through cheesecloth and a sieve later. She left and forgot about the broth. When it boils, I open it, and there is a transparent broth, I never did it before, and everything is gray at the bottom. Now my favorite program.
2. I make compote as in Panasonic, cooking for 10 minutes, then heating for 1.5-2 hours (depending on the berries).
3. I made sour cream on the Multipovar 35 degrees and on yogurt. It turned out to be so simple that I do it once a week.
4. On Sunday I will make an early-ripening liqueur (like in Panasonic).
5. Ghee in 2 stages. Fine
6. Pilaf is excellent. On this program, I sometimes fry for the first 15 minutes, because there is t 165 degrees.
7. Baking, bread is fine, only t reducing to 130 degrees
The languor is my favorite program. True, not all programs have been tested yet.
There were all the variants of Redmond (there was an induction, a cuckoo), But now I like this brand more.

Found the recipe for cottage cheese.
Quote: Korata
I saw some girls doing this

Look in the mistletoe recipes, there is a recipe for sour milk (like it's called)
Quote: kisa205
(we buy the cat, but the broth was urgently needed)

Look here about chicken parts

Multicooker Marta MT-1989Chicken "Budget"

Yes, yes, such sets. Indeed, there is a lot of meat. Thanks to your recipes and tips, I also began to freeze the broth. Very comfortably
Did anyone put porridge in the morning? I am interested in the question - the cereal will absorb water. Pour more water or what? I remember how to preserve milk by the morning in the summer)) it has long been gone - freeze a portion and put it in a saucepan. He will live until morning. But with the quantity - I can not imagine
Girls, help me, I bought a Marta MT-1988 multicooker, washed the bowl, poured water and turned on the Soup so that the water boiled, but a very strong smell remains during the boil and after. I boiled it again, the smell lasts, what else to do? It's kind of scary to start cooking in it.
Mrs. Addams
mailgor, MT-1988 - is it the same in appearance and functionality, but with a different bowl? I have one. Yes, the bowl smelled longer than any other, but then the smell disappears. It was also dumb at first.
Mrs. Addams, do you still use it or have you bought another cup?
Mrs. Addams
mailgor, I use, of course, a normal bowl
Tell me, are the bowls in the 1989 and 1988 models not interchangeable?
It seems to me to be interchangeable. KMK, they only differ in a bowl.
I will not say for sure, I have 1989 and have not changed the cup and do not plan)))
Martha's website has bowls and a table, which fits what. I would check there for some thread and if it fits both there and there, then everything fits
Quote: Omka
I have not changed the bowl and do not plan)))

Me too Bowls in excellent condition for the entire time of use
Admin, Tatyana,
When I bought this Martha, in general, no one knew such a word, it was scary, but the price and opportunities outweighed. And now, through your efforts, everyone knows about her.
A very good saucepan, it is a pity that it is precisely 1989 in the afternoon with fire that cannot be found today.
Tanya, you have the same two bowls, right? Can I take 1988? I'm here to persuade my girlfriend for the first cartoon in my life

Olya, to your health!

Yes, I have two different pans. And they differ in the way they are used:

RECOMMENDATIONS of the Marta chef on the use of the DAIKIN and Greblon bowls

DAIKIN® non-stick coating
In a bowl with this coating it is recommended to cook food and meals at a high temperature.
In this bowl it is not recommended to store food after cooking.

Ceramic Greblon®
In a bowl with this coating it is recommended to cook food and meals at low temperatures and for a long period.
In this bowl You can store food after cooking.

I wrote in detail about this here What the multicooker Marta MT-1989 can do (my culinary experiments) # 1

But, I cook more in Daikin's pan, so out of habit it stands constantly in a multicooker, for another and climb

Can I take 1988? Of course you can, they are almost the same
Omka, Olga, I bought Marta 1988 a month ago, the first cartoon in my life, my husband was generally against her, and this one is inexpensive and the reviews are good, I took it, and everyone is happy, we cooked our own sausage in it and cooked our own sausage, and a lot many different dishes, yesterday I bought a second bowl
Tanya, Olga,
I went to the site now and was completely confused. I'm not very good at bowls, I was lucky with them)))
In 1988 AMATO stands - what is this new word? Ceramic too? And you can buy Greblon separately, as I understand it. That is, Daikin is non-stick, which I (and Admin) have - they no longer make it? So?
Omka, Olga, yes, I bought Amato with a bowl, yes this is Korean ceramics, but yesterday I bought additional with Greblon coating, I didn’t see it with Daikin
Coating ANATO made from environmentally friendly, natural material. A bowl with such a coating is absolutely safe, does not emit harmful impurities, has antibacterial properties and does not oxidize. ANATO ceramics are the Korean standard for quality materials.
Brrrr, even if I'm confused, but where did you find on the site what kind of bowls are suitable for what, eh?
Help .....

It's a pity that 1989 is no longer anywhere, only 1988 sometimes comes across ...

Quote: Olga_Ma
bought additional coated Greblon
Olga, poke your nose, where?
Quote: Trishka
and where did you find on the site what bowls are suitable for what, eh?

Ksyusha, I wrote in my post that this information was dictated to me by the chef of the MARTA website, I talked to him on the phone several times.
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