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Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class) (page 354)

Elena Kadiewa
But what, we sleep!
But not enough.

Added on Friday 22 Jul 2016 09:00 AM

And I have a difference with Moscow 4 hours.
Quote: Rada-dms
Sometimes you just want tea with a neutral taste.
Quote: Radushka

Someone about what, and Radushka will not let you forget about the raspberry!

And I bought a meat grinder today, Axion ... if not for the tea, I would never have moved. So with me new clothes!
Yanka, Tatyana, Congratulations! With new clothes! Delicious teas!

I also had an ordinary meat grinder before tea sickness

Yanka, Tanechka, congratulations, and I've already chosen a meat grinder for myself. The case is small - buy
Tea making was also a catalyst.
Now I drink tea from mono strawberries. I was lying for almost a month. Managed to become darker and more fragrant. Astringency and slight bitterness appeared

Added on Friday 22 Jul 2016 10:18 am

Oh, girls, just aromatic black tea ...
Lasto4ka, I add strawberries to all mixes for astringency.
And yesterday I sniffed my May Day whole-leaf pear! It is something! The most interesting thing is what will become of her in (at least) six months?
Radushka, you wrote "May Day", and I was already jerked!
Did you mean the first of May collected?
And I just have a husband from Pervomaisk, and they are there today, and in the morning I gave him the Central Office to pick pears!
He muttered and resisted ...

Let's see what it brings!
Lasto4ka, yes, Svetlanka. The first of May was collected with her husband. The leaves were still very small, tender. I froze and thaw three times. Kneaded by hands, fermented for 6 hours and dried with a five-minute fry. Dried very quickly. I didn't even dry it in the dryer. Such beauty came out! It only takes up space ... 230 g in a 6-liter jar!
I also combined three sliced ​​teas into one mix yesterday. And she called him Three Sisters. There are common raspberries, Cumberland and Loganberry hybrids
Quote: Radushka
Such beauty came out! It only takes up space ... 230 g in a 6-liter jar!
Elite tea an elite container!
Radushka, here is my thorn (or thorny). Will these leaves go?
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Tatka1, Tatyana, With leaves
Quote: Tatka1
thorn (or thorny)
Lyudochka was making tea. She also talked about the taste, you just need to find where she wrote.

Olya did it, I don't seem to mix it up.
Anatolyevna, I will look. Thank you, Tonya!))
Quote: Tatka1
here is my thorn (or thorny). Will these leaves go?
I do not know. I have exactly the same in the village! I didn't make tea. Made white Renklode from plum leaves. It turned out bad. The only tea I threw away.
Tatka1Looks like you have like Sonya, the berry is edible and the leaves will go!
Found a review of Rada-dms, she did, liked it. So everything is good))) will go like a cute))))
Radushka, Lasto4ka, Thank you! I have already tested a new shaitan-machine - zvErrrr! At first she was afraid of her, and then she only managed to push the leaves - she chopped everything in half without a hitch. I'm pleased!

Lasto4ka, Sveta, which one did you choose?
Yanka, Tanyushka, with a new thing! May the process and the result bring you pleasure!)
Tatka1I sniffed my own, mixes with thorns smell like cherry jam! And cherries do not smell like jam, something thermonuclear!
Yanka, Congratulations on your assistant! I envy white envy, my assistant is resting at home, and I’m twisting at my mother’s hand ...
Yesterday I played a mix of 7 rastyu: ivanushka, apple, black, blackthorn, raspberry, cherry, bird cherry. Today I walk past the bag, bastard with the aroma ...
Now everything smelled like mint from "mojito" ... I smell this smell.
LutikYes, Ninok, my cherry is also gaining aroma every day.

Added Friday 22 Jul 2016 12:55 PM

I do not like anything pronounced aromas at all: in tea, in food, etc. Therefore, I probably prefer the mixes. A little bit of everything.
It's good that yesterday we touched on the topic of mono-cherry. In the morning, I picked up other different leaves, I will add so that it does not prevail in the bowl.
Tatka1, Tatyana, in mixes cherries should be no more than 10%, then it will only be guessed
Radushka, got it. So I will do it.
Girls! What am I doing now?) I cooked biscotti with dried cherries, brewed a mix of tea (apple, cherry, raspberry) and bold with a friend!
Tatka1Did you even tell your friend that the tea is overseas, branded?
Yanka, Tanechka, the Zelmer Symbio meat grinder and a bunch of figures seem to be good in terms of characteristics, and the girls recommended it. Well, relatively inexpensive. I already ordered it today, I'm waiting ...
Lutik, NOOOO! I’m not telling anyone yet))))) They only know about dried flowers, zest, etc. Will still succeed))) When he gains strength, then I confess. In the meantime, I attract))
Quote: Lutik

Tatka1Did you even tell your friend that the tea is overseas, branded?
Why do we need overseas? We have our own, NATIVE, sincere ... Handwork, by the way!
So girls, stop focusing on "overseas"! (grunt) Time to promote your brand!
Quote: Lasto4ka
It's time to promote your brand!
Quote: Lasto4ka
Handmade, by the way!
That's it! All over the world, handicraft is valued above factory work! And pastries, and desserts, and chocolates with sweets, and toys, and clothes and everything, everything! Why do we not value "manual work" so much? And we make OUR tea with our own hands! And we put part of our Soul there!
RadushkaThat year I bred my guests, said that my acquaintances had brought them from abroad. so everyone immediately starts sniffing and saying Yes ...
We have a mentality!
Ninul, I do not breed. They know that if I bring something for the holidays, it means I did it myself. I myself make beautiful boxes, pack them there (usually drying or dried fruits, berries, marshmallows, etc.) and give them. Now I'll add some tea) It's cool when the box is opened and the eyes are five kopecks: what did you do that yourself?)
I like it so much when girls enjoy) It is pleasant to give as well as receive!))

Added on Friday, Jul 22, 2016 3:44 PM

Lasto4kaI am sure that when Nina reveals her secret in the end, her guests admire. It's not about love for overseas things, I think people like us are important for the reaction of people and we enjoy it. It's not about mentality at all.
Quote: Tatka1
I think people like us care about the reaction of people and we enjoy it
Quote: Tatka1
I think people like us care about the reaction of people and we enjoy it. It's not about mentality at all
Tanyusha, I'm not talking about "divorce", but about the fact that our people are much more interested in "overseas"

Added on Friday 22 Jul 2016 3:58 pm

Quote: Lutik
so everyone immediately starts sniffing and saying Yes ...

Added Friday 22 Jul 2016 3:59 pm

Although by and large, ours is also for someone "overseas"!

Added Friday 22 Jul 2016 4:02 pm

And I think my husband would not be so skeptical about my tea if I bought it in an expensive store. And so - "dried herbs." And that's all, he no longer takes him seriously ...
One hope for dry fermentation
Lasto4ka, I have myn, he is 24. He resigned himself to sourdough, liquid yeast, kvass bottles on the floor, apple cider vinegar in the bathroom. This year when I came across Lyudochkin topic and started making teas (and what is to do?)) these are mountains of leaves in diapers, a full freezer of them), he laughs: that's it, mommy, as I understand it, a new reins have climbed into you))))
But the most important and cool thing is that everything I do he eats, drinks and praises)))
Recently, he was traveling with his colleagues on a business trip and the chef took his little daughter, I made a biscotti for them. The baby says: "The cookies are like in expensive gas stations." So yes, our people have an awful attitude towards overseas.
But then you and I know that if tea, then OUR is the best, if cheb, then OUR is the most lively!
Radushka! Do not swear that it is off topic))) We sometimes .... a bit .... And so only tea, only tea interests us!)))
The most important thing that I have dried for myself, for children and grandchildren !! And everything that mom and grandmother does to them is very tasty, and just smells like Home! And from this we want to make more and tastier!
Quote: Lasto4ka
And so - "dried herbs." And that's all, he no longer takes him seriously ...
What is wrong! My, on the contrary, rushes, and still manages to tell and brag to everyone! I even get angry sometimes!

Quote: Tatka1
Until then, I attract
But this is superfluous! They themselves won't want to do it, they will also have to make tea for them, nafig, nafig ...
Quote: filirina
they will also have to make tea, nafig, nafig ...
Quote: Tatka1
Do not swear that it is off topic))) We sometimes .... a bit .... And so only tea, only tea interests us!)))
That is why this topic has almost 900 pages, that somehow it happens all the time, that we are "sensitive" and "sometimes" not always on the topic. The topic is such, conducive to emotional communication. So don't be complex, communicate
Elena Kadiewa
Hmm-hmm ...Linadoc, is it really possible? Will they not trample?
elena kadiewa, Helen, try to get us out!
A friend just came. I treated her to strawberry and mint. I like (this is me so as not to flood)
Damn, I want Ivan-tea! We don't have it in the south, but I want: girl_cray: You describe it all so deliciously. They do everything themselves, no one ordered it on the Internet?
Tatka1, Tanyush, after my graduate student sowed out of the purchased "inhabitant" (microbe), which should not be there in any way ... I strive to buy
Elena Kadiewa
Sami, Tan!
I tried a store, my son-in-law gave it, it's still worth it!
Radushka,: swoon: nicose!

elena kadiewa, Lenus, but I'm wondering. Store fermented or just dry herb? And then I read like fermented ...
Definitely, I will not order, just for information.
Quote: Tatka1
Store fermented or just dry herb?
And this happens and such. Fermented - this is Koporsky. And the dry grass is called Ivan-tea (narrow-leaved fireweed).
Len, am I not confusing anything?
Tatyana, there are good shop teas. But to find it, you need to try different brands and decide.
Wait for a personal letter.
Thank you girls!
Quote: Tatka1
Definitely, I will not order
Tanya, for the money that we ask for fermented - let them drink! Even if it is without any additional "residents" ...
filirina, but with residents it is more expensive
Girls, good morning everyone! (or is it a day already?)
Now I brewed myself a carrot with mint. Delicious. The taste of carrots is barely audible, it smells like mint and there is a slight "chill" in the mouth. That is, both taste and benefit! Recommend.
And yesterday I stuck my nose into dried acacia flowers: they smell so! Acacia in summer ... True, the smell is delicate, I'm not sure that the smell will be transmitted to tea. But for beauty, you can definitely throw. And for good

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