Quote: Albina
even just to understand whether you need HP you can take

I agree.
Thank you.
Who owns the information on the Panasonic HP, help to understand the Panasonic SD-ZB25 Bread Maker and the Panasonic SD-ZB2502BTS Bread Maker. What is their difference or is it the same model? I just didn’t have Panasonic HP, so I don’t know if it’s worth choosing them. My Hitachi (and this is the second Hitachi, the first worked for about 10 years) has been in operation for about 5 years. I'm afraid I'll have to buy a new one soon.
AlbinaYou will not be difficult to give a link to this strange Panasonic SD model.ZB25? When you find it, look carefully to see if there is any after 25 three points. Like this: Panasonic SD-ZB25...

I advise you to read this article. I think it will help with the choice.

Good luck!
Vitaly, we put girls in a flea market. And I doubted that these were different models.

Quote: Wit
I advise you to read this article. I think it will help with the choice.
Can't login
I did not find Panasonic SD-ZB25 on both links. Yes Panasonic SD-ZB2502
I would not recommend overpaying for a metal case and a yeast dispenser.

Quote: Wit
I would not recommend overpaying for a metal case and a yeast dispenser.
OK. I'm still looking at HP. While my old lady is working Thank God. I think that later it will be necessary to buy Panasonic. I like Hitachi. Between the first and second Hitachi we had a Ski. I didn't like it. And I bought the second Hitachi through the Internet. But they sent it to me, wrapped in a newspaper and put in a cardboard box. A little crumpled, but it works.
Let it continue to work properly. And it is worth taking a closer look at Panas. I bought 2500 for 4000. And now the prices are straight ... no words!
Have we clarified the topic of SD-ZB25? And the link, I hope, was opened. The article is good and true. Good luck to you!
Vitaly, the link to the article is cut off, apparently, automatically.
Vitaly, read the article. 🔗
Anna, maybe so
Anya, I already understood that. But we "shod" this machine
Vitaly, well, well, this choice does not threaten me, my pansik, TTT, works
Good afternoon, help, please, I got confused in bread makers. I would like to bake rye bread for snack.
Friends advised me to buy a Panasonic. There are 5 models on the Panasonic website
SD-2510, if I understood correctly, then this model does not have the function of baking rye bread.
I don’t know which model to choose. I read the forum and get confused more and more.

I would be grateful for your help
Rye with yeast barely rises, you will not bake with sourdough on the program "Rye", it is short. For sourdough bread, a long program is desirable, I bake on the "French" program, it is 6 hours and the bread has time to rise.
Katja88It is difficult to bake on sourdough in automatic mode, at least in Panasonic, so take any of the list and bake on a semiautomatic device. Alternatively, bake with yeast (the same yeast in sourdough) and sourdough in the oven.
For 3 years now I have been baking in Panasonic on the "French" program, well, not 100% rye, but wheat-rye.
Marisha Aleksevna
Quote: Katja88
There are 5 models on the Panasonic website
And one more addition to the above - decide for yourself whether you need a dispenser (this affects the price).
Stella_, Fully automatic? Write on what sourdough and tell us more about the technology.
Fully automatic: 200 g of whole grain flour, 250 g of general purpose flour, 20 g of honey, 1 hour. l salt, 20 g sunflower oil, 220 g of eternal rye sourdough in the middle on a hill with flour around 300 ml of warm water. I put the hours at 8 pm with a delay at 6 am in the morning I get bread. Here is a topic about this bread. I changed the recipe a little. There is a photo of my bread.

and the French program
Quote: Stella_

Why won't it work in Panasonic? It turns out very well, for 3 years now I have been baking on the "French" program, well, not 100% rye, but wheat-rye.

And what is your HP model?

Added Friday 27 Jan 2017 1:58 PM

Quote: Marisha Aleksevna

And one more addition to the above - decide for yourself whether you need a dispenser (this affects the price).

For me, the dispenser is unimportant, to eat is good, no is also good.
For me, the quality of HP is more important.
I would have taken any, if it would have been so easy to decide .. I was completely confused.
Katja88, Take any Panasonic.
Quote: Katja88
And what is your HP model?

I have SD-ZB2502, but over time I became convinced that dispensers are not needed (I wrote about this above), since I bake with sourdough, I only need the "French" program, it is the longest - 6 hours. Therefore, I bought my daughter as a gift without dispensers, saving about 3-4 thousand rubles. the main thing was looking at what would be this program.
You are confused, because the inner part and the vast majority of Panasonic programs are the same)) They differ only in the presence / absence of a dispenser and the material of the outer case (silver metal / white plastic), 10,11,12 additionally have a low-yeast mode (5-hour, intermediate between 4 hours of the main mode and 6 hours of French) and an indistinct "stuffed" mode (I still wonder why it is))) Well, the models ending in 00 and 10 do not have a rye mode and an additional ribbed blade for rye dough ... So that sazalexter, absolutely right - take any, you won't be mistaken)) As for me, I took 2510 - it was a pity to overpay for the metal case (but some take the color of other equipment), for an unnecessary dispenser too (I don't like buns with raisins), about the absence I regret a little extra "rye" spatula, I make black bread with 30-40% rye flour (I add red malt, instant chicory and ground cumin with coriander, on the main or low-yeast modes), I actively use the low-yeast mode (but I can live without it) ... A significant part of the recipes on the forum generally under the main 4-hour mode, or (if with sourdough) generally provide for an interruption of the program (most ovens, with the exception of programmable ones, are not designed for a very long cooking time - Panasonic has at least a 6-hour French mode).
I regret a little about the absence of an additional "rye" spatula

do not regret))) there is no difference, I interfere with rye bread with an ordinary spatula, although there is also a special one, by the way it bent
Stella_, And I interfere with the usual inside and silicone outside (if there is a desire to add more rye flour and time to follow the thesis "manual labor ennobles") But still, 2 spatulas are better than one (out of pure love for spare parts)
Thank you very much for your help.
Choose between 11 and 12
Then get 11. Don't pay for an unnecessary gadget yeast dispenser and metal case.

$ vetLana
Quote: Wit
Then take 11
+1. I have 2511
Good day!
Yesterday, for the first time in 8 years, my bread (sweet with raisins) was shaken out of the bucket in parts .... it looks like there are problems with the coating of the bucket - I will bake it for verification (otherwise, cakes will be soon !!! and I only bake them in my favorite panasik).
I looked at the prices for a bucket and became depressed - almost 10 thousand !!! The question is - what can I take as a substitute (now the 257th) - I bake rye, white, butter, knead the dough for baking? The fact is that I looked for information on the assortment of Panasonic on ozone and my head was spinning ...
This is me if it doesn’t shake itself out again during baking ...
vatruska, Bucket 7200r 🔗 for 4500-5000rub 🔗

alternative to HP SD-2510
And at the beginning of the rise of the dough, you cannot lay baking paper (or whatever it is called)? Or, too, at the beginning of the rise, grease the walls with sunflower oil? Previously, bread was baked without any coatings. That kind of money - but for a bucket! But you will have to forget about the reprieve for the night ...
Elena Bo
Quote: vatruska
Yesterday, for the first time in 8 years, my bread (sweet with raisins) was shaken out of the bucket in parts ...
Maybe the kneading spatula has peeled off from time to time and now sticks. Can be changed to a second one for rye bread.
$ vetLana
vatruskamaybe it stuck due to the fact that it is sweet, but ordinary will not stick?
Alexander, and I was just thinking about buying a second bucket for Panasonic 2501. Not as a spare for a replacement, namely the second (there are moments), it would not hurt ... But the price !!! Did not think!
Well, if something happens to the bucket then yes, I won't think about it ... but for convenience and yoke ... I won't. The price bites.

Tell me, what models does the bucket fit on 2501 ... I mean they are the same?
mamusi, Buckets differ by fastening (lock) on their 2501 bucket ADA12E165
sazalexter, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
$ vetLana, rye from the bucket was also difficult to shake out.
Elena Bo, I can't change the blade - I lost the rye ... I ordered a new one - I came and DOES NOT FIT on the shaft !!! , so now I use only wheat.
Wit, and now they bake ... in the oven, for example, or in a slow cooker ... but is it necessary ???
sazalexter, another question - for some reason, the links do not mention the applicability for model 257 - or is there no such program "rye bread" for Europe and this model was released only for us?

and, oh, on e-bey I saw such beauty ... I wonder if we will have it ???
but it is impossible to apply "universal grease"? we didn’t always bake in non-stick forms)))

Universal non-stick mold release
fffuntic, you can probably ... but ...
In general, I baked rye and sweet again - the mustache was shaken out !!! Exhaled !!!
That's what it was ???

It looks like the royal bummer will have to bake it with grease for Easter ... he is so delicate that with all these troubles he just decides not to shake himself out ...
but I'm generally afraid for the bucket of hp and the bowl in the cartoon. I always grease them, to be on the safe side for coverage
So I sleep more peacefully
Quote: vatruska
oh, on e-bey I saw such beauty ... I wonder if we will have it ???
Sveta, these mini stoves are sold from Japan and sent to all over the world. Delivery to Russia, Europe and Asia is free.
The stoves are made in China, just like the big ones.

So, if you want - buy it!
These MINI stoves are also of different models and with different programs. You can choose what you want.
Waist, so are they small? hic ... for 23 thousand?
fainted ... and never came back ...
Quote: vatruska
there is no such program "rye bread" for Europe
So there is practically no rye bread in Europe, it can only in Finland
Quote: vatruska

Waist, so are they small? hic ... for 23 thousand?
fainted ... and never came back ...
From the description:
Stove size - 32.7 × 30.4 × 24.1 cm
Weight - 6.0 kg

It even comes with a carrying handle. I went where - and the stove with me

It's cheaper on Amazon


And I sunk on SD-BMS106, it has a wider functionality than SD-BH106:
32 programs against 21, and there is a low-yeast mode.
Confused only by the price and the need for a step-down transformer from our 220v to Japanese 100v.
but nothing ... that there will be a mini-mini bucket, let's say the lack of a guarantee can be survived - but it will be considered gray.
fffuntic, a bit not enough, of course, but if you bake every day, it will be enough for 2 people. There is a bucket for 1 pound. This, if white and airy, will be ~ 250g of flour.
I usually bake from 300-350g of flour in my cotton burner. Enough for a day ...
I want Japanese or Chinese Panasonic ...
Here is a page from Panasonic's instructions for Hong Kong (there is just an English section, but in Japanese everything is the same, only in hieroglyphs)
Panasonic: I want to join the ranks, but I doubt it ... Panasonic: I want to join the ranks, but I doubt it ...

redheads are used for mixing, blue for aging, green for fermentation, pink for baking.
the small blue triangle at the top - the yeast dispenser is triggered.
brown triangle - additive dispenser actuation.

Almost all modes begin with kneading, and only then is standing (autolysis, flour swelling in the dough). Actually, what our girls achieve by pre-mixing on Dumplings. The yeast dispenser (indicated by the small blue triangle above the scale) is triggered either in the middle of autolysis or just before the second batch. Why do they do it smartly for the domestic and Chinese market, but for us with this stupid holding of unmixed ingredients ...?
but for some reason I don't like their mixes. Take a look - they have a very long first stage of mixing, but we don't need that. We just need to mix and let it swell. What is the point of rubbing only wet proteins?
And the second is very short.
What kind of flour do they have, what exactly is needed? Maybe it swells so slowly that you have to twirl it for half an hour while wetting it? or vice versa strong to horror.They knead it for half an hour, and then, after rest, stir it still?
Anyway ... some kind of crap for our flour

There, it turns out, only a part of the regimes works for us. Where the second batch is stronger than the first.
And .. also .. long standing between batches in the heat is not a fountain. It takes no more than 45 minutes for our flour. What time do they have for rest there?
shitty scan. Infa is not enough
Yes, indeed, the first batch is too long. I always do it 2-3 times shorter than the second.
It is impossible to understand exactly how long the phases last, there is only such graphical info in the instructions.
Interestingly, the yeast dispenser works only for the second batch.

The scan was good (I pulled it out of the pdf), but our forum gallery greatly cuts and spoils the pictures ..

Well, what happens, Russian dumplings rule ...?
Well, see for yourself. We need to knead it into porridge and let it stand. This can be done in two ways: with yeast and without yeast (yeast is more difficult to mix, so we usually put everything together at once).
There will be three processes: flour swelling and at the same time dough degradation ... there may still be the beginning of yeast fermentation.
Swelling flour = we really need
degradation is superfluous. Therefore, it is impossible to stay warm for a long time. Up to 45 minutes, then knead.
if there is yeast, then fermentation is superfluous, it only takes strength from the yeast, it can be neglected if it is also short.

Then, after 30-45 minutes, it is necessary that there was already a kneading, then fermentation began at warm temperatures for lactic acid fermentation.
If this is not the case, then everything will depend on the temperature in the room. It's as if you kneaded the dough into porridge and left it in the kitchen without kneading. It can turn sour.
What they have there ... FIG knows.

For me, an ordinary European woman drives with a preliminary kneading on pizza, it's not scary))
And the Japanese woman has something strange. We need to figure it out. But the initial long kneading is definitely not needed for us.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers