I make rice (which is steamed) 1: 1.5. it turns out crumbly.

Today I made a honey biscuit, smeared it with sour cream with strawberries) Very tasty!)))

Multicooker-pressure cooker Liberty MP-900

and made squash caviar) It turned out very tasty!

Multicooker-pressure cooker Liberty MP-900
girls, I cooked a squash casserole yesterday. I recommend it, very simple and very tasty. I was one and a half zucchini Wed, size-grated, it turned out such a decent bowl, shook it with my hand, the liquid ran away, salt, pepper, two eggs, two tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of sour cream and a handful of dill, spinach can. and rubbed a hundred grams of cheese. the onion is fine, I also cut the green one there. mix everything. I put paper in a bowl on every fireman, on top of the zucchini and for 40 minutes without a valve on the baking. I opened it, and as for me, there is still moisture, but I had to go to work, so I opened the lid and went to work. when I came in the evening, a wonderful casserole for us for dinner. mmmmm :-)
Girls, tell me where to buy a saucepan for our pressure cooker?
Thanks in advance
Yes, it looks like nowhere, they used to be in Khmelnitsky's internet store, the same stray as the model itself, entered the market, stayed here for a couple of months, and just mysteriously disappeared
It is necessary to search for a current on an Internet or on foreign ibeyes, amazons, through all sorts of intermediaries Oksana-Sandi, recently ordered a stainless steel for myself from somewhere in the Chinese for Comfort
Girls, I am leaving your slender and friendly ranks and sending my beloved Liberta to relatives in Belaya Tserkov, and leaving myself a new SV VIMAR, which I bought for them, but there is a program Yoghurt, and it just conquered me, but in principle they do not care, especially since there is a separate yoghurt maker.
As with each CB, there are advantages and disadvantages. Come visit, and I'll hang out with you too
girls, I really enjoyed baking rye bread in our pressure cooker. better than a bread maker. first I knead the bread on the prog, which is 15 minutes, and then I put it in the pressure cooker, warmed up for 10 minutes and stood for an hour, and then baked for 40 minutes on one side, 10 when I turned it over. fine.
Girls, please consult me. I'm thinking of buying another pressure cooker.
Does your pressure cooker have a "stew" function?
When the power goes out, does the pressure cooker remember the program or does it go wrong? There are frequent power outages in my house
Smewaja, our pressure cooker does not have a "stewing" function. And there are: "rice", "meat", "soup", "baked goods", "legumes" and "meat on the bone". Although how do these functions (except for baking) differ from "stewing"? They all work according to the same principle - under pressure, only the time changes, that's why I often use manual mode - I just set the time I need.
Regarding memory retention, when the power is turned off, I honestly do not remember, you need to read the instructions (I do not have this opportunity at work).
Usually the "Legumes" mode is the stewing. Simply stewing in pressure cookers is not the same as stewing in a slow cooker (in Panasonic, for example). In a pressure cooker, bean stewing takes place under pressure at a temperature of 120-140 degrees. And in Panasonic (if I'm not mistaken) 70 degrees - for FIVE hours everything is extinguished.
In Liberty and many other pressure cookers, the "beans" mode is most often used for boiling jellied meat (60-90 minutes and everything turns out transparent and tasty)
I used a pressure cooker to make dried cherries. It turned out to be very convenient.
First, I covered the cherries with sazakhar (for 1 kg of pitted cherries, 400 g of sugar). She let the juice out overnight. Then she poured the cherries with juice into a pressure cooker and cooked at high pressure for 2 minutes. The steam was not forcibly let off.Then she threw the cherries into a colander to drain and dry (t = 60 ° C) for 3 hours. The cherries came out like raisins.
The saucepan of the pressure cooker just contains a portion of 2 kg of cherries with sugar. After cooking, there are traces of foam on the lid, but the valve is not clogged. In general, cooking is much more comfortable than just such cherries dries faster in pans.
Now, here, the apricots are gone, I'll try to make apricots in a similar way.
Yes, very convenient. You do not need these uncomfortable hefty pots and stand constantly over the stove to watch so as not to run away.
By the way, I, by the way, later, the remaining concentrated juice from cherries, canned, too, with the help of a pressure cooker. Three half-liter jars just fit into a saucepan.
what a fine fellow you are! otherwise the topic will soon subside!

and I cooked in the morning summer boschik ... Mmmm)))))
girls, how to cook for a couple? on which program?
For steaming, you can use any program, the main thing is that the time suits you. Pour water, put a steamer stand, and put vegetables on it for cooking.

By the way, today I made plum juice in a pressure cooker. I poured water into the pressure cooker according to the first rice and then put the saucepan from my small multicooker with a double boiler inside this saucepan, and threw the chopped plums into the double boiler. I did 12 minutes on VD. The juice dripped into a small saucepan during cooking. It turned out one and a half glasses of plum juice. This handsome one came out dark red and transparent.
I did sauté with zucchini today, it turned out so beautiful, I could not resist and took a picture.
Multicooker-pressure cooker Liberty MP-900

It's very simple. First, I heat up the pressure cooker, pour out quite a bit of vegetable oil. First, the onions are fried while I cut the carrots, then I add cauliflower, broccoli, then eggplant, a little asparagus, mushrooms, more peppers and tomatoes. The last to add zucchini in pieces, right with the skin. Then a few cloves of garlic. Mix everything with salt. Close the lid and on HP for 5 minutes.
Quote: mary_kyiv

By the way, I, by the way, later, the remaining concentrated juice from cherries, canned, too, with the help of a pressure cooker. Three half-liter jars just fit into a saucepan.

How's that? I realized that I had poured juice into half-liter jars, put it in a saucepan, and then what?

to yarli
The prepared cherries were strained in a colander. She threw it back on a shower lined with disposable paper towels. The juice came out completely transparent. I poured it into half-liter jars. So it turned out exactly three cans. And three half-liter jars will just fit into a pressure cooker. I closed them with sterilized screw caps.
And then I used the pressure cooker as an autoclave. I put the already closed jars in the pressure cooker and filled them with hot water, about ¾ of the height of the jars. I closed it with a lid and sterilized under VD.
I also canned the concentrated plum juice. First, I got juice on a double boiler, then poured it into jars and sterilized it in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes.
Clear. Great idea. And 100% sterility.
And how did you make five-minute jam in it? Somewhere in the posts I met a mention. And now there are a lot of apricots. I want to experiment.
I don't make jam, none of my family likes it. That's why I only make juices. Well, I can also preserve the syrup that remains from the dried fruit. I used to sterilize it in the oven, but it turned out to be more convenient in the pressure cooker.
Quote: mary_kyiv

... I did 12 minutes on VD. The juice dripped into a small saucepan during cooking. It turned out one and a half glasses of plum juice. This handsome one came out dark red and transparent.

You write: Did you do it on VD? What is this mode? The Liberty MP-900 multicooker-pressure cooker does not have this or I don't understand something?

Since I became the owner of this pressure cooker without a recipe book and instructions, I would like to ask a few questions.

1. If you don't close the valve, does it work in multicooker mode?

2. What is the difference between the Baking mode and all the others (I read somewhere that all the others are the same)?

3.In what mode is it better to cook stew in a saucepan not in jars? Or is it better in jars?

4. Maybe you know where to download a book of recipes for this model, or at least look out of the corner of your eye?

5. How to forcibly bleed off steam?

Thanks in advance for your understanding.
HP is short for high blood pressure

on questions
1. Not exactly a multicooker, just heating the pressure cooker pan. I once specially measured the heating temperature in different modes. Here's another post

Heating from 68.5 to 72 ° C depends on the heating duration. Heats up, by the way, for an unlimited time.
Rice 128 ° C (8-15min)
Meat 118 ° C (10-20min)
Soup 128 ° C (15-40min)
Baking 142 ° C (30min)
legumes 150 ° С (20-50 min.)
okist 138 ° C (25-60 min)
If the pressure cooker cooks for more than 30 minutes, the temperature inside will be about 150 ° C in any of the modes.

Under pressure, and water poured into a quarter of the pan, the temperature of the thermometer on the stand was approximately 110 ° C (if you use the pressure cooker as an autoclave)

2. The baking mode cannot vary the time as in other modes, only 30 min.

3. Stewing depends on the product, for example, meat on the bone is the most convenient to stew on the okist mode, just meat on the soup mode, beans on legumes and lentils on the rice mode, etc. In general, this is how the hostess herself chooses.

4. The recipe book was included with the pressure cooker, but the recipes there were uninteresting, I did not do anything from this book. All pressure cookers are almost the same, so you can use any of the pressure cooker recipes, for example from this forum.

5. To bleed off steam, you must very carefully turn the valve handle on the cover, gradually releasing a stream of steam. Never put your hand above the steam outlet, neither on the valve nor on the handle.
but it seems to me that in our pressure cooker there is only one pressure, there are no high and low pressure here, in a well where there are two pressures and there is this indication, in ours everything is simpler-
the valve is stopped - there is pressure, the valve is open - there is no pressure ...

Low pressure for cereals (buckwheat, millet, barley, pearl barley and others) and friable rice, as well as rice for making sushi and rolls.
High pressure for cooking more sticky rice, lamb or beef.
mary_kyiv, and you did not measure the temperature in Manual mode, where there are "+" and "-"?
to annnushka27

And the temperature in manual mode depends on the duration. if up to 10 minutes about 120. more than half an hour 150.
Yesterday I cooked peach jam in a pressure cooker, though it turned out to be more of a thick juice with pulp. Delicious, just like baby food in jars.
Quote: fronya40

Low pressure for cereals (buckwheat, millet, barley, pearl barley and others) and friable rice, as well as rice for making sushi and rolls.
High pressure for cooking more sticky rice, lamb or beef.
I didn't understand something ... that is, do you cook all porridge and loose rice without pressure?
Quote: dashata

I didn't understand something ... that is, do you cook all porridge and loose rice without pressure?

Everything except baked goods in our SV is prepared under pressure. It was said about SV with the ability to adjust the pressure from 20 to 70 Pa (it seems so), in Liberty there is no such possibility.
yes no, I am writing that we have only one pressure, there is no high or low, and I have shown that the pressure is low and high. Simply if you follow that low is when it is not, then how then to cook rice? it just won't work ... I tried to somehow cook potatoes without a valve (it "broke" for me - and it just didn't get pressure all the time, the valve was open) - the water was constantly coming out, the pressure cooker hissed strongly, the water all boiled away instantly and the potatoes burned .. but cooked

Lyudochka correctly wrote)))
Yes, just as Tanya-Fronya wrote, it will be in any SV. where there are no specially stitched prog - high and low pressure. The temperature and pressure are also specially indicated there for the convenience of the consumer. But, to be honest, I am personally more satisfied with automatic programs, the main thing is to have more (in my new Vimar, for example, there is no Quenching, but I would like to), you just have to adjust and dry your head at what pressure, what to cook
aa, now I understand .. thanks, girls, for the clarification

But in the liberty, there is also no quenching, that is, so that it boils a little ... it generally seemed to me that the temperature was the same on all programs. I really didn't measure it, but when the water boils with the lid open, it gurgles with the same intensity in all programs. And it is possible that mary_kyiv the temperature was different only because the measurement time from the start of heating on different programs was not the same. But this is just my guess
the temperature was different only because the measurement time from the start of heating on different programs was not the same

I measured each time at about 8 minutes of operation of each program (I turned on the timer, it peaked and I watched how many degrees). Everything is different. In the 8th minute, legumes already had 150. and on the meat mode, in the same 8th minute it was 118. When I measured the pastries, I also looked at the 8th and at the end of the cycle it was 142 degrees all the time.
The temperature gradually increases and changes only by +/- there, yes, the degree of heating depends on the duration. the rest is not like that.
Hello. Can you please tell me if it is possible in a pressure cooker boil 3 liters of milk or is it a lot and the pressure cooker will start spit swear?
Easily, pour 3 liters of milk, close the valve and the plus sign, set it for 1 minute. All.
I was so spitting that I thought I broke the Pressure Cooker! I wouldn't risk it anymore ... and I take milk from my kumy, she brings me like a family, not for sale from her. so nothing goes there ...
No, I haven't bought it yet, but I'm looking closely, I read all the pages of this Temka, I realized that I want this pressure cooker, but the question with milk remained open, since this is important for me (in Orioshka, milk runs away)
Tanya, did you spit like that because you forgot to close the valve or then tried it again? and how much milk did you have?
I regularly make baked milk. I buy low fat, three packages at once. 1 liter each. Never had a problem. I heat for about 70 minutes. The main thing is then not to forcibly let off steam. Then an excellent fermented baked milk comes out of this baked milk, cannot be compared with a store.
I wrote about homemade milk, that it runs away. and I also think that the store will not run away. I just never buy it, so I don't know anything about it. This is fat-free, but the milk of Magashinskoe probably won't run away with interest either?
Quote: 1oksi1

No, I haven't bought it yet, but I'm looking closely, I read all the pages of this Temka, I realized that I want this pressure cooker, but the question with milk remained open, since it is important for me (in Orioshka, milk runs away)
Tanya, did you spit like that because you forgot to close the valve or then tried it again? and how much milk did you have?
yes, Ksyusha, I forgot to close the valve, and then I closed it, wiped everything off, but it all ran away. I have something that always runs away, in Orion cherry jam, so much so that then the multicooker was completely untwisted, and everything was washed there ... milk runs everywhere, both in Liberton and Orion .... there were two liters of milk. my milk doesn't run away in a slow cooker :-) :-) :-)
and this pressure cooker is good, there are no complaints about it. and you also read about Saturn, the reviews about her are excellent, and the price is good.
I once boiled farm milk, the fat content was 4.8. Also, nothing escaped, but there was a very thick crust then on milk. And the valve, then, went a little tight, but I just rinsed it thoroughly and that's it.

Once I had a soup so that I forgot to turn the valve, the soup ran away a little, I immediately turned the knob, but then I started sprinkling broth through the valve anyway. I had to turn off the pressure cooker, wait until the pressure drops to wash the lid and valve. Then I turned on everything in a new way and it worked fine.
so probably I had the same .. the milk fell. I just wiped it off. but there is no desire to boil anymore, it ran away from the multicooker and pressure cooker and it’s all to wash with sweat, an ambush ..
and I cooked in the morning - soaked green lentils, fried mushrooms there (I had dry ones, soaked for 10 minutes) with onions. half a glass of water (a bit) and for 30 minutes for legumes. Well, very tasty "!
Has gone where did they send read about Saturn, and then about other pressure cookers and it seems like I'm already sick with Comfort, I'll go, I'll ask them in Temko about milk
girls thank you all for the answers
I also like Comfort, although purely according to the descriptions. Surely if I bought the second one, I would have bought it. Although .... this is out of sports interest - this one has never let me down, but I = yes ... I poured it with milk, then wring my hands ...
Hello, I am also the mistress of the liberty with yesterday
One question still torments: somehow, when the pressure cooker is working, the valve still makes a little noise. That is how it should be? Or should it be absolutely silent? I put the valve itself in the "closed" position. It is difficult to make a mistake in this, since there are auxiliary drawings on the sides even on the pressure cooker.
p. from. And I was also a little upset by the "laxity" of the valve, it somehow turns too easily in all directions, I thought that the positions "closed" - "open" are clearly fixed
When I have, most often it works completely silently after dialing, sometimes there is such a quiet quiet sound. If it hisses, then you just need to gently turn the valve handle just a little bit.
And the valve must turn, otherwise it will be impossible to gradually release the pressure, you need to regulate the rate of steam release so that it does not splash.
Apparently all the same temper at all SWs is different, because mine, just as lightlygirl writes, puffed and hissed and a cigarette stream ALWAYS escaped from it
Quote: rusja

Apparently all the same temper at all SWs is different, because mine, just as lightlygirl writes, puffed and hissed and a cigarette stream ALWAYS escaped from it
Many probably remember how it bothered me before, and now I don't even notice it. It's just that in the first days you look closely and listen, and then you turn it on, press the program or time, put the lever in the right position, and run away about your business.
Sveta, congratulations on the new thing. My Liberty also sizzles all the time (exactly everything, as Olya describes), but I'm used to nothing and I don't pay attention either, and otherwise it's an excellent pressure cooker.
Thank you girls for the answers

Quote: rusja

Apparently all the same temper at all SWs is different, because mine, just as lightlygirl writes, puffed and hissed and a cigarette stream ALWAYS escaped from it

That's exactly how it works for me. No matter how I adjust the valve, there is still a slight hiss and a trickle of steam.
But if this is all right, then I am calm, thank you!

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