So what's the easiest part of cooking?
What is the easiest, or rather, the easiest to cook?
Over 90 percent of people think that the simplest thing is to boil an egg. The Romans said "ab ovo" ("start with an egg"), which means - let's start from the very beginning, from the origins of the question. This saying arose because the Romans' meal always began with eggs, which, by the way, they did not boil at all, but drank raw. It was like a seed, a snack, followed by real food.
There is another interpretation of the saying: eggs are a symbol of the beginning of life, the beginning of things. Therefore, "starting with the egg" is like starting a story or solving a problem from the very beginning. Finally, some believe that the expression "start with an egg" comes from the myth of Leda, to which Zeus, captivated by her beauty, appeared in the form of a swan while she was bathing in the spring. From this union, Leda laid two eggs. This myth gave rise to the expression "from the eggs of Leda", which was used for the most part by poets to allegorically express the concept of a very ancient event.
Thus, A. Pushkin wrote: “I will try to make amends with my long letter and detailed stories. I start with Leda's eggs ... "
Of course, this poeticized expression is later than the culinary "ab ovo", but nevertheless, the culinary alphabet does not begin with an egg at all, but with ... bread.

This is what V. Pokhlebkin wrote in his book "Secrets of Good Cuisine".

Since most of the readers of this forum are already familiar with bread, I propose to share in this thread all possible information about eggs.
Information from the site 🔗

Myths and misconceptions about the benefits and dangers of eggs

- Eggs are harmful to the body because they increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.Such statements are not entirely true. Egg yolk does contain a lot of cholesterol (about 270 mg in one medium egg), however, the results of many studies have shown that eating eggs causes only a slight increase in blood cholesterol. If the level of cholesterol in your blood is high, try to consume 2-3 proteins per 1 yolk (the maximum cholesterol content). Adhere to the same dosage when cooking scrambled eggs.

- The process of digesting eggs is difficult.
This is not entirely correct. The digestion time directly depends on how fresh the product is and how it is prepared. With prolonged heat treatment, eggs, indeed, are digested worse. For example, when eating soft-boiled eggs, the stomach will digest them within 1-2 hours, and if hard-boiled or scrambled eggs, the digestion process will take at least 3 hours.

- Eggs are harmful to the liver.
Despite this popular belief, the reality is different. In addition to vitamins, eggs are high in amino acids such as methionine and choline, which are very beneficial for the liver. In addition, the yolk provokes contractions of the gallbladder, which significantly activates the process of outflow of bile, thus improving peristalsis and promoting the absorption of fats. However, if you have liver problems, you shouldn't eat fried eggs or use mayonnaise or similar sauces.
In addition, gallstone disease imposes restrictions on the use of eggs. Stones can cause pain (colic) when the egg yolk stimulates gallbladder contractions. In addition to eggs, the use of butter or cream can cause the same reaction. With all the many legends that have developed around the consumption of eggs, this is the only objective reason in which eggs can have a harmful effect on the body.

- You shouldn't eat eggs more than 2-3 times a week.
Nutritionists love this kind of advice. However, in reality, with normal daily activity, a person can easily eat up to 2 eggs per day, provided that no other animal proteins are consumed during the day. On the other hand, it is much more beneficial to use in food a variety of foods containing plant and animal proteins.

- Eggs are a common cause of salmonellosis.Eggs can cause this disease only when several factors coincide. The first is the presence of infection in the egg itself (practice proves the presence of salmonella in only one egg out of seven thousand). Second, the egg storage conditions did not meet the necessary requirements. The probability of these two events coinciding is very small, however, you should still wash the eggs before cooking in order to avoid unpleasant accidents. It is also worthwhile to periodically wash and process the cells in which the eggs are stored in the refrigerator. This is done to prevent bacteria from entering the egg through a leaky shell.

- Eggs that have lay for a week are stale.
The freshness of eggs is directly related to compliance with storage conditions. If eggs are kept out of the refrigerator for a week, they can really go bad. However, the shelf life can be increased to 3 weeks if the eggs are immediately placed in the refrigerator, in special cells, with the sharp tip down, in order to avoid pressure on the air space, which separates the protein and shell.

- Bright yolk - an indicator of the health of the egg.
In fact, this is not at all the case, and the color of the yolk does not at all demonstrate an increased content of carotene, as many think. The color of the yolk depends only on the composition of the feed that was used for keeping the chickens. The color can range from pale yellow to reddish, which is quite normal.

- Eggs are a source of excess weight.
The nutritional properties of the egg are really high, but this does not mean at all that they get fat from it. In addition, eggs are used as a component of many therapeutic diets for people who need to reduce protein in their diet. Eggs are a unique product for these diets, as they contain 13% protein at 80 kcal.

- Eggs are a wonderful product containing all the necessary elements.There is a lot of truth in these words. Eggs are a real treasure trove of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. In addition, they contain sufficient amounts of niacin, which provides the formation of sex hormones and nutrition of brain activity; vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting; lecithin, which cleans the walls of blood vessels, choline, which ensures the removal of harmful substances from the liver and improves memory. However, one should not exaggerate and say that eggs contain all the necessary elements. For example, there is no vitamin C, without which our body cannot do, in the egg.

- Duck, goose, quail eggs are inedible.
In fact, these eggs contain more nutrients than traditional chicken eggs. However, it should be borne in mind that there may be more dangerous microorganisms in the eggs of waterfowl, therefore, they should be treated with special care. Doctors recommend making heat treatment by boiling for 15 minutes. Quail eggs are useful for the nervous system and are used in the treatment of anemia, hypertension, asthma and diabetes mellitus. Raw quail eggs have a beneficial effect on bronchitis, heart attack, tuberculosis, stomach diseases, ulcers and pancreatitis, as well as promote male potency. In addition, there is no cholesterol in quail eggs and they are not subject to salmonellosis virus infection.

Useful Tips

- If you put an egg in a jar of salt water, a fresh one will drown, an egg that is too stale will come up, and an egg of medium freshness will take an intermediate position. More accurate test.Put the egg in a glass of cold water: if it sinks and takes a horizontal position, it is very fresh; if it turned out to be a little tilted, it is about a week old; and if the egg floats vertically, it is stale.

- The shelf life of eggs depends primarily on the temperature. Eggs should be kept at a constant temperature, preferably below 8 degrees C. At room temperature, fresh eggs are kept for 10-12 days, in the refrigerator for about a month.

- If dark spots are visible on the shell, it means that a putrefactive process has begun in the egg, it is not suitable for food. If a blood ring is found inside the egg, such a product should also not be consumed in any form. If the protein is pinkish, and the yolk is orange-red, it means that chicken blood got into it during the formation process. Such eggs can be eaten, but it is still safer to use them for making dough, cutlets, cheesecakes, etc.

- White or brown? There is no difference in nutritional value between brown and white eggs. The shell color depends on the breed of chicken. Chickens with white feathers and scallops lay white eggs. Chickens with red feathers and red scallops lay brown eggs. White eggs are mostly popular in the United States.

- How to separate the white from the yolk? Pour the broken egg into a clean funnel or special separator. Another way: wash your hands and pour the broken egg into your palm, spread your fingers so that the yolk remains and the white seeps between the fingers. These methods will prevent bacteria from the shell of the egg from entering the cooking dish, which can happen with the traditional transfer of the contents of the egg from one half of the broken shell to the other.

- How to wash dishes from eggs? Use only warm water: in hot water, protein residues curl up and stick to the walls of the dishes.

- How not to get infected with salmonella? This bacteria can be found in poultry and on the surface of raw meat. In large quantities, it leads to serious poisoning. Although infected chickens can transmit the infection to the eggs, constant egg quality checks reduce this risk. It is not recommended to give raw eggs to young children, the elderly, sick people and pregnant women. Cooking an egg at temperatures above 60 ° C will surely kill the bacteria.
It is strictly forbidden to cook eggs in the microwave. Eggs have been known to explode repeatedly when heated in the microwave or a few seconds after being removed from the oven, causing damage to the face and eyes.

A source 🔗

For the ancient Romans, dinner began with boiled eggs and ended with fruit, most often apples. This is where the catch phrase "from egg to apple" appeared, that is, from beginning to end.

In some ancient kingdom, a cook died. Everyone who wanted to take the place of the royal chef was given 1 liter of water, 1 kg of salt and asked to add 1 kg of another product to prepare a delicious dish. There was a savvy chef who dissolved salt in water and boiled eggs.

The ancient Chinese highly respected dishes made from chicken, goose, pigeon, quail or duck eggs. Canned eggs are still known, which are kept warm in a special way for more than a month. Foreigners consider these eggs to be rotten, however, this nutritious dish with blue-black protein is one of the delicacies of Chinese cuisine.

The Japanese consider chicken eggs to be very nutritious and consume them 3-5 pieces a week. The famous tamago omelet, and pieces of meat or chicken in egg breading, and fried suriyaki meat, and nishiki tamago, an egg cake, are prepared from eggs. Note that the Japanese are one of the longest-lived nations. And life expectancy largely depends on proper nutrition.

Famous French gourmets also paid attention to this product. In Bordeaux and Gascony, hot buns filled with an egg and ham omelet are respected. In Provence, they love tender egg casserole with cheese and butter. In Limousin and Perigord, they cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and peppers, making sure that they are soft and crumbly. An amazing dish is prepared in Ile-de-France - tender boiled eggs with truffle sauce.

So, the egg is a very interesting and at the same time easily accessible product. Today, mainly chicken and quail eggs are presented on the market. Although you can find duck, goose eggs. What all eggs have in common is that they are almost the food standard for humans. In terms of their nutritional value, they occupy one of the first places among animal products.

A source:

At least a dozen countries argue for the right to be called the homeland of the omelet - and not all of them are located in Europe!

The origin of the word "omelet"

And where does the word itself come from? "omelet"? On this issue, the opinions of scientists differ - some believe that since in the 15th century this word was written as amelette, root ame means "soul"... Others believe that omelle means "a life".

Some people think that the word omelet - of French origin. But the dishes, which are essentially omelets (although they are called differently), belong to the national cuisines of many, many countries of the world.

The history of the appearance of the omelet is covered with darkness. They tell the following legend:
In the 19th century, Emperor Joseph I got hungry during another hunt. He found a poor man's house nearby. Of course, mere mortals did not expect to see such an honored guest at their homes. Poor owners made a dish out of everything that was at hand: eggs, sugar, flour, milk and raisins.

Surprisingly, Franz Joseph was pleased and asked the court chefs to improve the recipe. Soon this food spread throughout the country. The catch is that the name of the new dish was invented by the French. True, history did not record the name of the person who first uttered the word "Omelette" - scrambled eggs.

There are tens of thousands of omelette recipes in the world. There are even more ways of cooking and subtleties. An omelet is prepared as a hot appetizer, as a main course, as a side dish, and even as a dessert!

Probably, it is this fact that allows the omelet to be popular and loved by the entire population of the world, except perhaps those who are allergic to eggs or milk, which are included in the classic recipe.

People cook, eat and praise the omelet.

For example, recently in Brussels they figured out how to diversify boring European everyday life.

To celebrate the 110th anniversary of the famous Brussels avenue Tervuren, Europeans prepared an omelet of 10,000 eggs. It was the largest omelet in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. In addition to eggs, the cooks needed 25 liters of oil and several bags of onions.
The art of making an omelet

And you need to be able to properly cook an omelet:

Firstly, it is necessary to thoroughly beat the yolks with the whites so that they are saturated with air bubbles. Otherwise, the omelet will turn out to be "heavy" and will be poorly absorbed.

Secondly, the thoroughly whipped mixture is poured into a hot frying pan and quickly mixed with butter. As soon as the omelet is almost ready, it is shaped - flat (then it is turned over like a pancake) or round, rolled up.

Only a real cook can determine in time the degree of readiness of the omelet and start folding it - moreover, he simply shakes the frying pan by the handle or taps on it with his fist, forcing the omelet to slide to the place where it should be rolled.
Oh, how is everything here serious, in a scientific way ... Can you dilute it with fun? I'm on the topic. See what egg separators are: 🔗 🔗
dopleta what a charm, I wonder where you can buy this.
Quote: dopleta

Oh, how is everything here serious, in a scientific way ... Can you dilute it with fun? I'm on the topic. See what egg separators are:

I found such a picture on the internet, but did not understand what it is.

Ab ovo. All about eggs.

Thank you for enlightening me.
As a child, I drank so many raw eggs from my chickens! And also the neighbor's hen got into the habit of carrying eggs under our chicken coop, and so did they. After the bath, it was nice to eat scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs (my grandmother cooked, but I don't know the recipe).
"If a blood ring is found inside the egg, this product should also not be consumed in any form."
I met this phrase many times and NEVER - an explanation of why. Very often, either a blood point or a ring comes across in the eggs. What is it, where does it come from, why is it dangerous when eaten?
Quote: floran

Very often, either a blood point or a ring comes across in the eggs. What is it, where does it come from, why is it dangerous when eaten?
Floran, it is a germ. What is dangerous, I do not know. I always remove it, but I don't eat the egg, but I use it in the dough.
Quote: floran

"If a blood ring is found inside the egg ... what is the danger when eaten?

Taken here: 🔗

- In a raw egg, sometimes there are drops of blood - evidence of damage to the mucous membrane of the oviducts of the laying hen. It is better not to eat such eggs.
- Unsuitable for food and an egg, inside of which a blood ring was formed from storage in the heat, that is, the circulatory system of the future chicken began to develop.

And further:

On the surface of the yolk there is an embryo, which in a fertilized egg looks like a small round spot of a whitish hue. Eggs with an embryo in which blood vessels have formed are not used for food. An unfertilized egg contains an oblong speck of embryo.

Egg quality requirements.
Especially high demands are placed on dietetic and fresh eggs. They should have a dense, fairly transparent white, the yolk should be in the middle of the egg and barely visible when viewed through an ovoscope. The size of dietary eggs should not exceed 4 mm, and fresh eggs - 7 mm.

Some defects reduce the variety of eggs, but do not prevent their culinary use.

Such defects include: cracks in the egg, contamination of the shell, the smallest spots under the shell, partial mixing of protein (but without an unpleasant odor) and the so-called dryness (drying of the yolk to the wall of the shell).

Below are the vices that prevent the culinary use of eggs.
Krasyuk - eggs in which the yolk is mixed with protein. The white of such an egg has clots or drops of blood and is colored reddish-red.
Tumak-egg, opaque when translucent. The contents of this egg are gray-green dirty yellow. An unpleasant smell is felt even through the shell of a whole egg.
A blood ring is an egg on the yolk of which a blood ring or part of it is noticeable.
A large spot is an egg, when translucent, spots are visible on the inside of the shell.
We have a wonderful program "Spices" on one channel. Here's from their video archive:


Scrambled eggs

Today is celebrated World egg day! The history of the holiday is as follows: in 1996, at a conference in Vienna, the International Egg Commission announced that the world "egg" holiday would be celebrated on the second Friday of October. The Commission argues that there are at least a dozen reasons for celebrating Egg Day, and many countries, especially egg producers, have readily responded to the idea of ​​celebrating the Egg Festival.
Congratulations to all lovers of eggs, omelets, casseroles, fried eggs, etc.!

Ab ovo. All about eggs.

Many bad things have been said about eggs over the past decades, but recent scientific studies have shown that there is absolutely no need to avoid egg consumption. They contain many essential nutrients for the body, including essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants that help with certain diseases. And, contrary to popular belief, eggs do not raise cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is very possible to eat one egg a day.
Yesterday I found a video, this morning I tried it, it really works, if the button accordion, then I'm sorry :)

This dish was included in the top of the most beautiful restaurant dishes selected by Food & Wine. "Chicken Egg à la L'Arpege." Egg yolk is boiled in sherry vinegar, cream and maple syrup. Then everything is put back in the shell ... Photo © Mark Holthusen
Ab ovo. All about eggs.
Happy World Egg Day!


Ab ovo. All about eggs.
We travel a lot, and my husband is very fond of eating barley for breakfast (in new restaurants), especially it is delicious in German hotels (although hotels are not tied to the country - this is a chain of hotels in different countries, but nevertheless it is so.) Maybe someone will share a recipe for scrambled eggs from German hotels? My husband has already pissed me off, do it and do it, I'll do it, he says it doesn't taste like that. Well, I don't like scrambled eggs at all, but I need to please my husband.
Urraaa! Holiday!

Ab ovo. All about eggs.

Galinka, it seems to me, it's just important not to overcook.
In order for the protein film over the yolk to tighten, and the yolk itself to be liquid, it is necessary to fry over medium heat, immediately covering it with a lid, as soon as the film on the yolk turns white, it is ready.
And here are a couple of ideas on how to serve banal scrambled eggs beautifully:
in pepper

Ab ovo. All about eggs.

in bread

Ab ovo. All about eggs.

in sausages

Ab ovo. All about eggs.
Ab ovo. All about eggs.

Original stand

Ab ovo. All about eggs.
Arka Probably I did not formulate the question correctly, this is not a fried egg, but like an omelet not not a pancake, but in a scattering
Ahhh! It's that simple!
It is necessary to quickly stir the scrambled eggs in a frying pan, and stop when it is still watery in places, you get the most delicate mass. If you overexpose, then everything is gone
The main thing, as it were, is a little undercooked.
Here, look, there is literally a couple of strokes of the scapula and - stop!

Ab ovo. All about eggs.

and you can play with the taste by adding cream in different quantities
Arka I tried and just a shaken egg to do this with the addition of sour cream, and with the addition of milk. The taste is not the same ...
Quote: Galinka-Malinka

Arka I tried and just a shaken egg to do this with the addition of sour cream, and with the addition of milk. The taste is not the same ...
Sour cream - definitely not.
Milk - it's all about proportion, you need to select the amount. On the overseas site I saw that the classic is 1 tbsp. l. milk for 1 egg.
Cream (drinking) - will give a more pleasant taste, the proportions must also be selected individually.
And again, the main thing is to stop in time, because the taste begins to deteriorate.
That's all the advice.
TOP 10 interesting facts about eggs

10th place: The largest chicken egg contained five yolks, and the vertical coverage was 31 cm.

9th place: The heaviest egg in the world weighed 454 grams - about six times heavier than the average chicken egg.

8th place: The smallest bird egg in the world is a hummingbird egg, and the largest is in an ostrich. It takes 2 hours to boil a hard-boiled ostrich egg.

7th place: To get all the nutritional benefits of one medium-sized chicken egg, you need five quail eggs.

6th place: The largest omelet in the world was made in Madrid by the chef Carlos Fernandez. It was made from 5,000 eggs and weighed 599 kg.

5th place: There are 17,000 tiny pores on the surface of an average eggshell. Through them, the egg absorbs odors. If you store eggs in a box, they stay fresh longer.

4th place: To make a shatterproof egg, place it in a glass of vinegar. After 2-3 days, take out the egg and try to drop it first from a height of 15 cm. The egg will not break, but will bounce on the table.

3rd place: Chickens, ostriches, ducklings and chicks of gulls are ready for independent life almost immediately after birth, because they hatch from eggs with a large amount of yolk. Chicks of owls, woodpeckers, and most small songbirds require parental care after birth.

2nd place: Laying hen brings 250-300 eggs per year. It takes her 24-26 hours to lay one egg. After 30 minutes, she starts again.

1st place: Royal albatross incubates eggs for 79 days.

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