Quote: Mirabel
What is "Royal Bummer"? wet or airy?
It looks like a meat-eating one.
Does anyone have a proven recipe for garlic bread? Is it rising well?
onew, and your bread at all and "not bad" came out, believe me!
It will only get better!
The first photo shows that the bread is badly mixed, Galya told you correctly - you need to help collect flour from the walls when you start mixing. You still have dry flour.
And yet, we all have different flour.
It was drier ... maybe I asked for more water.
A gingerbread man with a half-grain bread is desirable with a wet skirt.
And all will be well.
And get the malt! Very good taste and aroma will give bread!
Good luck to you!)

Quote: onew
The inside is moist, sticks to the teeth (Tell me, please, what could be the problem?
When did you cut it?
It is necessary that the half-grain bread * completely * cooled down !!!!
$ vetLana
Quote: Olenka

Does anyone have a proven recipe for garlic bread? Is it rising well?
I do not have.
I don't put any additives in bread
Irinap, I want to experiment with such wide possibilities)))

$ vetLana, Svetlana, thank you! "Let's search!")) Maybe just add Bread with additives in the mode?

Girls, it turned out! Perfect!))) Now I'll try to throw off the photo!

Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
$ vetLana
Olga, on the forum there are recipes for Bread with Garlic. Enter in the search, select the one that you like. I do not give links, I think you will find it yourself

I looked at a couple of recipes. They use baked garlic. Therefore, it is better to read recipes and reviews.
Quote: Sedne

It looks like a meat-eating one.
More precisely, a mixture of myasoedovsky with custard from light. That's more accurate.
$ vetLana, Sedne, girls, thanks! I will look and read!
Olenka, beautiful bread turned out. Congratulations!
gala10, Galina, thank you very much! It does not look like Filipsovsky))) Even the color is different, the texture of the crumb. See:
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4) Above is a small piece of Phillips. The flour is the same, the essence of the recipe is the same. And the result is different. I am delighted with Panasik !! And the crust !! Story! But in the dark hell. So I will)))

The photo is incorrectly rotated, I do not know how to unfold it, I go in from the phone. I apologize!
$ vetLana
Quote: Olenka
I am delighted with Panasik !! And the crust !! Story!
Mandraik Ludmila
Olenka, no need for bread with additives, on the same basic, in the same recipe just add 0.5 tsp. dry garlic, in a corner for flour, along with the rest of the ingredients and you will be happy.
Girls! help, plz! how much wet yeast per 400 grams of flour to take? 20 grams or 15 is enough?
Quote: Mirabel

Girls! help, plz! how much wet yeast per 400 grams of flour to take? 20 grams or 15 is enough?
Is this for cake? For Easter cake, I would take gr 17, but our yeast is strong, if the yeast is not very strong, you can take 20.
Mirabel, I just kneaded the cake according to the Sandora recipe, there is 6 g of dry yeast for 400 g of flour. I took "wet" ones 3 times more
Alexander, butter cake turns out very well without dancing from Elena Bo
If I need to quickly bake it always.
Only sometimes I take a third less yeast, but then I put it on a long program, on French bread.

Great bakers, please tell me, is it just me on the French bread program, does it get an unburned top crust? The sides and bottom are normal. Therefore, I have to put French dough on the program (for example, sourdough, or when I reduce the amount of yeast, long bread is healthier than fast bread, my IMHO), and then put baking separately.

Vika, the amount of yeast in the kulich is also associated with the presence of sugar, oil, alcohol in the dough.The more there is, the more yeast. But less yeast will simply increase the fermentation time. And it may not work on the machine. I watch the dough and turn off the oven if the dough has not yet come up properly. I put proven recipes on the machine, like Elena Bo's
Natalia, Irina, Svetlana, Girls! this recipe;topicseen#new
already baked, put 18 grams of yeast. Delicious, of course, but not in a full bucket for some reason and badly sunburnt. Probably it was necessary to turn off the stove in advance
Irina, and you got into a full bucket?
And my raisin dispenser didn't work. Now a royal bummer is baking without raisins, since I was not at home, and I did not control this moment
Quote: Mirabel

Natalia, Irina, Svetlana, Girls! this recipe;topicseen#new
already baked, put 18 grams of yeast. Delicious, of course, but not in a full bucket for some reason and badly sunburnt. Probably it was necessary to turn off the stove in advance
I did not bake this cake, but I have a royal bummer and butter in my whole bucket, there is either weak yeast, or there are a lot of additives. But my cakes are always tanned, I always put (for any weight) M and a light crust.
Put the Royal Bummer, in 9h30 it will be ready.
Teach you how you make the dough, while I was stirring, they tore off the plate from my hands, everything stuck to my hands, well, I stirred it somehow, and threw such a sticky lump into the mixture. Didn't spoil it?
Quote: jawar
Didn't spoil it?
Well, the lump should be sticky. I stir with a wooden spoon, break off this lump in small pieces into a bowl of hp.
jawar, I generally mixed with a fork, there was no lump. Such a soft mass, with a spatula from a bowl, transferred it to a bread maker.
Let's learn means. I tried it on a plate, but I think I need to grip it in a vice so that I can hold and stir the fork with both hands
Quote: Anyutok
Such a soft mass, with a spatula from a bowl I transferred it into a bread maker
It depends on the flour, I always have a lump, I even have to take a little more milk for brewing.
Well, it turned out like this. I don't know how it tastes, I just got it. But at the moment, the minus is that it is very sensitive to shocks. I fell out of the bucket and crumpled my side.
I did not follow the kneading, one side with flour, the mixture apparently remained in the bucket.
And if there is someone, tell me when you can spread the top? otherwise it will be needed tomorrow, but it's hot. Will it go in an hour after baking?
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)

Quote: jawar
when can you spread the top?
When it gets cold. Otherwise, the glaze may flow.
And the cake looks like
I'll wait an hour. And there I will smear
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: jawar
I fell out of the bucket and crumpled my side.
Alexander, the cake should be soft, no matter how funny it is, I prepare a pillow for the cake and shake it out very carefully, trying to put it on its side - this is such a balancing act
Quote: jawar
I did not follow the kneading, one side with the dough
All the same, you should not abandon a new recipe for yourself, you need to look in the middle of the batch and clean up the corners with a silicone spatula manually, and then you can go to sleep peacefully
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
All the same, you should not abandon a new recipe for yourself, you need to look in the middle of the batch and clean up the corners with a silicone spatula manually, and then you can go to sleep peacefully
I agree. But the thought of a kulich came during the day. Sitting not when it was with him. Wrong, not with dough, but with flour.
And the very corner of the cake, so to speak, is stained with flour
I also made a cake in a bread maker. Tasty or not, I'll find out tomorrow
jawar, I have the same thing, a corner in flour. Well, and raisins separately
Have already tried it today! It turned out fine!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Dear Panasonic bakers!
I congratulate everyone on the holiday of Bright Easter!
Health and wellbeing to you and your loved ones!
Peace to all of us.
Mandraik Ludmila
Christ is risen!
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
These are my Easter cakes, recipe for Butter Kulich from Elena Bo.
Glaze on gelatin, I did it for the first time, I liked it. There were three small cakes, they are baked in molds with a notch in the middle, in the middle I put an egg, just the right size, such a gift option
I join in the congratulations!!!
Dear ones, all peace, happiness and health!

My Kulich from KP - Masterpiece
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
And then ... Oily!
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
Who cooked with potato juice? And then they squeezed the potatoes onto dranniki, and the juice remained, I thought: maybe you can put it somewhere in bread?
Happy Easter everyone! Christ is risen!
Yesterday I baked a cake Masterpiece in KHP
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
It turned out great, we really liked it. Cutaway
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
Quote: jawar
Who cooked with potato juice?
Add to bread dough. You just need to take it into account in the total volume of the liquid.
I haven't added anything to bread already ...
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: jawar
Who cooked with potato juice? And then they squeezed the potatoes onto the shingles, and the juice remained,
Alexander, into bread as a liquid, very good, the rise will be wonderful!
Apples, juice (decoction is possible) of potatoes, grated potatoes are great dough improvers, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will run away
$ vetLana
Alexander, try, look for your bread. I made a mistake when I baked in potato broth, did not take into account that it was salty and put salt. But you have unsalted juice, so you need salt.
Thank you ladies!
To clarify. Let's say the juice is left, now I have 300 grams of it. Is it better to let it settle so that the starch is a donkey, or so with starch and add instead of water? 330ml
Mandraik Ludmila
Alexander, if you are not going to use starch separately, then pour with starch, starch is fast carbohydrates, you can (but not necessarily) not put sugar according to the recipe.
once again for intrusiveness, but in milliliters? as much water as the recipe? or what is the ratio? and to the kind of flour, wheat / rye? I apologize
Quote: jawar
as much water as the recipe?
Yes. There should be as much liquid (water, potato broth, whey, kefir, etc.) or a mixture of liquids, for example, water + kefir, as much as water according to the recipe. But the kolobok is still better to track and correct.
Mandraik Ludmila
Alexander, I would advise you to divide it in half and add water to the one you need according to the recipe, otherwise it will run away - you won't catch it, store it unused until the next time in the refrigerator.
Class! It's good that I didn't pour it out. Now, with the beginning of baking, I look after everything
Alexander, I freeze any liquid that can be useful for bread, but will not be used for 3-4 days.
Mandraik Ludmila
I remember once making bread with water drained from pasta.But somehow I decided not to save anymore, the bread turned out to be normal, but a lot of fast carbohydrates turn out, which is not at all useful

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