Quote: A.lenka

Artistic girls! Who has already baked this amazing cake ... Please post a separate recipe. Otherwise, it’s not even an hour — we’ll lose it in the legends of history ... AbYdnA will be ...
Helen, we must ask Natasha. And she has a recipe and a photo
Girls, in Stockman white dacha there are two Bavarian and one Heriki for 6 cupcakes.
Quote: Masinen

Girls, in Stockman white dacha there are two Bavarian and one Heriki for 6 cupcakes.
And what is the price Mashenka?
Bavarian 2190, but I don’t remember heriki, but also so, not cheaper))
Masinen, Thank you, Mash
Ludmila, small heriks were 2600 ... I think they did not fall in price. But they are really worth it. The form is winning. Due to the swirling edges - any dough looks clear, "rich" ...
Quote: Mams
any dough looks clear, "rich" ...
By the way, she wore her to work, treated her to muffins from heriks and from flowers. The dough is the same, so everyone said that the taste and structure in heriks is different than in flowers.
Girls all happy spring
I brought you a treat. I made a Caramel cake, and baked the cakes in a Nordic waffle iron for Belgian waffles.
the photo did not work out very well on the phone
Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes
Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes
Quote: A.lenka

Artistic girls! Who has already baked this amazing cake ... Please post a separate recipe. Otherwise, it’s not even an hour — we’ll lose it in the legends of history ... AbYdnA will be ...
Elena, this cupcake is already on the first page

Helen, the cake is so delicious! Is there a recipe on the forum?

sola19, the leaves are good !!!

Lettera, what a cupcake, I just want to bake !!!
I can't tell Sveta about the recipe. I'm looking at this one right now. If I don’t find it, I’ll post it.
And the cake turned out very tasty, ice cream crème brulee in a glass resembles.
And I have a Budapest cake today! It turned out so beautifully! Well, just an anthill!
To the de fox terribly stuck ... apparently shifted the fillings .. and tried so hard ... But delicious ... so nutty .. chocolate. ... They ate anyway !!!
Girls, I promise to repeat Budapest this week and lay out the recipe! Today, the guests ate the remains of three frozen muffins - chocolate, orange and Budapest .. I managed to take a picture only of an orange cut - maybe I'll post a recipe .. It was already awkward to photograph Budapest - I couldn't snatch it out of my hands ..
sola19, Natasha, I'm glad it was delicious!)) I also have "problems" with the amount of filling in the cupcakes - I always want to put more than needed)))
But still, it seems to me that with the difficulties in removing the muffins from the molds, it's all about lubrication - I completely agree with Masha-Masinen, who talked about the problems with margarine .. Only butter rules me .. Nothing sticks, even in aluminum without non-stick coating and in enameled forms .. While it works, I don't even want to try anything else ..
Quote: Krosh

Interesting interesting ...

To my shame, for the first time I hear ...

And I bake absolutely everything on convection, and yeast baked goods, and yeast-free and everything else too, the result is completely and completely satisfied !!!

But for the sake of comparison, you need to try to bake two identical cupcakes, one with convection, the second in the "top-bottom" mode !!!

Thanks for the science, Natasha !!!

Kroshik, not try waste your time On convection anyway it turns out better! I have not carried out any experiments already

Quote: A.lenka

Artistic girls! Who has already baked this amazing cake ... Please post a separate recipe.Otherwise, it’s not even an hour — we’ll lose it in the legends of history ... AbYdnA will be ...

Flax, don't be afraid, there is this recipe on the first page
Baked a simple cupcake today at DeLiz. There is no photo, because they ate everything at once. The recipe is not worth attention, I want to say something else. Made for 3 eggs, the total weight of the ingredients is about 1 kg 300 grams. This is the optimal size for a 2.4 liter mold. The form has been completed 2/3. When baking, it rose to the edges of the form, slightly stuck out in the middle, but these are trifles, cut off a bit.

So here's the final result - for a regular cupcake: for a 2.4 liter mold you need 1.2-1.3 kg of dough... 0.8 liter mold = 0.4 kg of dough. Etc.

Baked today in two shade mode (no convection). Liked. On convection, the cupcake tears the roof harder, by the way ...
Girls, come on! Perhaps I, of course, had no luck with convection in the last oven - the cupcakes were hopelessly dry .. And the buns went with a bang on convection .. Perhaps, perhaps ... After ordering a new oven, I'll check it again (now it's portable, check there is nothing). Thanks for the tip!
It seemed to me that in my (!) oven baking in Nordic tins with convection turns out worse than with the usual top + bottom heating. Although by default I almost always use convection. Of course, I am not a physicist, but it seems to me that how it is baked with convection is very much dependent on the particular oven and it is more difficult to compare the results than when using the normal mode. There are a lot of factors - how big the oven is, where the fan is, how fast it turns, how the air flows are distributed, at what level the baked one stands :-) In normal operation, there are much fewer such "individual" factors.
I hope I didn't put it too confusingly
Quote: Cvetaal
Elena, this cupcake is already on the first page

Quote: Kara
Flax, don't be afraid, there is this recipe on the first page
Thank you girls!
I will search on the first page. Otherwise, I'm not ready for baking Bucharest yet - due to the lack of walnuts ...
Quote: Mams
On convection, the cupcake tears the roof harder, by the way ...
Olga, I have a similar problem on convection! Although I lower the temperature compared to the top-bottom mode. What kind of oven do you have?
but in my oven there is a special mode "Baking mode", I don’t know how and where the heating is going on, I set T and time. It is baked evenly. Oven NEFF
And today I made a charlotte in a big herikka 5 eggs, half a glass of sugar substitute, I don’t remember the name, but not stevia and will not curse it for sure. It is similar in structure to powdered sugar, goes one to one, a glass of smoked flour, a quarter tsp. baking powder and 3 apples. Beat the whites with sweetener, one yolk at a time, continuing to beat, and then gently add the flour. Layer dough and thinly sliced ​​apples. The form was filled in, baked for 40 minutes at 180 degrees, I always bake without a convention with the top and bottom turned on. I waited for 40 minutes, then I ran a drop with a thin silicone spatula along the edges and the charlotte came out, it turned out very airy.
Quote: A.lenka

Olga, I have a similar problem on convection! Although I lower the temperature compared to the top-bottom mode. What kind of oven do you have?

AEG, German yet. In connection with the purchase of new molds, the oven became more frequent, and it also became more attentive to observe the process. So I noticed that the roof very often cracks on convection. Today I baked to 170 top + bottom, after half an hour I reduced it to 160. In total, it was baked for 1 hour 10 minutes, but the bottom evenly rose and turned out to be even.

Ella, we used to bake charlotte in a simple frying pan. We had such a heavy, plump walls. The pulp is airy, and now I can't get such a crust as then. The bakeware has become thinner. In general, you should try to make a simple charlotte in Nordic, where there are less reliefs. What if it turns out like before?
Quote: Mams
AEG, German yet.
Olya ... Do not believe it !!! I have the same. And also - STILL German !!! Bakes well. But - with its own characteristics. Apparently, they have this in common.
Lena, I will believe! Bakes fine.There are no problems at all. Each oven has its own characteristics. Ours warms evenly, without frills. And then I remember my previous one, I had to move, turn somewhere in the process. Heating on one side was stronger. These were dances ... Until now, there were no such forms, now we will work with them.

By the way, DeLiz liked the form. She has such calm embossed stripes. Every time I am glad that I bought these forms on time. Each pleases in its own way.
Mams, Olya, we have something kindred ... AdnAznAchnA !!!

I really like DeLiz too. It was in her that I baked a charlotte. This was my very first pastry in Nordic. Jumped out well, beautiful crust. I just sat down a little. But then I was still playing with the temperature regimes, I had not yet found the right one.
I think that in Bavarian, the charlotte will be great.
Wild cat
Quote: Masinen

Girls, in Stockman white dacha there are two Bavarian and one Heriki for 6 cupcakes.
Girls, what is Heriki's uniform?
This one, yes?
Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes

P.S By the way, maybe anyone needs it, the organizer adds 2 forms to the joint venture.
Big rose 1038 + 17% and + shipping
AND for 12 roses 1106 + 17% and + shipping
I can redeem and send you.

I indicated the wrong prices: they were bought out on sale and they go without packaging.
Big rose costs 785.28 + 17%
Small 690 + 17%
Wild cat, Maria, this is a big Heritage in your picture. And little heritages - 6 cupcakes in one mold.
Wild cat
Quote: A.lenka

Wild cat, Maria, this is a big Heritage in your picture. And little heritages - 6 cupcakes in one mold.


Yeah, thanks Len. I want Bavaria and a large Heritage.
Quote: Wildcat
Yeah, thanks Len. I want Bavaria and a large Heritage.
I want it too. But we have a fight with the toad. the toad is choking me, and I am the toad. I wonder who will win?
Wild cat
Quote: Mila1

I want it too. But we have a fight with the toad. the toad is choking me, and I am the toad. I wonder who will win?
Eeeh ... Lyudmila, while the toad is winning!
And I watch the fight with interest
Ludmila, Maria, girls, while you are at war with toads - the number of remaining forms is rapidly decreasing.
Quote: Wildcat
I want Bavaria and a large Heritage.
Masha, they are really beautiful. And both.
Elena, you are absolutely right !!! All prices for forms 2500-2700 are already in short supply, you can find it starting from 3100 (in the maxidom in St. Petersburg you can still find them with adequate prices, but these are remnants of the former luxury) ... It's a pity !!!
Quote: A.lenka
while you are fighting with toads - the number of remaining forms is rapidly decreasing.
I totally agree, Lenochka!
Quote: Mikhaska

I totally agree, Lenochka!
Another place would be to store them ...
And, under the bed ... Oksanka and I - Loks-a agreed on this! What? Cool and even very successful. Now they are lying there in cut-off mailboxes ... And, as I scout, where to buy decent roll-out boxes, they will move to them ...
Quote: Mikhaska

And, under the bed ... Oksanka and I - Loks-a agreed on this! What? Cool and even very successful. Now they are lying there in cut-off mailboxes ... And, as I scout, where to buy decent roll-out boxes, they will move to them ...
There are no vacancies under the bed ...
Umka19, Lyudmila, thank you very much for the form. Received in the mail on Saturday, you packed it very securely. Beautiful shape, laconic.
Quote: Ninelle
There are no vacancies under the bed ...
Understandably! Other happy residents already live there!
Quote: Umka19
All prices for forms 2500-2700 are already in short supply, you can find it starting from 3100
Soon there will be no more of these ... You will have to order from abusive sites - if you really want to, and then the prices with delivery will turn out even higher.
And if you want, you must ... Because temptation is an insidious business. Girls here on a twig vooooon what culinary masterpieces are spreading !!!

I decided for myself that I had to overstock as long as there was a desire and opportunity. But - each new mold brings so much joy !!! And then it's nice to shift the molds, look for a place for them ... And then - bake various goodies in them, remember how this mold appeared and from which distant place of our Motherland it came, thank the wonderful, kind and sympathetic women of the forum who helped find such joy !!!

In general ... Toads - in a cage! You need to please yourself, Loved ones ...
Girls, how much does the delivery cost?
Ludmila, we have Mikhaska and Svetlana62 like "ottudov" ordered, but something is "not pricked" yet, our partisans ...
Quote: Svetlana62
Girls, tell me how to count the amount of dry yeast for pressed, I somehow got used to making yeast dough with pressed.

Svetlana, plate To help you:

P.S. Oh, how I like my number of messages, I won't write anything else, Schaub keep the happy sevens ...

Quote: A.lenka
Something is not "pricked" yet, our partisans ...
They are embarrassed ... The name is indecent ...
Quote: Wildcat
Small 690 + 17%
If possible, I would buy small roses at that price. I have a big rose.
Girls. Well, why did I go into this topic. Want Want. I want it when it ends. With me already all friends laugh. The husband says that it is better to buy gold. Forms ordered for 10 thousand Toad strangles. And I want even more.
Wild cat, I will redeem these molds. How to do it.
Quote: Mila1
How much does the delivery cost?
Lyudmilka! Count on a third of the price of the form itself on Ebey ...
Mikhaska, oops ... I'm so inconsiderate ...
The question is removed ...
And who ordered the form from Amazon? I can’t figure out something, whether they send it to us or not and how much it will cost.

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