Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

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Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Today, the counters are simply bursting with the abundance of all kinds of outlandish fruits. As befits exotic, prices bite. On average, a kilo will cost 80-90 hryvnyas, and for some "unprecedented" it will cost over 100 hryvnias. This is probably why many exotic fruits are stale on the shelves and, to put it mildly, unpleasant to eat. So that you do not spend money on a second-freshness product, we have learned how the most popular "exotic" should look like, ideally. And also tried them on the tooth - to understand what kind of fruit they are. Let's make a reservation right away: to make the impressions as objective as possible, several people took the sample at once.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. The first association is rose petal jam, just as sweet and aromatic
In terms of taste and appearance, the lychee turned out to be similar to dense jelly. Leaves a very pleasant aftertaste.

Ripe fruit. Round, with a red hard skin, covered with pointed "warts". The pulp is glassy white or reddish, juicy, with a sweet and sour taste.

Use. Can be eaten raw, boiled with sugar, canned, used in fruit salads.

Utility. Contains vitamins C, B1 and B2, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus and niacin. It is used as a tonic, is useful for regulating digestion, and helps with anemia.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. It feels like a squid in the mouth, the same slippery. It also seemed like a sweet jelly, but not fruity, but just made of sugar. Although some fancied a light shade of persimmon. Also, everyone noted the extraordinary juiciness, and the fact that rambutan is similar to lychee, but not so fragrant.

Ripe fruit. The round fruits are red or reddish-black in color, the dense rind is covered with thin, soft spines, similar to hair. The pulp is glassy-white, sometimes reddish in color, very juicy with a pleasant sweet-sour taste and dense texture.

Use. The peel of the rambutan is easy to peel off and can be eaten raw. The pulp can be cooked with sugar, made jelly and marmalade. Raw seeds are poisonous.

Utility... The fruit is rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus, perfectly cleanses the body.



Our impressions. Very strong lemon-like scent. At the same time, it turned out to be similar to several different fruits: currants, unripe gooseberries, sea buckthorn. Very sour taste, you want to spit it out right away, the seeds have an unpleasant taste and are difficult to separate from the pulp.

Ripe fruit. Rounded berries, with a thick, dense, shiny skin, color from purple-brown to blackish-brown. Inside the berry there is a cavity surrounded by a cotton-like, dry, white inedible “tissue”, on which there are bridges with “papillae”, to which, in turn, seeds with a glassy orange pulp are attached. Taste - fruity with sourness.

Use. Passion fruit is eaten with a spoon from the peel, it is possible with the seeds. They also prepare juice, which is diluted and sweetened, and then it is added to juice mixtures, yoghurts, ice cream. Jelly and syrup are made from the pulp.

Utility. Contains fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B, A, C, sodium, serotonin. Has laxative properties and improves bowel function. Promotes the excretion of uric acid from the body and is an antipyretic agent.



Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. Moderately sweet taste, somewhat reminiscent of a mixture of kiwi, cucumber and banana. Some found it generally tasteless.The inside really looks like a cucumber with large seeds, it has a very slippery pulp, which is not very convenient to eat. But it looks very impressive, so it can be suitable for decorating various salads.

Ripe fruit. Fruit up to 15 cm long, bright orange-yellow color, covered with conical spines. Most of the Kiwano is occupied by white flat seeds, which are surrounded by a glassy, ​​bright green, very juicy and sweet flesh.

Use. Can be eaten raw, scooped out with a spoon, added to popsicles or salad.

Utility. Contains a large amount of vitamin C.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. Terribly tough, snake-like scales that are difficult to cut. It smells very strongly of valerian, and most tasted like cotton wool soaked in valerian or corvalol, and outwardly the pulp is similar to wet cotton. Unpleasant sensations, really "snake fruit", as it is also called.

Ripe fruit. Ovate or pear-shaped fruits with a shell consisting of brown scales, stacked like tiles, and forming a dense shell, similar to snakeskin. Under the skin is a dense yellowish-white flesh that has a sweet-sour taste similar to pineapple.

Use. Typically, the fruit is eaten raw, but it can also be used boiled and candied. Unripe fruits have a sour and astringent taste and are pickled like pickles.

Utility. The pulp contains tannin.

Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. It turned out to have a dark, very dense hard skin that was the most difficult to cut. Inside, it looked extremely unaesthetic, some kind of brownish-brown mass, like rot. It tastes slightly salty and sour, does not look like a fruit, very disgusting sensations. Judging by the description, it really did rot.

Ripe fruit. Round berries with a coarse, tough leathery skin; in the case of ripe fruit, they are purple-brown. 4 thick, convex sepals are required. Under the shell are 8 light brown seeds, each of which is surrounded by a thick, soft, juicy white shell with a slight sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. The berries are stored for a very short time; after being removed, they quickly mold inside.

Use. Mangosteen is eaten raw, the pulp can be canned with sugar, made from it jelly or jam.

Utility. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamins B and C. It is used for diarrhea.

Concerning mangosteen, - notes aeroplan, - then this is a fruit with a snow-white filling, tastes like seal fat. And zelenoglazay tells you what a mangosteen should look like. By the way, very tasty.

Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. The most beautiful fruit, somewhat similar to a pine cone, a bright pink thin shell hides a white flesh with many small seeds. With these seeds, it looks like kiwi, and the taste is the same, only much less sweet. In general, the flavor is very weak, in some it caused an association with raw potatoes, while others felt a herbal taste. Juicy enough, so it was happily eaten to the end.

Ripe fruit. Fleshy large berries of a round or oval shape, covered with puffy scales. The color of ripe fruits is violet-red, less often yellow. The peel protects the white juicy pulp with many small black kiwi-like seeds. Has a pleasant sweet taste.

Use. They usually eat the pulp, taking it out with a spoon directly from the peel. It can also be mashed with water, sugar and ice for a refreshing drink. Juice and pulp are added to yoghurts and ice cream.

Utility. Contains a lot of calcium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C. The fruit is useful for those suffering from diabetes or other endocrine diseases.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions... Like pitahaya, it is very beautiful, but amazingly tasteless. It tasted like aloe (agave), but not bitter, but also like a green plum. It is very juicy, so it is pleasant to eat it in the heat.Smell - as if the leaves of a cucumber or agave were rubbed. Perfect for decorating salads.

Ripe fruit... Fleshy berries, ripe from greenish-yellow to orange-yellow in color, similar to a five-pointed star in section. Their pulp is juicy and dense, has a sweet and sour refreshing taste.

Use. Berries are eaten raw with sugar or in fruit salads. Also, fruit slices can be candied or canned. Carom juice is drunk as a soft drink. You can decorate salads with "stars".


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. A very dense skin that bends when trying to cut. The pulp has evoked associations with jellyfish. To someone's taste, this "exotic" reminded of a gooseberry. But most agreed that grenadilla leaves a blackcurrant aftertaste.

Ripe fruit. It is a relative of the passionfruit, which is egg-shaped, with a thin, hard and brittle peel, which turns yellowish-orange with greenish and brownish patterns during ripeness. Inside there is a white, tasteless dry pulp, as well as jumpers, like that of passion fruit, seated with papillae with seeds and a translucent shell. It has a mild aroma and sweet taste with a slight sourness.

Use. Granadilla is usually eaten straight from the peel with a spoon, and can also be juiced.

Utility. Contains vitamins A, C and K, phosphorus, iron and calcium.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. Feijoa is the “brother” of strawberries by smell and taste. Medium soft, somewhat reminiscent of kiwi, not very juicy. The taste is pleasant.

Ripe fruit. Large, slightly elongated berry, covered with a gray waxy bloom. The inside of the fruit resembles a gooseberry or kiwi, and in taste and aroma - pineapple and strawberries.

Use. Fruits are eaten mostly fresh, and juices, preserves, compotes, and jams are also prepared from them.

Utility. Contains vitamins C and P, sugars, organic acids, pectins, mineral salts, a fairly high amount of iodine. Feijoa is useful for preventing thyroid disease and atherosclerosis.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions... We came across a clearly unripe fruit: it tasted very tart, astringent, like an unripe persimmon. In addition, the sapodilla was dry enough.

Ripe fruit. There are two varieties of this fruit, the first is an oblong oval shape, with brown skin and a slightly grainy, honey-sweet flesh of a reddish brown color. The second is more round, also with brown skin and reddish brown sweet and juicy pulp. The ripe fruit is always slightly soft to the touch, tastes like a pear soaked in brown sugar syrup. It should be consumed only after full ripening, since before that it will not taste very pleasant due to the tannin and milk latex content in it. The unripe fruit is hard and astringent in taste (this is exactly what we got on the test).

Use... Sapodilla can be eaten raw, including with lime juice, added to fruit salads, flour as a filling, mashed potatoes or jam.

Utility... Sapodilla is rich in vitamins A and C as well as calcium.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. Outwardly it looks like a tiny orange, to the taste - sour lime with a faint tangerine aroma. The skin is also similar to tangerine, thin and delicious. We assumed that the fruit would be good in cocktails and also as an appetizer like lemon to tequila.

Ripe fruit. The fruits are similar to other citrus fruits, but much smaller, about the length of a finger phalanx, oval in shape, orange. They have a soft, sweet rind and juicy sour pulp.

Use. Kumquat can be eaten raw with the peel, added to salads as a garnish, candied and canned, marmalade or jelly made.

Utility. Contains vitamins C and E. In folk medicine of the East, it is used to treat fungal infections, respiratory diseases, and even to relieve hangover.



Our impressions. We came across a very green guava, which turned out to be quite sour, but not very rich in taste, and has a clear spicy aroma. True, she left a pleasant aftertaste, somewhat similar to quince - everyone agreed with this. In addition, the white flesh of the fruit was quite tough.

Ripe fruit... An oval, round or apple-shaped berry, green or yellow-green in color, often with pink spots. Its pulp should be very juicy, grainy, whitish, yellowish, yellow-green or pink, and in the very center it should be bright red. When ripe, it has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, similar to a pear or strawberry, but unripe fruits will be sour and astringent.

Use. Guava fruits are eaten fresh, boiled or canned along with the seeds. You can also make jelly, jams and juice from it.

Utility. Contains a lot of vitamins A, B and especially C, up to 10 times more than other citrus fruits.


PEPINO (Melon Pear)

Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. In appearance, it immediately evokes an association with melon, it also tastes like a melon, but unripe, that is, it does not have a special taste, the aroma is very weak. At the same time, everyone noted that the fruit is very juicy and pleasantly refreshing. It was one of the few fruits that was eaten to the end.

Ripe fruit. Quite large berry (size 10-15 x 8-10 cm), ovoid, round or oval in shape. The skin is yellow with red-brown spots or stripes. The light yellow, soft, very juicy pulp has a melon or pear flavor.

Use. Like many other "exotics", it is primarily consumed fresh for dessert, or added to fruit salad. Also, jam, jam, compotes are made from pepino fruits, canned, dried and frozen. The peel in some varieties should be removed because it tastes bad. The seeds are edible, but can be removed very easily if desired.

Utility. Pepino is the same source of vitamin C as many citrus fruits (about 35 mg per 100 g). It also contains a fairly large amount of vitamins A, B1 and PP. It contains 92% water and only about 7% carbohydrates.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. This very sweet fruit is probably the sweetest we've tasted. Also very juicy, the juice literally dripped down the fingers. For most, it caused associations with either boiled pumpkin or an oxidized apple. Some noted the light vanilla aroma.

Ripe fruit. The color of the fruit inside and outside is greenish-yellow or varies from orange to burgundy, the thin skin is covered with “thorns”. A juicy transparent pulp, usually greenish or reddish, surrounded by a thin layer of pulp. The fruit is sweet, like a cross between ripe melon and kiwi.

Use. Cactus can be eaten raw, taken out with a spoon, or used for jams and candied fruits.

Utility. The fruit contains crystals of oxalic acid.


Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with

Our impressions. It looked very attractive due to its dark cherry color. It turned out to be very tasteless, astringent, it was difficult and unpleasant to swallow it, it left a salty aftertaste. The smell of rotten vegetables emanated from the fruit, the spectrum of options was wide: from the aroma of rotten melon to the same rotted grapes.

Ripe fruit... Pointed ovoid berries, with orange, tomato-colored or purplish-red shiny skin, often with dark stripes. The pulp should be yellowish-red in color with a sour taste and plum consistency, slightly sour taste.

Use. Ripe berries are eaten with a spoon straight from the peel, sprinkled with sugar, tamarilla slices are used in fruit salads, and stewed fruits are eaten as vegetables.

Utility. Contains a large amount of vitamins A, B6, C and E, iron, potassium, no cholesterol and sodium. Can be eaten by those who suffer from frequent migraines.


Consults Alexander Martynchuk, candidate of medical science, nutritionist, gastroenterologist of the Alkat Medical Center:

Exotic fruits, of course, contain a significant proportion of vitamins, like any other. Vitamins of group C prevail, since most of them are citrus fruits. But potentially "exotics" are more allergenic for our residents. This can be explained by the fact that initially our body has adapted to the assimilation of "local" products. Plus, there is a so-called "block" in relation to the assimilation of certain useful substances: this means that even the usual fruits should not be eaten in kilograms, only the part necessary for the body will be assimilated.

As for the "exotic", the saturation with them occurs even faster - for example, if you need to eat 3-4 apples a day to get a certain dose of nutrients, then one overseas fruit is enough, or even less. That is, you can, of course, eat them, but you should not overdo it. And it is especially worth being careful with the use of exotic fruits for young children (first of all for "diathesis"), elderly people: they have a reduced ability to assimilate them. Pregnant women should not experiment either: the baby's reaction to a “curiosity” can be unpredictable.

I hope this information will help you understand the "which is what" in exotic fruits and fruits and make the right decision in their choice and method of preparation.

Bon appetit, everyone!
With all due respect ...
Not all these I tried fruit. But those that I tried, I ate in the homeland of their growth, since I lived in the tropics for 10 years. Therefore, I know the real taste and smell of pineapple, mango, avocado, pepino, guayaba, carom, pitaya and many others that we do not have.
The review, especially in the section "Our impressions", is absolutely useless due to the lack of normal tropical fruits in Russian supermarkets. What is - either immature or rotten. And the methods of ripening these products are unfamiliar to our consumers, and they do not understand the degree of maturity of what they have bought.
And I will never buy tropical fruits (even avocados) in Russian supermarkets. This is a waste of money.
MashaI can only be happy for you
You were so lucky to taste exotic in the original, ripe, fresh, from a bush-tree
But this does not mean that we, the "laymen", need to slap their lips in such a tone
Well, we have no other fruits! No and never will! And to go for a drive around the world ... today the dollar with the euro is not ordered
And we are glad that at least in this way we can choose the best from rot and enjoy the garbage.

Oh, forgive us beggars, generously
Tatyana, thanks for the topic.
Macha, so educate about what you know, I think there will be more benefits than just criticism
Quote: Admin

Well, we have no other fruits! No and never will!

And it is not necessary It is not for nothing that there is such an opinion that all products are useful only in the place of their growth. I agree on this issue with Macha, tropical fruits in Thailand or the Dominican Republic have nothing to do with those that are sold in our supermarkets And honestly, there is nothing (!) extraordinary in these fruits, well, they are no better than our apples, plums, apricots, watermelons and melons , that is, what grows in our homeland
Quote: Admin

And we are glad that at least in this way we can choose the best from rot and enjoy the garbage.

Therefore, I'd rather buy our domestic products, but I won't choose from rot
Quote: LanaG

Tatyana, thanks for the topic.
Macha, so educate about what you know, I think there will be more benefits than just criticism
What's the point?
I already wrote - buying tropical fruits in our supermarkets is a waste of money. That was advice. And it is quite true that an additional burden on immunity. It is advisable to consume territorially "own" fruits, moreover, seasonal. Tasting delicious tropical fruits from our retail chains is a surefire way to get a perverse picture of them. What this topic proves.
Quote: Admin

MashaI can only be happy for you
You were so lucky to taste exotic in the original, ripe, fresh, from a bush-tree
But this does not mean that we, the "laymen", need to slap their lips in such a tone
Well, we have no other fruits! No and never will! And to go for a drive around the world ... today the dollar with the euro is not ordered
And we are glad that at least in this way we can choose the best from rot and enjoy the garbage.

Oh, forgive us beggars, generously
Inexpressibly, you surprised me with your reaction. Fuck ... As if I am to blame for the circumstances of the life of our fellow citizens ...
Quote: Kara

Therefore, I'd rather buy our domestic products, but I won't choose from rot

Well, "out of rot" and I will never choose, sorry. What is the question - this is the answer, this is the reaction to Masha's post, her own words
A strange reaction Masha said as it really is. What is sold in our stores is either really rotten (most of the listed fruits have a shelf life of several days and then under strictly observed conditions, and who observes these conditions during transportation?), Or is processed with such a number of chemicals that we do not have anything but harm will bring. I'm talking about exotic tropical fruits right now.

For comparison, for example, summer Uzbek and Turkish tomatoes, which are sold in our stores in winter. That's about the same with exotic fruits
Quote: Macha

Fuck ... As if I am to blame for the circumstances of the life of our fellow citizens ...

You need to freak out with what words you are addressing to us, putting our fellow citizens in a row with garbage cans
In this situation, it is better to just keep quiet tactfully than to flaunt yourself.
Well, we traveled, ate exotics, well, okay, waking up - otherwise, it seems like we don't understand exotics, we sit here and lick our lips ... I can say about myself that I managed to taste ripe mango and other delights of the southern regions, which is why I and I have a love for them, even for the imported "rotten" ones, I learned to choose and keep them.

Indeed, it would be better to tell us interesting things about these exotic fruits, how and with what to eat them, prepare, what dishes to eat ... and we (fellow citizens) ourselves will decide whether to try exotic or not to try
GIRLS, let's stop at this - a well-fed does not understand a hungry person, so the squabble will continue

If Masha would like to give us advice on the use of exotic - please, wait.
Quote: Kara

or treated with so many chemicals that it will not do us anything other than harm. I'm talking about exotic tropical fruits right now.

For comparison, for example, summer Uzbek and Turkish tomatoes, which are sold in our stores in winter. That's about the same with exotic fruits
Incidentally, these chemicals prevent unripe fruits from ripening normally. Those begin to either rot or wither.
Take everyone's favorite avocado, for example. I understand that for many it is a favorite component of salads. Therefore, I will write about him. I can write how to try to ripen it, if anyone is interested, but the taste is still "identical to natural", but it will be soft.
When I read the Avocado Dice Recipe, I say goodbye to that recipe, just as I would not eat (as an adult) a green plum or a green apple.
Ripe avocado is smeared like butter at room temperature and the taste is so self-sufficient that it does not really need additives. I just cut it into 2 parts, from one I take out the bone, the other into the refrigerator with the bone (then the cut will not darken, but the taste will become more watery than that of the fresh one (and it’s not a fact that I want to finish it). whisk with a fork, straight, in the skin - that's breakfast.

Added Sunday, October 09, 2016 7:09 PM

Quote: Macha

With all due respect ...
Not all these I tried fruit. But those that I tried, I ate in the homeland of their growth, since I lived in the tropics for 10 years. Therefore, I know the real taste and smell of pineapple, mango, avocado, pepino, guayaba, carom, pitaya and many others that we do not have.
The review, especially in the section "Our impressions", is absolutely useless due to the lack of normal tropical fruits in Russian supermarkets. What is - either immature or rotten. And the methods of ripening these products are unfamiliar to our consumers, and they do not understand the degree of maturity of what they have bought.
And I will never buy tropical fruits (even avocados) in Russian supermarkets. This is a waste of money.
Admin, what words in this post are offensive to Russians?
Not as offensive to you personally as TS. You insist that I have offended the Russian consumer. Highlight them if your honor on the forum is dear to you.
Quote: Admin

You need to freak out with what words you are addressing to us, putting our fellow citizens in a row with garbage cans
In this situation, it is better to just keep quiet tactfully than to flaunt yourself.
Well, we traveled, ate exotics, well, okay, waking up - otherwise, it seems like we do not understand exotics, we sit here and lick our lips ... About myself I can say that I managed to taste ripe mango and other delights of the southern regions, why I and I have a love for them, even for the imported "rotten" ones, I learned to choose and keep them.
At this point, I will say to myself: the second time you strive to hurt me, using your position on the forum and immediately turn off the conversation, believing that it is permissible to leave the interlocutor "flown around".
I did not go for exotic things. I have been working with my husband in the tropics for 10 years. If you want to get to know tropical malaria first-hand and live apart from children and parents - welcome to us for authentic tropical fruits. Only you are unlikely to survive the first paint brushes at your age.
It is sad to be disappointed in people.
And my family doesn't like the avocado, which has reached the state of warm butter. We need this fruit to be easy to cut into large cubes, and juice should stand out from under the knife.
Quote: Erhan

And my family doesn't like avocados that have reached the state of warm butter. We need this fruit to be easy to cut into large cubes, and juice should stand out from under the knife.
It just means that you and your family are consuming unripe avocados. Like many who do not live in the places where they grow. There is nothing wrong with that. The nutritional value of an unripe fruit is not what nutritionists claim, but no one died from this ...
By the way, it is traditionally considered the most delicious varieties of dark-colored avocados, and I prefer large, thin-cored green ones, but this is not a transportable variety for trade.

And a few words about papaya. Green papaya is a powerful meat softener. You can grate it and leave the meat in it for a couple of hours - the effect is stronger than that of any marinade we know. It is undesirable to keep it longer - the meat can disintegrate into fibers. In general, the use of papaya is very wide - both mature and unripe. From unripe they still make a salad like we do from radish ...
Papaya (ripe) is excellent for lifting postoperative patients when it is not yet desirable for them to eat after abdominal operations. And right after giving birth. Which is done where it grows.
And papaya seeds, if dried and ground, can replace black pepper.
But all this for Russians is not of particular value due to the high cost, exoticism of tropical fruits, and the poor quality of the available ones ...
Much more interesting things can be written from local experience. But it is pointless - for example, the fruit of the baobab is pure vitamin C, even to the taste. Where can I get them?
It looks like pieces of foam, it tastes like ascorbic acid. And a treat for kids. I was surprised to see how in a restaurant (buffet) a local kid not from a poor family did not look at beautiful puddings and cakes, but put pieces of "foam" in his plate ...
Admin, Tatyana, I think it is not correct to start this topic, constantly living in the central zone of the Russian Federation.Even if money allows you to buy goods in the ABC of Taste, it's still not that ... Tatyana, no offense!!!
Macha, we have an avocado growing here. Last year I even planted it in my dacha, but during my long absence in the summer, my husband flooded the seedlings.
Quote: Macha
(even avocado).
I love it, but I rarely take it just because of immaturity, I don't like hard ones, but to take it with a spoon - you rarely buy it in stores, and at home it doesn't always come *

a friend brought from Holland very dark, not large avocadins, soft and creamy, and while she was staying there, she ate them with great pleasure, although, perhaps, European exotic fruits are far from perfect

much, presented by Tanya in the review, can be replaced to taste with our berries and fruits, and there is nothing to replace avocado

and we don't take our garden tomatoes completely ripe from the bush, the pumpkin does not always ripen in the garden, more often, due to weather conditions, we can eat only local early-ripening apples, pears-plums-apricots-grapes are also more often bought imported from the south

as a review - very interesting
probably - a review of our cucumbers and potatoes for a resident of the Congo will also be of interest

we lived in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan - carrots, beets, cabbage and potatoes - not at all the same as in central Russia - dry and not large, they are hot there, the ground is very hard

Added on Monday 10 Oct 2016 08:31 AM

I think that Tanya opened the topic for a reason

there was a person on the forum who knew not by hearsay about exotic fruits-berries and told us about them

we rejoice at interesting fruits, we try to treat the children, or maybe we don't need to spend money, but buy more familiar ones, although they are more imported than local

This year (our two or two apple trees died in the same year) I discovered jam made from zucchini and carrots, though with the help of oranges and lemons - it turned out to be such a tasty treat, even if you tie your hands so that you don't take a spoon

there is never a lot of knowledge, and knowledge from personal experience is the most valuable, thank you Macha

Quote: Umka19

Admin, Tatyana, I think it is not correct to start this topic, constantly living in the central zone of the Russian Federation. Even if money allows you to shop in the ABC of Taste, it's still not that ... Tatyana, no offense!!!

Luda, no offense, but there are so many topics on the forum ... where have I never been I will not go, and even more so leave my opinion therebecause what appears there I will never eat, and I can not even hear about it
And this does not mean that such topics have no right to exist - these are the tastes of the authors of the topic, their food, which does not match my ideas about food.
This is what is called tact!

This the topic "Exotic fruits and what they are eaten with" is positive, especially for those who live in Russia, in the middle lane.
For those who love exotic fruits, and allow themselves to buy them at the price that the supermarket offers, if it can for financial reasons, or on the days of promotions - everyone has his own. I also do not neglect promotions and discounts, since the supermarket often sells exotic items only in order not to overstock it.

I opened this topic just to introduce members of the forum to exotic fruits, just to know what they are
The topic is positive
There are other topics with recipes, for example, with my author's recipes:
Mango, passion fruit and other exotic fruits (such mysterious fruits!))
Avocado - what kind of animal is it?
There will be a desire - come in, see, share your recipes
For those who consider this topic tactless, there is another topic. No i didn't like it , the first title of the theme was "Ugh, I didn't like it"

Quote: Irsha
probably - a review of our cucumbers and potatoes for a resident of the Congo will also be of interest
You will probably be surprised, but in the Congo and in the neighboring countries they grow all year round: tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, grapes, strawberries, spinach, ordinary potatoes, sweet potatoes , cassava, etc. I did not list everything from the usual. This is all in the region of + - 20 degrees from the equator. And where the change of seasons is more pronounced - there are plums and apple trees, persimmon. For example, in South Africa. This country provides itself with a good income from excellent agricultural. exports to nearby countries, which is not surprising - there are many white farmers.

Added on Monday 10 Oct 2016 11:33 PM

Quote: Erhan

Macha, we have an avocado growing here. Last year, I even planted it in my dacha, but during my long absence in the summer, my husband flooded the seedlings.
And what about tall avocados in Turkey?
They are just like oaks here. The whole courtyard is covered with a crown. Even the mangeira (mango trees) are lower.
I ate pepino in Turkey, several varieties, a very interesting fruit. When I went on an "excursion" to the ABC of Taste in Tyumen, I bought it to treat my mother with a curiosity. It was such a tasteless thing
Quote: Macha
And what about tall avocados in Turkey?
Yes, I saw huge spreading trees on the territory of the Citrus Research Institute. But I was also in the garden, where there were about a hundred abundantly fruiting trees no more than three meters high. The height of the trees is regulated by shaping and pruning.
Quote: Erhan

Yes, I saw huge spreading trees on the territory of the Citrus Research Institute. But I was also in the garden, where there were about a hundred abundantly fruiting trees no more than three meters high. The height of the trees is controlled by shaping and pruning.
Thanks for the answer. I have not seen industrial plantations.

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