
A short kitchen dictionary for kids

Cooking is a cooking method in which the product is heated in water, juice, broth, milk or steam. All products can be cooked. Salt is added to vegetables at the beginning of cooking, then vitamins are preserved in them. It is necessary to ensure that the vegetables are not boiled, - with prolonged cooking, their nutritional value decreases. Salt is added to the meat at the end of the cooking so that there is less foam. We eat meat and vegetable broths. Pasta and cereals should be placed in boiling water, salt is added at the beginning of cooking.

Steam cooking... Juicy foods are steamed: early potatoes, carrots, etc. Food prepared in this way is very tasty and rich in vitamins. Boiling water is at the bottom of the pan, food is on a metal mesh above the water. The water is boiled with the lid closed. The food is softened in hot steam. Cooking takes longer than in water. Care must be taken that the water does not boil away.

Whisk manual or mechanical (mixer) for preparing drinks and various dishes, whipping or mixing.

Whipping... When whipping, air gets into the food, as a result of which the volume of the product increases, the color becomes lighter and the taste is softer. Cream is whipped if it contains 35% fat. The cream should be cold, we can quickly beat them with a whisk. A glass jar with blades attached to the lid works best for this. Sugar is added to the cream at the beginning of the whipping.

Add a few crystals of salt or citric acid to the egg whites and beat them with a broom until the protein raised by the broom hardens without dripping. Add sugar to the already beaten protein. Then beat it again to dissolve the sugar.

Add sugar to the egg yolks, grind with a wooden spoon until the sugar dissolves and the egg yolk brightens.

Before whipping, the butter should be kept in a warm room for several hours so that it becomes soft. If we forgot to do this, then heat the bowl and lightly dust the butter with flour. Then rub it with a wooden spoon. When preparing the butter cream, add some powdered sugar to the butter - ordinary sugar does not dissolve in butter.

Whisk semolina and other ready-made sweet dishes with a strong whisk.

For whipping with a metal whisk, take a clay or faience bowl; when rubbed with a wooden spoon, the bowl may be enameled, but not a single type of food can be whipped in an aluminum bowl - this would spoil the color of the dish.

Pouring in cereals into a boiling liquid when cooking soup or porridge is made from a cup or paper roll. So the cereal mixes more evenly with the liquid. While pouring, stir the food with a wooden spoon.

Squeezing lemon juice... If we only need a little lemon juice, then make a hole in the zest with the tip of a knife. To squeeze out all the juice, cut the lemon across into 2 parts and squeeze the juice with your hands or with a lemon squeezer. The juice will be squeezed out better if you keep the lemon warm and knead it with your hands before that.

Baking is cooking in a dry heat oven. They bake black and white bread, pies, cakes.

Frying - This is cooking in a small or large amount of hot fat. First of all, heat the pan, then put the fat on it. Place the product to be fried in the heated fat, let it brown on one side and turn to the other side. If the pan is cold or too much food is placed on it, it will not cook well.

Soak consists in placing food in water to soften them (beans, peas), reduce salt or bitterness (salted meat, mushrooms). We eat water from soaking fruits and peas, pour out water from soaking mushrooms, beans and salted meat.

Baking consists in frying food over a fire, hot coals or in an electric grill. You can bake whole chicken and fish, or pieces of food skewered or wrapped in foil. Food softens faster over a fire than in a skillet.

Refueling Is the improvement of the taste of food by adding the right amount of seasonings. It is important to remember that seasonings are easy to add, but it is impossible to reduce their amount later. Therefore, it is better to let the food taste softer, and serve the seasonings on the table so that everyone can add them at will.

Greens - leaves of dill, parsley, celery, feathers of green onions and chives - contains many vitamins and other useful substances. It is added to all salty dishes when they are ready.

Grinding products produced by rubbing, chopping or using a meat grinder. Chopped products are used to prepare salads, cutlets, casseroles and pâtés.

Boiling... When water and juice boil, bubbles appear in the liquid, which rise to the surface and, seething, release steam into the air. Thus, boiling can be identified by fluid movement and bubbling. The milk, starting to boil, suddenly rises under the influence of steam bubbles and runs over the edge of the pan. To prevent this from happening, put the milk “watchman” on the bottom of the pan - a metal disk that keeps the milk moving.

Roots... Most often we use carrots, parsley, celery, onions, leeks for dressing food. They give a particularly good taste to food if they are stewed in a chopped form in fat. It is imperative to ensure that they do not burn.

It is better to chop onions by a hot stove or by an open window - then we will not have to cry over it.

Marinade Is an acidic liquid prepared with vinegar or sour juice and seasonings, in which vegetables, mushrooms, fish and other products are stored.

Pickling - This is the preservation of products in an acidic marinade. Apples, pears and berries are boiled in sweet, mushrooms and vegetables in a salted marinade. Prepared fish and boiled beets are simply poured with marinade. Raw meat is also marinated so that it softens faster during cooking: the meat is poured with cold marinade, kept in it for several hours or longer, and then the meat dish is prepared.

Morse - a cold drink made from sour juice, sugar and water. It is called by the type of juice: lemon, apple, cranberry, raspberry juice.

Dishwashing... Immediately fill the dirty bowl with water, because then, when the food remains dry, it will be difficult to wash it. Throw the rest into the trash can immediately. The dishes should be washed with warm running water or in two bowls. Then it's better to add dishwashing detergent to the first bowl. In the second bowl with hotter water, quickly rinse the dishes and put them on the wire rack to dry, let the water drain. We immediately dry glasses, forks and knives with a towel.

Meat grinder is intended for grinding large quantities of meat, fish and vegetables when cooking cutlets and casseroles.

Stringing products on a metal or wooden skewer. In this form, you can serve vegetables, sausage and ham to the table. Crumbly and too strong products (boiled fish, dry biscuits) are not suitable for stringing. We bake raw meat or fresh fish, skewered with vegetables on a metal skewer.

Cutting... We cut the bread with a large knife or a special bread file with notches. It is especially good for cutting soft bread with it. An ordinary knife only flattens it. It is better to cut the meat with a sharp knife across the fibers. Cut the cakes and pies with a thin long sharp knife dipped in hot water.

We cut other products into pieces on a cutting board, not by weight.Use a sharp knife to cut pieces of the required size so that they do not have to be cut again. A large sharp knife is suitable for this; vegetables can also be cut with a serrated knife to produce pieces with serrated edges.

Rubbing consists in grinding food with a manual or electric grater. We rub vegetables with small or large straws, bread - very finely. For lemon, we rub only a thin yellow layer of zest for taste, since its white part is bitter.

Filling Is a product or a delicious soft mixture of foods that is put into pancakes, pies, vegetables or meat. For the filling, cottage cheese, jam, minced meat, pâté and many other chopped products are suitable.

Uncooked food is prepared from uncooked foods, especially vegetables or milk, such as fresh salads and yogurt soups.

Leftovers... Various residues remain when cleaning and unpacking food. We collect them on specially prepared paper and throw it into the trash can or into the garbage chute.

Cleaning consists in removing the hard, unsuitable part of the food. Before cleaning, we will wash vegetables and potatoes from the ground, remove the peel with a thin layer, since there are many valuable nutrients directly under it. After cleaning, rinse them in clean water. Before cooking, vegetables should be kept dry and potatoes should be placed in cold water, otherwise they will darken.

Moisten the onion with warm water so that its thin skin becomes softer. Almonds should be kept in boiling water for a while, then the peel will easily come off.

Pate is a soft, oily mixture made from liver, meat or fish and oil. You can quickly make a pate from ham, cheese, smoked fish.

Boil over... If the food starts to boil very strongly, then it easily boils over. The stove gets dirty, you have to do a lot of unnecessary work. To prevent this from happening, bring the food to a boil and remove the foam by removing the lid from the pan. Then we continue to cook over low heat so that there are few bubbles. Now it is better to cover the pot with a lid, but if the food begins to boil over, remove the lid and adjust the burner flame so that the food boils slightly under the lid. Sprinkle the boil over on the stove with salt and quickly rub it with a brush. Overboiling of milk can be prevented with the help of a milk “watchman” - a special metal disc.

Burnt food... If it happens that the food burns, then quickly pour or transfer it to another dish, separating the burnt part. Fill the pot in which the food has stuck to the bottom with cold water, add detergent and wash it after a while.

Preparatory work... Before we start preparing food, let's imagine the whole course of work. We will carefully read the recipe, prepare all the necessary products and kitchen utensils. Prepare the products: peel the vegetables, wash and cut, rinse and dry the raisins, chop the seasonings. To prepare hot meals, melt the stove and place a pot of water on it for cooking and washing dishes.

Semi-finished products are half-finished dishes that you just need to fry or add water and boil. The store sells dumplings, meatballs, cutlets, doughs, canned soups and soup concentrates. Convenience foods make cooking much easier.

A portion Is the amount of food for one person. Meat and fish are cut into portions.

Burnout... Food that is cooked with little liquid will often burn. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cook over low heat, making sure that the amount of liquid is sufficient. Stir with a wooden spoon. When boiling milk, lower the milk “watchman” into a saucepan, or pre-moisten the bottom of the dish with water, or heat a little oil so that it covers the bottom.

TO seasonings include table salt vinegar, spices, herbs, spicy vegetables and herbs. They make food taste good.

Boiling is a short-term cooking of salty, bitter or sour foods in abundant water. Salted meat, mushrooms, millet are boiled. The broth is not consumed.

Screening... To remove pieces from the flour and to make the bun and cake dough work better, sift the flour. Sprinkle the pies and buns with powdered sugar through a sieve, then the sugar layer will be more even and beautiful.

Straining is the draining of water from food. Drain the potatoes, holding the slightly pushed back lid with tacks. We put the sorrel, spinach and pasta in a colander. When filtering the broth, place a colander or sieve over a bowl.

Spices - These are plants with a strong taste, growing mainly in tropical countries, which are used in our country as seasonings. Pepper, bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg are most commonly added to food.

Black and white peppers are available for sale. Black pepper is the unripe fruit of the pepper, white pepper is obtained by peeling ripe peppercorns.

The spices are sold in grains, crushed and in large chunks (peppercorns, cinnamon bark, ginger root, etc.). The spices added in chunks are boiled in food for some time. With prolonged cooking, they spoil the taste of food, so after a while they need to be removed. For cooking in marinades, spices are often tied in cheesecloth to make them easier to remove. The spice in powder is added to ready-made dishes, to the dough or sprinkled with them on pieces of meat and fish.

Spicy sauces ("East", "South", "Indian", etc.) are prepared from soy puree with the addition of a large amount of spices and roots. Ketchup is a spicy sauce based on tomato or paprika puree. Sugar, spices, vinegar and herbs are added for flavor.

Spicy plants. Many plants have a particularly strong and pleasant taste, which is why we add their leaves, stems, roots or fruits to our food. The most famous of them are cumin, mint, and garlic.

Puree - This is a semi-liquid food for which boiled foods are chopped or rubbed through a sieve. Apple, berry and vegetable products are sold in cans. To make mashed soups, mix milk, water or broth with mashed potatoes.

Egg breaking... Break the eggshell in the middle against the edge of the bowl and, holding the egg in the bunk with the bowl, separate the shell. If we need to separate the white from the yolk, then we will keep the egg in an upright position: then the white will flow out, and the yolk will remain in the shell. You need to beat the egg in a separate bowl or cup, because it can turn out to be rotten and ruin the whole dish in this case.

Baking powder... Loose bun dough with yeast. We dilute them in warm liquid, add flour and other products, put them in a warm place for several hours so that the dough comes up. Soda is used for pancakes, biscuits and baked goods. Mix it with flour and add it to the dough just before baking. Together with baking soda, take yogurt or add a little vinegar or acetic acid to the dough. Without acid, baking soda will give baked goods an unpleasant taste.

Dissolution consists in mixing two or more products to such an extent that it is difficult or impossible to separate them from each other. Sugar and salt dissolve in water and milk, after which the liquid becomes sweet or salty. Flour and starch do not dissolve, they only mix and precipitate during storage.

Melting - this is the transition of a solid product into a liquid state under the influence of heat. We soften the oil by holding it on the stove or in a warm room. When melting, add a little milk to the chocolate and stir after that. Before cooking, put the frozen meat in a cool place for thawing, cook the fish without thawing. We eat berries and fruits frozen.

Recipe contains instructions for preparing a food or drink.It contains a list of the necessary products, their quantity and the method of preparation.

Cabin is chopping food with a knife on a cutting board or with special devices. Chopped foods can be mixed with food and sprinkled on ready meals; they are evenly distributed in food. There are special devices for chopping mushrooms, onions and nuts. Cut the green onions and parsley on a cutting board with a sharp knife first in half and only then chop finely. Can be chopped with scissors.

Napkin made of cloth or paper is intended for wiping lips and fingers, it is placed on a table or on a plate.

Powdered sugar is a very fine, flour-like powder that is sprinkled on pies and rolls. Powdered sugar can be made from regular granulated sugar by crushing it. Lumpy icing sugar must be sieved.

Juice with pulp made from berries, vegetables and fruits. It can be used to prepare various drinks and meals.

"Watchman" of milk is a metal disc, thanks to which milk is always in motion during boiling, and therefore does not boil over or burn ..

Drying... Food is often too wet after washing or boiling. In this case, they must be dried. Boiled potatoes, draining the water, hold for some time without a lid on the edge of the stove, then the water will evaporate and the potatoes will dry out. Discard the washed raisins on a towel or thick paper. After removing the shell, ignite the almonds for a while in a pan on a hot stove.

Extinguishing is a slow cooking of products in order to soften them in their own juice or in a small amount of liquid with the addition of seasonings and fat. The dishes for stewing should be tightly closed with a heavy lid, then steam does not escape, and nutrients and vitamins are stored in the food.

Decoration... Dishes are decorated only with edible additives: herbs of spicy plants, slices of tomato, cucumber, eggs, radishes and fruits. For decoration and at the same time for taste, food is sent with crushed nuts, chopped chocolate or candied fruit.

Cookie molding... Sprinkle flour on the table and rolling pin, roll out the dough into a thin layer. The bottom edge of the mold should be dipped in flour from time to time, then the dough will not stick to it.

Candied fruit - This is lemon or orange peel, fruit slices or berries, boiled in sugar syrup and then dried. Candied fruit is added to sweet dishes or pies for flavor and decoration.

Essence Is a liquid with a very strong taste and smell, which is added dropwise to food. Rum, almond, lemon, vanilla and other essences are produced.

Masso S. Children's cookbook. 1986 year

For children: preparation for culinary feats

Before going to the kitchen, put on well-washable clothes that are not saturated with kitchen odors. It is better if it is light - then you can immediately see when it gets dirty.

Most comfortable in a dress with short sleeves or a blouse. Long sleeves get dirty quickly and it is hot to cook hot food in these clothes.

You should always wear an apron in the kitchen, because even with all the precautions, clothes get dirty here, and washing an apron is much easier than a dress.

There are different aprons, we can choose any, but on one condition - the apron must be with a pocket.

You can sew yourself:

- a small apron that covers only the lower v part of the dress;

a larger apron with straps that completely covers the front of the dress;

- a reversible apron that covers the dress both in the front and in the back;

- a robe apron that is worn like a coat. It is not necessary to wear a dress under it.

A woolen dress and a jacket are not suitable for the kitchen, because they are especially difficult to wash.

We put on a headscarf or hat, matching the color of the apron Then the hair will not get into the food and will not be saturated with the smell of food.When preparing cold dishes, you can simply tie your hair up with a ribbon.

In order to lift hot dishes, we need oven mitts or oven mitts. They can be made from cotton or knitted from paper yarn, since wool gives off a bad smell when it comes into contact with hot. To keep the mittens always at hand, it is better to put them in your pocket or attach them with a ribbon to the apron.

There should be light slippers on our feet so that our feet don't get tired, because in the kitchen we mostly work standing up.

For children: we observe safety precautions in the kitchen

The kitchen must be clean and tidy, otherwise the food can get dirty. Before you start cooking, wash your hands. Wipe them off with a clean towel prepared in advance.

We will prepare the necessary tools and products so that later we do not interrupt work and do not waste time searching.

Wash raw vegetables thoroughly with cold water before cleaning and peel them off with a thin layer. We put the cleanings on paper or a plate, then wrap them in paper and throw them into a waste bin or garbage chute. Wash the peeled vegetables again and put them in a bowl. Put the potatoes in water, because without water it darkens.

Cut the food on a cutting board, bending your fingers so as not to cut yourself with a knife.

We put salt and seasonings in food with a teaspoon, then we will know exactly their amount.

We taste food with a teaspoon - then it does not burn the mouth and the taste is felt better than if you use a ladle or a wooden spoon.

Wash the used dishes immediately or fill them with water.

We put hot items and dishes on a wire rack or plate, and not directly on the table, because hot dishes can ruin the coating.

You need to wipe the table and wash the dishes with different rags or brushes. After use, we will wash them with warm water, wring out the rags, straighten them and hang them to dry, otherwise they will remain damp and smell bad.

For children: how to set the table

The table should be set beautifully for both your family and guests, then the food will seem tastier and please us.

If parents are at work, we will set the table for ourselves, brothers and sisters. We will also treat dolls, friends and everyone at home.

On a weekday, you don't need to cover the table with a tablecloth. On special occasions, the table is covered only with a clean, well-ironed tablecloth or napkins. They can be monochromatic or variegated.

We will arrange the dishes so that everyone is comfortable. We will put a plate for each so that it is slightly away from the edge of the table. If the plate protrudes over the edge of the table, it can be easily overturned.

We will arrange all the cutlery so that it is convenient to take them: on the right are those items that we take with our right hand: a glass, a cup, a spoon, a knife. There should be a bread plate and a fork to the left of the plate.

Decorate the table with low short small flowers or branches. On a solemn occasion - on a birthday, on women's day and during other holidays - you can put colorful ribbons and other decorations on the table.

We will place thin paper napkins on the table so that they look beautiful: they can be folded in different ways, pulled through the eyelet of a cup or beautifully arranged in a glass.

We mark the places with cards with names and drawn or cut pictures.

Branches with cones and candles are suitable for the New Year's table.

Masso S. Children's cookbook. 1986 year

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