Oh, just the question that interests me. I also bought a bread pan today. It is necessary to measure the volume, but it is less than L7.
Alevtina, I understood correctly that you start the main program, take out the dough in 2 hours, but do not turn off the program, put the dough in the mold, the mold is in the HP and it continues to work and bakes. Or do you need to turn off the program, put the form with the dough and turn on the "Baking" program?
Irina., I do not reset any program. I start and bake on the 1st program. No, not in two hours I take out the bucket with the bun from the bread machine, but immediately after the first kneading I move the dough into the L7 form., On the scoreboard at this time the first program shows the numbers 2.00. And I put form L7 in the bread maker. I do not have a second workout. Rather, in 1.40 HP it tries to do a kneading, but the bucket with a stirrer is not. And there is already 20 minutes as the form L7. I bake from start with kneading to bake on the first program. I do not use any other modes. Only 15-20 minutes before the end of the standard program, I take out an already baked brick from the HP.
Alevtina, Thank you!!! Now everything is clear to me.
I measured my shape, 1.5 liters. In the store, it seems, they said that 500 grams. of bread.
Creamy, exactly 1400 ml of water fit into my form! Its weight is 490 grams. One of these days I will try your recipe, thanks a lot! While I baked a pumpkin curd cake in it in HP, I liked it very much, the classic muffin shape turned out, only the barrels stuck, although I greased and sprinkled it ... Do you sprinkle it with flour? Or dough right on the marganrine? Do you have the same amount of water in the mold?
Quote: Creamy
Here I have a five-minute batter from Anis.
Creamy please tell us more about the recipe!
What a creative mind you have!
b]Jenealis [/ b], specially hung up her L7. The weight turned out to be 588 grams. My L7 contains 1,840 milliliters of water. At first, and sometimes I sometimes stick to the new form of bread. But then the small pores on the mold got clogged from the lubricant and all the bricks have long been popping up perfectly. I grease the mold with a brush with natural bristles. I bought a cheap, nondescript, but very high-quality brush with a long elastic high-quality, always natural bristles in a fashion store. Discard sparse, thin, thin bristles on the brush. The bristles should be long. thick, and very elastic! The brush is called a flute, The width of my brush is 4 cm, at a hardware store, look for a quarter inch or one and a half inch wide flange brush. You don't need a brush wider than an inch and a half, because it will no longer be able to crawl into narrow molds like mini-cakes. At my brush bristle thickness 13 mm... The brush is cool. I have been using it for the third year already. As soon as I bought this brush, I have never washed it. At all. And I'm not going to wash away the grease. And the fat on my brush doesn't bother me at all, because my brush always lives only in the freezer. I put the dough to knead. She took out the mold and brush from the freezer. In 15 minutes, the brush on the bristles is hot and I smear the mold or forms. I grease it with margarine, and now I grease it with a spray, which in the store is proudly called sweet butter with gost, but at a price of 90 rudders for a 500 gram package. Could it be butter at such a price for a pound of weight? Pure spread! And just wonderful as a lubricant! I grease the L7 form every other time, that is, I have enough grease for two baked goods. And I also grease the baking trays with this supposedly butter.
And here is a photo of my cheap and unattractive-looking, but at the same time extremely nimble and convenient brush for smearing shapes.

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

And here is the remarkable thickness of the bristles that froze from the freezer, as much as 13 mm!

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

After lubricating the molds, the brush is immediately sent to the freezer.

This is how, as in any business, the success of bakery consists of many pre-planned details.
Kokoschka, but I don't even know what to say according to the recipe for cakes. The recipe is strictly author's, no deviations. It's just that HP Panasonic is a wonderful stove and a successful dough recipe from Anis, for my part - I just baked it, no tricks.
Creamy, and where is this recipe?
Creamy, I am fascinated by your notions: girl_love: I bought L7 and two more small ones for Borodinsky, conveniently, a year ago!
I need to keep an eye on the round one!
Thanks for the link went to read!
Creamy, thank you very much for such a detailed excellent answer! I will definitely find such a brush, I found the shape)) so the question did not disappear, but now with an edge, it turns out I need to reduce the dough ... but how? how much? If my form is less than 400 ml, please, tell me which factor to apply? I can then recount your recipe in Excel. And the question is, is the coefficient to liquid and dry in common? So you want a brick, not a huge cobblestone
Jenealis, everything is correct - calculated by proportion. I have found the correct factor for you. It is equal to 0.76. I recalculated the recipe for the volume of your form.

Flour - 228 grams

Water - 145-150 ml

Sugar - 0.75 tablespoon CP

Salt - 0.75 teaspoon CP

Raw yeast - exactly 4 grams (no more!)

Oil - 0.5 tablespoons CP

The finished loaf of baked bread will weigh 340 grams, with a weight error of 5 grams, plus or minus. I wish you success!

I will wait for the baked bread report. Honestly, I haven't seen the L9 form in my eyes.
: girl_claping: thanks !!!!!!! I will definitely unsubscribe. Today I had to bake a cobblestone, as soon as we finish eating, I will immediately create yours! Very moved by your concern, you are a golden man! You give everything, from ideas to their implementation! Is 0.75 applicable to your rate, or to the standard M?
Creamy, oh, and yet, do not consider it an obsession, but in Sochi I can not find raw yeast, I bake it on dry, then there are 1/4 of them?
Quote: Jenealis

Is 0.75 applicable to your rate, or to the standard M?

How should this phrase be understood? What does "standard M" mean? I calculated the correct factor of 0.76 for the volume of your form. And the bread will turn out to be ordinary table. Bake on a light crust and weight M. But you need to monitor the color of the loaf's roof and get it out of the oven in time. The baking time is sought empirically. But the kolobok will be small and it will need your some help with a silicone spatula when kneading. And dry yeast is where you need it. In general, I strongly advise you to keep a culinary diary for baking. It helps me a lot when analyzing the result. I write down what I baked and the exact layout by grams. Then I write down the result. I'm starting to slightly change the recipe and baking methods - there will certainly be other baking results. draw conclusions, move towards the intended goal. Finally, you achieve the perfect taste of personally baked bread. You have adjusted the recipe to your shape, to your stove, to your taste preferences. You bake and enjoy the very action and result. Here it is, happiness is so simple.
Creamy, yes, I still baked according to the book, according to the instructions))) and there the bread is divided by size, so I thought ... But why think, do it! Thank you very much for the tips, they were very valuable to me. I think your advice will help a lot. Coming soon with a report!
Creamy, Alevtina, I posted a quote with a message about your brush with a photo in the topic about Nordic Ware bakeware, it is very relevant there. Thank you very much for the information and science!
Only now the girls had a question: can building brushes, when used, emit any glue or its pairs? Although, it seems to me that brushes with natural bristles are not glued, but pulled together with a strip of tin.
Today in the "Nash" supermarket I saw the brushes, as there are similar to the construction, but for the lubrication of the forms signed, a set of two pieces. By the way, I bought a porcelain baking dish or so there, it is included in Panasonic, rectangular in shape, but too low for classic bread.
marinastom, I specially made a large photo, where it is clearly visible that the brush handle is pure wood. and the bristle hair is natural. So what could be couples from?
Girls, hello. I haven't written in this Temka for a long time, but here it was again hyped like that

I haven't baked bread in a bucket for over two years. All the time in its ceramic mold on its construction stand.

Maybe someone will be interested. I have a Kenwood 450. I transfer the dough from the bucket to the mold after the second kneading. And I grease the mold with oil with my hand, after I wash and dry my hands I put my hand in a bag of flour, my hand is "flour" and then, unclenching my fingers, I "spray" flour in the form. Interestingly, I wrote it clearly.In general, if there is no brush, then it does not matter

And so with the dough, I take the recipe I like and recount it on a calculator under 300 g of flour. First it was Romin Italian, then with an apple from Qween, then on ripe dough from Deep.

But somewhere I picked up a recipe for bread with sour cream and it is currently my favorite:

290-300g flour
water 100 ml
sour cream 70g
butter 15g
yeast pressed 6g
sugar 15g
salt 5g
seeds to taste.

I suspect that the recipe based on which I am baking is from here, also from our Temka. And what do you think? I still don’t know who to thank for the recipe ...

Quote: LudMila

I, too, are now with you, lovers of bread of the usual shape!
Today I baked bread based on Sesame from first grade flour (250g) and whole grain wheat (50g), plus 45 g of sesame, Saf-moment yeast 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp, sugar and butter - 1 tbsp each. l. (eh, sorry, there was no sesame), added 1h just in case. l. gluten free. Water (with the remains of sour cream, in a package on the bottom, less than a tablespoon) 200 g.
Since the sesame seeds wanted to feel better, I decided to use a dispenser and baked on program 3.
Everything worked out!!!
And the crust is so thin, crispy ... The roof, however, was blown off a little on one side, so it was necessary to add some more flour.
Now - only in this form and I want to bake bread!
And she pulled it out without any problems, just grabbed it with a towel.
Thanks for the idea!

Here is one of the last photos of sour cream bread with sesame seeds and linseed

Non-standard forms at Panasonic
Quote: Creamy
So what could be couples from
I meant the glue that holds the bristles together in a bundle and, accordingly, its possible evaporation-discharge.
Oh, what a handsome man! you need to calculate the volume for yourself, I like with seeds. And I think he is not one of the tiny ones, just what the doctor is ...! Thank you
Quote: Jenealis

Oh, what a handsome man! you need to calculate the volume for yourself, I like with seeds. And I think he is not one of the tiny ones, just what the doctor ...! Thank you

Exactly it does not crumble very much and is rubber. Probably sour cream lets you know. If Creamy counted you 228 g of bread, then my recipe must be recalculated by multiplying each component by 0.75.
Quote: marinastom

I meant the glue that holds the bristles together in a bundle and, accordingly, its possible evaporation-discharge.
Today I forced my husband to look for a brush of flutes in all the shops, it turned out that there is no such brush anywhere ... But he bought another, said that he would cut as I needed, then I would report back. And about fumes, secretions ... But the creamy wrote that she lives in her freezer, there is no heating, why is there to evaporate? It seems to me that the problem is far-fetched, with the same success you can dissolve a dispute about silicone, plastic, microwaves, etc.
Glykoza, thanks, I will definitely recount, I will post the report. I love sour cream pastries very much, they are always tender tender
glykoza, it's a pity I'm not an IT specialist, it would be possible to register an online calculator on our website for recalculating recipes by volume. It would probably be convenient to just not always have a calculator at hand, but on a tablet it's dreary ...
I have been using these brushes for many years.I do not think that culinary brushes are made according to a different principle, even if they are glued together, then it is hardly with a special food glue.
Once I decided to buy a culinary brush, so the pile climbed out of it soooo that I immediately threw it away and never bought it again, only construction and of good quality.
Girls, yes, I have no doubt that the harm from this brush will be (if any) much less than the benefit. Simply conveyed the opinions of others.
PS. In general, I think that lately everyone has become overly obsessed with many unnecessary things (sterility, usefulness, etc., etc.) as applied to everyday life. And nature will certainly repay us for this. Alas.
Quote: Jenealis

glykoza, it's a pity I'm not an IT specialist, it would be possible to register an online calculator on our website for recalculating recipes by volume. It would probably be convenient to just not always have a calculator at hand, but on a tablet it's dreary ...

This can be offered to the moderators. If anything, I count on the phone.
And it seems to me that we have something similar on the forum for recounting recipes.
And I used to smear the mold with a regular cheap silicone brush. And then I came to the conclusion that it is easier for me to grab some lubricant with my hand and walk inside the form. Then I washed my pens with soap and a mustache. And my hands are so soft after the procedure, no cream is needed. )))
And I use a special non-stick lubricant from our forum. Here is:

1 cup flour
1 cup plastic fat (lard, cooking oil, ghee,)
1 cup vegetable oil

First, fat, butter and flour are mixed into a lumpy mixture, then beat for 2-3 minutes until the mass increases in volume by 2 times. The resulting cream is used to lubricate baking tins and baking trays. Apply with a brush, in a thin layer. Shelf life is one year at room temperature or in a refrigerator.
CreamyAlevtina I have a question for you?
Yesterday in the store I saw molds from a cake with a diameter of 16, it seems, after my measurements, it just fits in HP, but the metal is thin, do you think such a thin shape is suitable or is it still necessary to have a thicker wall like a frying pan ??
All I dream of baking a cake and looking closely
Kokoschka, Lily, I baked in this form
In the photo, it looks darker than it actually was.
Mona1, thank you very much for your answer, Tanechka, and what is her diameter? Probably 15 cm?
We will go to Auchan soon, I will look there!
I used to smear the mold with a regular cheap silicone brush. And then I came to the conclusion that it is easier for me to grab some lubricant with my hand and walk inside the form. Then I washed my pens with soap and a mustache. And my hands are so soft after the procedure, no cream is needed. )))

Tanya and I always do this, sometimes I just wipe the excess on a paper towel.
Quote: Kokoschka

Mona1, thank you very much for your answer, Tanechka, and what is her diameter? Probably 15 cm?
No, she is 16 cm, this set was from three beads, here I showed it, I bought it through the Internet.
Kokoschka, your mold will do. It enters into Panasonic up to a diameter of 18 cm.If the bottom lies on the heating elements, then put an inverted cupcake mold down, and already on top of your container with a diameter of no more than 18 cm.
Girls, and you saw on HP they sell ceramic molds, they seem to be included in Panasonic
Girls have such a question .... Moulinex baguette holder is suitable for Panasonic?
Or are there any nuances?
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Lily, depending on which Panasonic. What kind of bucket do you have?
Kokoschka, here they baked in such a baguette holder in Panasonic
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @, I have a Panasonic SD - 255.
But maybe the baguette holders are the same for all Moulinex?

Now we have arrived from Auchan, where I bought an aluminum pan for 2 liters, it is perfectly included in the HP, but I don’t know if you can bake in an aluminum pan? So that's good, even the pens come in ...
Kokoschka, but aluminum is food grade, and professional bread molds are also made of aluminum.Conclusion: you can bake.
Painting, so I think so, but for some reason it is written on the pan in the oven not to use ...
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Mulek's baguette racks are the same. As far as I understand, you have a square bucket. Therefore, the baguette case will not fit.
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @, bucket rectangular
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Lily, well, in order not to guess as representatives of a nomadic people, here are the dimensions: L: W: H = 20.5: 12.5: 20 CM.
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @, thanks a lot for the sizes. I visited my HP 22 by 18, so it will come in!
But today's saucepan is 2.5 liters.

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Well, it will be good if it fits.
Baked in an aluminum saucepan in HP PANASONIK! The first cake was small 125 grams and turned out to be rather dry
Today, I took 250 grams of dough more boldly, greased the saucepan, shot the bottom with a non-stick mat, I liked the result. I greased the dough with butter, to which I added thyme and squeezed garlic!
So you can bake in a saucepan, 2.5 liters. I liked it, ash 1 hour. Put the saucepan right on the bottom
Non-standard forms at Panasonic

Non-standard forms at Panasonic
Girls, I read that Mulinex baguette holders were used in Panasonic. Poke your nose at baguette recipes, please! Less than a decade later, my father gave us his Moulinex 5004, which we gave him on NG)))
Then there were few normal stoves, and, after my Panasonic 255, Moulinex was the next in the reviews. So they gave it to compare)))
I'll have to compare, our grandfather never dared to bake at least one loaf over the years))

I thought to sell it at all, but then decided to take it to the country house. But I want to taste the baguette cases right tomorrow morning. And it was in Panasonic that I read that in Panasonic the baguettes turned out to be tastier.
I baked and posted pictures somewhere at the beginning of the topic. Made from ordinary bread dough. According to the recipe "Baton of the times of stagnation" made in a large baguette holder in the oven.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers