Girls, what a treat UltraProshechka gave me today, mmm Meat, mushrooms, potatoes ... you can swallow your tongue, it's simple and sooooo tasty !!! Much tastier than pots. And I did everything exactly the same, but the taste is completely different
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
Seven-year plan
Natasha! I support !!!
I started to cook only in UltraPro!
Even if you do not need to cover with a lid during cooking, then a lid in the refrigerator will be very useful later!
And then you cook in baking trays before, and then you either have to shift it ... or make a lid from foil!
And the sizes are very convenient for these forms! You will always find the right one!
I am very happy with them! And I never regretted it !!!!
I only regret one thing, Light ... That I have small Ultras, I did not buy a big one in my time. So now I'm cooking in two))) And I closed the lid, as Larisa taught, the first 20-30 minutes without a lid, and then 20-30 minutes under the lid. I turn off the oven and don't get it right away - it prepares itself. Very comfortably!!! That's because weigh
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
Everything is intact, but so soft - you can eat with your lips)))
Seven-year plan
And I managed to buy big ones too !!!
And Lasagne and 5.7! ...
And if you consider that the family is now big ... then they are constantly in use! The little ones are resting ... well, except for the rectangular one for bread ...
Just now I pulled out the bread ... I bought dried tomatoes at Ozone and started making bread with them! Weusnoo ...
I love more with additives ... with seeds, with fried onions, with tomato paste ... now here's this one too!

What a beauty you have !!!! It's good that I'm full !!!!
Aha! She baked bread And show it ?! I ask for a photo
notka_notka, The beauty! Drooling, and I'm not hungry)))))
Seven-year plan
No, Natasha, there will be no pictures ...
They've all gone to bed ... they won't understand ...
As always, it’s snow in winter, don’t interrogate thee. Next time, take a photo immediately, stock up, Schaub tease us at night
Natalia, but I really like the little ones. Yesterday I made julienne with zucchini and chicken, baked the bulk in tartlets (purchased), and the rest in Ultra + for 500 ml.
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews

Seven-year plan
Elena, I don’t want to eat ... but I would have screwed up a crook !!!!
lady inna
Girls, I seem to have looked at all the reviews about the cake makers, but I still want to ask: what do you think is better - a transformer with an insert or a confectioner "Cold"? I want a roomy and reliable one. The cold seems to be a couple of cm larger in diameter, and somehow simpler ...
Girls, tell me, is it possible to somehow remove the gum-suction cup from the Fusion leg? She began to wipe it, and there was under the suction cup from the inside. It turns out that over time, all sorts of juices (meat, citrus) flowed there through the hole in the leg and turned into solid deposits. How can I clean it?

Natasha, what if you completely soak your leg straight? It is possible with a detergent. It will get wet, it will be possible to pour out the liquid from there somehow.
Irina, but I don’t know - is it possible to soak it entirely? Who has a Fusion leg, please look under the suction cup below. How are you doing with the blockage? Can it still be pulled out painlessly?

Natasha, tomorrow I'll just be at home. I'll take a look, unsubscribe then.
Natalia, jerked her leg, could not remove the elastic. It is also interesting how to proceed. I'm not dirty yet.
I found such a microplus
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews

I would like for the collection, but for what, I have not yet decided.
There is an ultrapro princess, if that

notka_notka, Natasha, looked.

Quote: notka_notka
can I soak whole?

It seems to me that you can try to soak, because there is plastic and an elastic band, nothing should deteriorate.

Quote: notka_notka
Can it still be pulled out painlessly?

She also twitched from all sides, like, should pull out, but sits tight. If it pulls out, then it is not a fact that it will rise back.
I would not pull it out, otherwise you can spoil it, it won't work at all. It's a shame.

I have a clean one, but I don't use it much.

Irina, thanks 😊 I'll try to soak) And I use sooo much !!! I have one leg, and the attachments are the whole set. I squeeze juice very often and the meat grinder is also regularly at work

how is it not for what? And for responsiveness ?! After all, many have Fusion, but most remained silent


Natasha, not filming. Soak .. and rinse under running water. I use often .. more often with a grater, while it is also clean.
Girls, tell me, here is the borscht in Ultra Pro, delicious according to reviews, but nobody cooked sorrel? Is it worth it or not?
Herringbone, and you cook and tell us ... Sorry everyone, I've been reading the topic for several years, but there is nothing to speak with, except that I love. tapper with all my heart and use dishes for all 100
And today I sing a song of praise to a cloth for glass.
In a company with a Karcher vacuum cleaner and this rag, three huge windows in the kindergarten were washed in an hour.
Another would be to think of something to wash the frames just as quickly ...
It would be possible to overpower four
Quiet, Galina. it is possible without Kärcher .. simple damp (or universal TV) -wipe-remove dust-dirt and polish TV for glass.
I have 20 windows in my house .. not counting the veranda-on the veranda there are 2 33-meter windows and one of 5 m (height 1.5m) -so in warm weather to wash the windows is a pleasure .. I would never have thought that I would like to wash windows .. I always hated ..
I remember from school - 2 or 3 windows .. so the windows were washed almost and not by the whole class - they smeared with gruel from chalk .. washed off .. polished and newspapers .. And it took several hours.
We now have 2 colors well-green and coral.
And then in the house there is one for the windows, the second for the mirrors, tables, cabinets ... now clearly coral for interior cleaning. Green for windows.
Larissa, our windows outside are quite dirty. We remove the dirt with a vacuum cleaner, wipe it with a cloth so that there are no streaks. And if with a rag right on the dirty window, will you not have to wash it all the time during the washing process? If you just rinse it, will street dirt be washed off?
With a vacuum cleaner, I liked the fact that washing is easy.
Is it just a rag that works too?

And yes, it used to be hard labor. Wash off the dirt first. Then puff the glass cleaner and rub it with a rag or paper so that there are no streaks ...
I've been using a glass vacuum cleaner for a long time, but this year (just like in an advertisement) I discovered a glass rag tapper - it's a plague!
Do you think without a vacuum cleaner the same result will be? ..
Yes, just take an unnecessary towel, wet it, spend it, remove the dirt .. and wipe the TV, polish it, everything. If there is no dirt on the glass, just a wet glass towel is enough for a long time. I definitely have enough for 20 windows. (Of course, it's easier for me, the private sector and the windows are less dirty) - it means to you twice with a simple rag ..
But even if you remove it with a vacuum cleaner, everything is better than spraying with a glass cleaner (liquid), when we sprayed, we inhaled a lot too, before coughing ..
Thank you very much, Larisa!

Oh, and another question. I torment you with questions
Can I still wipe the frames with this rag? Or which one is better? Or, again, to remove the dirt with a towel, but clean ... with what ... with it?

Yes, the wiper, as my brother says, is tin.
Stinks and streaks remain if the cloth is not dry enough.
And with this magic rag so much energy is saved! And time ...

Quote: susika

... plain wet (or TV universal)
I saw it!
Frames - if you have good frames - plastic or well painted - no chipping - then universal - water bucket and universal microfiber - nothing else is needed. Remove any dirt.
I washed a 3-room apartment-doors-jambs-window sills-frames-with one cloth, without the use of chemicals.
True, all the doors (interior) are not Soviet times, already normal, but all white .. frames, jambs, window sills, too.
There was a family with 3 children.just in case, took CIF-not useful.
Next time I just took a bucket and all my microfiber. (I have an apartment that I have to wash sometimes .. after the tenants)
Girls, and we will soon have happy owners of MicroPro grill
We look forward to hearing from you!

p.s. I'm still in the waiting status))))
New! We are not on sale yet
Anya, cool stuff and good volume, that's what you need for the summer, but the price will be like a wing from an airplane.
I have had such a bottle for a long time, however, it is not Taper's, my daughter's girlfriend, who lives in the States, brought them to us as a gift. Super device! The name on the box was, like, lemonade bottle.
Oktyabrinka, in a taper everything stands like an airplane wing
The idea is cool, but on the other hand, I did everything in a separate bowl and poured it into bottles, and you do not carry too much with you and will not sour quickly in the heat from the fruit in the bottle.
I write this for myself, so as not to buy)))
Girls! Good evening! I hasten to share! Microgrill tests were successful! Having received it today, rushed home from work immediately and experienced it. I put a couple of small pieces of chicken fillet, did not salt, did not pepper. Micra I have an old max 700. I know, I need 800 min. But I could not resist. I can't get anything more powerful. In general, 6 minutes on each side and you're done! It was delicious even without salt. You can safely go on a salt-free diet. The top and bottom were fried, but the middle did not dry out, remained juicy. Tomorrow I'll try the pork chop without the marinade.
Seven-year plan
Mashunya, Congratulations!!!!!
I can't even believe that this is possible in the microwave! ... what a crust would be! ...
Here progress has stepped !!!!!
Thank you! I thought it wouldn't work in my micro. The miracle was washed off instantly. In my family, such a thing is very necessary. We have a food conveyor. We measure everything with basins. And the meat just flies away. Three grown men. Two of them are hungry students. Now I am fully armed. Thanks to Anna!
Girls, tell me, please, which Maximilian is most in demand for 7.5 or 10 liters?
ArnicaI'm in love with the 10 liter milian.
He and a basin for transportation, and a container for souvids, and even a basin for linen.

7.5 I like the size, but one handle does not suit. When it is full, it is hard to carry and you have to hold from below
Anya, and you suvid device cling to Milian straight? And do you cook in it?
anna_k, thanks for the information! I found here at a price of 10 liters even cheaper than 7.5. So we must take!
Quote: Arnica

Girls, tell me, please, which Maximilian is most in demand for 7.5 or 10 liters?
It depends on what you are going to do in it .. what do you need ..
For household needs-10 liters.
In order to make yeast dough or meat, marinate or mix salads, whether from raw vegetables .. mayonnaise-t. That is, for daily use, then 7.5l or even better 4.5l.
Depending on how much you cook. In what volumes, quantities.
Quote: anna_k
even a wash basin.
And some even go to the bathhouse with him
Arnica, I often have 7.5l. 10L mainly in summer and with blanks, but also very needed))))
I myself have 4.5, I plan to buy myself another 2.75 and 7.5.
I wanted to give. And now I'm getting lost ...
Arnica, then 7.5l is better, it seems to me)
Quote: notka_notka
Anya, and you suvid device cling to Milian straight? And do you cook in it?
I have a submersible Steba SV50. I was supposed to use it with a 6.5L Korean pressure cooker, but alas, its sides are too thick, I could not attach it.
Masinen jokingly suggested using a Taper basin ... Well, in general, everything worked out. It can withstand high temperatures, and for suvid, you need no more than 70-80 degrees.
So 10L basin is my new big love

Quote: tata2307

And some even go to the bathhouse with him
Well really, super thing
Anya, I still can’t imagine .... but is the hot water in Miliana too long? What is there in the description of Milianov said about the temperature, who read it? And the basin won't turn over? stability is not like in rectangular containers-containers. Do you have a theory, or is it practice
Tell me in more detail how you did it - time and tempera. And from above what covered?
notka_notka, cooked for 4 hours at a temperature of 63 degrees. Nothing turned over anywhere, the water is just hot, not even boiling water, so milian is generally fine
I did not cover it from above.

Well, yes, at first I thought of buying a rectangular container, but only her price tag is rather big.I decided to do it))))

Honestly, there are already so many things in the kitchen, including the second, that it is already indecent. So I'm trying to get rid of the unnecessary, and not buy excess (while the hamster is resting)

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