
Loaf is a round or rectangular sweet yeast bread.

In Russia, a loaf was prepared for weddings, while many ritual rules were observed.

Wedding loaves are decorated with intricate dough patterns and branches of viburnum, which has been attributed to mystical properties since pagan times and is a symbol of love.

The loaf was considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity and abundance. The loaf was carried out on a towel - an embroidered towel. The more magnificently the loaf is baked, the happier and richer the newlyweds who have tasted it will become. The loaf was multi-layered, and the godfather of the groom or bride divided it. The top was given to young people, the middle part was given to guests, and the bottom, into which coins were often baked, to musicians. Together with a piece of loaf, the young people shared their happiness with the guests. In return, the guests thanked the bride and groom with gifts.

According to Russian custom, dear guests are greeted with bread and salt - a rye loaf, which is carried out on an embroidered towel. This custom came from pagan antiquity, when bread was a deity.

The loaf was also used in ancient Russia at funerals. On the day of the funeral, a wedding loaf was baked, placed on the lid of the coffin, and handed out to relatives at the cemetery.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

The file (1.8 MB) about loaves, including the technique of making jewelry and recipes, can be downloaded here: 🔗

Wise Tortyzhka shared her knowledge about the loaf with us:
Russian loaf at a wedding
A loaf rite is a ritual action associated with baking and distributing a loaf during a wedding feast. A loaf is a round large butter bread decorated with dough figurines and artificial flowers, which was served during the wedding feast. It was baked on the eve of the wedding and wedding night, or two or three days before that in the groom's house, less often in the bride's house, and in some villages both the groom and the bride. The loaf ritual consisted of two stages: the first stage was devoted to the manufacture of a loaf and was called "roll a loaf", the second stage was a division of a loaf on the wedding table - "wear a loaf".

The essence of the loaf rite was the same throughout the territory of its existence, although the ritual actions themselves in different villages were played out differently. The loaf baked goods symbolized the birth of a new life and thus ensured the fertility of the young married couple. The protagonists of the ceremony were the planted father and the planted mother of the groom, provided that they were "in agreement in marriage," as well as young women-loafers, happy in family life, having good, healthy children. Baking the loaf, starting with the preparation of flour and water and ending with the distribution of the loaf to the guests, had a pronounced ritual character.

It usually began at a sacred time, that is, before sunset, with an appeal to God and the holy saints: "Bless us, Lord, save us, merciful Kozma-Demyan to bake a tall, cheerful loaf for Filatushka's wedding!" The actions of the loafs were different from the daily baking of bread. For the wedding loaf, water was taken from seven wells, flour - from seven sacks; kneading the dough and putting it into the oven were deliberately theatrical, as well as taking out bread from the oven and distributing it to guests. The dough was placed for molding in a special large bowl with a cross, which was placed on a bench, where hay lay covered with a tablecloth. On pain of punishment, the people present in the hut were forbidden to touch the dough and the bowl.

Before putting the molded dough into the oven, the planted mother walked around the hut with him, sat on the stove, together with the planted father she went around the stove column three times.The loaf was pushed into the oven on a shovel with burning candles attached to its edges, and before leaving the loaf in the oven, it was pushed three times into it, then pulled out. Having put it down, they hit the mattse - the ceiling beam with a shovel. At the mythological level, the furnace was interpreted as a woman's womb, a mother's womb; the bread shovel, with which the dough was pushed into the oven, is like the masculine principle, and the loaf itself is like the fruit obtained as a result of their fusion. Dough decorations, baked by girls separately from the loaf, were figurines that depicted the sun, stars, a month, flowers, fruits, domestic animals, primarily cows and horses, that is, signs that Russians considered the personification of peace, goodness, happiness , contentment, fertility. The whole process of making a loaf was accompanied by the performance of special loaf songs, which described the stages of its creation by the hands of loafs:

Valyu, currency cheese loaf
From the right hand to the left
From the left hand to the right -
On a tray of gold,
On a tray of gold,
On a silver saucer.
The loaf climbed onto the bench
The loaf went around the shop,
Loaf sat on the shelf,
The loaf climbed onto the stove,
Loaf from the stove of tears
Loaf sat on a shovel,
The loaf looks into the stove.
The loaf is lying around
The loaf is staggering
The loaf went on the oak tables,
On branded tablecloths,
Then the loaf came to Anna Alexandrovna.

In the songs, the loafs beckoning the loaf to grow large and lush: Pekis, pekis, cheese loaf, Fight, pekis, loaf cheese, Above the oak oak, Above the spruce mat, Shirshe stone oven. After the loaf was made in the groom's house, it was carried to the bride "for show".

In the event that bread was also made by the bride, loaves were exchanged. In the house of the groom's parents, the loaf was usually placed in the room of the young, where he was all the wedding night. In the morning, a friend, going to wake up the young, would pick up a loaf and carry it out in a sieve to the wedding tables. Arriving at the guests, the friend jumped three times, broke the loaf in half and began to divide it among the young relatives gathered at the table.

Breaking the loaf symbolized the violation of the bride's virginity. The newlyweds received their share of the loaf first. Usually they were given the middle, which, according to popular beliefs, was associated with the birth of a new life, happiness, wealth. The rest of the loaf was divided equally between the relatives of the young and the relatives of the young woman. This was perceived as an act of consolidating a kindred union between them, as a recognition of their common destiny, a common share. Decorations from the loaf were handed out to the girls who attended the wedding feast as spectators. The loaf ritual was typical for the wedding ritual in the central and southern provinces of European Russia, but dough products known under various names - kurnik, cookies, gingerbread, pie, bread - played an important role in the wedding ritual throughout Russia. They could serve as a sign of the groom's love for the bride, ransom, goodwill, a gift, an object through which magical power was transmitted.
Part two will be devoted to baking technology a little later.
The second part from the guru Cake
Now I post pictures of loaves. They are not mine, I took them from the network, but I will comment on the decoration technology.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals
Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

The dough for the loaf is not made rich. This is exactly BREAD, although very white and fluffy. I do not advise making sweet buns - while this entire thickness is baked, the crust will be too dark (from sugar in the dough)
The most difficult thing in this business is decoration. The fact is that if you immediately after forming the loaf spread all these ritually significant fintiflyushki on it, then all symmetry will be broken during proofing, the salt shaker will float away, everything else is also in every direction. Moreover, the jewelry will also break up and blur. lose clarity. And in the photo, note, the decorations are clear and symmetrical.
What's the trick? And the fact that the loaf is baked WITHOUT DECORATIONS. In extreme cases, the braid framing the loaf and giving it completeness is laid immediately.
So, we shape a perfectly round hemisphere, set it apart, constantly moistening the surface so that there is no crust. The crust will crack during baking and the beauty will end. We do not distress too much, otherwise it will be vague. We set to bake. In the baking process, we also constantly moisten our loaf and bake in a slightly heated oven. so that the whole is baked and not burnt on top. At the same time, from the deferred dough (the same, loaf), we cut out spikelets, a salt shaker weave, flowers, etc. very small).
This method is convenient in that if, nevertheless, the loaf cracked somewhere during baking, then you do not need to start all over again badyazhit. but you can simply cover these places with decorations and no one will see the marriage.
If you want the decorations to be contrasting. as in the second photo, we sculpt all the decors from old (dumplings) dough. They will look even more prominent and clearer, but due to the lack of sugar in the dough, they will not brown in the same way as the main loaf.
You can combine jewelry with old and yeast dough - it will turn out even more beautiful. Large parts are yeast, and small ones (rings, necks, centers near flowers) are fresh. We glue everything on the egg. The final coating can be given an egg + powdered sugar - so that it shines beautifully.
The last photo is a combination of loaf and mastic decorations. Not for a Vidocq lover, of course. but also "as an option".
Hairpin, good luck! I hold my fists for you! Maybe which of the girls will take the risk too? The wedding season is open! I wish you all beautiful and of course delicious loaves!
Wedding loaf and wedding pretzel from the encyclopedia of Orthodox ritual cuisine. I baked a wedding loaf for my brother for a wedding, it turned out great ... though I didn't have a bread machine then, so I kneaded it with handles!

Wedding loaf: 1kg. flour, 50g yeast, 250g. drain. oil, 1 glass. sugar, 1/2 liter of milk, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt.

Wedding pretzel: 1kg of flour, 50g. yeast, 2 glasses of milk, 70g. drain. butter or margarine, 150g. sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp. l. salt.

Their preparation is the same: knead a rather steep dough, put in a warm place for proofing, after 1.5-2 hours. when it's time to do the workout, let the dough rise again and repeat the workout. For loaf, roll the dough into a ball (leave part of the dough for decoration), put it on a baking sheet, wrap it with a string of dough, well, in general, it's better to look at the photo above about decorating such products. For a pretzel, the dough is rolled out with a roller to give it the look of a horseshoe.
Girls, well, what are you smart, that you raised and created such a topic, and even singled it out.
I am very afraid that there will be confusion in the "kitchen tricks" topic. The hairpin conceived, and Tortyzhka told her how such masterpieces are sculpted, so they are the founders. Hairpin says that she is asleep, but she is Hairpin, wakes up and immediately publishes a photo loaf - our electric broom So, I hope, soon there will be photos.
And here is a question on the topic: does anyone know whether it is possible, according to the order of the wedding, to bake a loaf by itself? Otherwise, it will turn out that at the wedding there is a cake with a twisted stick, it will be a shame. And the question is vital!
And one more thing: maybe someone has a photo from their wedding, where a loaf is visible? There will also be a kind of wedding section
I found the following:
Only experienced women, respected among the villagers, and efficient housewives could be loafers. Widows, divorced or childless women were never invited to bake wedding bread: it was believed that their unhappy fate could affect the future of a new family. Usually two loaves were baked: one in the groom's house, the other in the bride's house. In the bride's house, it had the shape of a circle - the sun, in the groom's house it resembled the shape of the month.
That is, the bride can be a loaf, if her hands grow correctly and a respected person among the guests. About darted, baked in his house and darted baked in the house of the future husband, in principle, is also not a question. at weddings it is customary. that the bride treats her husband's guests, and the husband with his loaf - the wife's guests.

And further:
The preparation and donation of a wedding loaf is an old Belarusian tradition. A hundred years ago, it was with the preparation of a loaf that the wedding began. Giving a loaf is the final stage of the wedding celebration. The loaf testified to the end of the youth of the bride and groom.

The wedding loaf was baked only once - during the first marriage. If a man or woman created a second family, the loaf was not baked.

Most often, 5-7 women took part in its preparation. Chief among them was considered the godmother of the groom or bride.

Each step of the loafers was accompanied by ritual songs, spells and conspiracies. The loaves brought with them flour, eggs, butter, and various decorations. The preparation of the loaf usually took place on Saturday morning. Each of the invitees performed a specific role.

Two married men brought firewood, prepared cabbage leaves, wooden shovels, and a broom. The stove was heated with firewood of viburnum or sycamore, less often - pine or linden. Two unmarried guys put a loaf in the oven, and two girls sculpted figurines of animals, birds, cones from the dough to decorate the loaf. The baked loaf was placed on the lid of a tub covered with a white towel and sprinkled with rye, decorated with viburnum, paper flowers, and mint. After that, the loaf was carried to the closet, where he was until the final moment of the wedding. From the moment the loaf was baked and until the moment of dividing it was taken care of like the apple of an eye. By the loaf, they wondered what the fate of the young would be. If the loaf is good, then life together will be good, if it falls apart or cracked - a bad omen. Most often, the bride's loaf was divided among the relatives of the young, and the groom's loaf among his relatives. But in some areas, the groom's loaf was shared in the bride's house after the wedding. And vice versa. The bride's loaf was divided between the groom's relatives.

To divide the loaf in the red corner of the hut, under the images, under the heavenly arch created by the towel, the newlyweds stood. Next to them are the most respected guests - godfather and mother. And on the contrary, across the table, along the diagonal of life connecting the red corner and the white stove, all the relatives of the bride or groom, starting with grandparents, then parents, siblings, neighbors, friends, became. All those present in turn approached the young, wished them happiness, share, gave them what they could. The loaf was three-tiered. The uppermost tier symbolized the young, they were left with this part of the loaf, which it was impossible to eat. She was dried and wrapped in a towel on which the young stood in the temple. The middle part was divided between family members. The lower part was shared among all the other guests.

Nowadays, instead of a loaf, the newlyweds share a huge wedding cake prepared to order, decorated with cream flowers, figurines of the bride and groom, etc. wedding solemnity and meaningfulness.

And here it is written that the bride cannot be a round loaf: 🔗

"The wedding began with the preparation of a loaf. The loafs, of which there are 3, 5 or 7, were dissolved, dismembered, kneaded and baked a wedding loaf, with ceremonies, with loaf songs. love and harmony and has good children: it was believed that the family style of the loaf is passed on to the young through the loaf. "

This is probably more correct. Having found a woman who lives with her husband in love and harmony and has good children, you need to give her a proven recipe from the bread machine, but just in case, be there while she kneads, singing and humming loaf songs. In general, it is necessary to control the bun itself, albeit from afar.
Quote: Shurshun

In general, you need to control the bun yourself, albeit from afar.

Yeah, otherwise, agreement with her husband and good children may not be enough ... For a good loaf!

And I was wrong about the wedding! More precisely, not a wedding, but in the afternoon. My niece signs on Wednesday 20, and on Saturday 23 we celebrate. For painting (well, there is a limousine, etc.)he took the most important relatives. My sister and I were not included in this list, only my daughter was included. If it's no joke, then I'm not interested in enti limousines ... And my sister. We'll sleep better with her.
In short, I decided that the painting was tomorrow (I’m tight with dates). The baby has already cooked it. So I would have taken it by noon tomorrow! It's good that I didn't know the address. I called my niece to clarify the address, and she told me that not this Wednesday, but the next one ...

So I have a week for the loaves !!!

I’ll come home, I’ll endure that Izyuminkin a file that is not Izyuminkin, and LJ Lyudmila (I know MMM, but LJ) ... And I will definitely add that I created the file LJ Ludmila, found Zest, published Hairpin, place prepared Shurshun, with comments Cakes!
I do not apply for orders with medals. Itself has not yet baked a single loaf. All my merit lies in the fact that at the right time there was information "in reserve".
So, the laurel wreath will rightfully go to the most beautiful and delicious personally baked loaf.
Zest! And I'm sitting here looking at pictures. The scans are not very visible, but the feeling ... as they say, hands itch! Moreover, did I understand correctly that this is simple white bread? That is, you can train from the heart!
I'm not proud, I agree to a medal ...

I will add a few pictures (photos from the Internet), which can be useful for inspiration.

Or maybe they will soon come in handy for me, as for the mother of an adult son

This is a loaf and cones (in Ukraine, such cones are baked for every guest at a wedding)
Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf with unleavened dough decorations
Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Here is the recipe and step-by-step photos of this loaf Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf.Recipes, history, rituals

Cake, why is this loaf of this color?

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals
And two more beautiful loafs:

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals
Quote: Hairpin

Zest! And I'm sitting here looking at pictures. The scans are not very visible, but the feeling ... as they say, hands itch! Moreover, did I understand correctly that this is simple white bread? That is, you can train from the heart!

I repeat that I have never baked such loaves. I argue aloud, as if the oven itself is going. Rather, it is not plain white bread, but what we call buns.
- The loaf should be voluminous, which means that baking it "to the core" and not burning the surface will be problematic. Therefore, it is better to make the dough rich to a minimum, but not completely bland.
- Sponge dough products are usually tastier and have a longer shelf life. Do we need it? We will have him torn apart in one day ... I would have chosen something based on activated yeast and not entirely bland.
- You can train endlessly, with yeast dough, and with potatoes, and on cottage cheese, and what the soul lies for))
Well, you and the temptresses. Again, everything was so deliciously and beautifully described that I really want to experiment! She began frantically looking for a reason (date) and found - at the end of June, the 10th anniversary of her daughter's wedding. So I will try to present them with such a loaf (otherwise, no one calls me for a wedding. All the young people are either still undersized,
or got married a long time ago).
So I think we ought to get some kind of thread, a clear hemisphere shape. In it, bake a loaf at the first stage (so that the shape is already exactly maintained, and it rises, and does not break... And then it, even under-baked (on the second shock of jewelry), will no longer blur and will be ideal. While my thought is working only on a large colander ( Even small needles made of holes will probably only be a decoration (and no one will guess).
Girls, and I baked a wedding loaf twice
It just happened so, the cafe charged such a money for a loaf, tighter than for a cake
I baked it, the experience was already baking in the oven, maybe a little worse in decorations than in the photo
But, both couples live, they have not parted, the result is obvious
Only a side effect showed up, now I'm godmother to three kids
A-this is a big responsibility ... immmmm from
well, straight beauty! My mother baked for the wedding of my older sister (without rituals, just from the heart), and for my mother-in-law - only I may be mistaken and this is not a loaf, at my wedding there was some kind of ceremony (I don't like ritual traditions, well, if only to look from the side ...), the car came with us, they threw a pillow under our feet, so we had to stand on it (like so that life was soft or something like that, well, I remember that it broke me to get up on a clean white pillow with shoes) and in this the moment I saw a loaf that I had to bite off (like who is the bigger one and the main one) and there is also honey ...Here is a question for those who know the rituals is it a loaf or is it some other kind of bread?
Quote: Gingerbread

So I think we ought to get some kind of thread, a clear hemisphere shape. In it, bake a loaf at the first stage (so that the shape is exactly maintained, and it rises, and does not melt... And then it, even under-baked (on the second epat of jewelry), will no longer blur and will be perfect.
I think a frying pan with a rounded bottom will do. There is a set of 2 frying pans with detachable handles in TEFAL. Long ago I adapted them for baking bread. Very comfortable and beautiful shape.
Quote: Mueslik

But, both couples live, they have not parted, the result is obvious

And this is the main thing in the loaf !!!

Guzelka, maybe this is a Bashkir rite? (Well ... if Ufa is in Bashkiria ...)
Girls-experts - You are smart-craftsmen! Move from words to deeds Such armless people, like me, are waiting for the adaptation of the loaf dough recipe to HP (I will not mix anything worthwhile with my hook handles).
Aunt Besya
I rummaged in my notes and also found something about loaves, downloaded from the Internet, where exactly, I don't remember in my Word file and there are pictures to the text, but how to insert them?
Loafs are very easy to bake if you already know how to bake ordinary round hearth bread made from sponge dough. A loaf, in the modern or ceremonial sense of the word, differs from any other bread in that it is decorated on the surface either with the same dough from which the bread is baked, or with a special decorative dough without yeast (a cross between dumplings and gingerbread dough). Since the loaf is, first of all, very tasty bread, it can be very, very rich, almost as rich as Easter cakes, except perhaps without raisins and candied fruits, or simply rich, like sweet buns, or so uncomfortable, simple, that there will be less fat and sugar in it than in sliced ​​loaves and cakes.
How sweet or nourishing the loaf is, and even from what flour it is baked - wheat or rye, is not so important as the symbolic decorations suitable for the occasion on the surface of the loaf, the framing of its sides and crown - braids and pigeons-swans on the wedding loaf, salt in a salt shaker in the recess or in a dough cup on the top of a loaf, when a loaf (the so-called "bread and salt") is baked on the occasion of dear guests in the house, or ears of wheat and other plant motifs are symbols of prosperity and prosperity, if the loaf is baked to mark the end of the feast harvest or birthday, etc.
Below I give three recipes for loaf dough in accordance with GOST: small sweet butter loaves (Peter's) and giant, more bread loaves, souvenir and Russian. Russian loaf is the breadiest of all, the simplest in composition, and the dough for it must be thoroughly kneaded on a well-fermented dough to emphasize the high quality of wheat bread. Russian loaf is baked into white bread with a straw or light golden crust, in contrast to the much more rich Ukrainian korowai, in which the crust is most often dark glossy, raspberry-burgundy. I will give illustrations of the step-by-step execution of bread according to these recipes in separate articles, since this article is more about what loaves are and how they look and it is already very long. For those who already know how to bake bread, recipes and pictures in this article are enough.
Loaf "Petrovsky" weighing 300g For 1 loaf
190g flour c. from.
2.7 g pressed yeast (1.5 g western)
3.3 g salt
30g sugar
24g margarine
10g eggs
83g milk or water

Prepare dough: take 35-60% of all flour, yeast and fashion or milk to make a dough like for pancakes. stir and simmer warm for 3 hours to ferment. When the dough grows and begins to sag, knead the dough. Let the dough ferment for 2.5 hours with 2-3 strokes during fermentation.
For decoration, a rose is prepared from dough. A piece of dough is rolled out into a cake, circles of dough are cut with a round notch and 3-4 circles are placed one on top of the other with only one edge. Wrap it in a roll, press firmly in the center with your fingers, tear it in half in the middle and straighten it in the form of a rose (you get 2 roses).
After the roll of dough circles has been torn or cut in half in the middle with scissors, each rose can be slightly or strongly opened with petals.
To obtain leaves, the dough is rolled out into a layer 3-5 mm thick, oblong wedge-shaped figures are cut from it, cuts are made in a herringbone around the edges with a knife, then the wedge is slightly stretched in length.
Roll the remaining dough and dough pieces into a ball and place them seam side down on a baking sheet. After 10-20 minutes of proofing, make a depression in the center for decoration.
The places where the decorations will be laid are slightly moistened with water, the rose is placed in the center of the ball, the leaves are on the sides.
After registration, the loaf is allowed to distance, grease with vegetable oil and bake. After baking, brush the crust with margarine or butter.
Loaf "Souvenir" weighing 2 kgOST recipe: 1 kg of flour c. pp., 20g of pressed yeast (10g of Western), 13g of salt, 100g of sugar, 80g of margarine, 200-226g of fat milk, 80g of eggs, water until a soft dough is obtained. Hearth round bread weighing 2 kg. The shape is round, without lateral protrusions and imprints, with a slightly convex upper crust. The surface is glossy, finished with a pattern in the form of ears, flowers, leaves and other arbitrary pattern. The product is entwined with a tourniquet at the base.
1978 recipe.
450g flour
20g yeast (10g western)
120g water
226g full fat milk
Knead for 4 minutes, until smooth. Let the dough ferment in the heat for 3.5-4 hours or until it is raised and begins to sag in the center of the dough dome.
500g flour (+ 50g flour for cutting)
13g salt
pinch of ascorbic acid
100g sugar
70g margarine in dough (and 10g for cutting)
40 g eggs per dough (and 40 g for finishing the product)
Water until a soft dough is obtained (about 150-200g)
Knead in dough for 10 minutes until smooth dough with well-developed gluten. Allow 1.5 hours of fermentation with one stirring after 45 minutes of fermentation. Separate a piece of dough for decorations.
Roll the finished dough into a ball and let it preliminary proof for 5-20 minutes. Next, shape the round bread and place it on a floured towel in a basket or colander with the seam upward for proofing in a warm, damp place. Duration of soaking is 30-40 minutes.
Meanwhile, the decorations are being prepared. To decorate the souvenir loaf, harnesses and figures in the form of stars (or snowflakes), ears, leaves, flowers and other arbitrary patterns are prepared.
To make stars or snowflakes from a layer of dough with a thickness of 2 mm, circles with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm are cut out with a tube. Small radial cuts are made in the circles with a knife or scissors, and the formed petals are turned at an angle of 30-45 degrees.
To make leaves from the dough, pieces are cut in the shape of leaves.
To make ears of dough, thin bundles are cut out, which are shaped into ears with small scissors.
Before planting in the oven, the harnesses for the ears are greased with an egg and cut.
Bake on baking stone heated to 400F for 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes until cooked.
Loaf "Russian" weighing 2 kgRecipe according to GOST: 1 kg of wheat flour c. pp., 20g of compressed yeast (10g of fresh yeast of Western production), 13g of salt, 15g of sugar, 20g of margarine, 100-115g of fat milk, water (about 550-650g, depending on the strength and dryness of the flour). Sponge dough. Round shaped or hearth bread weighing 2 kg. Furnace at 425F for 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes.
Rope of two bundles of dough, stars and leaves, ears of wheat for a souvenir loaf

The simplest ornaments for decorating loaves (bread-salt) with the help of a flagellum of bread dough and cut-out snowflake flowers for beginners. The dough can also be decoratively chopped in strategically needed places.
A ready-made loaf The loaf does not need to be decorated abundantly, a braid around the perimeter of the bread is enough, and a marked place for a salt shaker or salt on the top of the head. In addition, the loaf does not have to be baked with a huge kilogram. They are baked in convenient sizes.
When a loaf is baked for a feast on the occasion of an anniversary, birthday and other significant dates, then instead of a figuratively decorated round place for salt or a saltcellar on the top of the loaf, you can place applications in the form of numbers, initials, inscriptions, etc. It is allowed to use a small amount of raisins in decoration, for example, in the center of flowers. A simple string can be laid in one or two rows, and along the bottom and on the top of the loaf, and you can use the same string of two or three bundles of dough to decorate the sides of the bread. Depending on the amount of baking in the dough and preferences, the color of the crust of the loaf can be either very light or very, very dark. After baking, the loaf crust can be greased with nothing, or greased with butter, for softness, or sugar syrup or starch brewed in water, for shine. The loaf does not have to be baked on a hearth or on a baking sheet. It can be baked in a round form, in a pan, deep or not very deep. In this case, you can leave the string with a string along the bottom of the bread, or frame the bread around the perimeter with balls of dough. Each such bun can be decorated separately from the top and sides. Not all loaves are formed from the bottom with a string of a pair of dough flagella. Some loaves are not framed with strings at all, but are finished exclusively with applications on the surface.
On the other hand, you can frame the bottom and top of the head not with a string, but with braids of dough, from any odd number
strand. How do you like. And, finally, examples of decorating the surface of bread with applications made from dough with microscopic yeast content, from shortcrust pastry or from a special unleavened decorative dough. Unleavened decorative dough is obedient and pliable like plasticine, holds its shape well and, if it is not greased with an egg before baking, the pattern will turn out to be of a contrasting color, which can be very beautiful. Highly. If you want to try to decorate a loaf with figurines from unleavened dough, then the recipe is as follows
Decorative dough Bring 90g water, 90g sugar and 45g corn syrup or light honey to a boil and cool. Pour 3-3.5 cups of white rye flour into the resulting syrup and knead until a smooth dough is obtained. Do not knead until smooth, otherwise the jewelry will be covered with bubbles and "blisters" in the oven.
Instead of 3.5 cups of white rye flour, you can take 2.5 cups of white rye flour and 1 cup of buckwheat flour. This dough will make the decorations even smoother and will definitely not bubble up during baking.
This dough can be tinted with burnt sugar or cocoa, or paprika (powdered sweet red pepper) or turmeric / saffron). If you want to get very light, almost white, decorations, then part of the rye flour can be replaced with wheat or all of the rye flour can be replaced with wheat, preferably confectionery flour. After baking, the decorative dough appliqués will have a matte surface tint. For shine, you can grease them with sugar syrup after baking.
Quote: Aunt Besya

I rummaged in my notes and also found something about loaves, downloaded from the Internet, where exactly, I don't remember in my Word file and there are pictures to the text, but how to insert them?
1. Copy the picture to the clipboard.
2. Open Paint (you can and what is more abrupt, I take the simplest option).
3. Paste from the clipboard into the Paint.
4. Save the paint file as * .jpg.

According to the description, this is part of the file that was sent Zest... Only that file has more.
Quote: Aunt Besya

Loaf "Petrovsky" weighing 300g For 1 loaf
190g flour c. from.
2.7 g pressed yeast (1.5 g western)
3.3 g salt
30g sugar
24g margarine
10g eggs
83g milk or water
We recalculate one egg. That is, we multiply by 6.5

Loaf "Petrovsky" converted to weight 1950g
For 1 loaf
1235 g flour from.
17.55 g compressed yeast
21.45 g salt
195 g sugar
156 g margarine
65 g eggs (1 egg)
539.5 g milk or water

Not enough yeast? Is there too much liquid?
Aunt Besya
If the last question is for me, I don't know, I just downloaded it without changing anything.Or maybe remove my post, if there is already one from Zest, I just didn’t find it ???
We had a loaf at our wedding, and we had to bite off a little more
My husband, a parasite, bit normally, I can't keep up with him, I-bitten-twice less ...
They say that the one who bites the most is the one who rules the family.
So little figs, recently my husband told me, the gray cardinal (this is about me) is very good, if only he is with brains ...
Quote: Aunt Besya

If the last question is for me, I don’t know, I just downloaded it without changing anything. Or maybe remove my post, if there is already one from Zest, I just didn’t find it ???
Leave a post. It's just that when I started messing with the loaf, Zest threw off the file to me in PM. So in the posts it is not. I'll try to publish it later.

In general, if there are still people interested in this file, write, I don’t feel sorry for someone else! (I will only send in the evenings).

A question about ingredients for everyone !!!
Quote: Hairpin

A question about ingredients for everyone !!!

Hairpin, what is this about?
Hairpin, you with your meticulousness are killing me on the spot
I'm afraid even to tackle the meringue and fondant, and here there is such a debate around the loaf ...
What if mine will decide to marry earlier? ..
Queenie, that's me about it.

Quote: Aunt Besya

Loaf "Petrovsky" weighing 300g For 1 loaf
190g flour c. from.
2.7 g pressed yeast (1.5 g western)
3.3 g salt
30g sugar
24g margarine
10g eggs
83g milk or water
We recalculate one egg. That is, we multiply by 6.5

Loaf "Petrovsky", calculated by weight, 1950g
For 1 loaf
1235 g flour from.
17.55 g compressed yeast
21.45 g salt
195 g sugar
156 g margarine
65 g eggs (1 egg)
539.5 g milk or water

Not enough yeast? Is there too much liquid?
About my meticulousness. Not all the meringues fit into my Makhnovist cake, and I took it to work. Well, I sit, I count my farm. Behind me they are trying to save me how much protein and sugar I take. I automatically answer that I take 267 grams of sugar for four proteins. There is silence behind, and then they ask again, exactly 267 grams? I take the typewriter, and say (without turning around): A cake for three proteins takes 200 grams of sugar, but I'm more comfortable with four. That is, two hundred sixty-six and six in the period ... But the scales do not take the period from me, therefore 267 grams. I turned around already under Homeric laughter!
Just about how to live
Mueslik, there are already two of us CARAVANITS According to the rite, 7 is supposed, so we will wait for 5 more married. happy married women with healthy children
I also bake loaves from time to time. But I do not like this business, because it is a long business. tights, but the client expects. that will pay like a loaf of bread. The cost price is really not high, but there are a lot of panty hoses and you won't let it go by itself - you need constant control at any stage.
About the test. I think you need to take a convenient, proven recipe. Loaf is a ritual dish, necessary for observing certain rituals. Appearance is appreciated more than content. Again, they eat (albeit in small pieces) with salt, is it really sweet ?! Therefore, for production, you need to take as a basis that dough, the properties of which are already known, and the result will be a predictable result. Otherwise, knead it seems to be correct, and the decorations will blur or some other joint. no time to alter! I think that the troubles with the recipe fade into the background, the technical side of the issue is more important - to form correctly, bake without breaks, decorate beautifully, etc. And the bread is BREAD anyway,
Girls, I dare to offer you this recipe for a loaf (or the basis of a loaf dough) - Soft milk custard bread .
This dough perfectly holds its shape and does not "float", and decorations for the loaf will also come out great. Butter dough to taste. There is no sugar.
In any case, a small loaf can be baked, and everything will become clear.
Quote: Cake

Mueslik, there are already two of us CARAVANITS

And I?!!!!!!
Quote: Qween

Girls, I dare to offer you this recipe for a loaf (or the basis of a loaf dough) - Soft milk custard bread .
And it is right! The photo is cool, they did not regret the yeast, and tomorrow I have a loaf day!

Only... Queenie... How to make it darker? He is not deceived in the photo by the testicle?
Smeared with milk. It seems he will pale little after "Negro", which was higher?
If desired, you can add an egg to the dough (leave some for lubrication) and butter with sugar.
I don't even know, after such beautiful pictures my loaf seems quite unpretentious. I baked his relatives on the 20th anniversary of the wedding. According to a pre-written script, a loaf was needed. The choice fell on me, since I have been married for 35 years, two adult children and a granddaughter, so God himself sent. So I tried to bake it. The dough was made by Petrovsky from a loaf, multiplying everything by 3. I put fresh yeast 12g (insured). Dough and then the dough, kneaded by a bread maker. I replaced water with milk, margarine - with soft butter. During the batch I watched the bun. I don't remember what I added. Here's a loaf turned out. It stands to cool down. Then it was served on an embroidered towel.
Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals
Andreevna, super, do not be offended, but then my 3-year-old daughter jumps alongside and demands to bake the same "pig", I looked closely, but it really looks like a piggy, so cool! This is me as a compliment, she rarely reacts to the computer at all, but here I have to bake
Andreevna! Wonderful loaf. I would even say that in this topic he is the first OUR!

And it's great that the cub liked it !!!
What are you, through the lips of a child .... What a charm your daughter! Exactly, there is something from the piglet Here is a piglet for her observation Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

The file (1.8 MB) about loaves, including the technique of making jewelry and recipes, can be downloaded here: 🔗
I was terribly long toiled with the Raisin file (to which Shurshun gave the link above), but there is no more strength. I am spreading what I did.

File from Zest (the one from LJ Ludmila), part one.

Aunt Besya has already published it, I will duplicate it with pictures. At first I thought, just throw the pictures to Tete Bese ... In the end I got confused and decided from scratch (but a little bit).

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loafs are very easy to bake if you already know how to bake ordinary round hearth bread made from sponge dough. A loaf, in the modern or ceremonial sense of the word, differs from any other bread in that it is decorated on the surface either with the same dough from which the bread is baked, or with a special decorative dough without yeast (a cross between dumplings and gingerbread dough).

Since the loaf is, first of all, very tasty bread, it can be very, very rich, almost as rich as Easter cakes, except perhaps without raisins and candied fruits, or simply rich, like sweet buns, or so uncomfortable, simple, that there will be less fat and sugar in it than in sliced ​​loaves and cakes.

How sweet or nourishing the loaf is, and even from what flour it is baked - wheat or rye, is not so important as the symbolic decorations suitable for the occasion on the surface of the loaf, the framing of its sides and crown - braids and pigeons-swans on the wedding loaf, salt in a salt shaker in the recess or in a dough cup on the top of a loaf, when a loaf (the so-called "bread and salt") is baked on the occasion of dear guests in the house, or ears of wheat and other plant motifs are symbols of prosperity and prosperity, if the loaf is baked to mark the end of the feast harvest or birthday, etc.

Below I give three recipes for loaf dough in accordance with GOST: small sweet butter loaves (Peter's) and giant, more bread loaves, souvenir and Russian. Russian loaf is the breadiest of all, the simplest in composition, and the dough for it must be thoroughly kneaded on a well-fermented dough to emphasize the high quality of wheat bread. Russian loaf is baked into white bread with a straw or light golden crust, in contrast to the much more rich Ukrainian korowai, in which the crust is most often dark glossy, raspberry-burgundy.

I will give illustrations of the step-by-step execution of bread according to these recipes in separate articles, since this article is more about what loaves are and how they look and it is already very long. For those who already know how to bake bread, recipes and pictures in this article are enough.

Loaf "Petrovsky" weighing 300g
Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

For 1 loaf

190g flour c. from.
2.7 g pressed yeast (1.5 g western)
3.3 g salt

30g sugar
24g margarine

10g eggs
83g milk or water

Prepare dough: take 35-60% of all flour, yeast and fashion or milk to make a dough like for pancakes. stir and simmer warm for 3 hours to ferment. When the dough grows and begins to sag, knead the dough. Let the dough ferment for 2.5 hours with 2-3 strokes during fermentation.

For decoration, a rose is prepared from dough. A piece of dough is rolled out into a cake, circles of dough are cut with a round notch and 3-4 circles are placed one on top of the other with only one edge. Wrap it in a roll, press firmly in the center with your fingers, tear it in half in the middle and straighten it in the form of a rose (you get 2 roses).

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

After the roll of dough circles has been torn or cut in half in the middle with scissors, each rose can be slightly or strongly opened with petals.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

To obtain leaves, the dough is rolled into a layer 3-5 mm thick, oblong wedge-shaped figures are cut from it, cuts are made in a herringbone around the edges with a knife, then the wedge is slightly stretched in length.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Roll the remaining dough and dough pieces into a ball and place them seam side down on a baking sheet. After 10-20 minutes of proofing, make a depression in the center for decoration.

The places where the decorations will be laid are slightly moistened with water, the rose is placed in the center of the ball, the leaves are on the sides.

After registration, the loaf is allowed to distance, grease with vegetable oil and bake. After baking, brush the crust with margarine or butter.

Source: E. I, Peretyatko (2006), Confectioner. Tutorial.

Loaf "Souvenir" weighing 2 kg

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

OST recipe: 1 kg of flour c. pp., 20g of pressed yeast (10g of Western), 13g of salt, 100g of sugar, 80g of margarine, 200-226g of fat milk, 80g of eggs, water until a soft dough is obtained. Hearth round bread weighing 2 kg. The shape is round, without lateral protrusions and imprints, with a slightly convex upper crust. The surface is glossy, finished with a pattern in the form of ears, flowers, leaves and other arbitrary pattern. At the base, the product is entwined with a tourniquet.

1978 recipe.


450g flour
20g yeast (10g western)
120g water
226g full fat milk

Knead for 4 minutes, until smooth. Let the dough ferment in the heat for 3.5-4 hours or until it is raised and begins to sag in the center of the dough dome.

500g flour (+ 50g flour for cutting)
13g salt
pinch of ascorbic acid

100g sugar
70g margarine in dough (and 10g for cutting)

40 g eggs per dough (and 40 g for finishing the product)

Water until a soft dough is obtained (about 150-200g)

Knead in dough for 10 minutes until smooth dough with well-developed gluten. Allow 1.5 hours of fermentation with one stirring after 45 minutes of fermentation. Separate a piece of dough for decorations.

Roll the finished dough into a ball and let it preliminary proof for 5-20 minutes. Next, shape the round bread and place it on a floured towel in a basket or colander with the seam upwards for proofing in a warm, damp place. Duration of soaking is 30-40 minutes.

Meanwhile, the decorations are being prepared. To decorate the souvenir loaf, harnesses and figures in the form of stars (or snowflakes), ears, leaves, flowers and other arbitrary patterns are prepared.

To make stars or snowflakes from a layer of dough with a thickness of 2 mm, circles with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm are cut out with a tube. Small radial cuts are made in the circles with a knife or scissors, and the formed petals are turned at an angle of 30-45 degrees.

To make leaves from the dough, pieces are cut in the shape of leaves.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

To make ears of dough, thin bundles are cut out, which are shaped into ears with small scissors.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Before planting in the oven, the harnesses for the ears are greased with an egg and cut.

Bake on baking stone heated to 400F for 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes until cooked.

Source: A. N. Andreev (2003) Production of rich bakery products.

Loaf "Russian" weighing 2 kg

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Recipe according to GOST: 1 kg of wheat flour c. pp., 20g of compressed yeast (10g of fresh yeast of Western production), 13g of salt, 15g of sugar, 20g of margarine, 100-115g of fat milk, water (about 550-650g, depending on the strength and dryness of the flour). Sponge dough. Round shaped or hearth bread weighing 2 kg. Furnace at 425F for 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes.

Source: Bakery products. Recipes and recommendations. Perm, 2007.


Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Rope of two bundles of dough, stars and leaves, ears of wheat for a souvenir loaf

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Pictures of loaves from the sites of bakeries and other sites on the Internet.

The simplest ornaments for decorating loaves (bread-salt) with the help of a flagellum of bread dough and cut-out snowflake flowers for beginners. The dough can also be decoratively chopped in strategically needed places.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Decorating a distant loaf before baking

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Distance loaf before baking

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Ready loaf

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

It is not necessary to decorate the loaf abundantly, a braid around the perimeter of the bread is enough, and a marked place for a salt shaker or salt on the top of the head. In addition, a loaf does not have to be baked with a huge, kilogram. They are baked in convenient sizes.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

When a loaf is baked for a feast on the occasion of an anniversary, birthday and other significant dates, then instead of a figuratively decorated round place for salt or a saltcellar on the top of the loaf, you can place applications in the form of numbers, initials, inscriptions, etc.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

It is allowed to use a small amount of raisins in decoration, for example, in the center of flowers.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

A simple string can be laid in one or two rows, and along the bottom and on the top of the loaf, and you can use the same string of two or three bundles of dough to decorate the sides of the bread.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Depending on the amount of baking in the dough and preferences, the color of the crust of the loaf can be either very light or very, very dark. After baking, the crust of the loaf can be greased with nothing, or greased with butter, for softness, or sugar syrup or starch brewed in water, for shine.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

The loaf does not have to be baked on a hearth or on a baking sheet. It can be baked in a round shape, in a pan, deep or not very deep. In this case, you can leave the string with a string along the bottom of the bread, or frame the bread around the perimeter with balls of dough. Each such bun can be decorated separately from the top and sides.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Not all loaves are formed from the bottom with a string of a pair of dough flagella. Some loaves are not framed with strings at all, but are finished exclusively with applications on the surface.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

On the other hand, you can frame the bottom and top of the head not with a string, but with braids of dough, from any odd number of strands. How do you like.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

And, finally, examples of decorating the surface of bread with applications made from dough with microscopic yeast content, from shortbread or from a special fresh decorative dough. Unleavened decorative dough is obedient and pliable like plasticine, holds its shape well and, if it is not greased with an egg before baking, the pattern will turn out to be of a contrasting color, which can be very beautiful. Highly. If you want to try to decorate a loaf with figurines from unleavened dough, then the recipe is as follows

Decorative dough

Bring 90g water, 90g sugar and 45g corn syrup or light honey to a boil and cool. Pour 3-3.5 cups of white rye flour into the resulting syrup and knead until a smooth dough is obtained. Do not knead until smooth, otherwise the jewelry will be covered with bubbles and "blisters" in the oven.

Instead of 3.5 cups of white rye flour, you can take 2.5 cups of white rye flour and 1 cup of buckwheat flour. This dough will make the decorations even smoother and will definitely not bubble up during baking.

This dough can be tinted with burnt sugar or cocoa, or paprika (powdered sweet red pepper) or turmeric / saffron). If you want to get very light, almost white, decorations, then part of the rye flour can be replaced with wheat or all of the rye flour can be replaced with wheat, preferably confectionery flour.

After baking, the decorative dough appliqués will have a matte surface. For shine, you can grease them with sugar syrup after baking. Pate morte recipe from J. Hamelman (2004) Bread.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

And about these loaves have already been forgotten, go in and admire again:

Miracle loaf. Loaf, loaf, whoever you want to choose !!!

Post 43
We haven't forgotten! We didn't find them! Thank you!
Quote: Admin

Miracle loaf. Loaf, loaf, whoever you want to choose !!!

I propose to look at the magnificent design of loaves intended for different purposes.

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Loaf. Recipes, history, rituals

Admin! Well, excuse me! I could not resist !!
Admin! My fifth and sixth do not open!
and I have
And I would still have an educational program on spikelets ... That's all - no need. All the same, I will not do everything, but the educational program for spikelets, oh, how not enough!
Well, a spikelet is very simple! You try a hairpin, it will work out for sure.
For a spikelet from a piece of dough, roll the flagellum with your fingers so that one end of it is thickened, and the other is very thin - the stalk. Then, using small nail scissors on the thickened part, make cuts-tucks in a checkerboard pattern, giving the shape of a spikelet.
The main thing is on time !!!

Queenie's Soft Milk Custard Bread.
Glass = 250 ml.

1 tbsp. milk
25 gr. pressed yeast
1 tsp salt
450 gr. wheat flour


Sift a glass of flour into a bowl, add salt. Dissolve the yeast in a little milk, bring the rest of the milk to a boil and, stirring occasionally, cook the flour in a bowl. When the mass has cooled, add the diluted yeast and the rest of the flour. Knead dough and leave in a bowl.
Let the dough rise twice (~ 50 minutes), then sit. Repeat one more time. When the dough comes up again (by this time it will become very soft, tender), knead and form a loaf. Place it on a baking sheet. When suitable, sprinkle with water, brush with egg and bake for ~ 40 minutes.

Well, I'm doing it! The dough is really tight, but if you strain it, it will be obedient.
The first bummer is with a scythe. Apparently, when I weaved it, I pulled strongly. Fifteen minutes later, in the oven, it was torn in about ten places. Considering that it has a diameter of 35-40 cm ... And since the loaf is tiny (flour - 450 grams), then it is problematic to lay the jewelry. If he was healthy, it would be easier. From jewelry - 1 rose + two spikelets. In principle, they were enough for the entire area.

But I still have a week and a half!

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers