ah ah ah ....... what are they doing !!!!!! where they pour out ..... and bake bread ..... and really marinate the chicken, meat .....
Aunt Besya
Girls, forgive me stupid, I constantly come here, read and kill me, I don't understand why you can't do it. I take whatever oil is available, I never choose that brand or the other .. And there are never failures! Maybe the reason is in the mixer?
Quote: Aunt Besya

Maybe the reason is in the mixer?
So it seems to me ... I do it in a blender bowl, also without interruption. When I tried to do it "with my foot" - there were problems ...
Quote: Aunt Besya

And never fail!

Likewise. At least with a mixer, at least with a foot. To be fair, I must say that mayonnaise did not work out once. Took the wrong leg - weak power. But the mayonnaise was then easily revived with the correct, more powerful leg.
Quote: Stеrn

Took the wrong leg - weak power.
Stell, mayonnaise gets lost even with your hands. Therefore, I am oppressed by anxious doubts that the fork in the hand of the cook of the 19th century is a construction that is more powerful than the weakest blender of the 21st century :)
Quote: sweetka

mayonnaise gets lost even with just hands.
I confirm !!! She whipped it herself in the distant past, she still has fun ...
Girls, I can't always do it and the leg is the same Braun - 600 W, 13000 rpm ... It's just that the stars were formed that time ...

Mayonnaise according to a failed recipe then immediately without leaving the checkout repeated - everything worked out
Zvezda askony
Quote: Antonovka

And I got 225g of grape Something I didn't write right away ... I also weighed it on purpose ...

But won't the knowledgeable people tell me what can be done with the mayonnaise that has not been obtained? I have it in two substances
I also have two substances
Oil on top, mustard below
It also has two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
There is no egg.
Will you be able to reanimate?
If so, what to add?
In what quantity and in what order.
If you do it with a blender - at what speed and which attachment is better?
(I have 724)
What instead of an egg? Only butter and mustard?
Aunt Besya
Oil-vinegar-mustard is a salad dressing in itself !!! The substance will not keep its shape, quickly disintegrates into fractions, so it is prepared just before refueling!
Egg helps the oil to emulsify ... but it's not there ...
Zvezda askony
Quote: matroskin_kot

What instead of an egg? Only butter and mustard?
If in detail then
- 150 ml of refined grape oil
- 75 ml of water, including 2 tbsp. l milk powder
- 0.5-1 tsp without a slide of ready-made mustard (but less is better)
- 0.5 tsp sugar
- 0.5-0.75 tsp salt
- 2 teaspoons of natural apple cider vinegar at the end into an already thick mixture
True milk powder was thrown into the mustard
The oil was olive and sunflower.
Mustard ready
Sugar 1 teaspoon
Zvezda askony
Quote: Aunt Besya

Egg helps the oil to emulsify ... but it's not there ...
And what can you replace the egg with?
Somehow the horror of salmonellosis is alive
And as for the quail eggs, the veterinarian disappointed, said that alas and ah - their body temperature is the same with the chickens.
Accordingly, nothing is safer in this sense.

But what about my first experience
I really haven't really emulsified anything
At first it began to cease to be transparent, but it did not become completely opaque.
Perhaps there was an error in the speed mode?!?
Natalia 1108
And what can you replace the egg with?
[/ quote]
Egg can be replaced with milk, see recipes above.
Here it is mayonnaise with milk.
Making mayonnaise
listen, but why such a fear of salmonellosis? Under normal health, small amounts of Salmonella are killed "at once" (to be honest, we get it much more often than one might imagine). If the intestinal microflora is more or less healthy, then you can get a sore, that is, a decent dose of salmonella, only with very stale eggs or if the food was prepared with a flagrant violation of hygiene rules (most often it is a catering kitchen or cooking a large amount for several days products, say, a wedding).The main sources of contamination are meat products and salads with stale dressings.

Take fresh eggs with whole shells, wash them thoroughly before use, do not season salads in advance - the risk is minimized.

By the way, milk can also seem like a reservoir for salmonella.
Salmonellosis. Etiology. The clinical picture. Treatment. Prevention.
........................ .............
Reservoir and sources of infection - many types of agricultural and wild animals and birds; their disease can occur in the form of pronounced forms, as well as asymptomatic carriage. The most important source of infection in salmonellosis is cattle, as well as pigs, the infection of which can reach 50%. Carrier animals are the most dangerous to humans. In healthy animals, Salmonella does not cause disease, while when the body is weakened, Salmonella penetrate from the intestines into tissues and organs, as a result of which they develop septic diseases. Human infection occurs when caring for animals, their forced slaughter at meat processing plants and the consumption of intravital or posthumously infected meat, as well as milk and dairy products. Carriage of Salmonella was noted in cats and dogs (10%), as well as among synanthropic rodents (up to 40%). Salmonellosis is widespread among wild birds (pigeons, starlings, sparrows, seagulls, etc.). At the same time, birds can contaminate with droppings and thereby contaminate objects of the external environment and food. In the last 30 years, in most countries of the world, there has been a sharp increase in the number of positive findings of Salmonella in poultry, primarily chickens.
........................ .............
Natural susceptibility of people high, depends on the totality of many known and unknown factors that determine the outcome of a person's encounter with the pathogen: the dose of the pathogen, its antigenic structure, features of biological properties; individual characteristics of a person, his immune status, etc. The most sensitive to Salmonella are children in the first months of life (especially premature babies), elderly people and persons with an unfavorable premorbid background. Post-infectious immunity lasts less than a year.

Main epidemiological signs. Salmonellosis is classified as a ubiquitous (ubiquitous) infection; in recent years, there has been a trend towards a further increase in the incidence. Unlike most intestinal infections, salmonellosis is most widespread in large comfortable cities, in countries characterized by a high level of economic development, which makes it possible to classify them as “diseases of civilization”. The increase in the spread of salmonellosis on a global scale is associated with a number of reasons, the main of which are the intensification of animal husbandry on an industrial basis, the centralization of food production and the changed ways of selling them, in particular, an increase in the production of semi-finished products. An important role is played by the processes of urbanization, the intensification of migration processes, the expansion of exports and imports of food and feed, intensive environmental pollution, etc. Salmonellosis is recorded in the form of epidemic outbreaks and sporadic cases; quite often, even with a thorough epidemiological investigation, outbreaks remain undeciphered. Their identification is difficult in large cities due to a highly developed infrastructure, intensive intracity migration of the population, a wide network of shops and catering establishments. The manifestations of the epidemic process in salmonellosis are largely determined by the serovar of the causative agent that caused it. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of diseases associated with the spread of bacteria (S.enterica) through poultry and eggs, as well as products made from them. When bacteria are introduced into large poultry farms, they quickly infect part of the livestock due to their ability to transovarial transmission. Among the sick people, adults predominate (60-70%), although the highest intensive incidence rate was noted among young children. The high sensitivity of young children to small doses of the pathogen predetermines the possibility of transmitting it among them not only by food, but also by the so-called household route. Outbreaks are usually explosive. The incidence of salmonellosis increases in the warm season.

A peculiar feature of salmonellosis has become their anthroponous character. Most often, the nosocomial spread of Salmonella is associated with contact-household transmission of antibiotic-resistant strains of S. typhimurium or S. haifa. Hospital strains of bacteria are distinguished by multiple resistance to antibiotics and disinfectants.
Quote: Rina

Take fresh eggs with whole shells
buying eggs in the store, it seems to me, there is no guarantee of their freshness .... yes, they are not rotten, but how long have they been demolished? .....

How to check the freshness of an egg

There are many ways to check freshness - these are the simplest and most affordable:

1) This method of determining the freshness of eggs is one of the simplest. To do this, shake the egg. Thus, you can identify a talker, that is, a product useless for consumption. But the exact date of birth of the egg cannot be determined in this way, and therefore it is worth using other verification methods.

2) Another confirmation of the freshness of the product is its surface. Newly laid eggs have a matte surface, while old ones have a shiny, bluish tint. Therefore, if your vision does not fail you, the surface will tell you all the secrets of the product's quality.

3) You can determine the freshness of eggs by measuring the temperature. However, since the “egg thermometer” has not yet been invented, it is possible to measure the heat of the product with the tongue. If you apply the “blunt” and “sharp” ends to it alternately, you can feel that the fresh blunt end is warmer than the sharp one. An old egg has the same temperature at both ends.

4) At home, the freshness of an egg can be determined by dipping it in an 8% solution of kitchen salt. If it lies on the bottom of the dish, then its age is within 1-6 days. If it forms an angle of 45 ° with the bottom of the dish (the blunt end rises up), then the egg is about 7-10 days old. If it stands at the bottom almost vertically, then it is 11-12 days old. If it floats in solution - 13-17 days. The blunt end protrudes out of the water - the egg is more than 17 days old.

5) All eggs are divided into dietary and table eggs. Diet eggs are those that have been laid within 7 days. The same ones that were born from 7 to 25 days before they appeared on the counter are canteens. The eggs are marked with blue paint. Diet should contain the labeling date; canteens do not have this information.

6) The air chamber contained in the egg can “tell” its age. Yes, if the product is fresh, the chamber reaches no more than one centimeter. For dietary products, it should reach 4 mm, for canteens - 7-9 mm. With age, and consequently with drying out of the egg content, the chamber increases. Now the clients of “Ternopil Poultry Farm” will be able to measure the size of the air chamber at authorized points of sale of eggs using a special device.

7) The freshness of eggs is also determined by ultraviolet rays. Fresh eggs are bright red, and the longer the age, the red fades to a pale purple.

8) And one more way to check whether the egg is actually fresh is by breaking it in a frying pan. As a rule, the protein of a recently removed product forms a tall ring around the yolk and only spreads at the edges. However, this method is not straightforward. Sometimes the protein spill is due to the chicken's special diet and age. If the yolk is placed close to the shell, and the protein is liquefied, this is a sure sign of "old age"
Quote: Rina

you can measure the warmth of the product with your tongue. If you attach to it alternately the “blunt” and “sharp” ends, you can feel that the fresh blunt end is warmer than the sharp one. An old egg has the same temperature at both ends.
namesake, hilarious !!!

No, thank you unconditionally, of course, for. But licking eggs at the market is guaranteed (if not salmonellosis, then dysentery, don't go to your grandmother)
Irish, I have knowingly highlighted the SANE options for checking eggs
Natalia 1108
But the freshness of an egg does not guarantee that it will not be infected with salmonella ...
Quote: Natalia 1108

But the freshness of an egg does not guarantee that it will not be infected with salmonella ...
who has a phobia of fresh eggs, let him cook on boiled yellows, there is a recipe on page 1, and in general, this has already been discussed in this thread more than once.

shl. As an alternative to milk. Only take the correct proportions - 150 milk x 300 butter.
Natalia 1108
Yes, no one is against it, I myself prepare mayonnaise in milk, and I saw the recipes, just Rina wants to convince us that Salmonella should not be too afraid.
Zvezda askony
Forgive me generously!
What should I do?
Should I start over again or is it still possible to revive the failed mayonnaise?
I already have a consonant on the egg-I was not !!!!!
Next time I will do it with milk.
Although there is a fear that it will deteriorate.
We eat some mayonnaise. But I really want it!
Moreover, if I understood correctly, homemade, unlike store-bought poison, is not
Quote: Zvezda Askony

Forgive me generously!
What should I do?
Should I start over again or is it still possible to revive the failed mayonnaise?

add the egg. (if not critical) Or rather into the egg all this substance drop by drop is desirable.
Quote: Zvezda Askony

Next time I will do it with milk.
Although there is a fear that it will deteriorate.
We eat some mayonnaise. But I really want it!
Moreover, if I understood correctly, homemade, unlike store-bought poison, is not
will not deteriorate. Make 75 ml milk and 150 butter, as Pakat counted.
Zvezda askony
Quote: IRR

will not deteriorate. Make 75 ml milk and 150 butter, as Pakat counted.
I will try with a testicle at night. I beg your pardon for the slowness of thinking
Whole egg or only yolk?
And if you don’t find it difficult, please in a personal link to the calculation made by PACKAT.
One hundred pages - I'm afraid not to overcome.
Since in my spare time I dig a trench to find nozzles for Sir Ken.
It looks like we will have to ask the Ukrainians. They are better at it.
Although for some reason in a large bowl, nothing happened at all.
But then I understood the main thing to understand the principle itself - and then everything will work out everywhere and from everything
Quote: Zvezda Askony

Whole egg or only yolk?
And if you don’t find it difficult, please in a personal link to the calculation made by PACKAT.
One hundred pages - I'm afraid not to overcome.
Since in my spare time I dig a trench to find nozzles for Sir Ken.
It looks like you have to ask the Ukrainians. They are better at it.
Although for some reason in a large bowl, nothing happened at all.
But then I understood the main thing to understand the principle itself - and then everything will work out everywhere and from everything

an egg who like - I - whole.
Recalculation from Pakata

Quote: Pakat

natamylove, thanks for the recipe, no eggs,
fast and unblemished ...

For the sample I took half a portion:
75 ml milk 2%, straight from the refrigerator
150 ml plant. vegetable oil
0.5 tsp mustard powder
0.5 tsp mustard seeds
0.5 tsp garlic granules
0.5 tsp lemon juice
0,5 h. l. salt (or to taste)

Well, then, as it is written, it was whipped up in 30 seconds, very quickly, I just forgot to halve the salt, it turned out a little salty ...
It's much longer with eggs and not so tasty ...

Zvezda askony, listen here, when I was reading the topic - I decided for myself - to buy an immersion blender (or, as here, in common parlance - leg... I went the next day and bought the most cheap
inexpensive - for 8 bucks. And since then, well waaapsche without nouproblems. Moreover, only to them and only in the glass, which goes with it in tandem when buying. Although wort whips right in the jar with the same (so as not to stain the glass.) I tried it - it didn't work out, I spat and do the first time it worked. Since then I have changed oil, and mustard, and salt for sea salt and coarse-fine, vinegar-lemon. I didn't change only the blender and his tall native glass - and everything worked out.
And here I muddied the lean mayonnaise.

Well, absolutely no eggs and no milk, someone is interested?
Quote: Luysia

And here I muddied the lean mayonnaise.

Well, absolutely no eggs and no milk, someone is interested?

on starch? I tried ... and even nifiga. And it didn't work out, and it's not tasty.
And without starch ...

I'll burn it, okay (but definitely today).

If we want to get just a sauce, then it turned out quite tasty, but if we want to compare it with real mayonnaise and start show off pick and choose, then undoubtedly the real tastes better!
Quote: Luysia

I'll burn it, okay (but definitely today).
Quote: Luysia

let's start show off pick and choose

I promise not to show off
Quote: IRR

I promise not to show off
Forgive me for getting in, I have no milk and no eggs at all, it turned out
did this:
1: 3 vinegar and vegetable oil (well-ooh, 50 ml vinegar and 150 ml oil)
4-5 cloves of garlic (large), the rest (salt, sugar, mustard) - to taste.
All - in a jar and beat with "foot".
Only I think so, if you don’t like garlic, don’t, and vinegar, if it’s too spicy, less, however, will be thicker.
Quote: julifera

Is there any difference for meat? It all seems to me that there is no ...
meat is definitely filoletovo! I usually shake everything out of the refrigerator and smear it over. something like this: 1-2 tbsp is loaded into a bowl. l savory, ketchup, mustard, honey, narsharab. spices are added, also what are at hand, salt. mixed with a teaspoon and on mnyaso! we like meat, we like it :)
Aha ha, bye sweetka answered me - I rubbed everything, the answer is so obvious
Lean Mayonnaise Sauce Recipe

0.5 cups sifted flour
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (olive)
1.5 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 tbsp. l. mustard
1.5 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. l sugar
1.5 cups of water

Add a few tablespoons of water to the flour. Grind everything well so that there are no lumps. Add the rest of the water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. It is necessary to stir the mass all the time. Then remove the mass from the heat and cool.
Mix butter with sugar and mustard, add salt and lemon juice. Beat with a blender. Add the brewed flour in portions, whisking constantly.

Add spices as desired, you can also change the amount of salt, sugar, lemon juice and mustard to taste.

For a lean table, in the absence of real mayonnaise, it has a right to life!
Aunt Besya
Mayonnaise-mayonnaise .... And I didn't get sour cream yesterday. I'm going to cry in the yogurt maker
I didn't understand why, I made mayonnaise according to Luysia's recipe, once, and it was liquid, once again, but it didn’t thicken, I added another egg, but he didn’t want to thicken today. let him think about his behavior and at the same time I calm down. After all, I did the main thing already a week ago, I didn't even understand, I haven't let go of my leg yet, and the mayonnaise is already ready. I'm so happy, what a craftswoman to hand out recipes to everyone, (I'll make a reservation right away, I honestly talked about OUR FORUM, and about girls-needlewomen). And then such a bummer, maybe because the eggs are not from the refrigerator, can this be?
Someone else, I don't remember who, said to me that the container must be dry! that if there is even a drop of water, the oil will not want to emulsify.
and I took the eggs both from the refrigerator and at room temperature - in both cases everything worked out.
understandably, this is my mistake, I washed the can and threw everything into a wet one, that's stupid. Live forever, learn, damn such trifles. And why now throw everything away?
noooooooooo !!!! we read this topic from the 98th page somewhere to 101st. there this topic was raised
Thank you, I remember, I saw it somewhere. Clinic in one word
vera100865 and yesterday I thumped everything in a wet container - it didn't work out ... but the resuscitation was successful, though not very thick and a bit too much mustard, but quite edible.
I couldn't resuscitate.
Tomorrow I will fill the fish with mayonnaise in the oven. You can fish on the Annunciation. There we'll see what happens.
tack, who's naughty here ?! let the night settle, tomorrow you will merge the top and try with the same oil and a new egg. everything will work out!
Quote: Natalia 1108

Egg can be replaced with milk, see recipes above.
Here it is mayonnaise with milk.
Natalia 1108, please give a link to this mayonnaise that you have in the photo, otherwise I looked through the "recipes above" and got confused.
AND I WANT THIS !!!! He already looks like it to me ..., I feel yuyuyuyu ...
Today I poured that sublimation with "mayonnaise" which yesterday did not work out a fish, a cod and in the oven
Girls, yummy, at first worried that there was a lot of oil, but the fish was more than kg, and all this swept, and a crust and even a testicle. Tasty (maybe because I am fasting, but today you can.
I corrected myself, today everything turned out all over again.
Svetlanka thanks again, all the mistakes were taken into account, if it did not work out again, I would have to try again and again. Olivier was made for his men, but there is no way without mayonnaise, but now, I like ours.
Well, our army has replenished with another happy "mayonnaise"! Hurrah. comrades!
Yes, I have already been semi-professional twice (though not in a row) this is something.
My mother-in-law got it, she used to buy some American mayonnaise, now it is nowhere to be found, and everything is wrong and wrong, maybe someone knows what kind of bird it is? I remember that he is very good. thick.
my mother had a girlfriend whose husband is a sailor. and he could only drink coffee foreign, and Moscow - feeee. (this is at a time when there was no particular coffee on sale at all). Duc my mummy comes to visit and took them and poured Moscow coffee into an empty Indian can. Uncle Vitya, having eaten a cup of coffee, uttered in a highly professional manner: no, well, there is a foreign country - you immediately feel both the aroma and the aftertaste ...
this is what I mean. take an empty American jar from your mother-in-law, stick your homemade jar there and let the woman gourmet herself for health!

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