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Ivan-tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class (page 46)

I made willow tea in different ways, collected at different times - now I will no longer collect, it becomes tough, like other plants, by the way.
I regularly smell tea in jars - an indescribable pleasure! And all the cans have a different smell. So that's good!
lappl1, Do not tear your soul, all adults.
The preparation of tea is influenced by everything: the place of collection, weather conditions, soil of growth, and the scents, all with their own character and soul;
how they brought it, how and where they dried it, how they froze it, defrost it, how and what they pressed, twisted it (on the thigh or in a meat grinder), fermented it, in what dish, at what temperature and drying, and with what, and with whom and under what.
Drying, stirring, frying, underfrying and whoever fried fish and drank vodka, etc., etc. And with what mood and soul all this was done, and how the household reacted to this, and how we treated them. Individual perception, taste (who loves caramel, and who ...), etc., etc.
Everything has its own mood, smells, energy. And as a result, we get tea not according to GOST and TU, but EXCLUSIVE with its energy and soul, which cannot be repeated !!!
Yes, there is a diagram, a recipe, and that's it. And the second time you can't cook the same!

Wozik, The main thing is that you enjoy the process and make tea with a soul for recipe, How do you like! And "drank, Shura, drank," and wait a month and you will be happy. Only personal experience and nothing personal. Only your exclusive! Own!

Anecdote: Parents with many children are asked - do you love children so much? - No, we are more of a process.

I personally love the process and communication.

By the way, I got tea No. 5 blackberry - grape-thyme weekly (don't scold), but it tastes like prunes! Here is a minute of bliss! In six months it will be completely different!
lappl1, on rainy, cold days we dry the tea at home. Dry and dry outside. Now in the suburbs no more than 20-22. With this t, can you dry outside?
Tata, if you have a higher temperature at home, who prevents you from drying at home? Dry where it is drier and warmer.
Tata, let's speculate. If you wash something and hang it outside to dry, will it dry at that temperature? So it is with our tea. But for reliability, after a day or two, you can put tea in an oven heated to a minimum and turned off.
Vasyutka, Natalia, beautifully said.
lappl1, thanks for the answer. You wrote that after drying in the oven, a small amount of moisture remains in the tea and therefore additional drying in the breeze is required. I just see that after the oven it is drier than outside in the given weather. So I wonder if this extra moisture will hurt. This means a breeze not only to remove residual moisture, but also for natural dry fermentation. Right?
Elena Kadiewa
Vasyutka,, ah how well said, well done!
Girls, take my "three kopecks" too! I'll tell you right away - my tea, by your high standards, is in the top three. It smells nice, but the smell is by no means honeyed and not fruity, and, alas, I didn’t get the smell so “even eat with a spoon”. But the process itself !! Natural product!! Husband praises !! Actually, I like it all. In addition, in reputable companies, after all, not all teas are of the highest grade, tea is not standard pressed into tiles, packed in tea bags, flavored, etc., etc. And who's stopping me? And so everything turned out well - my daughter ate oranges, skins in the trash can, such a slob, she did not throw off. And I have them through a meat grinder, and into drying, and into tea! DELICIOUS! I will further develop this area.The plans include lemon peels, apple shavings, ginger slices, berries, whatever comes across, aromatic herbs and roots. Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
Lappl1, the recipe is remarkably detailed, contagious!
If not, I would not have subscribed, probably))) You don't need to change or add anything.
You just don't understand some things until you touch them with your hands. For example, about granules of dry tea: they break, but do not crumble. I almost didn't ask a question, but it dawned on me, today I will dry and break the granules more often. I hope it will work)))

Thank you !
Quote: svetn
It smells good, but the smell is not honeyed or fruity.
This is also the case for me, but I still like it very much, I will continue to do so, although it turns out (by aroma) better from garden plants. And most importantly
Quote: svetn
But the process itself !! Natural product!!
svetn, well done! I want to try grape skins.
Good idea! I also really like this smell, I will make myself such a tea.
francevna, Alla, elena kadiewa, Elena, natushka, Natalia, thank you girls !!!
Congratulations - my husband bought an electric meat grinder! They love - men - to make gifts!
Quote: Vasyutka
Congratulations - my husband bought an electric meat grinder!
Congratulations, a wonderful gift.
Quote: Vasyutka
They love - men - to make gifts!
So it's good that they love.
Vasyutka, Nataliya, Congratulations!
(then he wants tea)))
Quote: Tata
I just see that after the oven it is drier than outside in the given weather. So I wonder if this extra moisture will hurt. This means a breeze not only to remove moisture residues, but also for natural dry fermentation. Right?
Tata, no, not right. Dry fermentation can only take place in a closed jar. And in the breeze, the moisture content of each tea leaf / granule evens out. After the oven, the pellets are more humid inside than outside. This moisture is difficult to feel with your hands. But it is there. You can, of course, dry the tea to absolute dryness in the oven / dryer, but there is a risk of overdrying the tea. And, besides that, we need a residual moisture in tea 3 - 5%. It is needed for further dry fermentation. These tiny percentages cannot be felt with your hands, but they should be. There is always moisture in the air. In the breeze, almost all moisture is removed. remains a minuscule, which is enough for us. But this is in the case of dry and warm weather. if it is damp on the street and in the house, then after a while, after leveling the moisture in the granules (in bags), be sure to dry the tea in the oven heated to a minimum and turned off.
Quote: Bobcat2
You just don't understand some things until you touch them with your hands. For example, about granules of dry tea: they break, but do not crumble. I almost didn't ask a question, but it dawned on me, today I will dry and break the granules more often. I hope it will work)))
Bobcat2, that's for sure - you need to go through each stage consciously, then then everything will turn out on autopilot. With granules I have as I wrote. Also, the granules should not be crushed. When the granule is crushed, the tea is raw. Maybe you will be somehow different. For this, the final drying of tea in a bag was invented, so that the tea would surely dry out ...
Quote: Vasyutka
Congratulations - my husband bought an electric meat grinder! They love - men - to make gifts!
Vasyutka, congratulations on your assistant! Let the tea be made with even more inspiration now!
Quote: svetn
I'll tell you right away - my tea, by your high standards, is in the top three. It smells nice, but the smell is by no means honeyed and not fruity, and, alas, I didn’t manage to have a scent to "even eat with a spoon".
svetn, Svetlana, so it is necessary to understand why you have so happened that there is no aroma. You write how you made tea, and we will figure it out. And although your tea suits you now, we know that the top three is not our assessment. We should have excellent tea! So write, we'll figure it out.
And in the photo, the tea looks very beautiful. Another would be to look at the brewed one.
Girls, I’ll ask.
It turned out that the granule of undried tea flattens into dust, and dry tea breaks.
Did it work out right?
Bobcat2, Congratulations! Everything turned out right.
svetn, Svetlana, the tea looks very nice.
Vasyutka, Natalia, a very necessary gift. Who is the manufacturer, metal bushings?
francevna, Alla, Let's go to the gazebo. We are waiting for pictures.
lappl1I didn't quite understand how under-dried tea can turn into dust. I have under-dried it dry on the outside and wet on the inside. He just wrinkles between his fingers. Is there something wrong?. And further. After drying in the oven, tea dust is always present in the mass. Even if the granules were originally large. It should not be?
Quote: Tata
I didn't quite understand how under-dried tea can turn into dust.
Tata, the granules are crumbled or crushed depending on the degree of underdried tea. And as soon as it dries well, the granules become stronger and break. By the way, in tea factories, the fine fraction is not called dust, but crumbs.
Why well-dried tea granules do not crumble, but break? I think this is due to the following reason. At high temperatures during the drying of tea, the sugar in the juice is caramelized. If the granules have not dried, then these sugars have not yet caramelized. And with complete drying, caramelization of sugars occurred, which strengthens the granules. By the way, I noticed that if the tea is dried by roasting, then the granules are always stronger than if the tea was dried at 100 *.
And more about the baby. I've noticed that stirring tea while drying with a spatula produces more crumbs than stirring tea with my hands. I wrote about this in the recipe itself:
Quote: lappl1
I mix the tea as follows. I lift the opposite corners of the paper, then the others. Tea is going to the center. Then I gently smooth out the tea on the baking sheet with my hands (it does not burn). You can also stir with a spatula, but while stirring with your hands, the tea practically does not crumble than if you do it with a spatula.
Quote: Tata
I have under-dried it dry on the outside and wet on the inside. He just wrinkles between his fingers. Is there something wrong?.
Tata, why not? Exactly!
Quote: Tata
After drying in the oven, tea dust is always present in the mass. Even if the granules were originally large. It should not be?
Tata, even in a tea factory, where there are industrial granulators that make very strong granules, tea chips remain. Here is what is written about the tea crumb in the book about tea:
With the correct technological processes, crumbs are obtained 2-3% of the total amount of tea. Crumbs are the smallest particles of tea and are used in a certain proportion in commercial blends of fine teas, as well as for the production of tea bags.
We have much more of this crumb, because we do not have a granulator, but a meat grinder not intended for the production of tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

musyanya, Lyudmila, unfortunately, has not yet found fireweed with us. My husband bought a meat grinder. I set the parameters: meat, leaves and a juicer (we have a tomato family - everyone loves tomato juice, sauces, ketchups from it). I drove through the shops, studied everything, disassembled, touched everything, bought a Russian one from the Izhevsk plant Axion 3104. By the way, all the knives and grates from Soviet meat grinders fit it. Checked it out. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Let's see, wait, see. After the weekend, I’ll twist the leaves.
Lyudmila sent a personal message. Write received or not. I don't see whether it's gone or not.
francevna, Alla, You know these words - sleeve. I don't know where the screwdrivers are in the house and what they do. Now I know. No, not metal, in stock 3 pcs. go.
Quote: Vasyutka
My husband bought a meat grinder. I set the parameters: meat, leaves and a juicer (we have a tomato family - everyone loves tomato juice, sauces, ketchups from it). I drove through the shops, studied everything, disassembled, touched everything, bought a Russian one from the Izhevsk plant Axion 3104. By the way, all the knives and grates from Soviet meat grinders fit it. Checked it out.
Buying household appliances is like a lottery - something works for years, but something for a week.
I'll try the smelly on Monday.Today I collected peach, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry.
Girls the question is off-topic, but somebody has or heard about the Belarusian-made BELVAR meat grinder. Power 1000 watts. Will she be able to cope with the twisting of the leaves.
Quote: lappl1
you need to figure out why you have it that there is no aroma. You write how you made tea, and we will figure it out
Thanks for attention! I'd love to get some advice. I make tea every three or four days, I walk a few minutes before the raw material, I immediately put four leaves of fireweed in my bag and another kilogram of whatever comes along the way (a leaf of raspberry, currant, wild rose, apple-wild, drupe). I wither on the balcony, at about 12 o'clock (I collected it in the evening - I twisted it in the evening, I collected it in the evening - in the morning for a meat grinder, the granules are always strong) I put the mass in a heat-resistant glass form for fermentation, there the height of the side is 12 centimeters, the volume is 6.5 liters, five kilograms of twisted leaves - full form, cover with wet gauze. Well, then, already creativity. I am looking for my recipe and the best result for myself. Fermented and 6 hours and 12 and 24 and 36, at room temperature, and under blankets. The smell is pleasant, herbaceous, weak. It doesn't smell like honey. Although I understand what kind of smell one should expect, today I cooked fireweed honey according to your recipe - I couldn't smell it. The color of the mixture changes as expected. I made tea only from fireweed leaves - the same result. To my taste, I still like tea made from fireweed and several types of leaves. A hot drink tastes better to me than a cold one. I also did double fermentation - in a plastic bag, kept warm for several hours, then twisted rolls and put them under a press. This tea did not please me even with its taste, it was completely empty, I decided for myself - only granulated. The taste of the batch of tea was significantly different, which immediately after the meat grinder I sent to the multicooker on the "Yogurt" mode. Yes, I know - 40 degrees for 8 hours - it's a bit too much for fermentation, but the result is interesting - the infusion of tea is very intense, bright color, rich taste, smell - like black tea, in cold tea tart, sour notes are felt, the color becomes cloudy, hot to drink tastier. After fermentation, I continue the experiments, for different batches of tea, I fry in a frying pan for 10, 20, 40 minutes, then dry it in the dryer. In the oven - 150 degrees-10 minutes, then in the dryer at 45 degrees or 100 degrees for 20 minutes, then I reduce the temperature to 60 and dry with the door open. If time is running out, after fermentation I put the tea straight into the dryer (the result is rather weak in taste), but in general I also like to conjure over it. With cans of tea, I made a whole corner in a bendyuzhka. My husband laughs and offers to get a goat, I answer that I do not need additional goats, and colleagues will help with supplies. So that is all. Thank you who did it. For us tea makers, wonderful verses:

The Fairy of Life was brewing an elixir ...
I conjured with a saucepan near the stove -
Took from the sky - a clear view of the world,
Heat - from the sun ... it seemed a little ...

She asked the wind to bring her from the mountains -
From stone - strength, strength and reliability ...
And breaking an ancient treaty
Caution took the fire away ...

Added romance to the sea
I flavored everything with excellent seasoning -
A little bit of insolence ... minimum - peace,
On the edge of a knife, literally, glory ...

Cooked for a long time ... strong aroma
It spread over all our land ...
And everyone, the elixir would be glad
And everyone dreamed - if only I got ...

The robber blew the brew
To all regions ... and in every corner,
Distributed drop by drop, in the form of white grew
For proud, faithful and courageous men ...

And the man began to take care of the woman,
He became a support ... put roses to the headboard
Took adversity from fragile women's shoulders
And this is called - Love ...
Svetlanathanks for the poetry
These are the volumes you have. , cook more, in a year it will be tastier.
Quote: francevna
These are the volumes you have
There is a lot of fireweed, there is a lot of desire, it is good for the family, and technology will help me.
Svetlana, poetry very much
Thank you, Oksana! We all cook LOVE in our saucepans
Quote: svetn
I'd love to get some advice.
svetn, Sveta, you are doing everything right. I really like your approach that you are looking for your own version of tea. Only one thing confuses me:
Quote: svetn
For fermentation, I put the mass in a heat-resistant glass form, there the height of the side is 12 centimeters, the volume is 6.5 liters, five kilograms of twisted leaves is a full form, I cover it with wet gauze.
Although I wrote that you need a sufficient volume of fermented mass, it seems to me that you are overkill with this. I noticed that if I put more than 10 cm in a container, the smell becomes weaker. And someone in the subject wrote that it makes a full bucket of twisted mass. There was no smell during fermentation either. I do not know the entire biochemistry of the process, but I have empirically deduced that there should be no more than 1.5 liters of mass. When I make it in a 1.5 liter container, it makes the most aromatic tea. And already in a 3-liter - much weaker. Therefore, I try to put no more than 2 liters of mass in any container. Right now my tea is fermented in 3 containers. I would have found one container to fit everything, but I don't do it on purpose. And I make the height 7 cm. Try to do this, maybe it will work out better.
And for the poems - many thanks. And for a saucepan with LOVE - too. You are smart!
Luna Nord
Quote: svetn
ki, apple shavings,
Svetlana, when the apple shavings dry out, they do not curl beautifully. I've already spoiled one tea,
Quote: lappl1
there should be no more than 1.5 liters of mass
I will definitely do it according to your advice. Thank you.
Hello. Here is a small report, here is so much raw material [imghttps: //Mcooker-enn.tomathouse.com/r-image/s014.r.1/i327/1507/3f/650ff2778b75.jpg], this is after the bulkhead wasteIvan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class, like this I checked after 10 hours in Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class.
pavel1963, Hello! Only two photos are visible in your message. You downloaded them through the radical, but try to download them through our site. Go to your profile, find "My Gallery" there, click and follow the prompts. ... And a big photo can be shown to us. And this is a guarantee that the photos will not disappear from the topic. Photos uploaded via Radical disappear from our site after a while.
And I would very much like to see your tea.
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Quote: pavel1963
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pavel1963, thanks for the photo! Everything looks very good! The sausages turned out great! But it seems to me that if there were more leaves, it would be better. Or I just didn't understand how many leaves you had.
Ludmila, brewed fireweed. The tea turned out to be very rich, dark. The taste is very similar to strong black tea, even a little knitting. Processing scheme: drying for 12 hours, scrolling in a meat grinder, fermentation for 24 hours, drying in the oven, in the breeze for 2 days and short-term drying in a cooling oven at a minimum. Brewing on the same day for a kettle of 500 ml 2 tsp. I liked the tea, but expected a little different. No floral honey scent. In general, like good black tea.
Tata, congratulations on a good tea!
Quote: Tata
I liked the tea, but expected a little different. No floral honey scent. In general, like good black tea.
Firstly, your tea has not gone through dry fermentation for 1 - 2 months. Secondly, in the recipe I wrote about different degree of fermentation... The longer we ferment, the stronger we get the infusion, but the weaker the aroma. Try fermenting for less time.
Good evening everyone!
Unfortunately, I didn’t finish my tea again. As always.
In the airfryer 20min-150g, 10min-80g, 30min-65g. And the granules seemed to break. And there was no smell when it cooled down. Hanging in a pillowcase at home for 2 days. And again it smells, smells, if you bury your nose in a pillowcase.

Quote: lappl1

if it is damp on the street and in the house, then after a while, after leveling the moisture in the granules (in bags), it is imperative to dry the tea in an oven heated to a minimum and turned off.

Please tell me what order of time to focus on (30 minutes, 3 hours)? Or until the smell disappears?
Or can you hang tea over the stove instead of the oven, there is about 30-35 degrees? In the oven recommended for finishing drying, probably about so much?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Quote: Bobcat2
And there was no smell when it cooled down.
Bobcat2, there should be no smell when the tea has cooled down after the oven. But as soon as this is done, it begins to acquire aroma again due to the residual moisture of 3 - 5%. And in a jar, this aroma only intensifies.There are those who complain about the lack of aroma, and you - about the presence. Remember - tea freshly dried in the oven should be odorless... Well, or just a little ... But then this smell should appear.
Quote: Bobcat2
Please tell me what order of time to navigate (30 minutes, 3 hours)? Or until the smell disappears?
It depends on how dry the tea is. The better it is dry, the less. we focus not on time, but on a granule (breaking). And to the dry, rustling sound in the bag. Rough a couple of times and you will understand.
Yesterday I finished drying my tea once. heated the oven to 50 *. She turned it off and put on the tea. The oven is cold. I was in no hurry to clean up. After a couple of hours, I checked the granules. DO NOT SMELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granules !!!!!!!!!!!! broke apart, dry to the touch. Poured into a container.
And a few days ago I had to do this procedure 2 times with the oven, since it was very damp in the house, the tea in the bag did not dry, did not rustle. For 2 passes in the oven (with a break of 2 hours), it has dried.
Quote: Bobcat2
Or can you hang tea over the stove instead of the oven, there is about 30-35 degrees?
Bobcat2, sure you may! And even necessary! You know your terms better. Drying in the oven is a necessary measure. If it is damp in the house or on the street, and the tea does not dry out in any way, then we resort to the oven, but if it is dry and warm, then this should not be done.
Quote: Bobcat2
And again it smells, smells, if you bury your nose in a pillowcase.
Bobcat2, he cannot help but smell in the pillowcase, because there is always moisture in the air, due to which the smell appears in the tea. Even on the hottest and driest day, there is moisture in the air. Listen to the weather. sometimes referred to as the percentage of relative humidity. I repeat again. This is how you took the tea out of the oven, and it cooled down, then it shouldn't smell. If after cooling the tea it smells, then it is not completely dry. But after a while he starts to smell again ... And that's okay. Why, I wrote above ...

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