Royal milk tea

Category: The drinks
Kitchen: japanese
Royal milk tea


black tea, B.O.P. * 6 g
water 150 ml
milk 150 ml

Cooking method

  • Pour water into a small saucepan, place on the stove and bring the water to a boil on medium heat.
  • Pour in tea, turn off the heating, stir. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave for 3-5 minutes.
  • Remove the lid and pour the milk into the saucepan. Turn on the stove and, on medium heat, while stirring, bring the milk mixture to a boil and turn off the heat.
  • Tea, through a strainer, pour into portioned cups and serve to the table.
  • Royal milk tea

The dish is designed for

2 servings.


According to the recipe "TEA TIME ROYAL MILK TEA" Diva Salon by suzuki... Thanks to the author!
Tea labeling information:

O. - "Orange" (Orange), comes from the Dutch word "orainge", which means "royal".
P. - “Pekoe” comes from the Chinese word “PAK-HO” which means “tea leaf”. Tea contains thick, tough, not too curled leaves
O. R. - "orange peko", tea from the upper, most juicy leaves, rich in taste and aroma.
IN. - "Broken", tea made from broken twisted leaves, is distinguished by its strength.
V.O.R. 1 - "bi-ou-pee-one", the standard for long leaf tea, giving a distinct bright taste.
Long leaf - "long leaf", long leaf tea.
F. in the beginning - "flowerworthy", a tea made from leaves growing next to the buds of a new leaf, giving a strong aroma.
F. and at the end is Fannings, a small sign of high quality tea. Especially quickly brewed, it is used for the production of tea bags of the highest quality.
T. - "tips", unblown buds of a tea leaf, giving a delicate taste and aroma.
G. - "golden", a mixture of leaves of the best, "golden" varieties.
S... at the end - "special", a special blend of leaves with a special character.
S... at the beginning of "sushong", the lower leaves, giving the tea bouquet a specific shade.
Tea Bags - tea bags.
S. T. S. - “sit-si”, “granulated tea”, prepared according to the accelerated technology: “cut-tear-twist”, in which part of the taste and aroma is lost. Gives a bright mood.
D. - "give" - ​​"tea dust" used for the production of low quality tea bags.
F.P. - “ef-pi”, tea containing leaves that are not too curled.
P.S. - “pi-es”, tea containing the largest parts of the leaves.
F.B.O.P. - “ef-bi-o-pi”, the standard of medium leaf tea, combining strength and strong aroma.
F.T.G.F.O.P... - "ef-ti-ji-ef-o-pi", the standard of high-grade large-leaf tea with a large number of tips, characterized by a strong aroma.
T.F.B.O.P. - “ti-ef-bi-o-pi”, the standard of loose tea with a high content of tips, combining strength and strong aroma.
G.B.O.P. - “Gi-bi-o-pee”, the standard of high-quality loose tea with a strong and vibrant character.
B.O.P. - "bi-o-pi", tea with leaf buds. The main one among the varieties of broken leaf tea, giving a distinct bright taste and strong infusion.
B.P. - "bi-pee", tea containing many leaf veins, the standard of loose leaf tea, giving a weak infusion.

*Attention! If the body is predisposed to high blood pressure or in the presence of hypertension, weakly brewed tea of ​​not too strong varieties is recommended, or at all refuse this drink.

Ilona, Ilona, ​​the other day I read that tea with milk is very harmful, I, a big lover of tea with milk, got upset and I keep thinking not to drink. You, with your recipe, give me hope directly. Is it good or bad?
Quote: spring
tea with milk is very harmful
What are the parameters? I quietly hate him since breastfeeding, but this assessment surprised him greatly.I can still understand "not good" for losing weight (like any dairy product containing high GI whey), but to be "very bad" ??
Anna1957, Anya, I will drop the link to you in a personal, I do not know how to hide.

Anya, sent, I'm interested in your opinion.
Elena, as I understand it, the next round of information is still based on the 2007 article:


in Russian:


? A critical point of view on research is well written:


... I am not an expert to answer your question unambiguously. It all depends on your state of health and the presence or absence of diseases or a predisposition to them. You can see more in the topic Diets for various diseases and conditions.
Yes, and do not forget about a reasonable dosage of the drink, with all your love for it.
Interestingly, quite a long time ago, being on a trip, visiting the Gurans, we were offered Guran tea, which contains, in addition to milk, salt, butter and an omelet. According to their stories, such a drink raised and brought back to life the most weakened and hopeless people in terms of health. But, honestly, to drink such tea you need a habit or you have to be a guran. In general, they rarely prepared such tea, out of necessity, for hunting or for guests, that is, it was not an everyday drink.
Ilona, forgive me for not on the topic, today is the holiday of Primorye, accept congratulations from the Smolensk region!
Maria, Thank you ! To me on "you", if this is convenient for you. A few words about tea and the topic will be supported. Tea or coffee do you prefer?
And I love tea with milk.

BOP (broken orange pekoe) - Broken orange pekoe - high quality medium leaf tea. So, just in case.
Ilona, Ilona, ​​thanks for the tea recipe, for the links, the information in them dispelled all my fears. For the second year I have been fond of tea making, I got infected on the forum, there is a lot of fireweed in our places, I also love tea from different rastyu, but I always drink tea with the addition of milk and cream.
spring, nothing came to me in a personal.
Quote: Kalyusya
And I love tea with milk.
I'm not particularly, but I liked the Japanese tea-making option. Thanks for the information .

Quote: spring
For the second year I have been fond of tea making, I got infected on the forum, there is a lot of fireweed in our places, I also love tea from different rastyu, but I always drink tea with the addition of milk and cream.
Beauty, but my thyme does not want to grow from the word at all. Elena, but a decoction / tea from plants may not be at all useful in combination with milk, there are quite complex substitutions and combinations in the composition occur. In general, not quite an equal comparison with black tea.
Ivan-tea, I ferment it myself, I thought that I was getting an analogue of black tea, this is not just a dried herb from which a decoction is obtained. Or am I wrong?
Elena, now the link has come. To be honest, I was not impressed with the arguments. Some set of generally known truths that are not very related to each other. The biochemical essence of the process is very easily explained by the Accomplishment, I am always guided by her opinion. Ask her, she even has a theme of her own. True, there is someone who floods a lot, but Lena answers whenever possible. Or ask her a question in PM.
Elena, in general - yes, but fireweed is still classified as a medicinal herb, so it is not recommended to take it for a long time and without interruption. It should also take into account the effect on possible additional medications taken. You wrote: "tea from different smelly"(c), I answered so.
Quote: Corsica
Guran tea containing, in addition to milk, salt, butter and omelet.
And I liked the tea with milk, butter and salt, so it would be interesting to try with an omelet. Is there a recipe or at least what it looked like?

I also, according to my mood, love tea with milk, I brew it in different ways: as in the recipe, I pour milk into the tea leaves and tea into the milk. It happens, and I drink green with milk - I'm so mysterious.

spring, Elena,
Quote: spring
I thought I was getting an analogue of black tea, this is not just a dried herb from which a decoction is obtained.
Yes, Koporye tea or fermented fireweed is an analogue of tea, but, since biologically, Chinese camellia and fireweed are completely different plants, then their infusions are different, with different tastes and different compositions. And after fermentation, not so many active substances remain there, so we drink it calmly, even in fair amounts. About their combination with milk - I don't know, they are leveled, most likely. I don't see any crime in fireweed tea with milk, it's just an unusual taste, not everyone will like it.

Ilona, thanks for reminding me about this method of brewing tea. And you have no information about green - is it boiled with milk?
Corsica, Ilona, ​​this is delicious!
Royal milk tea
Corsica, Ilona, ​​and rastyukhi are forest raspberries, currants, apple trees, wild strawberries, the same fireweed in different combinations. Thank you all, I concluded that if not entirely useful, then at least not harmful.
Ilona, and what does the marking on tea mean? I have never met, or maybe I just did not notice.
I always drink black tea with milk, before I drank it with cream, I decided to reduce the calorie content. I have high acidity, so this tea is more pleasant to my stomach.
Today I brewed Krasnodar black tea, collected only the tops of the leaves, very aromatic.
Next time I'll cook using this recipe.
I really like tea with milk, green, black, my own from garden plants. Sugarless. I just add milk to the cup. I will definitely try this brewing option. Only here sometimes some sour teas come across. Does the milk curdle when heated?
Ilona, to me too on "you". I really love coffee with milk from the morning. And then gulls with herbs with pleasure)), and sometimes herbal with honey mmmmm .....)).

I also really respect milk tea.
Quote: francevna
and what does the marking on tea mean?
I'll get in, huh?

Royal milk tea

Full page information

On packages with tea a variety of information is indicated, which must be understood in order not to buy something "left".

Country of origin of tea:
Only a country that grows tea (India, Ceylon, China, etc.) can be written here. So, if it is written that it is produced in Lithuania, then it is a deception.

Shelf life:
Most reputable companies indicate the date of manufacture and the expiration date of the tea on the packaging. Tea is usually stored for 1-2 years. However, the fresher the tea, the better it retains its aroma, taste and healing properties.

Packages of 50, 100, 250, 500 grams are traditional for Russia.

Abbreviation lettering:

Ortodox or STS marking.
Tea, which was rolled by hand during the production process, and therefore minimally damaged the leaves, is called "Ortodox tea". Hand-picked teas are also often labeled "classic" - classic. This is also an indicator of the high quality of the tea.

Tea made using machine technology is labeled "CTC" (cuts, tears, curls).

"Pure" or "Blended" marking.
The "Pure" label is usually placed on quality varietal teas with their own unique aroma and flavor characteristics. For example, elite Assams or Darjeelings can be "clean". If the pack is "Pure", then it contains one type of tea, unmixed with other varieties.

Blended indicates a tea blend (blend) consisting of several different teas. Usually, blends consist of two or three varieties of tea, where one or two varieties of tea are of low quality (often ordinary small-leaved African, Ceylon or Indian teas), and one variety is of a higher quality, which makes the taste and aroma properties of the blend acceptable to the consumer. There are also high quality blends (for example, "Irish Breakfast" or "Russian Caravan"), where quality varieties are mixed in order to obtain unique taste or aroma characteristics.

There are various abbreviations indicated on the packages.

Leaf teas:

FOP (flowery orange pekoe) - high quality large leaf tea with a large number of tips (tea buds).
OP (orange pekoe) - orange pekoe - high quality large leaf tea, tea from the top most juicy leaves, rich in taste, color and aroma
FP (flowery pekoe) is a large leaf tea containing tips.
P (pekoe) - peko - large leaf tea.
PS (pekoe sushong) - pekoe sushong is a low quality large leaf tea.

Leaf teas are also labeled as "whole leaf" and "big leaf".

Medium leaf teas:

BOR (broken orange pekoe) - Broken orange pekoe - high quality medium leaf tea.
ВР1 (broken pekoe grade 1) - broken pekoe - medium leaf tea with relatively large tea leaves (you can see that these are leaf particles).
ВР2 (broken pekoe grade 2) or BOPF (broken orange pekoe fannings) is a medium leaf tea with small tea leaves (similar to a mixture of small particles of leaves and tea dust).
BPS (broken pekoe sushong) - broken pekoe sushong - medium leaf, low quality.
Loose leaf marks are also used for midleafs.

Small leaf teas:

PD (pekoe dust), PF (pekoe fannings) - pekoe will give, pekoe fannings - "coarse dust".
F or FNGS (fannings) - fanings - "dropout; medium dust".
D (dust) - will give - "fine dust; dust".
There may also be such designations: red dust (RD), super red dust (SRD), fine dust (FD), super fine dust (SFD), golden dust (GD), but this does not change the essence of the matter - despite the high aesthetics of the names it's all bad tea.

Typically, small-leaf teas are sold as granulated teas or in tea bags (less commonly tablets). As a rule, the vast majority of small-leaf teas are prepared according to the CTC technology and are labeled accordingly.

However, there are also quality small leaf teas, which are generally a waste in the production of high quality leaf teas. They are usually labeled as broken orange pekoe fannings (BFOP or BOPF) or golden orange pekoe fannings (GOPF).

B. - "broken", tea made from broken twisted leaves, is distinguished by its special strength.

Long Leaf - "long leaf", long leaf tea.

F. in the beginning - "flower", a tea made from leaves growing next to the bud of a new leaf, giving a strong aroma.

F. at the end - "fannings", fine seeding of high quality tea, especially well brewed, used in the production of tea bags of the highest quality.

T. - "tips", unblown buds of tea leaves, giving a delicate taste and aroma.

G. - "golden", a mixture of leaves of the best, "golden" varieties.

The S. at the end is "special", a special blend of leaves with a special character.

S. in the beginning - "sushong", the lower leaves, giving the tea bouquet a specific shade.

F.B.O.P.F. - "ef-bi-o-pi-ef", the standard of medium leaf tea, combining strength and strong aroma.

B.O.P.1 - Bi-o-pee-one, the standard for long leaf tea, which produces a distinctly bright flavor.

F.T.G.F.O.P. - "ef-ti-ji-ef-o-pi", the standard of high-grade large-leaf tea with a large number of tips, characterized by a strong aroma.

T.F.B.O.P. - "ti-ef-bi-o-pi", the standard of loose tea with a high content of tips, combining strength and strong aroma.

G.B.O.P. - "Gi-bi-o-pi", the standard of high-grade loose tea with a strong and vibrant character.

C.T.C. - "si-ti-si", "granulated" tea, prepared according to the accelerated technology "cut-tear-twist", in which part of the taste and aroma is lost. Gives a bright infusion.

D. - "give", tea dust used to produce poor quality tea bags.

International classification of tea
Such a concept as "tea" has two meanings at once. Firstly, this is a drink that is obtained by steeping or boiling, or infusing dry leaves of tea bushes or trees, which, in turn, are processed technologically in a predetermined manner. Secondly, tea is the leaves of bushes or trees themselves, which are intended for the preparation of the above-described drink.


Traditions or ceremonies of tea drinking, whether in China or in Russia, have their roots in antiquity. In China, it is believed that the ancestor of tea was Emperor Shen Nang, who loved to travel and ruled from 2737 to 2697. BC. And in Russia the tradition of sitting in front of a samovar also originates from the emergence of a nation.

But, be that as it may, the traditions remain the same, but the assortment of tea itself has grown so much today that sometimes the choice in the store simply baffles you. Many people know such types of tea as black, green, white, red and yellow.But, few people know that they are all made from the same leaves of a tea bush or tree. And the differences between these varieties from each other in different methods and ways of preparing these leaves for brewing and preparing a drink.

International Classification of tea

There is a so-called international classification of teas in the world. It is used to facilitate the evaluation of commercially available tea varieties.

1. Orange Pekoe (OP) - This tea uses the leaves from the bushes after the buds have fully expanded. Only the first and second leaves from the top are collected from the branches. Leaves, ready for brewing, have a curled shape. This type of tea does not contain tips (tea buds), but it (this tea) has a very strong and persistent aroma, since it retains a high level of aroma oils. This type of tea also has a high level of tannins, therefore, its taste is slightly bitter. Due to the fact that already opened leaves go into OP tea, that is, they are older than, for example, in Flowery Orange Pekoe tea, it contains much less caffeine.

2. Flowery Orange Pekoe (FOP) - This type of tea is of a higher quality than the previous one, since it uses young, tender leaves that have just blossomed. This tea belongs to large-leaved, well-rolled, homogeneous teas with tips. FOP has a more delicate and subtle aroma than OP, and therefore higher caffeine levels.

3. Flowery (F) - the presence of the letter F in the tea abbreviation indicates that this tea contains young, still unblown buds of a tea plant. The lower part of these buds is covered with a delicate, light-colored fluff. Therefore, even after fermentation, this tea remains light. And it is the tips that give this tea a floral aroma and taste.

4. Golden (G) - the letter G in the abbreviation indicates the presence of the youngest and most delicate buds of the tea plant in tea. After passing the fermentation process, young tips become yellow, and therefore this type of tea is called golden.

5. Tippy (T) - this name comes from the word tip, that is, in translation meaning "top". The T in the abbreviation indicates twice the number of tea plant buds in this variety than in GFOP and GBOP. Delicate buds from young twigs of a tea bush or tree have a beneficial effect not only on the aroma of this type of drink, but also on its taste.

6. Fine (F) - the name of this variety is translated as "refined". This characteristic is associated with the extraordinary aroma of this variety and its taste.

7. SF or Super-fine or Super-fancy - the first two letters of these phrases indicate the excellent degree of finesse of this drink. This type of tea is completely unique and very exceptional in its kind. Its taste and aroma are so subtle that it has no equal in the entire classification table.

8. Special (SP) or Extra Special (EXSP) - these abbreviations speak about the uniqueness of this tea among its analogues.

9. Broken (B) - the letter B, which is in the name of the variety of this tea, indicates its small-leaved use in production. That is, only a broken tea leaf is used for its preparation. The aroma of this tea directly depends on the size of the leaves used. The smaller they are, the less aroma the given drink will have. But, among the advantages of such tea is: fast brewing and active extraction of the substances contained.

10. Souchong (S) - the letter S indicates that this type of tea contains the third and fourth leaves of the tea plant from the top of the branch. Usually such tea is of low quality, practically does not contain caffeine, but it contains a large amount of tannin, even more than in Pekoe.

11. OP1 - A unit in a tea abbreviation can indicate several characteristics of a given variety. This can be: a high content of young tea tree buds, or a high content of selected whole leaves in a given variety, or the curl of the leaves used for this tea is very even and neat.

12.Fannings (F) is an extremely fine tea. That is, for its production, only seedings or leftovers from a broken tea leaf are used.

13. Dust (D) - this grade uses only tea dust, which is formed when tea is sorted in dry form. This drink will have an extremely weak aroma, a very rough taste. The crumb or dust that remains after sorting the high quality varieties will give a very strong drink when brewed. Tea dust is usually used for cheap tea bags.

14. Crushing, Tearning, Curling (CTC) - crushed and rolled leaves of the tea plant are used to make this type of tea. Such tea will brew quite quickly and firmly, its infusion turns out to be dark, with a rough aroma.

Royal milk tea

Royal milk tea

Royal milk tea

Royal milk tea

According to the International Tea Classification Table, additional designations may include digital and alphabetic abbreviations indicating certain properties of a certain type of tea.

So, for example, numbers 1.2.3. will indicate the size of the leaf that was used to make this tea. The roman numerals can be used to indicate the spring, summer, and autumn harvesting periods of tea leaves that were used in this pack. Choppy is an indicator of a low-grade tea collection for which tea particles of different sizes were used.

The abbreviation EXSP (Extra Special) denotes varieties with a unique quality that prevails in this particular variety, among its analogues.

CL or Clonal Bush - these letters denote high quality tea, for the preparation of which leaves from bushes were used, which were obtained not by traditional seed, but by a vegetative method. It is worth noting here that only the best tea bushes are cloned, therefore the tea made from the leaves of these bushes is always of high quality.

In the international classification of tea, there is also a separate classification table for green varieties.

1. Gunpowder (GP) - translated as "gunpowder". This is green tea, the leaves of which are rolled into balls (balls similar to powder). During the infusion, the balls “bloom” and the quality tea leaves are visible.

2. Green Tea Fannings (GTF) - Green tea made with tea dust.

3. GTFF - green tea made from small leaves of the tea tree.

4. Hyson - means "Blooming Spring". This is a Chinese green tea made from a chopped or broken tea tree leaf. The leaves are curled, but not uniform. The quality of this tea varies between high and medium levels.

5. Young Hyson (YH) - These teas use larger leaves than the Hyson standard. And the name of this variety translates as "before the rain", since these leaves are always collected at the very beginning of the season.

6. Fine Hyson (FH) - also Chinese green tea made from unevenly twisted leaves, broken or cut.

7. Fine Young Hyson (FYH) is the designation for one of the green Chinese teas made from selected tea tree leaves.

8. Young Hyson Special (YHS) - tea from the category of special.

9. Chung Hao is the name and designation of Chinese jasmine green tea. This tea is always of high quality and expensive, for which it is popularly called the "Imperial drink".

10. Green Crush, Tear, Curl (GREEN CTC) - granulated green Chinese tea.

Royal milk tea

Tea labeling with explanations
(for those who are too lazy to go into details, but want to get a general idea)

This classification does not cover the entire variety of markings used, but gives an idea of ​​the most common types.

Very often on packages of tea, as a rule, not made in China, you can find markings indicating its type. We will try to figure out what these letters mean.

1. Let's start with a high-quality whole leaf tea:

T (Tippy) - tip. Tea from unblown tea buds (tips). Pure tip tea is extremely rare and expensive.

P (Pekoe) - buy.Tea made from tips and the youngest upper leaves, which are covered with white fibers. Bai hua means "White Flowers" in Chinese.

O (Orange) - orange. Generalized name for high-end whole leaf teas with roots dating back to the colonial era. The name meant that this type of tea was worthy to be delivered to the court of the Prince of Orange

OP (Orange Pekoe) - Orange Pekoe (baikhovy) - Tea satisfying both Orange and Pekoe categories. The OP class contains no tips.

OPI - the letter I indicates that the tea has been sifted again

OPA - letter A denotes high category (A)

If tea buds (tips) are added to the OP class, then such tea is considered more upscale and expensive, and is divided into the following subclasses:

FOP (Flowery Orange Pekoe) - High quality top-leaf tea with the addition of a small amount of tips.

GFOP (Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) - Slightly more tips than FOP.

TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) - Even more tips than GFOP.

FTGFOP (Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) - Similar to TGFOP, but only the highest quality leaves are used for its production. Tea is produced only on the best plantations, often using manual processing.

SFTGFOP (Super Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe) - Used to emphasize the highest quality.

There is a joke among tea lovers that FTGFOP tea labeling stands for Far Too Good For Ordinary People (Too good for ordinary people)

2. This is followed by medium-grade teas made from broken or cut leaves. Such tea brews faster, and its infusion is stronger, but its aroma and, in particular, taste is noticeably worse.

The classes of broken tea are similar to whole leaf tea, but the letter B is added at the beginning (Broken) - broken

BP (Broken Pekoe) - Broken long tea

BOP (Broken Orange Pekoe) - Broken orange pekoe

Further, the BOP class is divided into subclasses, depending on the content of the tips. This division is exactly the same as the OP's subclasses described above.

BFOP (Broken Flowery Orange Pekoe)

BGFOP (Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe)

BTGFOP (Broken Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe)

BFTGFOP (Broken Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe)

3. And finally, low-grade milled teas. These are specially shredded cheap varieties or production waste. This type of tea is usually used for the production of tea bags.

F (Fannings) - seeding from small particles of tea

D (Dust) - dust, the smallest particles of tea. Typically waste from the production of higher quality teas.


Quote: Corsica
While on a trip, visiting the Gurans, we were offered Guran tea containing, in addition to milk, salt, butter and an omelet. According to their stories, such a drink raised and brought back to life the most weakened and hopeless people in terms of health.
went to see who these are Hurons Gurana ... where did the Indians get their milk tea
"Gurans are indigenous Transbaikalians, descendants of mixed marriages of Russians with Buryats, Evenks, Mongols, Manchus ..."

I completely agree with them regarding the usefulness of this drink, my father is from almost those places, he used to stay in yurts and drank this kind of tea - salted and with butter, and taught me, however, for a long time ...
I talked about it in the recipe Jomba - Kalmyk tea, or why a young Kalmyk woman hit Pushkin in the head with a Musiky gun (it was for the competition of recipes from literary works).
This jomba is very nutritious, more precisely - saturating drink food. On herbs-roots
And very good for fasting days! I didn't even get bored in a week
So I am definitely FOR milk tea
Kalyusya, Galina, thanks for the link. Very interesting information.
Quote: spring

Ilona, Ilona, ​​the other day I read that tea with milk is very harmful
but the Buryats don't know

Thanks for the recipe! I love tea with milk since childhood, in any variations - and add milk, and boil in milk)
Quote: Tricia
Is there a recipe or at least what it looked like?
Anastasia, externally, the drink looks like tea with milk and an omelet in a cup. Perhaps the parents saved the recipe, she asked - they promised to look at the archive records.
Quote: Tricia
And you have no information about green - is it boiled with milk?
a difficult question, it all depends on the type of tea you choose and on the result you want to get, as well as on the individuality of your body, since tea with milk is not useful for everyone and is recommended.Basically, such a combination is not accepted in the culture of China and Japan, with the exception of matcha tea. Green tea is believed to have a subtler flavor and aroma that can be easily drowned out by the addition of milk. And, indeed, in my opinion, all varieties have their own taste, color, aroma, which are a pity to lose, it is interesting to recognize and choose them for yourself. There are also beneficial properties that can be reduced by the addition of milk, such as antibacterial effect on the oral cavity - preventing bacteria causing periodontitis, reducing the acidity of saliva and reducing inflammation (longer time to sip tea, delaying the drink). If milk is added as an ingredient to prevent weight loss, then the Chinese recommend drinking green tea with white sugar or butter in this version. In general, the topic of green tea is quite large and is constantly updated with new information, you cannot tell in a nutshell.

Quote: francevna
and what does the marking on tea mean?
Krasnodar black tea, collected only tops of leaves
Alla, yes, you probably just weren't paying attention. Usually, it is indicated on the package in a smaller font than the main name, such markings are found, for example, at such tea companies as "HYLEYS" and "Ahmad". Thank you Kalyusya for information, I will make additions and on my own, to the recipe. Thank you . The tea you wrote about is very suitable for making.
And the Indians with their awesome masala, too, apparently, are not in the know that it is harmful)))
I love masala.
Very interesting discussion on Ilona's topic. The recipe itself, although simple, is worthy of attention. Thanks, I will definitely try.
By the way ... about Koporskiy .. for the second year we have not bought (practically) tea. Sometimes we drink it with milk - it is also tasty and healthy. It should be noted that even in a person with heart attacks and concomitant hypertension, the pressure became like that of a young person.
gawala, thanks for the tip! And thanks for the photo! I am glad that the tea suits your taste.
Quote: Sasha55
Only here sometimes some sour teas come across. Does the milk curdle when heated?
Sasha, if you are talking about the type of tea indicated in the recipe, then - no, the milk is not curdled, which can be seen in the photo. It is difficult to generalize about the rest of the options, but black tea should show itself well when prepared, if the type of tea is from a blend or with the addition of fruits / flowers, the result may be different. Yes, and when choosing a different tea, you may need to adjust the amount of water and milk, since, for example, large leaf tea absorbs more liquid when brewing, and the taste of the finished drink will also change.
Quote: Kalyusya
I'll get in, huh?
Thank you .
Quote: Nagira
I stayed in yurts and drank such tea - salty and with butter,
Irina, we were visiting a family in the village of JAO, ordinary houses, not yurts. They are the descendants of the settlers of the clan community that came to the region in the tsarist, pre-revolutionary times, in fact, and the recipe for the same times. Yes, I am familiar with your recipe, interesting information, thanks. But the recipe for guran tea, as far as I remember, is completely different, starting from the base - black tea, and ending with the absence of badan and other roots, and the omelet is absent in your version.
Quote: Fotina
Thanks for the recipe!
Svetlana, to your health!
Quote: Fotina
but the Buryats don't know
Seriously, then, indeed, everything is very individual, there are diseases for which doctors do not recommend drinking tea with milk.
ANGELINA BLACKmore, Natasha, to your health! for sure, the recipe is simple, but the cooking technology differs from the options that I knew before and the tea was to my taste, and I am not a fan of tea with milk.
Quote: Corsica
the tea suits your taste.
I have always loved tea with milk, since childhood, especially from a saucer and a bite with crushed sugar ..
But this is the first time I made tea. Much tastier than adding milk to tea. Richer and brighter taste.
Quote: gawala
Much tastier than adding milk to tea.
agree.I also liked the ratio of milk, water and dry tea, the harmonious balance creates a good taste.
Quote: Corsica
dry tea
I really have tea with bergamot and medium strength. But it is written that it is Himalayan. Try it with strong tea and without additives.
Sooooo delicious tea! At one time she tortured Hindus with addiction to tell them how tea is made. They told me.
Everything is true. Delicious!
Quote: gawala
and without additives
alternatively, Assam and Darjeeling, the former will give a darker color to the drink. As a supplement, use honey, sugar or condensed milk to taste.
Quote: OlgaGera
They told me.
Thank you for the information and feedback! Very interesting. Usually, there are adapted recipes that involve boiling tea for masala for 3-5 minutes, but according to you, the method of preparation is similar, the only difference is in the addition of spices?
Quote: Corsica
I have this one with bergamot.
Quote: Corsica
This one must be looked at. We do not have good teas in supermarkets, you have to go to a specialized store, where teas are sold by weight.
Ilona, made tea yesterday. The color is the same as in your photo. Loved the taste, hearty, not a drink, but food. My husband does not drink tea with milk, but yesterday he drank it, thanks to you.
Matsesta premium black tea, the proportions I have are different 5gr 250 + 250.

The reaction of the body surprised, the pressure was normal, and after an hour 140/81/85 and did not want to go down. I waited another hour and drank the medicine.
Alla, thanks for the tip! And thanks for the details! Please remove the spoiler and leave the text open, since the information is very important and should be in plain sight, if, of course, you do not mind.
A quick look at the information on the net did not reveal the detailed composition of the tea that you used to make the drink. If you focus on consumer reviews, then this brand differs from the usual classic varieties with increased strength, the traditional proportion of 1 tsp. for 1 st. a lot of water, according to the words, the amount is reduced by 2-3 times when brewing. Allayou probably got an increased concentration, and having a predisposition of the body to increased blood pressure received an undesirable result. With such a predisposition, weakly brewed tea and not too strong varieties are recommended. It's good that we took the medicine on time. Hope you feel good today?
P.S. supplemented the recipe with an appropriate warning. Thanks again for your review and take care of yourself!
Quote: gawala
where teas are sold by weight
It is not always justified, sometimes the usual "Ahmad" is much better than the brands sold at a more expensive price.

Quote: Corsica
It is not always justified, sometimes, the usual "Ahmad" is much better than the brands sold at a more expensive price.
Well, we definitely don't have Akhmat. In supermarkets there are a couple of packs of black tea. Everything else is fruit teas.
Austrians do not like to "drive teas". They are more and more coffee specialists.

Quote: gawala
Well, we definitely don't have Akhmat.
Clear. In this case - "successful hunting"!
Quote: Corsica
supplemented the recipe with an appropriate warning
And it was always believed that, on the contrary, tea with milk is useful for hypertensive patients. Wow, news to me, to be honest.

Quote: Corsica
In this case - "successful hunting
And I have in my stash ... Found .. Ahmad of Ceylon. Russian friends gave me a tutu .. went to do ..
Quote: gawala
And it was always believed that, on the contrary, tea with milk is useful for hypertensive patients.
According to dietary recommendations, tea should be lightly brewed. Perhaps it is assumed that the amount of milk reduces the strength of the tea, but this is not entirely true, the strength decreases slightly. And for tea with milk, the initial tea should be lightly brewed.
Quote: gawala
Friends gave Russian
Caring friends. Good taste and have a nice day!
Quote: Corsica
Good taste
Did it. The taste is really good.

Quote: Corsica
Caring friends
Yeah, they know my tastes.And I am a lover of good tea. I love green very much.
Luna Nord
Quote: Corsica
but fireweed is still classified as a medicinal herb, so it is not recommended to take it for a long time and without interruption
Ilka, I don't agree. after fermentation, Ivan tea turns into tea, and not into medicinal raw materials. and you can drink it like regular tea, in any case, I could not read information about the opposite anywhere. And so, a wonderful recipe, I'll use it. I love tea very much!
Royal milk tea

Classic black tea "Premium" (VIP)
Noble large-leaf tea, grown on the plantations of the Matsesta Valley among the mountains of the Caucasian ridge, harmoniously combines a bright aroma, fresh caramel taste, restrained strength and a pleasant aftertaste. Selected tea is a blend of tea leaves collected at different times of the year. 100% natural product, as evidenced by the certificate of organic production of the European certification body CERES.

Ilona, ​​I made this tea.
The pressure after Biseprolol returned to normal.
Quote: Luna Nord
I do not agree.
thanks for the opinion! I had little interest in Ivan-tea and my amount of information does not allow me to maintain a conversation on this topic.

Quote: francevna
I made this tea.
The pressure after Biseprolol returned to normal.
Alla, and with the usual way of brewing your tea, the reaction of the body is normal? Alternatively, if everything was fine and you liked the taste of the drink and you would not like to reduce the amount of tea, prepare tea separately by pouring hot water, and separately boil milk, and mix directly in a cup.
It's good that everything is fine. Thank you for taking the time to write about yourself.

Quote: gawala
Did it. The taste is really good.
Galina, thanks for the tip!
Quote: Corsica
and according to you, the cooking method is similar
Yes, yes)) So the English colony ... so tea is also brewed))) Only it is not known who learned from whom ... the Indians from the British, or vice versa
But I'm lazy ... and boil milk separately. Faster. I pour boiling milk into the already steamed tea. And under a fur coat for 10 minutes ...

Quote: Corsica
the only difference is the addition of spices?
I don't recognize spices in tea Only tea!

Quote: francevna
not a drink, but food
Exactly. It adds energy, kills appetite. Milk draws out tannin and caffeine residues
Quote: OlgaGera
Yes Yes))
clear. Thank you !
Quote: OlgaGera
And under a fur coat for 10 minutes ...
a decent time, the main thing is to like the taste. I am quite careful about the long-term brewing of tea and its long-term boiling.
Quote: OlgaGera
Be careful Thicken blood, promotes the formation of blood clots.
But this is so much controversial that I really recommend all green tea lovers to thoroughly understand this issue themselves, since there is a lot of information on the internet.
Corsica is, as always, a wonderful recipe.
Quote: CroNa

thoroughly understand this issue, since there is a lot of information on the internet.

The authority of the Internet is controversial, since they write anything, and whoever wants it. Even a scientific article adapted for a popular one can convey the opposite information.
I was warned in vascular surgery, and not only me, but everyone who enters there.
But everyone's business, to drink or not to drink

CrownThanks for your interest in the recipe!
Quote: CroNa
good in the internet a lot of information
sometimes, it is not at all good, since it is extremely difficult to find the primary source and to establish itself in its reliability.

Recently, I was interested in information on one of the Chinese sites that consumption of green tea can reverse the hereditary transmission of fat accumulation at the genetic level, citing 2014 research, but without specifying or citing the source. Finding a job through a scientific library turned out to be ineffective.
On warning from OlgaGera with regard to green tea, yes, indeed, everything is not so simple and the benefits of the drink may be questionable.Given the effect on blood vessels, a diuretic effect and a decrease in thirst, the described undesirable situation may well be described, especially with concomitant diseases. If we also add the summer season or the heating season, and the absence of the habit of drinking clean water, typical for many, then it will be really effective to be locked. And, if there is a doctor's recommendation, then you should follow it. Thank you Lelka per message! By the way, and with black tea, especially with its methods of brewing, it is advised to be careful, they are similar with green tea.
Yes, in China and Japan they live not only with green tea, there are other drinks based on citrus fruits, for example, lemon and grapefruit, as well as dessert dishes reminiscent of our compote, but from fresh fruits. In addition, they usually know at what time and why they brew this or that drink or tea, and change it in accordance with the requirements of their body. For example, rose tea or tea from roses, with all the positive aspects, is usually not recommended to drink for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, women on the days of menstruation and pregnant women. It seems that they have this information from birth, as the culture of traditional medicine is very strong.

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