I've seen enough of all of you here and read a lot, and today I also zababahaya bread in a bread maker. And there was no time to bother with the oven process, and the bread ran out. The bread turned out to be very decent. Ingredients: 200 g of premium wheat, 200 g of a mixture from this blue bag (Pounds, Fragrant bread with herbs), 260 ml of water with the remains of expired sour cream, 4 g of pressed yeast, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. I wanted to add some vegetable oil, I forgot, and it didn't get any worse!

Just then my husband fried fresh perch, everything was delicious! Forgive me, only then I saw a bitten slice.
Quote: Rina

What is there to apologize for? The most important thing is that it is delicious, and the photo is evidence of this!

Wit, and your kitty greetings from our kitty!
Quote: Lagri

Wit, well done! The bread is wonderful. So the flour is okay?
It turns out that yes, Lagri!

marinastom Just then my husband fried fresh perch, everything was delicious!

Some cats are lucky! Probably, I lost more than one perch !!! Uuuuu, how the fish wanted! Lan, I'll come off tomorrow! Hello to the gorged fish!
Quote: Wit

Some cats are lucky! Probably, I lost more than one perch !!! Hello to the gorged fish!
Yeah! Some of these people diminished the whole frying pan with one sting! (Such a big cat named Lev) But, then, apparently, they felt ashamed and a second frying pan was ready for my arrival from work. (Four kg of fish got fucked today. I’ve already got it, I’ve got it!)

Quote: Valeria 12

What is it?
In my opinion, here this.
Girls, take them into your ranks. Three days ago I bought a Panasnik2501 bread maker, before that there was Stadler Form. The baking was very good, but there was a folding spatula, and a bucket would constantly fly out when kneading. Factory marriage, my money was returned and I decided not to risk it anymore and bought a Panasonic2501, so now I'm with you. I hope you'll give me a hand. : mail1: So far I have mastered 165 pages, there is still a little left.
Welcome to the friendly family of Panasonic growers!
Panasonicodders - it will be better
I'm sure
Quote: Irman

While I have mastered 165 pages, there is still a little left.

As in the cartoon about Prostokvashino: There are two more dresses left.
Congratulations on the new HP. I have the same model, believe me, it's cool!
Quote: Irman

Girls, take them into your ranks. Three days ago I bought a Panasnik2501 bread maker. While I have mastered 165 pages, there is still a little left.
Irina, hello, neighbor! Here, and here we met! "All paths lead to" ... Panasonic! Happy bread!
Thank you girls, I will master HB with your help and with your recipes.
irman, and WELCOME from me!

I advise you not to waste time on ALL 165 pages. The main thing is the first message, where all the necessary links to the manual, the rule, etc. are included. The first bread is plain wheat. Master it, then everything will go easily.
Hello! tell me who knows, my Panasonic 2501 is ordinary and rye bread is good, but the French one is not given in any way, I put everything according to the recipe, but it turns out some kind of cool gingerbread which you can hammer in nails, about 5 cm high and heavy, what's the matter?
we go to the first post, find there links to the baking manual and the bun, read CAREFULLY, learn to monitor the consistency of the dough.

The recipe is best taken from the forum (although, it seems, there was only one recipe in the Panasonic book).
I got French right from the first try. If the cake turns out, then the dough does not rise. We must look at the yeast.
My French is always good too, I put it on at night, so I never follow the bun, and I use pressed yeast until I let it down.
Quote: nata727272

But French is not given in any way, I put everything according to the recipe, but it turns out some kind of cool gingerbread which you can hammer in nails, about 5 cm high and heavy, what's the matter?
Try again, really changing the yeast as advised Wit... I read once that they simply forgot to put the yeast and there was the same story. But I think this is not your case. Good luck to you!
But I'm wondering, does the SD-2502 dispenser for raisins and nuts close itself? or does it remain open after being opened?
It remains open, you can close it yourself after adding the ingredients. I don’t bake big bread, but mostly size M, I don’t remember about this dispenser. And if you bake a little more bread, then probably the door will come to the dough, when you lift it, on the way.
Hello girls! Today I baked for the first time in HP Panasonic 2501 rye bread from Elena Bo "Everything is very simple". I liked the bread very much, although the roof was blown off, next time I will reduce the amount of flour a little bit. This is what I did, I take it to your judgment.
Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (2)Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (2)

Quote: marinastom

Ir, great! Talent, he is talent in everything!

Marish, don't praise me, or I'll be arrogant. I'm just learning.

Quote: marinastom

Cheers cheers! We also have this miracle (SD 2501) !!
We bought my mom on NG, but since there is still a lot of time before the holiday, we decided to try it on ourselves .. While we are studying the instructions, we decided to stove tomorrow!
Yeah, and then buy yourself one.
Quote: Pumar

We bought it for my mother on NG, but since there is still a lot of time before the holiday, we decided to try it for ourselves ..
After the tests, decide to keep for yourself: secret: A new mom
Quote: Pumar

Cheers cheers! We also have this miracle (SD 2501) !!
Bought to mom on NG
Good children, happy mom!
Dear forum users !!! Greetings

So she became the owner of this wonderful assistant in the kitchen)
I chose between Kenwood bm 450 and Panasonic, but for some reason I was scared by the reviews about leaking bowls in Kenwood, I thought to buy 2502, but in the store where we had accumulated bonuses it was not, so we chose 2501, the difference, as I understand it, between them not particularly significant.

She promised her husband some bread for breakfast, but, laying the child, fell asleep with him))))
Probably, my conscience woke me up)) Well, curiosity and a desire to try did not let me fall asleep, since I already woke up)

Here comes the second batch, and I'm reading you)))
I decided to start with the simplest ordinary white bread, in the afternoon I'll make it on milk, well, I want to test HP in full)))

Thanks to everyone who shares their experience and charges with optimism!)))

I'll go still sleep some more))

PS Oh, I almost forgot, I wanted to ask, well ... just in case)
When kneading, the blade creaks a little, apparently friction, is this normal? Have you had this? Maybe this is only the first time, while the details are rubbing in ...

P. P. S. By the way, somewhere in the reviews (maybe on Yandex) I read about the smell of plastic, we, fortunately for me, have no smell, although during the period of toxicosis that still became a sniffer
mvastafyeva, welcome to our forum and let the oven please you with delicious bread. I also bought this stove not very long ago, but I have no creaking and never did.
, do not worry, this blade "dangles" a little on the shaft, but this is due to the technology. And so, we have a GREAT stove!
Quote: marinastom

, do not worry, this blade "dangles" a little on the shaft, but this is due to the technology. And so, we have a GREAT stove!
that's for sure! Excellent! For me, as a beginner in this business, it is very simple to understand, and most importantly - well, can we really have our own fresh delicious bread! And most importantly, how nice that it is homemade and we know what ingredients)
And where have I been before)
Quote: Irman

mvastafyeva, welcome to our forum and let the oven please you with delicious bread. I also bought this stove not very long ago, but I have no creaking and never did.
Now I will be a rye-wheat oven, let's see how it will be with another scapula, the main thing is that it did not appear on the quality of mixing and baking)
The most interesting thing for me with this extra paddle is that I regularly forget to change the stirrer when I bake wheat-rye bread. That is, I always have a conventional mixer in operation. And it seems to me that bread with an ordinary stirrer is better kneaded
Quote: Rina

And it seems to me that bread with an ordinary stirrer is better kneaded
In-in! I also played a few times, managed to somehow bend the comb-blade somehow and threw this gimp.The comb lies in a box in a signed bag (otherwise someone else will throw out the thread by accident)
I, too, have not used a comb since it was deformed a little. Yes, and I rarely bake rye, the most rye I have is Rinin bread 50x50, it's better not. We like it very much. But I don't remember where this comb is, somewhere with accessories for bread makers. We need to check, lest it disappeared.
I also bake rye-wheat with a regular shoulder. Something I forget to change it.
Quote: Lagri

I, too, have not used a comb since it was deformed a little. Yes, and I rarely bake rye, the most rye I have is Rinin bread 50x50, it's better not. We like it very much. But I don't remember where this comb is, somewhere with accessories for bread makers. We need to check, lest it disappeared.
Oh, you and I are like twins - my shoulder blade also bent a little because of my stupidity. And I, too, from rye Rinyn Toko and bake, very much. I bake, however, in the oven, and knead with a comb and then proof not on Rye, but on French dough. Proofing there is longer. I need it this way, because I put half the yeast.
Quote: Mona1

I knead with a comb and then the proofing is not on Rye, but on French Dough. Proofing there is longer.
Tanya, do you transfer it to the mold immediately after kneading or what?
Quote: Lagri

Tanya, do you transfer it to the mold immediately after kneading or what?
Yes, right after the batch. On the French dough mode, he alone - 15 minutes. I shift it with wet hands, otherwise it sticks very much. If I bake in two L11 tins, then I see that visually the height is the same in half. Then I level the surface, return it to the HP and it usually stays there until the end of the regime, but more often for half an hour or an hour longer. It depends on how much yeast you put in, I put half the norm, sometimes even a third, so it takes longer, and if you put it, as in the recipe, then before the end of the French Dough mode, it will already rise to the desired height. I periodically make a tiny little crack, look in. It is necessary to put it in the oven when the dough has already risen to the edges of the mold, well, maybe a couple of mm lower. This is if you put it in a preheated oven. Therefore, the oven must be turned on a little earlier. As I see, the dough remains 1 cm to the brim, I turn it on. I have it warming up for about 20 minutes, because there the stone lies, it needs time to get off the fire. And if the oven is in HP, then there is no need to wait until it rises to the brim, but a little so that it is lower, because the stove or oven is cold and while they are heating, the dough will continue to rise.
When I took out the forms from the HP, I grease the top with a brush with yolk mixed with milk or water or with whey I sprinkle bread spices on top. I have this mixture of coriander (about half of it + caraway - 30 percent and true 20% are anise and fennel seeds. I put 2.5 teaspoons of this mixture into the dough and put it in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees. It is possible at 220, maybe even better, but then maybe 50-55 minutes. adjust to your oven.
Thank you, Tanya! Described in such detail that I seemed to be watching you bake your bread. Of course, I will try to bake Rinin bread in the oven, but if only the crust is good. I don't think she will be fat. I bake this bread both in Panasonic and in Moulinex, so I like the crust from Panasonic more. And in the oven, let's see what happens. In winter, and generally in cool weather, you can bake in the oven - to save energy.
Quote: Lagri

Thank you, Tanechka! Described in such detail that I seemed to be watching you bake your bread. Of course, I will try to bake Rinin bread in the oven, but if only the crust is good. I don't think she will be fat.
Try it, you will like it. It only seems that there is more trouble, but in reality everything is simple. And the HP bucket will last longer. And there is no harm from Teflon when heated (well, this is if there is still a prejudice to Teflon). I have a much thinner crust in the oven if the baking is in the form. Well, the truth is, if you take my stone out of the stove, then I haven't tried which one, and so in HP, it turns out thicker in this bread than in the oven.
Quote: Mona1

And there is no harm from Teflon when heated (well, this is if there is still a prejudice to Teflon). I have a much thinner crust in the oven if the baking is in the form. Well, the truth is, if you take out my stone from the stove, then I did not try which one, and so in HP it turns out thicker in this bread than in the oven.
Hey, really, really! And I like the crust out of the mold. And the hearth, generally a song! Tanya, can you skoko? And de your hearth bread?
Girls, yesterday baked rye-wheat in milk, how satisfying it turned out! Not expected:-)
Can I have some questions?
1) At night, you can put bread with milk on the timer, otherwise I read somewhere, now I don't remember exactly where, that it can turn sour ... but it seems like they even put milk porridge on the timer for the night on the timer ... ...
2) if malt is written - is it powder? Is kvass wort also in powder?
3) and like the last one if Art. l. sl. oil, how's that? Melted?
Quote: marinastom

Hey, really, really! And I like the crust out of the mold. And the hearth, generally a song! Tanya, can you skoko? And de your hearth bread?
No shape, you mean, just on stone? I got hooked on loaves of stagnant times with sesame sprinkles. From the smell of this bread, when it’s almost baked, I just go into nirvana. the crust is so thin, but what a ruddy crust! But wheat-rye Rinyn can't force myself to distance myself and bake without a shape, it's scary, the sticky dough is so fluid, and the shape of a brick for sandwiches is very attractive. True, there is an idea to bake in the form of cakes, so that there is bread, as it were, from some crusts, my men dream of this. Rinochka gave me a couple of tips on such options, and I’m thinking over my own thoughts on this matter. If anything happens, I will unsubscribe. I will probably have a stove at the end of the week. Well, you just try the stone, every day you try a new one. And I have already quieted down the excitement, especially since I recently bought the cartoon, the first one and now I have a new toy, I have stopped experimenting with the stone.

Quote: mvastafyeva

if it says malt is it powder? Is kvass wort also in powder?
Kvass wort is a liquid. And there is a powder in boxes, it says - Fermented malt. I use this (you can also use liquid, but I just bought this for the first time, there was a lot of it on the market, and I bake with it). At first, until I found it on sale, I bought Dry kvass, also in boxes. It contains fermented malt, ground rye crackers and dry yeast (they go there in a separate bag. I threw them out right away) And so I replaced the malt in the recipe with this dry kvass in a ratio of 1: 2. That is, instead of 1 tbsp. l malt according to the recipe put 2 tbsp. l kvass (there are also crackers in the same place, so I decided that I needed more kvass, although in many places I read that they replace it with the same amount.) By the way, for some reason I liked kvass more, maybe I just got such kvass or such malt. And I do not brew any malt nii kvass, I put it dry. It will still boil when baked. Although they write that brewing there helps something with proofing, but to taste I did this and that. It tastes much better with not brewed.
Quote: mvastafyeva

Girls, yesterday baked rye-wheat in milk, how satisfying it turned out! Not expected:-)
Can I have some questions?
1) At night, you can put bread with milk on the timer, otherwise I read somewhere, now I don't remember exactly where, that it can turn sour ... but it seems like they even put milk porridge on the timer for the night on the timer ... ...
2) if malt is written - is it powder? Is kvass wort also in powder?
3) and like the last one if Art. l. sl. oil, how's that? Melted?
in order...

1. At night, you can put bread on milk. Even if it turns sour, sour milk is even better for yeast dough. In general, if the milk is sour (curdled when boiling) or even sour (yogurt), then feel free to send it to baked goods, where it says you need milk.But in extreme heat I do not advise to put "long-playing" milk - it goes rancid, and we do not need it in bread. And in general, it is better to limit such milk in use - who knows what antibiotics it is stuffed with so that it does not sour? There are often cases when yoghurt did not work with such milk (those bacteria could not work).

2. You have already been answered about malt.

3. If Art. l. butter, you do not need to melt it. You can simply cut off 20 grams from a piece. During the "temperature equalization" and / or delay, the butter will soften. If you need a lot of butter (for butter bread), then such butter can simply be cut into pieces and put in a bucket.
Quote: Mona1

Kvass wort is a liquid. And there is a powder in boxes, it says - Fermented malt. I use this (you can also use liquid, but I just bought this for the first time, there was a lot of it on the market, and I bake with it). At first, until I found it on sale, I bought Dry kvass, also in boxes. It contains fermented malt, ground rye crackers and dry yeast (they go there in a separate bag. I threw them out right away) And so I replaced the malt in the recipe with this dry kvass in a ratio of 1: 2. That is, instead of 1 tbsp. l malt according to the recipe put 2 tbsp. l kvass (there are also crackers in the same place, so I decided that I needed more kvass, although in many places I read that they replace it with the same amount.) By the way, for some reason I liked kvass more, maybe I just got such kvass or such malt. And I do not brew any malt nii kvass, I put it dry. It will still boil when baked. Although they write that brewing there helps something with proofing, but to taste I did this and that. It tastes much better with not brewed.
Oh, thank you, they described it in such detail, now at least I will know what it is, thanks

Quote: Rina

in order...

1. At night, you can put bread on milk. Even if it turns sour, sour milk is even better for yeast dough. In general, if the milk is sour (curdled when boiling) or even sour (yogurt), then feel free to send it to baked goods, where it says you need milk. But in extreme heat I do not advise to put "long-playing" milk - it goes rancid, and we do not need it in bread. And in general, it is better to limit such milk in use - who knows what antibiotics they stuff it with so that it does not sour? There are often cases when yogurt did not work with such milk (those bacteria could not work).

2. You have already been answered about malt.

3. If Art. l. butter, you do not need to melt it. You can simply cut off 20 grams from a piece. During the "temperature equalization" and / or delay, the butter will soften. If you need a lot of butter (for butter bread), then such butter can simply be cut into pieces and put in a bucket.
Girls, thanks! (oh, I'm always used to girls on the "mom" forums, but girls, I'm sorry, I'll get used to the fact that it's not only the female sex here :-))
All my questions are now clear! I will learn in practice :-)
You are just a guru, I'm reeling everything on a mustache :-)
Quote: mvastafyeva

You are just a guru, I'm reeling everything on a mustache :-)
That this is Rina - a guru, and I've only been baking since the end of February. I already know a lot, but I don’t know even more, and it’s impossible to know everything. Therefore, I ask the more experienced girls and men of our forum if something is unclear and they will always prompt or direct you to where you can find the answer. And you ask, we will help you how we can.
Good health to all!
Yesterday I ordered Panasonic 2501, tomorrow they should bring it ... So I will soon join your big family of lovers of real homemade bread! The choice really was between 2502 and 2501 ... I chose the 01st ... I regretted 1000r for the yeast dispenser and metal. Well, God bless him!
As soon as I try to cook something myself in the stove, I will unsubscribe, I will report on the results. And now, once again, good day to everyone, all happy (if there is energy here) and happy holidays! All kindness and warm hump!
Quote: nd811

Good health to all!
Yesterday I ordered Panasonic 2501, tomorrow they should bring it ...So I will soon join your big family of lovers of real homemade bread! The choice really was between 2502 and 2501 ... I chose the 01st ... I regretted 1000r for the yeast dispenser and metal. Well, God bless him!
As soon as I try to cook something myself in the stove, I will unsubscribe, I will report on the results. And now, once again, good day to everyone, all happy (if there is energy here) and happy holidays! All kindness and warm hump!
Oh, I join! My brother is a power engineer. And congratulations on the stove, cool one. Write about achievements and challenges.
Quote: nd811

Good health to all!
Yesterday I ordered Panasonic 2501, tomorrow they should bring it ... So I will soon join your big family of lovers of real homemade bread! The choice really was between 2502 and 2501 ... I chose the 01st ... I regretted 1000r for the yeast dispenser and metal. Well, God bless him!
As soon as I try to cook something myself in the stove, I will unsubscribe, I will report on the results. And now, once again, good day to everyone, all happy (if there is energy here) and happy holidays! All kindness and warm hump!
With the acquisition!
Quote: Mona1

That this is Rina - a guru, and I've only been baking since the end of February. I already know a lot, but I don’t know even more, and it’s impossible to know everything. Therefore, I ask the more experienced girls and men of our forum if something is unclear and they will always prompt or direct you to where you can find the answer. And you ask, we will help you how we can.
I've read so much, however, while there is one big mess in my head))))
Well, I hope, with time, everything will be in its place)))

And yet, my assistant hides ...: - \ I don't know why .... I fell asleep yesterday, didn't throw all the ingredients from the night, got up at 5 in the morning, measured it off, poured it in, went to sleep and heard her grunt ...
Quote: mvastafyeva

And yet, my assistant is hiding ...: - \ I don't know why .... I fell asleep yesterday, did not throw all the ingredients from the night, got up at 5 in the morning, measured it off, poured it in, went to sleep and heard her grunt ...
Try posting a video with sound. We will arrange a consultation.
Quote: Mona1

That this is Rina - a guru, and I've only been baking since the end of February.
Doctor, you flatter me (s)

This is who our baking guru is Admin... Look at her number of bread recipes. She found, processed and assimilated a completely hurricane amount of information on baking.

And I'm so ... stuck on a few simple recipes - I don't need more (yet). And a little common sense.
For example:
who for whom - us for technology or technology for us?
if something doesn't work out, then the maximum we risk is a small amount of products.

Carlson's motto is our motto. Which one?
Tranquility, ONLY Tranquility!

PS And about girls - we are all girls (well, those who are female), only of different ages!
Knock Knock . Bakers, you can visit you. Sonulya presented HP Panasonic SD-2502 for the new year and I am so glad about it !!! And it's good that I came across this site - there are so many useful tips and delicious recipes here. After reading some tips about what is and what is possible, I rushed to the embrasure of the bread machine. As a result, with your help, dear bakers, I did bake 3 loaves. 2 of which are ready to bake for the rest of their lives without changing the recipe. I will show the photos later, when I figure out how to insert them.


Quote: Rina

URRRRAAAAA !!! Welcome to the friendly company of Panasonic bakers!

What a fine son! Just smart!

yeah, he is! First he tortures))) mother with questions from month 3 on the subject "what would we buy such a new one"
And as a result, his mother walks contentedly for a long time and does not swear at "trifles" Rogue, well, he hit the bull's-eye with the stove)))
Quote: mvastafyeva

And yet, my assistant hides ...: - \ I don't know why .... I fell asleep yesterday, didn't throw all the ingredients from the night, got up at 5 in the morning, measured it off, poured it in, went to sleep and heard her grunt ...
Maryana, can change, out of harm's way, how much time has passed since the purchase? 2 weeks not yet? Or how much you can in Russia to change.Here, not so long ago, someone also squeaked, and then it turned out that a piece of the past dried dough remained from below and the mixer, as a result, creaked. But with you, I understood that it was like that the first time.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers