Dried garlic chips

Category: Blanks
Dried garlic chips


Fresh garlic 20 heads

Cooking method

  • Required:
  • fresh garlic - 1150 grams / 20 heads
  • finished product yield - 450 grams
  • cooking time - 9-10 hours approximately
  • Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 electric dryer,
  • High mode (high) 60 ° C.
  • Low mode (low) 35 ° С;
  • Preparation:
  • I choose garlic of autumn varieties, vigorous in taste and smell, strong heads, without damage.
  • Peel the garlic from the shell, husk.
  • I cut the finished cloves into thin slices-chips on a Berner grater.
  • Dried garlic chips

    The use of garlic is wide. Wherever fresh garlic is required.

    In cooked dishes, cabbage soup, soups, meat dishes, when cooking, garlic chips can be added directly to the pan, a few chips at the rate of 2-3 chips are equal to 1/2 a clove of fresh garlic.

    You can crush the chips into small pieces, put them in the mill and grind the garlic into powder, directly into the dishes as needed.

    Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!Dried garlic chips

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Apple chips (Admin)

Dried garlic chips

Tell me, won't the pallets smell like garlic ??? How then can you dry fruit-berries in them if the garlic smell remains?
Quote: Veronica

Tell me, won't the pallets smell like garlic ??? How then can you dry fruit-berries in them if the garlic smell remains?

Nothing and nothing is saturated, the smell is ventilated, since there is a constant movement of air in the dryer. Rather, an apartment smells like garlic and onions than pallets. And then, the pallets are perfectly washed even in the dishwasher, if they get dirty with berries and other delights
Thanks for the answer!
Quote: Admin

Nothing and nothing is saturated, the smell is ventilated, since there is a constant movement of air in the dryer. Rather, an apartment smells like garlic and onions than pallets. And then, the pallets are perfectly washed even in the dishwasher, if they get dirty with berries and other delights
yes, the house smelled good. And I took it to an uninhabited room. It's good that summer!
Now I wondered where to store it.
Thanks for the garlic idea!
Quote: Vinochek

yes, the house smelled good. And I took it to an uninhabited room. It's good that summer!
Now I wondered where to store it.
Thanks for the garlic idea!

I put the dryer on the balcony with the window open

Store in a jar with a lid, no smell
Tanya, please tell me which insert you rub and in what position?
I'm still a beginner with a dryer, I don't want to spoil the product

The grater has a thin-thick double-sided insert, here on it. Choose the thin side
Quote: Admin

The grater has a thin-thick double-sided insert, here on it. Choose the thin side
I have Tanya Prima, I can't figure it out
Quote: Irina S.

I have Tanya Prima, I can't figure it out

I use a burner Well, in general, we cut thinly 1.5-2 mm. and dry
I used a grater for cabbage.
By the way, I've already tried a couple of chips - super!
Quote: Vinochek

I used a grater for cabbage.
By the way, I've already tried a couple of chips - super!

So I say that it turns out great! But I make chips from autumn garlic, which is stored for storage, it tastes more vigorous, just garlic
I'm greedy)))) I made now from 1 kg for 16 UAH for a sample. In the fall, I will do it MANDATORY!
Girls, thank you all for your advice))), I'll try. I went straight into the taste, dry and dry

Admin, can you please tell me how you cut garlic on a grater? There is a grater, there are sharp knives and fingers are still in place.I can grate this grater like this. that a piece the size of just a clove of garlic will remain, it is scary to rub further, but the fruit holder no longer holds. Is there a trick?
And I have such a small grater with a holder, where just 1-2 cloves of garlic are loaded, and on top of the clamping holder - and the fingers are intact.
You can try slicing on vegetable graters with a plate attachment.

Yes, I sometimes cut on a Berner, without a fuse, very carefully - I got used to it
Quote: Admin
And I have such a small grater with a holder, where just 1-2 cloves of garlic are loaded, and a clamping holder on top - and fingers are intact
Dried garlic chips apparently here is such a mini-grater for garlic, there are original = expensive, there are also cheap ones up to 50r - it cuts decently

Yes, the IRA, about such a grater, cuts normally into thin chips. But, then the garlic must be washed from stickiness, dried with a towel and then dried.
Good evening. Have you tried to grind the garlic first and then dry it? So that the crumb turns out like a store. Or is it better to dry it first, and then grind it?

Try to make two options at once and determine which option suits you best in taste, consistency and color
I want to try it, but I'm afraid that grinding the juice will take a lot and the taste will spoil. I thought maybe someone already tried it)
Hmm .. read the recipe carefully. Probably, it is really worth drying first, and then grind.
Admin, Tatyana, Thank you! Dried garlic chips Dried garlic chips
I dried a few kg back in September. garlic and still could not get to the topic, thank you for the smart idea! Now I don't have to buy Chinese garlic in winter.
While drying, guests came and smelled the garlic on the whole floor, the smell spread, but it did not bother me at all. By the way, the guests came unhealthy and if it weren't for the garlic ..... who knows, maybe they would have re-infected everyone, otherwise they just sniffed the garlic
What struck me was that it was as fresh in the soup in just a couple of minutes. I haven't added anything else yet, but I think that it will behave the same in other dishes
I constantly dry garlic. Already dry, I grind it into powder and add it to dishes as needed. If it remains until summer, then I use it for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.

Lena, to your health! It's great that everything turned out so well, use it and enjoy the taste of the food!

I stopped grinding all the garlic at once, after all, the ground garlic fizzles out over time. Therefore, I either use chips or grind (crush) it as needed
Today I dried the garlic (winter stocks began to dry up and grow) ...., at the same time they received "aromatherapy". Some made chips, some - mini-washers ... The taste turned out to be thermonuclear ... the son ate several chips - he says: Cool !!!, and after a couple of seconds -
Dried garlic chips
Dried garlic chips
ala, WELL DONE! Now useful everywhere where garlic is needed
Today I finished my garlic. I took 10 large heads, dried it and ground everything with the help of a coffee grinder 2 times, it turned out to be fine garlic powder. Smell ... class.


I dry the garlic and store it in a jar under a tight lid, and grind it as needed, in a small amount, so that the smell does not quickly disappear from the powder of the chips. The smell disappears faster from ground garlic
Now I will know for the future, can I pack it into a vacuum bag most of it? And pour the rest into the tale.
I dried garlic two years ago and ground it in a coffee grinder. It was compressed very strongly, became a dense lump, although the jar was tightly closed. From this I concluded that it is better to grind dried garlic in small portions.
I also add garlic powder to the dough when baking bread. It turns out fragrant bread, but not with a garlic smell, but with some kind of delicious aroma.
Quote: marika33
I also add garlic powder to the dough when baking bread. It turns out fragrant bread, but not with a garlic smell, but with some kind of delicious aroma.

Marina, very good idea with garlic in bread - THANKS!
Good evening, dear. For three years now I've been adding dry chopped garlic to sourdough bread. The taste is incredible, if you don't know, it is impossible to guess it. With raw garlic it is not so tasty, it feels too much. True, I dry it in the old fashioned way on the windowsill in a plate and cut it with a knife on a plank. Well, I don't have graters and electric dryers.
Admin, Tatyana, we recently bought black croutons with garlic. Delicious thing. But most of all I liked the dried garlic itself. First of all, I chose all the records from there. But there he is, as if in oil. Is it possible to prepare such garlic butter chips in our Isidra?

Olya, I don't buy such chips, I can't say anything
But, if you think about the topic, then:
- it is possible to dry-dry with oil, but it should be borne in mind that the oil treated with warm air (heat treatment) gives the oil rancidity, it will have an unpleasant odor during storage.
- you can dry the garlic chips separately, and then store in oil. Or oil simple garlic chips before adding to the dough, hold them (soak) in oil for a short time.

I think it will be better this way
Tatyana, yes, this is probably the right decision. Thank you.

Girls, do not forget to dry the garlic chips, in winter they will be very useful from the autumn vigorous garlic
Adminhow do you rub garlic on this grater? Are the teeth small compared to other vegetables?
That's how it works! I got used to it!
Tasty and without "poop-bugs" you want, your own clean, with a natural smell - so we will rub

Quote: Admin
without "poop-bugs"

Quote: Admin
I got used to it!
I'll try too
Tanya! I managed to cut the garlic on this grater! Even the fingers were all intact. It turned out - very simple!
Here are the results

Dried garlic chips Dried garlic chips Dried garlic chips Dried garlic chips

Olya, Good job! And with vegetables, garlic, and your fingers are safe! I'm glad for you, your patience

While the lecho and caviar are boiling, I'll sit the garlic soda for the dryer
Even in the fall, I had a lot of garlic. Well, I think there is nowhere to store, it will wither. And we respect garlic. Here I remembered that it can be dried, which I did safely. I left some of the garlic in plates, and chopped some of the garlic.
Admin, Tanya, thanks for the tip.
Admin, the garlic chips are so cool They knock like plastic

Girls, to your health!

Sveta, take care of fresh garlic! I will free myself from kitchen affairs, I will make various tasty salt, there garlic will come in handy
Tatyanaoh! It's good that she reminded me! Otherwise, this year garlic is covered with specks. I was going to let him dry all over. It will be necessary to postpone a little
Admin, Tanya, that garlic was at the beginning of winter. Now the harvest is different.

I put some chips to dry - the smell is worth it!
Tatyana, and now I have a smell from dried mushrooms worth everything I could load! And in the dryer there are 10 pallets, and 4 baking sheets in the oven, and also on the warm floor in the bathroom. And they are still waiting in the refrigerator for their hour. They are white. And also a whole shell of chanterelles and all sorts of others

Rich Pinocchio, but the Sea of ​​Happiness
lana light
All the same, I found this topic! And then I remember that there was a topic about garlic dried in slices, I hammer dried garlic into a search engine, and fick you! And then I accidentally got on the garlic CHIPS! Wow, this is it!
I did it last (or the year before last ...?) Year, I liked it, but then I ground all the slices in a coffee grinder and they grabbed me in some way and somehow it was deposited that dried garlic is something not very ...
Today I reread the topic, it turns out that it is my own fault - I left this garlic powder in the kitchen, maybe I closed the lid loosely ... In short, the garlic absorbed moisture and cemented itself.
That's it, now I only store it in slices! And I grind as needed in the minimum quantities!
Bookmark and dry dry dry!

Added on Wednesday 19 October 2016 10:20 AM

Dried garlic chips
I really liked this press for garlic, yesterday I cut 1 kg of garlic for drying into slices in 15 minutes, and would cut it with a knife for an hour. On a grater, it can be faster than a knife, but not much, and sharp blades, you need to constantly monitor yourself so as not to get hurt. And with this press, beauty - put the garlic, pressed the cover of the press and everything is already cut into slices, put the next clove of garlic! And it's very safe - you won't cut yourself! There are two modes - slices and small cubes.

Dried garlic chips
Dried garlic chips
It is easy to clean after use, the most difficult part seemed to first wash the pins on the lid, which press on the garlic and push it into the container. But it turns out that they have a plate on them, which must be removed after use, and with it all the remains of garlic from the pins will be removed!
Dried garlic chipsThe press itself is very compact, smaller than a palm, and does not take up much space. They will definitely be used for harvesting for the winter, it greatly reduces the time for chopping garlic! For everyday use, I have a small grater, quite a tiny one.
In short, while I was writing here, my Izidryushka has already dried the garlic for me!
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