Fried pies Universal (master class)

Category: Bakery products
Fried pies Universal (master class)


Flour of the highest grade 500 g
Milk 220 g
Salt 3 tsp
Sugar 4 tbsp. l.
Butter 45 g
Dry yeast 1 sachet
Eggs 2 pcs.
Bulb 1 PC.
Meat 300 g
Potatoes 300 g
Butter 50 g

Cooking method

  • Let's divide the preparation of pies into 3 stages:
  • Stage 1 - Preparation of the filling
  • Stage 2 - Preparation of the dough
  • Stage 3 - Cooking the pies themselves
  • Stage 1. Cooking meat and potato filling.
  • Peel and boil potatoes
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Add oil and mash
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Boil the pork neck until tender
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Here is a finished piece
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • We pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Peel and finely chop the onion
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fry the onions in a pan until golden brown
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Add minced meat and fry with onions
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Add mashed potatoes to the pan
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Mix well and fry a little
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Put the finished filling in a clean container and set to cool
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Part II
  • Stage 2. Dough preparation.
  • As I wrote above, we will cook the dough in a bread maker.
  • The amount of ingredients was selected for a very long time and carefully, so in order for everything to work out, you need to use a kitchen scale. If in the recipe I wrote 45 g, then you really need to put 45, not 46 or 44. This is very IMPORTANT! (so they told me on this forum
  • We take a bowl, scales and a bucket from a bread machine
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • I use only such yeast
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Pour yeast to the bottom of the bucket
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • We take 500 g of flour
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Add flour to the bucket
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Add salt and sugar
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Add eggs
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Weigh the oil
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Add oil to the bucket
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Weigh milk
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Pour the milk into a bucket
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • We put the bucket in the bread maker and turn on the dough preparation program
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • After the bread maker completes the program, we do not take out the dough for another 1 hour. It is important! An hour later, we take out a bucket
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Putting the dough on the prepared workplace
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Knead the dough by hand and proceed to the stage of making pies
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Part III
  • Stage 3. Cooking the pies themselves.
  • Cut off a piece of dough and form a ball out of it
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Roll out with a rolling pin into a small cake. I usually just stretch the dough with my hands
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Putting the filling in the cake
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • We glue the edges, fastening them tightly with our fingers
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Flatten the pie with our hands
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Put the pie on the board and roll out the pie with a rolling pin
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • It turns out this is such a flat pie
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • The filling is over, so put the apricot jam. This speaks of the versatility of the test.
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Put the finished pies on a floured surface
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • We put a teflon-coated frying pan on the stove and add vegetable oil. Of the 9 heating speeds, I choose the 6th speed. The pie in the pan should rise 3-4 times. If you put on a high heat, then the pies will not rise and burn.
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Preparing a large plate for ready-made pies, put a paper napkin on it so that it absorbs excess oil.
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Put the pies on the frying pan, which "rose" while we were sculpting the whole batch
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Frying pies takes a few minutes, so you must not leave the pan. As soon as one side is browned, you need to immediately turn the pies
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • As soon as the pies are fried on both sides, you need to fry the barrel
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Put the finished pies on a plate. Notice how the patties rose in the pan. Approximately 4 - 5 times!
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)
  • Fried pies Universal (master class)


I called the pies universal, because they can be prepared with any filling. Everyone at home probably has or is already "gathering dust on the shelf" bread machine. Through the method of multiple trial and error, a perfectly verified dough recipe was born (on this forum), especially for a bread machine.

You can put any filling in my pies (features of the dough).You can use jam, meat, cabbage, etc. And this is a huge plus of this recipe!

Bon Appetit !

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Fried pies Universal (master class)

Quote: Aunt Besya

A novice baker is immediately visible - the little bucket from the stove already shines, and mine is already Chuchundra
Thank you! If you look at my first posts on this forum, you can understand that I bought a bread maker for a long time. I just don't bake bread and don't make jam. I took the stove exclusively for making dough. And I have no regrets!
By the way - Yeast that in the photo (yellow Saf-Moment and red Saf-Moment with silver inserts) have been failing lately. I threw the last 3 mixes (I took the yeast in different stores and the expiration date until 2011) in the trash .... The dough did not rise at all. All yeast turned out to be fake. I bought imported and immediately everything "worked"
And choy = then puffs them up in a frying pan? What words should I say? Well there is "Fuck-tibedoh", like ....
And the pies are super! I join Omela with a question about the baked version ...
Quote: Pakat

August, loaf of yeast in that bag, in grams, or teaspoons, everywhere there are different packages ...

12 grams in a sachet, dosage for 1 kg of flour. But they are with vanilla. But what about the meat filling?

And the master class is wonderful !!! And, which is very nice - male !!!
About yeast. The dough recipe was suggested to me on this forum probably in 2007. The recipe contains 1 teaspoon of yeast. I always did this, but each time the dough rose worse and worse (before our eyes, the yeast production regressed) and I had to add a little yeast to the recipe. So gradually I began to put exactly 1 bag into the dough. I get 1 bag of 500 grams. flour (2 times more than declared by the manufacturer). I must say that there is no "smell" of yeast, the taste of the dough has not changed. If you have high-quality yeast and you know how much you need to raise 500 gr. flour, then put exactly as much as you think is necessary - this is the most correct decision

Quote: Omela

A must fry, eh ??? can you bake ???
I'm stumped. I have never tried baking in the oven according to this recipe, and there was no such task, since I know one truth - that fried in vegetable oil does not stale for a long time and can be eaten cold. Believe me, fried pies will be tastier on the second day than those baked in the oven. But if you do "right to the table", then probably the baked goods will be super, although I haven't tried it .....

Quote: Suslya

Why not fry the raw minced meat right away? and then cook ... and so immediately in a frying pan - bam!
I tried to do this .... It turns out more delicious if you first boil everything. Then you will also have broth - cook yourself some soup - so you will have a full meal - for the first soup for the second pies)))))))))). If it's "lazy" to tinker with such a filling - make pies with cabbage - I promise that they will be no less tasty than pies with meat.
I repeat that the filling can be anything at all!
Recently, this yeast has stopped working for me. The last 3 batches are all in the trash. The dough didn't rise at all

Fried pies Universal (master class)

Fried pies Universal (master class)

I use these now ... It seems normal, but the dough, as in the pictures, does not rise like that, but everything seems to be tolerable so far ... I put them in 2 bags of 500 gr. flour., although there and in the instructions, they recommend it to get rich dough. I am in search.

Fried pies Universal (master class)

Thanks for the recipe and detailed MK!
And if my HP contains liquid components first, and then dry ones, then what should I do? To do it strictly according to the recipe (after all, the author says not to step back a step), or to make a bookmark all the same as my HP loves?
Quote: himichka

As a true chemist, I don't trust instructions

IMHO the dough does not really rise even with 2 packages of this yeast.
Try switching to live yeast. Our Ukrainians do a good job with any test.
In Moscow, pressed yeast Lux. 2 grams of yeast per 100 grams of any flour. Checked (y)
Quote: Packet link = topic = 87410.0 date = 1286574947

August, loaf of yeast in that bag, in grams, or teaspoons, everywhere there are different packages ...

1 sachet - 11 gr.

Quote: irza

Thanks for the recipe and detailed MK!
And if my HP contains liquid components first, and then dry ones, then what should I do? To do it strictly according to the recipe (after all, the author says not to step back a step), or to make a bookmark all the same as my HP loves?

Lay as advised by your oven manufacturer. Recently, I have been mixing yeast with flour in general and the result is only getting better .... Pour milk, eggs, butter, and on top of flour with yeast, sugar and salt ...

If it doesn't work, then I did not advise you anything
Little baby, Lux is the renamed Saf-Neva, which used to be 42g each, and these were 100g each. They are produced in Khimki.

Now there are interruptions again. A reserved island - ABC of Vkusa. There is simply, apparently, a minority of buyers who bake their own bread - that's what it is
IMHO the manufacturer is the same as SAF-Moment

Fried pies Universal (master class)

I bought this yeast today. I will try :
Fried pies Universal (master class)
August, when you write "Flatten the pie with your hands", while the connecting seam is on the side or in the middle of the pie?
Yesterday I baked pies with potatoes and fried onions according to your recipe. The people at home are delighted, but I'm not very happy, since the pies turned out to be lower than yours. I'm switching to compressed yeast. They are always available in the O'key store (next to the house), both "Lux" and "Royal" Kron Jast. Thanks for the recipe
Quote: Panevg1943

August, when you write "Flatten the pie with your hands", while the connecting seam is on the side or in the middle of the pie?
Center seam. No "sideways" ... I flatten it with my hands only so that it would be more convenient to roll it with a rolling pin, when I flatten it, all the irregularities of the filling are straightened out. That's all. We bake the first side the one with a seam. With a rolling pin we roll the same along the seam ...
Quote: Panevg1943

but I'm not very happy, as the pies turned out to be lower than yours. I'm switching to compressed yeast.
It's still good that they generally rose from dry yeast. As I wrote, I just threw the last 2 kneads into the bucket ...., the dough did not rise at all.
Himself in search of normal yeast. I have refused SAF-MOMENT for now .......

And more importantly - do not put the pan on high heat. On average, the patties rise and bake better
To understand whether the dough is normal or not, it is not necessary to bake the pies. You begin to understand everything in the process of modeling.

Attention !

When you green the pies, and then roll them with a rolling pin and the seam is not visible at all, then you have an excellent dough, which then rises and the pies will be just super and will not creep in the pan.
(look at my pictures - that's exactly what happened. The rolled pie lies seam up. Find the seam)

Fried pies Universal (master class)

If it is not possible to close up so that the seam disappears, then something is wrong

These are my personal observations. You should not despair in this case, you need to continue to bake pies. Often I myself see seams in myself.But this, it seems to me, is a question for flour, yeast, eggs, etc. ...
Quote: Stеrn

I plan to play Find the Seam tomorrow! The yeast is fresh, so hope for the best.

As I understand it, everything depends on the plasticity of the dough. When it turns out to be plastic, then there are no problems at all ... and it molds and rises and the seams do not diverge, etc. IMHO, when the dough turns out to be a little sticky, this is sooo good. You can always add flour to the rolling pin and hands, and the pies themselves stick together remarkably and the seam is not visible
Today I baked these pies for the second time. I put the ingredients not according to the author, but according to the instructions for the bread maker, that is, in the reverse order. This time the kneading was done not in the "Yeast dough" mode, but in the "Baguettes" mode. After the signal, she turned off the bread maker and left it not for an hour, as in August, but for 40 minutes, since the dough began to crawl out of the bucket. After cutting the dough into 28 balls, I left them under a towel for a 20-minute proof.The dough turned out to be very light, completely not sticky, after rolling out the pies with filling, no seam was visible (I did it!). I recommend to owners of Muli-5004 mixing in the mode described above. The pies turned out delicious the first time, but this time they were just great, given that the flour and yeast are the same. Thanks again to August.

Congratulations, the pies are very beautiful and I feel they are delicious.
Yesterday I cooked again - everything is the same, only the flour was different - it turned out just S U P E R! Even better and tastier than in my pictures. While I was making pies, my family stole raw dough from me and ate ... They say that it turned out just super ...
So the question arises, why does it not work out over and over again. ?
Quote: August

Congratulations, the pies are very beautiful and I feel they are delicious.
So the question arises, why does it not work out over and over again. ?
Thank you. Well, you used a different flour, but I changed the order of the bookmark and the kneading mode - that's the best result!
Summer resident
Quote: August

Congratulations, the pies are very beautiful and I feel they are delicious.
Yesterday I cooked again - everything is the same, only the flour was different - it turned out just S U P E R! Even better and tastier than in my pictures. While making pies, my family stole raw dough from me and ate ... They say that it just worked out super ...
So the question arises, why does it not work out over and over again. ?

Because the impact on us, and on products, various external factors has not been canceled Neither the phases of the moon, nor the temperature of the air, nor the presence or absence of the sun in the sky.
We are a part of this World and interact with it regardless of what we know and what we believe in.For example, I start big washings on the waning moon, and start to grow leavens on the growing
Quote: Panevg1943

Thank you. Well, you used a different flour, but I changed the order of the bookmark and the kneading mode - that's the best result!

Well, we have different stoves. I wrote the recipe under my stove
Summer resident
I came to thank you again for the wonderful dough. The other day I was making pies with rice and leeks. They were cold the next day, they were still soft and tasty.
I tried the yeast in the green Haas bag. I don’t know .. maybe it coincided, but I won’t buy them anymore .. and they also told me the smaller the yeast granules, the better they are .. I don’t know .. I didn’t check it myself .... because I try to use fresh ones
Quote: Panevg1943

August, when you write "Flatten the pie with your hands", while the connecting seam is on the side or in the middle of the pie?
Yesterday I baked pies with potatoes and fried onions according to your recipe. The people at home are delighted, but I'm not very happy, because the pies turned out to be lower than yours. I'm switching to compressed yeast. They are always available in the O'key store (next to the house), both "Lux" and "Royal" Kron Jast. Thanks for the recipe
I recommend adding 10 grams for making the dough. more milk than the recipe. Instead of 220g, pour 230g. The dough sticks better and the seam is not visible on the pies
August, thanks for the master class and the dough recipe. The pies turned out just super
Quote: Summer resident

I came to thank you again for the wonderful dough. The other day I was making pies with rice and leeks. They were cold the next day, they were still soft and tasty.

I agree 100% It is incredibly important that the dough remains soft and tender! I'm not a great expert in fried pies, but I have some modest experience in cooking, and so this dough is the best I've tried! And they went up, and soft and tasty !! It remains only to fill your hand on the sculpting, otherwise sometimes too thin sides or the seam diverges from a large number of filling .. In general, the technical side is still suffering
The dough was prepared in MB Binatone2170, the number of products exactly according to the recipe (the liquid was sent to the tray first, as binaton recommends), the kneading time is 1.30 hours. After the end, I left the dough to stand for another 30 minutes (I was finishing the filling).By the way, she warmed up the milk, since butter and sugar were melted in it.
As a result, 22 pies were made from the dough.
Thanks a lot for the recipe!
Thanks a lot for the recipe. This is not the first time I make delicious. Mine really liked it.
Tell me, is there a lean version of fried pies or is all the salt in milk, eggs and butter?

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers