Squids. Good to know. Squid salads.

Category: Culinary recipes


Raw squid fillet
(for cooking - water and salt)
500 g
Boiled egg 1 PC.
Boiled potatoes 200-300 g
Boiled carrots 200 g
or boiled peas
1 tbsp.
Fresh or pickled cucumber 1 PC.
Apples 1-2 pcs.
Green onions
(can be replaced with onions)
Dill, salt, ground pepper
Mayonnaise or sour cream 1 can
(200 g)

Cooking method

  • Potato and vegetable salad with boiled squid
  • When the boiled squid fillet has cooled, cut it into small cubes. Chop the boiled egg. Cut the potatoes, carrots, fresh cucumber or apple into small cubes. Mix all this with mayonnaise. or sour cream, seasoned with salt, pepper and herbs.
  • You can also prepare such a salad, which includes equal parts of boiled or canned squid, boiled chicken and raw apple. This salad is known as the jubilee salad (see next recipe).
  • Anniversary salad
  • 200-300 g of boiled or canned squid, 200-300 g of boiled chicken meat, 300-400 g of raw apples or pickled cucumbers, 200 g of mayonnaise for decoration: boiled egg, tomato or canned red pepper, lemon, etc.
  • Cut all the products listed in the recipe into very small cubes and mix with mayonnaise.
  • By the way, it is advisable to use canned squid for making salads. Canned natural squid before cutting must be dried on a sieve or sieve, on white clean paper or napkin. Squid in aromatic oil should be used together with the liquid in canned food.
  • Fried squid
  • 500 g of raw squid meat, salt, pepper, 1-2 onions for frying; vegetable oil, butter or other fat
  • Chopped skinless squid fillet into small (1.5-2 cm) cubes or in the form of noodles, sprinkle with salt and pepper, quickly fry (5 minutes) in hot vegetable or butter or in fat, add chopped onion and fry a little more (until the onions are browned), then serve immediately. Boiled or fried potatoes, crumbly boiled rice, canned or boiled peas, fresh stewed cabbage, etc. are suitable as a side dish. sauces.
  • Breaded squid fillet
  • 500 g raw squid fillet, salt, pepper, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, '/ 2 cups of ground crackers (can be mixed with grated cheese) for frying: vegetable or butter or other fat
  • Chopped skinless squid fillets can be fried whole or in slices. For dressing, sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper, moisten with a beaten egg mixed with milk, roll in ground breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until the crust is lightly browned (5-6 minutes). Serve with boiled or fried potatoes. vegetables, sauce and salad.
  • Squid stewed in sour cream
  • Pre-beaten squid fillet without skin cut into small pieces, 1.5-2 cm long, sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour and quickly fry in fat until golden brown.
  • In the same fat, sputter the onion slices. Layer pieces of fried squid and onions in a suitable dish or shallow dish, pour over sour cream. Simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. and serve with boiled potatoes. Grated horseradish (mixed with a little vinegar and sugar) is also suitable for the dish.
  • Chopped cutlets or squid chops
  • 500 g raw squid fillet, 1 egg, 1-2 onions, 50-100 g stale white bread, 0.25-0.5 cups of water or broth, salt, pepper (nutmeg if desired)
  • for breading: ground crackers
  • for frying: vegetable oil, butter or other fat
  • Skip the skinless fillet and peeled onion twice through a meat grinder, add egg yolk, white bread soaked in water or broth, salt, pepper and beat the mince well. Add the whipped protein at the end. Form small cutlets or cakes, quickly fry in hot fat on both sides until "golden brown".
  • Serve with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, with vegetables drizzled with butter, butter, and hot sour cream or tomato sauce or dill sauce
  • Squid pilaf
  • 500 g raw squid fillet, salt, pepper, 100 g vegetable oil, butter or other fat, 250 g carrots, 1-2 onions, 1 glass of rice,. water, salt
  • Cut off skinless squid fillet into pieces 1.5-2 cm long, quickly fry in fat until golden brown, season with salt and pepper and lay
  • in a dish for stewing. Chop (or grate) raw carrots into thin strips, chop the onion, lightly sauté in fat and place in a stewing dish as well. Put rice boiled to semi-soft on top, add broth or boiling water, pour fat from a frying pan or put pieces of butter and simmer, covered with a lid, for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot. Hot cold sauce can be served with the dish.


Squids, like other seafood, are extremely useful for everyone - from children to old people. They contain a lot of protein, as well as iodine. Protein is needed by children for the formation of the muscular system, and seafood iodine is essential for everyone.
It's hard to believe, but the intellect, which Homo sapiens is so proud of, directly depends on the insignificant - you can't see it with the naked eye - the amount of the thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormones that the thyroid gland produces and which is vital iodine.
Cephalopods are among the most interesting inhabitants of the sea. They are divided into two orders: octopuses and decapods. Decapods include squid and cuttlefish. In our country, more common squid is harvested and eaten. In many countries, other types of squid, as well as cuttlefish and octopuses, are harvested in large quantities. Already in ancient Greece and Rome, they knew how to cook dishes from cephalopods. At that time, squid was called a winged fish. Squids are really great swimmers. As a result of periodic contraction of the abdominal muscles, the mantle cavity is compressed and water from it is thrown out with great force through the mantle siphon, a powerful jet of water directed backwards is formed. Thanks to this, the satso animal (like a rocket) moves rapidly forward. Sometimes squids jump out of the water and make long jumps in the air.
In the Mediterranean countries, national dishes from cephalopods are very popular. Residents of Yugoslavia and Italians love squid meat stewed in mashed bell peppers with the addition of vegetable oil, parsley and onions. A Greek delicacy is squid cooked in broth with rice. In France, Portugal and Spain, squid is eaten baked, boiled, fried, pickled or dried. Dishes made from cephalopods have long been known and popular in Japan, China and Korea. Dried squid is a special delicacy there. The suction cups cut off from the tentacles are dried in a pan and eaten like nuts.
Canned squid meat in most countries is a delicacy. The squid tastes like lobster meat. Delicious squid meat is very nutritious. In addition to protein and fat, it contains vitamins Bi, Br, Bia, PP and C, minerals and trace elements - iodine, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, as well as extractives that promote the secretion of gastric juice and give squid meat. peculiar taste.Properly and skillfully prepared from squid dishes are appetizing, tasty and easily digestible. And yet in many countries, especially in far from fishing areas, squid and other cephalopods are eaten in small quantities. But in vain!
Squids come in about 200 different species. Depending on the species, most of them are 15-60 cm long (including tentacles) and weigh 90-750 g. The main food of squid is fish (especially sardines), pelagic crustaceans and oysters. The so-called common squid (Loligo vulgaris) is usually 20-50 cm long and weighs 250-300 g. In the depths of the oceans there are also giant squids, the length of which reaches 18 meters and weighs several tons.
Squids can be harvested all year round. Depending on the fishing area, squid are called Pacific or Atlantic. The Pacific Ocean is especially rich in squid reserves. In total, more than a million tons of squid are harvested in the world's oceans. The squid is nocturnal. Therefore, squid fishing is carried out mainly at night, when they are attracted to the vessel by artificial light sources. In the daytime, the squid is caught by trawls.
The body of the squid is cylindrical, strong and muscular, with symmetrical triangular fins at one end and a head at the other. Around the mouth opening there are ten tentacles with multiple suction cups. Two tentacles differ from the rest in length and shape and serve as hunters. They eat the muscular mantle and tentacles of the squid. Squid processing in industrial refrigerators.
The squid mantle is carefully cut to the fins to avoid damaging the ink sac located near the viscera. The liquid contained in the ink sac contains a black-brown pigment. Interesting . note that the "ink" of cuttlefish and squid has been used for writing for centuries.
In the reference book by G. Cuvier "Anatomy of mollusks", published in 1917, all the drawings are made with ink, which the author obtained during the study of mollusks. The famous Norwegian ethnographer Thor Heyerdahl, while sailing on the Kon-Tiki raft, filled several pages of his diary with ink from small squid.
The contents of the ink sac serve the squid in self-defense. In case of danger, the squid releases a cloud of "ink" to hide under its veil. It happens that a squid caught in a trawl releases all the> contents of the ink sac. This facilitates further processing of the squid, since during cutting it is necessary, first of all, to remove the ink sac; in case of rupture of the latter, the meat may darken. The ink bags are subsequently dried and milled in order to obtain a good natural dye.
When cutting squid, the entrails are removed, the head with tentacles is cut off. Thoroughly clean the abdominal cavity, remove the chitinous plates. Then the cut squids are washed in running water. After glass of water, the squid is ready to eat. In refrigerated vessels, peeled squid are pressed into briquettes and frozen. Drying squid is not very common in our country. The squid mantle should be dried in the sun, with good air circulation. Dried squid is sold in the form of thin strips resembling vermicelli, packed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.
Salted. squid in barrels, peeled and cut into pieces, usually with liver. Fish industry enterprises produce canned food from frozen squid. The most common are canned squid in their own juice or in flavored oil and stuffed squid.
Squid fillet ice cream can be used to prepare various dishes. First of all, the frozen fillet must be thawed in the air or in slightly salted cold water. [/ B] Then remove the skin from the fillet... It can be done two ways: Use a knife to rip off the top, that is, the darker layer of the skin, from the fillet, or quickly dip the raw fillet in hot water and then use a knife to scrape off the dark skin with a strong knife.
After such processing rinse thoroughly fillet with cold water, then beat it off on both sides to soften the strong ring muscles of the squid... If . do not do this, then the squid fillet will shrink and be tough during cooking and roasting. The peeled and beaten fillets can be cut into larger or smaller pieces, depending on the dish to be cooked.
When preparing squid dishes, one must keep in mind that squid meat resembles a chicken egg - the longer you cook or bake it, the harder, tasteless and less nutritious it becomes... You need to cook or fry for 3.5-5 minutes, Only if the squid is cooked together with various seasonings and foods or with a sauce (for example, hodgepodge, pilaf, squid in sour cream or tomato sauce, with vegetable or other filling, etc.) may take 10-15 minutes,
Squid can be boiled whole or in large fillets. Dip the squid meat in boiling water seasoned with salt. It is recommended to add a lot of fresh or salted dill and parsley... The taste of dill goes especially well with squid meat. Many dishes are prepared from raw squid meat, that is, from the fillet and head together with tentacles.
Raw squid fillet fried in small pieces 1.5-2 cm long and weighing about 25 g, but you can also fry fillet halves. You can fry in its natural form, as well as in breading, that is, sprinkle the chopped and beaten fillets with salt and pepper, moisten with a beaten egg, roll in ground breadcrumbs and quickly fry on both sides in a pan. in hot vegetable oil or other fat.
Fillet, head and tentacles easy to make minced meat... The squid meat peeled from the skin must be passed through a meat grinder twice, seasoned with onions, ground pepper and, if desired, nutmeg. You can also add some chopped garlic. Add a little water or broth to get a juicy and fluffy minced meat. Minced meat can also be used to make cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, stuffing for dumplings, etc. {These dishes are also prepared from natural canned squid.) Canned "Squid in aromatic oil" are among the delicacies. They are suitable for cold snacks and for preparing salad.

Vinaigrette (salad of beets, carrots, cucumbers, onions and potatoes). Suitable as a sauce French sauce with vegetable oil (or vinaigrette sauce)
Jellied boiled minced meatballs
Squid pickle (in fish broth with squid fillet pieces)
Squid solyanka (in fish broth)
Potato and vegetable soup with squid meatballs (use fish broth or vegetable broth for this)
Squid stewed in horseradish sauce
Squid stewed with tomatoes
Squid stewed with various vegetables
Squid fillet rolls with vegetable or fish filling (fried or baked in an oven)
Squid fillet (in pieces, together with appropriate seasonings), baked in white sauce (gratin sauce)
Boiled pasta mixed with pieces of squid fillet and grated cheese
In Spain, the so-called. "Calama-res fritos", that is, a ring of squid fillets in dough, fried with a lot of fat (deep fried)

My favorite squid salad:
I fry 2 large onions, mix with fried champignons like 300 grams and boiled and peeled squid, too, 300 grams - cut into strips. Grate any hard cheese on a coarse grater at least 200 grams, salt and pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise.
The next day, perhaps closer to evening, you will want to eat ...
I love this salad very much, although the name suggests itself "goodbye figure forever".
Alen delonghi , thanks for the valuable information.I boil the squid for less than 55 seconds, but I never beat it off.

The top film from the carcass is well removed immediately, after scalding, and even more so after boiling, it breaks and it is more difficult to remove it.

Squids taste a little bitter. Why do you think?
Alen delonghi

Alen delonghi , thanks for the valuable information. I boil the squid for less than 55 seconds, but I never beat it off.

The top film from the carcass is well removed immediately, after scalding, and even more so after boiling, it breaks and it is more difficult to remove it.

Squids taste a little bitter. Why do you think?
Squids can taste bitter if:
- they have been thawed and re-frozen;
-if they are big (sometimes bitter);
- if the skin is poorly cleaned (it is better to clean it under running water) - this is the main reason.
And here is my favorite recipe for squid appetizers .. Like everyone who tries. I searched the site for Good cuisine.

Squid in a jar

500 ~ 800g squid, 1 small carrot (~ 100g), 2 onions (~ 200g), 0.5 ~ 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper, 4 ~ 5 tbsp sunflower oil

Peel the squid from the skin, remnants of the entrails and pull out the chitinous plate.
Cut into large pieces.
Peel the onions and carrots. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, and do not finely chop the onion.
Put squids, onions and carrots in a bowl, season with salt, pepper, add vegetable oil and mix.
Put everything in a dry 1.5-liter jar, close the neck with foil. Place the jar in a skillet and place in a COLD oven.
Set the temperature to 220 ° С.
Simmer for 1.5 hours.
Boiled rice is best for a side dish.

Since the squid is stewed for an hour and a half, they again become soft and tender. The taste is awesome. Good from the fridge with vodka.
Here's another recipe for a delicious squid salad. Looks very festive, just right on the table for guests!

(for 4 servings)
500 g frozen squid rings, thawed before use, or peeled squid, cut into rings.
60 grams (4 tablespoons) olive oil
2 juicy tomatoes
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1 clove of garlic, grated
juice of 1 lemon
5 grams (1 tsp) mustard
salt and ground black pepper
100 g stuffed olives and pitted olives
fresh basil and pickled green hot peppers to garnish

Cooking method:
In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil, put the squid rings, reduce heat and cook for about 15 minutes, until the squid is tender. Drain and let cool slightly.
Prepare dressing:
In a bowl, mix the garlic, lemon juice, mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Beat everything well with a fork until the mixture thickens.
Put the warm squid rings in a bowl and pour over the prepared dressing. Mix well and set aside for a few minutes.
Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds, then cool in cold water. Cut off the skin with a small, sharp knife and cut out the tough core. Cut each into 4 pieces.
Place the tomatoes in a bowl of squid and sprinkle with onion rings. Mix everything well.
Add olives and olives to the salad, garnish with basil and pickled pepper pods.

Advice: Serve the salad with warmed Arabian bread (pita).
Squid can be substituted for canned tuna or boiled peeled king prawns. Instead of basil, you can use parsley.
Alen delonghi
Quote: Zubastik

In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil, put the squid rings, reduce heat and cook for about 15 minutes, until the squid is tender.
The fact that with prolonged cooking the squid will soften, I know for sure. Will 15 minutes be enough for this? Will it be rubber?
Quote: Alen Delonghi

The fact that with prolonged cooking the squid will soften, I know for sure. Will 15 minutes be enough for this? Will it be rubber?

The squid will be soft when cooked for 1 to 3.5 minutes. And after 15 - rubber.Probably, if you cook for hours, they will soften again, but why cook so much? Not more than 3.5 minutes, but preferably less. The most delicious dish in my opinion is grilled squid - it takes 1 minute
Alen delonghi
Quote: Alexandra

The squid will be soft when cooked for 1 to 3.5 minutes. And after 15 - rubber. Probably, if you cook for hours, they will soften again, but why cook so much? Not more than 3.5 minutes, but preferably less. The most delicious dish in my opinion is grilled squid - it takes 1 minute
I know that if you stew or cook for an hour, they will become soft again. But 15 minutes - that's why I'm asking - for softening, sort of like "malawat wakes up".
Quote: Alen Delonghi

I know that if you stew or cook for an hour, they will become soft again. But 15 minutes - that's why I'm asking - for softening, sort of like "malawat wakes up".
Alen, here we are talking about "squid rings" ready-made, boiled and frozen. I gave the recipe in its original form, and you can customize it as you like. Personally, I don't buy rings, but I take a thick white "artificial" squid and cook it as usual. The cooking process takes longer, because I do not defrost it - the squid has such a thin film, and it itself is so clean that you can throw it right like that. I wash only the ice on top until the water heats up again, boils, just 15 minutes and will pass. But do not fiddle under water and do not clean it, though the benefits are less.
Alen delonghi
Quote: Zubastik

Alen, here we are talking about "squid rings" ready-made, boiled and frozen. I gave the recipe in its original form, and you can customize it as you like. Personally, I don't buy rings, but I take a thick white "artificial" squid and cook it as usual. The cooking process takes longer, because I do not defrost it - the squid has such a thin film, and it itself is so clean that you can throw it right like that. I wash only the ice on top until the water heats up again, boils, just 15 minutes and will pass. But do not fiddle under water and do not clean it, though the benefits are less.
The benefits are definitely less! The very useful iodine (see 1 post at the very top of the branch) is boiled-soaked. But when you quit defrosted squid (or any product, especially meat) in boiling water, then a thin dense layer is immediately formed, which does not allow the very benefit and taste into the water. Then you can cook over high heat for just a couple of minutes, especially if these are boiled rings, then just throw them into boiling water and wait for boiling again. It will take about half a minute - and take it out!
I want to share my recipe for making squid.
Baked squid
We take the squid, clean it, wash it, cut it into large rings, and put it in a container in which we will bake.
Squids. Good to know. Squid salads.
Fill with cream or milk (200 gr per 1 kg of squid), salt and pepper.
Squids. Good to know. Squid salads.

Further, already according to your taste, if you like baked cheese, then sprinkle with cheese immediately. I don't like that, it seems to me much tastier when the cheese is slightly melted, it is so tender.
So the squids are put in the oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees. After that, I drain all the excess liquid, sprinkle with cheese and another 5 minutes.
And your baked squid is ready. How many times have I baked squids like this, they always turn out to be very tender.
Squids. Good to know. Squid salads.
I apologize for the last photo, because I forgot and managed to photograph only the last piece, which I barely took from my husband for a photo session.

I wish you all good luck!
Wolchebnica, do you use frozen white carcasses?
your recipe is already interested! I am passionate about how I love everything baked. But I always took dark carcasses (I wonder if there is a difference in taste or not?), But they are really tough and bitter
And you have beautiful little ones in your photo
rinishek I buy the most ordinary squids, frozen and, as you put it, dark. I defrost and clean them under water with my hands. Once I took peeled ones, but I really boiled them just for salad, because they were so rubbery that it's just horror, so I'm now afraid to take peeled ones.
Wolchebnica , thanks, you understand
aaaaa, still a question - don't you fight back? I was surprised to read about such a technical trick
and they are actually easy to clean, right?
Oh! And I did these !!!! Really delicious! But not always! The last time, I took white, beautiful ones, of course I also took off the film in them, although they told me that they were cleaned. They turned out to be soft .. but even when cleaning, before cooking, the smell alerted me.I can't say for sure what ... not rotten, not spoiled, but like ammonia, or something ... I thought that when frying the smell would disappear, but no! And in appearance, they turned out, in contrast to past attempts, transparent. Who didn't know, ate, but I don't want to think about them at all for a month
Quote: rinishek

Wolchebnica , thanks, you understand
aaaaa, still a question - don't you fight back? I was surprised to read about such a technical trick
and they are actually easy to clean, right?

I do not beat anything, I myself hear about it for the first time
Summer resident
And I love this salad.


Peel 300 grams of onion for 0.5 kg of raw squid.
Cut the boiled squid carcass into thin strips.
We also cut the onion into thin half rings, add a little salt, add 1/4 tsp. sugar and 2-3 tbsp. l vinegar. Mix gently and let the onion marinate for 20-30 minutes. Drain the released juice from the onion and mix with the squid. We fill with mayonnaise. The volume of onion and squid should be equal
Quote: Master

... the smell didn't bother me. I can't say for sure which one ... not rotten, not spoiled, but like ammonia, or something ...
They were treated for helminths.
Quote: Medusa

They were treated for helminths.

uzhos, as you think, you shudder so. Don't want any seafood
Girls! I want to tell you how to wash carcasses of squid (I had experience working in a cannery). Squid, slightly thawed, pour into the sink and open hot water and stir intensively, the skin will fall off from them by itself, it will only be possible to turn it inside out, clean the inside and rinse it under water. Squids are clean and there is little hassle.

For the uninitiated, there is no difference between squid and octopus. They are usually classified in bulk as "monsters". However, octopuses can "boast" only eight tentacles, and squids - ten. Squids are excellent swimmers, able to cover long distances. They move with the help of a kind of jet engine: they have a special hole on their bodies, from which the cephalopods throw a stream of water.
In the warmer months, the Pacific sardine, Iwashi, lives in the Sea of ​​Japan. It comes to our shores after spawning, reaching the north of the Tatar Strait.

And together with the Iwashi, schools of squid “visit” our lands, for which the Pacific sardine is a favorite delicacy. Among the squid, there is one of the largest mollusks, the architeutis, with its tentacles reaching sixteen meters. This is the most powerful invertebrate animal that can successfully measure strength with the sperm whale.

In the Far Eastern seas, near the Primorsky coast and Sakhalin, the Pacific squid is mainly found. In the sea, this mollusk is colored pale greenish blue. But it is worth removing it from the water, as the color immediately changes and acquires a reddish-brick, and sometimes brown color.

The weight of squid living in the Far Eastern waters is small - up to seven hundred and fifty grams. Despite this, squid have a rather obstinate character.

Here is what the biologist I. I. Akimushkin writes about them: “Flying squids often attack the deck of ocean-going ships, rising into the sky up to four or five meters. Once I saw with my own eyes how fishermen on the Kuril Islands caught a small squid with fish in a net. They put him in a bucket of sea water. Feeling freedom, the squid rushed forward, but immediately bumped into an iron wall. He turned back, but alas! - again the wall. The squid tried to overcome it, raised its tentacles and examined the edge of the bucket. Apparently, he considered it too high, sailed to the middle, suddenly "bummed" up, soared, like a rocket, into the sky, flying in a steep orbit, and plopped into the sand.

In some countries, fishing rods with spinners or hooks are used for this.They are caught from the boat; a lure with a large number of hooks is tied to a strong and thin fishing line ten to fifteen meters long, attached to a short and flexible rod. But it is worth luring squids out of the depths of the sea, using underwater and surface light for this, as at a depth of one meter they can be caught with a slingshot.

The most successful fishing is at sunset. Larger squids live further from the coast, and smaller ones off the coast. Having finished fishing, you must not hesitate, as quickly as possible you need to send the squid for processing. Squids are placed in rows in boxes or baskets, with tentacles in different directions, otherwise they can gnaw at each other, and this will disfigure the appearance of the product. All cephalopods have a valuable gift from nature - an ink sac. This is the internal organ of the squid located in the mantle. The ink contains organic dye. The shade of ink in cephalopods is not the same: in cuttlefish it is blue-black, and in squid it is brown.

Observations have shown that the ink thrown out by the cephalopods does not dissolve immediately, for ten minutes or more it hangs in the water as a dark compact drop. But the most striking thing is that the shape of the drop resembles the outline of the animal that threw it away. The predator grabs this drop instead of the escaping victim. Then it "explodes" and envelops the enemy in a dark cloud, while squids, using this cover, hide from pursuit.

Using modern technology, paint can be obtained from the contents of the ink sac. To do this, they do this: the bags are removed from the insides, rinsed in sea water and dried in the sun. The dried bags are crushed and boiled, after which the liquid is filtered, then the paint is released. These are the values ​​that the ink sac contains!

But the ink bag must be handled very carefully, if it is damaged, the paint will flow out and the squid meat will darken. People who deal with live squid, first of all, should take care of their eyes, since the colored liquid, getting on the mucous membrane of the eye, causes its strong irritation.

It turns out that such "monsters" like squid are nutritious and healthy. Cephalopods are truly a treasure trove of protein substances. There are many extractive substances in the tissues of the squid body, which promote the secretion of digestive juices and give a peculiar taste to culinary products made from squid. In terms of chemical composition, raw squid tissues are distinguished by a large amount of water and a low fat content; however, some researchers argue that squid living in the waters of southern Sakhalin are richer in fat. Dry body tissues of squid contain (in percent): proteins 81.4, fats 5.8, glycogen up to 1.4, minerals 10.2.

Scientists say that the tissues of the squid body contain B vitamins and trace elements, and vitamin C.

The muscular parts of the squid's head, torso and tentacles can be used to prepare dried foods. Dried squid is marketed as thin flakes that resemble vermicelli. To prepare their carcass of dried squid on machines, cut into thin strips, which are then packed in cardboard boxes, paper or cellophane bags. In addition to freshly dried products, salted squids are also prepared. Here is one of the methods for preparing salty products from squid, recommended by IV Kizevetter in his book "Fishing and processing of commercial invertebrates in the Far Eastern seas."

Fresh squid is cut - the mantle is opened, the entrails are removed, the head is separated. Then the resulting raw is washed in a saline solution (three to four percent salt) and after thirty or forty minutes of exposure on nets to drain the rinsing water, the head (after removing the eyes and mouth apparatus) with the limbs and the body is rolled in salt and cut into small pieces, which placed in barrels, where chopped squid liver is evenly added (twenty - twenty-five percent).

The contents of the barrels are stirred daily for six to eight days. Then they are corked and kept for one to two months to ripen the product. Before the sale, the product is treated with rice yeast, and after two or three days of fermentation, the mass is poured into glassware. In this form, the squid goes on sale. Well-salted squid has a long shelf life. Experience has confirmed that canned food from the body of a squid - squid stuffed in its own juice - tastes good.
How to cook squid is described in the cooking section. Usually it is boiled in salted water (2 liters of water and 15 g of salt are taken for 1 kilogram of squid), with a slight boil for 3-5 minutes. Cooked squid is cooled along with the broth. Sakhalin residents advise to cook squid for ten to fifteen minutes, despite the fact that they have it fresh from the sea.
It turns out that ten Sakhalin minutes are equal to one and a half hours in Moscow.
Residents of the Far Eastern countries have invented dozens of ways to cook squid for food.
In Japan and China, cephalopods are eaten raw, dried, pickled, baked and fried. No body parts are wasted. Even eyes are eaten and suckers dried in a pan are said to taste like nuts. Fat is melted from the insides of the squid, and the pomace is used to feed the chickens. On the island of Ischia (near Naples), squid is cut into slices and put into soup.
In Spain, squid body rings baked in dough are popular. This dish can be bought at any store in Barcelona; you just have to warm it up at home.

In recent years, the production and consumption of "sea meat" in the world has more than doubled. And the catch of the cephalopod mollusk - squid - increased more than fivefold. Experts believe that squid production can be increased to fifteen to twenty tons per year! The time will come when squid will firmly enter our diet, catching and harvesting them will become common activities even for amateur fishermen. Well, time will tell!

I also want to share a very tasty salad. I do not remember from which site I "stole" it, but I have been doing it for a long time and is very popular with my household

Sea Caprice salad ":
500gr. peeled shrimp
700gr. boiled and peeled squid
4 things. eggs (boiled)
0.5b. green peas
2 onions
cut the squid into thin strips, add the shrimp, cut the eggs into cubes, cut the onion into half rings (fry in vegetable oil), mix everything, add peas, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Bon Appetit!
I really love squid and have tried different methods of boiling. I stopped at this: throw a cleaned squid carcass into boiling water, count to 30 and take it out. Do the same with the rest of the carcasses. Squids are soft and juicy. And when boiling 2-3 minutes. they become rubbery, and even if you cook them for an hour or more, they do not become soft, I checked this.
But the salad, which I found somewhere on the internet and cooked on NG, and then repeated it for Christmas, because everyone really liked it:
Squids. Good to know. Squid salads.
Squid and pineapple salad

squid - 1 kg
egg - 7 pcs.
canned pineapples - 1 can
lemon - 1/4 pc.
canned corn - 1 can
mayonnaise - 200-250g.

Boil the squid and eggs. Cut into "strips". Add corn and sliced ​​pineapple. Rub the lemon zest and finely chop the flesh of the quarter.
Mix everything with mayonnaise.
Lemon zest and small pieces give a very unusual fresh taste.

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