Katena, Lenochka, girls, thank you very much for the compliments !!!

Fourth loaf on ripe dough:

Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)

350 gr. wheat flour, premium + 150 gr. peeled rye = !!!

Quote: Krosh

Katena, Lenochka, girls, thank you very much for the compliments !!!

Fourth loaf on ripe dough:

Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)

350 gr. wheat flour, premium + 150 gr. peeled rye = !!!

P.S. It's a pity that the previous photos inserted through the radical have already disappeared one turn ...

how you draw it beautifully ... I can't do that ..: girl_red: and I also add whole grain wheat .. sometimes buckwheat gr50, instead of white .... always delicious !!!
If you knead in a combine, should there be a bun?
Quote: simfira

If you knead in a combine, should there be a bun?
Of course...
Thank you. I poured flour to the kolobok and worried that it would not be superfluous. The dough fits perfectly, I will mold it now.
Quote: simfira
I will mold now.
Then, show it!
How to get a glossy crust? And then my matte bakes
Quote: simfira
How to get a glossy crust? And then my matte bakes
I just spray with water from a spray bottle and bake with steam. Especially glossy also does not work. Only when I add vegetable oil to the dough. But I rarely add it.
Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)
turned out low, tomorrow bake
Viki wick, thank you very much for the recipe, baked it in the oven yesterday, made a double rate for just three loaves of L7, wonderful bread, when I always baked it on old dough, put it on again, I'll try it with whole grain and rye flour
Quote: Oktyabrinka
wonderful bread
and show !!! ???
Quote: Oktyabrinka
I will try with whole grain and rye flour
Tatyana, good bread!
I don’t put more than 50 g of rye now. I'm picky here ... give them all white.
Here are my hands, hooks, buttons press faster than my head thinks ...
I wanted to congratulate you on your birthday, and ...

Vikochka, congratulations on Jam Day !!! !!!

Vika, happy Birthday!!!!
health and all the best

every time I thank you for introducing you to such wonderful breads and leavens and taught
Katyusha, while you're here, tell me and the leaven is ripe dough, should it be stored in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid or not?
Ksyusha, I usually put it in a plastic container, close the lid, yes
or in a bowl if, then tighten the film
I can generally tie it up with a regular package))

Added on Tuesday 17 Jan 2017 04:37 PM

and my mother has been baking this recipe for the second year already, ripe dough starts a triple dose at once and then bakes three breads, it was directly prescribed in her refrigerator, she pours rye flour 150 grams on the bread, and bakes on flour of the 1st grade
Thank you, so you can tightly close the lid!
I put it today, I'm waiting ...
Ksyusha, I also close tightly straight. The main thing is that there is a place for increasing the dough.
Quote: Trishka
I put it today, I'm waiting
first time chtoli?

Added on Tuesday 17 Jan 2017 05:27 PM

Quote: Anchic
The main thing is that there is a place for increasing the dough.
that's right .. at least three times
Quote: katko
first time chtoli?
No, not the first, as I baked it for a long time, I have already forgotten everything ...
The first time I baked bread in the oven. I added a little sugar and rust to the main dough. oil. I liked the taste of the bread, however, it turned out to be ugly ... I will train
Thank you very much Viki for the recipe!

Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)
Tatyanagreat bread for the first time
and vkuuuus
I here a couple of days ago got lazy at the root, put simple bread in HP, I don't know how many years I have not whitened like that ... so I am in shock - there is absolutely no bread spirit ... there is no direct taste (
I'm used to baked bread after the refrigerator and well-fermented ...
and baking in the oven is easy ... and fun
Quote: katko
I put simple bread in KhP, I don't know how many years I have not been so white ... so I am in shock - there is absolutely no bread spirit ... there is no direct taste (

And mine was so forbidden to me to bake in KhP, if I don't have time, we buy in the store, which is local baked goods. We have it quite acceptable to taste, but the price for every day will not suit.
if I don't have time, then we are just without bread)
psychologically I cannot buy bread, even if it is in the bakery
katko, Anchic, I agree with you completely. The taste of the bread is different, it differs from KhPechkinsky, and, indeed, the very process of baking bread in the oven is very exciting and delays.Before that, only in KhP baked, we have not been buying the store one for 3 years, if not more ...
katko, Katyusha and I wanted to know, you wrote here that you use a pancake tray, and how do you like it?
Ksyusha, Yes OK)
I even bought a tray from the color of the pot, it is bigger in diameter)
Do you cover with a cap on top or not?
And what is this flower?
Quote: Trishka
cap on top
but when the size is such that it fits, then yes
and more often it does not fit)) or generally like a loaf .. then I just bake on it, zip from a spray bottle to moisten)
and the flower one is unglazed made of clay, I bought it at METRO, and someone recommended it here, in the topic about stones and so on
Aha, everything is clear, thanks!
So I came with thanks and!
Wonderful, tasty and fragrant bread!
Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)

Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening) this barrel is a bit "jerked"

Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)

And this is a cut, sorry for the photo, in the evening the light is already bad ..
This is my first bread, you can say, because before that I baked it for a long time ...
Ksyusha, excellent turned out)
well pouted)
it used to hit me in all sides
Thank you Katyusha, almost everything has been eaten, delicious!
But here it is interesting, I look at some girls it is straight white-white, but mine is grayish, although premium flour, probably depends on flour ...
I bake from the 1st grade, I always have it grayish, beige
And I have a grayish out of the top, probably such flour ...
color does not affect tastyness, but Bread with a big letter
That's for sure !
Vika, hello
yesterday I put the old dough, I immediately doubled the dose, while I was going to the kitchen, I kept the proportions ... but a person with a temperature under 38 is a different story)) in general, I drunk 250 flour and 250 water, but what do I think, let it be my dough a little with other proportions
today, I think, it is necessary to remove water from the recipe 40 g, I did not seem to forget, flour ZZ 80 grams, the rest is bakery with an ash content of 75, whey from the squeezed yogurt acted as a liquid (well, the curd separated at room temperature), some of it is just water
decided to bake in the Miracle Oven ... I want to warn you! don't do like me
even though the grain procurement was pretending to be below the level of half the volume ... at the 24th minute it smelled burnt ... really badly burnt - we open it, baaaaatyushki, but he got up and rested on the lid and just a black spot, well, don't roar, but you need to bake it .. covered it with foil on top it was probably a chtoli silicone mat ... well, in general, my bread was baked in Miracle for 53 minutes, such cracks went beautiful, so in Miracle it bakes well, even very straight, pierced with a probe-thermometer - at 90 inside the temperature , took it out - it is resting in a towel on the grate ... I'm afraid we can't resist and right now it with our own fermented baked milk from the fermenter and we'll have supper ...
a photo of bread with a black spot of something dumb to bring
Quote: katko
color does not affect tasty
Very much even influences.
The faster the bread, the whiter it is. The longer it ferments, gaining taste and aroma, the darker. Well, remember how dazzling he is after the bread machine! And how creamy, if "long".
Lena, well, not everything is so literal there
katko, in the sense of "not so literal"? Have you ever put the remains of dumplings dough in the refrigerator with the thoughts "ay, I'll finish it tomorrow?" Enzymes do not sleep!
Lena, stop yes, you say everything right))
there it is about something completely different

Added Saturday 28 Jan 2017 09:20 PM

Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)
here it is, thin crust
Quote: katko
there it is about something completely different
What about? Even Bijou again past the topic.
I already found an old photo - bread from a bread machine in 4 hours "fast" and "bread without kneading" almost daily. Flour from one bag, of course.))

Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)

Posted Saturday 28 Jan 2017 9:51 PM

and I also added golden flax seeds from iherba I ordered
This time I baked in HP, at 350 gr. flour, it turned out delicious, thank you again!
Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)
Vika, baked your bread today. Baked in HP for 400 gr. flour. The bread turned out to be excellent, I didn't even expect it. And the aroma is simply extraordinary, I was afraid of the yeast smell: nothing like that. The taste and aroma are above all praise. Only added 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, the crust is thin and crispy. Thanks for the great recipe. I just wanted to ask how long the ripe dough will last and whether it needs to be updated later? Yes, baked without additional yeast. Thanks again.
Quote: ninza

Vika, baked your bread today. Baked in HP for 400 gr. flour. The bread turned out to be excellent, I didn't even expect it. And the aroma is simply extraordinary, I was afraid of the yeast smell: nothing of the kind. The taste and aroma are above all praise. Only added 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, the crust is thin and crispy. Thanks for the great recipe. I just wanted to ask how long the ripe dough will last and whether it needs to be updated later? Yes, baked without additional yeast. Thanks again.

No extra yeast? What did you mean? Just starter dough?
Wheat bread on ripe dough (self-leavening)
By the way, I also use this "old" dough, but I haven't put yeast in it for a long time (I only added it to the first bread). The old dough lays in a bowl for 4-5 days, in the withers and bubbles well. Of course, the bread is not as fluffy as pure yeast bread, a little heavier and denser, but you can see the cut yourself. Everything suits me. And I have only 1 grade flour.
Gorgeous looking like a ciabatta! And how long does it usually take to rise, if without additional yeast? I would like to do it in a bread maker
Differently. But such a dough can take a long time.

And then, such bread and SUCH holes in the x / stove may not work at all. This is "manual" work

Bake in the oven - you will not regret Such bread is baked only in the oven, then you can see both the structure of the dough and the taste itself

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