home Culinary recipes Culinary dishes Tea recipes Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)

Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class) (page 161)

Irina, they are generally strange peonies. In the same way, for several years my neighbor dug in two pieces of peonies in my absence, they have now grown into huge bushes. And I planted one according to the rules, so he, vile, grew for three years just like that, thin like that, then he died for a year, I forgot about him, and then he crawled out and now blooms for himself, but frail. Wait, too, I'll look for a photo.
Svetlana! As our thoughts converge, I also remembered about fenugreek today.

Galya! We'll plant nasturtiums with you! Do you know how well it rises, takes root and grows? Let's make capers, dry flowers! Set aside sadness!
Soon we'll rip for the seeds.
Linadoc, Thank you! I also read about the trick with the flower tray. Now I'm thinking where to buy a large pallet. I bake in a cast-iron frying pan, heat it up with the oven like a stone, and transfer the bread onto it on baking paper.
A friend of mine took cuttings from my peonies, planted them according to the rules, his land was manured, there were no weeds. There are three flowers on the bushes, and I have 30. And every time he says, you planted them in front of me, I saw what was wrong. By the way, I plant all the bushes like this, and currants and raspberries. I am also a fan of lazy farming. Digging nothing. The leaves are dark from my site, I mulch them, I plant potatoes right in the leaves.
Galina Iv.
(peeking out from under the blanket) yes I already bought all the seeds, ready for the season). And there is nasturtium (sobbing). I ... as soon as I heard the word focaccia, I fell on the spot
Quote: Tricia
Svetlana! How our thoughts converge, I also remembered about fenugreek today
Anastasia, I once for the sake of interest bought fenugreek (leaves) dried in m-not Indian spices. Oh, how all my (and me too) liked it! Here its seeds are somehow not very good, they have a very intense aroma. But I (for some reason) did not even think that it could be grown here too! I really like the dried grass, but I can imagine how fresh it is! There is little left: to grow
Quote: Galina Iv.
I ... as soon as I heard the word focaccia, I fell on the spot
That's in vain .. I, for example, take a recipe for focacci, and bake flatbread ... I generally make a cake according to any recipe.
Galina Iv.
if this unhappy fenugreek is a southern plant, then you can plant it in a greenhouse, along the edge and let it grow there.
but yesterday's sausage finally turned out to be tasty, just need to stuff it tighter, otherwise they wrote that don't stuff it tight, don't stuff it, that's the result - the middle is loose.
Quote: Galina Iv.
I ... as soon as I heard the word focaccia, I fell on the spot
Let me pat you for the night! Focaccia is a flatbread, just Italian. And in my house, like an Italian family - a lot of people + guys / girlfriends + friends. And it is desirable to feed everyone, these are the focacci pizzas that fit.
Quote: Galina Iv.
but yesterday's sausage finally turned out to be tasty, just need to stuff it tighter, otherwise they wrote that don't stuff it tight, don't stuff it, that's the result - the middle is loose.
There you need to knead WITH ICE for 10-15 MINUTES! And cook at T not higher than 80 * C, then everything is cemented.
Galina Iv.
LYUDAAAAA! (crawled out from under the blanket, jumped straight out) I forgot to report on the mini-casseroles, here they are! guests oh how appreciated! Thank you!
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Last year the fenugreek plant did not sprout. Galya, why did they put you under the blanket with focacci? What kind of beautiful casseroles are you talking to yourself, al on compliments?
Galina Iv.
Quote: Linadoc
There you need to knead WITH ICE for 10-15 MINUTES! And cook at T not higher than 80 * C,
Linochka, yes, she seemed to do it all, stuffed it weakly.
I went and measured everything for the bigi in the morning, just to knead before work.)))))
Oksana, what compliments, I beg you! Either capers, or focaccia - it’s possible to move with the mind!
paramed1, I also like Veronica Princesca!
Tricia, I have a savory, it grows quietly for many years. I planted fenugreek in a greenhouse, but I did not find blue fenugreek. There was marjoram, but not enough - the next year I bought it and typed the basilica.
Galina Iv.
Lenochka Kadieva, come to me, at least two of us will stand on the sidelines
neighbor, Svetlana, it is difficult to grow wild garlic from seeds; it must be kept in the refrigerator for two months in a humid environment, and only fresh seeds germinate. I fought with them for three years, not figs came out - I bought roots and then a lot fell out. But I hope you succeed! I still treat my plantings superficially, "if you want to live and grow, there is no hell-dosvidos"
Nastya, I also want those fenugreek seeds: secret: and what did you have there last ..
Galina Iv., your casseroles are very good !!!
Quote: Galina Iv.
Lenochka Kadieva, come to me, at least two of us will stand on the sidelines
Biga is the case. I really do everything easier: I knead the whole dough in 2 stages (a dough of half the flour and all the liquid without salt and oil for 2-3 hours, then everything else is 10-15 minutes of kneading) and in the refrigerator for 12-36 hours. Then baking. But still clever!
Quote: Galina Iv.

LYUDAAAAA! (crawled out from under the blanket, jumped straight out) Well I forgot to report on the mini-casseroles, here they are! guests oh how appreciated! Thank you!
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Gal, you are ... neat ... She jumped out ... Well done! You have cool casseroles! Did you draw them on a compass? All are even so cute! Also with green tea! Vkusnoooo!
Irina, Florichka, Thank you! I will definitely scald :)

I can imagine how delicious your asparagus is!

Svetlanaand I like fenugreek greens incredibly! And the seeds have a burning-bitter taste, they are ground into powder, I use them for curing meat in a mixture like for raw smoked sausage. Delicious!
It's a legume, it looks like alfalfa, I don't think there will be a problem growing it. We are talking about hay fenugreek, but I have not seen blue fenugreek seeds anywhere, or I simply did not pay attention, but now I will look.
Quote: Galina Iv.
And there is nasturtium (sobbing)
Well vooot! Do not worry, we will grow such thickets of nasturtium - it will be possible to get entangled

Quote: Galina Iv.
(I got out from under the blanket, jumped straight out) Well I forgot to report on the mini-casseroles, here they are!
Galya! Very appetizing! It's all over now
Quote: Loksa
Last year the fenugreek plant did not sprout.
Hmm, Oksana, did you soak it?
Quote: Loksa
Tricia, I have a savory, it grows quietly for a long time. I planted fenugreek in a greenhouse, but I didn't find blue fenugreek. There was marjoram, but not enough - the next year I bought it and typed the basilica.
How much deliciousness! Fallout
Quote: Loksa
Nastya, I also want those fenugreek seeds, and what did you have there last ..
I don’t feel sorry for the seeds, only the ancient ones I have! A colleague gave them to me 3 years ago, and she had them for another year or more in the bins in seasonings. I'm not at all sure that they will rise at all, I myself take them for an experiment. Oksan, if you want, of course I will pour a handful! But under your responsibility.
The last marigolds were simple types)))). Smart people say that you can dry and use not only petals, but all baskets.

By the way, we also have nigella (nigella) growing well and bearing fruit. Seemingly interesting carved bushes. And the seeds are pretty spice too!
She planted Nigela, she bloomed. I had green and blue. I don't remember my opinion about her.Tricia, kept wild garlic in the refrigerator in a damp napkin, the seeds swelled, but did not sprout
Maybe they don't have enough birdies to take root, or something else ... Eh, but I also love wild garlic, I got used to it from childhood. There is a lot of it in the Far East, they sell it everywhere, if there is no way to go to the forest.
In 2006, in Moscow Region, an acquaintance who graduated from Timiryazevka gave me a couple of onion roots for breeding. Until now, these 10 things are sitting with my mother under the fence, they regularly give 2 leaves and a peduncle over the summer, then seeds. But then - no guogu ... Something they thoroughly dislike ...
Elena Kadiewa
Re-read in the morning, and laughter, and sin. I just got ready to Galyuna under the covers, and have already been dissuaded.I will also buy nasturtium, can I put it right into the ground? And in our climate, will it ripen to these capers of yours? What kind of place do you need to pickle? And I always plant marigolds, last year and dried a little. They also make the soil healthy.
Yeah, live a century, learn a century (and you will die a fool about yourself!)
Lina, that is, you can't make bread in a princess, it's rather low. It's my birthday here. in March it is planned, I already decided to provide my list - an oven, a dryer, a meat grinder. For my three or three things, and now this fucking princess. Who else to impose on? Or give yourself a gift? Damn it, how sick is the wrong time!
Gal, cool casseroles, yummy, I can see it straight! And all thanks to our Lyuda!
And in the fall from Egypt I brought yellow tea 0.5 kg, though I have not yet drunk. We drink Along with Ivan tea Karkade is also from there - flowers are large, maroon.
Egyptian yellow tea is made from the seeds of the hay fenugreek plant. It is also called shambhala, helba, camel grass, abish, chaman, etc. Fenugreek belongs to the legume family. It is used in medicine and cooking in China, India, Ethiopia, South America and other regions.
How to brew Egyptian yellow tea?

Since this drink is not tea in the conventional sense of the word, it would be wrong to brew it like black or green tea.
Yellow tea is not brewed, but rather brewed.

Before preparation, the yellow tea is washed and dried for 48 hours. For this, the washed seeds can be laid out on paper and left in a dry place.

By the way, fenugreek seeds can be eaten: they improve the functioning of the stomach. And ground seeds are a part of curry and suneli hops.

This drink is boiled in a saucepan. One glass of water (200-250 ml) requires 1 teaspoon of yellow tea. Tea is poured into water and brought to a boil. The drink should boil no more than 8 minutes. After that, yellow tea (and it is really colored in a pleasant yellow color) can be poured into mugs and enjoyed.
This tea is drunk with ginger or cinnamon, lemon or honey, sugar or milk.
Warm yellow tea perfectly warms, cool - quenches thirst. This drink cheers up and invigorates.
1. Yellow tea is recommended for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in cases of spasms or any other painful reaction to unfamiliar food.
2. This drink is useful for skin diseases.
3. Egyptian yellow tea helps to improve mood.
4. This tea is indicated for unbalanced diet and heavy physical exertion, as well as for constant stress.
5. In combination with drugs, yellow tea is used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and joint diseases.
6. Tea is used to treat impotence and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
7. This drink relieves pain during the menstrual cycle (fenugreek is a strong antispasmodic).
8. Tea is good for kidney disease.
9. Yellow tea from Egypt is indispensable for colds as an effective antipyretic and expectorant.
10. This tea is especially useful for overweight people, as it normalizes metabolic processes.
This tea is recommended for nursing mothers, as it helps to increase lactation. Tea boosts immunity and boosts good mood.
Girls! What are you doing? I can't keep up with you - I didn't look a couple of evenings, but I was almost 40 pages behind !!!
Lyuda, please send me Pokhlebkin about tea. And then I'm afraid that while I catch up with you, I'll forget what I wanted to ask)))
Elena Kadiewa
Inga, they are crazy here, and they write, and they write ...
Galina Iv.
Quote: elena kadiewa
I will also buy nasturtium, can I put it right into the ground?
It is better to plant nasturtium immediately into the ground, it seems to me that she does not really like transplanting, capricious lady!
Ramson from seed is a bad thing!
Quote: elena kadiewa
And in our climate, will it ripen to these capers of yours? What kind of place should she pickle?
Helen, for pickling from nasturtium, they take unripe seeds or buds.
In order for nasturtium to grow gorgeous, it needs fertile soil, and to have more flowers, you need to add phosphorus.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
My daughter sent this to me. I say every winter that I will reduce planting. And in the spring my daughter says to me, Mom, look at your garden and where did you reduce it?
My little list ... Just more potatoes, onions, cabbage (3 types), margelan radish, radish ... Maybe something else ... And so ... Yes ... I will not plant anything else ...
Galina Iv.
with the current economic situation, it looks like my lawns need to be turned into beds))
Galya, not only you have such thoughts. The end of January, and the people are buying seeds with might and main. So people are getting ready to switch to vegetable feed. Well, and forest-field.
Quote: Galina Iv.

with the current economic situation, it looks like my lawns need to be turned into beds))
Since 2010, I have been gradually reducing the area of ​​the lawns. At first, the husband was foaming, now he supports. I, so that it would not be very painful for my husband, made flower beds, which, in an amazing way, the next year turned into beds. I've read it, I'll go to OBI for seeds.
Galina Iv.
Girls! as I drove on the way to my homeland in the town of Kirillov, Vologda region, to a friend of the institute, went to their dacha. I went up to one bed and was stunned - it was all in dark purple cakes!)) This is their local Belozersky onion. The bulbs were up to 15 cm in diameter. The onions are juicy, store well, do not stain the ingredients. This photo shows a medium-sized bow.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
A friend gave me both onions and seeds, it is grown for the first year from seeds, onion sets, on the trail. year real bow. I would have shared the seeds, but there is no way to go to the post office to stand in line. Those who wish from St. Petersburg, at least right now).
Irina, Florichka, yes, these are the very fenugreek seeds I was talking about! Although a decoction of them is useful, I could not drink this burning-bitter mixture, especially if it was also with ginger ... I use it as a spice - I grind it into dust and sprinkle it on various meat. But maybe at least you will like it?
Galina Iv.
Girls, I am a terrible patriot and I always believe in Russia. I go home 950 km from St. Petersburg, 12 hours away, always looked with sadness at the fields that have not been plowed since the 90s, in recent years, thank God, everyone began to revive! and what territories are endless !!! I've always said that on my 6 acres I can easily feed 2-3 families with vegetables! Although the zone is, so to speak, risky farming, it is still growing, you just have to put your hands on it! We can feed half of the globe with the same potatoes, and not buy them in Egypt, we only need to learn how to store them correctly, but actually what to learn ??? In the village, potatoes from the Poconium are kept in cellars and they do not germinate until the next harvest.
Quote: Galina Iv.

This is their local Belozersky bow. The bulbs were up to 15 cm in diameter. The onions are juicy, store well, do not stain the ingredients. This photo shows a medium-sized bow.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
What a beautiful bow! Probably not edgy? Does it turn gray in a clear broth, or is it rather a salad onion?

Quote: Galina Iv.

Girls, I am a terrible patriot and I always believe in Russia.
I remember when I was a little traveled around the Tver region, so everything there was planted with at least oats and flax - such a beauty - like a bluish-blue sea swaying. Now, no matter how I go, one hogweed.
Quote: Galina Iv.
In the village, potatoes from the Poconium are kept in cellars and they do not germinate until the next harvest.
Eh, we are moving to the city, and where is the good cellar from there? And to make a good cellar with ventilation and other bells and whistles - you need straight arms. Although, there would be a desire, but the Internet to help.
And I also noticed such a thing: the potatoes are not all well laid, probably, you need to select and plant special "lying" varieties.
Galina Iv.
Quote: Tricia
Does it turn gray in a clear broth, or is it rather a salad onion?
it is a spicy onion, does not turn gray
I brewed your healing tea: 2/3 Ivan tea, 1/6 raspberry, 1/6 blackberry. I'm getting high!

Quote: Galina Iv.
it is a spicy onion, does not turn gray
I can imagine how beautiful he is in the marinade! Did you roll something with him? Any set of vegetables, such as a traffic light: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions?
Galina Iv.
no, Nastya, I didn't roll it up, they gave it to me in October
Wrote, skipping after you. I love nasturtium very much, I always buy it with seeds. I will sit down and admire. Now there are many useful things from a beautiful flower.
Elena Kadiewa
My mother is in the Ulyanovsk region.lives, so only in recent years they began to plant sunflowers in the fields, and somehow I went to my grandmother's village, got nauseous, so it would be better not to go - the fields are abandoned, the houses are dilapidated and drunken men, no work, no worries. Women are spinning with cattle, with vegetable gardens, hay harvesting ... In general, the nostalgia did not work out, she left in great sadness.
I met a girl with whom I was friends, when I came to my grandmother, she is a year older than me, I did not recognize her - an old woman, no teeth, all bent. And recently they wrote to me that she burned down, along with her husband. And as a child, she had such ambitions, such plans!
Galina Iv.
there families die out from booze - it's finally dark, and young and old all die, drink themselves to death to the liver cerrosis, etc. or freeze drunk in the snow.
Quote: Natalia-65
My daughter sent this to me. I say every winter that I will reduce planting. And in the spring my daughter says to me, mom, look at your garden and where did you reduce it
Natasha, we have the same story every year. Well, I can’t reduce the vegetable garden, let it remain better than not enough. And the vegetable garden, on the contrary, is growing, we plant very little potatoes, so more land for pumpkin, zucchini and turnips was taken.
elena kadiewa, Galina Iv.There are such families, but they are very few. Most of them are caring and economic. They keep 4 or more cows and pigs of all ages on the farm. They have a well-established sales market for products (milk, meat), which are superfluous. What kind of gardens they have, you will admire, not a blade of grass, they still work at work. Husbands in the field (fields are rented) all summer.
I am a milkmaid, we sell a pier. products, we have a lot.
My mother also says every year that she will plant less potatoes. You arrive, and the floor of the garden has already been planted with your grandfather.
Elena Kadiewa
Tonya, I drove another 35 km from Karsun, so there is complete collapse and devastation.
Galina Iv.
Quote: Anatolyevna
There are such families, but they are very few. Most of them are caring and economic. They keep 4 or more cows and pigs of all ages on the farm.
Tonechka, there are no units, unfortunately, in the village there are 30 houses - 1 cow !!
Quote: Galina Iv.
there are no units,
Galina Iv., Everywhere there are enough people.
Gal is better about tea or about different scents.

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