Quote: Krosh
I have in the smallest UX for three weeks already
And now I have cranberries in it for a month already / so far everything is fine /. It is necessary to stock up on garlic too.
Girls, I really want a big jug of Charm for 3.75 liters. Seen in the Mexican catalog. Where to buy it?
Mashunya, knock on Larisa / susika /, maybe she will help.
Larissa, can you buy such a jug?
Mashunya, write to Larisa in a personal message
Quote: Krosh
In my smallest 375 ml. which the)

And I have
GirlsDo you think you can't find such a rarity?

Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews

Aunt Besya,
Have you got Illumina from the beets in the salad? I also have almost all of this set, except for the 800 ml capacity. It is worth it, I don't use it, I'm afraid it will stain and won't wash off. It is inside a snow-white Brala for salads, including puff, to store pancakes, pies, whites. But I'll even get it, look it up and feel so sorry for these cups, I'll pack them back and put them away
Quote: Krosh

GirlsDo you think you can't find such a rarity?

Do you need such a drawing?
I'm so bastard from Gzhel, she still exists)

Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
Quote: RepeShock
Do you need such a drawing?

Yeah, Irish, exactly Kitty want !!!

I already have Gzhel ...
Continuing the topic of who keeps his wealth where. So far, everything is going in Sakura.
Quote: Olga
So far, everything is going to Sakura

They have not yet invented that Sakura, into which all my Tapper goodness would fit ...
Girls, before my hobby for kitchen appliances, I had a hobby for Tupper. Probably 50% of the catalog was available, and the kitchen at that time was 6.5 meters. So, I threw the stools out of the kitchen and my husband made me 4 ottomans with an opening top instead. I have got SO MUCH in these 4 ottomans. Roughly speaking, they were all crammed with Tupper's toys.
Quote: RepeShock
I'm so bastard from Gzhel
And I am also from Khokhloma ...
Fluffy cat
Aunt BesyaThank you very much for the recommendation) the same problem with garlic should be tried to be cleaned using mini-mix
It is worth it, I don't use it, I'm afraid it will stain and won't wash off. It is inside a snow-white Brala for salads, including puff, to store pancakes, pies, whites. But I'll even get it, look it up and feel so sorry for these cups, I'll pack them back and put them away.

Live one day and use beautiful things in your daily life! Don't wait for the right moment.
Fluffy cat
Quote: Krosh
Have not invented yet that Sakura, into which all my Tapper goodness would fit
Yeah girls, I am still far from your stocks, I promise to improve now only he is a pianist
Elya, but how much joy you have ahead of you.
Quote: Myrtle

Elya, but how much joy you have ahead of you.
joy is not fake. that's for sure.
Oh .. there are not enough buttons-under the post-like (post) .. sometimes there is no time to write .. but to show that the post will run out, I want
My tapper is slowly moving to work. Round cutting board, mikrokuk, portioned rice cooker, mini scraper, 2 chic bowls for buckwheat and rice, oatmeal in a large spice container, teapot for tea is very ancient, salt shaker from the last joint venture. Divided it in half, alone at home.
No, I don't leave at work. When I bring it, everyone asks to use it, and when I propose to buy it, speaking expensively and why buy if you can use it on loan. Now I have with me only a bottle for water, a mug of charm, mini-mixing or aquacontrols.
Aunt Besya
Enchanted, no, it was not colored at all, although the salad was in it for two days
Fluffy cat
Quote: Fofochka

joy is not fake. that's for sure.
It's really a joy) when I cook all the time I am condemning my toys (my husband looks at me as if I was insane): girl_dance: Oh, how nice it is to cook in such a dish, an incredible pleasure I also have everything on the shelves, like many girls. It seems that I packed everything, all the cereals, but all the same it seems that there are not enough compacts, I am still thinking of buying or buying a new apartment at first just to accommodate all this And now I am thinking about the organizer for the lids, whether this is a necessary thing or better organizers for I know that Temka is beaten up and all this was discussed, can someone tell me in terms of practicality, which is better
Quote: Ekaterina2
And I am also from Khokhloma

And she also exists, from round aquics, perhaps only Kitty for the collection is not enough for me ...

But where can you find it now ...
Quote: Krosh
But where can you find it now

Quote: Krosh
I already have Gzhel ...

I also like to give it
Fluffy cat
Quote: Fluffy cat

It's really a joy) when I cook all the time I am condemning my toys (my husband looks at me as if I was insane): girl_dance: Oh, how nice it is to cook in such a dish, an incredible pleasure I also have everything on the shelves, like many girls. It seems that I packed everything, all the cereals, but all the same it seems that there are not enough compacts, I am still thinking of buying or buying a new apartment at first just to accommodate all this And now I am thinking about the organizer for the lids, whether this is a necessary thing or better organizers for I know that Temka is beaten up and all this was discussed, can someone tell me in terms of practicality, which is better
In continuation of the topic, you don't need a girl, but a smart breadbox? The right unit? is it worth wanting?
Olga 45
And I have a sad experience of giving! : girl_red: Very few people appreciated the gift, plastic is like plastic, and when I start talking, praising, they look at it as if it were sick! I spat on this business, I give it only to those who know and understand what it is!
Quote: Olga 45
Very few people appreciated the gift, and when I start talking, praising, they look at it as if it were sick!
The same situation.

Oh, no, if I still start to think about who does what with the gift then ... no, these are not my problems, that someone did not appreciate something)
Elya, here the opinions are 50 to 50. Directly radically opposite.
I didn't have it, the size is too big.

In general, you need to want something from the joint venture and with discounts, and the catalog - when well, it is very tight
Irina, it’s just a shame that then it is not in demand in a distant closet somewhere.
Quote: anna_k
In general, you need to want something from the joint venture and with discounts

Fluffy cat
Quote: anna_k

Elya, here the opinions are 50 to 50. Directly radically opposite.
I didn't have it, the size is too big.

In general, you need to want something from the joint venture and with discounts, and the catalog - when well, it is very tight
Thanks for the advice. I looked at the photo, it seemed small), I didn't even look at the size
I can't say anything good about the bread bin. I had an old model, and the bread in it moldy in 2 days.
And there is another problem with the bowls for lunch - after the dishwasher, either salt or detergent accumulates in the scratches - you still have to wet it by hand. So I decided to switch to silicone containers - they come out of the sink clean.
I have an old bread bin for almost a year. Nothing has ever grown moldy. The truth is on the microwave.
Olga 45
Irina, so I want people to use and enjoy, as I do! And I’m even ashamed to say how much such a dish costs, they’ll just say sbrandila. I have only two acquaintances who have Taper, so I can still discuss something with them. For the rest (including my husband and son), I'm not a very healthy aunty!
Quote: Myrtle
it’s just a shame that then it is not in demand somewhere in the far closet.

Natasha, yes, let it gather dust, never mind
Let this be our last sorrow)
Everyone around who does not take a tapper thinks that I'm in a sect
Quote: Olga 45
I'm not a very healthy aunty!
We all need a doctor for "hamster disease"
Quote: Olga 45

Irina, so I want people to use and enjoy, as I do! And I’m even ashamed to say how much such a dish costs, they’ll just say sbrandila. I have only two acquaintances who have Taper, so I can still discuss something with them. For the rest (including my husband and son), I'm not a very healthy aunty!

Olya, if we cannot influence something, why bother ourselves with this?
Well, they will have some kind of figurine gathering dust instead of a taper, will it make it easier for you?)

I do not tell anyone anything and do not show it, I "beat" the fact) -This greenery has been lying for a week, look, the freshest.
-Here is a strawberry, 5 days ago I laid it, as from the garden only.
-Hmm, but nothing spilled in your dish, but in mine ...
-Wow, you, what a convenient and beautiful bottle, what kind of firm?
Etc. ..... People only believe in their eyes

And you don't need to beg anyone and grovel in usefulness. I only have time to send orders to girls))))

I am writing about the cost again: These people, it seems, do not go to stores, they do not see prices ...
I went crazy for the pianoforte, and for the technique, and .... who cares who was crazy about what. I smile, I feel good and comfortable.

And let the whole world wait....

Olga 45
Quote: Mashunya

Everyone around who does not take a tapper thinks that I'm in a sect
Exactly, my husband says so that I joined the sect. I really think maybe I'm so wrong. I'll go to the forum, read it, and calm down. I'm not alone !!!!!! There are a lot of us!!!!!!
Quote: Mashunya

Everyone around who does not take a tapper thinks that I'm in a sect
Hurrah! There are a lot of us! And whoever does not buy a tapper, they just silently envy
Quote: tata2307
And whoever does not buy a tapper, they just silently envy
That's for sure
Much has been written about the Smart Bread Box before. I have it. Store-bought bread is now of disgusting quality, it grows moldy, even where you put it ... Homemade bread is excellent, you need to remember to ventilate the breadbox. We sat down to eat - opened the lid - let the bread "walk" for itself. Well, wash it at least two or three times a month.
Quote: tata2307
And whoever does not buy a tapper, they just silently envy

Added on Tuesday 14 Jun 2016 5:06 pm

I agree with Natasha, I have mine, and the store often took me around (I buy now only from trusted manufacturers)
girls, tell me, what is the difference between Extra Chef and Combine from Chef? and which is more convenient?
Lena, in the extra chef there is a twist-rope in the chef's handle. With weak hands, definitely extra

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