Only take a pobez without long igolog - soft
This is what my friend said to me:

Pine cones are only female, that is, there are hard brown tough cones (green at first) in which the seeds from which children make crafts, male disputes are yellow buds on pineapples on the tops of the shoots, which turn brown after sporulation - dry up and die off. Sometimes buds are also called blossoming green buds at the tops of the shoots.

I was ashamed to ask what kind of jam we make. But I can ask.

That is, there are female bumps and male disputes. Tatulja12, you snapped not a bump, but a dispute!

Anything else to ask?
male cone jam is strong
Chantal, that's how inconsiderate you are !!!
If male - then it is disputes. And if female - then bumps. And if you have male bumps, then female disputes.

I understand that men's disputes on figs are not needed ... And the pine tree too. She uses them like drones, and then throws them away.
Dopplet!!!!! Well, where are you driving !!! We still haven't figured out the cones and dandelions, but you ... Let's leave the pine cones to look for them and go collect the drones !!! It's too early to collect drones, bees still need them!

Girls, RZHUNIMAGU !!! I especially liked about the Drones! But tomorrow I'll go to the forest ... Is it okay that we have it (in the sense of the forest) in the city? Or is it better not to use such a "dirty" jam for medicinal purposes?
So, let's systematize: give - to bees - drones! And for us - male cones? Or women's disputes? What to whom?
And here foresters are fined for collecting cones. eh
Quote: bbbbekema

And nothing that we have it (in the sense of the forest) in the city? Or is it better not to use such a "dirty" jam for medicinal purposes?
Yesterday I drove into the Timiryazev forest, but ... I don’t need to make jam from Timiryazev’s cones ...
Here's a bad luck, how do you get the cones (which are female) from the top? It's a pity there is no tamed monkey.
And with a stepladder to the forest ... It's also somehow ... undignified ...
Oh, girls! I look, you have a funny jam here !!! Or entertainment !!! I suspect you have already tried it!
I was completely confused: what are we cooking: from male unnecessary (neither to us, nor to the pine) disputes, or from female cones (which no one found in the forest), or at worst - from drones?
I don't know about jam, but I definitely like the process !!!!
Quote: Hairpin

And with a stepladder into the forest ... It's also somehow ... undignified ...
husband's shoulders - the same stepladder

recipe from an old bourgeois (German) book- spruce needles jelly

Cook 1 kg of fresh spruce needles under a lid in 0.5 liters of water over the lowest heat for an hour, strain through a sieve, add water to 1 liter and add 1 kg of gelling sugar (sugar with pectins), cook for 2 minutes, pour into jars
Quote: Michelle

Oh, girls! I look, you have a funny jam here !!! Or entertainment !!! I suspect you have already tried it!
I was completely confused: what are we cooking: from male unnecessary (neither to us, nor to the pine) disputes, or from female cones (which no one found in the forest), or at worst - from drones?
I don't know about jam, but I definitely like the process !!!!
But tomorrow I'm going to the forest. I persuaded the neighbors, we take the sons - as porters and stepladders. We'll pick something ... even if there are no male or female, no cones, no drones there ...
Maybe at least we will meet a maniac ... preferably sexy ...
Quote: bbbbekema

Maybe at least we will meet a maniac ... preferably sexy ...
oh, then be sure to tell me where this wonderful forest is !!!!
started with jam, now they have already reached the maniacs ... or else there will be ...
Quote: Michelle

They completely confused me: what we cook from: from male unnecessary (neither to us, nor to the pine) disputes, or from female cones (which no one in the forest found), or at worst - from drones?

Nobody found them in the suburbs. And they found it in Ukraine. I would even say that the recipe itself came from Ukraine. So leave the pineless forests for the Muscovites!

And in the evening it will come Cake, and will scold me that these Muscovites manage to be proud even of the fact that they have no cones in their forests !!!

We need to switch to dandelions, to dandelions ...
While we deal with the cones and the dandelions will fade.
The husband says that they have already turned white. But he likes the idea with dandelions more than with cones ... They are closer ...
Quote: Hairpin

And in the evening it will come Cake, and will scold me that these Muscovites manage to be proud even of the fact that they have no cones in their forests !!!

We need to switch to dandelions, to dandelions ...

Your position is correct, why should you scold? We should be proud of everything that our Motherland is rich in (or not so much) (for me, you and I have one Motherland), because there will always be someone to tell nasty things about us .... I have not yet looked for cones in our Kharkiv forests. Maybe we don't have them either

Dandelions are good! I also thought about it .... but while I was busy with this process, they have already faded. In our last years, dandelions are blooming in April ...
Good afternoon everyone.

In order for your cones to be edible, they need to be collected during the flowering of the pine. After flowering, they rapidly gain resin (which will remain on the pan during cooking), become tough and very poorly or do not boil at all.
I cooked this year, it turned out super. I'll try to post a photo of the jam later.

So that there are no problems with collecting cones, you need to find a young planting, for example, we collected from trees up to 2 meters high. Cones grow only on the upper branches, so collecting them from more mature trees is long and laborious. The average diameter of the cone is up to 1 cm. Last year I was late with collecting the cones and as a result, for 10 hours of cooking, I added water 3 times and they remained very hard - it was impossible to eat. Swam in tea as decoration.
For Ukraine, the cone harvesting season is late April and early June.

I want to note that different types of pine trees have different flowering times. So you need to catch the right moment for a particular grove. And it is very easy to check the cone, if you can crush the green cone with your fingers, then it will boil down and be soft.
In the Moscow region, a pine tree is just blooming, there can be no talk of collecting cones for jam - I specially went into the forest yesterday, looked at the pines - only small fruits are being tied. I think in a week or two you can collect it.
Now these future bumps look like this.
Pine cone jam

Oh, now I have carefully read how these cones ripen, and I somehow got sick of pine cones jam - it's better to buy honey at the fair, or there will be a lot of black currants this year!
So the specialist came when the cones matured and the dandelions faded ...
Quote: MariV

In the Moscow region, a pine tree is just blooming, there can be no talk of collecting cones for jam - I specially went into the forest yesterday, looked at the pines - only small fruits are being tied. I think in a week or two you can collect it.
Now these future bumps look like this.
Pine cone jam

Oh, now I have carefully read how these cones ripen, and I somehow got sick of pine cones jam - it's better to buy honey at the fair, or there will be a lot of black currants this year!

These are flowers and you need cones that grow on pines of the opposite sex.
Stop, stop !!!
We have already decided that the flowers are male, and the cones are just female !!!!
And you, dear OgraBank, you are confusing us again !!!
That's right, here's a quote from Wikipedia:
Male flowers are collected by an ear at the base of young twigs.The pollen sacs are opened by a longitudinal crack. Female flowers in cones located at the top of the tree.

We don't need spikelets and pineapples!
Not paying attention to such a trifle what is what. I'm sorry. Corrected the previous post so that it was probably correct.
Guys ... but what, pines are boys and girls? !!! I thought it was on one pine tree that cones and spores grow ...
Hairpin, finally, you got ahead of me, I also always thought that the pines were hermaphrodites

people, somebody reads me ??? why do you need cones, picking up spruce needles is much easier, and you can cook jam and from them if you believe the bourgeois book
Chantal, you're scaring me ... It's the second day you've been throwing such words ... I'm just looking forward to tomorrow in horror.

what kind? didn't seem to swear
Yes, it would be better if you swore obscenities! I would be clearer than herm ... herma ... hert (spitting emoticon)
Quote: Chantal

Hairpin, finally, you got ahead of me, I also always thought that the pines were hermaphrodites

Quote: Pine is a monoecious plant, but with a predominance of "flowers" of the same sex. In other words, some specimens usually have more female "inflorescences", others - male. This is obviously hereditary, but it can change depending on the growing conditions and economic impact. Male "inflorescences" are crowded at the base of the shoots. Female "inflorescences" look like bumps located at the ends of the shoots. Pine blooms in late May - early June, when the daytime temperature reaches 22 degrees. Pollination is carried out by the wind. Fertilization occurs only in the spring of next year.

You are right, the pine is hermaphrodite!

Quote: Chantal

people, somebody reads me ??? why do you need cones, picking up spruce needles is much easier, and you can cook jam and from them if you believe the bourgeois book

we are used to overcoming difficulties ... and needles are too easy for us !!!! In addition, it is necessary to talk about something and so - in what kind of discussion has grown around the trees !!!!
Quote: Michelle

You are right, the pine is hermaphrodite!
Well, thank God! And then I really thought that on my site in the country there were pine trees - mutants. I examined everything, and on everyone - both brushes and bumps!
Doplet! Well, at least they didn't cut it off !!!
Quote: dopleta

Well, thank God! And then I really thought that on my site in the country there were pine trees - mutants. I examined everything, and on all - both brushes and bumps!

You are the luckiest of all !!! And you don't need to look anywhere - everything is close at hand! And cones, and "pineapples", and young shoots !!!! Vary - I don't want to !!!
lucky, of course, in our garden, too, a tree is growing - luxurious, needles 10 cm, new shoots are already 20 cm, but as soon as I started to look carefully at it, they drove me away in disgrace and told me not to encroach on my home trees
Why? You don't want to enclose all of it, do you? but only a little bit, for the benefit of the whole family ???
don't get upset ...
Now my husband called and said that he had found a pine forest along Yegoryevsky. The undergrowth is spruce. But ... the lower branches of the pines are out of reach (tens of meters) and the cones are not visible at all.

In general, I decided that the idea with pine cones was unsuccessful for Moscow and the Moscow region. We don't have them!

I turn to the direction of the spruce branches.
Aunt Besya
: PA I just boiled it for 20 minutes, now I will insist for a day ... and then how I cook, how we eat cones ...
... and Moscow and the Moscow region will strangle with envy!
Next year we will organize a trip to those places where there are small trees (pines)! And we will carry everything in 2 months !!!
By the way, I also need juniper berries ... I wonder when they are harvested ...
Quote: Michelle

Next year we will organize a trip to those places where there are small trees (pines)! And we will carry everything in 2 months !!!
By the way, I also need juniper berries ... I wonder when they are harvested ...
What if we need to ??? And where does it grow and what is done with it? I didn't find pine cones, we can see the pines are correct, not germs ... There are trees, so all is not lost. And if I also find a juniper, then you will envy me!
Hairpin, I had an inspiration, the Muscovites have Christmas trees, but not wild ones, but cultural ones, go here 🔗
tree nursery in ivanteevka, 2 types of pine, 3 types of trees, not counting the rest of the conifers, that's where the cones are! and small trees
Chantal, you are late, I have already rebuilt at the Christmas trees!

But I have a juniper. I put it in the fish. It can be collected in supermarkets !!!
Quote: tatulja12

What if we need to ??? And where does it grow and what is done with it? I didn't find pine cones, we can see the pines are correct, not germs ... There are trees, so all is not lost. And if I also find a juniper, then you will envy me!

So we will take everyone on a hike !!!

Hairpin! And in our local supermarkets, juniper is not for sale for some reason, we urgently need to go to Crimea, probably
Hairpin Found a good way out.
Hairpin, you may be surprised, but cones do not grow without needles, and there are 3 types of Christmas trees in the nursery - if you like European jam, if you like Canadian, or even blue and junipers in our markets only germinate with berries, but do you have needles?

By the way, in our garden, the juniper also grows, it is still very small in your nursery, there are 2 types of juniper - ordinary and Cossack, I wonder which one grows with us

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