Prevention of angina and chronic tonsillitis

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Prevention of angina and chronic tonsillitisPreventive measures to combat angina are carried out in different directions. As mentioned above, not only pathogens or viruses that penetrate the tonsils, but also the state of the body as a whole, its reactivity play an important role in the origin of angina.

Therefore, the prevention of these diseases is usually promoted by what improves the general condition of the body and its central nervous system.

First of all, this is general and local hardening of the body. Depending on age, each person is recommended for preventive reasons systematic physical education, daily gymnastics, sports, wiping down with cool water. They should be as obligatory and regular for every person as washing and brushing teeth.

Body hardening (in particular, throat hardening) you can start at any age, but it is better from early childhood. It goes without saying that for this you must first consult a doctor.

Parents should be aware that excessive wrapping of the child leads to a decrease in the resistance of his body against the adverse effects of the external environment (cold, wind, dampness, etc.). Usually children are very mobile, their body overheats very quickly. Children are hot, they sweat. After warming up, they often breathe through the mouth, and this leads to local cooling of the pharynx, in particular, of the tonsils. This can lead to angina or various catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract.

The correct mode of work and rest, normal nutrition, rational hardening, sports, physical education, etc. are the necessary conditions for maintaining the body's resistance to pathogenic microbes and other unfavorable factors (local and general cooling). Their meaning can be judged from the following data. This is what the dispensary examination of the population of one of the districts of Moscow showed. As a direct cause of the sore throat disease were: general hypothermia - in 299 people, local cooling - in 294 people (of whom drinking cold water - in 206 people), the use of ice cream - in 88 people. Most often, angina suffered in winter (294 people), then in autumn (89 people), in spring (88 people) and summer (85 people).

Prevention of angina and chronic tonsillitisRecently, given the great benefits of physical exercise, industrial gymnastics has been introduced in almost all enterprises in our country. Everyone already knows that it is an excellent health-improving event and at the same time contributes to raising labor productivity. We should also not forget about the importance of frequent ventilation of industrial premises.

Very useful for hardening up walks in the fresh air, tourist excursions, skiing trips and just staying in the fresh air. All this, of course, taking into account age and general health.

Very important points in the prevention of angina are also the correct daily regimen, timely and normal sleep and good nutrition with a sufficient amount of various vitamins.

The important role of the above factors can be easily seen. Large groups of people live in approximately the same conditions - climatic, meteorological, etc. However, some of them rarely or do not get sore throats, others very often. In this case, the latter, as a rule, being afraid of a new sore throat, especially protect themselves. They wrap themselves excessively, avoid drinking water even at room temperature, eating ice cream, etc., but achieve exactly the opposite results, since they pamper their body too much, and do not temper it.

Excessive smoking and alcohol abuse, which contribute to the onset of inflammation in the throat due to constant irritation, play a certain role, which is of no small importance in the prevention of angina. Doctors are aware of cases when patients with the aim of "treating the throat" used alcohol. This often led to serious complications, for example, to sores in the throat, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Therefore, persons suffering from angina should be advised to refrain from smoking and alcohol abuse.

Of no small importance in the development of angina is the state of nasal breathing. For various diseases of the nose (chronic rhinitis, polyps, adenoids, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.) a person usually does not breathe well through his nose. Air, especially cold air, entering the mouth, cools the pharynx, including the tonsils. Therefore, if nasal breathing is difficult, it is necessary to consult a doctor to eliminate the causes of respiratory failure.

Rotten teeth are also a common cause of sore throats. In the mouth and pharynx, such people contain a very large number of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, the improvement (sanitation) of the oral cavity - filling the teeth, treatment of diseased gums plays a well-known role in the prevention of angina.

Prevention of angina and chronic tonsillitisNaturally, the sick with angina, if possible, should be isolated. If conditions permit, it is better to allocate a separate room or to shield the bed with a screen. The room where the patient is ^ should be wet cleaned, often and well ventilated. It is especially necessary to protect children from contact with patients.

Since the patient secretes a large number of pathogenic microbes with saliva, patients are looked after with extreme caution. Separate dishes are allocated for them, which must be thoroughly washed and boiled. Towels and bed linen are boiled and washed immediately after the change. It is also necessary to allocate a separate jar filled with some kind of disinfectant solution, such as chloramine (1-3%), for spitting out saliva or phlegm.

It should be remembered that you can become infected with a sore throat through a handshake and especially through kisses, so neither one nor the other is allowed with this disease. Caregivers should often wash their hands, especially before meals, preferably with a disinfectant solution.

As stated above, chronic tonsillitis usually develops in people who have had multiple sore throats. Consequently, the prevention of angina is largely the prevention of chronic tonsillitis. The listed local factors - the constant use of mouth breathing, the presence of purulent processes in neighboring areas, rotten teeth in the mouth, etc. - play the role of constant irritants and predispose to the development of chronic tonsillitis.

Soviet health care attaches no less importance than personal prophylaxis to public prophylaxis and clinical examination. The extremely wide recreational activities carried out in our country are of great importance for the prevention of angina.

Preobrazhensky B.S. - How to protect yourself from angina and its consequences

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