Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citruses include:
1. Lemon,
2. Orange is sweet,
3. Sour orange,
4. Mandarin,
5. Lime,
6. Pompelmus (pomelo, sheddock),
7. Kumquat (kinkan),
8. Grapefruit,
9. Citron,
10. Tripoliata.

There are also many interspecific hybrids: Clementine, Tangor, Limolayme, Orangequat, Limequat, Calamondin ...

It is useful and important to know:

The fruit of citrus crops is a multi-nested berry, unique, completely unrepeatable in other families. He received a special name - hesperidium, or orange. It consists of the peel, pulp and seeds.

In true cultivated, edible citrus fruits, the peel consists of two distinct layers.

Flavedo - the outer layer of citrus peel, exocarp (from Latin flavus - yellow), and in everyday life it is a well-known zest.

Albedo - inner layer of citrus peel, mesocarp, consisting of white fibrous tissue (from the Latin albus - white).

Outside, the peel is covered with a layer of wax, which contributes to the long-term storage of the fruit.

Flavedo contains multicellular essential oil glands filled with aromatic essential oil, as well as glycosides specific for each type (hesperidin, naringin, etc.). These compounds are so specific that botanists-cytrologists consider them as systematic signs.


Crust lovers should remember that exporting countries use a variety of chemicals to protect plants from pests and diseases. All of these chemicals can accumulate primarily in the skin of the fruit. In addition, in order for the fruits to be stored longer, they are waxed, that is, they are covered with special compounds consisting of wax-like substances and preservatives. After that, on special machines with brushes, the surface of the fruits is polished to give them a "varnished" look. Know: if the peel is shiny, it means that it is covered with a special composition and you can't eat it, making candied fruits and putting them in tea is also strongly discouraged.

Further information is taken from the site 🔗 Thanks to the author for the selection of material!

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Just now I saw in a stall near the house citrus entitled mineola... Interested and bought. Here it is, in the photo at the beginning of the recording. I tried it. Delicious. The taste is quite unusual, similar to tangerine, but a slightly different aroma, different shades. It became interesting what kind of fruit it was, where it came from. I went to google - it turned out that mineola (aka "honey bell", sometimes they write "maniola", "minneola" on the price tags) is a hybrid tangerine and grapefruit. “Excellent,” I thought, “what is tangerine?” I went to Google again - I came across a couple more unfamiliar words. And, in general, I googled the whole review that you are reading now.
Let's start with that very mysterious tangerine. What is it? And this is just a type of mandarins growing in Morocco, Sicily, China and the United States. Tangerine is not a botanical term, and the isolation of tangerines from the total mass of tangerines is not strict. As a rule, tangerines are called red-orange bright tangerines, sweet, with easily separating thin skin.
For example, Dancy's tangerine. The same one, which at the beginning of the 20th century was crossed with the Bowen grapefruit, American citrus growers got mineola.

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Dancy was bred in Florida in 1871 by Colonel George L. Dancy.

In general, hybrids of tangerines with other citrus fruits are called tangelo... The first tangelos were obtained in 1897, also in Florida. Strictly speaking, mineola is also tangelo. Other notable varieties of tangelo:
Curly, or Sunrise Tangelo (K – Early, Sunrise Tangelo).What kind of tangerines and grapefruits were used to obtain this hybrid, I could not find. But I did find information stating that this tangelo often produces fruits of such poor quality that the official rules of Florida citrus growers prohibit calling this fruit tangelo - so as not to create a bad reputation for the entire class of tangerine hybrids.

Orlando... The result of pollination of the grapefruit "Duncan" with the pollen of the same Tangerine Dancy. Received by Dr. W. T. Swingle in 1911. To obtain commercially viable fruits of the Orlando tangelo, it must be pollinated with the pollen of the Temple tangor (more about tangoras later) or Dancy and Firechild tangerines. As a stock, that is, a trunk on which tangelo cuttings are grafted, Cleopatra tangerine or rough lemon is used (about rough lemons below). That's how it is all sly. Today's consumer wants especially tasty fruits, that which itself has grown from seeds will not eat. So, do not tell children that fruits grow on trees. Because, if we compare the costs of labor, then, perhaps, there are no less of them here than in the manufacture of buns, which, as you know, do not grow on trees. At least - themselves. And this is just Orlando's tangelos do not grow on trees themselves:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Tangelo Nova - This is a hybrid of clementine (about them too later) and tangelo Orlando. Received in 1942 by Dr. Jack Bellows. First produced a crop in 1950. Recognized in 1964. The hybrid is self-infertile, that is, requires external pollination. Typically, the Tangor Temple is used as a pollinator. Here is Nova:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

So I look and think: the devil only knows, I probably tried something like that, but it was most likely sold under the price tag "Mandarins". After all, you probably know that 100% of those wonderful fruits that we eat are hybrids, and a large part of them are all sorts of triploids and tetraploids, that is, uh ... organisms with an increased number of chromosomes. In an amicable way, such simple words as "tangerine", "apple", "beet" should be found on store price tags much less often than they are found there. Simply, no one wants to complicate things. Does it look like a tangerine? It means a tangerine, otherwise you will have to explain to each customer what kind of fruit this is ... Hmm ... And then you will also explain figs. For example, there is such - Tangelo Seminole (Seminole tangelo). And why he is a hybrid with what, neither in Runet, nor in the English-speaking Internet could not be found. More precisely, one single source claims that all the same Bowen grapefruit with the same Dancy tangerine. But how does the question differ from mineola then? Unclear.

It still happens thornton... He's tangelo too. Received already known to us by Dr. Walter Tennisson Swingle from what we already know unknown. That is, it is known that from tangerine and grapefruit, but it is not known which ones. This hybrid is 110 years old this year. A lot, but not very much against the background of what you will learn from the continuation of this recording. Thornton looks like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Further. Coalfruit (Ugli). Immediately picture:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

This drop dead beauty happened by accident. In 1917, a certain J.J.R.Sharp, owner of Trout Hall Ltd. (now, as I understand it, Cabel Hall Citrus Ltd.), Jamaica, found this kind of gnarled crap in the pasture. Identifying it as a likely hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit, he took a stalk from it, grafted onto a sour orange, and proceeded to re-graft the offspring, choosing fruits with the fewest seeds. In 1934, he gave the country so much coalfruit for the first time that he was even able to begin exporting to England and Canada. By the way, even though coalfruit is grown in tubs on windowsills even in Russia, in fact, Ugli is not only a tangelo variety, but also a trademark, that is, it means that real coalfruit is only one grown in Jamaica. by Cabel Hall Citrus Ltd.

Here. Well, there are many more tangelo. There is, for example, Bay Gold, bred in 1993 in New Zealand from Seminole and Clementine. There is Wekiwa, Canadian, with light skin, the result of repeated crossing of tangelo in grapefruit, like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

And so on. And that's enough about tangelo.But what kind of beast clementinealready mentioned so many times here? And this is a hybrid of mandarin and orange-king, created by the French missionary and breeder Father Clément Rodier in Algeria in 1902. Actually, if you buy a tangerine, and it is somehow too sweet for a tangerine, it is quite possible that it is actually clementine. These are the clementines:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

So, now to the tangoras. Tangor - the result of crossing a tangerine and a sweet orange. In the most general case, so to speak. Rather, it is generally accepted. It's actually a little more complicated. The most famous tangor is Temple (Temple, Temple, Temple). Its origin is not completely clear. Like coalfruit, it was found in Jamaica, identified as a probable hybrid of tangerine and orange, transported to Florida in 1896, selected and put into production. In general, it is considered a "natural tangor". It looks like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

It is also called Magnet and Piano... Indeed, today it is as tangerine as tangerine. Remember the 1970s, huh? Remember how the Abkhaz tangerines looked like in the new year? What color and size were they? Not the current ones, but the then ones, remember? These were more or less tangerines proper. And today "mandarin" is a very conventional name for, let's say, a group of popular goods.

Ortanik (Ortanique) - also probably a natural tangor. He was also found in Jamaica, but already in 1920. Since tangerine and orange trees grew nearby, they decided that this was their hybrid. The name was collected from the world on a string - or (ange) + tan (gerine) + (un) ique. Its other names are - tambor, mandor, mandora... In Russia, he is known as the last of them. Other tangoras are sometimes sold under the same name. Orthanic looks like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Natural tangor of the East - tankan... This culture has been cultivated since time immemorial in the south of China, on the island of Formosa (Taiwan) and in the Japanese prefecture of Kagoshima. The tree on which the tankan grows is indistinguishable from the tangerine, but the fruits make you suspect that this citrus is a hybrid with an orange.

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Markot - also a famous tangor. And also of unknown origin. Florida tangoras are called Markots, about the parental varieties / species of which nothing is known for certain. The first tree was found in 1922 and built in good hands. Markot looks like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

And there is also such a fruit that seems to be a tangerine, but not quite. It is considered a separate species, although there are suggestions that it is also a natural tangor. Called royal mandarin (Citrus nobilis, kunenbo, Cambodian mandarin). His appearance is quite memorable, it rarely happens in our stores and is sold simply as a tangerine:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Satsuma (inshiu, Citrus unshiu) are also conventionally referred to as tangerines, although they are distinguished as an independent species. These are such special Japanese tangerines, on the basis of which many tangoras are also derived. (satsuma tangorov, to be exact). But we will not dwell on them especially, because they look predominantly like ordinary tangerines or mandoras (well, maybe some with almost red flesh), and there are already plenty of such pictures in this review. I want exotic and sensations. For example, you know that lemon - also a hybrid? Common lemon, which is Citrus limon, yes. The hybrid, however, is quite ancient. Genetic studies have shown that the entire variety of current citrus fruits gave rise to three types - the most common mandarin, pomelo and citron.

Simply, citrus fruits cross very easily and mutate just as easily. Hence the whole carnival. Actually, there are two versions about lemon: the first is a hybrid of citron and lime (which, in turn, is a citron mutation); the second, more plausible in my opinion, is a hybrid of orange and lime. Hybridization happened a long time ago, but when exactly and where is unknown. It is only known that when Marco Polo arrived at Khubilai in China, the Chinese already had lemons. And in 1493, Columbus had already brought lemon seeds to Haiti. Here. Everyone must have seen lemons.But about citrons, I doubt it. But the respected fruit is a primordial citrus, practically. Of all citrus fruits, citron is the most volatile. The variety of forms is simply amazing.
Here, for example, Yemeni citron:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Here Moroccan:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

And here citron "Fingers (hand) of Buddha" (they tell me that he looks like Cthulhu)

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Please note - all these varieties have almost no pulp - one zest. And here corsican citron already even a little like a lemon:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are
Etrog (efrog, Greek citron, zedrat-citron, Jewish citron):

Although the pulp is, but somehow it is also not enough, and the zest is thick. It's even strange how from such a monster could mutate thin-skinned lime... Externally, some varieties of citron are similar only to kaffir lime (kaffir lime, kaffir lime, Citrus hystrix, Kaffir lime, porcupine citrus):

Citrus hybrids - what they are

And then - there is much more pulp and juice in it than in citron, and there is less zest:

Here is such a miracle. Its homeland, like some other varieties of lime, apparently, is Indonesia.
However, some sources refer lime to the original citrus fruits, like citron, tangerine and pomé. Well, you and I, probably, will not join any of these points of view, because the devil only knows how it really was. I'd better tell you about one more citrus. Called limmette (limmette, Citrus limetta, Italian lime, sweet lime).

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Here, and in many other countries, you will not see such a name on the shelves: for some reason, limetta is almost always sold either as a lemon or as a lime. But in pharmacies, in New Age stalls with incense and in the "Everything for the bath" departments, you can easily purchase such a vial:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

As if for "aromatherapy". In fact, it just smells good. In general, a lot of all sorts of essential oils are extracted from citrus fruits: they have a very oily and aromatic zest, and citrons generally have one zest. True, they also make candied fruits from them.
Limetta is considered a hybrid with unknown parents and is classified sometimes as a variety of lime, sometimes as lemon.
The most typical limes are, perhaps, Persian and Mexican.

Persian (Tahitian) lime:

Citrus hybrids - what they are
Mexican lime (West Indian lime, sour lime):

Citrus hybrids - what they are

It is the Mexican lime that is usually painted on bottles and cans of all kinds of lime drinks. Americans make pie filling out of it. Well, aromatic oil is also obtained from it, of course.

Indian lime (aka Palestine, Palestinian sweet lime, Colombian lime) long considered a hybrid of lime and lime, but attempts to cross these plants did not result in anything similar. So, today the Palestinian lime is considered an orphan hybrid. Such is the orphan, fatherless:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

And the freakiest of limes is perhaps australian finger lime (finger lime). It is also called citrus caviar... Because the pulp of an Australian lime looks like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

There are many varieties of them, with pulp of different colors. The origin is also unclear. The fruits are similar to multi-colored cucumbers:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Australian cooks use the pulp of finger limes as a side dish, add it to salads and soups, decorate fish and meat dishes with it:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Here. There is also a well-known group of hybrids - limandarines (lemon) - the results of crossing tangerines with limes or lemons. Since time immemorial, limandarines have been bred in China. It is believed that the first limandarin was a cross between a Cantonese lemon and a Cantonese mandarin. The Chinese red lemons that appear on our shelves are typical limandarines.

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Most of the limandarines, however, look more like tangerines than lemons, but it's difficult to eat them, like tangerines: they are very sour.

For example rangpur - Indian hybrid of mandarin and lime:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Rangpur is sold as lemon, mandarin, lime and limandarin. In India, rangpur juice is often added to tangerine juice for its delicious flavor.The Rangpur tree is hellishly tenacious and drought tolerant, which is why it is often used throughout the world as a rootstock for a wide variety of citrus crops. Rangpur fruits are used for making marmalade, in cooking, in canning. But sometimes they eat - there are amateurs.

Otahait (sweet rangpur, Otahait rangpur, Tahitian orange). This is also a limandarin, also believed to be native to India. It was opened in 1813 in Tahiti, from where the Europeans took it all over the world. Much like rangpur, but lusciously sweet. Looks like that:

Citrus hybrids - what they are
And then there is a lemon, which is not a lemon. Called rough lemon or citronella. It looks like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

It comes from North India and is a hybrid of mandarin and citron. This is if you believe the geneticists, who, of course, did not stand there with a candle. Over time, the rough lemon ran wild, got to Southeast Africa, where it was picked up by the Portuguese in 1498, who carried it all over the world. A very hardy tree, also often used as a rootstock.

So ... Damn, all these citrus fruits are so crossed with everyone that you just don't know which way to move in order to preserve the appearance of a systematic approach. And nafik. I'm talking about the pomelo. The accent is on the second syllable, or you get a broom. So, pomelo. It is Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, pummela and sheddock - in honor of Captain Shaddock, who brought pomelo seeds to the West Indies (Barbados) from the Malay Archipelago in the 17th century. Huge round or pear-shaped fruits with a rather thick rind, a lot of juicy pulp, and coarse, easily detachable membranes. One of the original citrus fruits from which all their variety has gone. The zest of the pomelo is yellow, green, and the pulp is yellow, green, red. Slides:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

When in the 1980s appeared in the USSR grapefruit, I kept trying to figure out what the hybrid of what this wonderful thing is. And everyone told me that this is a fruit in itself, and not a hybrid. It is noteworthy, however, that grapefruit was first discovered by Comrade Father Hughes in 1750, not just anywhere, but in Barbados. And the devil knows how much after that it was considered an independent plant, and then they suddenly found out that it was a hybrid of a pomelo and an orange. Grapefruits are quite large (smaller, however, than a pomelo), their skin is green, yellow (thinner than a pomelo), and the flesh is yellow and red. The membranes are usually bitter.

Grapefruit juice is very good, although many people do not understand its taste. I remember that in 1996 I was looking for grapefruit juice all over Stavropol, and the saleswomen in the shops, as one, were surprised to say: “Why do you need grapefruit? It's not tasty. Take the orange one! "

The already mentioned father and mother of numerous hybrids - grapefruit Duncan, variety bred in Florida, in 1830:

Citrus hybrids - what they are
Grapefruit Hudson:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Grapefruit, as a hybrid of an orange and a pomelo, turned out, apparently, in a natural way, but now again they began to cross it on purpose with a pomelo. There is, for example, the famous hybrid oroblanco - the result of crossing the Siamese sweet pomelo and the Marsh grapefruit. Received 1958 from the University of California Research Center, released 1980.

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Since Oroblanko was the first specially bred hybrid of grapefruit and pomelo, other hybrids of this type are often called this way (in stores, however, they are all called simply grapefruit or just pomelo), although they have their own names.

For example sweets - the result of crossing the same varieties, but done in Israel (release 1984):

Citrus hybrids - what they are

It doesn't even look like Oroblanko.
Another mystery of nature - New Zealand grapefruit:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

It is called grapefruit, but it is believed to be either natural tangelo or a hybrid of pomelo and grapefruit. The place of origin is also unclear - whether China, or Australia. Considerably sweeter than most grapefruits.

The grapefruit and orange hybrids are called orange... Among the orange stands out chironia - citrus, whose fruits are like grapefruit in size and taste more like an orange.Chironya is also a natural hybrid. They found it in 1956 in Puerto Rico, scratched a turnip, stuck it somehow into the classification and began to cultivate it. Here is the chironya:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

But this thing is called sunkat, pictures or sour mandarin, Citrus sunki:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

By themselves, its fruits are not eaten, but with his participation interesting hybrids were obtained - yuzu and calamondin. Yuzu (ichandrin, young) is the result of crossing sunka and ichang-papeda (ichang lime). About papeds a little later, and yuzu looks almost like a real lemon, only a little rounder. And the same sour. Although the lemon did not spend the night there. This hybrid is already two and a half thousand years old. Here is:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

The second hybrid of Sunka - calamondin (aka golden lime, Panamanian orange), the result of crossing sour mandarin and kumquat (more on kumquat later). This hybrid is of Chinese origin, but it got to Europe through the Philippines. He inherited more from sour mandarin than from kumquat, but he has an edible kumquat-like crust. Calamondin crosses well and became the parent of many hybrids on this occasion.
It is eaten in a variety of ways - by itself, raw, dried, dried, added to the marinade for fish, salted like cucumbers, marinated with spices and served with meat, make jam, marmalade, candied fruits. It looks like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Well, God himself ordered after that to go to kumquatam... These are such small, with the extreme phalanx of the thumb of an adult man's hand, yellow or orange fruits, similar in shape to reduced lemons. They are usually sold in large grocery stores, in laminated foam trays. They appeared in Russia relatively recently, just a few years ago. At first they were hellishly expensive, but today they are cheaper. Now, if you have not tried them yet, then you have seen for sure:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Kumquats were referred to citrus fruits relatively recently - when Swingle suggested isolating the subgenus Fortunella in the genus Citrus (actually for kumquats). That is, pomelo, tangerine, citron are both the genus Citrus and the subgenus Citrus, and kumquats are the genus Citrus, the subgenus Fortunella.

The homeland of the kumquats is most likely China. That is, they are mentioned for the first time (in 1646) by a European author, but as a fruit grown in China. And in 1178 they are already described in Chinese literature. In 1712, kumquats were included in the list of crops grown in Japan. Actually, until now, the main regions of kumquat cultivation are China, Southeast Asia, Japan. In Europe, they are cultivated on the Greek island of Corfu. Also kumquats are grown in Egypt, Israel, Florida.

By the way, the small sweet and sour things that are sold in stalls with dried fruits under the names "dried lemon" and "dried tangerine" (or even worse - "dried lemon", "dried tangerine") are actually dried kumquats. Well, as a last resort - limequats or mandarinquats... As you might guess, limequat is a hybrid of lime and kumquat, while mandarinquat is a hybrid of mandarin and kumquat.

Limequat Youstice (hybrid of Mexican lime and round kumquat):

Citrus hybrids - what they are
Mandarinquat Indio:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

There are still lemonquats (lemon + kumquat) and orangequats (orange or tripolyata + kumquat).

But, attention, fasttime - hybrid of Youstis limequat and Australian finger lime:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Hmm. And the waters hell fruit:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

it citranquat - a hybrid of citrange (which, in turn, is a hybrid of an orange and a trifoliate, she is a ponzirus, I will tell you if you have enough strength) and a kumquat.

By the way, before moving on to the very exotic, let's stop for a while on oranges. Oranges there are sweet (that, in fact, what we used to understand by the word "orange") and bitter or sour, also known as oranges. At the same time, sweet orange is more closely related to tangerine (which is most likely an ancient hybrid with a pomelo) than to an orange, i.e. a bitter orange, which, although it probably also originates from pomelo and tangerine, but in some other way.

The homeland of bitter oranges is China and North Burma.In the 12th century, they were brought to Spain through Morocco and cultivated in Seville. Here he is - Sevillano, Seville bitter orange:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

In Seville, they are now produced 17 thousand tons per year. Bitter oranges are not eaten fresh, they do not make juices (well, because they are bitter), but they are used in the hybridization of citrus fruits, used to make orange bitters, to give orange flavor to liqueurs, and also as a seasoning for fish and how raw material for aromatic oils.
In the latter capacity, he was especially famous bergamot (bergamot lemon, bergamo sour orange) - a kind of bitter orange with a very bright recognizable scent:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

It has been established that bergamot is an ancient Mediterranean hybrid of bitter orange and lemon. It is the bergamot oil (not the Bergamot pear, as some think) that the popular Earl Gray black tea is flavored.

Bitter orange kikudai (Japanese citrus, canaliculata) Is a purely ornamental plant. In Japan, it is grown to admire:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

But quite edible a hybrid of a sour orange and a pomelo - natsudai or natsumikan:

True, although it is edible, it is still much sour than any pomelo or grapefruit. Natsudaidai is a natural hybrid. His tree was accidentally found in a garden in Yamaguchi Prefecture in the 17th century.

We are more familiar and familiar with sweet oranges. Their homeland is also China. They became known to Western Europeans significantly, almost 300 years later than the bitter ones, only in the 15th century. But in the 16th, they were already cultivated in Sicily, Seville and Portugal. The fruits of the first harvests were so unfortunate that they, like the fruits of sour oranges, were first used only as a seasoning for fish. Actually, by the way, only sour oranges were called oranges for a long time, and the definition of "Portuguese" was first added to the name of sweet oranges. Considering that the word "orange" itself means "Chinese apple" sounded probably funny. Eventually, in many European languages, the word with the root "orange" stuck behind the sweet orange. By the way, it is to oranges that we owe the word "greenhouse": originally the greenhouse was a building designed to protect capricious orange (orange) trees from European weather. The scientific name for sweet orange is Citrus sinensis - Chinese citrus.

Well, ordinary orange oranges (no matter how strange this phrase may sound) everyone has seen, I will not talk about them. But literally a couple of hours ago we bought (again in a stall next to the house) such miracles:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Next to the one on the left was written "Orange Washington", and about the one on the right, the saleswoman said it was a hybrid of an orange and a plum. Tweedledee, as they say. When I bought such an orange for the first time, the saleswoman assured me that it was a hybrid of an orange and a pomegranate. Tweedledee too. I'll explain now. Take a look at how these oranges look inside. This is the smaller one (about the size of a small tangerine):

Citrus hybrids - what they are

And this is the one that is bigger:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

So, about trullion... Our science has not yet matured to industrial commercial cultivation of interfamilial hybrids. Most citrus hybrids are intrageneric, intertribal, in extreme cases intergeneric intrafamily - within the rue family, to which all citrus fruits belong. And hybrids between rue (orange) and rosaceous (plum) or rue and loosestrife (pomegranate) simply do not exist yet. On the shelves of shops, anyway. Yes, cross-family hybrids already exist. The Chinese, for example, said in the second half of last year that in the coming years they hope to bring agricultural production of wheat-flax and soy-corn hybrids to a commercial scale, but so far all this is growing only on research plots. And these are not citruses.

So what is it in this case red oranges? But the red oranges are. Their Russian name is korolki. Americans call them blood oranges - blood oranges.Divided into lightly pigmented (light red), red (bloody) and highly pigmented (dark red, deeply bloody). The fruits are smaller than those of regular oranges. There are quite a few varieties.

The most famous ones were bred several centuries ago in the Mediterranean (mainly, probably in Malta). Surely it was not without mutations, but there could be no question of any interfamily crossing several centuries ago. So it goes.
The deepest bloody korolki - sanguinelli and moro:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Yeah. Here we are with you and got to the ponziruses. Ponciruses - an independent genus of the subfamily of the orange family of the rue family, including one single species - tripoliata or three-leaf poncirus. A fantastically beautiful tree:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

The fruit is round, yellow:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

So, tripoliata is not citrus. And hybrids of different citrus fruits with her are intergeneric. I already told you about citrange. There is nothing to show there, it looks like an orange. And here is an interesting picture of orange leaves (left), trifoliates (right) and their citrange hybrid (middle):

Citrus hybrids - what they are
And here citremon - a hybrid of tripolyates and lemon:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

So, they exhaled, got up, walked around, moved their ears, drank tea - a little left.

Moving on to papedam... This is not the word "victory" in the prevedmedvedski dialect - it is a subgenus of the genus Citrus. In short, papeds are the most primitive citrus fruits. According to recent research, they contributed their genes to many of the true citrus and kumquat species. There is also a version that papeds are the direct ancestors of lime. Kaffir lime and winged lime are sometimes even referred to as papeds. Paped fruits are small, their pulp is often saturated with numerous drops of aromatic oils, which makes the fruit inedible. Of all citrus fruits, paped trees are the most hardy and cold-hardy, so they are often used as rootstocks for oranges, limes, lemons and especially kumquats, whose root system is very weak.

Fetus Papeda Ichang:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Well, as you already understood, papeds are used for hybridization. For example, kabusu (kabosu) - Chinese, but especially popular in Japan, a hybrid of papeda and orange:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Cabosa is used to make marmalade and aromatic vinegar.

Papeds are also called eremocytrus or Australian dessert limes. This is also a separate subgenus of citrus fruits. Eremocytrus has a drop-dead shaggy tree and small green fruits:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Here. There are many more actually different interesting citrus fruits, but enough about them already. Let's talk a little about their brothers in the family. There are a hell of a lot of rookies and they are incredibly diverse. But there are genera, apparently, more and less close to each other. For example, murray - a separate genus of the Rutaceae family, not citruses. But their fruits are similar to citrus fruits, and therefore everyone who is engaged in the cultivation, study and hybridization of citrus fruits is also interested in murrayas. Murray is also called orange jasmine.

Look murray like this:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Murrayas are grown in tubs, from which bonsai are made. Murraya fruits are edible. Murraya flowers smell like jasmine. It can bloom for six months in a row. One tree can have flowers, buds, and fruits at the same time. Murraya Koenig is also called the curry tree... Its dried crushed leaves are added to the seasoning of the same name. Murraya könig leaves are also fried in oil, which then becomes fragrant and used for cooking meat.

Still close to citrus severinia... Here is a tree:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

It is also called the Chinese indoor (box, tub) orange. Bonsai are raised from it, as well as from the murraya. In general, it is bred as an ornamental plant. The fruits of severinia are as follows:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Severinia was successfully crossed with the sweet orange of the Hamlin variety and from Sunka. But I did not find any pictures or a popular explanation of what came of it.

There are still Afrocytruses or citropsis... They are - African cherry oranges. These are trees with small edible fruits that vaguely resemble citrus fruits.

Here gabonian citropsis:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

But citropsis from the homeland of the Orthodox people-battleship - from Uganda

Citrus hybrids - what they are

Lemon Feronia, Sour Limonium or Indian Wood Apple:

Citrus hybrids - what they are

A wild Indian rue with a very sour (although they say there are sweet) edible fruits with an almost wooden skin.
But a good name sounds great in my opinion - ceylon orange:
Citrus hybrids - what they are

Orange fruits are very bitter, but the leaves, if rubbed or broken, have a strong lemon aroma.
I hope this information will help you figure out what is what in citrus fruits and their hybrids, find out about the use (where and how), find out which ones are sweet and which ones are bitter and not edible.

Bon appetit to all

Lemon - South China and Upper Burma are considered the birthplace of this popular fruit, from where it gradually spread to India and further to the West.

Lemons came to Europe from Arab countries sometime in the 10th century AD. Today this fruit is cultivated in many subtropical countries. In addition to its high content of vitamin C, lemon also contains citrine, a substance that strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Among the large number of traditional yellow and sour lemon varieties, one can distinguish Meyer's lemon with a thin almost red skin and sweet and sour pulp. These fruits can be found in markets from November to March. The sweet lemon is the same size as its sour counterparts, but is rounder in shape and has a thin, shiny skin that smells a little orange.

Lime was first cultivated in East India. It has a sharper sour taste than lemon, but its aroma is significantly subtler. Among the varieties of lime found on our shelves, we can distinguish Persian lime (aka Tahitian), Mexican (small, juicy and very sour) and Kaffir lime. Small round kaffir lime fruit with a thick bumpy skin. It is one of the most popular ingredients in Thai cuisine, using its zest and leaves with their unique aroma, but the pulp of this lime is inedible.

Oranges were born in Southeast Asia. In many warm countries, about 300 varieties of oranges are grown today. The most valuable on the market are heavy fruits with small size and thin skin. One of the most popular varieties in the world - nave - has a "navel" at its top.
This variety is grown mainly in the United States and is also known as Washington, Navelin and Thompson. Bones are practically absent in the guided, the fruits are good just for eating. The Valencia, Salustiana (Spain) and Jaffa (USA) varieties are also seedless.

But their value also lies in the fact that the membranes between the lobules are very thin. These large fruits, easily reaching a weight of 500 g, are usually used for juice production. An Israeli chamoti variety is also used mainly for juice. The orange variety is also popularly known under the names bitter, sour, Seville orange, or bigaradia. The orange has small round fruits of a red-orange hue. They really taste bitter, which is why they are mainly made from marmalade, cocktails and the famous Cointreau liqueur. Blood-red oranges are known in the West as blood orange (blood orange). They are often called Sicilian. The rind of this variety is brick-reddish, and the flesh is either red or red-veined. A ripe orange has a rich, yet delicate taste. It is mainly used as a table variety.

Abkhazian and Georgian tangerines appear in our markets at the very end of autumn. And imported fruits are sold year-round, although they ripen at about the same time as the Caucasian varieties. Mandarin is most common in Asia. The largest producer of tangerines in the world is China. However, this fruit is mainly exported by countries such as Spain, Algeria, Morocco and the USA. This citrus crop has many varieties. The most common unshiu and satsuma in our latitudes come from the Black Sea coast. The so-called Moroccan mandarins are exported from African countries (not always from Morocco).

Class !!! Enjoyed reading
Thank you for bringing us an informative and humorous article on citrus fruits!
I remembered the story of how I bought tea. A mixed good drink that perfectly suited the role of a set for mulled wine (cloves, cinnamon, etc.), but two ingredients were hard to understand for the layman. If I dealt with the angelic quickly enough (I just knew that it was an angelica), then pampelyushka put me at a standstill. And not only me - none of the sellers knew what it was! I assumed that the pampelyushka is a tracing paper from the Polish language, but the Poles also obviously did not translate the name of the ingredient. Thanks to a computer translator, setting the beginning of a word in European languages pampel, I still found it grapefruit... At least this is the word they give:

French interpreter
1. (wood) pamplemoussier m, pamplemousse m;
2. (fruit) pamplemousse m;

Grapefruit ['gre: pfru: t] f, pl -s, Pampelmuse f

pompèlmo m.

That is, you need to be careful with the names of citrus fruits in different languages ​​(for example, some translators call the same grapefruit a pomelo).

I really adore citrus fruits, I did not know that there are so many varieties of them. Not one winter evening goes by without citrus fruits
Thank you, very interesting and helpful :)
Zoya Grishina
And here are my citrus fruits (those on which the fruits are now ripening). This is only a small part of the collection. In fact, I have much more of them.

[img 🔗]
[img 🔗]

Zoya Grishina
lady inna
Informative article, thanks!
An interesting observation about the pomelo - from personal experience, so to speak. In winter, the pomelo on the windowsill "lain" in our place for a month and a half or two, I don't remember how long. Lies to itself, does not deteriorate, does not dry, heavy - but I do not want to eat (tired). And here the other day I looked: a dark spot appeared. I started to clean - but the skin became thinner! Of the usual 3-4 cm, only one remained, or maybe even less. But there is a lot of pulp - more than usual, and juicy and sweet. This is how this often-occurring "plastic" fruit has matured at the expense of its own "fur coat".
You can now more often "forget" the pomelo, especially when it is sold at promotional prices)

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