In general, Wanderer, go for your stove as soon as possible. And buy. If there is - Delongy, if not - then I Ski.
Good luck!!
Read the Basics of Bread Making and we are waiting for you with a report on the first bread
Here is the first bread! I was the first to decide to bake French, because the least food is bread, water, flour, salt, sugar. Well, yeast, of course. I am pleased with the result, although it did not work out without sides. Firstly, I was a little mistaken in the recipe, instead of two measuring tablespoons from the HP package, I poured two ordinary tablespoons into the dough. And the funniest thing is the second. Everything that was prescribed according to the recipe, poured into the HP, closed it, set the mode - French, medium crust, and pressed start ... The machine is silent. I'm waiting ... She is silent. A minute passes, the second, the third. I turn it off, turn it on again, the result is the same - it is silent. Well, I think I got caught on a defective HP .. I already began to imagine how I bring it back to the store and begin to invent that I did not like it in order to hand over or exchange it, because if I say that it is faulty, they will not accept it, they will send it to the service center, and I will receive instead of the so expected bread - an extra hassle. Then I decided to test the car in other modes, turn on the "Russian recipe", the car began to knead. turned it off. I turn on the next mode - the main one - the car kneads again. I checked all the modes - everything mixes everywhere, and French - the only one - does not mix. I think maybe this is the fault, one program does not work - and that's it. I think, well, it will be easier for me to hand it over to the store. And I wanted to wind up completely, when I suddenly remember that the day before, I had read all the instructions, and it seemed like I read there in the characteristics of the modes that French is warming up. I also noted that it is the only one that requires preliminary heating, the other modes immediately begin to knead. Well, and another mode - Jam, also with preliminary warming up. And it seems like this warm-up lasts 20 minutes. I open the instructions - and for sure. Then I turn on HP again, and I have been waiting for 20 minutes. Well, the dough was there, it was mixed for a certain time, while I was checking all the modes, and here it was in such an incomprehensible, unfinished mode and warmed up for me .. After 20 minutes everything worked, in a sense, the oven began to knead, and then it baked safely.But...
During the kneading of the dough, there was practically no kolobok, if during the first batch there was something resembling a bun (round in the center, rising from the rest of the dough mass distributed throughout the entire form), then in the second batch it was not, it was just uniform mass of one level in height, distributed over the entire area of the form.
In addition, the top crust (top) turned out not to be a slide, but strictly horizontal, and paler than the sides and bottom of the bread.
Well, and to the disadvantages, only not bread, but perhaps machines, can be attributed to the fact that the stirrer blade remained in the bread. At first I did not notice it at all, I began to wipe the shape, by the way, the shape is practically absolutely clean - it is not necessary to wash, this is a big plus, I looked at the light, and only then I saw barely noticeable few white patches in stripes on the shape machine, which were easily removed when wiped shape with a sponge. And when he was wiping the mold, he suddenly saw that the shoulder blade was not in the mold, he rushed to the bread, turned it over, but there, too, he did not see the shoulder blade, only a small hole. I realized that she couldn't just disappear into nowhere, began to examine the bottom of the bread around this hole and found a spatula that was literally hidden in the bread.
Well, now about the merits.
The bread is delicious, of course. Much tastier than the purchased one, and I understand that the recipe is very simple, and such a great taste. The bread is crispy, which is what I love, soft. But here's the crust, still pretty strong. The first piece of bread seemed to be cut off normally, but the further, the worse. Whether the bread is so dull with the knife, I don't know, I need to think about something to cut just such bread - I liked it, very crispy. But what is interesting, I noticed. The crumb of bread does not crumble at all. All that crumbled is a crust, such a small crumb. It was harder and harder to cut with each piece, not so much cutting as torturing bread. And what he noticed. Under the influence of the knife, the bread was all compressed to the bottom, but after the cut, it immediately restored its shape as if it had happened. Like a rubber ball. And the cut piece also itself - restored its shape without losing pieces of crumb. That is, a sign of great bread! Then, the bread was baked last night, this morning it was checked, it did not get stale at all, the crumb did not come up with a crust. The bread was kept on a wooden board and covered with a towel. During the day I checked it, everything also remained without the formation of crusts on the lighthouse, and only now in the evening, the crumb of bread in the cut part began to crust. The purchased crust is taken literally in a couple of hours. One more thing. On the one hand, the bread is delicious, when you eat, you think well now I'll eat a lot, but then suddenly there is a sharp saturation, or it's just an accident, let's see what happens next. After I ate such bread last night at dinner, now I won't buy it home at all, but what is in the dining room is not known at all. In canteens, our bread is not very tasty, it stinks of yeast and absolutely tasteless bread. In short, eat not bread - but yeast! At least now take your bread with you to the dining room.
This is my first experience. Tomorrow I am going to repeat the same recipe, but without the sides, in order to compare and understand whether these shortcomings of bread are due to these sides. Or in something else, you need to look for reasons. In general, I realized that I needed a programmable machine. I liked the bread, the process too, so we will keep the course for the purchase of the second car - Delungi. And tips
Village Stove, and
Lubasha have not been wasted. Panasonnikov for us in Ukraine, all the same, as I understand, does not shine. And maybe they will come ... By the way, who can say, "Panasonniki" are programmable or not? But my LG, by the way, I also really liked it. Cool. Let there be two HP, one complement the other. On Delungi I will experiment, and on LG we will bake recipes that I like and tested, as well as Easter cakes. By the way, under the cakes, in terms of shape, it is very suitable, the bucket is small, I chose with such an aim, if we take LG, then it is necessary with the Cupcake function, and with a small bucket (breads come out in 480 and 600 grams, that is, small , and the Delungi start at only 700, so they will complement each other.This is what I intended, since we have no Panasonniks, we will go for such options.