I check the ripening by taste and appearance (kind of fermented yeast dough). As soon as ready, I bake right away.
Now I have some kind of conveyor at home.
Freken Bock
Svetka, your starter is just thermonuclear! Of course, you can switch back to wheat flour.
So you think I'm all right ???
I just want to learn to understand her when she is weak and when she is not. While there is a mess in my head, I am guided simply by intuition. I really want to consciously understand her - when she is strong and when she is not very good, in order to play it safe and not to produce MARRIAGE, because I plan to bake cakes on it. What about the house temperature ?? I don't want to put it in the refrigerator. And yet, please tell me the brand of 1st grade flour?
Freken Bock
Svetka, judging by how your leaven is growing, everything is fine with it. I can't say anything about flour, I don't know.
Svetka, flour of 1 and 2 grades can be bought in Odessa at the base on the street. Tsvetaeva, if you need more details, write in a personal, there is also good rye flour. About Bogumila. I baked on Amina for a year, after the New Year, bread ceased to turn out on it at all. I bought Bogumila and Makfu, and it so happened that I fed the leaven to Bogumila several times. Indeed, the starter culture on it grows faster and more liquid with the same proportions of feeding. Therefore, I feed her with Amina as before, and add MacFoo when mixing.
The roof in your bread probably didn't fall because of the sourdough. but because of the large amount of water in the dough. Weak sourdough grows much more slowly.
My girlfriend is now standing in the kitchen, where it is always warm, feeding in the morning and evening, throwing out the excess.
Oh, well, and I have a strong leaven!
French bread rises without yeast for 2 hours of proofing !! I had to reduce the entire regime to 3 hours, otherwise it overshoots - and hello
Quote: Svetka

Oh, well, and I have a strong leaven!
French bread rises without yeast for 2 hours of proofing !! I had to reduce the entire regime to 3 hours, otherwise it overshoots - and hello
Congratulations, I'm very happy for you!
I came with a huge gratitude to Iziuminka and everyone who raised a Frenchwoman - after stubbornly studying Temki about this leaven, I nevertheless decided to try - all the discussions and advice were so useful. All my questions were answered. Thank you girls - it worked out and not even as scary as it seemed a year ago
however, you will still have to pack it with a bag of flour, a cauldron and baskets

Once again I re-read Temka, all the messages about peroxidized, non-rising leaven.
I do not get it. I climbed so well, everything was wonderful - and then what happened. Well, she does not rise in 4-6 hours, at least cry. This morning I fought for her full-bubble life - I fed her in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, somewhere on page 34 Zest described the resuscitation scheme. It rose 1.8 times in 7 hours ONLY at an increased pace. mode. At three o'clock she fed again according to this scheme and removed her from the temperature of 36 * C. The apartment is 24-25 degrees. And she ... stopped growing. Is she really cold? Now, I'm waiting for another 7 hours to pass and feed it as written here ... it can't be that my young leaven was tired - why would it? only I just can't understand - when did she manage to oxyderate? smells sour, tastes sour ...

Why am I writing all this, I understand that once again another teapot is trying to pass the next exam of young starters. I just can't find the reason - where was the error?
have to see a new moon start all over again

Quote: Zest

Now there are several ways to resuscitate the leaven. One - as described himichka.
But at one time this method did not work for me.It was better to take 20 g of the available sourdough, feed 50 g of water and 50 g of flour, let it double. From the resulting mass, take 50 g and feed 100 g of flour and 100 g of water, let it double, take 50 g again and feed 100 + 100 in the same way. Repeat feeding according to the last proportion 2-3 more times until you see that the leaven has grown stronger. Then you can increase the proportions - take 10 g of sourdough and feed 100 g of flour and 100 g of water (then reduce to 5 g).
And another option is to pinch off a piece of the dough that costs you 16 hours (about 30 g), shake it in 100 g of water and add 100 g of flour there.
Quote: rinishek

At three o'clock she fed again according to this scheme and removed her from the temperature of 36 * C. The apartment is 24-25 degrees. And she ... stopped growing. Is she really cold?
In my opinion, your sourdough is not cold, but on the contrary, it is hot ... And it quickly acidifies. My starter culture lives all winter at a temperature of 12 - 16 * (in a bedside table on the landing) I put it away for storage immediately after feeding, and usually feed 1: 1: 1 or 1: 0.5: 0.5 somewhere two once a day and in this mode I don't throw anything away.
Quote: rinishek

smells sour, tastes sour ...

It looks like "kirdyk" to her. I would start a new one ...
Yes, I'll make a couple more attempts to resuscitate my beauty, and then I'll put it on a new one.
And then suddenly someone good there has already died and it is impossible to reanimate - it will turn out to be Frankenstein
Try not to grow a new sourdough, but take a teaspoon of the same sourdough, beat it with room temperature water, add flour and keep it in the room for 8-16 hours. It will come to life, it must come to life. Just add a pinch of bran to the flour for feeding, a weak leaven of flour alone will not be enough for the growth and restoration of the vital activity of microorganisms.
As Vika says, if there is at least one living soul, then it can be reanimated. Don't be afraid of Frankenstein failing
You can try to grind the sourdough starter, as Margit said, take a teaspoon and feed in a large proportion.
girls, thanks for your support and help.
I'll try again. Just tell me - should I wait until it doubles or should I feed it in a large proportion + bran or rye flour (as I understand it, 5: 125: 125? - or is it for deoxidation?) Right now?
there is some element of despair. I was so happy - she was so beautiful, the bubbles were cool ... she jinxed them.
a teaspoon of mature sourdough. When was the last time you fed her?
fed at 15-30, the proportion 50:50:50, increased by 30% for this time

yes, but the bread is beautiful and tasty. though with half the norm of yeast - somehow I do not dare to use one leaven - only 10 days of its life.
French starters
French starters
I would have waited. at least 1.5 times. Try it on your tongue - it should be sour.
and it is sour, though not vigorously acidic, but it does not have that apple-fruity smell - it smells like sour kefir.
perhaps it is too early to despair.
Or maybe my mistake is that I rearranged it from place to place? - did not dare to go to the windowsill - what if there was a draft or the sun baking, so I moved her from one corner to another. The temperature was either 25 or 19 (I have a temperature sensor - it shows the exact temperature in almost any place)
Kava, that is, clearly wait for a 2-fold increase, right?
and then try in three ways at once, or something. I don’t remember on which page someone’s leaven was saved
1.part feed 5: 125: 125
2.part 1: 1: 1 + h. L. rye flour + a drop of honey
3.Part to convert to thick

I got it right
and also, which is better - rye flour or rye bran?
I would try option 1 +1 tsp. rye flour and 1-2 raisins
Now, I just got it - I made a dough (or maybe it wasn't a dough, it got completely confused) with coarse flour, but did not wait until it was doubled, it just fermented for three hours, and added 3 g of yeast to the bread. Iziuminkin technology
French starters French starters

delicious, there is no sourness in the bread, the smell is just wonderful
Well, it looks like a very decent bread. Then show the incision and tell about the taste too.
yesterday at 23-20 I put
1.5: 125: 125 +1 tsp. rye flour and 4 pcs raisins
2.100: 100: 100 +1 tsp. rye flour + a drop of honey
3. 30:30:60

at 7-00
1.grew up by 10%
2.grew up by 43%
3. rose 2 times

temperature - 24 * С

what should I do? a weak sourdough is obtained, for 8 hours it does not rise very much.
Girls, what to do? - put a new one, stop butting with this?
The weak one has risen twice, take a part from it again and feed it. The third time she will be stronger and more mature. The main thing is not to panic and feed her something tasty. I put a pinch of bran, this pinch is not even weighed on the scales, but the leaven is vigorous, I store it at t-pe 15 *. I feed her a little less often, once every 18-20 hours.
at 13-00 the situation is this

1.Rise almost 2 times - beautiful, convex top
2. did not rise more than a single mm - I put it into bread
3.It rose almost 3 times, the top is also convex - it smells very good - like an apple

I haven't tasted them yet
girls, which of the two should I feed now in what proportion - 1: 2?
what do you advise?
or wait until they start to fall?
rinishek, I do not quite understand about the third - what is 30:30:60? Leave the most active, of course. Wait until it falls off - no need Either in bread, or halving and feeding
the third turned out to be thick - 30 sourdoughs: 30 water: 60 flour
and which one is more active, I wonder? I read that thick should rise 4-6 times.
Or feed both of them again according to the liquid principle and only then choose the more active one?
Katya, and in what proportion should we feed them now?
Somehow liquid is closer to me. I would leave the first one.
The feeding proportions can be changed depending on the temperature. You can feed her in a ratio of 1: 4: 4, that is, 1 part sourdough to 4 parts water and 4 parts flour.
On a cool day, if the house is 15 degrees, you can feed 1: 3: 3, and even 1: 2: 2.
And if it's hot +25, you can increase the proportion to at least 1: 5: 5.
For the steep we have Scarecrow special

It is necessary to observe the correct proportions of fresh flour to old flour in the refreshed steep sourdough. Fresh flour should be at least 1.5 times the amount of flour in the sourdough. For example, if the steep sourdough contains 50 g of flour and 25 g of water, then feed at least 70-400 grams of fresh flour and add water to the steep dough. If you feed with less flour, then the crumb of the bread will acquire a mouse-gray color.
thanks for your help, I'll go feed. Probably to consolidate the result - while the weekend one more time feed 1: 1: 1, and at night I will feed in a larger proportion, right?
I want to report on the measures taken to improve the efficiency of sourdough baking
The leaven came to life, beautiful again, I left the most active, as Katya advised me - kava (thanks for your support and advice)
the most active turned out to be the one that I once converted to 150% (that is, flour by weight in 2 r. more) - conventionally I call it number 3 - then I fed her 1: 1: 1 as liquid.
WHAT exactly happened there and WHO survived there is still a mystery to me. I also tried to feed liquid No. 1 in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, I threw a pinch of rye bran, but alas, it was not very active
when there are identical jars next to it, you can immediately see who is more active.
The active one really rises 3-3.5 times in 6-8 hours. I am so satisfied and happy! Thanks to your advice and tips, I got it.
THANKS girls!
now it's already scary to throw out a part - all the time it seems that she will be offended by me. Therefore, I bake, bake, bake ... and even already distribute bread to neighbors and relatives. I mean, I distribute in an enhanced mode,
even yesterday she sang 2 times, despite, as it were, a holiday
but it's a pleasure for me, but not a burden, especially since HP will knead and distribute almost everything
rinishekYou try to find a cool place for her, 15-16 degrees, and you can feed her less often, she will not grow so quickly and will not disappear, and even more so, she will not be offended by you. And so bake, you can go broke, but what can you do for the sake of your favorite leaven. But in general, I am very happy for you and CONGRATULATIONS! May the leaven continue to please you!
rinishek, smart girl! Patience and work, and most importantly a strong desire sometimes makes the impossible possible. The joy of the result of the grown sourdough and the aromatic bread baked on it can be fully felt by those who have traveled the same path at least once.Somewhere intuitively, somewhere clearly following someone else's instructions, somewhere through trial and error, starting all over again, BUT the main thing is that we come to the long-awaited result!
Marge, thanks for the advice ... but I'm ... afraid. I faced this problem when I asked for help - I just found such a corner in the kitchen near the window (but not on the windowsill) - there is not 15, but 18-19. And it seemed to me that it was from this that the leaven got sick. Or maybe because she put the wrongdoer in the corner?
I'd rather keep it on the table for now - among people, so to speak. .. I'll feed you one more time, and that's all
I’ll play enough with her for now, satisfy the baker’s instinct, and then turn off the heating - and it will not be that hot

Kate - without you, I would have despaired at all, honestly - I already thought to solemnly spend my last journey, but here Kava - hurries to the rescue, the rehabilitation measures led to the patient's recovery
I'm just baking bread - and your airy and Izyuminkin are simple, I'll post a photo without fail
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Please give me a piece of your good wheat leaven!

Mine died after living for six months ...

I am in Moscow,
you are welcome!!!
a_markova, why don't you want to grow yourself? 4-5 days - and you have a new resident. And we will help you.
kava , and you, if you bake rye bread, remake your Frenchwoman in a rye manner?
Yes, I feed rye flour before baking. Here she explained
Girls, I make the leaven once again, everything worked out before. And here is new flour. At the initial stage (rye flour + water, I have no malt) the leaven turned out to be very perforated. I decided to feed it in 20 hours, so it smells strangely unpleasant. I haven't had such a smell before. I added wheat flour - the smell is the same. Grow further, or put a new one? Maybe the first one I stopped, since it was so perforated? So far it grows well, but the smell
Who faced - help what to do

I almost forgot, I used to leave a small gap near the lid, and now I covered it with a lid, but did not put the lid tightly on the jar. Maybe due to the lack of a gap of smell, as it were, more?
Although he is somehow not like that ...
Quote: Sofim

Girls, I make the leaven once again, everything worked out before. And here is new flour. At the initial stage (rye flour + water, I have no malt) the leaven turned out to be very perforated. I decided to feed it in 20 hours, so it smells strangely unpleasant. I haven't had such a smell before. I added wheat flour - the smell is the same. Grow further, or put a new one? Maybe the first one I stopped, since it was so perforated? So far it grows well, but the smell
Who faced - help what to do

it is normal this smell like rotten leaves, grass, a day or two he will leave, and a pleasant barely audible aroma will appear - for example, it reminded me of just baked apples.
Take a look here also - a lot of interesting things about this leaven. It helped me a lot.
Good day!

I tried to make sourdough several times, but it doesn't work!
I take peeled rye flour and 1 grade flour.
several days, and the leaven does not grow at all.
maybe it's the temperature?
it is on my table, the temperature is somewhere between 20-22 degrees. Is it possible to grow at this temperature?
Where to get 30 degrees?
I tried to put it in a yogurt maker, but the bottom there is hot and it turns sour.
and another question 120 grams of water or 120 ml of water?

Help me please.
The point is most likely in the temperature, your leaven is chilly, we came to the conclusion that the most optimal temperature is + 27C. Therefore, winter and summer are the most favorable times, in winter you can move to the battery, in summer, on the contrary, you have to look for a colder place.But now there is no heating, and it is not May outside, so problems arise.
As for water, what ml to take, what grams, it's the same thing, 120ml of water = 120g
Quote: Olyusik

I take peeled rye flour and 1 grade flour.
several days, and the leaven does not grow at all.
Rye flour is better than wallpaper, because it contains rye bran. If you have only peeled - it does not matter, Replace a teaspoon of rye flour with a spoonful of rye bran (you can buy them on the market, less often in the supermarket).

Quote: Olyusik

I tried to put it in a yogurt maker, but the bottom there is hot and it turns sour.
I tried using a yogurt maker, though without a lid. She put a saucer at the bottom, and on it 6 paper towels folded in four. Everything worked out. True, there was a thermometer on the jar and I looked at it almost every 5 minutes.
Thank you so much!
It worked in my yogurt maker, I put three rolled tea towels in there and a container with sourdough on top. I do not know how many degrees there were, but the first time the leaven increased by about two or three times. Yesterday at 9 pm I fed her a second time. At 11 pm it doubled, and in the morning at 9 o'clock, when I arrived, it was clear that it rose three times more, and then dropped somewhere to the level it was at 11 pm yesterday. This is normal? Maybe she should have been fed at once at 11 pm for the third time?
I fed her for the third time today. And what should I now look at her when she rises or focus on the time 12 hours. And if you focus on time, then I will have it ready at 9 pm, and if I feed it, then it must be fed after 6 hours, that is, at night. Are there any ways to preserve it and what to do with it so as not to get up at night? I have a wine cooler, I can set any temperature there.
Feed her at 9 pm, that is, after 12 hours, and then put her in a cool place, degrees so 25C, otherwise she in your yogurt maker, at a temperature of 33C or even higher, of course it will trample in 6 hours.
And if it actively rises and falls again? This is normal? Do you still need to wait 12 hours?
And where is she now? in a yogurt maker? if the leaven has risen and has fallen off, it means that it is over-acidic, so you do not wait 12 hours, feed it at its peak, and you can already keep it at room temperature, the process has started.
Now she is in the yogurt maker, but I put a lot of towels there so it wouldn't be too hot.
And how to understand that it is at its peak? Yesterday, two hours later, she got up twice, two and a half times. I had to feed her right in two hours or what? And what should I do now if I have already fallen out of it once tonight? should I throw it away? I fed her again.
As at the peak ..... well, with such a hat it rose and in some places it began to sag, the surface is not even so smooth, and in some places the depressions appear small. It is difficult to describe this matter, but you will see if you watch.
If the opal is once, this is not scary, feed further, it grows, does not stop, it means the process is underway.
Thanks, understood. I'm at home today, I'll keep an eye on her.It turns out that I will feed her for the third time today or at 9 pm, maybe earlier. And what to do next with it? I correctly understood that it also needs to be fed 2-3 times, only it will already rise faster in 5-6 hours? And leave it right at room temperature? I have 20-22 degrees. When can you bake bread? And when to put it in the refrigerator?
Feed it a third time, and leave it at room temperature, since it is raging in your yogurt maker, in theory, in 10-12 hours it will be ready, (although Vicki said that she swallowed in at night to feed it.) And you can already oven on it. But I always do a couple more single feedings (that is, fed-grew, fed-grew again) so that the leaven would gain strength.
Your temperature is now 20-22 the most suitable, if you feed 1: 2 (for example 50 sourdoughs - 50 water-50 flour) it will rise quickly, in 4 hours. You can feed in large proportions, for example, sourdoughs 10-15 grams and 100 -100 flour-water, then growth will slow down, and you can hold out in the morning until the evening. But such a scheme depletes the leaven, nodo periodically arrange a holiday for her in the form of feeding 1: 1 or 1: 2.
You can store it at a temperature not lower than 12 degrees.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers