And if we talk about low grades, then, friends, I will disappoint you. I mean the varieties of our grandmothers, that is, low-grade Soviet at least, and this used to be the first and second grade. And now the cleaning has been intensified, and even the first grade, consider, next to V. from. Empty and strong. Even whole grain is now more selective, so only CH and grade 2 can be attributed to low grades. And 1 grade is already a stretch, so do not flatter yourself about it.
And there is a solid CZ tasteless. And the second grade is difficult to buy only if you imitate. And also the taste is specific.
Therefore, for some reason it seems to me that in terms of benefits, it is difficult to go beyond just additives in the form of CH in white bread for today.
Nutritionists talk about the benefits of prolonged fermentation. That is, it is probably more expedient to the side night dough for our HP look in white bread. Long fermentation even in. from. makes it normal according to the praises of this method.
Or in the direction of wheat-rye breads. To rye + CZ. For me it is more convenient and easier.


you are asking wrong. It's one thing to bake biscuits, another to fry cutlets. You would go to a specialized topic and outline in detail the most pressing tasks for you with the question: which models do the best with them. For example, I have Panasonic for baking, Polaris for frying. But I have been buying for a hundred years, now new cool models have appeared, very different, some kind of induction - the most interesting is what kind of birds they are.

Mandraik Ludmila
My mother bakes bread from the instructions, where she has 80g rye for 320g of wheat, changed it for 100g of rye and 300g of wheat and she turns out a very pretty gray bread, and it is tasty and healthy. She's not me, she bakes the same thing all the time, I can't do that, I need to change, add, subtract something all the time ...
And I can't teach her to bake white, she still buys loaves
Quote: fffuntic
Nutritionists talk about the benefits of prolonged fermentation. That is, it is probably more expedient to look at night doughs for our HP in white bread.
* As a grumble * - it is more expedient to finally forget about white flour of the highest grade in our too refined time. Nakraynyak use it as a background for useful c / s supplements.
Quote: fffuntic
Long fermentation even in. from. makes it normal according to the praises of this method.
Long-term fermentation does not go anywhere without gluten, without it, of course, the bottom, but there are many questions to it.
Galina, well, you have to really look at things. I love baking and if I don't make it myself, I'll go and buy it in the store. Without c. We will not manage with / 1 grade, we will not eat entirely, but we need to minimize the harm.
Quote: fffuntic
I love baking and if I don't make it myself, I'll go and buy it in the store.
Baking, this is baking, desserts, holidays, without anything, but bread is everyday.
Buttercup, that all squeaks, it is not tasty in the store, but for me it happens there very tasty. That's why my mother buys that homemade white bread is not at all a loaf in the store. She probably tastes better. And I understand her.
I don't know how to make white bread useful. Probably, you need to get used to the idea that it's like candy. CZ will not save if in. with and 1 grade every day. Any fermentation is also not a panacea.
If you want health, switch to rye. Rye + tsz.
Quote: mamusi
This topic is certainly not for the Multicooker. I'll clean it up afterwards.
Thank you. You can clean up until scolded
So, I made it as requested!
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)Rye-wheat bread "Westphalian Passion"
Mandraik Ludmila
Guys, when people over or about 80 years old, to fight their habits is harmful to their health, so I do not insist, but I push my thought, she made milk bread according to the recipe from the instructions - very tasty, but it is not convenient for sandwiches And mom dad at work He makes sandwiches, he is 81 years old, and he also gives lectures to the cadets. So I don't press. It's good that she learned to knead the dough for pies on "pizza", according to her own recipe. So he uses only 2 programs in the 2511 model, diet bread and pizza
fffuntic, thanks for the advice. I will definitely go to the profile topic. It's just not enough time

Well, my mom is still far from 80, but it works the same way. Moreover, on HP - Panasyu !!! looks like an outlandish animal and tries to knead with his hands and stick it into the oven for fermentation.
Dry yeast, like our Galina, does not recognize in principle, and if you are reading me here, then for my mother I am not an authority, but an unreasonable child. The persistent belief that everything living: hands, yeast are always better than mechanical (Panasya is not recognized as a person) and a dead one (dry yeast).
She buys Stary Oskol flour, she likes it and sends it away for all the arguments about the dangers of white bread. Domestic flour, all so dear, and this is the intrigues of enemies

I gave up too. Silently slipping rye bread whenever possible

Quote: fffuntic
If you want health, switch to rye. Rye + tsz.
New tagline for my "Passion in Westphalian style "!!!!

Lena, go there and write your motto there!)))))
otherwise. The most useful composition, by the way. Whey, rye + tsz.
Mandraik Ludmila
Today is Christmas Eve! Happy holidays everyone! Health to all of you and your loved ones!
I also join in the congratulations!

God forbid, always bread for dinner,
Living water in your river!
And in the stars of your clear sky,
Love, warmth, hands in hand!

Merry Christmas!
Quote: fffuntic
That is, it is probably more expedient to look in the direction of night doughs for our CPs in white bread. Long fermentation even in. from. makes it normal according to the praises of this method.

fffuntic, Lena, and what percentage of the total flour in the dough, do you think? And how to divide yeast? I always fall into a stupor here. In our country, the batch is predetermined in time, and gluten will already be developed there. How not to kill her? I think that for CZ it's just a lobe to do, but the sun is a cold fermentation dough, right?
Svetik, I do not have such practice, but the theory should be looked more seriously on the subject of adaptation to HP.

On the contrary, I took up the KMKZ, so as quickly, as quickly as possible, and it was delicious, like a sponge's.
Doughs in GOST were not made from our considerations. They only fought for the taste, so no more than half of the flour went into the traditional dough. It was also thick, with 70-90 percent - this is from the series that we need.
But that part of the flour that is not in the dough is fermented entirely or not? We ought to read more about this fermentation. Whether it is accelerated in the presence of dough or all the same, the fermentation of any flour should take there .. from hours.

Wheat bread at KMKZ is compared with sponge bread in favor of KMKZ in a couple of hours of fermentation. So the question is, how is this achieved? Is there an acceleration of fermentation, or rather, what percentage of unfermented raw materials remains unrelated to taste?
I don't know the answers yet. I have to dig deeper into the theory.
Quote: fffuntic
It was also thick, with 70-90 percent - this is from the series that we need.

I'm afraid ... With my flour, I will get the paper out.

Okay, I'll go read your link about KMKZ ... Do you like the result, as I understand it?
Mandraik Ludmila
My Panasik bread baked me today on Christmas night.
50g flour psh. c. h.
300g flour, 1 p.
50g corn flour from Pounds
1.2h l. SAF - moment, poured out all the rest of the bag
150ml pickle from pickled cucumbers
150ml water
1.5 st. l of village sunflower oil
It turned out like this bread
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4) Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
Fragrant, not tiny, quite rubbery, there are some holes. Baked in French mode. It will not go for caviar sandwiches, cucumbers are felt, but for jellied meat, broth - very good

I would like to pour rye, not corn flour, but I ran out of rye.
Quote: Mandraik Lyudmila
I would like to pour rye, not corn flour, but I ran out of rye
Here! I just wanted to say, Lyud!)

I'm just a fan of rye flour! (And corn is not very good. I only use it sometimes as deboning. Maybe "I just can't cook it!")
Mandraik Ludmila
Ritochka, and I have corn flour for molding pizza and that's it, but here, well, there is no rye, and my husband does not like buckwheat, but here I just bought this corn, so I poured it in, the taste is not noticeable. But if you want to repeat, rye rash.
Quote: fffuntic
The best cheat sheet is the links in the header of this topic. The best recipes, methods of working with our machine - all our Natasha-Taliya gathered there in one place. Don't pass by
And we knew for sure that you would not be disappointed when you promoted Panasik.
Thank you so much!
$ vetLana
I have bread in my bookmarks that I want to bake. But the description is not clear: which mode is used. Can you put dry yeast? I hope you'll give me a hand
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)Viennese dough-based bread (bread maker)
Mandraik Ludmila
Svetochka, I am not the greatest expert on butter dough. But I would do this: I would take 1/4 tsp. dry yeast, and not 1.5 as in the penultimate message. Then the SAF-moment is not put purely in the liquid, there it is written in the instructions for the yeast to pour it into flour, that is, 1/4 tsp. SAF-moment stir in a pair of Art. l. flour and this is already thrown into the dough, but honestly, how this yeast will react to the liquid dough, I don’t know.In general, this is a recipe for SAF-levure just right. # 1 if you want more puffy. But I am very interested in listening to other participants of our forum, all the same, baking is not my strong point

And what can you say ...
There is already an answer here.

Bread based on Viennese dough (bread maker) # 10
Dough for such a long time needs live yeast. IMHO.
Of course, the recipe is so mysterious, so mysterious! as for me.
No modes, no details.
But Inna baked. There is her review. So ask her in Lichka, Sveta.
$ vetLana, Svetulik, but in general, here I would, if I baked.
Then ...
I would have done everything in the manner of Kulich. Without any dough.
Kneading. Put in the refrigerator (you like cold fermentation), warm it up and bake in the morning.
Better yet, just knead and bake ... well, I was over the edge, right?
Mandraik Ludmila, 1/4 tsp. dry yeast will not rise such a rich dough !?
There is butter! Eggs!
It is clear that with live yeast and a long dough it should turn out very fragrant, but I have never kept the dough warm so much. No...

It all hooked me straight!

Svetlana, so ask the Author himself, no? She goes to the forum. Yesterday was.
$ vetLana
Quote: mamusi
Dough for such a long time needs live yeast
Rita, but there really is a dough
I quote: Mix eggs with milk, sugar and yeast, and leave for 12 hours
Quote: mamusi
But Inna baked. There is her review. So ask her in Lichka, Sveta
It was 10 years ago.
Quote: mamusi
I would have done everything in the manner of Kulich. Without any dough.
Kneading. Put in the refrigerator (you like cold fermentation), warm up and bake in the morning
I immediately thought about it, cold fermentation cannot worsen the dough.
Quote: mamusi
Svetlana, ask the Author himself, no? She goes to the forum. Yesterday was
Goes to the forum, but the last post was in 2016.
Quote: $ vetLana
the last message was in 2016.

And why?
She was today at 11 o'clock ...
And if you turn to PM?
Quote: $ vetLana
Rita, but there really is a dough
I quote: Mix eggs with milk, sugar and yeast, and leave for 12 hours
What is it then? Well, I'm not special, of course. But if the yeast leaves wander with something for 12 o'clock for me this is already a dough ... or not?
Sveta, and look how strange it is -Stеrn calls it not even "dough", but a dough ....
"I would not advise you to use fast-acting yeast in this recipe. In 12 hours, the dough on such yeast will peroxide."
Forgive me for interfering (accidentally entered), but on the forum there were recipes for cakes using a similar technology. It seems, Alexandrian, Royal and some other ... There were many details discussed.In my opinion, it is wrong to call it neither a dough nor a dough, because without flour, rather some kind of activation of yeast and fermentation of eggs with milk ... apparently for the smell (alcohol).
$ vetLana
Gibus, big, big thanks for the hint. Now it became clear. While I read the first pages
Quote: Gibus
Alexandria, Royal
Exactly, there is a similar technology. I don't bake much, I haven't met such one yet. Interesting .
Thank you for your new knowledge.
Quote: Gibus
Sorry to interfere
Well, it’s right that they "stuck in"
We are waiting for more opinions
I'm limited in time. About "Alexandrian", "Viennese" and so on "dough"

There is not a dough, but a "yeast brew", but with an increased amount of dissolved oxygen. There, at first, not fermentation will be observed, but the multiplication of yeast, and only then fermentation. Look at this concept itself on the Internet. You can do it with any yeast, but their behavior in water is slightly different. The intensity of the type of eating sugar, the amount of carbon dioxide release, extinction during revival, and so on. Braga is then cleaned
for example here


Here on this quasi-beer, her concentration is not like for moonshine, but author's for the test, that is, water with alcohol, carbon dioxide, active yeast, some percentage - perhaps dead, if you revive it incorrectly or the water is very chlorinated, the usual pastry is created. Well, imagine a batch of mineral water + vodka + active yeast.
What .. more. The idea of ​​sticking eggs in the mash is not the best. Alcohol coarsens the egg whites. That is, eggs taste more rubbery in the product, in the most neglected case, generally lumps. Read yolk + alcohol, white = alcohol. But since the recipe is so conceived, then fig. Perhaps there is a minimum of this alcohol and the eggs survive it perfectly, and more oxygen gets into the eggs, that is, the yeast multiplies more actively.
That's the whole trick. Here it is necessary to adjust the amount of yeast in such a way that it does not multiply and then do not over-spread it. Kneading is done on strong flour, the extra weak alcohol can weaken too much: you get crumbs, and everything else is as always. If you want it as soon as possible, choose the main mode and watch the kolobok))),
if you want it tastier, choose a dietary one or your low-yeast one. But for the latter, less yeast is needed. You can get overwhelmed by standing for a long time and do a bun softer... On 10 squirrels, I would choose the last two. The main one is strong, and then there's alcohol with carbon dioxide.

$ vetLana
I study

I went to the topic "Easter cakes" -

Maybe not useful, but interesting.
$ vetLana
Sveta, and .. there is still milk. Milk mineral water

Yeast does not eat milk, but they love to come to life in it. In short, look: at first they will come to life just enchantingly, then they will start to give out alcohol + carbon dioxide. The intensity will vary depending on the temperature of the mixture and the type of yeast. Their performance is different. For 12 hours, modern yeast does not lose all its productivity, so they will raise the dough to you later, but the amount?
Well, let's start from the recipe. Apparently everything happens under room conditions: 22-24 degrees, the yeast was taken alive, obviously not lux, these on such an amount will blow up the dough later. But on the other hand, you can reduce it by three times and there will be the amount of dry.
Is it necessary or not to normally revive the dry ones according to the rules? I hesitate. It may even be good if part of it dies right away and you don't have to bother with the problems of yeast life in the mash.
Their relatives will devour them themselves in 12 hours and receive dopvitamins. It is necessary to check in practice. If it is tasty, then the thought is correct.
But there is also a moment. The living ones work from the first minute, and the dry ones should come to life in the cold (and for them the room is cold, especially in the levure), they slow down sharply, so maybe 14 hours could be held for dry ones according to the author's plan?))) But figs knows, no no criteria for the readiness of this brew.

That is, with dry ones, it may be necessary to take three times less, and 2 - 2.5, in order to take into account that a part will die right away, like we put it in a cool liquid just like that, and then they will come to life for a long time, and only then multiply. It seems so to me.

Many people like all these mash-doughs because of the aroma of alcohol in the finished product. Although in my opinion, then you can lose this alcohol when kneading, fermenting. Unstable method. In the same myasoyedovsky kulich, a slightly different approach. They accumulate alcohol in the dough, and there is already flour. There, the effect can be more pronounced, which is what everyone likes.
Also, for the same effect, additives are soaked in alcohol and put in at the last moment. The vapors of the alcohol both loosen and most likely flavor.
$ vetLana
I will specially buy fresh and repeat the recipe. Mainly? Or take a chance on low-yeast?
Well, if you are not too lazy to poke your nose into the oven before baking, then try on which one you like. Check for over-spreading before baking.
or do the experiment without looking, but have bread in the house just in case

Fresh? the recipe is clearly not a luxury, but a standard. He still needs to be found. Lux also needs to be adjusted-reduced.
It seems to me that there was the main regime. You know that .. you put the amount that always put for low yeast, or even a quarter less... If they multiply, then within., Probably. But you yourself understand that less is possible, more is not possible. There will be even more of them later.
$ vetLana
Quote: fffuntic
have bread in the house just in case

The first in line is the Westphalian Passion and then this

Quote: fffuntic
Fresh? the recipe is clearly not a luxury, but a standard. He still needs to be found. Lux also needs to be adjusted-reduced
You know how to cheer up.
I wrote to you, I would take my usual amount of what I constantly use for my favorite regime, but less by a quarter. I would see the result. Well, let's say it won't even be very fluffy, but it's better than over-spreading. Would fix it a second time.

For identity, yeah, one should find a living standard. And so figs you will understand when this "dough" becomes like the author's. Theoretically, it should smell good vigorous alcohol. Otherwise, in figs she gave up altogether. But this is my speculation.
Quote: fffuntic
The idea of ​​sticking eggs in the mash is not the best. Alcohol coarsens the egg whites. That is, eggs taste more rubbery in the product, in the most neglected case, generally lumps. Read yolk + alcohol, white = alcohol.
I have read a lot of smart people here and began to use eggs only in the form of yolks in yeast dough - heaven and earth, the dough really turns out to be softer and softer, the finished baked goods are very different, especially on the second and subsequent days. If, for example, it is not important for Easter cakes, there is a lot of baking, then for pies and pies-whites it is of great importance, and I often bake / fry them for future use.
Galina, and why? because modern baking flour has a different gluten, and not the same as that of Soviet flour. For example, if you did it on a tender spelled, then whole eggs would give both taste and crumb.
Nothing is free. When we remove proteins, we change the taste. Therefore, if you do not knead much, do it only with pens, then you can completely.
But when in a mixer-xn, when on strong empty modern flour, it is advisable to remove proteins, add sour milk as an obligatory ingredient for a non-empty taste, give a little CZ for the same reasons in addition to any recipe.
Mandraik Ludmila
Oh, I read it, now I will digest for two days. Informative, but not yet very clear, I need to digest
$ vetLana
Buttercup, We're not looking for easy ways

But is it interesting?
Mandraik Ludmila
Svetochka, and I mean, I don't seem to need a lot, but after all I bake cakes once a year, it turns out I need to, now it remains to digest and read and try ... In general, "start and finish"
Quote: fffuntic
Galina, why?
They got sick because, before they ate everything that could be "gotten", but now they'll read their tyrnetes and give them all sorts of thin stef!
Quote: fffuntic
because modern baking flour has a different gluten, and not the same as that of Soviet flour. For example, if you did it on a tender spelled, then whole eggs would give both taste and crumb.
No, protein doesn't really affect the taste, but it makes the dough hard.The taste of the bread is given by the grain itself, the flour, because bread on only flour-water-salt is very tasty in itself if it is well mixed and sufficiently fermented. Moreover, even the quality of the flour does not greatly affect the taste, the rise-splendor, - yes, but delicious bread will turn out even with the most ordinary flour, the main thing is that it is not infected with some nasty thing.
I wonder why flour is so different from "Soviet" flour now? The same fields, the same climate, and the equipment in many places is still old "Soviet".

Girls, out of respect for the authors, who gave many of the forum an excellent start and inspiration to create, it is incorrect for me to be smart.
The only thing I will write is that all recipes with "quasi-pairs" are quite old, during this time their authors have grown very professionally, and creativity at the dawn of activity is always inferior to the next.

In those days, there were not so many courses, information and explanations. But from today's perspective Ritusik correctly noted that it is perhaps more expedient to watch the latest work, the current one of the same people, and not 10 years ago.

Quote: fffuntic
Ritusik correctly noted that it might be more expedient to watch the latest work of the same people, and not 10 years ago.
Len, Ritusik ... she has already removed her words.

I don't want how you say "be smart", but in general, yes. The recipe is not laid out very correctly there. There is little information. Perhaps then it was laid out like that. Even the Mode is not specified. Now we all pay attention to the mode, to flour, to much more

The author of this recipe herself may already rethought. :
Yes, you noticed correctly. We all learn and grow, but over time. And the old posts are so bad that they cannot be edited. I also wrote a lot of crap on the site about meringues. At the time of this writing, I did not have the information, and now I can’t erase it, only it remains to blush.
Recipes from 10 years ago take a lot of time, too much work. We must take this aspect into account for ourselves. It is better to take the modern from your favorite authors or not be afraid to change something somewhere, according to new modern information.

Galya, I do not want to argue with you, because I completely share your opinion. But I'm not a foodie or a world-class chef. But all sorts of gourmet sybarites would argue with us. And for some thread, the unfortunate protein in a unique recipe was condemned, and they would smell it, feel its absence.
As for us here, then you noticed the most important thing: how can it become tastier for someone and shared
oh, girls, I looked at the website mvideo 2511 is in the window, went with my husband, in fact not, and now I'm thinking of taking FSE or not, that's the question
$ vetLana
Quote: Olga_Ma

oh, girls, I looked at the website mvideo 2511 is in the window, went with my husband, in fact not, and now I'm thinking of taking FSE or not, that's the question
I didn't understand: take WHAT (if not)
$ vetLana, so in the basket on the off-site, it's been 5 days since the truth is there more expensive, I think I need it or not, it seems like I need to

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