Pie - Zur byalish

Category: Bakery products
Pie - Zur byalish


Wheat flour 350 g
Milk 125 ml
Salt 0.5 tsp
Sugar 10 g
Butter 50 g
Egg 1 PC.
Meat 500 g
Potato 500 g
Bulb 1 medium
Bouillon 150 ml

Cooking method

Beat the egg with soft (not melted) butter, milk, salt and sugar. Add flour, knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Leave to stand for 30 minutes.

Cut the potatoes and meat into small cubes, add finely chopped onions, salt, pepper, mix everything with butter. You don't need to add any spices, the taste will be excellent anyway.

Roll out three quarters of the dough so that the edges hang freely from the pan. We spread the filling in a slide. Roll out the remaining dough, put it on the filling, pinch the edges. The cake should be tall. In the middle we make a hole, construct a lid from a small piece of dough with a small handle on top and close the hole. Lubricate with oil, put in a preheated oven.
After half an hour, we take out our byalish, and pour the broth into the hole to the brim. We close and put in the oven for another 30 minutes. I take the broth from meat, if there is none, take some water, salt and pepper it, add a spoonful of oil drain, and everything turns out great. It is better not to put cubes. I do not like these cubes, they give the same taste to all food, unnatural.
After 30 minutes we get our handsome man out of the oven, cover it with a towel for ten minutes and call everyone to the table. I usually give the lid to one of the kids, and the one who eats it makes a wish. Then we remove the top and divide it among all.


One of my favorite recipes. It's not difficult at all and the result is always excellent. I like this cake because eating it is a kind of ritual, when the whole family sits at the same table and eats together from the same frying pan. It is not portioned at all, well, there is no way to put it on plates

We eat the filling with a spoon along with the broth straight from the pie, break off the walls as it is eaten. The closer you get to the bottom, the tastier the dough. And the bottom itself, you will lick your fingers! Bon Appetit

As an addition: it is better to bake in a tall form (height about 10 cm), then the juice remains inside. BUT this is in my opinion and taste.
I make in a regular flat pie pan. For zur byalish, the shape should be in the form of a dome, like a slide, but this will not work in high pans. In this test, by the way, nothing comes out.

Photo laxy

is it some kind of oriental recipe? I will definitely try
There are not enough photos of step by step ...
I did it even though there were a lot of questions. The pie is really tasty, everyone ate mine, it cracked behind my ears ...
well and a photo
Pie - Zur byalish
I didn’t have time to do it in the context - everyone was crushed
I have bookmarked the recipe for a long time, but only got to it today.

Pie - Zur byalish

well, cutter

Pie - Zur byalish

My comments on the recipe: Tasty, satisfying, beautiful. It is quite possible to feed 8 people. BUT. All the same, there is a lot of dough, it is quite possible to take a double portion of the filling. And sugar is too much, it feels good, but this is for my taste. I carry a plus sign and will continue to use the recipe.
PS: I forgot to say. The dough is simply kneaded great in a bread maker. The saucepan on the scales, I measured everything right away and launched the first bread program that came across, after 7-10 minutes everything was ready, and in the meantime I was busy with the filling. I turned off the HP and the dough lay for another 10 minutes while cutting the potatoes. It rolled out great.
lesik_l but the dough is quite tasty, and I sold it with a bang. : pardon: And about the filling - you can do more. There is never too much of such deliciousness
laxy, but who can argue? That's right, notes for the future. I liked the pie And for the first time, I usually follow the recipe up to a milligram so that I know what ingredients can be played with in the future.
Alain, I don’t argue, just so that others do not think that there is a lot of dough and do not give up the idea of ​​making it
So, on the contrary, let the fillings take more immediately. A double portion will be just right.
well, also as an option, because one portion may not be enough - it is so tasty

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