Fragrant pear and plum jam

Category: Blanks
Fragrant pear and plum jam


pears 1000g
plums 800g
fresh ginger 4-5cm
cinnamon 1 tsp
sugar 900g
lemon acid 1/2 tsp
Zhelfix 1: 2 1 PC

Cooking method

  • Wash pears and plums, chop at random, removing seeds. To simplify the task, you can turn them through a meat grinder or a food processor. Grate a piece of fresh ginger there, while removing tough fibers. You can replace it with dry ginger - 1 tsp. Add cinnamon and citric acid (you can also grate fresh lemon zest, squeeze the juice), add sugar and Zhelfix 1: 2, mix and leave to give juice for 30 minutes. Then heat to a boil with frequent stirring, boil for 3 minutes, beat with a blender. I don't really like mashed jam, so I only smashed it a little. Arrange in prepared jars.
  • Fragrant pear and plum jam Fragrant pear and plum jam
  • The jam is thick, aromatic and spicy. It goes well with curd cheese.
  • Fragrant pear and plum jam


Pear fruit contain sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, PP, C, carotene, folic acid, catechins, nitrogenous substances, pectins, mineral salts of iron, manganese, iodine, cobalt, copper, potassium , molybdenum, calcium, tannins, fiber. Since the pear contains more fructose than glucose (and as you know, fructose does not require insulin for its absorption in the body), this fruit is useful for dysfunction of the pancreas. The main value of a pear is in the content of nutrient fibers (2.3 g / 100 g). Its vitamin C content is not high. In terms of folic acid content, pears are even superior to black currants. Both folk and official medicine recommend using a pear in a huge number of cases. Pear helps to eliminate heavy metals and toxins from the body. Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that can increase the body's defenses, resist infectious diseases, have anti-inflammatory effects and even fight depression. Pear juice is extremely useful in the treatment of certain gastric ailments. There are many macro- and microelements in the pear. It is believed that pear jam and baked pears will relieve coughs. Ancient Arabic medical writings indicated that pears helped to treat lung diseases. Pear juice and fruit decoctions have antibacterial activity due to the antibiotic content of arbutin. They are also used as a remedy for strengthening the walls of blood vessels. The pear pulp contains many potassium ions, without a sufficient amount of which it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the heart and muscles, because potassium ions are responsible in the body for cell regeneration. So a few pears eaten can really relieve pain in strained muscles. Pear is very useful for the heart in general and for heart rhythm disturbances in particular. In addition, with a lack of potassium, tissue growth slows down, nervousness, insomnia appear, heart palpitations are observed due to weakening of cardiac activity, and the level of cholesterol in the blood rises. Pears have a very low energy value. That is why it is recommended in various diets.
The benefits of plums has been known for a very long time. Plum is rich in minerals, vitamins and other substances important for the life of the body. On average, 100 grams of garden plum fruits contains 30 kcal. It is also rich in proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, free organic acids, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper, fluorine, provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, C and E.Especially there is a lot of vitamin P and P-vitamin substances in the drain, helping to lower blood pressure, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It is also important that vitamin P remains in the plum even after processing. Fresh, as well as dried plums, and especially prunes, juices with plum pulp and compotes have a mild laxative effect on the body and are recommended for intestinal atony and constipation. Also, plums (including prunes) help to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body. Plum is recommended for hypertension and kidney disease. Potassium compounds contained in plum fruits have a diuretic effect, thereby helping to remove excess water and salts from the body. The beneficial properties of plums are activated in case of metabolic diseases and rheumatism. Plum leaves also have healing properties. Decoctions and lotions from dry or fresh plum leaves are used as a wound healing agent. Plum fruits are rich in potassium salts, there are up to 214 mg of them in 100 g of fruits. Potassium has important physiological properties, as it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, promotes muscle contraction, supports cardiac activity and acid-base balance in the human body. Under the influence of potassium in the body, the processes of bile separation and urine excretion are enhanced. For medicinal purposes, plums are included in the diet of patients with bowel diseases, which are accompanied by constipation, as well as for gout, kidney, liver and heart diseases. Plum is indicated for increasing the secretion of gastric juice and appetite, as well as for atherosclerosis. Plum fruits, as well as leaves, contain coumarins, substances that can prevent the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels, heal thrombosis, and dilate coronary vessels.
Healing, healing properties ginger people have been using for a long time. It can be consumed both raw and dry. They make infusions, teas, decoctions from it. They are used both for the treatment of diseases and for their prevention. Ginger is very useful for enhancing immunity, as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. It is also effective against viral diseases, colds, hoarseness and bronchitis. It also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. If you add it to food, it will make the dish easily digestible. At the same time, it normalizes gastric secretion, stimulates the production of gastric juice, eliminates indigestion and unpleasant belching. It is recommended to use ginger for flatulence, as well as for diarrhea. The positive effect of the root is also seen on the vessels. It strengthens them and cleans the blood from cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots. At the same time, the pressure is normalized, brain activity and memory improve.
Cinnamon rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Contains vitamins of group B, vitamin C, A, PP. It also contains tannins, essential oils, fiber. In medicine, cinnamon is used as an antiseptic, antimicrobial and antiparasitic agent, as well as in the fight against fungal diseases, and to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon is effective as an astringent, relieves both diarrhea and constipation, and causes gas. Recent medical research has proven the effectiveness of cinnamon in treating diabetes. The polyphenol in this spice helps the body absorb insulin more easily. Even half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day significantly lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels and prevents the development of many inflammatory diseases. Cinnamon can help relieve flu and colds. Warm drinks with cinnamon will ease headaches, increase sweating, make breathing easier, and help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. The general tone of the body will noticeably increase, weakness will pass, immunity will receive significant support. In addition, chronic cough and severe sore throat are treated with cinnamon. Many people use this spice for toothaches, even pulpitis.

Linochka! I'm the first to try! Looks delicious !! Moreover, I never cooked pears! Thanks for the recipe!
Olya, indeed, you are (as always!) The first! Help yourself!
Linochka! Well, I'm second with a huge spoon for such a tasty treat! Plum - sea ... pears - we will find! Boom boom!
Tell me, how does he stand in the winter, does he not wander?
Elena Kadiewa

while they are walking around with spoons

And I will come to you and-nay!
Can you replace a pear with an apple? How will the taste be? And I didn't quite understand, if you first grind in a food processor (before cooking), then blender again after cooking? Or is it not necessary a second time?
Quote: Linadoc
Olya, indeed, you are (as always!) The first! Help yourself!
But I love beauty and order, an academic approach, like yours, I don't like an extra mess! I think!
Quote: Borisyonok
... pears - we will find
Where can I find !!

I can imagine what kind of yummy it is!
Thanks for the recipe ... the main thing is that in time !.
Rada-dms, Olenka!
Quote: Rada-dms
Where can I find !!
Come with me ... to the store! or to the market!
elena kadiewa, Helen!
It's clear business ...: a-kiss: fly then - it will be faster!
Quote: Borisyonok
Plum - sea
Kitty, here I have the same trouble problem
Quote: Sibiryachka38
but how does he stand in the winter, does not wander?
Svetlana, unfortunately not worth it all winter, because it is eaten. But in general, it stands quietly for at least a year.
Quote: elena kadiewa
And I will come to you and-nay!
Mother, said the address!

Quote: Rada-dms
I love beauty and order, an academic approach
Ol, thank you! I also ... that ... I love order and brevity

Quote: Guzel62
Can you replace a pear with an apple?
guzel, not! The taste of pears is the most basic quality of this dessert! The French only combine pear with cheese. And to pass through a meat grinder - just make your life easier. So stand and cut into pieces, and then wait until the juice is given. And so once - and juice and small pieces. And then blender to make it a little smoother.
Quote: Rada-dms
Where can I find !!
Ol, come to me! Sveta collected to help me, but still ... 2 tons left.
Lina, I understand! Can I have any pears? I have a neighbor near Moscow, nondescript, but she made jam from them. It worked out well. Is this possible?
Quote: Guzel62
a neighbor has a nondescript, near Moscow
And what is mine ??? Well, not near Moscow, but close and completely nondescript. But the result is great! I also made soft goat cheese and goat curd cheese for her. Generally fly away! Clean Storage !!!
Linochka, and I, as always, in the tail trudge to your sweets. but, most importantly, she was not late. Last year I tried pear jam for the first time. It's so delicious! But with a plum and jam - it will generally be mortal. Because I like jams more than jam. Thank you, Linochka, for the deliciousness and benefits!
Lina, and what can be added to this jam instead of plums. I have no plums, we cut them down, and the young plum has not yet yielded a crop for jam. There are some gooseberries and black currants on the bushes.
Elena, yes, without plums, you can make, only from pears (add by weight), you can add an apple.
Linadoc, thank you for the recipe! I tried to cook with nuances. There are no plums yet, I took 100 grams of unripe thorns. My mistake was that I calculated the sugar for pears (you have 1000 pears, 900 sugar. I have 1400 pears, 1300 sugar), but I did not take into account the fact that there are very few blacks. For my taste, it came out wildly sweet. But it doesn't matter. I was not upset.
More nuances. I can't have ginger. I just made it with cinnamon, grated with fresh lemon zest and the juice of half a lemon. There was no zhelfix, there was "Curvy".
In general, I can say the FRAGRANCE is exotic, strong and very pleasant! This jam is something !!!!! Thank you!!!!!

During cooking

Fragrant pear and plum jam


Fragrant pear and plum jam

Anastasia, here is a clever girl! Sugar tip - The weight of sugar is half the weight of all fruits.
And about the fact that ginger cannot be ... surprised !!! It is not possible to have much of it only after heart attacks, but here it is not much. And there are no more contraindications.
Linadoc, there is. Diseases of the immune system, also in remission. More eleutherococcus, rhodiola, ginseng. Actually, I love ginger. Maybe this is all nonsense?
Oh, thanks for the tip about sugar weight! Now it will be easy to remember!
Quote: Fantik
Diseases of the immune system, also in remission.
This is just one of my specialties, so I say with good reason: "About ginger - this is complete nonsense, but ginseng, rhodiola, eleutherococcus and echinacea - yes." Feel free to put in ginseng and do not impoverish your diet and taste.
Linadoc, Lina (can I use her name?), Thanks for the good news. Now I will bake gingerbread with rapture! Hurrah!
Quote: Fantik
thanks for good news
Come to us at Tea gazebo, you will learn a lot of new and useful things for yourself ... well, you will have some tea (there were many myths debunked, a lot of things were suggested and in general life is raging).
Linochka, I have a report. Delicious jam! How I liked the cinnamon here! I thought that only apples love cinnamon, but no, pear and plum are also very much! Live and learn. Oh, how good it is to study! Thank you dear!
Fragrant pear and plum jam
This is a double portion
Alexandra, nuuuu, beautyaaaa! Bon Appetit!
Aaaaaaa. No pears
We have insane prices for them on the market, but they do not grow in the garden ((
Linadoc, Linochka! I, too, was honored ... however, based on the present (unexpectedly discovered) overripe pears ... there were only 750g in their pure form. That is, I just "swapped the fruit" and the cinnamon turned out to be only sticks ... The taste was liked by all those present at home ... So I think - the recipe will take root with me! Thank you tremendous!

Right now, I'll go to my neighbor again ... I'll beg for pears from him ... he still sends them to the trash heap as unnecessary.
Kitty, clever! And you can rub cinnamon on a grater.
Linochka, a bucket of sweet yellow plum was brought, there is no jaundice, how to calculate sugar, for 1 kg of a mixture of pears and plums -1100 -1200 sugar?
Borisyonok, and the neighbor has no late varieties of pears? I would substitute a couple of buckets under his pear !! But in September !!! And can I buy an Antonovka from you?
Lina, tell me the jam should have been very gelatinous. And then I do not get gelated at all, I took and put another bag of Zhelfix (already the second but 1: 1). And I got such a sour jam, but the second packet was delicious, tasty, only liquid. Don't make my mistake. We'll have to cook again.
Ol, sugar: fruit 1: 1. If there is no Zhelfix (or its analogs), just add 500g of apples and cook for 20 minutes.
Flax, Kitty, just boil for 10-15 minutes with continuous stirring over high heat.
Rada-dms, Olga! One neighbor has a pear 7-8 meters high ... so the pears themselves are small and nasty in taste ... I tried it today. And we don't have apples in our village this year ... so we look forward to next year.
Linadoc, thanks for the recipe, made a double serving. The taste is very unusual and tasty, almost half a liter has already been reduced.
Forgive me for not having pictures, but with a question. I did not find Zhelfix with us, without him it turned out a little watery. Maybe cook a little longer?
And how to put it away for storage - roll up under iron covers or under simple nylon ones?
Sorry for the stupid questions, I have never dealt with blanks. We must start sometime!
Congratulations on the start of your sweet life! Best of all is Zhelfix, because of it there is less sugar, and the consistency and storage are excellent. You can look for substitutes, such as "jelly" and others. If not, then you can add apples and sugar then 1: 1 with fruit. Then citric acid for 1/2 tsp. more and cook for 20-30 minutes with continuous stirring. Closes with iron lids, cans and lids are pre-sterilized. We lay out while hot.
Lina, thanks! Understood, in the evening I will boil with the addition of sugar and lemon and roll it up.
Linadoc, and I bought pectin, now I add it, according to the instructions)) you can cook almost without sugar at all. And how it is stored this winter, I'll check if the thread survives until winter ...
Tatyana, yes, sugar can be minimized. But no one canceled sterilization - jars with lids before, all can be done after.
Linadoc, I sterilize the jars in the microwave, cook the lids, but after that I don't sterilize anything ...
I've been thinking today, maybe I need to add citric acid? Or is it not a required ingredient?
Lemon must and preferably be sterilized after, 5-7 minutes is enough.
And if this is not done, is it better to eat as soon as possible? We removed everything in the cellar in the garage, it seems cool there ...
MeYatsev 6-7 will stand quietly and so.
Linadoc, Well, thank God. During this time, I hope, we'll gobble up)))
But for the future, I'll take into account the lemon. Thank you!
Linochka! Thanks for the recipe! I liked it! I made it according to the recipe. Since there was no Zhelfix in the evening, I simply brought everything to a boil, and the next day I cooked it up. It is fragrant and tasty and is also suitable for gingerbread filling!
Fragrant pear and plum jam
Ol, I'm glad the recipe came up!
I have already made 25-30 0.5-liter cans, and I will do it again, since I was in high demand that year, there was nothing left until the New Year.
Quote: Linadoc

Ol, I'm glad the recipe came up!
I have already made 25-30 0.5-liter cans, and I will do it again, since I was in high demand that year, there was nothing left until the New Year.
I only had a bucket of plums of small yellowish and purchased pears ..... I will get out with jam from thorns, my mother divinely cooks it.
What a beautiful jelly and I know what is delicious. Thanks to Linochka for the recipe. Its dark plum has already ended, and the yellow one has not yet ripened. The plum will ripen, the pears will run out. And I want jam, I cooked a little at all. We'll have to go to the neighbors with a pie tomorrow to beg for them. They really will give it anyway, but with a pie it is somehow safer
Quote: Rada-dms
I will twist myself with thorn jam, my mother divinely cooks it.
Oh, and I just need a recipe for thorn jam. It grew on my head and is about to ripen, but I don't know what to do with it. If it does not make it difficult, they came to the PM, pliz.
Andreevna, I cook by eye, and I'll try to my mother! She has two ways, I'll ask tomorrow! I love thorns as well as cherry! And you can also make a type of tkemali sauce, I do it every year, by eye, really! Maybe I'll put it out a little later, now I don't practically cook.
LinadocIs Lin all eaten by your family or given away? (If it's not a secret)

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