Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour

Category: Yeast bread
Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour


Wheat flour 300g
Meal flour 75 g
Dry yeast 1 tsp
Water or whey 300 ml
Honey 1 tsp
Sea salt 7 g
Saffron pinch
Nutmeg 1/4 tsp
Dried cranberries, apples, dried apricots and blueberries 25-30 g each
Raisins 50 g
Hazelnuts handful
Macadamia oil or other valuable 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • I propose a recipe for delicious and, in our opinion, healthy bread with dried fruits. A recipe from a Finnish book was taken as a basis. To make it even more useful and to improve its taste, I replaced some of the white wheat flour with spelled flour, which increased the nutritional value of the bread.
  • Spelled flour is a "live" flour, very useful, it improves the taste of bread. I wrote about her.
  • Spelled is an ancient grain culture that comes from two even more ancient varieties of wheat - one-grain and two-grain. Since spelled grows in almost any soil, is not susceptible to disease and tolerates the harshest climates, it was widespread in mountainous areas.
    In Germany, it enjoyed particular popularity in Central Franconia and in Württemberg, for which it was nicknamed "Swabian groats".
    A renowned abbess, mystic and healer of the 12th century, Hildegard of Bingen considered spelled "the best of cereals", good for the body, circulation and digestion. She also noted that cereal "gives a friendly disposition and instills fun." Quite in the spirit of the winged Latin expression: "A healthy mind is in a healthy body!"
    Modern research has shown the veracity of the ancient healer. Spelled is the champion among grain crops in amino acid content: it contains 7 out of 8 "building proteins", overtaking wheat. And the increased content of silicic acid, which has a positive effect on intellectual abilities, on the health of the skin and hair, truly makes this culture unique.
    Spelled is often and happily used for baking because of the high gluten content and nutty flavor of the finished products. So spelled is a truly useful and unique product!

  • The addition of macadamia oil to the dough not only imparted a nutty flavor to the finished bread, but also helped to significantly increase the healthiness of the bread due to this valuable component.
  • Macadamia oil itself is unique. With a high calorie content of this nut (702 kcal per 100 g of product), macadamia, regulating fat metabolism, favors weight loss. Therefore, for a reason, it was made the main ingredient of the famous Hampton diet, which is based on the ability of Australian macadamia oil to regulate physiological and metabolic processes in the body, thereby leading not only to health promotion, but also to natural weight loss.
  • Macadamia contains not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the human body, but also essential oil, minerals, proteins, sugar, fiber, vitamins.
  • The valuable composition of vitamins and trace elements in this nut is represented by B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, monounsaturated palmitic acid, copper, selenium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, niacin, folate.
  • More information about macadamia nut here:
  • Macadamia is a nut of Australian origin that belongs to the genus of plants in the Proteaceae family. Macadamia is the most expensive nut in the world, and it is grown less than black caviar.
    Macadamia got its name from the botanist Ferdinand von Müller, who described the plants of this family, who named the nut after his colleague and friend, chemist John Macadam. This evergreen unique walnut tree was called by the Australian aborigines: mullimmbimbi, kindal-kindal, boomera, known to us as macadamia. It is his fruits that are the most expensive nut delicacy in the world and even in their historical homeland cost at least $ 30 per kilogram. In Australia itself, macadamia is considered a sacred nut by local residents, probably due to its healing properties to relieve migraines, vitamin deficiency, and diseases of the skeletal system.
    The macadamia tree begins to bear fruit only in the seventh, and sometimes in the tenth year of life, but it can live up to a hundred years. Macadamia nuts have an almost perfect spherical shape and are usually 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The nut kernel is hidden under a very tough and poorly detachable shell. These nuts are difficult to separate from the shell, but also very difficult to collect, which is why macadamia is so expensive on the market.
    Today, macadamia is grown in almost all countries where the climate is tropical, and therefore from year to year this nut is becoming more popular and less expensive.
    Macadamia nut composition
    Macadamia contains not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the human body, but also essential oil, minerals, proteins, sugar, fiber, vitamins.
    The valuable composition of vitamins and trace elements in this nut is represented by B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, monounsaturated palmitic acid, copper, selenium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, niacin, folate.
    Useful properties of macadamia nuts
    Macadamia nuts are high in calories, rich in valuable vitamins, high in fat and essential oil. It is recommended to eat macadamia for arthritis, sore throat, with the risk of neoplastic diseases. Macadamia fats contain monounsaturated palmitic acid, which is hardly found in other plant species, but is found in human skin. This feature of macadamia fat is similar to that of mink fat.
    Macadamia has unique antioxidant properties, as it contains a substance that resembles plant wax, which in the plant world usually appears only in the form of a wax deposit that cannot be collected. Thanks to this substance, macadamia is highly valued in cosmetology and is considered the best caring agent for dry, flaky skin. After applying cosmetics with macadamia, the skin becomes soft, beautiful and hydrated. The health benefits of macadamia are also used by hair dye manufacturers.
    Application of macadamia nut
    Macadamia nut tastes slightly similar to hazelnut. Macadamia has valuable nutritional properties, in addition, the use of these nuts helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body and is an excellent source of minerals and calcium. Macadamia contains a small amount of carbohydrates, but a lot of fat, which makes macadamia oil a valuable cosmetic product, as it is easily absorbed into the skin, nourishes, softens and moisturizes it. It is considered an excellent remedy for sunburn.
    With regular consumption of macadamia nuts, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and the formation of cancerous tumors decreases. Macadamia is eaten for migraines, arthritis, bone diseases, sore throat. They are indicated for vitamin deficiency, have antioxidant properties, stimulate blood microcirculation, and are used in the treatment of varicose veins, rosacea and cellulite.
    Macadamia nut helps to care for dry skin and hair, leaving them shiny and elastic, in general, this nut has a rejuvenating effect.
    Considered a royal nut, macadamia is an excellent source of healing oil, the properties of which are comparable only to those of spermacet extracted from marine animals.
    The consistency of macadamia oil is viscous, has a yellowish color and a pronounced nutty smell. It is indicated for keratosis, rosacea, dandruff, cellulite, allergies, and for rough and dehydrated skin. The use of oil helps to eliminate burns and photodermatitis.
    Macadamia oil is considered one of the best care products for aging skin, as it promotes its regeneration, as well as softens, tones and moisturizes. For mature skin that has stopped secreting sebum, this oil is also very beneficial. Macadamia oil is also used to care for delicate baby skin. It is also used for toning body massage. When caring for hair, this oil helps to get rid of dandruff by strengthening and restoring hair structure.
    Macadamia is ideal for therapeutic baths. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the skin in the cold season.
    Contraindications to the use of macadamia nuts
    Contraindications include, perhaps, only an individual intolerance to the macadamia nut, as well as a tendency to allergic reactions.
    The huge benefits for the human body and the almost complete absence of contraindications do not explain the extremely toxic effect of this nut on the body of our smaller brothers - dogs. In them, macadamia nut causes poisoning, accompanied by severe weakness. Having eaten such a nut, the dog is unable to even get to his feet for 12 hours. Although after poisoning, recovery usually occurs quickly, and the dog regains its previous shape within 48 hours.
    Romanchukevich Tatiana
    for women's magazine

  • I also added hazelnuts, which are a source of protein. Helps with chronic fatigue, diabetes, arterial hypertension, enlarged prostate, varicose veins, inflammation of the veins (phlebitis). Due to its high calorie content, a wide range of vitamins and trace elements, it is indicated for obese patients (large volumes are not needed, and therefore does not stretch the stomach). In combination with honey and dried apricots, it is an excellent remedy for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pounded hazelnuts with raisins are used as a treatment for chronic anemia.
  • 100 grams of hazelnuts per day fully satisfy the human body's need for high-value proteins.
  • Adding a large amount of dried fruits allows you to replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the body in the winter season.
  • This bread also uses a large amount of dried fruits, in particular, cranberries (a source of antioxidants and vitamin C, a natural antiseptic), dried blueberries (an antioxidant, a source of manganese, strengthens blood vessels), dried apricots, raisins and dried apples. Each of these dried fruits has its own unique beneficial properties, but they are all indicated for cardiovascular diseases, due to the increased content of such valuable trace elements as calcium, iron, magnesium. Also, fiber and pectin are present in dried fruits in full, this is a real concentrate of nutrients. For example, by eating five prunes, figs, dates or dried apricots a day, you will forever forget about intestinal problems.
  • The addition of nutmeg is motivated by the desire to add a flavorful note to the bread and use its valuable properties.
  • Nutmeg is a powerful stimulant and tonic. It has immunomodulatory, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional medicine attributes to this spice carminative, sedative, antitumor, and antibacterial effects.

    Nutmeg is capable of repairing epithelial tissue, therefore it is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers. Nutmeg is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, it is also indicated for nervous disorders, insomnia, colds and inflammatory diseases, tuberculosis, has an analgesic effect in myositis, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

    Regular use of nutmeg as a spice can heal benign tumors (for example, mastopathy), staphylococcal infections, and also prevent cancer

  • The benefits of saffron are also well known.
  • The composition of saffron and its effects on the body
    Saffron, due to its rich chemical composition, has a diaphoretic and antispasmodic effect. The essential oil contained in saffron - saffronal - has the property of cytotoxicity towards cancer cells.

    Saffron is a real storehouse of minerals, it contains: manganese, copper, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium. Each of the substances performs its own function for the body. Copper and manganese provide the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes. Iron has been linked to the reproduction of red blood cells. Potassium controls the work of the heart muscle and blood pressure.

    Saffron contains a large number of B vitamins: folic acid (B9), niacin (B3), riboflavin (B1), thiamine) (B1), vitamin C, vitamin A.

    Eating the spice in food helps to restore brain and body cells. Saffron supplies the reproductive organs with moisture, serves as an effective remedy for the treatment of the female genitourinary system, and increases the woman's sex drive.

    According to some scientists, saffron prevents in some cases the inevitable process of loss of vision in old age. This extraordinary seasoning has a rejuvenating effect on the cells of the organs of vision. As a result, the visual cells begin to function perfectly, they become stronger.

    Saffron is used as a pain reliever, antiseptic, restorative agent. This spice strengthens the nervous system, normalizes the menstrual cycle, cleanses the kidneys, bladder, and blood.

    The seasoning is used for vascular diseases. The use of saffron in food helps to regulate fat (lipid) metabolism, increase the body's resistance to any stressful situations, and lower blood pressure. The golden spice is recommended to be consumed in the initial stages of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, hypertension.

    Despite its high price and a lot of useful properties, saffron in some cases should not be consumed, it can be hazardous to health.

    Saffron has limitations.

    It is forbidden to eat saffron during pregnancy, it increases the tone of the uterus. Excessive doses of the spice can cause not only poisoning, but also be fatal. Therefore, saffron is used in minimal quantities and is not stored for a long time. 🔗

  • Preparation
  • - Mix warm water, a pinch of saffron and honey in a bowl or bowl and let stand for a few minutes.
  • - Add flour and yeast, stir until friable, homogeneous and let stand for 20 minutes.
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • - Dissolve sea salt in a spoonful of water.
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • - Start kneading the dough at low speed for 3 minutes, then gradually add the saline solution, increase the speed to 3 divisions and knead for another 4 minutes. At the end, pour in macdamia oil or another drop by drop. A kolobok should form. But the dough will be sticky, from the hook it should settle slowly to the bottom of the bowl.
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • - Leave the dough to come up. It took me an hour, it flooded!
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • - Knead the dough for a couple of minutes and let rise again. (About 30 minutes)
  • - At this time, cut the dried fruits and sprinkle them with flour for a more even distribution in the dough.
  • I soaked the nuts in cold water for half an hour in advance, so that later they would be cut with a knife, and not broken when slicing bread.
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • - Knead dried fruits and nuts into the dough, I had to do it by hand, make a smooth ball and put the dough in a greased rast. butter bowl for approach. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap (I have a shower cap) and put it in a warm place.
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • - When the dough comes up, form the bread, put it in a greased non-stick form (I put baking paper) and bake at 230 C for five minutes, then reduce to 180 and until tender (20-25 minutes). Take a look in your oven.
  • Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
  • Wrap the baked bread in a towel. You can grease the crust with oil.
  • This bread with butter and linden honey, as well as cheese, is very good.
  • I liked everyone, without exception.
  • We ate a piece for breakfast and didn't feel like sweets all day!

Rada-dms, Olga, as always a great recipe! I have all the ingredients, even macadamia oil. For breakfast with coffee, that's it! Thank you!
Masyusha, and the bread went well for the afternoon snack too! To your health! I would be glad if you like it! And put dried fruits and additives to your taste.
Temptress!!!!! I don’t eat pasta 18-00. And mulberries are straight to the refrigerator through two rooms and the corridor reached !!!! Very tasty, very beautiful !! I love these breads! Simply adore!!!! Clever girl! What do you say - master!
Rada-dms, Olenka, what a wonderful tasty bread and not difficult for me :)) But from the usefulness I have only Black cumin oil (terribly useful, but bitter): rose: We will try.
Rada-dms, Olenka, a masterpiece of bread! Bravo!
You are our encyclopedia, walking!
anel, Helen! I think any vegetable oil should be added, but not bitter oil! I know black cumin oil, used in aromatherapy.
lappl1, glad you liked it! I tried to!
Quote: ang-kay

You are our encyclopedia, walking!

Well, you see how I'm trying to feed my brains !! Dried fruits are our everything in winter!
Rada-dms, Olya! True to myself! A sumptuous recipe! And its natural result is excellent bread, richly saturated with tastes. Astringent, spicy, fragrant! Bread is a holiday!
Thank you for the new culinary page for me!

Here, some emotions !!! You know how to praise so that you immediately want to cook something else of that kind !! Thank you!!
Yes, what is already there! You can't trample against the truth! Each of your recipes is a delight for the eyes and a delight for the eater! And let at least someone tell me that I'm wrong!
Quote: Mikhaska

Yes, what is already there! You can't trample against the truth! Each of your recipes is a delight for the eyes and a delight for the eater! And let at least someone tell me that I'm wrong!
Quote: Mikhaska
Each of your recipes is a delight for the eyes and a delight for the eater! And let at least someone tell me that I'm wrong!
200% rights !!!!!
Rada-dms, I baked some bread! To say that it is delicious is to say nothing! I was going to have a peanut butter sandwich in the morning, but this bread is good in itself! Hell in HP (ready to get a sneaker from the author!). The aroma is awesome! Taste ..... not convey, you have to try! The only deviation from the recipe (not counting HP) - instead of apples (I didn't have them) I added prunes. Next time (and it will definitely be !!!) I will add apples! And a photo report! Sorry for the quality, when uploading to the gallery, for some reason they become blurry
Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flourWheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flourWheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour
The bread turned out to be airy, which I did not expect, after all, there is a spelled flour even in the photo you can see "waves" when cutting, although I cut it with a bread knife If anything, it was pressed yeast 7 grams in total Oh, something a lot of bukaf turned out
Conclusion: the bread is excellent, I will definitely repeat it, I am opening the hunting season for spelled flour! (I only have 2 bread left)
Quote: Masyusha
To say that it is delicious is to say nothing!
What a handsome bread !!!! Well Elya well done !!!!
Masyusha, this is bread! Tall! Handsome! And what aromatic breads are obtained from spelled! A-a-a-a! I have them on the second day and taste and aroma evoke associations with Easter cake ... (Yes, with him!)
Great bread, Elya!
Quote: Mikhaska
I have them on the second day and taste and aroma evoke associations with Easter cake ...
Irina, me too! And then there's the aroma of saffron like in a kulich! Delicious!
Masyusha, Elya !! Thank you very much for such a report and, most importantly, the experience of making this bread in KhP !!! Not many letters! WRITE! WRITE!
Well this is just medicine for the soul, when the recipe that I thought about, tried, I liked the preparation, and even so masterfully executed !!
I had to open the computer in the morning. , and not after dinner, because the mood is now beyond words !!!!!
Probably now I have the right to put him up for competition.
Mikhaska, IRISH! Here's your truth! I still can't get used to whole grain, but I fell in love with spelled immediately !!!
Quote: Rada-dms
Probably now I have the right to put him up for competition
Why, he still hasn't taken part in the competition ?! The competition is definitely! My husband practically does not eat bread, I only bake toast for him. And she baked this bread in the evening, managed to take a picture and left it to cool. When in the morning I decided to make a cut, I saw what was in the second photo, that is, half was no longer there. And when did he manage it? It's good that I got up earlier in the morning, otherwise there would have been nothing to photograph
Bread is super We definitely don't have spelled flour. What to do? If the oven is on a regular one, will the taste suffer a lot?
And there is no such oil in our village either.
nakapustina, Natasha! It's easier for you than for me to buy spelled flour. Go to the Garnets website. They offer spelled flour for sale there and at a quite tolerable price. And delivery will not cost wild money, unlike delivery to me in Tmutarakan! And you can search for macadamia oil on the Internet, in pastry shops ...
Quote: Rada-dms
Probably now I have the right to put him up for competition.
Expose without delay Olenka! The bread is extraordinary good! I think your recipe is more than worthy of the highest award! So, my epithets were already running out ... Because your bread speaks for itself!
nakapustina, add a spoonful of bran and a spoonful of rye, or replace with whole grain. A vegetable oil can be used with melted butter.
Thank you
Oh, what a beautiful bread. And how did I miss it then?
Rada-dms, well, bread! Well, beauty, well, deliciousness, I was stunned. And so many things, I really want to try this. Where can you get dried blueberries? Can't you get ice cream? While I took it to the bookmarks. We need to think and stock up on food. Very superb bread!

Rada-dms, Olya, just today I saw some bread ... I still didn't come out from under the table after the pumpkin, but here such beauty ... I adore such bread .. only I don't have spelled bread, I'll add a plover and I will go crazy!
PS. I ran to the BREAD HOUSE store. On the Novokuznetsk little man stands, he advised to add panifarin at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons per kg of flour ... here I am a bastard, I forgot canteens or teahouses
in general, I'm going home .. I'll knead

Happy lapuska !. I am correcting my message so as not to produce ...
I put the bread, as always, in the bread maker .. well, lazy yayayaya ... lazy ..
I'll tell you about 75 g of spelled flour: I added 1 tbsp of oat flour, 1 tbsp of corn flour, 1 tbsp of rye flour, half a tbsp of panifarin .. the rest was brought to 75 grams of wheat ...

what can I say so far ?. I'm dancing near HP .. the bread has gone up sooooo much ... I'm afraid it might jump out ...
I will definitely take a picture and show you !.

I'm glad I'm baked
Wheat bread with honey, dried fruits and spelled flour

Olya, my, of course, not so beautiful, but also delicious ...
Thanks for the recipe!
Vinokurova, Alyonka! Bread is what you need! Tall, bright, sunny!
What a motor maiden you are! You can do so much and know how!
Rada, what a bright bread on the cut! the beauty!
Vinokurova, Alenka! Thank you for trusting the recipe !!! It looks very good bread!
I hope the taste did not disappoint! What is the maximum weight of your HP bucket, I ask for the sake of other users! I want to understand if the amount of dough is too large for one bucket.
Mikhaska, NataliARH, help yourself !!! Though virtual! We'll bake more!
Rada-dms, I have Brand 3801, the maximum weight is 1000 grams .. I put up a dark crust at 500 grams (the smallest) .... the bucket was full, so I jumped in front of him during the ascent, I was afraid that I would jump out, but no. .. passed on the verge ... I wrote about replacing spelled flour in a previous post while bread was being baked ...
but the taste, of course, did not disappoint ... mine are very fond of bread with nuts and dried fruits ... I like this more rye-wheat, but so far I can't bake

hands are not visible from there

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers