Quote: fronya40

wow !!! I didn’t even know that such miracles can be made! super- does it mean you bake bread without a hole? Well, that's it, on Saturday I'm running after the forms, I even know where you can buy!
(I take out a baaalsha toy knife) Well, admit it, where can you buy it ?! On Ozerka I found only long enough forms.
I baked the bread, everything worked out, but there was a small accident: I put the form higher on a stand, but the form moved to its side later, after I turned on "Baking" and leaned on the ten, I had to open and fix it during baking, so the roof sat down Little:
Non-standard forms at Panasonic
It turned out to be a small, very tasty bread. Next time I will not substitute anything under the form. I have 2 tena in Mulinex, I was afraid that the top would get very hot. The photo shows that the top is darker than the sides and this is on a stand.
Girls, what time for "baking" should be set for wheat bread? Or is the baking program not programmed? (I can't find the instructions for the stove, I have Panasonic)
Nut, the "Baking" program is first set by going through the "Menu" - for me this is the 11th program in Panasonic 2500, then by means of the timer there are two buttons - (triangles, one with the top down, the other with the top up.) Pressing the buttons, set the time you need maximum 1 hour 30 minutes. I love to put it that way. And already at the end of baking. I'm guided by the smell. height and color of the dome of the bread, considering that the bread is ready, I interrupt the "Baking" program by pressing the "Stop" button.
Creamy - thanks for the promptness The blanks are in the molds on the way - they will soon be baked And forms 3 pcs. I definitely have L 6, but I also found L7, but they are on the short sides almost right next to the walls, but I will carry out the tests anyway
Nut, so my L7 form also fits almost end-to-end, a few mm remain there, not even cm. But this does not interfere with baking good bread.
I have already put one
Lagri, I carefully look at your shape and it seems to me that it is not cast aluminum (like L7, L6 or the like), but is made - bent from sheet steel, that is, it is thinner than the cast shape, and its corners are sharp, and not slightly rounded like L7? Or I'm wrong? And your bread turned out to be high. And stands for forms in HP really are not needed at all.
Quote: Creamy

Lagri, I carefully look at your shape and it seems to me that it is not cast aluminum (like L7, L6 or the like), but made - bent from sheet steel, that is, it is thinner than the cast shape, and its corners are sharp
Most likely it is.
Non-standard forms at Panasonic
And the size of the upper part is 20.5x11.5. I still have one even longer, it is not included in the x / n. These forms are 8 years old. Form L7, of course, is thicker. I will not put the stand anymore, I was reinsured because of the overhead heating element. It was just necessary to reduce the baking time. I set 1 hour and 10 minutes, but an hour would probably be enough.
This is me with my promised wheat. This bread has already become our daily routine.

This loaf contains 570 grams. The classic recipe on ripe dough.
Kneading in a bread machine, on program 1 or 3: 200 g ripe dough, 350 g flour, 230 g water, yeast and salt.
After the first kneading, I separate a piece of about 200 g for the next bread - put it in the refrigerator.
I add butter to the remaining dough, you can - honey, cheese, dill, sesame seeds, nuts .. - when that in general.

I added olive oil and a spoonful of honey to this bread. I do the second batch. If required, I correct the bun with semolina and leave it in the HP until the display shows 2 hours before the end of the program.
I take out the dough, shape a loaf, put it in the L7 form, put it in the bread maker for another 40-50 minutes, as it rises, I turn on the baking for 50 minutes.
Creamy, Thank you!

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

Non-standard forms at Panasonic
Deep, not bread, but a delight for the eyes. And he is great in height, and wide in the shoulders, all of himself rosy, and even in freckles, oh, strewn with sesame seeds, what is not a hero! Handsome! And the hostess is clever!
I read your stories and ran to the market, fortunately, it is nearby and bought such a thing for 20 UAH. tried on my kenwood 256, all is well. set the scps to knead the dough. and that's what I think, the form comes right next to it. how can I get it out with the finished bread?
I tried grabs from email. grill Hotter, but it did not work, then I put on technical gloves with pimples on the palm and so got
In general, it is better to make a sturdy handle. I am just baking bread in the form of L7 in Panasonic. Look at the Photo in my post # 23. And as I bake bread, I will try to take a picture of the pen from all sides and all kinds of angles.
Non-standard forms at Panasonic

This is one of the angles of the handle for the L7 shape. I will also post photos from other points.

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

one more kind

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

and further

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

this form lies on its side, with a handle towards the viewer

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

This is the last perspective
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Creamy, why is your uniform black inside? Which I bought, they are white as well as outside. Choi I ​​thought, maybe I sent you the wrong thing?
Ksyushechka-Plyushechka, and this is the L7 form, the first one over which I izgalyatsya (tried to "rave"). I am still waiting for your package. You sent on the 9th, and today only the 15th. The package will go through Moscow. So while we wait.
class! Creamy, how cool you described the weight, thanks.
Quote: Ksyushk @ -Plushk @

Creamy, why is your uniform black inside? Which I bought, they are white as well as outside. Choi I ​​thought, maybe I sent you the wrong thing?
Ksyusha, where are they sold here, these forms? Show the way!
Quote: Melisa72ru

Ksyusha, where are they sold here, these forms? Show the way!
please tell me ...
Quote: Ksyushk @ -Plushk @

Creamy, why is your uniform inside black? Which I bought, they are white as well as outside. Choi I ​​thought, maybe I sent you the wrong thing?

Ksyushka, show a photo of the uniform, if not hard?
Quote: 14anna08

please tell me ...
inspired - Tell me, Snow Maiden Ksyushenka
Where have you been?
Tell me, honey
How are you?
Where did you get such a form?
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Quote: 14anna08

please tell me ...

Anyut, I bought from our store selling equipment for general type, shops and bakeries.

Quote: Catwoman

Ksyushka, show a photo of the uniform, if not hard?

Lenochka, here the same is shown the form... But if I want to take all three of my photos, the current is a little later

Quote: Melisa72ru

inspired - Tell me, Ksyushenka Snow Maiden,
Where have you been?
Tell me, honey
How are you?
Where did you get such a form?

Thank you for the poems / songs, dear
Quote: Ksyushk @ -Plushk @

But if I want to take all three of my photos, the current is a little later

Ksenia, of course I want how the time will be. I'll wait.
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Lenok, here are all three of my cast aluminum molds

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

Non-standard forms at Panasonic
Yeah, of course, I have similar ones, but how to find out her number? At the bottom there is 7, put it in the bread maker, got up well, but on the short sides it stands almost to the butt of the heating elements. This is normal?
Yes, normal, only a few mm remain on the sides.
Quote: Creamy

Yes, normal, only a few mm remain on the sides.

Thank you!
So, I bought the mold, but I haven't baked it yet ((((I still need to attach the ears ...
Quote: fronya40

So, I bought the mold, but I haven't baked it yet ((((I still need to attach the ears ...

It is not always possible to attach ears, like with Creamy. Its shape has a side that you can cling to. In this version, as Bun showed (I have exactly the same), a different design is needed. Personally, I do without pens, although it would be easier with them. I take out a hot uniform in mittens. I do not know about other stoves, but in Panasonic there is enough space on the sides of the form. I just lack a little height. The height of my countertop is 90cm, plus the height of the stove is 30cm, a little too high ... and if I were shorter, I would have to get it out of the chair.
I am also fine without a pen. Unless, the bread will have an unexpectedly very lush top, one that will interfere with the grip with mittens, but this has not happened to me yet. I try not to put more than 550 grams of white dough, and 850 grams of black dough. With the help of two kitchen gloves, it can be easily removed.
wanted to ask, why can't you just knead in HB and then bake in the oven? Why should another form be put in hb? After all, all the same, knead hb in a bucket (wash it) and transfer it to a mold, and when kneading, the hb does not heat up (well, just a little)?
I don't understand at all.
wanted to ask, why can't you just knead in HB and then bake in the oven? Why should another form be put in hb? After all, all the same, knead hb in a bucket (wash it) and transfer it to a mold, and when kneading, hb does not heat up (well, just a little)?
I don't understand at all.

Firstly, the baking process is completely automated. No need to adjust time and temperature.
Secondly, there is no such heat from HP as from the oven.
Thirdly, HP during baking consumes less electricity than most electric ovens.

Personally, I will add on my own - I took the HP to the summer kitchen, which I cannot do with a gas oven built into the stove. And therefore, the heat in the house is much less.
Quote: Deep

Firstly, the baking process is completely automated. No need to adjust time and temperature.
Secondly, there is no such heat from HP as from the oven.
Thirdly, HP during baking consumes less electricity than most electric ovens.

Personally, I will add on my own - I took the HP to the summer kitchen, which I cannot do with the gas oven built into the stove. And therefore, the heat in the house is much less.
I just don't bake bread in the oven at all, only in hb, so it was not clear)))
and I have a summer kitchen and there is a second stove with an oven (gas), so I don't cook at all in the house in the summer, only I brew coffee (the rest of the appliances have also moved to the summer kitchen), there really is no such heat in the house. (and if you still remember seaming)
I would add on my own the absence of vertical dents on the sides and holes in the "bottom" -heel of the bread. And an even longer life of the native bucket of a bread machine - its coating and gland are less often exposed to high temperatures during baking. You save money and time by not buying new buckets instead of old ones. well, some people prefer bread in the form of a traditional brick.
And mine are completely morose, not only do they already distinguish sourdough bread from yeast bread, but now they like it more in the oven and always with a brick. I'll try to zabatsat in uniform, but in a bread maker, because turning on the oven in such heat is not at all hunting. Yesterday I passed the thermometer on it at 6 pm it was + 46.
and no one is going to strain the handy husband and make baguette molds? Or buy ready-made ones (like for deks or some other inexpensive stoves are sold as additional equipment). Then there will be one more moment "FOR" buying a Panasonic for those who strongly look at the stoves with baguette holders.

I now have a Panasik at the dacha, and I'm in the city. Therefore, I cannot measure the dimensions. This is what form they offer for liberton (I found it in offers in Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk - the price is about 115 UAH).
Catwoman! Urgently transfer your household to purchased bread for a week or two! To stop twisting noses
Quote: Rina

and no one is going to strain the handy husband and make baguette molds? Or buy ready-made ones (like for deks or some other inexpensive stoves are sold as additional equipment). Then there will be one more moment "FOR" buying a Panasonic for those who strongly look at the stoves with baguettes.

I now have a Panasik at the dacha, and I'm in the city. Therefore, I cannot measure the dimensions. This is what form they offer for liberton (I found it in offers in Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk - the price is about 115 UAH).
Catwoman! Urgently transfer your household to purchased bread for a week or two! To stop twisting noses

Rinochka, They generally refuse to eat purchased items, even if there are not crumbs at home, they will sit without bread.
Girls and boys, but no one tried to order baguette holders separately. how much can they cost? Maybe they can be converted to Panasonic? Please share information, who knows what.
Quote: Catwoman

And mine are completely morose, not only do they already distinguish sourdough bread from yeast bread, t


Otherwise I talked about it at one time, so they didn't believe me
Creamy, in Ukraine so far there seems to be only one type of baguette holders - for liberton. The price is divine - the equivalent of 15-16 dollars. But what size - who knows. If I knew where the baguette holder can be seen live, I would take a tape measure and go to measure.

Although ... now I will look into the profile Libertonian bakery topic. Suddenly someone has ...
Quote: Zest


Otherwise I spoke about it at one time, so they did not believe me

They distinguish, distinguish, even if I put it in a tihushka with yeast, they scream right away, they say that the bread is not so to taste, the experts are all. The husband works with grain, they still have a bakery production, so the manager also thought about switching to sourdough bread. Let's see what they do.
DeUshki! For the sake of completeness. Custard rye from Vanya28 in the form of L-7:

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

Perfectly cooked!
Quote: kolenko

DeUshki! For the sake of completeness. Custard rye from Vanya28 in the form of L-7:

Non-standard forms at Panasonic

Perfectly cooked!

Lena, what a handsome man!
Quote: Rina

and no one is going to strain the handy husband and make baguette molds? Or buy ready-made ones (like for deks or some other inexpensive stoves are sold as additional equipment). Then there will be one more moment "FOR" buying a Panasonic for those who strongly look at the stoves with baguette holders.
I still have a stand and molds for baguettes from Mulka 5004, I tried it right away - the stand fits, but touches the shades, they fail without a stand. The oven has not yet ventured.
Aksakals, what do you think is worth a try?
kolenko, congratulations on such a handsome man! It is much more difficult to bake black bread than wheat bread. And here is such a gorgeous high roof. Congratulations again! Well done!
marinastom, it's just wonderful that you still have such a baguette holder. It can be adjusted to the size of Panasonic, well, in the sense not the trays themselves, but a two-tier rack. we have someone on the forum, I don't remember exactly, told me that they managed to remake the rack, and the baguette holder began to fit into Panasonic. It seems to me that a small surgical operation is needed here with the help of a hacksaw for metal, you can shorten two metal round inserts, into which racks with roundings are inserted, and then the baguette case will not rest on Panasonic's ten. This should be shown to some clever man or mechanic. And your baguette holder will have a second life.
Today I bought another form for bread with a "brick", silicone, just included in both x / ovens: both in Moulinex and in Panasonic. But Moulinex is better, because the form is more genuinely included in it, and right next to Panasonic. I'll try it tomorrow.
Creamy, I will try to do without alteration. Some thoughts appeared. Tomorrow, if I implement it, I will report back. If I can, I'll add pictures. You inspired me.
Girls and boys, but I couldn't stand it today, I went to our service center and ordered a baguette case with pallets. They took 1000 rubles in advance, they said it would cost around 2000 rubles. So, we will wait a month, and only then we will get rid of how to put it in Panasonic.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers