Quote: Alena Yurievn

so that the contacts do not burn.
unexpected ... although predictable. I would recommend a wireless pancake maker, but since there are such troubles I remember my mother's wireless iron - it didn't have to be turned off, it was just put on the base just like a kettle. After that (the "Wi-Fi" of the iron, as I call it) I cannot use the wired ones.
Quote: Oca

Let me ask you where you found the wireless one and how much? I only saw on a German site for a lot of euros. And about the wire - it's like a mouse, if the tail does not interfere - then figs with it, let it hang out

🔗 ,
just thinking
Marfa Vasilievna
Quote: Alena Yurievn

- you need to turn off the shutdown button when you remove from the mug ...
By the way, it is not recommended to remove a working electric kettle from the base for the same reason.
But, as for the pancake maker, turning it off is not a problem at all, the button is very conveniently located right under the thumb.
Quote: julifera

Hmm, but I remember exactly that someone spoke well about submersibles.

Yeah, I responded! Vaughn, IRR remembers. She has been working for me for more than one year! There are other electric ones, both with chopsticks and without, but for the thinnest pancakes - Arietka! Well, yes, the edges are dry at first, but aren't the edges of thin pancakes in a frying pan dry? And then, in a pile, they will soak. And the pancakes are great! Just now, almost all pancake makers were involved in my work, each for its size. In the evening, the guests will row up. This pile is from Arietta.



Marfa Vasilievna
And what is the recipe for the pancakes in the photo, please tell me
Accurate to the gram Marfa Vasilievna, I won't tell you, I've been baking for a long time "by eye", but approximately: I take 2 eggs for a healthy, almost 3-liter bowl, beat well with (again to taste) 1-1.5 tsp. salt and 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar, add a glass of milk, a lot, almost to the top of water, half a glass of rast. butter and, continuing to beat, add flour to the state of liquid sour cream. All!
Marfa Vasilievna
Quote: dopleta

half a glass of rust. oils
Oh, and I'm only 1-2 tbsp. l. I add the same amount of dough, and also do it "by eye". But I'm not very happy with the result ...
thanks for secret ingredient
Quote: Martha Vasilievna

thanks for secret ingredient
Well, what are you, not at all! And no soda, no yeast!
Marfa Vasilievna
Yes, that's understandable, I don't add either
girls, did anyone try pancakes-pancakes on a raclette oven, with a stone surface?
And in my pancake maker all some kind of rubber are obtained (((I really don't get carried away with butter either ... But in the pan they seemed to be softer. I still didn't understand what the puncture was ...)
and in the evening I bought a VES SK-A2 submersible pancake in Yulmart!
I took it for 550r, although they have it for 690r, but they give it back cheaper if you find a similar product at a better price (if it is available and official delivery)!
(This option is called "my price", what if it comes in handy for someone. Still, you can save a little money! Oh, I didn't know about this service before, otherwise I would have bought a pancake maker for the saved money!)
now it remains to dial the recipes, and you can experiment!

thanks girls for the help in choosing!
Quote: valushka-s

and in the evening I bought a VES SK-A2 submersible pancake in Yulmart!
Congratulations on your successful purchase! I see that the carnival continues on this site
I didn't know about the price, I'll take it into account. In Yulmart, the only submerged pancake maker was sold for the whole city, and then only on order.
Quote: Oca

Congratulations on your successful purchase! I see that the carnival continues on this site
I didn't know about the price, I'll take it into account. In Yulmart, the only submerged pancake maker was sold for the whole city, and then only on order.
Not ... I looked at Yulmart - they are still full ...Shrovetide continues ..
Quote: NatalyMur

Not ... I looked at Yulmart, they are still full ... Maslenitsa continues ..
so warehouses in each city its own!
Quote: Nevushka

so warehouses in each city its own!
At work, I ordered a water cooler in Yulmartin - it was sent from a warehouse in Moscow ...
girls, I keep forgetting to write here that my immersion pancake VES SK-A2 really liked me in my work! baked pancakes so easily and naturally! the son said the same peki!
I first brought the dough and began to bake, but the pancakes seemed too thick, then I spread the dough thinner and the pancakes became super thin! I took a large glass saucepan, turned it over and began to put pancakes there, covering with a saucepan lid! the pancakes did not smear with anything, but when they cooled down they were not dry and separated well from each other! they were a little full of holes! we wrapped everything in them that was suitable in the refrigerator! I do not regret buying at all!
valushka-s, with a new toy you!
Thank you very much for your feedback! I thought about buying.
Quote: valushka-s

I do not regret buying at all!
I, too, have dreamed of a pancake maker for so long, I love thin pancakes.
Valyusha, what is your recipe for thin pancakes?
girls, thanks!
I'm really very happy with her!
I put something on the eye, but it seemed like I proceeded from this (but not exactly, I didn't bother), I made the volume smaller, there was more milk, and thinner. yes, something else, added there
Quote: dopleta

To the nearest gram, I will not tell you, I have been baking for a long time "by eye", but approximately: I take 2 eggs for a healthy, almost 3-liter bowl, beat well with (again to taste) 1-1.5 tsp. salt and 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar, add a glass of milk, a lot, almost to the top of water, half a glass of rast. butter and, continuing to beat, add flour to the state of liquid sour cream. All!
so and the price of the issue is only 550r!
Hello everyone, I want to ask who has a closed-type pancake maker VES CK-A9 what reviews she has a pancake maker with two inserts I want to order whether it is worth advising
Hi there! Take to your ranks! I really wanted to buy the ORION-PCM01 pancake maker praised on this site, but in Russia it is not ...

the vastness of the Internet came across DENI2-PIECE PANCAKE MAKER, which looks very similar to orioshka. Can anyone have one? Here is a link

Olga, yes, the same, only red, and ours are silvery. if you consider that delivery is free, you can order
I read it ... caught fire ... Tefal PY6001 pancake maker 2 in 1.
And they are not available anywhere on sale ...
Quote: valushka-s

girls, I keep forgetting to write here that my immersion pancake VES SK-A2 really liked me in my work! baked pancakes so easily and naturally! the son said the same peki!
I first brought the dough and began to bake, but the pancakes seemed too thick, then I spread the dough thinner and the pancakes became super thin! I took a large glass saucepan, turned it over and began to put pancakes there, covering with a saucepan lid! the pancakes did not smear with anything, but when they cooled down they were not dry and separated well from each other! they were a little full of holes! we wrapped everything in them that was suitable in the refrigerator! I do not regret buying at all!

Valyushka! again
in a submerged pancake, everything is baked from one side. AND? you then wrap it up don't fry the second side? or is it unnecessary?
I'm dumb
Quote: IRR

in a submerged pancake, everything is baked from one side. AND?
You can turn it over on the other side and fry it a little, but the "wrong side" does not blush too much, because due to bubbles it does not adhere well to the pancake maker. But what a thrill - I dipped it in the dough and wait for it to be baked, smear anything, shake it in a frying pan. I never regretted that I bought it.
Quote: IRR

Valyushka! again
in a submerged pancake, everything is baked from one side. AND? you then wrap it up don't fry the second side? or is it unnecessary?
I'm dumb

Quote: Oca

You can turn it over to the other side and fry it a little, but the "wrong side" does not blush very much, because it does not adhere well to the pancake maker due to bubbles. But what a thrill - I dipped it in the dough and wait for it to be baked, smear anything, shake it in a frying pan. I never regretted that I bought it.

Irin, Masha has already answered!
while the pancake is baking, I'm watching a movie or I'm sitting here (I drag my laptop into the kitchen and get high)!
Thanks to the wasp and the doblet, I read and bought a submerged pancake!
Masha, Valya
What is your pancake maker's diameter? to wrap conveniently
Quote: IRR

Masha, Valya
What is your pancake maker's diameter? to wrap conveniently

20 cm. Of course they are not very large, but tasteful and not laborious!
I will supplement the answer with pictures. In fact, the pancake fits a little on the edges, it turns out 20 cm in diameter:
Pancake maker Pancake maker
It is curious, but this "fried horseshoe" on the pancake does not always appear and not always in the same place, apparently depends on which part of the pancake maker is first dunked into the dough
Quote: Oca

I will supplement the answer with pictures. In fact, the pancake fits a little on the edges, it turns out 20 cm in diameter:
Pancake maker Pancake maker
It is curious, but this "fried horseshoe" on the pancake does not always appear and not always in the same place, apparently depends on which part of the pancake maker is first dunked into the dough

and I always have no such "horseshoe"! I guess I just dip the pancake into the dough evenly horizontally (at least I try)!
I, too, always fried evenly, without any horseshoes.
If the dough is thick and the pancake is thick, then it does not appear in 2 minutes, only in the third minute of baking. I don't consider it a marriage, I like the heavily fried ones Although ... hmm, I haven't unscrewed the pancake maker yet
Quote: Oca

Although ... hmm, I haven't unscrewed the pancake maker yet
It’s just amazing, but if you have a thought in your head, then it’s not far off. I watched your story with the thermopot, I felt sorry for him, so much work you put into it.
Quote: Olya_

It’s just amazing, but if you have a thought in your head, then it’s not far off. I watched your story with the thermopot, I felt sorry for him, you put so much work into it.
Yes, it's a pity I really didn't want to part with him. And there in the subject I asked about another, but so far there is silence ... To be honest, I want not how many thermopots, how many thermos with a pump, so that with a glass flask. It will be possible to pour lemonade into the glass in the summer and throw ice, otherwise you can drink from the refrigerator - your teeth ache.
Exactly, I found something to do, I will torment the pancake maker (if only I needed a screwdriver)
Uraaaaaa! Here I am the owner of the Tefal 6044 pancake maker
Pancake maker
Already baked pancakes. Happy as an elephant !!!
Pancake maker
I have the same))). I only use it for small pancakes.
Pancake maker
Pancake maker for 4 pancakes Tefal. Sold in Krasnodar, most likely used, for 800r. I can call, redeem and send if anyone needs
Hello everyone. Somehow I never thought about a pancake maker, I saw only members of the forum in the list of equipment, that in my opinion almost everyone has Orion. For fun, I went to this thread - and caught fire. Just explain to me, ignorant, what does a dip pancake maker mean? How is it better or worse than the usual one? And what should you generally pay attention to when searching, choosing? I want something inexpensive, because I'm already in the process of ordering a pressure cooker and also in search of a robot vacuum cleaner))) my husband will kick out of the house
Helgoncha there are a lot of videos on YouTube, here is one of them. Only in fact nothing drips anywhere! These are some crooked pens ... Oh, I’ll figure out how to shoot a video with a camera down and show you a master class!
Thank you so much. Got it. And what is better in the end? submersible or conventional? I understand that here are very popular among members of the forum: Orion and unit40?
My sister has an immersed pancake, they bake with the whole family and without swagger, like in a video.
I do not know how to bake ordinary pancakes, how many times I tried to evenly pour and shake the dough in a frying pan - I am still unhappy with the result. Therefore, to everyone who loves thin pancakes (but does not know how to make them) I recommend the immersion type.Whoever likes plump pancakes or rather plump yeast pancakes - immersion will not work for them.
Quote: Oca

I do not know how to bake ordinary pancakes, how many times I tried to evenly pour and shake the dough in a frying pan - I am still unhappy with the result. Therefore, I recommend to everyone who loves thin pancakes (but does not know how to make them) submersible a type. Whoever likes plump pancakes or rather plump yeast pancakes - immersion will not work for them.
I do not agree! I used to think I was baking thin pancakes !!! But, having bought Tefal, I realized that no ... I diluted it with milk and water, the recipe that I baked in a pan (I bake it on choux pastry) turned out to be so thin that my husband was "stunned" ... Now I'm experimenting with different recipes, but he remembers these ... It all depends on the skill ... and the liquid of the dough ...
Irina Sht.
Well, now, I've read, seen enough. I found myself a used Tefal, received it today. I immediately fried mini-pancakes. I was very pleased. Here's my first stack.
Pancake maker
Hello everyone!
Urgently) we need a crepe maker! I liked the design, as in the video. Where to immerse the VES SK-A2?
Please advise what to buy for baking thin pancakes. Thank you.
Lady, the pancake maker should include a plate for dough. VES pancake makers were spotted in Yulmart for 750 and 810 rubles Or check with AylensWhat kind of Tefal she has, I have not met the pancakes of this company at all, I saw only one Severin in the whole city.
Thank you! I ordered yesterday VES SK-A3 for 790r, and today they have 800). I'll get it tomorrow, I'll test it.

And another question. On a classic electric one can you bake thick yeast pancakes, I call them "paralon")?
I am reporting. Received, experienced. Liked. Nuances - you need to either grease or add oil to the dough, otherwise it sticks. Strong chemical smell from the "gut", I hope there will be no tomorrow). I rarely bake pancakes, they have never been so thin. I don't know how for a large family, but for 1-2 eaters it is quite convenient.
Sorry for your attention).
I continue. Today she was baking pancakes again, the stench was unbearable. It smells like black plastic on both the base and the case. What to do...
Please tell me if anyone has used such a pancake maker and do not know how to deal with this problem with the Saturn ST-EC6001?
Thank you.

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