Vanilla marshmallow

Category: Confectionery


Apple puree 400 g
Sugar 330 g
Egg whites 70 g (from 2 eggs)
For syrup:
Sugar 500 g
Water 250 g
Agar agar 17 g

Cooking method

  • The story, alas, is sad. Rather, the ending is sad. But I'll tell you everything in order, and then analyze the errors.
  • This recipe, like the entire technology, was taken from the technological reference book, and also summarized the information received from Admin - she gave me links and recipes from other forums.
  • All the recipes for the "classic" marshmallow necessarily featured applesauce. Moreover, it had to be examined for the presence of pectin and acidity. I could not do this at home, so I decided to buy "Frutonyanya" puree - it is sugar-free and without preservatives. Expensive - 250g - 35 rubles ($ 1) And I needed 2 cans, but for the sake of experimenting I went to the costs I argued that I needed the most chopped puree and I wouldn't do that at home. Today, when I was already fully "ripe" for action, it turned out that one bvnka of puree .... was gone. And no one knows where I, of course, guess, but what can you do now ... "The nut of knowledge is hard, but, nevertheless, we are not used to retreating!" I held sugar for 4 minutes under the lid in the microwave. Hot rubbed through a fine sieve. My missing 150 g was replenished. Moreover, I liked my puree much more than the purchased one. "Frutonyanya" turned out to be the same in consistency, but much darker and with a bright bitterness in taste. While mine is very pleasant, fragrant and with a mild apple flavor. See how they look in a bowl:
  • Vanilla marshmallow
  • The first conclusion: for marshmallows, you can and should make mashed potatoes yourself! It is not long, much cheaper and the appearance is better!
  • I set the syrup to cook as for a protein cream. That is, water with sugar and a strong fire.
  • Agar was soaked half an hour before the action. Soak agar with 7-10 times the amount of water. That is, if we take 17 g of agar, then the water is 119-170 and stir vigorously until smooth. When swelling, you should get a "semolina" in consistency.
  • Timed out the time. I deliberately took a hand mixer, and not with a fixed bowl, in order to at the same time conduct an experiment on kneading the mass with the most "home" means. Not everyone has a planetary mixer and this should not stop action!
  • "According to the book," it was first necessary to knock down just sugar with mashed potatoes "until a fluffy mass was obtained." Okay, lush so lush, although what is there for the air to cling to? After 5 minutes, there was such a gruel:
  • Vanilla marshmallow
  • The syrup is boiling, so I moved on to the second stage - I poured the proteins into the bowl and began to knock everything together. Well, it's already more fun! The mass began to turn white:
  • Vanilla marshmallow
  • I began to beat her with trebled energy, because the book says that the apple mixture needs to increase in volume 3-3.5 times! This had to be finished until the syrup was completely boiled down. The contents of the red bowl turned out to be responsive and obediently rose before our eyes. By the time the syrup boils completely, which is exactly 15 minutes according to my observations, the mass has become like this:
  • Vanilla marshmallow
  • If the syrup does not boil for a long time, do not worry, extra time for churning the apple mixture, according to my observations, will not hurt.
  • In the book version, in the composition of sugar syrup, half the weight was taken by molasses. I deliberately did not take it (after all, there is practically no place to buy it in retail!), And replaced the entire weight with sugar.
  • My mistake: I didn’t take into account that apples already had acid and a half-teaspoon spilled without a top, because the syrup needed an anti-crystallizer and a "counterweight" - sahar.But, on the other hand, acid greatly reduces the gelling properties of agar, so you need to use it carefully. I lost my guard and paid: (Agara added everything at once, stirred and poured into the apple mixture. It immediately became liquid-liquid like water! But it did not fall off, and the frothiness was good.
  • Vanilla marshmallow
  • I decided to knock down with a mixer until it begins to thicken. But ... it never began to thicken. I moved it into a bowl of water and already began to stir with a spoon, thickened to thick sour cream and EVERYTHING. When the mixture became room temperature, I "disconnected from the life support systems" this substance and figured out whether to look for one more concern - to wash the toilet bowl or dispose of this "marshmallow" in some other way. Photographed at last
  • Vanilla marshmallow
  • and tried it. The apple flavor is felt. Very nice! Acid excess is clear. The density is zero.
  • I draw conclusions
  • The agar was calculated correctly. The mixture did not set normally for the following reasons:
  • 1. I shifted the acid-her, taking into account the acidity of the puree, it was necessary to drop a few crystals and not half a spoon.
  • 2. Agar I have is weaker than "in their recipe."
  • 3. The calculation was that there is also pectin in apples - it will also help to gel, and in my puree there was, perhaps, little pectin. I didn't take Antonovka.
  • General conclusion
  • Agar next time for reinsurance I will take 2 tablespoons - 30-35 grams.
  • I will put the acid in the syrup purely symbolically.
  • General impressions of marshmallows
  • The total cooking time, including preparing apples, rubbing through a sieve, churning and "reanimating" - 40 minutes. If I hadn't fiddled with cooling, but had a normally solidifying semi-finished product, then during the same time it would have been deposited through a large asterisk - that is, molded. so the recipe is quick, low-troublesome, inexpensive (if you make mashed potatoes from apples). I thought that I would "cut myself off" on the apple mixture - it would not go off "3.5 times", but screwed up with the syrup. It's a shame! Happiness was so close, so possible!
  • If someone follows in my footsteps and comes to shaping. then the reference book says "to plant the thickening mass, let it dry at room temperature for 24 hours." It was also said that it is necessary to sprinkle the ready-made halves with powdered sugar to form a crust. but at what point - I did not understand. Decide along the way.
  • Here. She reported for her shoals And people waited for marshmallows

Hello dear CONFECTIONERS! I want to tell you about my unsuccessful attempt to make a marshmallow. Only today I noticed that there are actually two marshmallow links: marshmallows and vanilla marshmallows. Something is wrong here, because the second recipe lacks vanilla, but the first one does. And I, unfortunately, got in without looking at the second recipe. Unanswered questions began to arise along the way. I first whipped the whites, then added sugar, and only then the applesauce. This means that the opposite is true in that recipe. And for me it was this mass that turned out to be very lush without problems.
Vanilla marshmallow
And here's the syrup - it says a pound of sugar per 250 ml of water. And in what amount of water did you need to soak agar-agar? This point in the recipe is completely incomprehensible. I poured 150 ml into the syrup, and in 100 soaked st. l agar and half st. tablespoons of pectin (something is wrong here, there is clearly not enough water for soaking). Everything mixed normally, but the mass did not "grab". The mass turned out in consistency, like a very thick sour cream with a slight hint of jelly. The taste is strongly apple. My dotsya spread this mass on bread. But you can't eat much of it.
Vanilla marshmallow
Today I decided to analyze my mistakes - and I saw the first recipe !!! Can somehow correct "Vanilla marshmallow", so that something concrete would come out of it. Someone can also step on the same rake ...
Jefry , and what recipes did you use? From this site or from some other site? Rewrite here or give a link so that you can compare and understand the error ... I personally made marshmallows myself, there are step-by-step photos and analyzed errors ... One thing I can tell you right now: the presence of vanillin (or its absence) in no way affects gelation. so that's not the point, but what, let's figure it out.Sorry products
I already asked about marshmallows here, and I was sent to the first page of this topic (quite rightly). Therefore, when my hands got to the point of cooking, I quickly went there and clicked on the first word "marshmallow" that caught my eye. As it turned out later, I got on "vanilla":
Post 389 (p. 26) - Making Vanilla Zephyr
And my result is not very different from what happened in the end there.
But, it seems to me, that recipe also has the right to life, if the agar manipulations are correctly described. And change the name to "apple".
And I needed to be here:
Post 297 (p. 20) - making a Zephyr
Jefry , I will have to "answer for my words", because it was my recipe that caused you difficulties and failure.
I'll start over. The recipe was taken as a basis from the GOST recipe reference book, recalculated for a small portion. There were many marshmallow recipes out there, and they all had an applesauce base. From this I conclude that strictly speaking, all marshmallows according to GOST are apple... Additives in the form of vanilla and pink paint give the name "vanilla", chocolate glaze on top - "marshmallow in chocolate", there is "spring" and so on, but the base is always one - applesauce. You yourself can call the marshmallow whatever you want, but without the applesauce it's already, alas, TU. Basically, the apple flavor in marshmallows is soft, unobtrusive and quite appropriate ...
Regarding "in more detail to paint about agar" your remark is fair, but that post, alas, is no longer amenable to editing. If you are interested in what I would add there, then I will write here:
Soak agar with 7-10 times the amount of water. That is, if we take 30 g of agar, then 210-300 water and stir vigorously until smooth. When swelling, you should get a "semolina" in consistency.
When the question of the technology for making marmalade was discussed, some girls noted. that agar and not soaked behaved well in the syrup and in the final product. But I'm used to soaking. Therefore, they did not argue, everyone does how they have adapted.
Along with the fact that a significant amount of water went into the agar, I leave the water in the syrup at the same value of -250g. Because you can pour as much as you like there, the difference will be only in the time of evaporation of this water. And the thickness of the syrup will be the same.
Jefry , this was my first experience of making marshmallows at home and it is not surprising that he "did not get enough". I posted pictures, comments and analyzed the errors in great detail, so that they are not allowed by other users.
It is definitely worth trying another recipe (which you mentioned in the link) and comparing. I can’t say anything about him, I didn’t do that.
The general conclusion, which, I think, will drastically affect the quality of the marshmallow. Experimentally, you need to find the optimal ratio "mixture: agar" or "mixture: agar: pectin" As soon as this ratio is found, it will be possible to do, I think. both on apricot and on devil's puree and the marshmallow will always be delicious.
Good afternoon everyone! I wanted to cook a marshmallow, I go to Temka, but there are no recipes with a positive result. I had to dig the Internet, and there is no, or rather there is, but without applesauce and agar. I decided to experiment. And it worked. I wanted to share. SO: Soak 2 teaspoons of agar in 175 ml of water, prepare 180 g of apple puree and stir in the lemon on the tip of the tea while still hot. spoons, 260g sugar and 2 proteins (70-80g). Beat the whites. Put the soaked agar on the fire, bring to a boil, add sugar and cook the syrup until a weak ball, then send the puree there and bring to a boil again. She kept it on the fire for a little more and poured it into the protein in a thin stream. I beat it for another 2 minutes and quickly poisoned the mass into a bag with the widest nozzle. I put it on a tray covered with cling film. They froze well, the relief is good, it remains to sprinkle with powder and glue them in pairs.The taste is similar to marshmallow, the apple is felt, but I would like to have a higher density, they are too light and airy. Maybe someone will try to cook them and tell me how to achieve this density?
I also decided to make marshmallows according to this recipe, due to the presence of apples in it. I had an apple jam from "glory to the winner", small, but not uniform.
did the norm. sugar seemed a bit too much, so I put less. Agar for every fireman put more acid did not lay down at all. and whipped generally with a blender whisk
the very principle of preparation: we cook syrup from water and sugar. in the meantime, as in the recipe, beat the mashed potatoes, proteins and sugar. I did not particularly follow the increase. then added agar to the syrup and puree. beat until tired. I put the bowl in a container of cold water - it immediately began to thicken around the edges. Well, to be on the safe side, I whipped until it became thick. and thickens right before our eyes. I only managed to mold half of it, the rest had to just be applied with a spoon. waited for half an hour baby, sprinkled with powder. and after a couple of hours you could try. the marshmallow turned out to be very airy, tender and tasty. it was not for nothing that I reduced the sugar and did not add acid, everything turned out great!
so thanks for the recipe
I also made marshmallows using this recipe. I baked the apples for mashed potatoes, put honey instead of molasses (I didn't think of anything else). At first I did it with gelatin (it turned out very tender, like bird's milk), and this one with agar (thanks to Lilichka, she sent me). With agar, it turned out as dense as real.Vanilla marshmallow,Vanilla marshmallow
Good day!
I want to ask for advice from knowledgeable people.
I made marshmallows, the consistency turned out to be too delicate, and not dense, like the real one ... it turned out to be deposited with a large asterisk. but the marshmallow almost flowed out of the bag, I don't know if it's ok There is a suspicion that the fact is that the syrup was not cooked to the desired consistency. I wanted to clarify how to determine this suitable syrup thickness?
Quote: Doriana

I wanted to clarify how to determine this suitable syrup thickness?

It is best to determine the ball by measuring the tamper.
Also look here MK:
Thanks for the answer ... ummm, ball) * rustled to watch MK *
but unfortunately there is no thermometer, but if with it, what should be the temperature of the syrup ??
OVER night, the marshmallow dried up and approached the store, do you think it is not dense because of the undercooked syrup? who faced?
Quote: inucya

I also made marshmallows using this recipe. I baked the apples for mashed potatoes, put honey instead of molasses (I didn't think of anything else). At first I did it with gelatin (it turned out very tender, like bird's milk), and this one with agar (thanks to Lilichka, she sent me). With agar, it turned out as dense as real.Vanilla marshmallow,Vanilla marshmallow

Share your experience please, did you do everything EXACTLY according to the recipe, or what subtleties did you notice? I'm interested in agar. And one more thing: I got a pronounced apple taste (not like in a store, there it is barely felt), but what about you?
Cake, thanks for the recipe and error analysis. I did it on half a portion (I had 12g of agar). Everything worked out, does not spread, though 1 hour after having planted it - very tender. I wonder how much to dry.
Hello. I made marshmallows for the first time, according to the recipe that Polik wrote:
Quote: Polik

SO: Soak 2 teaspoons of agar in 175ml of water, prepare 180g apple puree and stir in the lemon on the tip of the tea while still hot. spoons, 260g sugar and 2 proteins (70-80g). Beat the whites. Put the soaked agar on the fire, bring to a boil, add sugar and cook the syrup until a weak ball, then send the puree there and bring to a boil again. She held it on the fire for a little more and poured it into the protein in a thin stream. She beat up another 2 minutes and quickly poisoned the mass into a bag with the widest nozzle. I put it on a tray covered with cling film. They froze well, the relief is good, it remains to sprinkle with powder and glue them in pairs.The taste is similar to marshmallow, the apple is felt, but I would like to have more density, they are too light and airy. Maybe someone will try to cook them and tell me how to achieve this density?

But given her experience, agar put in more - 1 tablespoon, not 2 tsp. When I poured hot syrup into the whipped whites, the mass was very liquid, it seemed to me right away that it was "the first pancake-lump." But I beat for 1 minute, for 2 minutes the mass cooled down a little, beat it for another 2 minutes and it began to thicken before our eyes! : yahoo: I quickly put it in a bag with a beautiful attachment and squeezed it onto a baking sheet with baking paper. And then she glued the halves with chocolate and sent them to the refrigerator. Delicious, tender, I will make my daughter for her birthday !!!!
GOOD LUCK TO ALL WITH Zephyr !!! Not as difficult as it seems at first glance!
girls-beauties, tell me for the sake of Christ ... I made a marshmallow here, which is actually marshmallow in cubes ... the recipe was not taken from here, but it is very similar. for the first time it turned out, I think very much, not bad, it's a pity only the lemon, either I forgot, or the author of the recipe - there is a very lack of acid, a bit luscious, well, yes, it can be solved simply, but the consistency ...
It turned out very tenderly, it was not a marshmallow, but a layer for the cake - you can still raise the bar, but if you hold it at one end, the second will fall off ... put it on the grate to dry - and the grate "cuts" this pastille ... I had about half of the ingredients what is in the recipe here, but agar is only 3 grams.
Do you need more agar for greater rigidity or are there any other subtleties?
tell me how much pectin should be taken instead of agar, I don't like agar

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