Luda, and I understand, I'm joking like that! No, they did not bite, I am friends with them. I do not have time to do anything, I will be krvtit tomorrow morning, wrapped in a sheet at night - they dry quickly. I will definitely tell you about my impressions. But this is the first and last such tea this year - I'm afraid of injury, it's difficult to get it on rough terrain. Nothing, there are only 9.5 months left until next season!
Veronica, yeah ... I get it ... But I'm also surprised - I brazenly climb to the flowers, and the bees give way ... Polite.
Quote: paramed1
wrapped in a sheet for the night - they dry quickly.
Yes, it's warm now. And I made tea when it was cold and damp, so they dried for a long time.
Quote: paramed1
Nothing, only 9.5 months left until next season!
Just ...
I want to add that very tasty tea is obtained from a mixture of aniseed lofant and tarragon (leaves).
Everything is done exactly as described for fireweed.
Ludmila, I looked through your recommended articles on teas, it's hard to agree that the optimal fermentation temperature is 30 degrees. At this temperature, chances are high. that the leaves after a certain time will simply be covered with mold. Well, everyone chooses their own path, who likes what. I have described the method I use and which gives a concrete positive result. Good luck!
Quote: lohhersonskiy
I have looked through your recommended articles on teas, it is difficult to agree that the optimal fermentation temperature is 30 degrees.
lohhersonskiy, these are not articles, but simply recipes. But 30 * is not a figure taken from the ceiling. Moreover, not 30 *, but less - from 22 to 26 *. If you read the recipes carefully, then everything is justified there (based on the production of traditional tea).
Quote: lohhersonskiy
At this temperature, chances are high. that the leaves after a certain time will simply be covered with mold.
Long-fermenting tea is covered with mold. We do not ferment for more than 1.5 days so as not to lose the aroma of the tea. During this time, he does not have time to mold. For 4 years of making tea, there has never been mold.
Quote: lohhersonskiy
Well, everyone chooses their own path, who likes what. I have described the method I use and which gives a concrete positive result. Good luck!
Agree! And I respect your experience! And good luck to you!
Ludmila, look, whether the husband has typed? He says there is still a lot of Ivan-tea that has not even blossomed, so there is an opportunity to collect this year as well. Summer bypassed us, apparently, that is why the flowering process took so long)).
Ivan-tea "White-pink" (from the tops)
Olga, they are the most! Topsiiiii! Congratulations! so you will be with tea. Well done husband! Hi to him!
But you also collect the leaves for regular tea.
Ludmila, thanks from my husband))). He said that he could still type. It's great, otherwise wait until next year ...
Olga, to your health! Now, the main thing is to make a tea. good luck!
Elena Kadiewa
And I fly by with this tea, yesterday I climbed all my grounds, there are no tops, almost flowers, and I did not even dry them.
"everything is justified there (based on the production of traditional tea)"
I would not want to seem boring, but I cannot remain silent, since there is no justification for these recipes. I specially looked on the Internet for the fermentation temperature, for example, before tobacco was fermented at a temperature of 30 *, at this temperature the fermentation time was at least 30 days! Moreover, if the fermentation is carried out at 22 ... 26 degrees (i.e. at room temperature), then the fermentation process should take much longer and in general the question arises whether it can be called a fermentation process. Ludmila, sorry, I will no longer terrorize you about fermentation. Be healthy!
lohhersonskiy, you will have to try your method, though now probably only leaves can be collected, there are no buds anymore ...
Lily, in my opinion, it is in the leaves that all the healing power of fireweed is concentrated. Therefore, do not worry about no buds and collect the leaves.But here is another problem - at this time the leaves already have defects, therefore, when collecting, you need to pay attention to the leaves without defects (yellowness, black dots, etc.). You wrote "your way". This method is not mine, I studied the problem of making tea from fireweed and put together what I saw fit. At first, I was skeptical about freezing fireweed in the freezer. But after testing, I was convinced that freezing helps to more effectively disrupt the structure of the leaf, and therefore more effectively to make fermentation. And I recommend strictly observing temperature conditions. Good luck!
Elena Kadiewa
lohhersonskiy, every recipe has a right to life, yours too.
Quote: lohhersonskiy
it is in the leaves that all the healing power of fireweed is concentrated.
lohhersonskiy, the topic is devoted to tea as a drink for everyday use, and not a medicinal infusion. If you are treated with ivan tea, then it is better to harvest the herb in the classical way, and not find out at what temperatures it is better to ferment the raw materials. There is a science of biochemistry, where it has long been found out how, where and when various processes occur. And we are here sometimes without science, how tastier ...
Dear Veronica, before you write such nonsense, you should study the problem. The fact is that drinking tea from fireweed that has not undergone fermentation is not only tasteless, but also harmful. Unfermented willow tea contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Drinking it regularly can lead to liver problems.
Cheers, Veronica. I wish you happiness and love!
lohhersonskiy, firstly, this tone is not acceptable for us at all on the website and in tea topics, including!
Secondly, we have serious doctors and pharmacists in our topics. They prepare tea using this technology. Know about herbs and methods of their use almost EVERYTHING. They drink tea themselves and advise others.
Thirdly, we ferment fireweed... Everywhere it is said that fermentation is carried out before the first signs of a strong floral-fruity aroma. We have one.
Fourth, when cooking fermented willow tea I relied on Odintsov's article published in the journal Science and Life a long time ago, when censorship was still in force (there is a link to the article in the recipe).
Fifth, you have not given any serious justifications for your method... The link you gave displays anywhere, but not to serious information about tea. Apparently, this is something like LJ. But for me, the Chinese are much more authoritative in matters of tea making than bloggers ..
Sixth, almost all Ivan tea lovers in Russia ferment tea using this technology. I am not saying that your technology is wrong and I am not criticizing it, treating you with respect. I ask you to show the same to our members of the forum.
Seventh, You are making an analogy with the fermentation of tobacco ... We prepare tea according to the classic tea making technology. Links to a Chinese author's book on tea are given at the end of the recipe.
Eighth, we drink tea for a long time and our health is only getting better. Moreover, this is noted by all members of the forum.
Ninth, I bow to you and wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
Quote: lohhersonskiy
The fact is that drinking tea from fireweed that has not undergone fermentation is not only tasteless, but also harmful. Unfermented willow tea contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
"In search of alkaloids

Initially, the author was only interested in the chemical composition of the described plants, more precisely, the content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) in them, among which there are strong liver poisons. All PA-containing plants were banned by the German Pharmacopoeia Department for medical use, which greatly upset herbalists. In the fragrant goldenrod, these poisons, most likely, are not. It was possible to find a work in which this was specifically clarified for the early or June goldenrod (Solidago juncea).
However, data on the cypress, which also fell into the black German list, are absent in the literature. The chemical composition of willow tea was studied for various reasons, but the presence of PA was not noted anywhere.Moreover, it has been established that fireweed (more precisely, a certain fraction of its tannins) has anti-cancer activity. This property is of practical importance. At the All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), fireweed is cultivated, but not the one that we all know - not with dark pink flowers, but with white ones. This subspecies was found by an expedition in the Velikiye Luki region. Albino fireweed contains slightly more polyphenols of the desired fraction, and there are no anthocyanin dyes in it. It is understood that fewer reagents are required to discolor a white color preparation during purification.
It remains to be assumed that the PA content in fireweed is insignificant (if any). It is possible that the situation here is the same as with borago (aka cucumber grass). Borago contains only 0.001% PA, and in Germany it cannot be treated, but use it for food as much as you want. "
A.S.Sadovsky, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Tata, thanks for the link, but you have not refuted the fact that fireweed tea has absolutely no taste or smell. if you just take grass. not fermented.
Expensive Ludmila, drink tea the way you like. I don't care about that. You remarked to me that my answer to Veronica was written in an unacceptable tone, while you did not notice that my answer was nothing more than an adequate reaction to Veronica's comment.
The example with tobacco I gave just to show that fermentation at 30 degrees takes a long time. And fireweed is no exception.
Quote: lohhersonskiy
tea made from fireweed has absolutely no taste or smell. if you just take grass. not fermented.
Quote: lappl1
we ferment fireweed. Everywhere it is said that fermentation is carried out before the first signs of a strong floral-fruity aroma. We have one.
Procurement of fireweed as a medicinal raw material is another topic.
And these are your words
Quote: lohhersonskiy

Expensive Ludmila, fermentation at 30 degrees takes a long time.
So there is fermentation.
Elena Kadiewa
Tata, well done! We, with our liberalism, are ashamed to answer more directly, and sometimes it is very necessary! The author of the statements on the campaign did not read our cooking recipe, or superficially, if he contradicts himself.
Ladies, congratulations! Apparently we have another pharmacist, right, Tata? Well, in any case - thank you for your comments.
Galina Iv.
Quote: lohhersonskiy
my answer is nothing more than an adequate response to Veronica's comment.
Dear tea-maker! You will read Veronica's comment calmly, good-naturedly, and you will not even notice the shadow of some unpleasant tone. It all depends on how you read it yourself, Veronica's post is really written in a very friendly tone.
We do not constantly drink the same tea, today Ivan's tea, tomorrow raspberries, then a dozen more different teas. I was born and raised in a village in the north, so all my distant ancestors all their life drank Ivan tea, made fruit drinks from lingonberries and cranberries, drank chaga, even my dad (he is 87 years old) remembers from his grandfathers that they drank Ivan tea. ... My dad still does not drink purchased tea, he either needs to breed berries or he drinks my teas with pleasure.
A Veronica we have a very respected person who knows a lot about the benefits of all plants and biochemical processes that occur during fermentation and not only, and she is not an amateur in this area, but a person with scientific degrees.
lohhersonskiy, I can't address you by name, come to us here, just without a nervous breakdown, a quiet and calm conversation and discussion of different methods of making Ivan tea for a delicious drink will only benefit everyone.
elena kadiewa, Thank you. No, I'm not a pharmacist. It's just that the author either does not think about what he writes or writes without thinking.
lohhersonskiy, yes, I studied the problem ... for five and a half years. And it seems to me that if the Russian people made it to the 21st century and did not die out from drinking Koporye tea, which has been prepared since ancient times using exactly the same technology that we, and not only we, adhere to, then that says something.Sorry, but I will not delve into the jungle of chemical reactions that take place during the fermentation process, although they are simple. So you can write down pickling cabbage as very harmful.
And for the wish of love and happiness - thank you. As they say, wishes to someone return to the one who wishes.
Quote: lohhersonskiy
Dear Lyudmila, drink your tea the way you like. I don't care about that. You remarked to me that my answer to Veronica was written in an unacceptable tone, while you did not notice that my answer is nothing more than adequate response to Veronica's comment.
lohhersonskiy, but I care about what kind of tea the forum users drink, so I constantly study this issue. We can say every day. In addition, a well-mannered person, reacting adequately, will choose words that do not humiliate the interlocutor.
You seem to have studied only one article about alkaloids, which I read at the dawn of my tea making. And I also studied the refutation of Russian scientists on this article. You are again trying to prove to us that we are drinking unfermented tea. I harvest willow tea leaves as a medicinal herb. Believe me, the difference in taste and aroma with my fermented teas is huge. In the first case, it is just a medicinal infusion. Secondly - a drink with a nectar-honey aroma and wonderful taste.
I repeat that according to the technology described in the recipes, tea is prepared all over Russia, including licensed producers. In addition, if you have carefully studied the issue, then traditional tea contains from 2 to 5% alkaloids. In Ivan tea - 0.1%. But the Ministry of Health allows ordinary tea to be consumed.
On this, let me bow to you completely. I will not enter into a discussion with you anymore. For one reason, it is difficult to speak with a person who, as arguments, refers to a single article (to which a refutation was given a long time ago), admits rudeness and does not substantiate his method, unsubstantiatedly declaring that it is the only correct one.
Quote: lohhersonskiy
but you have not refuted the fact that fireweed tea has absolutely no taste or smell. if you just take grass. not fermented.
lohhersonskiy, in pursuit ... Why would Tate refute? She doesn't harvest the grass. She ferments fireweed leaves according to the technology described in the recipe. And he receives tea with excellent taste and aroma.
Therefore, we ferment, do not worry about us! Half of the forum would not have been drinking tea for a whole year that tastes like a medicinal infusion. You haven't tried this method, so don't talk about what you don't know about.
Lyudmila. you promised not to communicate with me anymore!
Galina Iv.
Girls, and the other day my dad made us laugh straight: I gave him cottage cheese for dinner .. he ate it quite a bit and says: I don’t want it anymore, he doesn’t have a rustic flavor)) ..
and we: where are we with a rustic flavor we will find you in St. Petersburg
Ludmila, I have to ask you. I ask you to make the tea as I described above. taste and report the result. It can be done?
Luda, dry. Forgive me ... and so on. I mixed the tops and leaves in a 1: 1 ratio (weight of dried raw materials), otherwise, well, it didn't work out at all ... The smell, of course, not like when drying leaves, goes more into dried fruits and honey. I dry at 95 degrees first, then dry at 65. What a fruitful season this season - new teas, class! What a fine fellow you are!
Galina Iv.
paramed1, next season we will dry the rhizomes
Mary Poppins
Something interested me in the historicity of this tea
If everything is clear with leaves, how they were twisted, then the top tea from seed pods - was it made before or not? if so, in what way?
I, as a lover of sheet, as always looking for an alternative to a meat grinder. I don't mind it, and use it for seed pods, but still, the claws have any ideas?
Galya, dig the rhizomes in September! We grind them a couple of times, just let them try not to form granules! We blind ourselves then.
Oh, I forgot the main thing. I dried it, dried it quickly, but it turned out a little.I'll brew it in the evening.
Galina Iv.
Quote: paramed1
We grind them a couple of times, just let them try not to form granules! We blind ourselves then.
Come on, let's give Lyudochka a break from these new products, on the trail. then in September we will make dumplings from rhizomes
Lind @
Sorry to get involved in an argument. It seems to me initially incorrect to compare temperatures for tobacco and for Ivan tea.
Galina Iv.
This time I found a lot of Ivan's tea in the middle of the field, he is under a canopy of one and a half meter grass still at the stage of unblown buds
Galina Iv., well, Check mark, just don't need us in the fields with tea-seekers ....... 🔗 what if he is hiding? Gee
I also met such kids, either they got up late, or they didn't like the conditions.
Lind @
Written so deliciously. We'll have to go around the neighborhood on Saturday and look for raw materials.
I tried new tea. It seemed to me that it is very close to the fuzzy mixed with the leaves. But white-pink has a more pronounced honey taste. We have to wait a month, it will be clearer there. All the same, tops this year can not be found in decent quantities.
Elena Kadiewa
Tomorrow I will twist my mixture (leaves, boxes and a bit of tops)
Veronica, I'm glad you made the tea! Yes, there really is very little of it. Never mind, next year you will do mono tips and you will feel a big difference.
Quote: elena kadiewa
Tomorrow I will twist my mixture (leaves, boxes and a bit of tops)
Lenusik, did you find the tops? Well done! I am also interested in your opinion. true, you will also make a mixture ...
Quote: Mary Poppins
If the leaves are all clear, how they were twisted, then the top tea from seed pods - was it made before or not? if so, in what way? I, as a lover of sheet, as always looking for an alternative to a meat grinder. I don't mind it, and use it for seed pods, but still, the claws have any ideas?
Mary Poppins, Nadia, nowhere is such tea described, even on the site of the author Grachev. After all, only this year we learned about it from Tanya, who had visited the fair. Previously, flowers were only dried and added to tea. And they warn about the boxes in the Internet recipes not to take them, otherwise the tea will be with fluff. It will not work to make boxes without a meat grinder - the fluff will torment when drying. But the white-pink one can quite try to wrinkle. But we will postpone all experiments with these new teas until next year ..
Hi, Ludmila... Yesterday you hurried up and got banned. But, as the song says: "we have no barriers either at sea or on land ..." and so I am writing to you. Banning me is useless, I am an electronic engineer by education and just a thinking person. And I am writing to you not for showdowns and grievances, but only because you did not respond to my proposal - make tea with the technology that I described in detail and report the tasting result. You have not replied to this proposal, so I suggest it again. By the way, you can take a look. one woman thanked me and noted that this is the surest recipe. And the second thing I wanted to tell you about: I recommend trying the Crimean iron tea, its second name is Tatarchay. It is endemic, it grows only in the Crimea. I used to buy this herb in our city market from a herbalist friend, now I already have a small Tatar garden in my dacha. Although it is endemic, it turned out that it can grow not only in Crimea. So this Tartar tea is very tasty in tea. I will not compare with fireweed, each is good in its own way. But I really like the scent of Tartar. I've never fermented Tatar tea, I'm going to try it next year. Be healthy!
Elena Kadiewa
lohhersonskij, we make tea the way we like it!
And Zakhary makes from Tartar.
Elena, thanks for the information. How to contact this Zachariah?
Quote: Galina Iv.
sculpt dumplings from rhizomes
The idea is good On the Internet, I came across information about porridge from the rhizomes of Ivan tea (washed, dried, ground, brewed in milk) so whoever made an experience on the forum and posted the results.
Lind @
Quote: svetn
On the Internet, I came across information about porridge from the rhizomes of Ivan tea (washed, dried, ground, brewed in milk)
What for? useful? Delicious?
Quote: lohhersonskij
Yesterday you hurry up and I was banned.
lohhersonskij, here again ... Where are you only looking for such words? I was in a hurry ... I didn't hurry, but turned to the administration about violations in the topic - insults to the members of the forum. I already told you that such a tone is not acceptable here. Here is the administration and deleted your posts with insults. As an author, I don't want visitors to my topics to feel uncomfortable here.
Quote: lohhersonskij
And I am writing to you not for showdowns and grievances, but only because you did not respond to my proposal
lohhersonskij, you know, insults and with this message of mine
Quote: lohhersonskiy
Lyudmila. you promised not to communicate with me anymore!
You yourself have cut off the path to dialogue. I am always ready for constructive communication, but not in the tone that you are trying to impose.
But ivan tea has nothing to do with it. I did not criticize your method. And if you read your gratitude story, you will find mine for your method. But I already stopped making ivan tea - the leaves are not the same, coarse and with a low content of tannins, which degrades the quality of the tea. As a connoisseur of Ivan tea, you should know about this.
Quote: lohhersonskij
And the second thing I wanted to tell you about: I recommend trying the Crimean iron tea, its second name is Tatarchay.
lohhersonskij, big request to share tea themes. We have seven of them. I recommend discussing the question that interests you in the topic of teas from garden plants, so as not to create confusion. There, in the Recipe Notes, links to the Zechariah Method can be found. And then go to him.
And these are links to other tea topics:
- Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves);
- Ivan-tea "White-pink" (from the tops);
- Ivan-tea "Fluffy" (from immature seed bolls);
- Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants ;
- Country tea (fermented) - seven in one;
- Associated fermented willow tea with various additives (Galina Iv.);
- Green Ivan tea (Borisenok).

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