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Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ... (page 33)

Elya, easily ...
Elya, I wrote about mold and about vinegar, that they start from non-observance of proportions. There is little sugar, a lot of raw materials - yeast cracks sucrose quickly, there is nothing to eat and - vinegar. Vinegar, wet and cold - mold. A lot of vinegar and carbon dioxide - acetone. So everything should be prescription. And if your jam just fermented - it's not scary, but if there is even a milligram of mold, everything is thrown away.
Veronica, I don’t know what happened to the jam, opened the can, but it’s incomprehensible, and sweet, and slightly carbonated, maybe there was mold, but she didn’t raise her hand right away. Tomorrow I'll check the railway, if you don't like it, I'll throw it out.
Ale, mold is very volatile and multiplies very quickly, so it could well ruin the yeast too. In principle, it is better to put railroad cars on unprocessed raw materials, and on raw materials, things will go faster. And let the jam on the compote, boil it and everything is in order.
paramed1, that's for sure, now I opened to see my hop sourdough in the refrigerator - acetone (((.... And they said - eternal. Peroxide? Why did carbon dioxide start there?
My mash definitely loves whole grain flour. Last night I put a pre-enzyme on c / z rye flour, in the morning I look - it has grown four times
The railway was fed with sugar and a new banana skin (I threw out the old one), after 10 hours they already sizzle and are actively bubbling
AnastasiaK, I think you can spoil any product, it's a matter of time. In the end, the yeast consumes its food and begins to "eat itself" transforming itself. Here alcohol does not deteriorate, but if it is well closed, cognac is better over time, but also under certain conditions. Storage conditions are always there and must be observed. This yeast also needs to be fed, also hop yeast.
Quote: Elven
My mash definitely loves whole grain flour. Last night I put the pre-enzyme on c / z rye flour, in the morning I look - it has grown four times
Elven, Lena, Yes it is. Therefore, in almost all recipes, PF is made on the CZM. By the way, leavens also love her.
Anastasia, this is carbon dioxide, which reacts with acetic acid and many other substances, with a lack of oxygen, acetone is formed, but not always, there is a complex reaction mechanism. You try to ventilate the leaven, that is, open the jar and hold it for half an hour. But this is if the smell is weak. If it is sharp and begins to exfoliate, alas, acetone is poisonous, although very volatile.
You don't need to close the leaven tightly, and everything will be fine.
paramed1which is why I am worried - what will happen if I close my wonderful playing liquid yeast tightly and cannot open and feed it for several days. And my hop sourdough was almost fresh, for 10 days, I used it, and fed it, and opened it in the refrigerator every day, smelled it - everything was fine, but today ... acetone suddenly.
I have a twist-top jar, I just put the lid on. Or a jar with a narrow neck (not standard) I cover with a plastic lid and that's it.
Loksa, I have an ikeevsky jar with a clip. Leave it ajar? And tighten the bag?
Anastasia, sourdough and liquid yeast are different things, the composition is different. But it's not worth closing the railway tightly for a long time. But if they are in the refrigerator for 5 days, just to have food, they will have nothing. Do not tighten the lid tightly, otherwise you will open it - and there is an alcohol brew. I’ve got fed in the farm, I’ll get them every 4 days, open them a little, tell them a couple of good words and back.
Yes, you can, as Oksana wrote, just cover it with a lid. You can film and make holes in several places.
Girls, the Chinese write about the railway that they will have nothing in the refrigerator for 1 month with the lid closed. My railway is almost 2 months old. No acetone smell - just alcoholic smell. And for 1 week they certainly are not in danger.
paramed1, Thank you! Yes, I understand that they are different, I just talked with sourdough every day, and such a thing happened .... And now I have to leave for a few days, and it's a pity to spoil the good live yeast. Add some honey? For feeding without me. I don't want alcohol.
Quote: AnastasiaK
I don't want alcohol
Nastya, how do you want alcohol? This is alcoholic yeast. Due to alcoholic fermentation, the dough rises. so the more of this alcoholic fermentation, the better the dough and bread.
And you can feed it with some apple and, of course, sugar and honey. Nothing will happen to them, you'll see.
Quote: lappl1
only alcohol smell.
Nastya, the alcohol smell is the smell of mash. I think you have the same.
lappl1, okay I will try. Now I looked into a jar of yeast from the fridge - there was silence .... The activity dropped dramatically, and yesterday, when I put them in the fridge, they played like that, there was so much foam. Well, there’s nothing to do, I’ll leave them on their own, let's see what happens.
And yet - I put the hop sourdough on the table, opened the can, the specific smell of acetone, even if you do a manicure, shook the contents to mix it a little, now there is no smell and the bubbles are actively playing. She's alive?? Can it be reanimated?
Quote: AnastasiaK
The activity dropped significantly, and yesterday when they put them in the refrigerator they played like that, there was so much foam. Well, there’s nothing to do, I’ll leave them on their own, let's see what happens.
AnastasiaK, of course, they are cold. You see that in the refrigerator they have calmed down their ardor. So, nothing will happen to them.
Quote: AnastasiaK
She's alive?? Can it be reanimated?
You go to Marina in the subject of hop sourdough. Or to Vika. They will tell you everything. And I am not yet experienced in leaven. So far, I'm fine with them (mmm).
Anastasia, if the smell is gone in half an hour, taste it. If there is no aftertaste, then everything is in order, they will work. And the smell of mash is normal, alcohol completely evaporates when steeping and baking. Add them something to eat, better than ordinary white sugar, a teaspoon in a glass of water and calmly go where you want and how much you need. Just do not tighten the clamp tightly in the xk, where it is 5 degrees. They will sleep there. Sourdough is a more finicky animal.
Lyuda, you keep them in the h-ke for 2 months and you don’t do anything with them at all, that is, did you put them on and forget? So you feed well! I'm still afraid with a tightly closed lid, because I'm not sure about the raw materials, not mine ... I screw it a little so that if I grab it by the neck, the jar won't slip out. But when I take it out of the hock and revive it, then I close it tightly - let it multiply!
By the way, here is my yesterday's liquid yeast bread
Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ...
The preenzyme stood for 6 hours, increased 2, 5 times. The dough was allowed to stand for about 2.5 hours, it came up great. And the workpiece took an hour. Baked for 25 minutes. Very airy and light, but sour, I think.
AnastasiaK, awesome bread! Myakish is a lovely sight! Well done !
And what sour is not from the railway, but from the material that I did. My raspberry sour, and the rest - no. But the sourness was very good. pleasant.
Quote: paramed1
Lyuda, you keep them in the h-ke for 2 months and you don’t do anything with them at all, that is, did you put them on and forget?
Veronica, yes, I do. I put it on and forgot it until the next bake. With a tightly closed lid. Yesterday's tea-houses stood for 3 weeks. Yesterday (from the fridge) sizzled like champagne. I took it to the PF in the evening, refilled it with water, fed it with tea and sugar, and now I will clean it up, because, I'm afraid, the screw cap is rolled up - so they are seething.
Now, if it were not for me writing the recipe, but reading the whole topic, I would also have a mess in my head - close - not close, I would rush about. And so, it was easier for me - as I read from the Chinese, so I do. Why reinvent the wheel? Of course, I am in favor of delving into the essence of the process. She herself is.I seem to have penetrated. Anaerobes don't need air. So I'll keep it with the lid closed. It's like with tea. I know that anaerobes mostly work there. Aerobic bacteria first. Therefore, we ram our tea, do not close the lid tightly.
Quote: lappl1

Elven, Lena, Yes it is. Therefore, in almost all recipes, PF is made on the CZM. By the way, leavens also love her.
Agree. It's just that, in my opinion, Victoria wrote that she had a PF and in the highest grade almost ran out of a liter can. And I have the worst result in the highest grade. But on the c / s PF rushing like leaps and bounds But sometimes you want bread without c / s flour
By the way, my dough rose in 1.5 hours. I put the dough in the L7 form (because I missed a little with flour, it turned out a little thin ... I just can't adapt to the new flour), after 2 hours wait for the continuation of the report
Quote: Elven
By the way, my dough rose in 1.5 hours
Elven, Lena, great! This means that the railway has gained strength! And the fact that the dough did not rise well on wheat flour, so I think that you just had Wades still rather weak. It should be better now. So try it!
Quote: Elven
in 2 hours wait for the continuation of the report
We are waiting!
And now the dough on the railway is rushing not like a child. In 40 minutes, it increased by 1.5 times. But, it is true, there is a piece of old dough - also on the railway (rye-wheat). According to Lina's recipe making bread. Only she made the old dough on ordinary yeast, and I on the railway.
j @ ne
Quote: AnastasiaK
Very airy and light, but sour, it seems to me
Anastasia, did you happen to replace the water with whey? This bread (on a railway which) reveals the shades of all the components of the dough like no other.
Quote: lappl1
And now the dough on the railway is rushing not like a child. In 40 minutes, it increased by 1.5 times. But, it is true, there is a piece of old dough - also on the railway (rye-wheat). I make bread according to Lina's recipe. Only she made the old dough on ordinary yeast, and I on the railway.
Wow! I will look forward to the report. I also have this recipe in the bookmarks. I want to try it soon
j @ ne, no, although I had this thought, and the serum is in the fridge. And the yeast was on the banana. Why it is sour is not clear. Now I'm going to bake pizza, yesterday I put the dough from Anise on liquid yeast, I'll take a look.
The bread is slightly sour, and according to health - not heartburn, but some kind of acid is felt in the body.
Quote: j @ ne
This bread (on the railway which) reveals the shades of all components of the dough like no other.
j @ ne, Zhenya, so poetic ... I agree to 100!
Quote: AnastasiaK
The bread is slightly sour, and according to health - not heartburn, but some kind of acid is felt in the body.
Interesting ... From what it can be, I have no idea ...
Luda, this is it, 3 weeks, not 2 months without movement. In 2 months the yeast will gobble up everything and there will be very few of them, there will be alcohol. And they can live both in the air and without air. True, they can behave in different ways. I also close the lid, but do not tighten it tightly.
And that's why the bread turns sour ... Or something was added by Anastasia and she doesn't tell us about it, or then I don't know why. Should not. When you go over the yeast, which is unlikely, you can pour a lot of railway, the smell of yeast may remain. But the acid ... And what was the flour, Nastya?
paramed1, I did everything strictly according to the recipe (the first in the subject). Pre-enzyme on cz flour, the rest is ordinary white bread flour, salt, honey, water, grows. oil. I didn't add anything superfluous, neither dairy nor fermented milk, because I did it for the first time and relied on the recipe, I was afraid that I would ruin something with independence. The process went just like it was written. Maybe something is wrong with the yeast? Banana, honey, smell delicious, not alcohol, but fruit, the foam was violent, the cotton was savory when opened.
Boom to continue testing.
Hello everyone! I have been reading your Temka for a week now regularly, as soon as I set to do the railway, put it on dried apples and cranberries, and a bit of black tea. On the sixth day, I put the pre-enzyme. It is felt that the yeast has not yet gained strength, but is working.I was in no hurry and patiently waited, glancing over the mixture from time to time)
The bread was baked based on the recipe "Traditional English bread, from Omela. How I tried it, it is now my favorite, though sometimes I use some chemical additives."
Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ...
Here it is in the form of small bars. I just couldn't make cuts on it. The dough is not cut neatly and that's it.
Quote: paramed1
here it is, 3 weeks, not 2 months without movement.
Veronica, well, yes ... I have been doing railway for 2 months, and most of all - 3 weeks there was a jar ... In general, the girls themselves decide whether or not to close the jar with a lid. I will.
Right now I will look for the text from the Chinese about the shelf life. I will not even correct it, just read how the questions are answered and translate it yourself into Russian readable language:
Q. How often should I renew my yeast water?
A. If you keep the water in the refrigerator, you can keep it there for a month without feeding anything. You need to refresh the water / feed yeast before making the pre-fermented dough.

If you forget about your yeast water and more than a month pass, just give it a try by adding a teaspoon of sugar to the jar, put the jar at roomtemperature, wait 1 day and see if it bubbles.
Mango railway:

Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ...
Quote: Venera007
The bread was baked based on the recipe "Traditional English bread, from Omela. How I tried it, it is now my favorite, though sometimes I use some chemical additives."
Venera007, Tatiana, the gorgeous bars turned out! The crumb is correct. How does it taste? Did you like it?
Yesterday I braked. She took out the railway from the refrigerator, gave them a little warmth, fed some of them, and put a pre-enzyme on one hundred grams (unfed). It is good that the railway were reactive, in the refrigerator they raged in full force (the last time I fed them a week ago). For 12 hours, the PF increased threefold, the dough took 4 hours to ferment. Soon I will put some bread in the oven.
Here's my pizza.
Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ...
It seems to work. Now it will cool down and cut it to look like the dough inside.
During the proofing, it almost did not increase, it grew in the oven. Baked on the stone. Temperature 250.
Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ...
And now we are her ... am! Let's try.
Sonadora, Manechka, I'm going crazy too. And, apparently, I overdid it with the time of fermentation of the dough. Or with a temperature? In general, now she is forming a workpiece, but it is tearing all over. Sign of weakened gluten. Apparently, railway and old dough is a bomb! If the railways were not so active, then everything would be fine. And so - too much. Well, I'll see what happens next. Now the preparation is being broken.
Quote: AnastasiaK
Here's my pizza. Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ... It seems to work.
AnastasiaKLooks like a wonderful pizza! well, eat and tell us.
AnastasiaK, now I saw this observation of a baker on the railway (I did not correct the text):
It's okay if the dough is more than doubled, but more than the risen dough tends to be sour, be careful!)
So maybe this is the case (that the bread is sour)? You had a very reactive dough and it has grown in volume.
Luda, what do you think is being careful to be careful? I can't catch up ... And we baked cakes, the dough there was far from doubled, and there was no acid. I still don't understand where, in the absence of rye flour, the sourness comes from ...
Quote: paramed1
what do you mean, what do you think? I'm not catching up ...
Well, apparently, the dough should not be increased more than 2 times. Oh, I've read these texts in translators so much that sometimes my mind goes over my head too. And I also don't understand why the sourness.
Quote: lappl1
apparently the fact that it is not necessary to increase the dough by more than 2 times
And for me, it also increased more. And if you do not let it come up properly, then it will tear the bread during baking - no cuts will help.
Luda, and I mean the same. It MUST rise at least threefold. Oh, it's hard to understand something remotely ...
Quote: paramed1
it is difficult to understand something remotely ...
And also in Chinese ... Or, at best, in English ..
Finally I baked bread! It turned out to be very lush. And even the fact that the dough fermented did not affect its rise during proofing and baking. Hell According to Lina's recipe - on railway, prepared on fermented tea from raspberry leaves + apple + blackberry (50:30:20). As an old dough - a piece of rye-wheat 2 weeks old. Yes, and the tea is dark, so the incisions look gray. There are also a bunch of bubbles in the cuts, which burst when I cut the workpiece and never recovered. Therefore, the cuts turned out to be somehow loose. In the evening I will taste it, then I will show the bread in a cut.

Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ...
Luda, and you still swear at your oven! Look what beauty comes out of there! Well, and, of course, the pens and the head of some people have a meaning ... And I'm already on leaps and bounds today, sorry. And when will I get to the old test? Probably after the cakes ...
Quote: lappl1

Venera007, Tatiana, the gorgeous bars turned out! The crumb is correct. How does it taste? Did you like it?
I liked the taste, it differs from the starter very much. Usually I bake with dry yeast, and everything turns out great. At one time I baked on raw, but no matter what recipe I chose, I could smell yeast in the finished bread, always, even when you take a pinch of it ... And for some reason this bread on the railway also has this smell, but not so strong. But for now I will experiment, add different ingredients, try to withstand them longer, so that they are stronger. The field for experiments is huge, and I bake bread no more than twice a week, we don't eat any more.
Luda, thank you very much for your work! He's really Napoleonic!
lappl1, wonderful bread! I especially always like the color of your bread - ruddy, I just get brown.
I will take into account the increase in the grain procurement, yesterday she rose great, she breathed straight.
P. S. tasted the pizza, treated her friend and mother. Everyone liked it.
Luda, as always, a wonderful bread !!!
And my something in the form rose worse. While I stood in a bowl on a proofing - a good lane, as soon as I kneaded it and put it into a mold, I began to grow badly And did not grow much during baking. I have no luck with this form, in no way does bread work in it
Luda, take the report. Made on the basis of the GOST prescription card for Raznaya Loaf from flour v. from.

Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ... Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ...
The sample was removed (half of the loaf is gone). Tasty! Soft, slightly sweet, with a crispy crust and insanely aromatic.
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