home Culinary recipes Meat dishes Meat - selection, cutting and preparation of all types of meat

Meat - selection, cutting and preparation of all types of meat

Meat - selection, cutting and preparation of all types of meat

In this topic, I propose to get acquainted in detail with the selection, cutting and recipes and methods of preparation from different types of meat.
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Topics about meat in this section:

Where do you buy meat?

Soaking meat

Salting meat, bacon, ham

LAMB - preparation and serving

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There are a lot of ways to cook lamb: how many traditions exist. In the Near and Middle East, lamb meat is flavored with aromatic spices and boiled with fruits such as dates and apricots. Olive oil, wine, tomatoes and garlic give Mediterranean dishes a warm southern flavor.
In northern countries, dishes that are pleasing to the heart and stomach are created by adding potatoes and root vegetables to meat.

Lamb meat can be successfully cooked into a regular roast, sautéed in a deep skillet or grilled, seasoned in moderation with herbs. Any herbs from the labiate family - thyme, marjoram, oregano and savory - go well with the meat of a young lamb. The pungent smell of rosemary and dill, if not carried away, will also successfully complement the flavor range of roast. The meat will be most juicy if it is semi-roasted, that is, its color remains pink.

The longer the meat is cooked, the drier and tougher it becomes, and the flavor is lost. Many people are repelled by the specific taste of lamb fat. When cooking, fat easily penetrates into lean meat. Therefore, before heat treatment, remove as much fat as possible from the surface of the piece. The older the animal, the more fat it has and the more important this procedure is. If you still feel the fat, you can beat it off with a hot sauce, such as the peppermint sauce with vinegar, which is very popular in England.

But improving one thing worsens another, so we recommend that you cook the meat properly and enjoy its natural taste. There is so little fat in the meat of a dairy lamb or goat that it should be added on the contrary, for example, by wrapping the whole carcass in an oil seal before cooking. Dairy meat is usually fried or baked.

All about lamb
Carcass cutting
Removing bones
Marinades fillings
Grilled scoop
On a spit
Meat sauce
Lamb saddle
For the holiday
Milk lamb
Cooking and stewing
Quenching the neck
Bone broth
With potatoes
Thick flavor
Lamb meat
Color and smell
From the remains
In vegetables
With cabbage
With eggplant
With cereals

PORK - selection of pork for cooking

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The best pork meat for culinary processing, the meat of animals weighing about 100 kg, raised for meat, and not lard, is considered.

The high fat content of meat causes large losses in the preparation of pork dishes. At the same time, meat slightly sprouted with fat, the so-called marbled meat (the color is pale pink, the meat of old animals is distinguished by a dark pink color), lends itself well to culinary processing.

Pork meat is tender, only in older animals the meat is hard and sinewy. Pork ripens faster than beef.

Pork meat is salted, for a short time with the same purpose, you can fill it with milk.Canning in vinegar dressing is not used, as pork meat with small fat layers is tender.

Everything about pork
Carcass cutting
Ham preparation
Pickles pickles
Pork sauces
Pork sausages
Pork roasting
Bacon sausages
Pork chops
Spiral sausage
Deep fried
In the oven
Grilled pork
Tender meat
Making the glaze
Stuffing with herbs
Creation of the crown
Gourmet dishes
Varieties of Pot
Salted pork
Preparing the ham
Pork in jelly
Big chunk
Double cutlets
Extinguishing specifics
With cabbage
Sauce crust
Pig ears
Bake in dough
Pudding soufflé
Puree mousse
Scrap dumplings

BEEF - selection of beef for cooking

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The best beef varieties - meat of large, but young cattle. The most valuable is the meat of 20-month-old, well-fed animals. It is distinguished by its red color, juiciness. The fat on it is elastic, creamy-pink, much more muscles than bones, in contrast to the meat of old, poorly fed cattle. Older meat can be distinguished by its deep red hue; fat with an abundance of films, yellowish, flabby meat tissue. Beef fat is difficult to assimilate, it is used little for culinary purposes. It is used as deep fat.

Meatballs are prepared from bone fat.

Taste, juiciness and digestibility of beef depend on whether the meat is ripe. To speed up this process, the meat is marinated in vinegar dressing, in vegetable and vegetable oil dressing, or in milk. In addition to the quality of the meat, the preparation method, which must match the characteristics of the part of the carcass used, is of decisive importance for the softness, taste and juiciness of dishes.

Everything about beef
Carcass cutting
With vegetables
In the oven
Roasting beef
Slow roasting
On an open fire
Meat processing
In a frying pan
Fried steaks
Minced meat
Pouring meat
Complex side dishes
Beef a la Maud
Jellied meat
The perfect foundation
Beef soup
Corned beef
Meat pies
In Tatar
Onion sauce
Meat bread
Meat pudding

VEAL - cooking

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This type of meat has excellent taste and deserves no less appreciation. Unlike beef, veal tastes more refined; its best varieties can be distinguished by its finest fibers and pale pink color. At the same time, of course, one should not forget that the origin of veal is no different from beef and requires practically similar cooking methods. Recommended for seriously ill people. Small children.
All about veal
Carcass cutting
Keep juicy
Veal escalopes
Deep fried
Osso buco
Brass meat

Poultry - cooking poultry

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The finished carcasses of poultry and game are taken out of the oven, the threads are removed, transferred to another dish, and the fat is removed from the liquid remaining on the baking sheet and a gravy (juice) is prepared from it, which is poured over the bird when serving. Immediately before serving, poultry and game are chopped into portions.

Poultry and game meat, as well as products that make up baked dishes, are boiled, simmered, stewed or fried until baked before baking.

Ready-made products, depending on the nature of the dish, are seasoned with sauce, placed in cupronickel dishes, pans, metal molds, in rolls, baskets or volovans, baked from puff or butter dough, and then baked.

Fried carcasses of turkeys, geese and ducks are cut in half in the longitudinal direction, then each half is divided into fillets and legs and cut into the same number of pieces. Chickens are cut into four, five, six or more pieces, depending on the size of the carcasses and the rate of layouts.Grouse and grouse are served whole carcasses or cut in two along the sternum.

Black grouse and pheasants are cut into two or three parts in the longitudinal direction, and wood grouses into six to eight parts. Small game - woodcocks, quails, great snipe and snipe are served with whole carcasses.

The main side dish for fried poultry and game is fried potatoes. Additionally, you can serve green salads, red and white cabbage salads, pickled and pickled cucumbers, pickles, gherkins, squash, as well as pickled apples and pickled fruits and berries as a side dish separately in salad bowls, on pie plates or vases. Stewed cabbage and baked apples are also served with goose and duck.

Poultry and game for stews are first fried with whole carcasses or chopped into pieces, and then stewed in sauce or broth, sometimes with the addition of tomato puree, vegetables, mushrooms, spices and spices.

Bird selection

Signs of meat good quality

Indicators of meat freshness are its appearance, color, smell, color, consistency.However, determining the freshness of meat by these characteristics is not always sufficient, since, for example, frozen meat that is completely unsuitable for food does not smell.

Test cooking of meat detects its staleness, the latter cannot always be detected only by external examination.

Piercing meat a heated knife can also help determine its poor quality, since it happens, for example, that the smell of the outer layers is normal, and the process of decay has already begun in thicker muscles. Insufficiently fresh meat is not only tasteless, it can cause disease, and spoiled meat can cause fatal poisoning.

In all cases, when the freshness of the meat raises the slightest doubt, you need to seek help from a representative of the food sanitary inspection or a sanitary food laboratory. Meat of animals affected by diseases that can be transmitted to humans (anthrax, glanders, tuberculosis, brucellosis, foot and mouth disease, smallpox, pig erysipelas, sheep tularemia) is not allowed for food.

Steamed, cooled, chilled and frozen meat

After the slaughter of the animal, a posthumous ending occurs in 2-5 hours, as a result of which the meat becomes extremely tough. After about a day, due to a number of physical and chemical transformations caused by the action of enzymes, the meat begins to acquire a delicate consistency, as well as its characteristic aroma and taste. The speed of this process, called meat ripening, depends on the ambient temperature. Under the condition of irradiation of the surface of the carcass with ultraviolet rays, the meat matures at 0 C for 8-10 days, and at 17 C - 3 days; with this ripening mode, the meat has the best organoleptic properties

Chilled meat

Good quality meat covered with a thin crust of pale pink or pale red. When feeling the surface, the hand remains dry. On cuts, the meat does not stick to the fingers, the juice is transparent.

Chilled meat cooled in chambers to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles near the bone from 0 to 4 C and covered with a drying crust.

Chilled meat is an excellent food product, completely retaining all its qualities. For long-term protection of meat from spoilage and decomposition, it is frozen. Freezing creates conditions that impede the life of microorganisms. When stored in the refrigerator, frozen meat remains benign for several months. In order to preserve all the qualities of meat as much as possible, it is subjected to quick freezing. This method of freezing is the most rational, since ice crystals formed from water and meat juice are small, do not deform tissue cells and do not violate its structure. Small crystals are more evenly distributed in the meat.When frozen meat is thawed slowly, the water and meat juice from the melting ice is re-absorbed by the meat, and it retains the juiciness and good taste and aroma inherent in fresh meat. When frozen slowly, meat juice and water form large ice crystals that disrupt tissue structure. When thawing, deformed cells lose their ability to reabsorb water and meat juice - the meat becomes flabby and tasteless.

Steamed meatthat has not cooled down and has not lost its animal warmth. Such meat is not used for food, the processes of posthumous ending make it tough, rough, it is poorly absorbed and has an unpleasant odor, when cooking such meat gives a non-aromatic broth.

Chilled meat, which after cutting the carcass has been cooled in natural conditions for at least 6 hours and covered with a drying crust from the surface.

Ice cream meat, which has been subjected to freezing after cooling in special freezers or under natural conditions to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles of the bones not higher than -6 C.

Thawed - defrosted, that is, brought to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles near the bones to 0 C.
How to fry meat properly
You can fry meat (beef, veal, lamb, pork) both in large and small (portioned) pieces. If the meat is fried in a large piece, then it must be cleaned of tendons, washed, wiped off with a towel and sprinkled with salt. Then put the meat in a pan or baking sheet with heated fat and fry on all sides until a thin golden brown crust forms on the surface of the meat. This crust preserves the juiciness of the meat during further frying. When the meat is fried and covered with a crust, it should be placed in the oven, add a little broth or water and fry until cooked. When frying meat, it must be removed (every 10-15 minutes) from the cabinet and poured over the juice that is formed during frying. If there is not enough juice, you need to add a little broth or water. The juice obtained from roasting is used as a sauce for stir-fry or for making a sauce. The duration of roasting meat with a whole piece depends on its type, the size of the piece, but on average, the roasting time ranges between 1.5-2.5 hours. The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing it with a fork and pressing. If juice comes out, then the meat is not ready yet, if light juice comes out - a sure sign of readiness. Small (portioned) pieces can be fried on the stove until fully cooked without frying in the cabinet. (From the book "About tasty and healthy food")

My insert into text is Admin
there is 6 degrees of roasting meat and determining its doneness, of which two are extreme (blue and well done).
Blue - This is a completely raw steak, only fried on both sides for 30-40 seconds. The main problem is that the meat itself, before frying, should be at room temperature about 25 C. Therefore, the steak should "warm" for about 30 minutes.
Rare - raw inside and lightly fried around the edges, temperature 54 C.
Medium rare - medium moist - pink in the center, 56 C.
Medium - medium roasted pink with transparent juiciness, 59 C.
Medium well - roasted light pink, almost without juice, 61 C.
Well done - completely fried, not recommended by most steakhouses.
* Temperature is shown when steak is removed from grill.
Roasted veal
Wash the veal (part of the hind leg, loin, shoulder or brisket), sprinkle with salt, pour 2-3 tablespoons of melted butter, put on a baking sheet or in a frying pan and fry in the oven or oven, periodically pouring the resulting juice on top. Cut the finished veal into slices, place on a dish and pour over the strained juice. Serve fried potatoes as a side dish. Red cabbage or salad can be served separately. (From the book "About tasty and healthy food")

Fried pork
A piece of pork (part of the hind leg) is prepared and roasted in the same way as veal.To fry the pork, put the fat on top. Serve fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or stewed cabbage as a side dish. Pour over the prepared pork with the strained juice formed during frying. Separately, you can serve pickled apples, red cabbage, cucumbers, pickles. (From the book "About tasty and healthy food")

Roasted lamb
Wash a piece of lamb (leg, kidney), peel, sprinkle with salt and put a whole piece on a baking sheet or frying pan. Place chopped raw potatoes mixed with onions around the lamb, pour 2-3 tbsp of lamb. tablespoons of loose oil and put in the oven for 1 hour for frying, periodically pouring over the resulting juice. Cut the finished lamb into slices, put on a dish, add the potato garnish, sprinkle with parsley and pour over the strained juice. (From the book "About tasty and healthy food")

Homemade soups usually served for lunch as a first course. It is good to serve fresh bread with a crispy and fresh crust with soups. One of the best ingredients for making delicious and healthy homemade soups are fresh vegetables and fresh meat. Meat broths are very good for the stomach.

If you have frozen meat, then defrost it completely before cooking. Do not defrost meat in water like fish. Do not defrost meat that is wrapped in a plastic bag. If you thawed the meat, then it is advisable to start cooking it right away! Frozen twice, three times, the meat loses its taste.

For making cutlets, dumplings and so on, all you need is to scroll the meat through a meat grinder, a little bit frozen it will scroll easier.

Meat is an essential food product
The main constituents of meat products are nitrogenous substances and fat. The bulk of nitrogenous substances are complete proteins, which determines the exceptional value of meat for nutrition. The meat has excellent culinary qualities. It can be easily combined with various products. Some meats are best cooked boiled, others fried or stewed.

The best parts of the mascara for boiling - rump, rump, sirloin and brisket; for roasting meat (roast beef, steak, fillet, langette, beef stroganoff) fillets are especially good, in particular tenderloin and thick rim, but you can also use the top of the rump, rump and thin rim; for stewing - rump, rump, sirloin, as well as a shoulder blade with a shoulder edge.

For cooking minced meat (cutlets, cuts, meatballs, rolls) any meat is suitable, best of all - the neck and shoulder blades; these varieties contain a sufficient amount of binders. The back of the pig is very good for roasting and stewing; pork loin - for chops and schnitzels; shoulder, flank and neck - for boiled cooking. The back, shoulder and brisket of the calf are used for roasting; loin - for escalope and chops (natural and breaded).

Many nutritious and delicious meals can be made from liver, kidney and heart. Liver (beef, veal, pork) is very good for frying or stewing; veal and lamb kidneys - for roasting, beef - for cooking in sauce; lung and heart - for dishes stewed in sauce; tripe - for boiling and making stewed in sauce; brains (beef and veal) - for frying; tongues (beef and veal) - for boiling; legs (veal, pork, lamb) - for boiling or frying. (From the book "About tasty and healthy food")

Meat and meat products in dietetics

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1. Historical excursion: the advisability of eating meat as a genetically determined event or why you need to eat meat
Meat, meat dishes and meat products prepared from it rightfully occupy the highest place on the podium, among the whole variety of food products that a person uses throughout his life.

Even at the dawn of mankind, when modern man was not even formed, the issue of meat consumption for food was very acute, meat was vital as the most powerful and full-fledged source of energy. All ancient civilizations that have ever emerged on earth had the experience of eating meat, and the knowledge of the high energy value of meat products, in comparison with cereals. Man became a rational man when he switched from gathering to agriculture, and especially to animal husbandry, and mastered fire, making a huge leap, instead of meager plant food, he began to use meat that had been previously heat-treated. And it was really an energy breakthrough, like replacing a wood-fired steam engine with a nuclear reactor. Thus, a whole culture of eating meat and meat products was formed.

Every nation, every nation, we observe a large number of recipes for cooking meat and meat dishes, practically not a single holiday, since ancient times, did not do without meat, where it was the main dish. Historically, the relationship between the consumption of meat and meat products for food with religion, religious cults has developed: an offering to the gods in gratitude is a sacrificial animal, moreover, a similar phenomenon can be traced in all ancient peoples starting with the Sumerian kingdom in Mesopotamia (on the territory of modern Iraq), also in priests of Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, the Maya, Inca, Aztec civilizations. Using a powerful evidence base in the form of ancient treatises, manuscripts, clay tablets with cuneiform writing, the Bible (the book of the Old Testament), the Koran, the Talmud and so on, it can be argued that meat is a cult product, both in the literal and figurative sense of this the words.
Unfortunately, it so happened that meat and meat products were and remain not available to all strata of society, especially fresh or chilled meat that was not deep-frozen, when it is the most valuable dietary product.

In ancient times, the primary right to eat meat belonged to the elite of society, which occupied the top in the hierarchical tree of civilization, that is, it was a privilege, but undoubtedly justified, since they were carriers of genetic information, members of society who possessed certain skills, knowledge, experience, and were are forced to maintain the metabolism of their body, its energy capacity at a very high level. And only the consumption of meat food could give the muscles the necessary energy for active physical activity, and a full set of amino acids, vitamins and microelements of the central nervous system for the development of intellectual abilities, to master knowledge, consolidate them and pass them on to inheritance.

By the way, sacrificial gifts to the gods in the form of meat products presented to the ministers of different cults were not thrown away and burned completely, but were eaten - they do not throw energy carriers! Obviously, the current state of affairs will remain forever: the lower ones obtain, and the higher ones use.

2. Biochemical validity of daily meat consumption
It is impossible to overestimate the nutritional properties of proteins, a very important point is the biochemical fact that meat contains twenty essential acids that must be supplied to the human body every day with food. Such biochemical components are included in the composition of only meat products, and, in addition, the meat contains a full set of vitamins, the lack of which in the body can lead to danger to life.

There is a misconception that fruits and vegetables can completely compensate for the lack of vitamins. This is a fatal delusion! Only meat and meat products can fully provide the body's daily requirement for vitamins and minerals.

Chronic constant insufficiency of meat proteins with food entering the body leads to irreversible degenerative changes at the genetic level, and at first it is not noticeable to the individual. Further, there is a gradual slow damage to the central nervous system, in advanced cases, the defeat of the human muscle tissue, the body, as it were, "digests, eats" its own muscles. Such people look outwardly haggard and older than their years, such changes are irreversible (a tragic example of this is people who survived the blockade of Leningrad).

There are numerous historical examples of the disappearance of entire peoples, nations, as a result of "protein starvation", most often due to the unfavorable geographical and climatic location of civilizations. The main factor in the non-consumption of meat and meat food in all cases was its absence, that is, it was always a question of a forced rejection of meat due to its absence, but not voluntary - when there was a lot of meat, a person consumed it in mountains. China is a classic example. The nation with the largest population on the globe had to learn, in order to survive, to eat all biological types of energy carriers, that is, everything that runs, jumps, swims, flies and crawls. Therefore, all the so-called exotic, outlandish dishes and recipes are nothing more than various ways to diversify the "energy injection" of protein, no matter in what form, the main result is to get energy.

Let's, in the end, figure out what happens to the eaten steak in the human body. First of all, it is necessary to recall that a protein consists of amino acids located in a strictly defined sequence, which is determined by DNA (storage of genetic information). Such a strict, directive structure of amino acids determines the properties of proteins, their structure, and hence their different purpose for fulfilling "their functional duties" in the human body (and not only). The splitting of a steak in the human gastrointestinal tract begins already in the oral cavity, as a result of which we organoleptically feel the taste qualities of meat, species (lamb, beef, pork, etc.), variety (ham, neck, carbonate, sirloin, tongue, etc.) as each part of the carcass has its own unique taste.

The taste of meat is greatly influenced by whether it has been deep frozen or chilled meat. By the way, on this occasion it is necessary to make the following digression. Around the Arctic Circle in Siberia, during scientific expeditions, when the local population, together with scientists, found whole mammoth carcasses perfectly preserved in the permafrost, there were exotic lovers who wanted to try roast mammoth meat in order to brag to their fellow tribesmen. However, nothing happened, when the chopped parts of the carcass were heated, the pieces of meat turned into a homogeneous liquid brown mass. A more detailed study in the laboratory revealed that the structure of the protein was completely destroyed, and very thoroughly, even DNA down to carbon and elements of inorganic chemistry. Indeed, long-term deep freezing of meat negatively affects its quality, with the exception of freeze-drying technology.

So, with regard to our steak, in the human gastrointestinal tract, meat is broken down first along the "classical" path: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, which are few. Fats, the amount of which depends on the type of meat, are emulsified under the action of bile, that is, they are "broken" into smaller drops and in this form are absorbed in the small intestine, you can immediately add that most of the substances that enter the human body with food, absorbed in the small intestine, there are small exceptions, for example, alcohol: if you drink cognac in small sips, then it begins to penetrate into the bloodstream already in the oral cavity, and especially from the esophagus and stomach, the same applies to coffee.Medicines quickly penetrate into the bloodstream from the oral cavity, for example, nitroglycerin from under the tongue, various substances are also well absorbed by the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum, etc., etc. Proteins undergo a longer biochemical processing before entering the blood ... The residence time of meat, to a greater extent, proteins, in the human gastrointestinal tract, their splitting into amino acids or simple polypeptides, absorption, utilization in the body, all these processes are directly related to the concept of satiety, that is, the absence of hunger and take a decent number of hours in during the day, which allows a person to perform their functional duties without hindrance, whether it is physical labor or intellectual activity. Therefore, when choosing breakfast or lunch, you need to decide on the choice of dish: eat a steak, pork chop, roasted leg of lamb, or eat buns, sweets, chocolate every hour, thereby gaining excess weight.

Absorbed in the intestines, all nutrients enter the venous network, which forms the portal vein and carries all the components directly to the liver, the central organ of biochemistry, where all the incoming substances are utilized and distributed throughout the body. Most of the animal (meat) proteins are necessary for the formation of energy, like gasoline for a car, let's find out in general terms what this energy is needed for. Even in a calm state, when a person does not make any movements, for example, sitting in an armchair, listening to music, energy costs occur. The heart muscle contracts, the respiratory muscles work, breathing in and out, maintaining the muscle tone of the veins, arteries, stomach, intestines, working the muscles of the eyelids, eyeballs, etc.

And as soon as physical physical activity begins, the energy costs of the body increase sharply. This energy is supplied by proteins, and it is converted in cellular organelles - mitochondria (a kind of small "atomic reactors") into adenosine triphosphate (ATP or ATP) at the level of the so-called respiratory chain, in which energy is released during the oxidation-reduction process (oxidative reductive phosphorylation), energy is stored in the form of ATP and is also consumed in the same form.

In the process of tissue respiration in the cytochrome system of "respiratory proteins", electrons are transferred from hydrogen atoms to an oxygen atom (this is what red blood cells bring to cells, including muscle cells for tissue respiration), the process of transferring chemical energy to the energy of the contractile proteins of actin takes place and myosin. They seem to "drive" into each other and muscle contraction occurs, the process of electrochemical coupling. This is how the steak is utilized, which is vital for everyone who leads an active lifestyle, swims, runs, creates, creates, invents, copulates, etc. So eat meat, and everyone else - semolina and color pictures from playboy ...
Due to its protein composition, meat is a valuable food product. Vitamins and minerals are found primarily in the viscera, especially in the liver. Since meat has an excess of acidity, it should be eaten with foods that neutralize it. Meat should be served with vegetables, potatoes, salads and fruits.

To avoid the loss of nutrients during the preparation of meat dishes, you need to remember the following.

Meat must not be stored in paper bags; 'It must be securely packed and refrigerated.

Rinse the meat well before cooking, preferably in running water (but do not leave it in water).

If the surface of the meat is dirty, rinse it with water and vinegar or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, then with cold water. If the meat has changed its color, it smells unpleasant, it is not suitable for eating.

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