Thanks for the help! Yesterday I already baked Borodino with sourdough, though there was yeast too, but the bread rose better than without sourdough!
Girls, but such a thought occurred to me. What if you use raisin water when feeding the starter cultures? Pour a few raisins with water in advance, and when it's time to feed the starter, use this weak infusion instead of water. Anything healthier and better than just water, do you think?
Quote: Margit

... healthier and better than just water, do you think?
I am sure that it is better and more useful !!!
Viki, thank you very much for such a detailed interpretation and visual aids, I got this leaven right away, although I am not very friendly with leavens yet.
After the first feeding, it grew 2 times, the smell is pleasant lactic acid, today I already made a sliced ​​loaf on it according to Lyudmila's recipe from LJ, I really liked it.
I read the entire post and about the French sourdough, more or less penetrated, but anyway, until you see it yourself, you won't understand what's what. But now, at least thanks to you, I know exactly how a real sourdough should look like, from what I got before, there were only miserable similarities to what I got now.
How to grow, how to store, how to use it is now approximately clear to me, but it is not yet very clear how and when it needs to be fed. How to understand that she "ate everything" and wants more and what proportions are better for feeding
Quote: luchok

... it is not yet clear how and when to feed her. How to understand that she "ate everything" and wants more and what proportions are better for feeding
I do not wait until she eats everything, I have a rule: doubled - I feed. But you will have to choose the proportions empirically. The main thing is the proportion of fresh flour and water 1 to 1 among themselves. When I am going to bake, I can feed it 1: 1: 1. And when it needs to be stored until the next baking, I take 5-10 grams of sourdough. add flour and water 50 g each, double - add another 50 or 100 g each. based on when I'm going to bake and how much leaven will I need. If I don't throw anything away, then I try to double the volume with each next feeding. For example: 20 gr. starter cultures + 20 gr. flour and 20 gr. water, then 60 and 60, then 180 and 180. This is a matter of experience.
Thank you, we will learn
Girls, please tell me, I got the leaven, put it in a temperature of 12 degrees, and what to do with it next?
When I was about to bake the bread, I transferred it to the heat, fed it, it doubled, I separated it into bread, fed the rest a little again, and again by 12 degrees, but since it is cool, it stands and does not rise, and how does it keep it calm, feed or not and how often? Everyday? Or?
Why are such stupid questions, while you read, everything is clear, but how it came down to it, and a dead end ...

Quote: OJGG

Girls, please tell me, I got the leaven, put it in a temperature of 12 degrees, and what to do with it next?
When I was about to bake the bread, I transferred it to the warmth, fed it, it doubled, I separated it into bread, fed the rest a little again, and again by 12 degrees, but since it is cool, it stands and does not rise, and how does it keep it quiet, feed or not, and how often? Everyday? Or?
Why are such stupid questions, while you read, everything is clear, but how it came down to it, and a dead end ...
At T 12 *, the leaven will not rise either. Once a day I take it out on the table at t - 25 * and it immediately comes to life. If you need more ferment, then after increasing in volume by 2 times I feed it again and after 5-6 hours it is ready again.You, too, have the same, the leaven is alive and active. At T 12-14 *, it practically does not grow, but it does not die either. The question is, how long can you store it at this T, I don't know that, but maybe the girls know and will prompt.
Here on Lyudmila's website I read how to store leaven in the refrigerator:
"...In the future, if you do not use the last dough as a leaven for bread dough, then feed it with water and flour once or twice a week and store it in a cool place. For 100g of sourdough, mix 200g of flour and 200g of water. Or take 50g of sourdough and stir in 100g of water and 100g flour. Put it in the refrigerator.
Before kneading the dough, remove the starter from the refrigerator, let it ferment in the heat for six hours until it rises and begins to fall off, and knead the dough on it.
And I read that you cannot store sourdough in the refrigerator, the cold kills bacteria (well, or whoever we have), and only yeast remains, so you should not store it in the cold.

To test the strength of the leaven, try rinsing it. Take a spoonful of sourdough, dilute it thoroughly in a glass or two of lukewarm water and knead unleavened dough in half a glass of this cloudy water (no salt, no sugar, just cloudy water and baking flour). Place the dough in a measuring cup, cover with plastic foil and check by the hour how much it rises and on what schedule. if the leaven does not raise the dough by 4 times in 8 hours, then this happens for two reasons - either the flour is weak, or the zak is too sour or too young. - I took it from another site!
So, I am trying to test my sourdough, this subject has been standing with me for two hours and has not moved A sourdough since 10.02.2010. So I don’t know what to think, tomorrow I’ll see what’s wrong with her. The main thing is that I feed her, she seems to be normal, it smells good, though it grows maximum twice ... I don't know what she wants.
Sugar donut
Many thanks to the patient moderators. I read the whole topic first. Very interesting, I tried it several times already. On flour high. the variety did not work at all (water and flour stratified), on rye it seems better, it wanders, the cap rises, but does not grow a little, even a third. and very sour ... at home 19-20 degrees, I keep it on the battery. I will try, but I want to ask two questions:
1. What can be cooked from unripe sourdough so as not to throw it away? (Mom will soon kick me out of the house with jars) she obviously won't raise bread, and I don't want to add artificial yeast ...
2. Is it possible to put the starter culture (start) in smaller proportions or not work? For example, they recommended taking 200 grams of flour, a glass of water and half a glass of raisins. Is it possible to have half less water and flour? So that there was less start, otherwise everything is not working out yet, and there are a lot of products to be translated ...
: (11 hours have passed, the leaven has increased only 3 times - this means it is weak? And what needs to be done to make it strong? I want to add raisin water, can it help?

For the starter culture, an increase of 1.5 - 2 times is sufficient. If it grows to 3, then this indicates a high activity of the leaven. Why and where to make it even stronger? Bake your bread boldly.
Zesta: We unanimously agreed that the least important thing is what kind of sourdough you have grown, the main thing is to soften it in very high proportions - 1: 10-20, that is, take from 10 to 20 parts of fresh for one part of the sourdough test. This happens when I rinse the remaining sourdough on the sides of the jar with water and add fresh flour. Then I can call myself a couple of times to feed 1 to 2, and then - all over again. Only in this way the leaven remains healthy, active and does not deplete. Thus, excess acidity disappears.
: - \ Please explain - I mean I store the leaven at T-12 ° and feed it every day: 100 ml. water + 100ml. flour (by volume), so four days, then I'm going to bake bread. I take 2 cups of this sourdough and then follow the recipe ... And I continue to feed the leftovers once a day.
Can this option be called a dough or am I doing everything wrong
OJGG, the frequency and volume of feeding depends not only on the temperature conditions, but also largely on how often and what kind of bread you bake.

If you want to bake bread without adding yeast, then the moment it doubles is what you need.

If after "feeding" more than 8 hours have passed, then it is better to refresh the leaven by taking flour and water in total as much as the leaven weighs. For example: 100 gr. sourdough = 50 gr. water and 50 gr. flour. When it doubles, you can bake.
If you want to improve the quality of yeast bread, you can use a very young leaven.

If you feed with less flour, then the crumb of the bread will acquire a mouse-gray color.

When the sourdough is ready, it must be periodically refreshed (they also say "soften" or "feed") by adding flour and water in high proportions. We take one spoonful (gram 5) from the active starter and shake strongly with 100 g of water until foamy. Then add 100g of flour. The rejuvenated sourdough, after rising 2 times, is already ready for baking again

Basically, you can call the starter and dough ready for baking.
I'm confused again! So I take a spoonful of sourdough, feed it let's say 100 ml of water + 100 ml of flour by volume and put it at T = 12o, then feed it again the next day, and so on for four days until the next baking of bread. Then I put almost everything in the bread and again on a spoonful of sourdough and 100 ml of flour and water I feed the sourdough ...
Does this work for normal bread?
And where, then, is the old leaven, if I am constantly new to body? She will then always be young, and this is only good for women ...
Summer resident
I do it differently. I put all the leaven into the dough, and shake what is left on the walls of the jar with water and knead it with flour as thickly as on pancakes. I store it on the windowsill. I bake every other day. And if I don't bake, then I feed the sourdough in two days on the third. True, then I either double its amount or put part of the mature sourdough in the refrigerator.
Thank you Summer Resident! I also wanted to, but I read everyone and in the end I used some of them, and since there are still two glasses left, I put them in the toilet and brought the leaven again on the remnants ... No matter how offended she was, it was good
Summer resident
Will not be offended This leaven is not capricious
OJGG, according to your scheme, it turns out that you constantly soften your starter (and not feed it), and this dilutes it. Feeding is 2 parts sourdough: 1 part water: 1 part flour or 1 part sourdough: 1 part water: 1 part flour. That is, your originally suggested scheme is suitable for normal bread.
And in any case, you will have to throw some of it into the toilet (if you are not going to bake it every day).
So I did that: I have a leaven and every day I added 100 ml of water and 100 ml of flour to it ... Or again, I'm wrong
And so for four days, and then almost everything in the dough and the remains again fed in the same way
Well, if you don't bake for 4 days, then you just throw away part, and feed the rest 1: 1: 1. Otherwise, you get a starter farm by the end of the week. And what to rinse out on the walls is to soften. It is not necessary to do it very often (or constantly). All of you are doing fine. Do not worry!
and feed the rest 1: 1: 1. Otherwise, you get a starter farm by the end of the week.

It turns out that every day I add more flour and water - in geometric progression? How then can we stop and not feed
I wanted to feed a little every day and that's all, let him eat, but it turns out that the more I feed, the more you need?
Yesterday evening I put sourdough on raisins, decided to try what a miracle it is. Indeed, it is a miracle! Can't be compared with growing a French woman, she grows quickly and is fast and easy-going herself! Only ten hours had passed since I first mixed flour on raisin water, so it almost ran away from me, rising three times! I had to wait a day - two take two spoons and feed 100/100. Four hours later, the same story - strives to run away! She fed her for the third time, found her a cooler place - 20 *, it was 27 *, and initially it was 40 *, let's see what happens.
Thank you all for your help! My sourdough turned out! Rye bread raises in 2 hours!
Quote: OJGG

Thank you all for your help! My sourdough turned out! Rye bread raises in 2 hours!
Congratulations! Successful bread to you!
Girls, I've been mentally preparing for this leaven for a week now.After reading the whole topic and outlining the main points, I still have a couple of questions, if possible.
1. According to the technology described on the 1st page, the leaven stands for 2 days, and on the 3rd day we bake or feed it first, and when will it rise?
2. Have I fed a spoonful of the remaining sourdough and can I put it in the refrigerator? Or let it rise?
3. And then get it out, feed it a day and after lifting the oven?
P. s. I just bake bread once a week .. Therefore, at one time, my MK leaven died, the poor man was starving :(
Quote: Summer resident

Since the summer, my leaven has been living in this mode: I wash what is left on the walls of the jar with 50-70 ml of water, shake it until foam forms and knead it with flour as I wrote above. The next day I use the ready-made sourdough, and repeat the steps. If I don't bake bread or pancakes, then the leaven has to be thrown away or fed to the dog. I feed the leaven once a day or once every two days. You can ask about its quality and properties from Praskovya or Lisss`s
Summer resident, tell me, does your sourdough increase in volume after the subcortex, or does it just bubble?
Summer resident
And it grows and bubbles. The kitchen is cool now and I feed her every three days. She lives on the windowsill close to the glass.
Summer resident, tell me what I'm doing wrong ... when I started it, my sourdough rose well, I followed, made marks, now I bake every day, the leaven lives in a room at a temperature of about 18C. In the morning I feed it, in the evening I take it for bread, leave a couple of spoons in a jar, the leaven is so elastic, pleasant, it picks up the bread well. The next morning I add 100 grams of water and 100 grams of flour. In the morning it is no longer so elastic, I think because it gets loose. But now I again studied the forum and began to doubt, it turns out that I am constantly rejuvenating it, which is not very good, but it raises bread well And it also embarrasses that it bubbles, but does not increase in volume, I again put marks and it is all time in the same volume. Tell me how to properly feed my starter culture? And how do I know if she's hungry? How does this affect your appearance?
Summer resident
If you bake in the evening, then feed her in the evening, she will have time to ripen and grow in a day.
Dear craftsmen! I have long wanted to start baking my own bread. I read this whole topic very carefully, but (due to lack of experience, probably) I cannot imagine the general picture. Therefore, I have a request: can someone take the trouble to generalize and write a complete recipe, at least for teapots like me. So that we can start from something and gain experience.
How to make a starter starter culture is more or less clear, but here's what to do with it next, in what proportions, when to feed, when to rejuvenate, at what temperature to grow and store and when to bake from it ..... Nothing is clear here.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the stupidity (but no experience in baking !!!)
You infected me, they are timid, I went soaked the raisins
Summer resident
Zhekka let me share with you the finished one, and you will continue to groom and cherish it
Summer resident
Fenek everyone has their own techniques and methods, I will tell you about mine, based on greed and laziness Well, I'm sorry to transfer a lot of flour and feed 2 times in dellene

I pour everything that is ripe into the dough. That, one hundred remained on the walls of the jar, I wash 50-70 ml of water from the tap and knead it with flour to a consistency, so that it wraps around the fork (thicker than on the pancakes), What I send back to the jar on the fork with my finger (I should know the master's hands) , I cover it with a lid with holes and leave it on the table in the kitchen. It's not hot there. The next day, you can use it again, or you can use it every other day, it will not have time to oxyderate. If I don't bake, then I feed it once every three days.
Quote: Summer resident

Zhekka let me share with you the finished one, and you will continue to groom and cherish it
Thank you very much, but I have already managed to get it done))) If it works, well, it won't work, we will ask
This time I also want to knead thicker, we'll see.And now I mixed the infusion of raisins with flour of the highest grade + second, we wait ... And all for the sake of the leavening panettone, for him, the bastard!
Summer resident
All the time I forget to write that it is good to feed raisin sourdough from time to time with water in which the raisins were washed. To preserve the population of raisin microflora
Tell me please......
I baked, baked delicious bread on raisin sourdough, I do everything as it should be with it - I feed it 2 times a day, keep it on the windowsill, rejuvenate it several times, a couple of times I fed it with honey
she had a smell of some kind and, accordingly, the bread is unpleasant for me, my husband does not feel, but my scent is straightforward, that even the bread that I used to eat with pleasure does not cause an appetite
Can I somehow fix it, or throw it out and start again ???
Summer resident
If you pour out all the leaven and feed only, then what is left on the walls that smell is still bad? If the answer is yes, then the diagnosis is dead. I'll have to grow a new one
Yes, it looks like my diagnosis is confirmed
well ... she died so she died ... fortunately, the house is full of raisins, thanks
My raisin died without regaining consciousness, I took offense at her and bake on a Frenchwoman.
well, who didn’t work with the Frenchwoman, but the raisin turned out right away
right now, for the second time I did it, after the first feeding, after the very first feeding, it grew up in a moment, it bubbled up, so pretty
After the first and second beats, the change is also beautiful, and then the bad guys won
Good evening everyone!
In general, I do not know what will happen, I just put a raisin sourdough, but on rye flour!
Two days have not passed yet, but due to the fact that the leaven rose a little more than 2 times and began to fall off, and the water peeled off, I decided to mix it (the leaven became much thinner than initially) and feed it!
What do you think, if I take and feed her with wheat flour (2 tablespoons rye sourdough + 100 grams of wheat flour + 100 grams of water)?
And there is another question! Set aside another 2 tbsp. l. sourdough, to feed it only with rye flour, and the other only with wheat flour, or does it make sense to keep two, but is it easier to transfer one into another if necessary?
It makes no sense to me. I keep one and feed 50/50 rye and wheat, so that later it would be easier to transfer to millet. or rye. I feed until thick, so that the fork can hardly turn in it. Before baking, I feed the flour that I want to bake bread and make it thinner. (if 100% in the highest grade, then I knead it thickly, then it's better)
Thank you! What kind of flour is better to feed?

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