* Anyuta *
Quote: Lagri

Today I specially baked bread with raisins on program No. 3 and even took dry yeast.

Here in the form L7 (and even with pressed yeast) is completely different: the same fluffy, with a thin crust, with large holes, perfectly baked and even the taste is different. Maybe because the L7 is narrower than its own bucket? So we will bake in shape, without punctures.

And in what proportion to replace dry yeast with pressed? I’m still afraid to take them .. I’ve never worked with them, but I think we need to switch to them ...
for plain wheat bread, take 1.5-2 grams of compressed yeast for every 100 grams of flour. I usually have 6-8 grams of good yeast for a pound of flour loaf.

I use two options:
1. I crumble yeast directly to the bottom of the bucket, all the products on top.
2. I knead yeast + half flour + half water + third salt on the "pizza". After 10-15 minutes, I reset the program, add other products, I expose the "main" at will - either immediately (the batch then starts in an hour), or with a delay of several hours (1-2-3-4), so that the dough has time to work well.
* Anyuta *
Quote: Rina

2. I knead yeast + half flour + half water + third salt on the "pizza". After 10-15 minutes, I reset the program, set the "main" one at will - either immediately (the batch then starts in an hour), or with a delay of several hours (1-2-3-4), so that the dough has time to work well.

As I understand it, in order for the yeast to start working with the whole "set of products"?
but with the first option, we crumbled flour further (so as not to come into contact with water) - set the program - wait for the result .. Right?
the second option is closer to standard baking - with dough.

In the first option - yes, so as not to come into contact with water. But I think that it is usually possible to spend extra even 5-7 minutes for kneading on "pizza".
Valeria 12
Quote: Leska

And you put the loaf from the oven on the barrel and it will be.
Quote: Deep

Valeria 12, under the grill for a couple of minutes (in the microwave or mini-oven) and you will be happy. There is no top heating in the bread makers, so the top of the head can turn out to be maximum ruddy, but super-crispy-fried - not at all.

Valeria 12
Quote: Lagri

Today I specially baked bread with raisins on program No. 3 and even took dry yeast. I put it on for 4 hours and forgot (like the first time).
Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (2)
Indeed, the bread is baked, fluffy, beautiful (the top is evenly fried, it happened in the photo), but it seems as if it was not baked. Here, in the L7 form (and even with pressed yeast), it is completely different: the same fluffy, with a thin crust, with large holes, perfectly baked and even the taste is different. Maybe because the L7 is narrower than its own bucket? So we will bake in shape, without punctures.

I have the same HP model as yours, but the bread in program 03 is baked better and has a brownier crust than you have in the photo. And in program 01, the color is generally gorgeous, although I sometimes add milk powder and bake ONLY SIZE L, try it, probably XL is baked worse

And even in the book of recipes for HP Kenwood (I wanted to buy before Panasonic, but still chose the latter) it is written, ""bread cooked in the FAST program does not rise as well as in other modes, it has a softer crust, and the bread itself is denser,which is quite normal""
Hello friends.

purchased 2502 a couple of days ago.
we already have both positive and negative experience in baking.

bought in the expectation that we will bake bread completely abandoning yeast - leavening and brewed, wheat and rye.

have now read many topics, but have not found starter and custard recipes adapted for Panasonic. so that it would be clear which program to start, how long to bake (if it is possible to set the time) or how to combine programs that make dough, then bake.
Directly found recipes for sourdough bread in the corresponding section, but I do not quite understand how to adapt them to Panasonic 2502, since there is no clear understanding of how the programs differ at the "baking" stage .. after all, they may differ in temperature conditions, and about that I I can't find information anywhere, yes, and so I have already spent almost 3 days to understand the process .. very fascinating, but there are still a lot of questions.

maybe someone will be able to explain the tricks of baking sourdough bread, both rye and wheat bread at 2502, or send them on a related topic.

Thank you.

reason for editing: bringing the message in line with the topic.
Quote: Valeria 12

Valeria 12, if you put the bread on its side, the hat, of course, will not become blush, but it turns out almost without wrinkles.
Quote: alar

Hello friends.
maybe someone will be able to explain the tricks of baking sourdough bread, both rye and wheat bread at 2502, or send them on a related topic.
From my own experience:
no one sourdough bread that on the machine baked in HP did not satisfy quality - then there is not enough time for proofing, then it will stop and fall off during baking! I personally cannot predict the behavior of the leaven, since both external and internal factors are always different, and my kitchen is not a high-tech laboratory with climatic and other types of control.
Therefore, when I bake sourdough bread in HP, I go the following way:
- I knead the sourdough dough in HP (in one step for rye, in two steps for wheat)
- I leave there to approach
- when it comes to the desired size, I turn on baking for 45-90 minutes, depending on the size or type of bread (100% rye is baked for longer than 1: 20-1: 30)
Quote: Arka

Therefore, when I bake sourdough bread in HP, I go the following way:
- I knead the sourdough dough in HP (in one step for rye, in two steps for wheat)
- I leave there to approach
- when it comes to the desired size, I turn on baking for 45-90 minutes, depending on the size or type of bread (100% rye is baked for longer than 1: 20-1: 30)

thank you very much.

1.What kind of mixing mode do you use? (I'm a beginner ..)
2. come up .. - what time is it? or to what result / volume?
3. turn on baking - is it baking mode? and, in general, in each mode there is a part - "baking", is this part in all modes the same in temperature? (and differs only in time?) or are there still differences?
Quote: * Annie *

... +1000 ... and I also add .. well, since you think it is harmful, then lie down and die .. so you will be more whole

between the options - to eat poison and "lie down and die" there are several trillion others.
Quote: alar

1.What kind of mixing mode do you use? (I'm a beginner ..)
I have modes that start immediately with mixing without equalizing the temperature, you should also have them (the difference in our HP is that I have modes with names, and yours are numbered). I use the regime Gluten free (you mode 09) or Pizza (you - 20), which I turn off after mixing.

Quote: alar

2. come up .. - what time is it? or to what result / volume?
Each time the time is different: today it is 2 o'clock, tomorrow - 3.5, here you can't guess the time. I focus on the appearance: until it rises 2.5-3 times, or until the first bubble appears on the surface of the dough piece.

Quote: alar

3. turn on baking - is it baking mode? and, in general, in each mode there is a part - "baking", is this part in all modes the same in temperature? (and differs only in time?) or are there still differences?
Mode Bakery products, in your HP it is mode 12
I won't tell you about the differences, since the manufacturer made a secret out of such nuances, and I personally could not find this information.
Quote: alar

Hello friends.

purchased 2502 a couple of days ago.
we already have both positive and negative experience in baking.

bought in the expectation that we will bake bread completely abandoning yeast - leavening and brewed, wheat and rye.

have now read many topics, but have not found starter and custard recipes adapted for Panasonic. so that it would be clear which program to start, how long to bake (if it is possible to set the time) or how to combine programs that make dough, then bake.
Directly found recipes for sourdough bread in the corresponding section, but I do not quite understand how to adapt them to Panasonic 2502, since there is no clear understanding of how the programs differ at the "baking" stage .. after all, they may differ in temperature conditions, and about that I I can't find information anywhere, yes, and so I have already spent almost 3 days to understand the process .. very fascinating, but there are still a lot of questions.

maybe someone will be able to explain the tricks of baking sourdough bread, both rye and wheat bread at 2502, or send them on a related topic.

Thank you.

I’m wondering - WHY buy the only model on the market that AUTOMATICALLY adds straaaaaash yeast to the dough in order to ask later, but how to bake in this very stove WITHOUT THESE SCARY YEAST?

I completely delete the conversation about the harmfulness of yeast.
friends! how happy I am with the stove !!! and even though I didn't succeed in egg and milk the first time, we will correct, try and achieve! thanks for the tips and wiping out the nozzles! today I cooked potatoes and remembered that you can not pour the broth into the sink, but replace water with them in bread recipes (low curtsy Creamy), now baked an egg one with the addition of broth, on pressed yeast (I diluted them with warm water and sugar, maybe this is impossible? in a bucket and on top of flour, salt, broth and eggs beaten with a fork). The computer is busy, otherwise the photo would have posted such a handsome man baked! The husband demands to swing at William, so to speak, Shakespeare (rye). I take note of all of the above, I will continue to post bread baking. my panache makes me happy every day. I never regretted that I bought it. I asked the neighbors if she woke them up with her work (the wall of my kitchen and their bedroom is shared) answered that the silence, they don't hear the stove, but wake up from the aroma of bread, however, you, friends, warned me about this "alarm clock".
* Anyuta *
Quote: alar

thank you very much.
between the options - to eat poison and "lie down and die" there are several trillion others.

Well, if you ate so ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS (which do not contain anything "harmful" at all), for example, potatoes at 750 euros per kg ... then I doubt that you would have sat on this site ... logically, then you should have the staff of cooks-cooks is at least 5-10 people! Tell me at least ONE product that you can eat without fear now? And I will prove to you that they do not exist ... and if there are, then certainly not in the environment where YOU live! This, at least, should be remote mountains / steppes where civilization in the form of the Internet has not yet reached ...

Sori, moderators ....

And on the topic I want to say .... In any case, what is done with your own hands is safer .. at least we know for sure that rats and cockroaches did not run through our flour and did not "shit" into it ...
* Anyuta *
Quote: Rina

I’m wondering - WHY buy the only model on the market that AUTOMATICALLY adds straaaaaash yeast to the dough in order to ask later, but how to bake in this very stove WITHOUT THESE SCARY YEAST?

Oh, Rinochka, killed straight ... here you are to the point ...
Here the main concept - do it yourself - it means it is USEFUL !!
Quote: * Annie *

Well, if you ate so ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS (which do not contain anything "harmful" at all), for example, potatoes at 750 euros per kg ... then I doubt that you would have sat on this site ... logically, then you should have the staff of cooks-cooks is at least 5-10 people! Tell me at least ONE product that you can eat without fear now? And I will prove to you that THEY are not available ...and if there is, then certainly not in the environment where YOU live! This, at least, should be remote mountains / steppes where civilization in the form of the Internet has not yet reached ...

Sori, moderators ....

And on the topic I want to say .... In any case, what is done with your own hands is safer .. at least we know for sure that rats and cockroaches did not run through our flour and did not "shit" into it ...
I FULLY support! : drinks: The earth is spinning ... Therefore, the Fukushima rain fell on everyone and the mountains as well. CIVILIZATION BLINNN !!!!
And yesterday I watched a TV show about bread, flour, grain. So, the grain in the chain field-elevator-granary-flour mill, according to the quality check in accordance with the instructions, there is absolutely no check for lead and other byaki, the content of agricultural chemicals, radiation and so on. Only the physical condition of the grain is checked - moisture, gluten, etc. So even with homemade bread, no one knows how much heavy metals and chemicals have got into it, and near which dump or road there was a field with wheat for this flour. And in granaries they also poison mice with such pills. They will be scattered around the storage and such a tablet can easily get into a mountain of grain just when sweeping the room. In general, I do not want to frighten anyone, I am upset myself. But we will not stop baking anyway. In any case, its own, if not 100% useful, then at least less harmful than in the store.
Quote: * Annie *

And in what proportion to replace dry yeast with pressed? I’m still afraid to take them .. I’ve never worked with them, but I think we need to switch to them ...
I replaced (for 300-400 g of flour) 1 tsp of dry yeast - 6-8 g. pressed. In the book of Mulinex it is generally written that replacing 1 teaspoon of dry with 12 grams of pressed. If rye-wheat bread, then 8-10 gr. press-x. This is scary for the first time and you think you will not succeed, and then you don’t want to remember dry ones, because pressed bread is much better. Good luck!
Quote: Valeria 12

I have the same HP model as yours, but the bread in program 03 is baked better and has a brownier crust than you have in the photo. And in program 01, the color is generally gorgeous, although I sometimes add milk powder and bake ONLY SIZE L, try it, probably XL is baked worse
No, the color is excellent, it was photographed and baked well
Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (2)
The size of the bread is M, the crust is medium and the next day it dried out or something, but on the first day, when it even cooled down, it was as if not baked. But when I bake in the form (the form is already decent in width), it turns out like from a store. In general, I like the quality more from the aluminum mold.
Quote: Lagri

This is scary for the first time and you think you will not succeed, and then you don’t want to remember dry ones, because pressed bread is much better. ... In general, I like the quality more from the aluminum mold.
One hundred thousand pluses!
* Anyuta *
Quote: Lagri

I replaced (for 300-400 g of flour) 1 tsp of dry yeast - 6-8 g. pressed. In the book of Mulinex it is generally written that replacing 1 teaspoon of dry with 12 grams of pressed. If rye-wheat bread, then 8-10 gr. press-x. This is scary for the first time and you think you won't succeed, and then you don't want to remember dry ones, because pressed bread is much better. Good luck!
So, girls! You inspired me / encouraged me and set me up to work with pressed yeast ... I set aside the dry ones .... I went to ask for time off ... I’ll run to the market ... or if you don’t take the first step now, then I’ll continue to wait .. ...
* Anyuta *
USYO ... I wrote down all the formulas / translations of dry yeast into pressed ones .. I will now experiment ..
Quote: * Annie *

So, girls! You inspired me / encouraged me and set me up to work with pressed yeast ... I set aside the dry ones .... I went to ask for time off ... I’ll run to the market ... or if you don’t take the first step now, then I’ll wait a little longer .. ...
Well done! Good luck! How the bread is baked - we are waiting for the pictures.
* Anyuta *
Quote: Lagri

Well done! Good luck! How the bread is baked - we are waiting for the pictures.

I didn't make myself wait long ..I haven't baked bread yet .. but I've already bought this "bandura" ...

Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (2)

To compare its size, I specially put the mouse ...

weight - 1 kg .. I figured so even with the maximum use of this "piece" () you can bake 100 loaves (at the rate of 10 grams for each) .. And when he took the yeast from me, the seller asks:
- you for WHAT? .... .. (I didn't understand the question at first) ..
I say:
- "for bread" ...
The dialogue continues ...
- AAAAAAA ... well then you are "red" .... I don't "catch up" again ..
- What else are there?
- Blue ... But they will not suit you ... I again did not understand ...
- Why?
- Yes, they are for ...... SAMAGON only used ...

* Anyuta *
By the way, the price of 1 kg is 50 RE (which is for blue, which for red) ...)))
Quote: * Annie *

By the way, the price of 1 kg is 50 RE (which is for blue, which is for red) ...)))
That's right! Now at home, do not be too lazy to hang them in grams, I hung them by 12, and then I took as much as necessary. And wrap each piece in plastic wrap and in the freezer. They can be stored for up to a year. I have searched and read a lot on the internet.
And the price is the same. I also took red ones. Only mine are called "Record". And Voronezh - Extra. I think it's even better.
* Anyuta *
Quote: Lagri

That's right! Now at home, do not be too lazy to hang them in grams, I hung them by 12, and then I took as much as necessary. And wrap each piece in plastic wrap and in the freezer. They can be stored for up to a year.

but simply cannot be stored in the refrigerator?
but in this advice I will definitely use ... after all, it will be harder to cut a whole piece of ice cream! ..
Quote: * Annie *

but simply cannot be stored in the refrigerator?
but in this advice I will definitely use ... after all, it will be harder to cut a whole piece of ice cream! ..
You can simply store it in the refrigerator, but only 30 days from the date of release, and 1 kg is a lot and for a long time. Leave yourself a piece of 100-200 grams and keep it in the refrigerator, and pack the rest in the freezer.
Well, and I became the owner of a Panasonic SD-2500 bread machine. The fact that it would be Panasonic was sure (I have been using the multicooker of this company for 2 years and have not regretted a day with the choice), but I chose the model and deliberately bought this one, and there were very affordable prices in the online store. The bread maker has taken root in the family and we are only happy. True, yesterday the bread did not work out, they immediately replaced flour, yeast and by morning everything was in its best form.
And I went to the site to express gratitude to all the participants in this forum. Thank you so much for the useful information, for the recipes, for your everyday experience. And thanks to the old-timers of this site and the moderators, for the patience and wisdom with which you teach us, beginners, to bake bread or watch a bun.
ElenaOL, Welcome to our friendly family of Bakers! Good luck with your bread! May the bread maker please you for a long time.
Valeria 12
Quote: Lagri

In general, I like the quality more from the aluminum mold.
Girls, what is this magic form? : secret: For Panasonic bread maker ??
Go to the topic "Non-standard forms for Panasonic". You will see both forms and that. what is baked in them.
Valeria 12, welcam
* Anyuta *
good morning everyone .. and as always ... FEEL ...
Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (2)
Maybe this post has nothing to do with bread makers, but look at my MUG ...
The photo was taken 2 minutes ago ... And then it turns out that the PANASONIKOVOD is the same .... (I paid attention to the current ...)

This circle has already gone 5 years ... Back in the spring of 2008, it was brought from an international exhibition ...
* Anyuta *
Who else has this ???
Valeria 12
Quote: Deep

Valeria 12, welcam
Thank you
Quote: Valeria 12

Girls, what is this magic form? : secret: For Panasonic bread machine ??
This form is not only for x / p Panasonic, but for all x / n, where it will fit. It enters Moulinex freely with me, but I like bread from Panasonic more. And read about forms here:

P.S. And also read in the same topic on page 20 post 393, it generally describes how to bake delicious bread on ripe dough in L7.
Anyutahow are you doing with yeast?

If possible, buy 100-gram packs - they can be stored in the refrigerator door in the oil compartment. Or freeze in small portions (divide a piece with a thread treated with alcohol). I kept good yeast in a kilogram pack in the refrigerator for a couple of months - I cut off a piece of 100 grams with a thread, wrapped a large piece back in "native" paper and put it where the temperature was slightly above 0 ° C.With not very active baking, I managed to use half - two-thirds of a pound pack. But it was in any case cheaper than the 100 grams separately. And these one-hundred-gram "wet" ones themselves are cheaper than dry yeast.

You need to remember this - try not to touch the yeast, which is sent for storage in the refrigerator. I just open the pack, break off a piece straight into the bucket on the scales, so I don't touch the remaining piece of yeast. You cannot pack the yeast stored in a refrigerator very tightly, but leave it open too. It is necessary to maintain a balance - so as not to dry out and not to suffocate.

Hello. Recently, I am the unfortunate owner of hp 2501. With its acquisition, a terrible dor attacked my family. The scales look with horror at our wide-spreading sides. Jeans flutter.
Slowly, using your site, I am mastering the technique in the hope of learning how to bake bread for weight loss
Grunt, this is only at first ... Then the quantity of baked bread will turn into quality. And your household will already learn to distinguish between simple yeast and sourdough. And they will imperceptibly move from the category of just consumers to the category of connoisseurs-aesthetes, even gourmets.
It's even easier. Grunt, do not do baking and all kinds of exotic recipes with additives. Bake the SIMPLE wheat bread from flour (it would be nice to have flour of 1st and 2nd grade), yeast, water, salt, butter (don't even add sugar). And you will see that the bread is delicious, but it satiates faster and better. Where half a loaf was previously eaten, one slice will be eaten.
Valeria 12
Quote: Rina

It's even easier. Grunt, do not go in for baking and all kinds of exotic recipes with additives. Bake the SIMPLE wheat bread from flour (it would be nice to have flour of 1st and 2nd grade), yeast, water, salt, butter (don't even add sugar). And you will see that the bread is tasty, but it satiates faster and better. Where half a loaf was previously eaten, one slice will be eaten.
: pardon: Why, from flour 1 and 2 grade, the worse the highest?
Flour of the highest grade is cleared of everything useful that is present in flour of the 1st and 2nd grade. In flour of the highest grade there is little gluten, fiber, respectively, it is poor in vitamins of group B. In general, you can search the internet for comparisons. To bake the bread offered Rina, I can say that I don't even add oil. The bread is great.
Hello! take to your ranks! thanks to your feedback, I bought Panas 2502. and another friend too, on my advice. before that they gave him an archelic, took him to work (I work at sea for 15 days) there is a river for every day, also excellent bread. but everyone is very happy and satisfied with Panas. children always eat excellent bread instead of buns, but on the contrary, I began to eat very little. which is good! Yesterday I tried a cupcake from the book, it turned out to be a class. crave a lot of recipes for our ha. Since I live in Baku, there is no dry kvass malt, I am waiting for recipes somehow without them. very grateful to the site and to all of you!
: bye: and more cupcakes for our model
Quote: Valeria 12

: pardon: And why, from flour 1 and 2 grade, the worse the highest?

In Russia, wheat bakery flour is produced in six varieties: extra, higher, grains, first, second, wallpaper.

Flour of the highest, first and second grades is made with two- and three-grade grinding, as well as with single-grade grinding. With two- and three-grade mills, two or three varieties of flour are obtained simultaneously, while with single-grade flours, one specific grade is obtained. At three-grade grinding of grain with a total flour yield of 75%, the highest grade flour is selected 10-30, the first - 50-40, the second - 15-5%. With two-grade grinding, flour of the first grade is 50-60%, the second - 25-15%. With a single-grade grinding, the output of the first grade flour is 72, the second - 85, wallpaper - 96%. The type of grinding and the yield of flour when grinding grain determines the grade and chemical composition of the flour.

Flour of Extra grade is characterized by the smallest mass fraction of ash, mineral impurities, it is used for baking bakery and confectionery products of the highest quality.If the flour is burned, ash remains. This non-combustible residue is formed by minerals, which are most contained in the shells of the grains. Since there are very few of them in extra grade flour, its ash content is no more than 0.45%. The mass fraction of raw gluten is approximately 28%, as in the premium flour.

Flour of the highest grade consists of finely ground particles of the inner layer, endosperm (average particle size 30–40 µm), is distinguished by white color, the highest (79–80%) starch content and an average or low amount (10–14%) of proteins; the yield of crude gluten is approximately 28%, the ash content is not more than 0.55%. It contains a minimum amount of fiber (0.1–0.15%), fat and sugar. This type of flour is most common in the manufacture of the highest grades of flour products. Wheat flour of the highest grade has good baking properties, products made from it have a good volume and a fine developed porosity. This flour is best used for shortcrust, puff and yeast dough, sauces and flour dressings.

Gritty - consists of homogeneous small grains of light cream color, its ash content is 0.60%. Almost bran free. It is rich in gluten and has high baking properties. Grit is produced from special varieties of wheat and is distinguished by the larger size of individual particles. It is advisable to use this flour for yeast dough with a high sugar and fat content for such products as cakes, buns, etc. For unpalatable yeast dough, grit is of little use, since the dough from it is poorly suited, and the finished products have poor porosity and quickly stale.

First grade flour is the most common. It consists of finely ground particles (40-60 microns in size) of endosperm and a small amount (3-4% of the flour mass) of ground shell particles, ie, shell particles with an aleurone layer. The amount of starch is on average 75%, relatively much (13-15%) protein, the yield of crude gluten is 30%. Flour of the first grade contains slightly more sugars (up to 2%) and fat (1%) than flour of the premium grade, its ash content is not more than 0.75%, fiber contains on average 0.27–0.3%. The color of the first grade flour is from pure white to white with a yellowish or grayish tint. Flour of the first grade is good for uncomfortable baking (rolls, pies, pancakes, pancakes, sautéing, national types of noodles, etc.), and for baking various bread products. Finished products from it stale more slowly. High-quality bakery and confectionery products are usually made from high-grade wheat flour.

Flour of the second grade consists of crushed endosperm particles with a significant admixture (8–10% of the grain mass) of shell particles. Particle size from 30-40 to 150-200 microns. Flour contains 70–72% starch, protein in this flour contains 13–16%, the yield of crude gluten is at least 25%, the amount of sugars is 1.5–2.0%, fat is about 2%, ash content is 1.1– 1.2%, fiber content on average 0.7%. The color of the flour ranges from light with a yellowish tinge to darker gray and brown. The latter is better in terms of baking qualities - baked goods from it are fluffy, with a porous crumb. It is mainly used for baking table varieties of white bread and non-rich flour products. It is often mixed with rye flour. This flour is used in the manufacture of some confectionery products (gingerbread and cookies).

Wallpaper flour is obtained by single-grade wallpaper grinding with a yield of 96%. Flour consists of almost the same tissues as wheat grains, but differs in a slightly smaller number of fruit shells and embryos. Wallpaper flour is comparatively large, non-uniform in particle size (the largest particle size reaches 600, and the smallest 30-40 microns). Its chemical composition is close to that of the original grain (ash content is 0.07–0.1%, and the fiber content is 0.15–0.2% less than in grain). This flour has a high moisture content and sugar-forming ability, the yield of crude gluten is from 20% or more.As a composition similar to wallpaper wheat flour, you can use a mixture of 9 parts of premium wheat flour and 1 part of wheat bran (one tenth, 10%). Wallpaper flour is mainly used for baking table breads and is rarely used in cooking.
Good evening, welcome to the ranks of bakers! We bought a 2502 oven in the Media Market today (the price is now acceptable there). All the boxes were sealed in polyethylene, but when they began to check after payment, I noticed that the box itself had already been opened and repackaged. When they took out the stove for inspection, I noticed the "flimsy and wobbling" of the main cover, it shakes a little, although there are no external signs of marriage, and there was still no protective film on the display. So I sit with my skepticism "on treason." I'm worried about the cover, maybe I should have changed it right away? Is there a possibility that upon arrival, the stove is carefully checked, documents are attached (warranty, description)?
Quote: mashustik

Good evening, welcome to the ranks of bakers! We bought a 2502 oven in the Media Market today (the price is now acceptable there). All the boxes were sealed in polyethylene, but when they began to check after payment, I noticed that the box itself had already been opened and repackaged. When they took out the stove for inspection, I noticed the "flimsy and wobbling" of the main cover, it shakes a little, although there are no external signs of marriage, and there was still no protective film on the display. So I'm sitting with my skepticism "on treason." I'm worried about the cover, maybe I should have changed it right away? Is there a possibility that upon arrival, the stove is carefully checked, documents are attached (warranty, description)?
Everyone has a loose cover, but there should be a protective film. Suggests that something was being repaired there.
We didn't even remove this film ourselves, it's so plump, it's not a film, but transparent plastic. It seems to me that it is here on purpose so that flour or something else does not get into the cracks between the buttons. I would return it back. Within 14 days, they are obliged to collect and return the money or change it to a normal one.
Quote: Mona1

We didn't even remove this film ourselves, it's so plump, it's not a film, but transparent plastic. It seems to me that it is here on purpose so that flour or whatever does not get into the cracks between the buttons. I would return it back. Within 14 days they are obliged to collect and return the money or change it to a normal one.
The fact of the matter is that during the inspection, I noticed that the panel is easily soiled and there is no film, but no other points (traces, scratches) were found, they said about the cover that it should be so. And I read about the film already in the manual - at home. In accordance with our legislation, money will not be returned for such equipment just like that! An online store can still go for this, but so it is necessary to prove a technical malfunction and the impossibility of repair. In general, I continue to "sit on treason."
For example, there was no film on the Toshibov thermopot either, but the packaging did not raise any questions.
I’m wondering how to prove that the tape was not actually there? They can say that they themselves removed. But still, try to return.

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