I paid on the 8th in the morning, after lunch they clarified the patronymic, on the 9th they sent it.
Paid, call back or sent the next day
Hurrah! I signed up to VK, they said they sent it on the 9th.
Did you pick someone up by self?
And a courier will bring me tomorrow
Lyusenka, interesting! And when I ordered, courier delivery was not available ... only to the pick point, and even for 380 rubles ...
Quote: Oroma

Lyusenka, interesting! And when I ordered, courier delivery was not available ... only to the pick point, and even for 380 rubles ...
Oroma, OlgaWhen you put it in the basket, there really is no courier delivery. And when you fill out the data, you can already choose courier delivery for 300 rubles - 60 rubles discount for payment by card. Perhaps only registered so?
Lyusenka, I have been registered there for a long time. And I bought from my account. And I asked the ComfortMax manager about delivery for 300, they told me that it was for other cities. And everywhere there was an inscription that there was no courier delivery. Maybe something changed later? I used to always order a courier. And it turned out even cheaper. And here is the peak point, you have to go there and then drag it yourself, but it costs more. Nonsense
Quote: Oroma
Olga, I don't even know why this is so ...
I, too, when I started to draw up, was directly upset. But everything worked out.
I sympathize...
Masha Ivanova
Lyusenka, Lyudmila! Do you have an old 1400 watt sampling device to compare?
I really hope that you will bake something by tomorrow night and tell us something about her work.
I received my long-awaited samsushnitsa, delivery by courier 300r. Beauty!!! I made puff pastries from purchased puff pastry, it turned out well, one drawback is there is no groove for the butter stack. Today I prepared buns from c. h. flour, loved it, super crisp! I will drop the photo later.
Masha Ivanova, Elena, I have an old, beloved "girl". I bought this one for my sister. Testing will not work, just check the heating.
Masha Ivanova
Lyusenka, Luda! Oh, what a pity! Well, maybe someone else can compare.

Tatius82, Tatyana! Congratulations on your arrival and first try!
Here she is a beauty:
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
Puffs and breads. The bread was baked for 5/3/5/3 minutes. everything was baked perfectly.
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
Masha Ivanova
Tatius82, Tanya! Excellent products. And the baking time is great too!
Quote: Masha Ivanova

Tatius82, Tanya! Excellent products. And the baking time is great too!
Thank you! I will try new baking options! Small biscuits next!
Quote: Tatius82
Small biscuits next!
Oh, that's interesting! We wait)
Quote: Tatius82
Here she is a beauty:
Tatius82, Tatyana, really beautiful! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Long love and friendship with your new assistant!
Thank you! I hope she doesn't let you down :))
Quote: Tatius82
Small biscuits next!
Tatyana, be careful with biscuits, Marysya had an unpleasant experience
Quote: Marysya27

This is how the surface remains:
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
The dough is numb:
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
And if everything can be washed from behind, then at the points of attachment of the handles - no:
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
You can see the whole thing here, about biscuits under the spoiler
Device for making mini samsa from Princess Samboussa maker # 1398

By the way, I just noticed that on the edges of the new samushnitsa there is a groove for the drain of oil or condensate, in the old, judging by the pictures in the subject, this is not.
Tatius82, Congratulations! Have a question: is the coating silver or black? I would like to know the same as it was or a different composition of the coating.Find out: in addition to appearance and power changes, are there any other changes. Looks pretty.
The coating also seemed to me silver in the photo, unlike the previous model, it seems to be black there.
Sofita, Scroll down the page 5 posts above, there are photos of the cover of the new Samsung.

win-tat, the coverage is exactly the same as the first one.
optimist, just in the pictures Marysi it seems almost black, while Tatius82 silvery. I understand that the photo can light up, but so much. Maybe here, like in the cartoon Redmond, they also changed the coating to silver.
Masha Ivanova
By the way, Tatius writes that there is no groove for the oil drain. (Post 2660) Although according to the picture, it also seems to me that there is.
Yuliya K
Quote: Masha Ivanova
Although according to the drawing it also seems to me that there is.
Yes, judging by the photo (No. 2), there is a groove around the perimeter. The question is how much it really works. Judging by the reviews on the Amazon and this model, fat and juice flows out on the sides.
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker

And the coverage seems to be the same ..
Quote: win-tat

Tatyana, be careful with biscuits, Marysya had an unpleasant experience. You can see the whole thing here, about biscuits under the spoiler
Device for making mini samsa from Princess Samboussa maker # 1398

By the way, I just noticed that on the edges of the new samushnitsa there is a groove for the drain of oil or condensate, in the old, judging by the pictures in the subject, this is not.
Tatyana, Thank you for the warning. Apparently the biscuit is too airy for this device, then Medovik is a quick liquid one from Yuliya K. There is just nothing to replace honey (usually I replace it with molasses) you can't get it at the Dacha. Something will think. There is a chute, but in the case of the puffs it did not help, everything was filled with fat.
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker

Quote: Sofita

Tatius82, Congratulations! Have a question: is the coating silver or black? I would like to know the same as it was or a different composition of the coating. Find out: in addition to appearance and power changes, are there any other changes. Looks pretty.
Silver coating.
Yuliya K
Quote: Tatius82
Honey only has nothing to replace (usually I replace it with molasses) you can't get it at the Dacha.
You can also try on invert syrup - I remember that one of the girls used it in a multi-baker!
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa makerInvert (glucose) syrup in 10 minutes

I myself have not tried the liquid honey cake in the samssushnitsa - I don't really like the coating in mine for sweet baked goods, it sticks too much to the surface. Here are bread - it's a win-win for her !!
Quote: Tatius82
There is a chute, but in the case of the puffs it did not help, everything was filled with fat.
Well, at least an attempt was made to improve, and that's nice .. It also depends on the puff pastry whether a lot of oil will flow or not.
I am now actively studying Temka, they write a lot about the dough. Guzel62 praises Ashanovskoe, there the scraps are easily rolled out
Quote: Guzel62
I always take the cheapest dough, in Auchan, it is called “our meal” (pinkish and grayish packages). There are yeast and yeast-free. I bake with yeast in the oven (rise right up to the top of the oven!), In Samochka I bake with yeast-free. There is, in my opinion, and in Pyater .... I like it the most recently! I have already refused from Zvezdny, and from Everyday, and from Morozko, and from others.
Very soft, pliable, elastic. Here I say the same, I slightly crumpled the cuttings and rolled them thin. So there is not a drop of waste left!
Quote: Yuliya K
You can also try it on ivert syrup - I remember that one of the girls used it in a multi-baker!
Oh, thanks a lot for the tip!
win-tat, Tatyana! I will not say specifically about Ashanovsky dough, but when I was not too lazy to read the composition of some cheap ready-made puff pastry in the store, my hands unclenched themselves, and the package fell out of my hands. I buy dough from Zvezdny. I hope they are not lying about the composition of the dough ....
"Star" yeast-free according to Roskontrol test is the best, then "Every day", "Prosto" all the others with comments, I don't know if you can trust their tests. I cooked a lot of butter from the Just dough and the harsh dough rolls out poorly, to the taste of the norms.
I'm not at all special in purchased puff pastry, I don't even remember when I last bought it.
To be honest, I don’t believe any tests for a long time, in production they are now trying to make everything cheaper, using don’t understand what kind of raw materials, that is, buying something expensive, I understand that this does not mean the best. Anyway, even for an expensive dough, they use margarine, then I can't imagine what they take for a cheap one.
We'll have to look for "with mother-of-pearl buttons."
Yesterday I became the happy owner of Samsushnitsa)))
The instructions say that after you insert the plug into the outlet, the red indicator lights up, when the required temperature is reached, it turns green, and two indicators come on at once.
Who is it easy to see, please, your Samsushnitsa and yours?
I got it today. And I, too, first turn on both indicators, after 5 minutes the green goes out, only the red is on.
Quote: Yatakaya
lights up, indicating that the device is plugged in. Green indicates that the desired temperature has been reached, if it has turned off, it means that the APRTINA has warmed up.
I sincerely congratulate the owners of the princess.
Quote: Yatakaya
first, both indicators turn on, after 5 minutes the green goes out, only red is on.
and what is there and the indicators light up ?? puzzled, no, well, there is nothing to do, curiosity won over laziness, (I did not read the instructions, I cook from the cold, so I never bothered with warming up and did not pay attention to the indicators) I got it out, turned it on - only red was lit, I had to wait further, through 3min lights up green.
Quote: Ilmirushka
Green indicates that the desired temperature has been reached, if it has turned off, it means that the appliance has heated up.
and you have a different way or what?
Svetlana, yes cho in a different way, the same way. It's just that sometimes the bulbs in different units turn on in different ways ... Here in the new one, apparently a bit wrong, but the essence is the same
Ilmirushkaand Svetlana777, thanks, calmed down!
And I am upset, I received my Samsung device today, and she has such scratches on the top and bottom panels in the middle
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
And here there are very noticeable burrs that will scratch the bottom panel
Mini samsa maker from Princess Samboussa maker
and in general in my copy there are quite a few burrs on the edges, you can feel it if you slide your finger.
I wrote to Alexander in the store, I would like to exchange ...
Quote: win-tat
I received today my samushnitsa, and on her upper and more delicate panels in the middle there are such scratches
, Tatiana I sympathize, that's a pancake started in the morning on the collective farm. .. no, well, in the first batch there was a marriage, there were returns, so it really is impossible to release a new batch without a marriage (I will now worry, I also bought it, I probably should have said that in the store before sending it was checked so that there were no such problems
Yuliya K
Tanyush, yes, the scratches are essential ... this is of course an obvious marriage - of course they must change! But I was thinking about buying a new one and also hoped that they would work in this coated one taking into account the flaws of the previous model. But it is clear again who is as lucky ..

Quote: Svetlana777
probably should have been told to check in the store before shipping,
It would be nice to be examined before sending!
Svetlana, do not worry, in the last purchase there were only a few with such problems.
Quote: Svetlana777
I had to say that the store was checked before shipment so that there were no such problems

So I also read the topic and saw such problems were in the first batch, so I decided that now, before sending, they at least check that there are no returns, but ... I fell for the same rake.
Yul, why the second, in reserve?
By the way, I thought it would be bigger, but in fact it is so neat.
Quote: win-tat
Svetlana, do not worry, in the last purchase there were only a few with such problems.
I know, God had mercy on me, the marriage bypassed, I have that model TTT, it works
Quote: win-tat
so I decided that now, before sending, they at least check that there are no returns,
so I was hoping for that, eh, this morning they called that they were sending, otherwise I would ask to check
I had to write to Valery Shtebovich, for some reason the server does not allow a letter with photos to Alexander to enter the store.
Light, hopefully get lucky again.
I've been reading and reading this topic for the last few days, and even about these scratches ... so I finished reading, today I open the box and think, if only without marriage, but that's how it is.
Yuliya K
Quote: win-tat
in reserve
Aha! What if what happens to mine? I'm used to triangular bread!
Quote: Yuliya K
Yul, this says a lot, so the device is really worthy.
Finally I got my own device. I got there quickly. There are questions about the coating, of course, somewhere rough along the edges, there are bubbles. But I will not change who knows what will come again. I will play tomorrow.
Irina, Congratulations!!!
Quote: laresh
There are questions about the coating, of course, somewhere rough along the edges, there are bubbles.
sadness, and mine is still not clear where, it seems, Sdek was sent, but there is no track and silence ...
I got it by Russian mail in 10 days. Bread could not resist and baked. Cool.

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