If you languish, then you need more water.
And the time, well, 6 hours for sure. Better to put it at night.
Masinen,aha, Mashenka, I’m just here at night and ask. This is for 1 glass of buckwheat, then how much water should you take? And what temperature to set? Thank you, Mashenka !!!
I would like to get just such-pretaky languid-tasty-soulful.
1 cup buckwheat and 2.5 cups water
Temperature 90 and overnight
Hello everyone, eh, I really want DD2, but alas, they don't sell such in Germany. If an akazia, then it's scary that if there are some problems that cannot be returned
Girls, please enlighten. I put the compote to cook: soup, pressure 3, time 5 minutes. The multicooker blocked the lid, after a couple of minutes the button on the soup started blinking, after another couple of minutes it lit up, after another couple of minutes))) started blinking again. I turned off the program. She turned on the soup again, 4 minutes, but the pressure was 7, after a minute the countdown began. How to understand all this?))
A-liona, Alain, why did they turn it off.
This is how the light should flash, the pressure cooker is gaining pressure and temperature.
Masinen,Mashenka, thank you very much for the advice on stewed buckwheat. She languished with me all night. Today I tried it in the morning. Very boring: soft, crumbly, fragrant!
Thank you very much!
Yesterday I was preparing a vegetable stew. I collected all the vegetables that for some reason suddenly lay in the refrigerator. I washed it, cleaned it, cut it coarsely. On the "Fry" in olive oil, fry for 25 minutes, spreading out in stages. Salted. A bit of Provencal herbs and "Vegetables" mode 15 minutes 0.3 pressure without adding liquid. The temperature at the exit was exactly 100 degrees. Oh, what a deliciousness it turned out! I did it before in other cartoons, but, to be honest, it did not work out such goodies.
Marina, Nata, thank you. I got it. Can you cook porridge in a steel bowl? Today I once again went to the store for a cup, again in scratches ((It’s not known when I’ll find my whole one, but I gave the brandika to my mother, they got used to porridge in the morning.
Also, when the lid is locked, there is a larger gap on one side, is this normal? I'm afraid of her)))))))
A-liona, in steel porridge you can cook. I cook everything in a steel bowl.
Now I cooked a compote. Soup mode 1 min. It turned out much tastier than in other multicooker. Do not understand why?
Marina, thank you. what about the gap?
Alyona, I am Mary)))
Yes, there should be a gap.
Maria, I know, but I don’t know why I wrote it this way. But I have a larger gap on one side. Now I'm cooking the soup, with the countdown, the button on the soup started blinking, there are 8 minutes left, the light stopped blinking. After 2 minutes, it blinked again. Girls, don't laugh, I really don't understand. Does it depend on the work of the ten, that is, on the temperature of the liquid?
Alyona, so the gap on one side is larger for everyone.
Honestly, when I cook under pressure, I never look at the light bulb.

In general, if I am not confused, then when it heats up, the light blinks, and when it stops heating, it does not blink.
Masha, what do you cook in a coated bowl? read several recipes, it is not always written in what bowl to cook? B. Baking, as I understand it, can only be done in a coated bowl. What bread?
The bread is also coated.
I also fry in a Teflon bowl, and everything else in a steel one.
Quote: Rituslya
I did it before in other cartoons, but, to be honest, it did not work out such goodies.
Quote: gala10
It turned out much tastier than in other multicooker. Do not understand why?
I think it's because she's a pressure cooker. The valve is closed and not a single aromatic molecule flies out, we get everything.
At the same time, there was a check for the quality of the product - once I threw to cook meat, which seemed to have been bought recently and looked and smelled normal, but it was cooked - it became clear that it was “expired.” ((Well, what was there to eat, the dogs were happy.
Devuli, tell me, please, I want to cook chicken broth. On which program and how much to put on time, so as not to digest?
Rita, the instructions say: Soup 30 minutes.
Masha, thank you.
Alyona,wow, I'm afraid that in 30 minutes my chicken will boil down into porridge. I would like the broth to be so dietary, but with elastic meat.
If the chicken is soup, then 25-30 minutes are needed. I cooked many times - 20 minutes is not enough, the meat is not chewed.
Quote: Roza_Irina
If the chicken is soup, then 25-30 minutes are needed.
no, not soup. They write that they are like "Frying chicken".
Masinen, Mashun, I want to start a cottage cheese casserole. Should I do it at 110 * C or more? And how long (I plan about 50 minutes)?
Rita, I cook broilers for 15 minutes in Soup, everything is OK. Well, if 2 hips, then 10 minutes is enough
Linadoc, yes for 110 grams, well, put 50 minutes. No more.
GTI Tatiana
Girls, when you bake it, the top darkens with a crust? Or as in the previous model, the top is light?
Quote: GTI
When you bake it, the top darkens with a crust?
it doesn't get dark for me. I add time again, it turns out that the bottom turns brown, and the top begins to bake.

Mashun, girls, made a casserole. This is the thing! There is no section yet. But a photo of the finished product (with a centimeter) here - Multicooker-pressure cooker-slow cooker Steba DD2 / DD2 XL
| Alexandra |
Girls, how I envy you, this languor in DD1 does not suit me at all, there is a very lack of temperature in it ...
Girls, good morning everyone. I also bought dd1 cteby dd2 for the banter. We followed our hostess (Mashenka (Masinen)) all reached for the new version. At first I thought I would sell dd1 later, but now they are standing side by side with twin sisters and both have enough work. I can’t part with dd1. Thank you Mashenka. I want to bake bread on languor +, what temperature to choose, I think 120 degrees?
I want to bake bread on languor +, what temperature to choose, I think 120 degrees?
Irina, 130 g for bread.
Girls, here is a casserole cutter:
Multicooker-pressure cooker-slow cooker Steba DD2 / DD2 XL

I did it with black chokeberry. Lush and delicious!
I did it according to the usual recipe - 550 g of cottage cheese (I have my own, 18%), 3 eggs (whipped my own, the freshest, whites separately), soda 1/3 tsp., Flour 1.5 mstk, sugar 3/4 mstk, 3 Art. l. sour cream (I have my own, 20%).
But now she baked in a new way!
Linadoc, and what temperature did you set for the casserole and how long did you bake?
Mannochka, T set 110 * C, baked for 50 minutes with the lid obliquely. Leave it in the bowl for another 15 minutes. I turned it over on the board. She practically did not settle, which is unusual for me.
GTI Tatiana
Linadoc, Lina, and the top is ruddy or white (light, as in DD1)?
Galina, Yulia, there is already a recipe for DD1. Nothing too new. I don't know how Masha will decide, so I will.
Tatyana, the top is, of course, white, as in DD1. But I turned it over and everything is OK. If I needed without flipping, like focaccia, for example, then I would attach a cover from the AG. We already have experience.
Quote: Linadoc
there is already a recipe for DD1. Nothing too new. I don't know how Masha will decide, so I will.
I think that we need to make a separate section for recipes in DD2 and place even recipes that are repeated by ingredients there. Especially if the cooking is on Slowing +. For oldies - so that every time not to think about how much temperature and time to set, and for beginners - a good help in mastering the multicooker. Not every beginner will think of a recipe for DD2 to go into recipes for DD1. After all, they expose the same recipes for different multicooker.
Girls, tell me pliz, how can I cook herculean porridge correctly? The box says 10 minutes. On the porridge -0.3 mode, the pressure for 15 minutes, or is it tastier and better to use languor + I'm braking something straight.
Alexandra, something Masha does not answer. Here, she cooked.
Rick, I support.
Today I cooked buckwheat. I set it as standard for 4 hours. Came when she had been heated for a couple of hours. Domestic differences were not noticed. I'll try to follow. put it at night.
This morning I cooked soup in the new assistant. What amazed me, after the end of the "soup" program, the temperature on the display was 109 *, but the girlfriend did NOT squeak !!! I watched for another five minutes, and then turned it off, ran to work. I haven't cooked anything else yet.
The question is: does everyone have it?
Marina, and mine squeaks in my opinion, but I'm not sure.
We must pay attention.
She squeaked three times, announcing the end, and no more.
But I don’t know if it’s peeping at me or not, because I don’t pay attention at all.
I'll talk to her a bit, and she seems to be answering with her squeak.
Available from Shtebka 5 bowls: 3 stainless steel and 2 non-stick. I decided to bake a casserole, but there were no free bowls. I had to shift.
As a result, Shtebka replaced all my other cartoons.
Oh, and I want a 3 liter Stack))
And even better for 2 liters, I just want the baby)

By the way, I have only three bowls for 2 Stacks.
Sometimes not enough.
I baked a casserole on Slowing at a temperature of 110 and 50 minutes. The recipe is the simplest: 500 gr. cottage cheese, and 2 eggs, salt, sugar, one peach on top, butter for coating.
Aaaaa! Insanely happy.
Multicooker-pressure cooker-slow cooker Steba DD2 / DD2 XL
Rituslya, super came out !!
We must also try to bake without semolina.
Masinen,No, Mashun, I forgot to attribute that I also sprinkled peaches with cornstarch. Quite a bit.
Tasty, really. The son has already dragged all the peaches from the top, the husband has no complaints at all, and the daughter is watching the figure, therefore, as they say, she pleased everyone. Although it turned out ugly, but very tasty!
Girls, maybe the pressure is 0.3, but the lid is not locked, but the countdown is already in progress?
Py. sy. After all, she made me a porridge without locking the lid.
Alena, an early bird!
I made carp in Polesie in the first Shteba on Kas by 0.3. My lid is not blocked either.

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