Charlotte with nectarines and mango
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
The dough was poured into a cold princess, cooked for 14 minutes, 13 of which turned out to be heated, that is, with a red light.
I didn't beat the dough much, just a little bit with a whisk.
Quote: Linadoc
These are baguettes with garlic (I made a little of them, 5 will fit easily) from 330g of flour for 12 minutes from a cold state:
Linadoc, but please tell me the recipe for baguettes! Husband loves such
Virgin, I make baguettes here by this recipe, inside garlic, grated with olive oil and herbs. You can calmly make from 500g of flour and divide it into 5 baguettes (well, maybe 1 will be extra).
Quote: Linadoc
3 minutes on each side for a heated stove
Doesn't her top cover fry? Only the bottom?
And the upper heating element heats.
Did you order YaiShenka?
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Yesterday I made the first pizza in my life (my husband asked very much), dough according to Tanyuli's recipe (300 grams of flour, 225 ml of water, 1 tbsp. Olive oil, 1 tsp. Salt, with Italian herbs), kneaded in KhP. The filling from what was (chicken, peppers and tomatoes, and the mouse hanged) It seems like nothing happened, but for me it's a bit thick, although the dough itself is very tasty, I would make it just like that. The husband is delighted and did not even swear at the new 105th in a row a toy.
She was ashamed to take a picture, since it turned out not very even (I still don't know how to work with the test)
Virgin, baguettes are best put in hot. I threw it off along with the paper, it turned out amazingly. They were baked for about 6-7 minutes (I forgot the time).
Quote: Babushka

Virgin, craftswomen! I'll go bungle something ..

Sorry for offtopic. I went to see Midea. Black is basil purple. Dough 50/50 whole grain and regular flour.

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Girls, look that Ozone has a competitor to Princeska 🔗 and costs 1,750.00. The sides will certainly be lower, the power is less, but there is a timer. What a clone ...
Tatyana, very appetizing. VVK Midea, Princess are similar, the latter only has a hollow lid (that's what I pecked at)
Tanyulya, Tatyana, yes, the height of Midea is not enough, otherwise the price would not be there.
But Midea bakes softly and evenly
Cheesecakes for breakfast made from store-bought yeast-free puff pastry. Warm up for 7 minutes + baking for 5 minutes. The dough is ready already after 3 minutes, but I would like it to be fried a little.Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
And today I made vegetable pizza on batter. Fried marrow a little, tomato, cheese, pepper, 13 minutes from switching on.

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
How the Princess helped me out in this heat! Children with grandchildren rested, so she baked 2-3 times a day. And she also freed up space in the freezer from caviar (carp, crucian carp), there are many fishermen. For 1 kg of caviar she took 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l with a slide of semolina, 2 tbsp. l sour cream, 2 tbsp. l rast. oils, salt to taste. The caviar was whipped with an immersion blender. It turns out a liquid mass. Poured almost on the edge of the lower side. It is baked very quickly, it turns out a very tender casserole.
francevna, special thanks for the caviar !!!
Yeast dough pie stuffed with canned saury, tomatoes, grated potatoes and cheese.

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 - before baking
and after :
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

She baked for 12 minutes after turning on the green light, formed a cake in a cold oven.
Is the yeast dough baked normally, not dull?
Cvetaal, cool cake. We must also try with canned fish. Are grated potatoes raw?
Lyudmila, the dough is baked, there is no dullness.

Natalia, thank you raw potatoes. Grated, mixed with egg, added hard cheese, shallots and dill
I have pizza, on pizza yeast dough
Tomato cheese meat. Mayonnaise + ketchup missed everything.
I honestly didn't time the time, because I ran from the kitchen to the rooms, but very quickly.
I put it in a cold frying pan, in a hot one I will most likely test it tomorrow.
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Vegetable pizza on thick dough (whole wheat flour, sourdough), 14 minutes from plugging in
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Can I boast, today I got a princess, and immediately to work
Pear pie - dough "Rublevskoe" from Qween 7 min after switching on. green light bulbs

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

And Pizza on a puff purchased dough, rolled out thin, baked in 3 minutes after turning on. green light bulbs, delicious

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

I am very happy with the purchase, I thought that I definitely didn't need anything else, but it turned out ..... it seemed, thanks to the girls pioneers
Margo, beautiful!
I would soften the pear with milk
Tatyana, thank you, for my big family, this is now just salvation, we adore everything, but with the princess, fast cooking turns out, and what is especially pleasing, you can bake almost everything, and thanks to all of you, so many have already been poured into bookmarks, which becomes scary for figure
Good morning! I would like to say thank you to all of you for participating in this forum! You all help a lot with advice and I come here almost every day and always find something interesting to milk myself! And I bought a lot thanks to you!
Including the Princess! I tried a lot, I liked something, but something did not work out at all! For example, I like pizza in the oven! Since it warms up to a higher temperature for me, and while the princess was baking one, I baked two in the oven! I baked an apple pie, I really liked it delicious and fast! And it is also very convenient to make small croutons for soup and salad in it! Straight instantly and croutons are soft on the inside and crispy on the outside in less than 5 minutes! It is very convenient so that the oven does not heat up.
Quote: Bulia
And it is also very convenient to make small croutons for soup and salad in it!
ABOUT! Exactly, crackers! She herself would not have guessed, thanks to Julia!
Hello girls. She made either a pizza or a pie for breakfast. From yesterday, puff and ruble dough remained, put the remnants of ruble dough into the puff pastry and rolled it out, not to waste the good, smeared with ketchup, ground pork and beef pre-fried with an onion on top, slices of tomato and grated cheese, smeared the decor of strips of dough with a beaten egg, baked 14min. from start. It turned out very much
And yet, I immediately roll out the dough on antipr. material (I cut out a little more than the diameter of the princess, so that it fits on the sides), and I spread it after rolling into the princess, it is very convenient and even it turns out, with the size you will not be mistaken

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
What a beauty ..., and put the minced meat raw?
marlanca, Galina, fried with onion
Quote: Vasilica
Can the princess be stored vertically?
I store it vertically, but I support the lid with an airfryer (it does not lock and opens without a stop)
Mannochka, thanks - that's what you need! I also have something to support, there are no empty spaces anymore.
Quote: Rada-dms

francevna, special thanks for the caviar !!!
Delight your loved ones with caviar casserole!
Quote: Manna
Let's try to offer it to the Chef
Virgo, we were moved to another section, as you requested
We moved so quickly and unnoticed.
Girls and I join your company, I just took my beauty ...
While I was deciding what to do in it quickly, pasta was cooked, naturally, while I tried to phone, telling a friend about another toy, they were overcooked, so it turned out to be an impromptu casserole of pasta and what was in the refrigerator ..., into pasta overcooked the onion with carrots and bell peppers, divided the whole thing in half, baked in a Teflon dish 26 cm., put my boiled pork and tomatoes in the middle, poured sour cream + egg + mozzarella on top, put it in a cold one, baked for 17 minutes, the top was a little pale, put it under the grill in a micron for 3 minutes, that's what happened ...

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
marlanca, and the bottom turns red through the Teflon mold?
I don't know yet, I pulled out the current, it will cool down a bit, I'll see ...
She raised it a little, looked the bottom did not turn brown, but it keeps its shape well, but the boiled dough does not redden, I am doing it in the oven, so there is also only the top rosy ... something like that ...
Galina, congratulations on your new toy))
Can you take a photo of the mold in which it was baked?

And just now my princesses arrived
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Quote: marlanca

Girls and I join your company, I just took my beauty ...
While I was deciding what to do in it quickly, pasta was cooked, naturally, while I tried to phone, telling a friend about another toy, they were overcooked, so it turned out to be an impromptu casserole of pasta and what was in the refrigerator ..., into pasta overcooked the onion with carrots and bell peppers, divided the whole thing in half, baked in a Teflon dish 26 cm., put my boiled pork and tomatoes in the middle, poured sour cream + egg + mozzarella on top, put it in a cold one, baked for 17 minutes, the top was a little pale, put it under the grill in a micron for 3 minutes, that's what happened ...

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Can't it work without a form? I bake Ossetian pies, khachapuri, everything turns red evenly, nothing burns.
Diameter - 26 cm.
Quote: spring

Can't it work without a form? I bake Ossetian pies, khachapuri, everything turns red evenly, nothing burns.
Yes, of course, and without a form it will turn out ....., Flax, so I wrote that boiled dough (dumplings, noodles) does not turn red, so it grasps a little ..... (meaning from below)
Girls, and did anyone bake vegetables in it?
Well, eggplants, zucchini, peppers?
Pancakes today with cottage cheese stuffed for breakfast fried, class !!!
I didn't make vegetables,
Quote: marlanca

Yes, of course, and without a form it will turn out ....., Flax, so I wrote that boiled dough (dumplings, noodles) does not turn red, so it grasps a little ..... (meaning from below)
I realized that it was boiled, I just did not understand why it was baked in the form ... And I boasted that I bake khachapuri, Ossetian pies, well, the beauty that turns out, homemade barbarisk dough, potato fillings with suluguni cheese, with beet tops and cheese - some kind of miracle, ruddy, delicious, thanks to everyone for the recipes and for encouraging this purchase again.
Quote: Masinen
Girls, and did anyone bake vegetables in it?
Well, eggplants, zucchini, peppers?
Mashun, I showed my baked stuffed peppers, I did it with raw minced meat and with cottage cheese. Look at pictures of pages 5 back. Found it - on page 36. And I make pies perfectly without any forms. And rosy, and goes well. Photos on 5,13 and 25 pages.

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