feijoa is a berry!

Feijoa - what kind of fruit is this?

November is the month when fruits appear on the shelves of shops and markets. Feijoa is a tropical plant, native to South America, but it was brought to the then Soviet Transcaucasia before the war.

Berries (which is what the feijoa fruit is called) have a sweet and sour taste and a light strawberry-pineapple aroma. The fruit contains an essential oil with a strawberry-pineapple flavor. However, in order for this taste to fully manifest itself, the fruits must be ripe. Then the pulp of the feijoa will become like jelly and will acquire a real taste and aroma. Useful properties during "artificial" ripening, according to the assurances of experts, are not lost.

Feijoa is the only plant that can be compared to seafood in terms of iodine content. The peculiarity of this plant is such that it is able to accumulate water-soluble iodine compounds, which are easily absorbed by the human body. But the content of this element depends on the place where the plant grew, and not all fruits contain a sufficiently large amount of it.

In addition to thyroid diseases associated with a lack of iodine in the body, feijoa fruits are also recommended to be used for atherosclerosis, hypo- and avitaminosis, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pyelonephritis.

The peel of the fruit is edible and, moreover, is very useful, as it contains such phenolic compounds as catechins and leukoanthocyanins, biologically active substances that are strong antioxidants that help prevent cancer. But, having a tart, astringent taste, spoils the "gastronomic performance" of the product. Peel the fruits, dry the peel and brew with tea.

Feijoa has edible not only fruits, but also flower petals. They are meaty and sweet.

Energy value:

Sakharov 5.9-12.0%
Fiber 2.0 -4.0%
Proteins 0.8 -0.9%
Organic acids 1.0 - 2.4%
Mineral substances 0.5 - 1.0%
Vitamin C 34 mg
Iodine 200 - 300 mg

You can make a salad with beets, sauce for meat, fruit salad, you can just eat it. You can make any dessert with feijoa. You can bake a cake or muffin. Although most often from feijoa jam, jam, compote or harvested raw for future use, rubbed with sugar.

Feijoa in sugar is done like this... Chopping the fruits (at your discretion, peeled or peeled, cutting off the tops and washing thoroughly), mix them with sugar. Sugar is taken depending on the storage conditions, if you store the workpiece in the refrigerator in a jar with a glass or metal lid, then you can take from 700 to 1000 g of sugar per kilogram of feijoa. If at room temperature, then you need to take more sugar, up to 2 kilograms. In this case, the product may become sugar-coated, but this will not affect its taste in any way. This “raw jam” from feijoa is very useful for enhancing immunity.

Based on materials from the School of Life website. ru and Vitafruits

first advice: the peel, if it is not too bitter, is best left - in many dishes, it perfectly balances the excessive sweetness of the creamy, thick and soft pulp smelling of strawberries and pineapple.

Second tip: in a short season, it is better to eat three fresh feijoa a day (whole, with the peel) - this will provide you with a daily requirement for many vitamin and mineral indicators, and also strengthen the immune system. Which is never superfluous on the eve of winter. Well, then, if you returned from the market with a whole basket of feijoa, I will tell you what miracles are performed with this fruit in New Zealand restaurants, from where this knowledge spreads to cuisines - everything is correct, the country is new, the fruit is new, and history, as they say , is happening now and before our eyes.

Let's start with salads.
This option seems to be the most commonplace, although even in a simple fruit "peach, melon, pineapple, feijoa" there is room for creativity, for experimenting with spices (try grinding cloves with zest) and shapes (try baking pineapple with feijoa, cut into thin slices, and add thai basil, chili and coriander). But chefs go much further.

A great success, in my opinion, was the salad of prosciutto, grilled feijoa with hazelnuts, rucola, pecorino romano sheep's cheese and parsley butter. Feijoa in such a salad should still be warm: brush the halves of the fruit with oil and place for three minutes under the grill, in a baking dish slightly filled with water. Then place a few strips of cheese on each half and wrap the feijoa in prosciutto.

Arrange the resulting designs on rucola nests and decorate with cheese, nuts and a few drops of fragrant oil to your taste. Other options include feijoa salad with curly endive and avocado, or warm pork salad. In general, according to Vin Drabble, the author of the above-mentioned Feijoa Recipe Book, he was amazed at the consonance between feijoa and pork revealed during the preparation of the book. This, according to him, made it possible to significantly enrich the section of savory dishes. Well, we’re not sorry to acknowledge it as a copyright, and for this we will take advantage of the discovery: for example, fry breaded pork chopped into thin bars, add diced feijoa and onions, lime juice, soy sauce and mix everything, sprinkling with almonds on top.

By the way, our creative people seem to have come up with something that the New Zealand chef has not yet reached: they began to combine feijoa with beets and dress the salad not with mayonnaise, but with butter.

Feijoa also enters into hot dishes without shyness, although more often, in theatrical language, she is introduced into the play, and not put on a play especially for her. But sometimes out of the blue it turns out and quite a benefit performance! For example, when a chicken curry is made from feijoa: for it, chicken pieces are quickly fried over high heat, then, after removing the chicken, vegetables are fried in the same wok; return the chicken, add feijoa and spices to taste; the resulting sauce is poured with a hot sauce based on chicken broth and simmered on the fire for another 20 minutes.

Feijoa can be added, say, to a traditional dolma with lamb, or you can cook with it a fragrant icing for baked meat (for the latter, the very feijoa puree is useful, and you need to mix it with a little cane sugar, fresh ginger and garlic, chili and a little cinnamon powder ). With desserts, the New Zealand soul starts dancing at all. And while restaurants serve exquisite and complex compositions, like the feijoa - lychee sorbet melting in your mouth, homemade desserts are simple and tasty no less: be it at least mousses with jelly, at least a pie a la charlotte, albeit a favorite dessert of bachelors - cut the fruit (in this case, feijoa, but basically any) into cubes, pour over the rum and whipped cream.

It's nice that we can cook all this in our area, and even without special material costs (this alone suggests that feijoa is our "home" tropical fruit, we would try to make jam from some rambutans!). The most desperate experimenters may even try to make wine out of feijoa, as is customary among New Zealand summer residents. But there is still one and only thing that will have to go specifically to New Zealand or at least to Azerbaijan. These are his petals. They say that feijoa petals are not just edible, but divine.

They have a delicate, slightly apple flavor. They can be deep-fried for crispiness, or they can be added to salad without spoiling the silky texture. And they also make wine with them - imagine wine made from feijoa petals with rhubarb!

Here are the recipes for feijoa jam prepared by our members of the forum.

"Five Minutes from Feijoa" by Chuchelka

Feijoa - what kind of fruit is this?

Feijoa Jam with Nectarine by Admin
Feijoa Jam with Persimmon, Nectarine, Apple by Admin
Bon appetit to all
I made feijoa jam. In my version, it turned out with raspberries.To be honest, I did not experience much delight from him, although my daughter said it was delicious. So it won't be lost.

The question remains: will your fingers now have a purple tint for a long time?

You see - not your taste of jam turned out to be

My hands are clean after treatment. I washed the berries, cut off the ends and into a meat grinder - there was no more contact with the fruit.
No, I also cut them in half - my hands are clean.
I had close contact - when the remnants of the feijoa were picking out their meat grinder
As far as I understand, the feijoa season has now begun. Feijoa is a useful thing both as a source of iodine, and ... and ... well, there is a lot of everything.
I want to go to the market tomorrow. In general, I know only two options for processing feijoa:
1. Pass through a meat grinder with sugar 1: 1;
2. Well, cook the jam again 1: 1.

Well, I have two questions.
1. Should you peel the feijoa when cooking?
2. What other options are there?
Feihoa is better to twist with sugar. And more vitamins will remain
Quote: Hairpin

Well, I have two questions.
1. When cooking feihua jam, should you peel it?
2. What other options are there?
Usually only the tails are trimmed.

I found you recipes

Rinse the feijoa fruits, pour over with boiling water, wipe dry.

Preparing feijoa for making jam

Feijoa fruits are washed, poured over with boiling water, wiped dry. If the jam is prepared with the skin, then first the skin is pricked in several places. Blanch the feijoa for 3 - 5 minutes in boiling water.

Cooking feijoa jam with skin

Feijoa - 1 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg.
Take feijoa of the same size, wash. The skin is pricked in several places, blanched in boiling water for 8 - 10 minutes, poured with syrup and boiled in 2 - 3 doses.

Cooking feijoa jam without skin

Feijoa - 1 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg.
Take a feijoa of the same size, wash and blanch for 3 to 5 minutes in boiling water. Peel the skin, sprinkle it with granulated sugar, stand for 18 - 20 hours. Then add 100 ml of water and boil over low heat in 2 - 3 doses with 8-hour soaking.

Cooking jam from grated feijoa (option 1)

For 1 kilogram of feijoa, you need to take about 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar.
Wash the feijoa thoroughly and sort it out. Then we pass it through a meat grinder with sugar until completely dissolved. It is very important to do this carefully so that the granulated sugar does not grind on your teeth later. Then we transfer to sterilized jars and close the lid. Store in the refrigerator.

Cooking jam from grated feijoa (option 2)

For 1 kilogram of feijoa, you need to take about 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar.
Wash the feijoa thoroughly and sort it out. After passing the feijoa through a meat grinder with sugar, put the resulting mass in an enamel pan and bring to a boil. Then we transfer to sterilized jars and close the lid.

Pour 0.5 cups of water into the bottom of an enamel pot, bring to a boil, add sugar. Stir until the sugar is evenly wet.

Since the feijoa forms a very thick mass after scrolling, if you cook without adding water, the mass will almost certainly burn.

Put the rolled mass, bring to a boil with frequent stirring. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove the resulting foam while boiling. Transfer to sterilized jars. Roll up. Wrap well and leave to cool.
Output: from 2 kg of feijoa and 1 kg of 600 g of sugar - 2.5 liters.


Of course, raw jam, ground with sugar, is healthier. Do not forget to tell what happened

Ah .... here it is Scarecrow exhibited recipe

Five minutes from feijoa

Only if raspberry jam is raspberry jam,
then from feijoa - ........,
Oh, it's time to go to bed, otherwise I'll make an agreement

Quote: Lenusya

Only if raspberry jam is raspberry jam,
then from feijoa - ........,
FeichABOUTeve, with emphasis on "ABOUT"
Quote: Caprice

Feihoa is better to twist with sugar. And more vitamins will remain
Only a lot of it is better not to do it - it is not worth it for a long time, prepared in this way, even in the cold, and there is no point in cooking!
Now, if someone else gave advice on how to choose the right feijoa on the market!
Quote: MariV

Only a lot of it is better not to do it - it is not worth it for a long time, prepared in this way, even in the cold, and there is no point in cooking!
How is it not stored? How many years have I been making such a preparation, have never encountered a case of spoilage, maybe it is the amount of sugar put in? I do this: for 1kg feijoa-800 gr. sugar, I grind everything in a blender, put it in sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator for storage. Stored wonderfully!
means you have a better experience!
Recently, I have given up on this method too - I prefer to freeze it, then a small amount - so that it turns out no more than 1 liter - get it out, defrost it and add sugar, a little.
Quote: MariV

Only it is better not to make a lot of it - it is not worth it for a long time, prepared in this way, even in the cold, and there is no point in cooking!
Now, if someone else gave advice on how to choose the right feijoa on the market!
Feijoa should be, first of all, free from damage, spots. It is better if the same degree of maturity, that is, everything is hard or soft to the touch, it will be easier for you to process them at the same time. The fruits ripen well (harvested from green for better transportation), experts say that their beneficial qualities are not lost. The crust of the fruit is knitting, so it is better to peel it off, and if you do not want to lose any antioxidant, then dry it and add it to tea (y) For storage in the refrigerator, you can add only 700 g of sugar per 1 kg of prepared fruit to raw jam. I have not read about storing frozen fruits anywhere. Will iodine remain in fruits when frozen? But this is a question for specialists.In the refrigerator, raw jam is stored for years, I had such a case with a jar
Admin combined two Temki, and above in the posts you will read interesting information, MariV
Quote: Lenusya

Cooking feijoa jam with skin

Feijoa - 1 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg.
Take feijoa of the same size, wash. The peel is pricked in several places, blanched in boiling water for 8 - 10 minutes, poured with syrup and boiled in 2 - 3 doses.
Cooking jam from grated feijoa (option 1)

For 1 kilogram of feijoa, you need to take about 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar.
Wash the feijoa thoroughly and sort it out. Then we pass it through a meat grinder with sugar until completely dissolved. It is very important to do this carefully so that the granulated sugar does not grind on your teeth later. Then we transfer to sterilized jars and close the lid. Store in the refrigerator.

Yesterday, a search on Feihua did not give me anything ... In short, for now I will focus on these two options.
Quote: Lenusya

Cooking jam from grated feijoa (option 1)

For 1 kilogram of feijoa, you need to take about 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar.
Wash the feijoa thoroughly and sort it out. Then we pass it through a meat grinder with sugar until completely dissolved. It is very important to do this carefully so that the granulated sugar does not grind on your teeth later. Then we transfer to sterilized jars and close the lid. We store in the refrigerator
It is better to grind feijoa in a blender or any suitable grinder, or in a meat grinder, and then add sugar (y) Then leave the mixture to dissolve the sugar at room temperature. No need to shift sugar, 700-800g per 1kg of fruit is enough.

So because the search did not give anything, you typed instead of "FeihABOUTa "-" FeichHavea "... Or am I wrong?
In general, I like these feijoa blanks:

I subscribe to every word! I also believe that more than 800 grams. sugar for 1 kg. Feijoa is already an overkill, it turns out very cloying ...
Exactly ...
And our feijoa season is already ending, today I also bought a kilogram of grind with sugar. I really like this jam, and the fruit, by its very smell, makes me salivate. And my son (1 year and 2 months) liked to suck the juice from this fruit more than to eat rubbed with sugar.Here I have a question how much of it can children eat?
Quote: milf

Here I have a question how much of it can children eat?
Ask the doctor this question milf
Girls, here's another wonderful recipe raw feijoa jam (raw) with orange:
1 kg of feijoa berries
500 g of sugar (you can take more sugar, but I don't like very sweet jam)
1 orange
First, wash the berries well and cut off the flower cups. Then cut in half and grind in a blender. Peel the orange by half and grind it in a blender as well. In other words, half the orange with the peel and half without. Now mix the feijoa with the orange paste and add the sugar. Mix well and put in jars. It is not necessary to boil or heat in any way. Store closed in the refrigerator. From one kilogram of feijoa and one large orange, about 800 g of jam is obtained.

From myself I will add that the recipe is "for an amateur", as for me, the orange is clearly superfluous there, I like feijoa solo ... But personally, I know several fans of just such raw material, with an orange ... Therefore, I think that I will try everything -so it's worth it, at least in order to understand (feel) the difference between mashed feijoa (solo) and like this, with an orange ...

You can see the full recipe with photos here: 🔗
Quote: Krosh

Girls, here's another wonderful recipe raw feijoa jam (raw) with orange:

Crumb, I made raw, but apparently an orange - more precisely, its zest interrupted everything with its vigor. I took a small orange, and half peeled), but the feijoa was half-ripe. Days have passed, and the impression that you are eating a mashed orange. Okay, the main thing is the sea of ​​vitamins!
I completely agree with your statement, but the taste and color, as they say ... That is why I put the recipe here, what if someone seems insanely tasty ?! My girlfriend does not understand my love for feijoa at all, in particular for mashed with sugar, for her feijoa in any form is not tasty, but with an orange she eats for a sweet soul ...
I apologize in advance, but I can't resist ... A story from life
One of my classmates comes to visit another ... The mother of the host is a very decent, intelligent lady ... Tea drinking ... with jam ... The guest decided to be polite and praise the mistress of the house ... "Can I put another feihuyev (sorry , you can't throw out the words from the song) jam? Did you succeed so well ... "Mom's eyes go to her forehead and she says:" Igor, not feih .... th jam, but feijoa jam ... "It's a pity that the intonation cannot be conveyed Immediately I note that it was a time when they did not use obscenities.
That's how I found out about this mysterious fruit ...
It is clear that everyone has different tastes. And I once again read the recipe caught my eye on the sentence:
From one kilogram of feijoa and one large orange, about 800 g of jam is obtained.
But there is also sakh. sand 500 gr.
Fair? I don't remember how the jam came out of the above ingredients ... last year I did everything as in the recipe, but here's the way out, kill me, forget ... The text was copied from the original source, the address of which I indicated ...
Leska, and you did it according to this recipe? Or do you have some other proportions of feijoa-orange-sugar?
I also read the recipe and laughed from 1 kg of feijoa berries
500 g of sugar and 1 orange makes 800 g of jam
Most likely, about 700g disappears during transferring to jars, well, you must try
I did it strictly according to the recipe, now it's gone for 2 days - I tried it - the orange is alive!
The aftertaste is not fey

it can be seen that the author lives in the house of a sweetheart
Quote: Leska

the orange is alive!
"Orange-lived! Orange-alive! Orange-will live!"
I have the same story with gooseberries, this year it pulled me with an orange aboutblenderit ...last year I also did it with an orange, only I used an orange "fillet" - it turned out awesomely tasty, but this time I was too lazy, I didn't want to mess around with cutting an orange, so I gave it to a blender to be torn apart, but in vain, but this is my opinion ... and my mother really likes it, and the husband and daughters are not far behind either ...
Well, I played it !!! Through a meat grinder, sugar 1: 0.8. The taste is fantastic !!! Only two troubles:
1.200 rubles per kilogram ... I don't know, an amphibian can strangle;
2. Well, not a rubber refrigerator! And under the closet, I realized, it won't live long ...

Feijoa - what kind of fruit is this?

Now I want to boil it alive, and then rub it with an orange! I wonder if they will get cheaper, or is it already cheap?
Quote: Hairpin

1.200 rubles per kilogram ... I don't know, an amphibian can strangle;
2. Well, not a rubber refrigerator! And under the closet, I realized, it won't live long ...
Now I want to boil it alive, and then rub it with an orange! I wonder if they will get cheaper, or is it already cheap?
Wow prices !!Feijoa - what kind of fruit is this? A week ago in Serpukhov I took 108, so an amphibian is literally on the shoulder a saddle.
While there is no frost, you can send it to the balcony Anyway, it will end before winter comes
And we have it 35-40 hryvnia, approximately the same as the hairpin bought. I agree, the amphibian dushiiiiiit ... If it was cheaper, I would probably have prepared twelve kilograms.
We have been eating feijoa for the 4th year in a ground form with sugar, I usually take in bulk a box of 7-8 kilograms (last year for 20 UAH), grind it in the refrigerator, eat it in 2 months and do not spoil anything
Hairpin, at the Preobrazhensky market prices are 100-120-150 max. Will fall in price - hardly - the season ends. Although the Turks can grow everything. For many years of eating this fruit, it has been noticed that after scrolling through a meat grinder, it oxidizes and sour faster than after a blender. And only the taste will remain in the jam without beneficial ingredients
Quote: Hairpin

1.200 rubles per kilogram ... I don't know, an amphibian can strangle;
2. Well, not a rubber refrigerator! And under the closet, I realized, it won't live long ...
I wonder if they will get cheaper, or is it already cheap?
1.Hairpin this is the price 🔗 🔗... I took 120 selected (large one to one), 90 rubles (also very good) and my husband brought 80 rubles from the Tsaritsyn market.
2. And sometimes it seems to me that I have a rubber one, pushing another can with blanks into it, I do this 🔗, although I understand intellectually that there is simply nowhere to go ...
The season of feijoa is coming to an end, so hoping that feijoa will fall in price in my opinion is not worth it ... Although, hope dies last ... What if ?!
Quote: Leska

For many years of eating this fruit, it has been noticed that after scrolling through a meat grinder, it oxidizes and sour faster than after a blender.
And me, and me more aboutblenderI like raw materials 🔗 ! "Meat minced" I don't want anymore, yeah, that's what I am like a business sausage 🔗...

why didn't I come here earlier? ate feijoa without any preparation, thanks for the recipes.
The most delicious - just mashed feijoa jam with sugar!: 2 or 1: 1.5. The compote and liqueur are also great. And to cook like strawberries, raspberries, I feel sorry for him somehow. Vitamins, etc. It is delicious to just dip raw berries in sugar and eat, for me it is somehow sour anyway, children eat even without sugar, and if the feijoa spins very badly through a meat grinder, it means that they were torn super green. Of course, there are many varieties of feijoa, some are sweeter, others are not, but my friend and I also unknowingly bought feijoa at the beginning of November, twisted it to a stupor in a manual meat grinder, the electric just howled, but did not take it. Such a kind aunt in the market poured us his kilogram, probably 5. This jam did not save either the huge amount of sugar or the awareness of its usefulness. A year later, it seems, they gave it to a neighbor for chacha. Oh, and he made fun of us.
At the beginning of November, I now buy a little food. I twist it a little bit with sugar, eat at a time, add either sour cream or homemade cream to this puree, in equal quantities, and it turns out a wonderful thing for pancakes and pancakes - yogurt - resting. And for harvesting for the winter, I buy berries towards the end of November, they are probably already ripe then, they do not paint my hands. Of course, I'm a mediocre connoisseur, and they say in the market that feijoa is picked green, and then it ripens at home, but I take which year from the same seller, practically from the tree, jam now does not let me down.And if plucked green, then almost certainly, it will ferment in the warmth. And my trees are still young, not even blooming yet. And how beautiful it blooms - flowers like the "Decembrist" - pink, with a white center. By the season, now you need to find out everything thoroughly and carry out explanatory work "among the masses." The fruit is very healthy and tasty, in fact.
Every time it comes to feijoa, they remember that there is no need to cook, that there are more vitamins in uncooked, etc. I completely agree. So everything is healthier, if you don't cook: raspberries, strawberries, currants, cherries, and in general everything, everything, everything. Why should feijoa be eaten raw, while the rest can be boiled? Strange logic.

And this year I still made a five-minute from feijoa, with a low sugar content
Well, let it be that jam - how pleasant it is in winter or by spring to open a jar of green, unusual for the color of jam, a little sour with the smell of strawberries
I think it is advised not to heat because of the huge iodine content compared to other fruits. Iodine is volatile, it evaporates when heated. If I'm not mistaken
I'm waiting for when they start selling, my son tasted it last year, now, as autumn began, he asks about feijoa almost every day. But I had an unconventional preparation method. The soviet meat grinder died quietly, but I did not think of a blender. So, for my beloved son, I cut the berries from the edges and grated them with handles! Flew away quickly, in the morning on an empty stomach on a tablespoon and tasty and healthy.
Zvezda askony
Quote: Scarecrow

Why should feijoa be eaten raw, while the rest can be boiled? Strange logic.
The rest is a lot, but the feijoa is not enough
Therefore, the rest is possible and so and so
And expensive feijoa is better for raw materials - this will be the maximum benefit.
As i understand it
I tasted one thing - I didn't understand, I can't say that it's not tasty at all, but that oh, how great - I can't either
The skin was green and slightly wrinkled
But Kitty Matroskin has something hinted at about liqueur, but there is no recipe.
About the liqueur - it was well reminded! Seems like a good recipe - feijoa with cranberries. It will have to be done!
Quote: Zvezda Askony

I tasted one thing - I didn't understand, I can't say that it's not tasty at all, but that oh, how great - I can't either
Oh, but I love, I can't Feijoa - what kind of fruit is this?, and it is fresh, and so that the feihu themselves ... I don’t know how to call feijoa diminutively, this came to mind, but somehow it didn’t work out very well) they were ripe, then it’s delicious !!! I also adore pureed, but it's for tea. Only in a 1: 1 ratio, I am hefty sweet, I do it for 1 kg. feijoa-600-800 (maximum) gr. sugar is also sweet of course, but still not as much as 1: 1.

Quote: MariV

Seems like a good recipe - feijoa with cranberries.
By the way, yes, mashed feijoa with cranberries is something incredibly tasty) although I am more than cool with cranberries as such), last year I tried this combination for the first time, well, everyone who tried it sooo liked it !!!
Crochet, thank you, I ran out on your old tips for a beep, and saw a tincture of feijoa with strawberries or cranberries, in connection with this question. If I don't have any strawberries or cranberries, what can I make a tincture with, or just just feijoa? And will the pure feijo tincture be tasty (I can eat a lot of darling jam from it, I even have to slow down myself).
Why doesn't it stand like oranges, I probably would have prepared 10-15 kilograms
You can, you can tincture from one feijoa, you can also from kiwi, you can also roll up a compote from feijoa ...
matroskinlet me hug you.
And kiwi fmete with feijoa or also separately on kiwi, and advise how much time with feijoa it is best to insist that there is no bitterness (I read it, now I'm afraid that it will appear, although I love all kinds of vermouth and grapefruit, so ethno does not scare us)
: swoon: Girls and help me - I bought 2 kg of feijoa, and the taste is knit and bitterness - how best to process.I know what is useful, if there is a bitterness in it, then it is better to scroll without the skin, or do something else?
Of course, the story is out of place, but for some time now the word feijoa causes an explosion of hysterical laughter! As everyone knows, we have a lot of guests in Russia from the former socialist organizations. republics. And oh-oh-a lot of them on the market. Once I decided to stock up on vitamins at a nearby market. I see feijoa. Well, I am a literate girl, I know that a thing is useful! I came up and saw the price tag: "Feih .. I" do not remember how many rubles. Of course, she explained how to write this word correctly in Russian. For which she was awarded this very fruit and the explanation that it is very useful for men's health. And then I realized that their mistake was probably not accidental!
Quote: milf

matroskinlet me hug you.
And kiwi fmete with feijoa or also separately on kiwi, and advise how much time with feijoa it is best to insist that there is no bitterness (I read it, now I'm afraid that it will appear, although I love all kinds of vermouth and grapefruit, so ethno does not scare us)
Bitterness in feijo is, probably, when the green is ripped off ... My friend and I bought it once, in Sochi, we twisted it, we twisted it ... we almost went crazy, the meat grinder did not take it, it was so hard ... And a stupefied amount sugar - did not help. The taste was as if we were spinning a Christmas tree with iodine through a meat grinder ... The neighbor made chacha ... we gave it to him later. There will be no bitterness from ripe feijo, but you need to remove the skin from the kiwi and cut it in slices ... Feijoa is also used for tincture, which is already well ripe ... there has never been bitterness ...

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