BlackHairedGirl I wrote about a bun, if you bake it in HP, but if it’s in the oven, then the dough is different, I have it like Zest at the beginning of the topic or like Kava in Air Starter.
And in your case, the bread has clearly stood, I also bake without yeast and the final proofing does not happen for more than 2 hours. She is a capricious lady, she can quickly raise bread, or she may not want to
Well, yes, with the time of proofing, we have already figured out, I'm more interested in something else ... well, I just can't keep the flour-water proportions! I used 2 grade flour to make the dough in KhP with a kolobok - as I understood, this is an obvious overkill of flour ... In the oven it turns out not bread, but a heavy spread pancake ... But how to make it soft and airy, like in your photo? And if the dough is not a bun, but a liquid porridge, then how did you form it?
I shape it with a so-called scraper, I don't have a real one, I use a spatula from a combine, it came in the kit, I put it on its side and forward. There are rollers by molding, wait, I'll look, I'll throw a reference.
I do it like a Zest, put it on paper, and then transfer it to a red-hot cauldron, along with the paper.
I don't have a cauldron, I use a cast-iron pan, but when I transfer the dough from the proofing bowl, it deflates and so every time
Quote: BlackHairedGirl

I don't have a cauldron, I use a cast-iron pan, but when I transfer the dough from the proofing bowl, it deflates and so every time

If you transfer it without turning it over and still deflates, it means that you overexposed it VERY MUCH. Reduce the time, focus on the rise of the dough in 2 times, and everything will be fine
BlackHairedGirl, I very often bake bread from 2nd grade flour. True, I add a little bit of yeast. It was like that with my bread. A handsome man rises, and baked either raw inside or a pancake. It was all about flour (when flour was made from low-quality grain), I changed it and began to add tsp. panifarin and part of the flour I put 1 grade
... In the flour dough of grade 2, as if there is absolutely no gluten. That's why the dough is so sticky. Good luck to you!
It's strange ... I feed the sourdough with 2 grade flour and bake on it ... but I have never gotten a flat cake and it bakes well. The color of the crumb is grayish and denser than with a / c, that's the whole difference.
Quote: BlackHairedGirl

the bread rose almost three times, the entire surface was in a hole

Maybe the flour leaves much to be desired, but the surface is in a hole ... it happens to me when I openly overexpose bread in a proofer.
Watch the video here. This will help you understand the molding process and learn by yourself 🔗
Angelinka, look here, how my aunt deftly handles such a dough, just try with a scraper

Oh, kovechka, how we work with you promptly
Today I baked challah with sourdough. Here it is cooling down. When it cools down, I'll try and show you a cut.

Sourdough bread in the oven
Thank you, thank you !!! Will be studying!
Here is my masterpiece:
Sourdough bread in the oven
Sourdough bread in the oven

In the process, two questions arose:
1) The paper had to be greased with something, otherwise my bread stuck tightly and I had to cut off the most delicious ...
2) I did nadre just before baking, but it really didn't work out, the dough pulled behind the blade (razor). And at Zest they are so huge

And why are the holes so big? I did everything strictly according to the recipe and instructions (only without yeast with the last proofing for 2 hours).
The bread is very good, thanks Zest huge!
Angelinkawhat cool holes! I saw such in the pictures in unformed bread ...
I greased the paper with oil and sprinkled with flour, it stuck but not tightly.
But the incisions are also not very successful for me, the dough stretches behind the blade and in the place of the cut the dough does not diverge, but rather sticks together.
We are waiting for a response from Raisin, what our guru will say.
And I don't grease the paper, I don't sprinkle it, and nothing sticks. Most likely your quality is, so to speak, "left", many here on the forum complain that they fall into such a misunderstanding.
As for the cuts, either the movements are not sharp enough, or the dough is too "liquid", by the way, that's why such holes are obtained.
Angelinka, A highlight before cutting the bread is to grease it with flour. It really helps a lot. There are two more reasons why the bread is poorly cut and opened - this is either the bread has stood on the proofer, or it is poorly stretched during formation.
This is a section of the challah, the photo was not very good, as it was shot at night. The challah tasted good to everyone at home - soft. tender, elastic crumb, thin crust. As Vika wrote in one post, the taste is "hay".

Sourdough bread in the oven
Quote: Angelinka

The bread is very good, thanks Zest huge!

eat for health)) It is always nice when your recipes fly away not into space, but at a more specific address - to someone's kitchen

Here, everyone is standing in line behind the big holes in the bread, and you - why are you so big and why are you so big?

The girls further answered everything correctly, they themselves have long been gurus in bakery

Large holes are obtained with a weak degree of kneading the dough (you can look here, its high moisture content, accuracy during molding and good leavening.

And about the cuts:

Quote: Joy

Angelinka, A highlight before cutting the bread is to grease it with flour. It really helps a lot. There are two more reasons why the bread is poorly cut and opened - this is either the bread has stood on the proofer, or it is poorly stretched during formation.

everything is exactly so


Challah turned out to be amazing
yes, the halo is super! I just want to pinch off a piece! Congratulations!
Joy ! Hala is just the top! I can smell it !!!
but my bullshit has risen badly again, the proofing gave 1 hour 20 minutes, as advised ... I'm not ... Sourdough bread in the oven

I'm probably giving up this case
Quote: BlackHairedGirl

but my bullshit has risen badly again, the proofing gave 1 hour 20 minutes, as advised ... I'm not ...

I probably quit this case

Try making a Parisian whole grain. A win-win
Zest, BlackHairedGirl, Kalmykova, thanks girls.
BlackHairedGirl, do not despair. If your sourdough is strong enough, then here you just need to find an algorithm for its activity, and the bread will rise.
For example, in the evening, as a rule, I soften the leaven and make it 150% - I take 10 g of the leaven, 50 g of water and 75 g of flour. And I leave it in the coolest place in the apartment (not in the refrigerator). Then in the morning the sourdough does not have time to finally peroxide. Then in the morning I feed her 1: 1: 1, that is, 50 g of leaven, 50 g of water, 50 g of flour. In the evening I feed the same way as during the day. I feed her 3 times a day.
You can take 30 + 30 + 30, so that the consumption of flour is less. Or, conversely, more if you are going to bake bread and you need more leaven.
Yes, here's another thing I noticed - if you need the sourdough to ripen faster and become more active, I feed it 1: 1: 1 and stir it after 1 hour. After mixing, it rises 3-4 times in 2 hours.
unfortunately, we do not have whole grain flour on sale ... Is it possible to replace it with something or will it be different?

I probably don't have a very strong sourdough, and that's the whole point ... I take about 5 grams of sourdough, feed it 5:50:50 in the morning, then the next morning 1: 1: 1 and then again in the morning on the day before baking too 1 : 1: 1 ... Three times it turns out. Then I knead the dough and proof it in the heat, so that the bread doubles, you need at least two and a half hours in the heat.And the leaven never sprouted with a cap and did not settle in the middle, as they write here ... maybe because I feed it with second-rate flour? It will simply rise twice, a flat surface with bumps, under which bubbles of carbon dioxide stand for an hour, two or more without moving ... This time I fed with 2 grade flour and water, there was no aged kefir. The starter culture is almost 1 month old. I keep it at 7 * in the refrigerator on the upper shelf of the door. Well, I have no plus 10 anywhere.
Quote: BlackHairedGirl

unfortunately, we do not have whole grain flour on sale ... Is it possible to replace it with something or will it be different?
Can be replaced: 2nd grade flour + 10% bran + 3% wheat germ.
If you want, I can send it. I am currently placing an order for Donetsk

Dear, well, don't be so upset I have already repeated a hundred million thousand times that high-quality leaven is the basis of good bread. If the sourdough is weak, does not raise itself well, and even is stored at a low temperature, then you should not expect first-class bread from it ... Look, just the other day we saw a difference in bread on the example of Susli, when I took overexposed sourdough for one bread, and for the other is at its peak.

Grow a normal sourdough, well, after all, you have already been convinced so many times that you should not expect the same qualities and the same bread from a refrigerated sourdough as from sourdough, which is stored from 10-12 * and is fed according to all the rules ...
I'll try to raise a Frenchwoman ... I just have to keep it on the balcony. It's normal at night now, but it's still hot during the day. I'll try to adapt a thermos with ice, I don't know yet what will come of it ... But I think, if you don't put much ice and adjust this matter ... Nobody did that on the forum?

Did it seem to me or do you think that the leaven should be stored ONLY at a temperature of 10-12 *? The main thing is not lower, but so - you can keep it great at room temperature. Even with us now, when stored on a windowsill in the shade, you can do with two dressings per day.
If there is a balcony, it is generally a beauty. And what confuses - the need to feed more often?
when stored on a windowsill in the shade, you can get by with two dressings per day.
And I have oxydated ... In the morning I fed, and in the evening I came home from work - that's all .... A ceremonial throw into the trash.
But I washed off the jar with some water and added flour (maybe I will revive)
no, I understand that it is ten degrees and above ... But look: I can't bake every day, but if there are two feedings, then you have to bake every day ... We don't eat that much. For me, it is optimal to bake on Wednesday and Sunday, and this is an interval of three to four days. Therefore, in the cold of her, darling, this is the best option. You just need to think over everything with a thermos.
Quote: ikko4ka

But I washed off the jar with some water and added flour (maybe I will revive)
Of course you will revive! Just take a close look at her now. She will immediately want to peroxide again, so feed her a little earlier, throwing out half and she will again delight you.
Quote: ikko4ka

And I have oxydated ... In the morning I fed, and in the evening I came home from work - that's all .... A ceremonial throw into the trash.
But I washed off the jar with water and added flour (maybe I will revive)

Once peroxide is not scary at all, it will definitely recover. You just need to choose such a proportion that will suffice until evening.

Quote: BlackHairedGirl

no, I understand that it is ten degrees and above ... But look: I can't bake every day, but if there are two feedings, then you have to bake every day ... We don't eat that much. For me, it is optimal to bake on Wednesday and Sunday, and this is an interval of three to four days. Therefore, in the cold of her, darling, this is the best option. You just need to think over everything with a thermos.

Joy experimented with a thermos, I don't remember the details, but something is bad there for the leaven.

I also don’t bake every day, and it’s not at all necessary to do it so often, even if 4 feedings a day)) I’ve just come to terms with the fact that there is a certain amount of "extra" sourdough that has to be thrown away corny in order to keep it active and a healthy state is the very foundation.
The details are as follows - my leaven, and it was not as active as my current one, gradually became even less active. And she had to "wake up" after the thermos in the refrigerator longer and longer. The last time I had it in 2 days did not return to normal.
So I decided that I'd rather feed the starter more often, but keep it in the room.
Girls, my leaven didn't want to develop further.
But nothing in my x. ke is thick on Calvel. Interestingly, you can make liquid from it?
Of course.
Girls, from a thick liquid rose well, a thick one also rose after feeding. Maybe there are some microbes and died (the thick one stood in the cold room for almost a week), but increased almost 3 times.
ikko4ka, it is believed that at temperatures below 10, lactic acid bacteria die, and the yeast continues to live. And all the beauty of sourdough is in the symbiosis of microbial and yeast ... that's why the leaven stored in the refrigerator is considered inferior.
Pirogok, what a pity. I suspected this, but I thought it would be okay. Again, to grow a new one ... And how well the fed sourdough rises, so it flies, so flies
Summer resident
Feed it with kefir and you will have the same starter culture MK bacteria + yeast
Summer resident, thank you very much! She ran to feed. True, I feel so sorry for her so active. And tomorrow, according to the plan, the robe of friendship with leaven.
I brought you some bread. To be honest, I didn't think to show it, it turned out not very nice. But when she saw her, she clasped her hands with her hands and said, "Oh, what a disheveled bread," then she picked it up, "It looks like a dinosaur egg," and when she ate the crust, she said, "Do this all the time."
So here it is "Dinosaur testicle"
Sourdough bread in the oven
Sourdough bread in the oven
Suslya, class! I like! Is it French sourdough? And where are you keeping it? I had an experience, too, once I was baked so shabby ... Why do you think it turned out so shabby?
Yes, the sourdough is French. And I keep it on the balcony at night, in the daytime in the closet, then in the kitchen, and once I took it out into the entrance, or rather into the vestibule. As for the shake-up, I think I didn’t hold it, I grabbed it in the oven, but there was growth from the inside .... more precisely, Zest would say.
Suslyahow well your bread has risen. I liked very much how your daughter called it - "Dinosaur's testicle". What about "disheveledness"? Bad in the photo, did you cut it?
Yes, that's just the point, I didn't cut it, I put it smooth, but that's how he himself became, so to speak, of his own free will.
Then, I think, you are right that the bread was just a little short of the proofing.
Tell me, if the temperature is programmed in the refrigerator, you can raise it yourself. I now have exactly 7 degrees everywhere. I want to add 5 degrees. Has anyone done this? Or am I here off topic?

I remember that Kalmykova wrote how she adapted her old fridge for storing sourdough by adjusting the temperature inside it to 10-12 * C.
You can also try by setting the regulator to the warmest possible temperature inside and checking the temperature with a thermometer.
I can't do that, it's still the fastest pace. remains somewhere around 5 * C.
Thanks for the answer. I have another problem now. I programmed the refrigerator, and then they took the light and turned off. And when it turned on, the default settings returned. So, apparently, I will have to feed the leaven 2 times a day, until I think of something else.

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