Hurrah! Thanks everyone for the advice!
Now it is 18.00, 7.5 hours have passed.
It doubled! Can I start with dough or wait a little longer?
And now, if, for example, at 19.00 I put some bread into a dough at night, what if I bake it?
after all, you can't give sourdough to peroxide either ...
or put the dough in the refrigerator for the night? I have 8 degrees there.
how much dough can stand at this temperature without harm to health?
and whether it will rise, that is the question ...
See, I have continuous questions ...
understanding is still not enough.
Quote: skate

And this is thanks to Leela (Lyulek)

Sourdough bread in the oven

Sourdough bread in the oven

God! What a beauty!
and where did you buy such molds!
Looks quite professional
I put the dough at 19.30.
Apparently I'm not supposed to sleep tonight
At 22.30 I came up literally 0.5 cm ...
I don't like it
But there is nothing to do.
According to the recipe Ауn (where the dough is a whole glass in the dough), it is fermented within 8 hours.
So, maybe it will rise ...
Quote: Winter

I put the dough at 19.30.
Apparently I'm not supposed to sleep tonight
At 22.30 I came up literally 0.5 cm ...
I don't like it
But there is nothing to do.
According to the recipe Ауn (where the dough is a whole glass in the dough), it is fermented within 8 hours.
So, maybe it will rise ...
Aun's leaven is an experienced fighter. And yours is still very young. She would still get stronger for three or five days to raise the dough on herself. So she spends more time. But this is a profitable business. I had one and the same bread in the proofer stood on a very young leaven for 2 hours 50 minutes. And after 5 days I repeated it, the leaven became stronger and the result rose in less than 2 hours.
Do not worry. As Carlson said: "calm ...."
Good luck!
Viki Thank you very much for your support!
but it's scary for now ...
Spun around in the kitchen and decided to remove the dough on the loggia (glazed).
she has already risen!
Come what may. I'm not ready to knead the dough at night, to rattle the oven
The children will misunderstand me ... and my husband has already carefully inquired-
will it always be that way, at night?
And in general, he says, where is the promised bread ?!
and so far I have only dances with leaven.
and still sitting for several days on the forum))
And what to do, I study the mat. part...

Don't forget, I say, dear, I have an excellent student syndrome))

Two things are not clear to me.
You and Raisin have only 1 tbsp in recipes. spoon of sourdough.
In other recipes, from a glass and above. Just recently I read that the approximate
calculation of sourdough-40% of the total amount of flour. And where is the truth?
I'm already completely confused. Now I took a glass of sourdough because I'm sorry to waste

And the second thing that confuses me is that industrial yeast is harmful.
in particular due to the fact that fermentation processes continue in the intestine.
Isn't it the same with our leavens?
The same yeast. only wild ...
I apologize if I flooded off topic ...
Quote: Winter

You and Raisin have only 1 tbsp in recipes. spoon of sourdough.
In other recipes, from a glass and above. Just recently I read that the approximate
calculation of sourdough-40% of the total amount of flour. And where is the truth?
Yes, everything is simple: if you want - take your starter culture as it is and all 400 g, but if you want - feed a spoon - two 200 g flour and water each and by the morning you have the same 400 g of starter culture.
If I have a ready-made sourdough, then I do not start with a spoon, but immediately make a batch. But if I feed in the evening in my usual proportions for 1 part of the sourdough, two flour and water, then she will eat everything by the morning and begin to acidify. At night, it's more convenient for me to dance with one or two spoons.
In general, I am in wheat and 50% flour in the sourdough of that .... and very much.

Quote: Winter

... industrial yeast is harmful
in particular, due to the fact that fermentation processes continue in the intestine.
Isn't it the same with our leavens?
The same yeast. only wild ...
Fermentation processes in the intestines so they are not only from yeast. And in general - it's scary to live.
Our sourdough also contains yeast, albeit wild. But for some reason people suffering from heartburn from store-bought bread switch to sourdough bread and say that there is no heartburn.
People who are allergic to yeast eat sourdough bread and one has an allergic reaction and ten do not. A mystery of nature?
I do not know what to answer you, so that "really".
You have to try everything to say "it's mine" or "it's not mine."
Thank you for your detailed answer!
I think sourdough bread is also useful for health
the fact that fermentation processes take place there,
he manages to ferment, which cannot be said about yeast.

And about the amount of leaven in the dough is still not very clear.
I guess I can't get the point ...
If the dough fits safely from one spoon,
Why then recipes with large volumes of starter cultures in the dough?
And really there will be no increased acidity of the dough?

My dough after standing at night on the loggia did not fit at all ((
The temperature there was 18-19 degrees, not so little ...
put it back on the fridge .. So it already turns out too
a great time for fermentation of the dough - I mixed it yesterday at 19.30.
What can I do?
Quote: Winter

.... it turns out too
a great time for fermentation of the dough - I mixed it yesterday at 19.30.
What can I do?
She will accumulate excess acid in herself. This is not good. Is it wheat you have? Not good.
Can we first let her grow stronger? And this is not difficult. Feed her in the proportion of sourdough, the same amount of flour and the same amount of water, three times every 8 - 12 hours, and she should be ready for battle.
I do not use sourdough (wheat) in the dough if it has been more than 8 hours after feeding. I refresh her. How: let's say I have 200g of sourdough, give it 200g of feed (100 water and flour each) and after 4 hours I make a batch.
Wheat is always more difficult than rye. It should be strong without excess acid. It takes an eye and an eye.
It should be strong without excess acid. It takes an eye and an eye.

Yeah ... a whole art! I still have complete confusion with the leaven.
I read that as soon as people are brought into the heat, it explodes directly.
but I barely.
Viki, how long does it take for her to gain strength?
This is the fourth time I've been feeding.
the dough did not rise twice. have to start kneading the dough, or something.
Otherwise, it will turn into a leaven completely. ((
Winter, the proportions are important here when feeding. You overfed rye for wheat. This is "the whole thing". I gave up doing this when I realized that it takes me the same three days to "overfeed" that it takes me to raise a Frenchwoman.
The correct overfeeding is when we take, say, 50 g of sourdough and add 50 each of water and flour, when it's time to feed, then we take from this again 50 g of sourdough (that is, a third) and feed again. And so for three days.
I'm not hinting at anything, but if I were you, while the struggle for the life of your leaven is going on, I would ...
I no longer have any desire to fight her ((
like lifeless directly.
Thanks for the advice, so I will!
it's already uncomfortable in front of home, they are waiting for bread ...
and I just mix something, without stopping, but I'm sitting on the forum.
But there is still no bread
my long-suffering bread is baked.
I'm not happy with the result. But what to do...
I wanted to insert a photo, for some reason it does not work.

In general, the bread is not perfectly white, the crumb is like that of Stolichny.
Is it because of the bran, I guess?
the humidity is slightly higher than normal.
The top is cracked. But the crust is so crispy!
I tried it, and a clear sour aftertaste remains in the mouth.
I don't like it at all.
I realized that the main thing is not to over-ripen it.
but if the dough does not fit well, what to do?
Don't throw it away ...

husband agrees to eat any - sour, not sour ...
if only home
Quote: Winter

but if the dough does not fit well, what to do?
Your leaven was not ready to raise a large dough.
There will be a strong leaven that will lift everything up.
The main thing is not to be upset. A start has been made, and the ancient wisdom about the first pancake has not been canceled. Now it is important not to give up. Remember how in the movie "Magicians" - to see the goal and not notice obstacles? This is important now.
And in a whisper: start a French sourdough. Not because I love her with all my heart, but because she is not sour and strong.
But, in any case, good luck to you!
Thank you Viki!
Now there is already the third bread in the oven.
Yesterday I baked a second one, already better.
But what not to like, the crumb inside is heavy and not airy.
What could it be from? Is there a lot of water or is the leaven to blame?
And I can’t understand why the photo is not displayed. When I copied it in Radical and try to paste it into a message, the right mouse button stops being active. Doesn't even set the cursor.
Maybe I have a limitation as a beginner?
Almost all of yesterday's bread was cut into crackers and dried in the oven-
my husband took with him to work, and stayed at home. Dare for half a day.
I don’t know today. what happens, the leaven did not fit well.
Added yeast at the very tip of tsp.
the bread turned out to be nothing.
But the crumb is still heavy, the humidity is high in it, or something.
if you press, it straightens out, but with difficulty.
but it's easier to blind it))
Why could this be?
Today I made the whole recipe for Raisins.
I still don't understand such a moment.
When Zest begins to mold the bread, flour is first poured onto the table,
then the dough falls out and molding begins with pom. shoulder blades.
Is a lot of flour mixed in the process?
As a result, in her photo before placing it in the form for proofing
the bread keeps its shape, does not blur.
And my floats in different directions, if you do not add flour.
And it is difficult to transfer to the form, it is sticky, it does not hold the form.
How to transfer it?
Quote: Winter

Is a lot of flour mixed in the process?

And it is difficult to transfer to the form, it is sticky, it does not hold the form.
Pour flour on the table only so that the dough does not stick to the table. We do not mix anything. And in general we do not knead. We shape the mass laid out on the table gently, with cat's paws.
We (both Raisin and me) have dry flour. Yours clearly has more moisture. Reduce the amount of water in the dough boldly by 10% of the total volume, and there it will be seen, it may still need to be reduced.

Viki! Well, here's how to thank you that you are so patient with me?
There is practically no experience with the dough, so, for little things, charlottes, cakes. pies ...
And bread is a completely different song. Craftsmanship.
You can't bake it bad. Therefore, I am trying to understand.
Thank you very much! The next time I will do it - decrease by 10 percent.
And for some reason there is no such pronounced aroma. Maybe you need malt after all?
I baked with honey, I don't really smell. And it is not recommended to heat it.
There was no barley malt in the store, it was rye.
Can I add it to wheat bread or is it only for rye?
And I also wonder if it is possible to bake wheat bread with rye sourdough?
Quote: Winter

Viki! Well, here's how to thank you that you are so patient with me?
It's very simple - bread and bread only. The more you bake and the better you get it, the more pleasure I will get. And so - there is no turning back to you.

We baked wheat bread on rye sourdough. In my opinion, in the topic of wheat-rye bread. And at our city forum there is a girl who bakes wheat bread with rye malt and is very happy with the result. So - try and try again. The taste and the color ... you know.
now truncated clear!
The oven will now, of course, continue.
Delays this matter, especially if it starts to work out and everyone will like it.
Thank you very much again!
I want to show what I did ... The result is still far from the truth But what to do ...
Everything has its time! I want to say right away that the leaven did not always behave decently.
The dough I have not yet turned out as beautiful, fermented, bubbly, as I want.
In short, there is something!

Bread No. 1.

I baked it in a round teflon mold, and defended it right in it.
Sourdough bread in the oven Such a crust turned out ... Sourdough bread in the oven
Bottom Sourdough bread in the oven Sourdough bread in the oven

Bread No. 2.
I decided to bake this bread in a patch with a lid.
Sourdough bread in the ovenSourdough bread in the oven Sourdough bread in the oven Sourdough bread in the oven

In my opinion, the bread was cramped ...

Bread No. 3
baked again in a round teflon mold,
but the lid was made of foil.
The proofer was in a smaller diameter form, covered with parchment.
On it, I transferred it to a larger form.
But all the same, the cuts did not open up beautifully, as I wanted ...
Business, of course. in sourdough.

Sourdough bread in the oven Sourdough bread in the oven Sourdough bread in the oven

Sourdough bread in the oven Sourdough bread in the oven
Good people, I read-read your topic and, and sooo wanted to bake the same bread as in Izuminka and her followers. But I am still quite a beginner, only 10 days ago I bought a bread maker for my grandmother as a gift, and began to study this art. But from the very beginning I was interested in how you can bake healthy bread without yeast, that is, with sourdough. So I got into your topic. Now I have a question:
1) Is it possible to bake such bread, that is, with sourdough in a programmable bread maker (well, let the batch do it yourself, then transfer the bucket to a warm place, etc., and then bake in it? Or is it possible even not start off?
2) the most important question. This is what made my head spin from the leaven. I still did not understand which one is for what, you have a French woman, and eternal, etc. And how to do which one from scratch? and what kind of bread? Please respond ... throw something like a link to the preparation of the starter cultures themselves step by step. And then I put one in a liter jar on rye flour in the ratio: per 100 g of flour - 100 ml of water, on the next. I fed it a day (I added 100 ml of water and 100 g of flour again, fed it in the evening, and at 5 a.m. she was already climbing out of the jar, I neatly rearranged it to a cooler place, but not in the refrigerator, but by 8 a.m. she apparently died, i.e. Because not a single bubble remained, she settled and feeding her did not help.Apparently I’m some kind of poor student, because the instructions said that to feed once a day, and she waved like that for several hours, I didn’t understand what happened to her.
Yes, by the way, I think it makes no sense to make a sourdough of 100 g, and then feed 100 two more times, probably you need to do experiments with 1 tablespoon of flour and the same amount of water, because you still take only a spoonful of sourdough there, and the rest in the trash? Or am I already confused? Plz ... teach ...
ilonnna, it is possible to bake sourdough bread in HP. You can choose a recipe in the Sourdough Bread section.

You can read all about leavens Here

All starter cultures with step-by-step preparation Here

You will succeed
kava, thanks for the quick reply! Until I ran to the house, they already helped me with links, hurray !!! I went to study. How something will turn out sensible - I'll sign off with a photo report Now I'll find some more or less quick recipe, I'll start with it (otherwise the bread is already over, but I don't want to use yeast anymore, after everything I've read and seen), and put the leaven in parallel ...
Maybe someone will tell me .. I have already made several sourdough breads, the result is unsatisfactory, the roofing felts are acidic, or something else. I decided to try this recipe. The question is - why, when preparing the dough, I got a rather dense dough, not at all like the picture where the dough is bubbling - there it is some kind of liquid. I have overfed wheat sourdough from rye, made according to a recipe from another forum. The leaven seems to be alive, it smells fine. The dough has been standing for 4 hours, and continues to be a dense piece of dough. Maybe you need to add water?
Dough eventually rose, but did not bubble on the surface. I did everything strictly according to the instructions, but I forgot to sprinkle it before putting it in the oven.
As a result, the bread turned out to be quite good both externally and in crumb structure, not a brick, like my previous attempts. But still, something is not right - there is no aroma at all, the taste is slightly better than the store one, the crumb is slightly moist for my taste, but I don't know, maybe it should be like that. Is the leaven to blame?
Huck Finn
Who uses what water?
For starter, I take settled, filtered, boiled water. It's the same for dough and dough.
Is it possible to take unboiled for dough and dough? Or buy in bottles. Or from a source, and if there is a lot of lime, still filter.
Quote: Huck Finn

Who uses what water?
For starter, I take settled, filtered, boiled water. It's the same for dough and dough.
Is it possible to take unboiled for dough and dough? Or buy in bottles. Or from a source, and if there is a lot of lime, still filter.
I take filtered, not boiled, everything is ok
Quote: ilonnna

I take filtered, not boiled, everything is ok

Hello dear Zest! Sorry to bother you. Now I am studying your topic "Sourdough bread in the oven". In your recipe, you get whole grain flour only in a dough and very little. And if I need whole-grain wheat bread, what are its features of fermentation, proofing, molding and baking? I have a small child with digestive problems and only bread made from wheat flour with sourdough flour is suitable for her. I had a wheat sourdough at first on pineapple juice, it turned out to be some kind of very sour bread, although I tried many methods of proving and over time and kneading in different ways, but the result is always the same - sour bread and small holes, and if there is more water add, then a wet crumb. Now I grow Raisin, French and Onion at the same time. They say they are not sour, let's see what happens. In the meantime, I bake bread with yeast on a cold long dough, but it turns out the same. The bread is not sour, but the holes are small (high density bread) and often the crumb is wet. I noticed that if at least 1/4 of the CH flour is replaced with a regular white one, then the holes are larger and the crumb is not so sticky. Please help me figure it out. Thank you very much in advance
tanycs, litter that got in with the answer. Bread made from CH flour always has fewer holes than wheat made from BC flour. You really need to grow a very lifting sourdough, and that it was fresh, meaning not peroxidized (if you haven't fed it for a long time).
Thank ilonnna And do not tell me what kind of leavens are especially lifting?
No, I won't tell you so directly, because I have not tried all the leavens, but there is a huge number of them. But from my own experience, I can say that one and the same leaven turns out in different ways. can be dry, and can be very active and uplifting. Someone has already touched on the topic of baking bread from CH flour without adding wheat. Look, it was not so long ago, maybe a month ago.
Valeria +
Quote: polinka

Maybe someone will tell me .. I have already made several sourdough breads, the result is unsatisfactory, the roofing felts are acidic, or something else. I decided to try this recipe. The question is - why, when preparing the dough, I got a rather dense dough, not at all like a picture where the dough is bubbling - there it is some kind of liquid. I have overfed wheat sourdough from rye, made according to a recipe from another forum. The leaven seems to be alive, it smells fine. The dough has been standing for 4 hours, and continues to be a dense piece of dough. Maybe you need to add water?

I just put in a brew according to the Iziumka recipe and the same problem arose as with polinki. The recipe says for 20-30 g of sourdough 200 g of water and 200 g. flour. That is, if you put everything according to the recipe and hang the flour on the scales exactly in grams, then it turns out not a dough, but a dense piece of dough. I just thought, maybe Raisin meant not 200 g of flour weighed on the scales, but flour poured into a measuring cup to the level of 200 ml?

Girls who are experienced, please tell me !!!

And one more question: when we are trying to grow a new starter culture of 100% hydration, should we measure both water and flour with a measuring cup? - i.e. 100 ml of water and flour to the level of 100 ml. Or do we take 100 ml of water + 100 g of flour weighed on a scale?
No, girls, I have tried bread more than once.

Flour - in grams, water, in grams, in a glass, is one.

If we grow a starter culture of 100% hydration, then for 100 g of flour (weighed on a scale), we take 100 g of water (albeit in a glass).
Valeria +
Quote: Zest

No, girls, I have tried bread more than once.

Flour - in grams, water, in grams, in a glass, one.
Zest, I'm so sorry. It’s me, sort of a bastard, who incorrectly counted flour from milliliters to grams, so my dough turned out to be so thick. Then I counted everything over again, kneaded it and ... all the same, I could not resist not adding 2 tbsp. l. flour when kneading. I was scared that it was very liquid. But while reading your topic I felt that it should be so (in the sense of a liquid), I studied the rollers for kneading the batter with scrapers. In the next. I'll try to refrain from adding extra flour.
But the first time, the bread turned out to be very tasty, albeit not high (this is, apparently, because I did not heat the baking dish like you). I will take this mistake into account too. As soon as I get a pretty bread, I'll report back.

Zest, please help. Here I have all sourdoughs on whole grain flour and I put the dough on it, and already when kneading the dough I add flour of the highest quality. With these proportions, will my bread always be gray? I just see the girls in the photo have such cute white breads (and I love exactly white bread), but I always get gray ones. What needs to be done to make the bread whiter? Maybe I should try to make a dough with premium flour? Only now, will it rise as well as the c / c and will this dough then raise the dough? The question is, specifically, how can I get sourdough bread as close to white as possible?
Valeria +
I apologize, for some reason the upper message was duplicated a second time.

I look forward to hearing like a nightingale of summer.
Valeria +, you will get the whitest bread on BC wheat flour without adding other types of flour, and accordingly on wheat flour sourdough. Sourdough from wheat flour will make bread perfect for you, you can be sure! If the sourdough turns out to be well-grown, active, then it doesn't matter what kind of flour it is from - any flour works for 5+!
Zest, excuse me if I didn’t see it, what kind of starter do you use?
Zest uses 100% hydration liquid French sourdough (flour-water ratio 1: 1)
kava, thanks. I'm just starting to make a French woman today. I hope everything will work out.
On the very first page of this topic, Zest wrote how she stores the leaven ...
1. It turns out that you need to take a spoonful of sourdough and feed it with a small amount of flour / water .... As a result, you get about 50g of sourdough. Am I getting it right? And if I need a lot of sourdough for bread, I have to separate it for storage, and feed the rest, for example, 100 grams of flour and water each, in the end I have 200 grams of sourdough for bread and a separate spoon of sourdough for storage? So?
2. I grew sourdough for the first time, baked rye bread - I barely held on so as not to eat it whole (I boast), I leavened it again on the separated sourdough and now I cook my favorite Izyumkin bread (I will report on the result!), And put the rest in the refrigerator - with 9 hours have passed since then, I got it out, it has bubbles, but it's cold ... I shouldn't have put it there? Need to see how she behaves, or is she already hopelessly spoiled? Girls, I am with these leavens, as with a hand-written sack ... I really don't know what to do! Help !!
So mine came up! Weight 960 gr. Thanks to Zest for the recipe!



Thank you, Raisin and girls. Finally, I did without a bread machine)) This is my first bread, cooked without equipment) Even kneading is done by hand. The leaven is also the first.In general, innocence itself was
I read Temki, at least I learned that after the approach of the test, it still needs to be molded. Honestly - I would dump it straight from the container where it fits into the proofing bowl
Since some of Temka's initial photos have long sunk into oblivion ((I had to look for information about molding in other places. The videos helped me a lot:
here I "looked" how to knead by hand. It turns out in fact it is very simple. Knead with a wooden spatula.Of course, don't look at the recipe itself. I was interested in technology, because before I was only interested in the kolobok in HP. Maybe for someone this is twice two, but for me it's all a discovery

Another useful video about molding

Well, here is my first non-baked bread without yeast. I understand that this is just the beginning. There is still something to work on))) I want more holes)

View from above
Sourdough bread in the oven

Side view
Sourdough bread in the oven

Sourdough bread in the oven

And this is the form in which it was baked)))) 8-liter cast-iron cauldron I really liked it) although it is a serious infection, but the heat is excellent

Sourdough bread in the oven
Dear Colleagues ! I want to share my observation. Since my bread is similar in recipe to Izyuminkin (except for yeast), I am writing in this thread.
I began to add grape seed flour to the dough (I bought ready-made cocoa-colored powder), quite a bit, and noticed that the bread is incredibly soft.
Zest, thank you so much for such a detailed master class. Today I baked bread this second time, but in general in my life - this is the third bread. The first time there was an overlap of several unfavorable factors: I did not have time to mold the bread myself (I was stuck for 30 minutes in a traffic jam 5 minutes from home), then the gas in the oven went out at the very beginning of baking, I forgot to sprinkle the bread before placing it in the oven. And this time - the stars lay down correctly, I tried to repeat the recipe exactly and here is the result:
Sourdough bread in the oven
Sourdough bread in the oven

Almost immediately a third of the bread flew away in an unknown direction in the stomachs of my household
I always baked it for the third week, well, in general, I ate. And this pitch is at 11 pm. And it worked out for me! by chance .
Why did it come out as you do not understand. maybe the stove warmed up more. At night, there is clearly more gas in the system, the arrow in the shackle went to the left and did not climb out. It doesn't work like that during the day. It is baked but the top is not browned at all.
The color turned out and the dough did not fall, usually the top fell through during baking. But I baked all the time without oil, if something didn't stick, I smear it with that paste from Lyuda, it doesn't stick.
Although the pasta didn't quite work out either, for some reason it didn't whip
Tell me why is there a spoonful of butter in the dough?
Butter is the basis of taste, crust, vegetable oil is the elasticity of the dough.
I have no sunflower, so I put soy.
One tablespoon, and made grease on it too.
The bread came out, I'm not overjoyed.
It is a pity, apart from this forum, there is no one to brag about. They won't understand.
Apparently, you only need to bake at night, because there is not enough gas in the system. And the stove doesn't heat up to the right temperature. (I have nothing to define it)
And that the dough should be put in the oven when the arrow goes off scale completely and warms up longer.
Everything that I baked during the day turned out to be baked, but for some reason the top was everywhere white, or maybe this spoonful of oil had some kind of effect on frying.
Somewhere I came across a statement that bread should be without butter, and you need to learn to bake without butter.
Anyway, thanks for the recipe in a week I will repeat the experiment.
Quote: kava

Butter is the basis of taste, crust, vegetable oil is the elasticity of the dough.
Specify whether the crust is vegetable or creamy?
and this means that you need to anoint with this oil on top so that there would be a crust, or in kneading it?
Creamy for the crust. Into the dough. Crusting is strongly influenced by steam humidification. The higher the humidity during baking, the thinner and crisper the crust. The drier, the rougher and thicker the crust. But this is a matter of taste.
What if a little creamy is added to the baguette dough to be crispy? Well, in general, you need to conduct an experiment.
Tell me, bakers have a concept of folding dough, stretching. Does it make common sense or is it just shamanism. Something seems to me that just kneading is enough.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers