fffunticIt is very interesting to read you. Thank you.

The question is ripe ...
Then it turns out that

my method of working with live yeast is not very good ...
I put prog 9 (where immediately Kneading without standing is Heating) and kneading for only 10 minutes. And having tracked Kolobok, I turn it on, put the Main one. I'm leaving.
Ideally, white bread is obtained on Macfa and kefir, whey under such conditions.
... but recently .... with additives I made and poured the c / s "French thing", bran, sesame seeds, and even a spoonful of rye .., could not resist. A kind of Mix.
And out of habit ... I turned on this Pooga 9, as I call it "pre-mixing" ...
But the bread came out with a BROKEN roof. I thought there was a lot of water ... But no !!! Taste tests on the second day showed that fu! My yeast has done it! Apparently outplayed. The bread was rough and drunk *

Hello everybody. I tried to cook frozen cherry jam in my HP. It turned out to be very thick, and when it got completely cold, you could barely take it with a spoon. What could be the mistake? ... I used only slightly thawed cherries and sugar.
Potapkina, and how many berries did you take? and what proportions of berry weight to sugar were?
Waist, oh, I don’t remember exactly. Approximately 300g cherries and 200g sugar. And what proportions should be in order not to thicken?
Bucket jam can be dangerous because of the sugar. This is what the connoisseurs taught me at the dawn of my baking.

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 12:11 pm

Quote: Potapkina
And what proportions should be in order not to thicken?

Do not overcook! Everything has boiled over for you. They would cook for another hour and some cherries would be scraped off. When boiled, it appears liquid
And after cooling it thickens. The spoon should calmly drain in a thin stream.
Wit, and how long will it take for cooking? hours 1.5?
Quote: Potapkina
Approximately 300g cherries and 200g sugar. And what proportions should be in order not to thicken?

You have very few berries, a lot of sugar and cooked for a long time

According to the instructions for cooking in HP, you need at least 500 g of berries / fruits.
Marisha Aleksevna
Quote: Waist
These are proportions for jam, and syrups are cooked in HP
Jam and syrups are also boiled in HP.
Quote: Potapkina
how long will it take to cook? hours 1.5?
Yes, that much time is enough. But I would not recommend using a bread machine for jam at all. My friend spoiled the bucket this way, but it costs a lot and she had to buy a new HP (it turned out cheaper).
Quote: Marisha Aleksevna
Jam and syrups are also boiled in HP.
And, yes, there is a program "Jam" Everything, it's time for me to retire ...
Potapkina, Masha, it is better to cook jam on the stove! And not 1 hour ... 1.5, but in several stages.
More or less like this:

Seedless jam is boiled in the following way.

After removing the seeds, the fruits are placed in an enamel bowl, sprinkled with sugar sifted through a sieve layer by layer and kept for 2-3 hours, after which they are transferred into a cooking bowl, washing off the remaining sugar with one glass of water.

Put the basin on low heat and, stirring with a spoon, dissolve the sugar in the released fruit juice. After the sugar has dissolved in the juice, the fire is intensified and the mass is brought to a boil. Then the pelvis is removed 2-3 times from the fire, in a circular motion -! mix the fruit with syrup and remove the foam. During cooking, care must be taken so that the jam does not burn; boil over moderate heat.
When cooked, the berries are evenly distributed in the syrup, and do not float all over the top (visual determination of readiness)

Wit, oh, I wanted to make my life easier
I cooked it from black chokeberry with apples and plums with apples, it turned out great in general. All the cans have already been eaten.But cherry does not work like that.
Suddenly someone did not try. maybe someone will need this experience
I baked milk bread according to the bakery's recipe, size (L) decided to cheer up and added as much as 70 grams of cheese, (Normal Russian)
The bread was baked very well, a very tasty golden crust appeared, and the taste is very pleasant, I don't even know how to describe it ... it began to remotely resemble khachapuri
Very good bread came out
Quote: Dark Steppe Eagle

Suddenly someone did not try. maybe someone will need this experience
Very good bread came out
Thank you, I see you often make dairy products, with variations ...

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 03:44 PM

Ladies - Ladies - Women Happy Women's Day
Stay cheerful, smiling, healthy, flirty, with strong, reliable shoulders and a full wallet.

Peaceful sky and female happiness!

Super Tanya
I add dried onions to rye bread ... a handful. I put it right away, without a dispenser. The taste is interesting.
Ladies! I was given cornbread for some reason .. but I want to try it again in Panas,
So which Prog is better to choose? maybe "rapid"? or is the main one better? and if I want to include additives there? then maybe the 3rd program?
Quote: mamusi

The question is ripe ...

when you do it with standing, then, uh-huh, you lengthen the cycle for half an hour or forty minutes is not planned.
Then what is so completely bad can go wrong. The most dangerous thing is that the yeast started working immediately, gases were poured into the dough and fermentation was started with chemical reactions.
If standing is done on delicate flour, then a delicate delicate gluten is only formed there, and they began to inflate it with gases and attack with all sorts of enzymes. That is, it turns out not standing, but semi-fermentation unmeasured test. This will greatly slow down the strengthening of gluten and by the time of the main kneading, we may have a too delicate structure that will break.
That is, everything again depends on the strength of flour and yeast. If the torment is very strong, it will survive. It will swell and strengthen in spite of everything. Strong yeast will survive the main batch without problems, for them it will only become a type of heated kneading.
But if the flour was tender, then it will not survive. If the yeast is weak, then the second time it may work weaker.

And here, specifically in the recipe, the composition is the most delicate with heavy additives.
c / s "French thing", bran, sesame seeds, and even a spoonful of rye ..
such a dough must be protected in every possible way, the main program for it can be fatal.
C / z is a weak flour, even without additives it loves cold and gentle kneading.
It seems to me there is a complex problem.
Yeast may indeed be to blame, but they are not alone. Let's say they started working from heating and prevented the gluten from swelling properly, let's say the addition of rye accelerated the enzymatic activity, but it was not long, only half an hour.

The main problem, I think, was that then the main program was chosen for the main batch, which is hot and intense, which broke the gluten.
This means a very rough taste in the dough. Bread with spoiled gluten is not at all like bread with unmixed. It's much worse.
It is this composition of bread that must be baked at least on a diabetic mode. And maybe on spelled, if it really is the most delicate.
Yes, for such a gentle and delicate recipe, it is necessary to make the first batch without heating with standing in a cool place, it does not interfere with strengthening a little ascorbic acid, for example, protein. Do the main batch on a delicate program.

Method first batch (even with heating) + standing + basic, applicable for normal bakery flour.
First kneading method (exclusively without heating, dough exclusively at room temperature not higher) + standing in a cool place + delicate mode, = required for delicate flour. Delicate flour loves cold and gentle kneading

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 06:21 PM

Quote: Mirabel

Ladies! I was given cornbread for some reason .. but I want to try it again in Panas,
So which Prog is better to choose? maybe "rapid"? or is the main one better? and if I want to include additives there? then maybe the 3rd program?

Well, you did it in other stoves. If you do not want to be driven, do it on the main one, it is almost the same as in other HP. A little longer.
Rapid is not necessary, the taste will be worse. Take your strong bakery and your corn

If you are not lazy, do it with standing to control the water. Knead on dumplings and leave, run the main one, and before kneading, make sure that the water is normal.
If you are lazy ... knead softer, so that not just like a ball, but like a comma by the end of the batch. Clung to one wall.
Well, make sure that there is at least half of the wheat flour if you poke in heavy additives, otherwise it may not rise.

Shove the yeast, well, as if you were baking ordinary bread in Panasik on the main mode. Your favorite number.

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 06:36 PM

About jam in HP. There are so many pages that it would take forever to search. But earlier, I apologize, I do not remember who exactly, but far from one person criticized the preparation of jam in KhP. They did it so abruptly that I decided for myself that in order to avoid breakage of the oil seal and the release of the bucket cover, I would not mess with jam in the HP for anything.
It is especially dangerous when sugar crystallizes at the bottom of the gland. Someone here with meat then tore it off.
And the Teflon buckets will climb quickly.
If you want to find specific reviews, look for yourself. There were many of them.
The jam is delicious and pleasant to cook until the machine breaks down.
I cooked currant jam several times, my husband really likes it. Nothing had to be torn off. I was just pouring the jam into the jars while still hot, and pouring water into the bucket. Everything is perfectly washed out.
Larissa, the people whose cars broke down were also not beginners. I was just mastering HP and these were the ones I studied with then. How to wash and protect the bucket, I think they figured out
My job is to warn the current that jam can be in the cost of half a bake
Quote: Super Tanya

I add dried onions to rye bread ... a handful. I put it right away, without a dispenser. The taste is interesting.
Tatyana, dry the onions yourself?
Quote: Mirabel

yeah, I join too
Quote: fffuntic
jam can be in the cost of half a baking
Expensive jelly that turns out ... thanks for the warning
And in general, in my opinion, any technique should be used for its intended purpose ... For example, you need to shoot a video or photo with excellent quality, then you need to buy a camera designed for these purposes, and not buy a phone with a suitable camera, as we often do
Well, etc. ... there are many comparisons
well, I don't quite agree, the phone is always at hand, but the camera is not ..., so I click on the necessary
Quote: NikaVS
the phone is always at hand, but the camera is not
I didn't really mean it
I also read somewhere that you should not cook jam in it, otherwise you will have to buy a new bucket
Quote: NikaVS

I also read somewhere that you should not cook jam in it, otherwise you will have to buy a new bucket
Well .. any Teflon does not like sudden temperature changes and any heated aggressive media. Sugar syrup is just an aggressive environment, and there are also strong fruit acids. All right, we would have some elite super-resistant Teflon. But we have it just high quality.
If anyone wants to, then you can investigate the question of the resistance of Teflon to cooking fruit jams
But at one time I was more frightened by something else. Some people managed to get this jam into the lower mechanism and spoil everything there. That is, not only a change of the bucket was required, but it was repair.
Figures such happiness, I'd rather be on the stove ... or for these purposes you can buy cheap HP and let it spin.

$ vetLana
Nika, try this recipe (with choux pastry)
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)The dough is very soft (and bread for a bread machine) on Tang Zhong
Lena, I agree with you.
Svetlana, thank you, I have already printed out the recipe, but tomorrow I want to make it with sausage and cheese ... I realized that it was mainly with raisins, but I don’t know which bread recipe is better yet
Quote: $ vetLana

Nika, try this recipe (with choux pastry)
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)The dough is very soft (and bread for a bread machine) on Tang Zhong
bread in consistency resembles a tender bun with stretching crumb.
Bread is an unsweetened bun.
It goes well with sausage and other tasty additions that are delicious with buns

He's completely different. Not as brutal as usual. Do not delay with samples

$ vetLana
fffuntic, Lena, did you bake it? Reminds me of French, in my opinion.

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 09:58 PM

I very rarely bake pure wheat, but sometimes I indulge myself with this
Lena didn’t understand - is it good to make this bread with filling (from meat products and cheese)?
Quote: $ vetLana

fffuntic, Lena, did you bake it? Reminds me of French, in my opinion.

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 09:58 PM

I very rarely bake pure wheat, but sometimes I indulge myself with this
not ... French is more rude. And this one is gentle. But, really, I like it more in the form of a sweet bun, as in the original Japanese version. Instead of milk powder, I often put cream.

Nika, well, how to explain. There is a normal bread with a bread flavor. Good for soup. Brutal.

And there is a tender, such a stretching bun. Something akin to a lightweight, low-fat unsweetened cake, although this is a stretch.
That is, it doesn’t suit me for soup, but for tea it’s lovely.

Difficult to explain, this is a different type of bread. Considered Japanese.
But if made like bread, then it is tasty and with additives.

If a husband asks for brutal bread, then it probably makes sense to make it for him first, and then immediately try this one.
Because this one is very delicate, you might like it very much.

And like a bun then sweet and like bread with additives. You will understand everything yourself when you try

$ vetLana
fffuntic, described very well.
Quote: fffuntic

not ... French is more rude. And this one is gentle. But, really, I like it more in the form of a sweet bun, as in the original Japanese version. Instead of milk powder, I often put cream.
Nika, well, how to explain. There is a normal bread with a bread flavor. Good for soup. Brutal.
And like a bun then sweet and like bread with additives. You will understand everything yourself when you try
It is clear, not bread, but a bun (dessert) Thank you, everyone And with what filling? Lactic?
Congratulations again,
we just automatically have one version of this test

in fact, with this bread, everything is much more interesting. It reminds you of French because you haven't fully discovered its potential for yourself.

The tea leaves give it juiciness and tenderness, therefore it is more tender than the French one.
But in order to feel the silkiness to the end, good kneading is important, akin to brioche, Easter cake, if you want, like with foreign toast bread.

And we have a dilemma.
The main mode does not roll for weak flour, which would be kneaded more intensively than necessary, but for normal flour there kneading is like for ordinary bread, but it should be like for toast, with a gluten window. There are pictures in the topic of bread.
But with the right kneading, you can get the most Japanese effect.
Therefore, in the oven it turns out closer to the French bread version.

For this recipe, the brioche program would be good, which is in the bourgeois stove.

To get the most out of this recipe, you need dancing around the stove. Two batches. Ideally, add oil only at the end of the second batch, after mixing well.

Quote: fffuntic

we just automatically have one version of this test
please explain for dummies, first you need to knead in some mode, and then just start .... main ..., Lena write that it is not main, then flour is not everything?
Quote: NikaVS

please explain for dummies, first you need to knead in some mode, and then just start ... main ... .
do not drive at first. Do as it is recommended in the topic. Now, if you like it, then you can spend time looking for the ideal.
First, figure out what is closer to you, the sweet version or the bread one.
Don't complicate the task ahead of time.
Quote: fffuntic

do not drive at first. Do as it is recommended in the topic. Now, if you like it, then you can spend time looking for the ideal.
First, figure out what is closer to you, the sweet version or the bread one.
Don't complicate the task ahead of time.
oh i feel like reading you like daruma
Lena, I'll do this and that for them, let the stove work while it's cool. For me, what is important is the flour which is preferable and brew only 20 grams. flour per 100 g of water, the rest of the cream (skoka in grams?) or pour the broth on the remaining flour ... is it correct?

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 10:36 PM

oh, daruma, like a captive, not a deity

take the most ordinary bakery that is. The subtlety is just as always, that it is difficult to indicate the exact amount in the recipe, the flour is always different.
Therefore, there will be two difficult moments.
First, you need to prepare the correct tea leaves. Perhaps it won't work right away. Practice. You need to do it like in the video on the first page of bread.
and here
in the comment

Do not allow the bun, do not overcook.
The result should be a jelly consistency liquid kefir... If it doesn't work ... adjust the amount of flour for yourself. But not water. Adjust the amount of flour under water in 100 g.

The second moment .. when you are going to do the kneading, there should be a very soft kolobok. Get ready to add water.

Originally, I would have made a straight lean recipe. Check out the most wheat version. If you like the consistency, then you can make more rich options.

But if you want to immediately add cream, then stupidly dilute the water with them, without disturbing the total amount of moisture.
but .. be ready to add moisture to the kolobok, and since the cream is thicker than water, it will also increase the amount of moisture.
But already look in the bucket. And .. this is not at the end of the batch, but in the first minutes

If it is difficult to navigate while kneading ... do it with standing.

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 11:05 PM


such an innocent choice in the recipe
Water or potato broth
these are completely unequal liquids. Potato broth is a delicacy for yeast, they behave completely differently in the dough with such a delicious diet.
With potato broth, the bread will have a different consistency. Should be fluffier and softer.
Therefore, if you make a lean version, then you could try the potato broth right away.

Added on Tuesday 07 Mar 2017 11:19 pm

Svetlana, Nika ...
this potato broth addition is very, very good. Allows you to get delicate bread with a minimum of kneading. When making Japanese bread on Basic mode, do not neglect this enhancer.
Good day to all, Festive mood !!!
Lena, I'm even more confused. In that topic, there is always a different number of ingr-in ?? !!
On the first page queen gives a table

For Tang Zhong:
Water 100 g
Flour 20 g
For the test:
Tang Zhong
Flour 400 g
Instant yeast 1 tsp
Water or potato broth 190 g
Salt 1.5 tsp
Sugar 1/3 tbsp l.
Vegetable oil or ghee 20-25 g

Then he gives his interpretations, already with an egg, p. milk + liquid 350 gr. flour !!!! and
120 g Tang Zhong (120 g water + 24 g flour). On the second already for the same summers, as I write:))) Not 400 grams will be, but 320 grams. 20 g for TJ + 300 for the test.))) In the video recipe and recommendations 50 to 250? What nonsense ??? So how much of that is in the result ??? Why confuse people like that?
In short, I realized that only in our topic everything is clear and sensible
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
Girls, Happy Holidays !!! Wish you all the best!!!
Thank you!
$ vetLana

Added Wednesday 08 Mar 2017 10:04 AM

Nika, Nika, I took it as the author on the first page.
Quote: $ vetLana


Added Wednesday 08 Mar 2017 10:04 AM

Nika, Nika, I took it as the author on the first page.
Light, sunny mood and fun !!!
Thank you, I will do it!
$ vetLana
Nika, thanks. Warm spring sun, optimism, delicious bread

Let's go to you. Do not mind?

Quote: $ vetLana

Nika, thanks. Warm spring sun, optimism, delicious bread

Let's go to you. Do not mind?

Kanesh, do not pay ... attention, the costs of education and, apparently, work
Mine are demanding with sausages ... I will go to pick up a recipe and as I understand better, before the last workout, add everything myself ...
Happy Holidays, dear women!

Vitaly, thank you

Added Wednesday 08 March 2017 03:46 PM

The bread is ready, again I can’t talk about the purity of the experiment, because the milk was mixed with heat. water and oil sl. I cut it in half with sunflower seeds, took it out again, kneaded it, added flour, and stake. products with cheese. The bread on the "M" rose to the top, airy, but turning it over, I dropped it on a hump, crushed it slightly, I don't know how it would taste.
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
Citizens and Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen ... who tried to add dried ground porcini mushrooms to bread, tell me how many grams are needed for a light mushroom smell and whether this additive affects the liquid level in the dough or does the liquid remain in the same volume and add nothing do not?
The bread tasted good. But I spent an ex-t, cut it off, after 5-6 minutes, a gobushka and put it in the hol-k, after 15 minutes I got it cold and crisp, like chips! Mine said, too, that you are here - not very good. sausage is felt.
Vlad, well done, is always creative, you also need to grind the truffles and add ... it will probably be fragrant.

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