Honey mug according to GOST

Category: Confectionery
Honey mug according to GOST


Flour 500 gr.
Sugar 150 gr.
Honey 250 gr.
Oil drain. 50 gr.
Baking powder or soda
Water 65 gr.
Spices (composition in%) cinnamon 60, cloves 12, allspice 12, black pepper 4, cardamom 4, ginger 8

Cooking method

  • 1. Put sugar in a saucepan, pour boiling water (50 gr.) And heat until sugar dissolves. Add pieces of butter, stir. The temperature of the mixture is 70-90C.
  • 2. Pour 200 gr into the hot mixture. flour and stir well until a smooth homogeneous mass is obtained (I do this in a food processor). Cool to room temperature.
  • 3. Put honey in a separate bowl, add the remaining 15 grams. water, stir.
  • 4. Mix the remaining flour (300 gr.) With spices and pour into the brewed mass, add honey. Mix everything until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
  • 5. Roll out the finished dough into a layer 10-15 mm thick on a table sprinkled with flour or transfer to a mold.
  • 6. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 200C.
  • It turns out to be soft, I like it.

Time for preparing:

50 minutes


The original is here:

Is there another photo or is it a cupcake-shaped gingerbread?)))
Roll out the recipe ...
If we assume that after rolling, roll the dough into a roll and put it in a mold ... then tell me, how much baking powder to put ??? And more ... how many spices to put in grams ???
I also baked this gingerbread, the source is the same ...

Quote: abksar

how much baking powder to put ???
abksar, 1 bag of baking powder (2 tsp. Without slide) ...

Quote: abksar

how many spices to put in grams ???
From the comments to this recipe from LJ Irina-Chadeyka:
I still do not understand how much spice to put on this amount? In h. L.?

Irina's answer:
in grams - 1.5 g
that is, a third of a teaspoon of the mixture.
but in my opinion this is not enough, and I put more. to your liking
Thank you very much!!! Let's start experimenting ...

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