I mean PLO-HI-E. Well, I thought so, but I decided to clarify ... You never know ...


For a long time in Russia, butter was knocked out of cream, sour cream and whole milk. The best types of butter were obtained from fresh cream, and the so-called kitchen butter, which was mainly used for the needs of the kitchen, from sour cream or sour skim milk. The most common way to prepare butter was by melting sour cream or cream in a Russian oven. The separated oily mass was cooled and knocked down with wooden whorls, spades, spoons, and often with hands. The finished oil was washed in cold water. It was quite expensive and therefore it was daily eaten only by wealthy citizens. Since the fresh oil could not be stored for a long time, the peasants reheated it in the oven, washed it and reheated it again. When reheating, the oil was divided into two layers, with the upper one consisted of pure fat, and the lower one containing water and non-fatty components (churning). The melted fat was drained and cooled until crystallization. Many East Slavic peoples received ghee in this way. Russia was one of the largest exporters of it to the world market. Apparently, for this reason, the name "Russian" has stuck for ghee throughout the world.

An interesting story is the creation of Vologda butter in Russia, which is deservedly considered the pride of domestic butter-making. Its appearance is associated with the name of the famous Russian cheese maker I.V. Vereshchagin, brother of the battle painter V.V. Vereshchagin. While at one of the exhibitions in Paris, NV Vereshchagin "caught" a very pleasant taste and aroma of the oil from Normandy displayed there. He liked the oil so much that he decided to create the same there, in Paris. In this case, the master used cream, brought almost to a boil. The butter of the Russian cheesemaker turned out to be tastier than the Norman butter. The delicate aroma of freshly boiled milk and a slightly nutty flavor do not allow it to be confused with any other. A person who does not know the history of butter-making in Russia will look in vain for information about Vologda butter in domestic or foreign literature, even in special literature. The fact is that Vereshchagin himself called this butter Parisian sweet, and the French, and not only they, who willingly imported it from Russia - Petersburg.

It began to be called Vologda no more than 45-50 years ago. Unfortunately, today Vologda oil can be found on store shelves extremely rarely. However, if you are lucky and you still buy this wonderful product, keep in mind that it is stored for a short time, no more than a month, and then it loses its specific nutty flavor.
About the mode of physical maturation. It belongs. as I just read, to the cream BEFORE you start churning them into butter. I quote:
Low-temperature preparation of cream for whipping (physical maturation). The purpose of this technological operation is to transfer part of the milk fat (not less than 32-35% fat) into a solid state. At the same time, the cream and the emulsion turn into a suspension emulsion. With the appearance of fat crystals inside the fat globules, the strength of the connection of the protein shells with the adjoining fat decreases. This causes the desorption of some of the lipo-protein complexes of the envelope into the plasma and thus reduces the stability of the fat emulsion of the cream. With an increase in the aging of the cream, this effect increases.The described phenomenon serves as the basis for the process of separating the fat phase from the cream and obtaining the oil grain.

Hence we conclude that butter should be made ONLY from COLD, very cold cream !!! We read further:
Changes in the properties of cream when ripe. The readiness of cream for churning is characterized by a set of indicators that change significantly as a result of cooling pasteurized cream to a ripening temperature (from 2 to 12 ° C) and thermostating them in a chilled state.

The degree of fat hardening. It characterizes the amount of hardened fat (in%). Depends on the speed and depth of cream cooling. When hot cream is cooled to a temperature of 3, 6, 9 and 12 ° C (without aging), 33.4 solidifies, respectively; 26.6; 19.5 and 15.2% fat. The amount of solid fat required for stable churning of cream and obtaining butter grains (32-35%) when cooled to a temperature of 3-12 ° C is achieved immediately during the cooling of the cream to 3 ° C and, accordingly, after 45-60, 90-120, 180-200 min of thermostatting [II]. After 15 - 30 minutes of exposure of the chilled cream, up to 50% of fat is solidified in them, which can crystallize at a given temperature. With a decrease in the iodine number of milk fat, the duration of the crystallization of glycerides until an equilibrium between liquid and solid fat is established is reduced and more solid fat crystallizes. The same phenomenon is observed with a decrease in the fat content in cream and an increase in the number of large fat globules, with a decrease in temperature and an increase in the cooling rate of the cream.

Damn, it's hard to understand technology articles. but we still have to understand WHAT WE DO AND WHY
Modes of physical cream maturation. They are selected in accordance with the chemical composition and properties of milk fat, which depend on the period of the year, the feeding conditions of the animals and other factors. Traditional (long-term) modes of cream ripening and accelerated ones are used.

Traditional (long-term) modes of physical cream maturation. The industry uses single and multi-stage modes of physical cream maturation.

When producing sweet cream butter with a moisture content of 16%, the main parameters of the one-stage mode are: cooling temperature 4-6 ° C in spring-summer and 5-7 ° C in autumn-winter periods of the year and holding time not less than 5 and 7 hours, respectively. In practice, the aging time of the cream is 15-20 hours.

Single-stage modes of cream ripening are simpler and less labor-intensive in comparison with multi-stage ones. However, they do not always ensure the proper flow and completion of the phase transformations of milk fat in the fat globules of the cream. At relatively high temperatures of physical maturation of cream, a sufficient degree of fat hardening is not achieved, and at low temperatures, the optimal ratio of fusible ones. and refractory glyceride groups. It is difficult to regulate the phase composition of the hardened fat by using the one-stage mode.

We figured out maturation, but whipping is also not so simple.
Whipping cream and the formation of oil grains. General characteristics. process. The essence of the process of churning cream is the aggregation (sticking) of the fat globules contained in them. The process occurs under the influence of external force, is accompanied by a gradual decrease in the number of fat globules and ends with the formation of oil grains. In this case, the shells of the fat globules are destroyed and about 50-70% of their components pass into buttermilk. The basis of the rigid framework of the resulting structural aggregates of the oil grain is the bonds between the particles of solid fat. Liquid fat provides adhesion of solid particles as a result of interaction of adhesion forces.
Stages of whipping cream. A. Grishchenko distinguishes three stages of whipping cream: the formation of air bubbles (I), the destruction of the dispersion of air bubbles (II), the formation of oil grains (III).
Whipping cream parameters.The main parameters of the operation are the initial temperature and the intensity of the mechanical effect on the cream during the whipping process. When churning cream in batch butter makers, the degree of filling of the working capacity of the apparatus and the duration of churning are important factors. The formation of oil grains is influenced by the fat content and acidity of the cream (fermentation rate), the chemical composition and properties of milk fat, and the degree of hardening of glycerides in the fat globules of the cream.

Approximate values ​​of the initial temperature of whipping cream (° С) by periods of the year Oil Spring-summer Autumn-winter Size of oil grain, mm
Sweet cream (16% moisture) and Vologda, produced by whipping cream in butter makers
Intermittent action 7-12 8-14 3-5
Continuous 7-11 8-13 1-3
Sour cream (16% moisture), produced by whipping cream (in batch and continuous manufacturers) 7-12 8-14 2-6
Cream whipping temperature (initial) is one of the main process parameters (table). It is set taking into account the fat content in the cream, the modes of their ripening, as well as the chemical composition and properties of milk fat, changing over the seasons, the type of butter produced.

Not for long
Duration of whipping cream. This is one of the indicators of the correctness of the choice of various factors (technological, technical, organizational). The duration of whipping cream depends on the fat content of the cream. With an increase in the fat content of the cream, the duration of churning is reduced and the fat content of the buttermilk increases. When churning cream containing small fat globules (typical for old milk), the churning duration and fat content of buttermilk increase due to a decrease in the likelihood of their sticking together. When churning homogenized cream (fat globules less than 1 micron), it is not possible to obtain a butter grain. The churning time also depends on the chemical composition and properties of the milk fat.
To wash or not to wash - that is the question! Now the technologists will answer us: D Plasma is called buttermilk.
Oil grain washing. When producing butter from high-quality cream, strictly observing the requirements of technology and production sanitation, the oil grains are not washed. This improves the severity of the taste and odor of the oil and increases the content of SNF in it by 0.2-0.4%. This improves the utilization of raw materials. With a high dispersion of plasma in oil, the number of sterile drops is 100 times higher than the number of bacterial cells. Therefore, the elimination of oil grain washing is not hazardous to the durability of highly dispersed plasma oil.

In the case of using cream with pronounced fodder tastes and odors concentrated in the plasma, washing of the oil grain is necessary. Oil grain washing is a multipurpose operation. In addition to removing a part of undesirable substances, washing affects the elastic-viscous properties and, accordingly, the stickiness of the oil grain, the efficiency of its mechanical processing and the consistency of the finished oil.

Washing can remove up to 50% of plasma lactose and 15-27% protein from oil grains. The water-soluble substances contained in the surface drops of plasma are washed out. The degree of plasma removal depends on the size of the oil grain and its consistency. Plasma is more difficult to remove from coarse oil grains with a soft consistency than from fine, homogeneous, hard ones.

The water used for washing oil grains must meet the requirements for drinking water.

So decide for yourself whether to leave proteins and lactose in the oil or not.
Mechanical processing of oil grains and oils. The essence of this operation is the formation of a monolith of oil from scattered aggregates of oil grains, uniform distribution of components and plasticization of the product. This affects the taste of the oil, its consistency, storage stability, and market indicators.
The completeness of the mechanical processing of the oil in the process of production is determined using indicator papers, and in the absence of indicator papers, visually (there should be no visible drops of moisture on the oil cut, i.e. the oil cut must be dry).
Well, after what everyone has already done, we figured out what we did and how it should have been
But, you see, it is always interesting to know HOW CORRECT. As a last resort, who is not interested in scientific theory. all that is blue, don't read
MargoL , and if pasteurized in the "Milk porridge" mode? After all, porridge is unlikely to be cooked at a temperature less than 98 *? You can also cool it quickly - I won't heat a ton. I will allocate maximum liter
To be honest, I didn't quite understand what it was about. More precisely, I realized that Tortyzhke na unit that will hold the cream for a certain time at a temperature of 98 degrees.

Personally, I suspect that the multicooker is working on the controller processing signals from a temperature sensor and a relative humidity sensor. In mode Steam cookingy only on the signal of the temperature sensor, but Pilaf and Milk porridgea - by a signal from both sensors.

I will not argue further, because I am not sure that I understood the task correctly ...
Interestingly, the thrush also told me, and already 2 times, so that I would not whip sour cream from the refrigerator, only at room temperature ... although, judging by the results, it turns out both from warm (like mine, for example) and from cold
Hairpin the rights! I'd rather torment the extinguishing. Is baked milk being made ?! Well, then I'll see what happens to the cream in the same regime! And will this notorious "nutty taste"

Celestine, and I myself eventually found out that butter is better when you bring sour cream home, leave it in the refrigerator until tomorrow, and knock it down the next day. And today I received scientific confirmation of this (though I did not understand all the words in the article, but I caught the general meaning)
And what temperature is the extinguishing limited to? Much lower than 98 degrees.

Actually, I was hinting at a programmable bread machine ... so that you can set both the time and the temperature ...
HairpinWell, what are you all with hints and hints ... only you understandable I asked, from whom what thoughts, spread. And then I itch this oil with a terrible itching! : -X Here by Easter one of these days I have to deliver milk products, I want to allocate a liter of cream for the experiment. I didn't even think about the bread maker, although I have it programmable. And even the temperature conditions in the plate are painted. Very good advice! Tomorrow I'll look for an instrument and maybe I'll stop at this option. Although I prefer the multicooker. two liters or something to allocate cream for this business?
Quote: Tortyzhka

I didn't even think about the bread maker, although I have it programmable.

I don't like the multicooker because its temperature profile from the center to the walls will be uneven, but the bread maker ... It's more even there. Another question is that a multicooker is more airtight than a bread maker ...

In addition, neither a bread maker nor a multicooker is precision equipment (precision equipment is equipment with increased requirements for accuracy). And they also have no inertia. That is, if you need 98, and 101 is already a failure, and 95 is an undershoot ... So that the displays do not show ... we are unlikely to get it ...

This is me, reasoning out loud ...
I, after a long study of the tyrnet information, understand. that I will not get truly Vologda butter (Vereshchagin was read how he was worn out before he got something worthwhile?) I just understand that with prolonged heating of the cream, they transform into some other "state of aggregation", get lost., apparently, will also be somehow different, but the separated fat (I will hope that it will separate) will still be OIL, but with some other properties and tastes. Like baked milk, also milk, but with a different color. taste and smell.
Virgin, wait for me with this SUBSTANCE!
In general, if you do not set yourself the goal of using a cartoon, the easiest way is to do this:
heat the cream in an ordinary wide saucepan, when the temperature reaches 95-97 degrees (control with a thermometer or by eye, almost to a boil) turn off the heating. Keep covered for 1-3 minutes and then cool sharply.
Then the technology will be similar to the pasteurization procedure described in the recipe.

After all, our goal is to achieve rapid heating, without bringing it to a boil, and leave it in this state for a while. Simmering is not suitable because heating is slow. The steamer - because it will not stop and will boil (hence the option - to stop the program when it almost boils and leave it on the heat, but this must still be monitored visually, it is easier then in a saucepan). It will also boil on Kasha.

Well, since Tortyzhka has an idea with melted cream, then we are already moving away from the recipe and creating a new one))

By the way, the source cited above says that pasteurization is also possible at lower temperatures, but for a longer time. And this is just nothing but longing. And it seems to me that it is wiser to spend it in the cartoon under heating. Because with this program it will definitely not boil, which is what we are trying to achieve. And when extinguished, it still boils, albeit slowly.

Just don't think that I'm being clever)). I just want to find a more acceptable option for the maximum similarity of the described technological process ..

Cake, good luck! We are waiting with a new product!

Hairpin, I also thought about the bread maker ... I was very attracted by the possibility of constant stirring of the heated mass.
Quote: Tortyzhka

Virgin, wait for me with this SUBSTANCE!

Well ... actually ... hope to see earlier !!!
Ann @
In your photos, I noticed a detail: everyone has a mixer with two whisks, and I have a BOSCH combine with one. Noticing the difference, I whipped with a hand mixer, the butter turned out, but I want to ask: will my one pear-shaped whisk whisk the butter or should I take another?
"One pear-shaped whisk" is most likely a planetary mixer (it moves along two paths: along the radius of the container and around itself). The oil will break down there great, don't worry! Just switch gears carefully. so that the contents do not scatter, it liquefies during the whipping process.
How did you like the oil?
Ann @
Have not tried it yet, we do not eat after 18.00, but when the butter came out, I felt like a HOSTESS! ... By the way, (at 16.00 there was no longer a choice of sour cream on the market, I took what was) it was not very thick, but I took a chance, I really wanted to. Tell me, can you beat at MAX speed in the combine? I want to make the second 500 ml tomorrow. already in the harvester.
Don't go to the maximum! Start stirring them slowly, and then at medium speed until the end of the process .. If the sour cream from the refrigerator will take no more than 10 minutes. Good luck! And delicious bread and butter for breakfast!
Well ... And I immediately put on maxims ... Again, I'm not with the team!
Hairpin, you don't have a planetary mixer!
Quote: Tortyzhka

Pakat, your impatience let you down! They would not have gone anywhere, they would have stratified as cute !!! Yes, there is a "lush cream" phase in the process, but then the mass settles and turns yellow. Next. if this happens, be patient. And it will work out.
Cake, as always right! Thanks for the support!
The butter churned and even at the highest speed, I only have two,
from half a liter of cream, 35% fat, 200 grams of butter turned out.
He did not wash it, as it immediately gathered into lumps and began to splash with buttermilk, which separated itself. I drained the buttermilk, it will go into bread, and I collected the butter, carefully squeezing out the remaining buttermilk. I beat for 15 minutes, with my temples ...
The taste of the butter is similar to what one ate in childhood, different from the store-bought oil, it is better. I will have breakfast with fresh bread made from whole grain flour, with seeds, baked now with fresh butter ...
This is breakfast !!!
And what is the price of the finished oil? Strongly different from the store.What is your general pricing for milk in Canada? We have a paradox here - homemade milk and sour cream are cheaper than store milk
In Canada, it is forbidden to sell whole, unpasteurized milk, only after pasteurization or sterilization, so buy on the farm
almost impossible...
The cost of milk in the store is 0; one; 2; %% - $ 3.97, 3.25% - $ 5.25, for 4 liters, sour cream 14% - $ 1.69 - $ 2.59, depending on the company and store,
30% sour cream - $ 3.99 - for 0.5 liters. Cream 35% - $ 3.46 per 0.5 liter.
Butter - 4.46 per pound, 454 grams.
These are the usual prices, but on sale it is cheaper, I bought the cream for
1.99 half a liter. Butter is now pound 2.99, these prices will be until Friday, and then another sale for the week.
There is no gain in the price of your butter, but the taste cannot be compared ...
I envy you. Shop sour cream is whipped ...
It's a shame for the state. Not only do they produce a dash, so they deceive in the markets ...
Ann @
How I love and respect you all! Thanks for your good advice! Cake low bow to you! I made oil today in my harvester (planetary - sounds proudly), the oil turned out even better! It splashes less when whipped in a food processor. There was a lot of buttermilk, which is not surprising, the sour cream was thin. Oil output 202 gr. Vkusnooooo! Thanks again to everyone, especially for the photos. Now I'll go to another topic to learn how to make fermented baked milk ...
MargoL, not sour cream, 35% cream ...
Cake , I brought you my thanks for such a step-by-step recipe, in great detail and understandable and the butter turned out great (lucky with the seller) from 1kg of sour cream 650 grams of butter, I can't try it, but it smells amazing and the children have already lost their third snack for an afternoon snack :)
Marincha , to your health, and especially to the children! I'm sure. they will carry through life the memories of "mother's oil" - the most delicious!
Remember when you were a child in the evening you go out into the yard with a big bast shoe of white bread, thickly smeared with butter and sprinkled with sugar? Just PIE !!!! And chic size! He gave everyone a bite "two times three times" and with fat-sugar muzzles drove into the Cossack robbers
The yield of butter from a kilogram of sour cream is simply gorgeous! Perhaps the best result of all those trying to dairy! Bravo!!!
Was the oil washed or just squeezed out and that's it?
Cake, mana senga result ...
Homemade butter
I found a lace from a camera ... And bread in a different topic ...
Pakatwhat a gorgeous pot of butter!
And myself Pakat nothing!!!
"nothing" is an empty space.
A Pakat we have O-GO-GO !!!!!
that sho vi say ...

aynat, this pot is a French oil can, with a water seal, the oil is cut off from the air by water, it is stored longer without oxidizing ...
Quote: Packet link = topic = 9458.0 date = 1239890879

aynat, this pot is a French oil can, with a water seal, the oil is cut off from the air by water, it is stored longer without oxidizing ...

Wow! And we have this it happens ?
Actually ... I know at least three places in your apartment where there are water traps ...
Homemade butter
aynat, I don’t know, and we don’t serve it everywhere, it’s more of a classic form ... Oil is put in the upper part, water is poured into the lower part, into which you can add herbs, or spices, spices to taste.

A, Hairpin, then it pricks, spicy ...
Quote: Hairpin

Actually ... I know at least three places in your apartment where there are water traps ...

Hairpin, now my husband came, I asked him where the water locks were in my apartment! You know, I'm not at all friends with technology ...

P.S. And by the way, I remembered that you were finishing something on water supply!
By the way, today when I was buying cottage cheese, I asked how much the homemade butter was - 180 rubles / kg. True, a piece is just 1 kg probably. Maybe try to buy this oil for a start?
Homemade butter

I fight, but I would buy this myself ...
Quote: Packet link = topic = 9458.0 date = 1239906311

Homemade butter

I fight, but I would buy this myself ...

Oh, the tempting serpent! And where do you find all this? Pretty!

And this one, too, with this, like him, a water seal?
aynat, and you look at the picture in the upper left corner, there it is assembled and the water is visible, and in the large, lower half, the water is visible ...
It will cost $ 30 US, with shipping, it is also expensive for me, these are two prices for it ...
Quote: aynat

By the way, today when I was buying cottage cheese, I asked how much homemade butter was - 180 rubles / kg.True, a piece is just 1 kg probably. Maybe try to buy this oil for a start?
Of course buy! Just wait a little - now the prices for dairy products are overstated due to the holiday and the probability of falsification is higher. A little later, it is quite possible!

Another option for making homemade butter


cream 1 l
ice water 125 ml
food ice 2 cube

Take cream chilled to 15 ° C. Insert the metal cream knob into the kitchen processor, pour in the cream, close and turn on. That's all! During churning, the cream gets thicker and thicker, and eventually grains of butter begin to separate.

Add ice water and crushed ice to help churn the oil into large lumps. Drain the buttermilk and squeeze the whey out of the butter by hand. Rinse the cleaned lump of oil under running very cold water and place in a container with a tight-fitting lid for storage. Add regular salt or seasoned salt if desired. The oil can be stored unopened in the freezer for up to three months.

And further.....

Cooking butter

At home, you can prepare various types of oils: sweet-creamy, salty, unsalted, Vologda, amateur, peasant, sandwich, chocolate, honey, fruit, etc., which have some differences in the chemical composition and technology of their production.

Fresh cream, intended for the production of butter, is pasteurized at a temperature of 85-90 ° C without aging.

In the production of Vologda butter, the cream is pasteurized at the same temperature for 20-30 minutes (this gives rise to a pleasant nutty flavor).

Then the cream is cooled to the lowest possible temperature and kept for several hours for their physical maturation, as a result of which the contents of the fat globules pass from fat to solid, the shell of the ball becomes brittle and easily breaks down when the cream is churned.

The holding time for cream maturation is set depending on the cooling temperature: the lower the temperature, the shorter the holding time.
So, at a temperature of + 8 ° C, the cream is kept for 8 hours, at + 4 ° C - 4, etc.
It is better to knock down the cream at a temperature: 8-10 ° C in summer, II-14 ° C in winter for 25-40 minutes.
The rotation of the churn should be uneven, and the speed should be 40-60 rpm.

The churn is filled with cream no more than 3/4 of its volume and knocked down until the appearance of butter grains the size of a millet grain (2-4 mm), after which the buttermilk is immediately drained as completely as possible (preferably through a sieve). For the formation of larger grains from small ones, an additional five to six slow revolutions of the churn are made. If a peasant or amateur oil is produced, then the grains are then collected into a single layer, which is placed in an appropriate form, lined with parchment, and a bar is made.

In the production of Vologda butter, the oil grains are washed with clean water at a temperature of 10-14 ° C once, and in the production of sweet cream - twice, after which they are formed into a bar.

To obtain salted oil, salt in an amount of 1.5-2% is evenly scattered over the grain, mixed well and then collected in a layer. It is better to store the oil at a temperature of 2-5 ° C, tightly wrapped in 100-200 g of parchment paper. It is well preserved in fresh salted water, which should be changed daily and stored in a dark place.

The main distinguishing feature of "Vologda" butter is the taste of pasteurized cream, obtained by heating specially selected high-quality cream for 10-15 minutes to a temperature of 98 degrees C. The high processing temperature of the cream gives the butter a peculiar taste and aroma due to the formation of sulfhydryl groups and lactones.


Unusual Butter Sculptures

Homemade butter



Question answer

How much fat should you eat daily, which fat should you give preference to?
in charge of the head of the Moscow Regional Diet Center MONIKI Svetlana TURBINA

This choice is RECOMMENDED:
daily 15-20 g of butter,
a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil,
a tablespoon of unrefined sunflower oil and
from time to time (within 7-10 days) a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, which in its qualities is superior to all other oils, but bitter, so it should be taken more as a medicine, and not as a food product.
This set of fats is optimal for the liver, blood vessels, nervous system, and brain.
Admin, great theme development!
Only here I would be afraid to stick pieces of ice into the bowl of the mixer. No, there are no questions about ice water. I will definitely try next time! But the ice would not have become ... maybe at the plant they beat the oil with some kind of spatula in a vat and she is not afraid of hard pieces, but this probably will not be of benefit to the whisk of the mixer. IMHO.
Cake, tell me about one more question!
I've been stocking myself with homemade dairy products - and sour cream and cream. Sour cream is white, thick (even if you smear it with a knife), not sour. Cream - yellowish, with a consistency like a very thick store sour cream. What is the best way to try to knock down butter?
aynat, butter is whipped from cream, that's why it's called creamy ...
Sour cream is fermented cream, that is, if there is a choice, it is better to beat with cream ...
Cake, honey .. thanks !! I cooked butter a few days ago, then I made Easter on it and baked cakes ... and I tried it with an egg today for the first time! Oh, how delicious it is, and you can give a child without fear !!! + + + + + +
Quote: MargoL

About the weight. Luysia, I weighed the purchased sour cream right in the container. It turned out 460 g. Standard container for 0.5 liters. I think the gram itself weighs 20-30 exactly. Well, those remnants that could not be scraped out ...
In general, they sell it by volume, not by weight. The density of sour cream, it turns out, is less than that of water. Hence the weight-volume difference.

When I bought, I took sour cream in a standard plastic cup, and took a glass jar for cream, so the milkmaid asked "How many gram jars", looked at the bottom - 720g and counted for 700g, poured it to the top. So - it's all by sight, whether the price suits you or not. But she outweighed the cottage cheese at home - it turned out 1100g. Like this.
Cake, Tell me please!

Began to beat the butter today. I put 300g of sour cream in a bowl (there was not enough up to 500 already) and 200g of cream. Began to beat, after 20 seconds the sour cream began to clump, after another 20 seconds the buttermilk began to separate, after another 30 seconds the buttermilk did not separate, and the butter became not lumps, but rather a homogeneous whipped mass. I washed it out somehow 2 times. Yield: butter - 300g, buttermilk - 160ml. Tell me why my oil was not lumps, but an almost homogeneous mass? Maybe some kind of jamb in the original products?

Homemade butter

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Selection and operation of bread makers