I would like to develop the topic of zoogles (Indian sea rice, Tibetan kefir mushroom and kombucha). I was joking here / joking, I didn't joke much. Therefore, I decided to open these Temki. This is the first.

These introductions on sea rice, I rolled from the site (post from Marianne) and edited a little myself.

Indian sea rice

Bioculture of sea (live) rice has its historical roots in the times of the most ancient civilizations in the world. The unique healing properties of sea rice infusion (it is able to cure more than 100 diseases) were known in the earliest communities of people in China, India and a number of other countries.

However, sea rice itself was not originally created by humans. It is obvious that it has an exclusively natural, natural origin. It is a product of the development of microorganisms beneficial to humans, including acetic acid bacteria, which are present in the air.

Thus, it can be argued that air, this universal source of all life on Earth, is at the same time the substance from which sea rice came to us.

This statement can be easily proved: it is enough to keep sea rice for several days in an airless space - and it will wither and die.

People who have faith in God or in any Divine Principle, of course, have the right to assert that sea rice comes from God, and air is only the environment in which the life of this amazing bioculture is only possible (sea rice cannot live without air and its derived substance - water).

It is worth noting, nevertheless, the important role of people in the fact that the culture of sea rice has survived to this day. Having realized the great healing benefits of sea rice, people have been cultivating and carefully preserving this bioculture for many centuries.

Moreover, in different countries this "living medicine" is known under different names. For example, in Mexico, an infusion of sea rice is known as chibi. In ancient Rome, sea rice infusion was called posca.

In Russia, this bioculture has historically been given the name "sea rice" (apparently, the definition of "sea rice" came from the word "overseas", that is, brought from another country, from overseas: how can you not recall the expedition of the Russian traveler Afanasy Nikitin "over three seas", to India). This bioculture began to be called "live rice", apparently, due to the fact that when observing individuals of this bioculture in water, the respiration process of these microorganisms is very clearly visible, that is, the most important process that distinguishes the entire living world from non-living.

The name "rice" was assigned to this bioculture, apparently, for the reason that people had certain associations: in its shape, sea rice is distantly, but still resembles ordinary rice that is used for food; but the association of sea rice with ordinary food, rice, as the most important food product and, in a sense, a source of life and healing remedy of the peoples of the East, primarily China and India, is also important.

In later times, as this bioculture spread throughout Russia and some of its neighbors, including European, countries, to emphasize the originality of the origin of sea rice and, consequently, on the uniqueness of the healing properties of its infusion to the name "sea (living) rice "began to add geographical definitions" Chinese "," Indian ", etc.

To be more precise in geographical terms, then, according to many people cultivating sea rice, the geographical homeland of this bioculture is Tibet, although we will hardly ever know how things were in reality.
Sea rice relieves fatigue; restores metabolism; rejuvenates the cells of the body; improves well-being; increases efficiency; reduces weight; defeats disease-causing microbes; replaces antibiotics for diseases of the upper respiratory tract; lowers blood sugar levels; inhibits the development of cancer cells; cleans the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract; removes plaque in case of purulent skin diseases; lowers blood pressure; cleans blood vessels; relieves nervous headaches; normalizes the acidity of the stomach; restores and strengthens the nervous system; dissolves salts in the joints; dissolves "sand" and "stones" in the gallbladder and kidneys; has an analgesic effect; has a beneficial effect on radiculitis; helps with insomnia, restoring normal quality sleep; restores and strengthens "masculine strength" (potency, 0); has a diuretic effect; eliminates a runny nose; relieves weakness in the legs.
A more complete description of the properties of sea rice infusion and a large number of recipes for its use for the treatment of widespread diseases, as well as for its use for cosmetic or medical-cosmetic purposes, can be found in the book by Irina Filippova "Mushrooms that heal ..." (see. section "Literature").

Please note: an infusion of sea rice cooked on dry sour apples is much less healthful than an infusion cooked on dried apricots, raisins or figs. If you want to achieve the maximum restorative and health-improving effect from the infusion of sea rice, combine the course of taking it with the course of taking any vitamin preparation of your choice.

The composition of the sea rice infusion contains the following elements:

(1) several types of yeast-like fungi and microorganisms (not to be confused with nutritional yeast !!! Modern research has found that nutritional yeast added to bakery and confectionery products promotes the development of cancer cells and suppresses healthy cells in the body, 0);
(2) several types of acetic acid bacteria;
(3) organic acids, including: phosphoric acid, pyruvic acid, uronic acid, glucuronic acid, p-coumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, kojic acid, folic acid;
(4) alcohol;
(5) vitamins C and D;
(6) tannins;
(7) polysaccharides of the cellulose type;
(9) choline-like fatty substances;
(10) fatty and resinous substances;
(11) alkaloids;
(12) glucosides;
(13) enzymes lipase, amylase, protease, levansacharase;
(14) enzymes that actively break down uric acid salts, as well as salts of other harmful acids that are deposited in the joints;
(15) coenzyme Q, or yubikinol-10, or vitamin Q (coenzyme Q10,0);
(16) some other elements.
Comments on the chemical composition of sea rice infusion:

Folic acid is essential in slowing the aging of the human body and protecting it from cancer; necessary for blood renewal and antibodies production; especially important during pregnancy.
Glucuronic acid is of great importance in the restoration of the tissues of the joints and spine affected by the disease.
P-coumaric and chlorogenic acids are recognized as the most active antioxidants that block free radicals. In very small quantities, these acids are present in fruits. In the infusion of sea rice, they are present not only in large quantities, but also in a bound state, and for this reason they are better absorbed by the human body.
The enzyme lipase (an enzyme that destroys harmful omega-6 fats) breaks down and removes fats from the body, including the most harmful and dangerous fats - polyunsaturated fats - which, in the process of oxidation inside the body, become a powerful source of free radicals (the most dangerous are hydrated or partially hydrated - omega-6 fats are found in margarine).
The enzyme amylase breaks down starch and glucose-containing substances, due to which the infusion of sea rice is also indicated in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
The protease enzyme dissolves blood clots, breaks down proteins.
Coenzyme Q, or yubikinol-10, or vitamin Q, has been named by scientists as one of the most effective new (recently discovered) antioxidants, which can prevent the onset of old age indefinitely, as well as cure many diseases.
Yeast-like fungi and microorganisms (not to be confused with yeast!) Are responsible for a healthy gut microflora. Once again, it's worth pointing out that yeast-like microorganisms should never be confused with nutritional yeast (food yeast). Modern research has found that nutritional (culinary) yeast added to bakery and confectionery products promotes the development of cancer cells and suppresses healthy cells in the body. Yeast-like fungi (microorganisms) contained in sea rice infusion are the exact opposite of food (culinary) yeast fungi.
Alcohol is contained in the infusion of sea rice in very small quantities and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

1. Common diseases: Overweight. Metabolic disorders. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Headache. Meteosensitivity.
2. Diseases of the central and autonomic nervous system: Asthenia. Insomnia. Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood. Depressive Disorders. Cerebral palsy. Neurasthenia. Neurosis-like states. Stuttering. Fainting. Consequences of the postponed ischemic stroke and transient disorders of cerebral circulation. Post-concussion syndrome. Psychoorganic syndrome. Psychopathic conditions. Tics of organic origin in neurological diseases. Epilepsy. Epileptic syndrome of residual organic genesis.
3. Diseases of the immune system: vitamin deficiency. Autoimmune diseases. Vasculitis. Glomerulonephritis. Flu. Diphtheria. Immunocomplex diseases. Multiple sclerosis. Rheumatoid arthritis. Systemic lupus erythematosus. Furunculosis. Suppuration.
4. Diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems: Arrhythmia. Atherosclerosis. Phlebeurysm. Inflammation of the superficial and deep venous system. Hypertension. Stroke. Myocardial infarction. Ischemia. Cardiac dystrophy. Cardiomyopathy. Lymphadenitis. Lymphadenosis. Lymphatic edema. Violations of the rheological properties of blood. Neuro-circulatory (vegetative-vascular) dystonia. Post-hemorrhagic anemia. Postthrombotic syndrome. Angina pectoris in traumatic damage to the heart and blood vessels (contusion thrombosis). Tachycardia. Transmural myocardial infarction. Thrombophlebitis.
5. Diseases of the respiratory system: Asbestosis. Bronchial asthma. Bronchitis. Bronchoadenitis. Sinusitis. Pleurisy. Pneumonia. Colds (ARVI). Tonsillitis. Tuberculosis. Pharyngitis.
6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: Hemorrhoids. Duodenitis. Constipation. Heartburn. Colitis. Flatulence. Metabolic disease. Violation of intestinal motility. Pancreatitis Vomiting. Diabetes mellitus in mild to moderate form. Cholecystitis. Holongitis. Chronic active hepatitis (including those caused by viruses B and C). Chronic gastritis. Cirrhosis. Stomach ulcer. Duodenal ulcer.
7. Diseases of the genitourinary system: Adnexitis. Recovery and increase in potency. Ovarian cyst. Compensation for renal failure. Libido. Nephritis. Nephrosis. Nephropathy. Pyelonephritis. Prehydronephrosis. Prostatitis. Enuresis. Thrush.
8. Neoplasms (tumors): Benign brain tumors. Malignant tumors of the stomach and esophagus. Lymphogranulomatosis. Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
9. Dentistry: Periodontal disease. Stomatitis.
10. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: Arthritis. Osteochondrosis. Polyarthritis. Rheumatism.
11. Traumatology: Concussion (post-traumatic rehabilitation).

TOTAL: 107 diseases.

A wide range of therapeutic effects and extremely high efficiency of the infusion obtained with the help of sea rice are noteworthy. This means that sea rice, as a natural remedy, is able to replace large quantities of synthetic drugs and pharmaceuticals, which sometimes cause colossal damage to our health by clogging up the human body.

Clinical and laboratory medical studies have established that the infusion of sea rice is completely harmless to the human body, which is especially important to know when choosing what to treat: "live medicine" or synthetic pharmaceuticals, or a combination of both.


There were no negative side effects when taking sea rice infusion.

In some cases, in sensitive people in the first days of taking sea rice, a "restructuring" of the body may be felt. But these people should not worry and panic: it only means that the infusion of sea rice has begun to restore and normalize the work of your internal organs. For example, slight discomfort in the lungs is possible - in those people who, before taking the infusion of sea rice, suffered from diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, asthma, etc.): however, after a few days, there is no trace of these discomfort, and the respiratory the system starts working flawlessly. We tested this on ourselves before communicating this to the entire Internet community. For sensitive people, there is a simple way out: it is enough to reduce the dose of sea rice infusion by half - and the "restructuring" of the body will not be so sensitive. After that, the dose of taking sea rice infusion can be gradually increased with each new week (or every 10-15 days of your choice) and, finally, bring it to the optimal option.

The optimal variant of the dosed intake of sea rice: for adults - 100-150 ml two to three times a day according to the state of health and desire; for children over 3 years old - 50-100 ml two to three times a day according to health and desire; for children under 3 years of age - no more than 50 ml two to three times a day according to health and desire. If a person, including a child, has no desire to drink an infusion of sea rice, then the already taken dose of infusion is enough for his body. You should not drink this infusion against your own desire.

The infusion of sea rice contains an enzyme that is always present in the human body. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of fats entering the human body. The enzyme's name is lipase.

Lipase is a natural enzyme of the human body, which is present in it from birth and is produced by the endocrine glands. However, over time, under the influence of various factors (poor nutrition, poor ecology, etc.), changes occur in the work of these glands: they reduce the production of lipase, as a result of which part of the fats entering the human body is not split, but deposited in the subcutaneous layers. This is how we begin to gain extra pounds.

Reception of sea rice infusion completely changes this picture: the amount of lipase in the body increases sharply. Now this enzyme is enough not only for the breakdown of incoming fats, but also for the breakdown of those excess fats that were previously "incorrectly" deposited by our body in the subcutaneous layer. As a result, normal metabolism in the body as a whole is restored. We regain normal weight, normal blood pressure, normal health, good quality sleep and excellent performance.

In order to normalize weight, it is enough for an adult to drink 100 ml of sea rice infusion 2-3 times a day.


Infusion of sea rice and infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom must be taken (drunk) in courses separated from each other in time. It is unacceptable to take infusions of these zoogley mushrooms together (for example, on the same day).It is necessary to make time intervals between courses of admission.

The duration of the courses is easily set individually: each person feels his body best of all and can understand better than anyone what exactly he needs at the moment. Therefore, it is better to listen to your body yourself.

From the generalized practice of application, it can be noted that the shortest course of taking milk mushroom is 20 days, and the longest is 3 months (after that, you can take a month break from taking, 0); for sea rice infusion, the shortest course of admission is 3 months, and the longest is for many years.

Restrictions when taking infusion of sea rice. At the very beginning of taking sea rice infusion, its strong diuretic effect may appear. Therefore, in the first days of admission, it is recommended to limit yourself to small doses of infusion (for example, 50 ml of infusion two to three times a day). After about a week, the dosage of the infusion can be increased to 100 ml two to three times a day, and after about a week - up to 150 ml two to three times a day.

The optimal variant of the dosed intake of sea rice: for adults - 100-150 ml two to three times a day according to the state of health and desire; for children over 3 years old - 50-100 ml two to three times a day according to health and desire; for children under 3 years of age - no more than 50 ml two to three times a day according to health and desire. If a person, including a child, has no desire to drink an infusion of sea rice, then the already taken dose of infusion is enough for his body. You should not drink this infusion against your own desire.

Restrictions when taking infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom. It is not recommended to drink peroxidized kefir. It is not recommended to drink more than 500-700 ml of kefir per day. Moreover, this is no longer a prophylactic, but a therapeutic dose (for adults)! And it should be divided during the day into smaller doses, for example, 200 ml for each dose. For children over 5 years of age, the therapeutic dose is 200-400 ml per day, and it should also be divided into smaller portions of intake during the day (it is clear that the prophylactic dose of kefir intake for these children should be approximately half as much).

In our Foundation, for example, in practice the following daily preventive dose of Tibetan kefir intake has been established: 100-200 ml of kefir per day. It is not recommended to drink kefir less than 40 minutes before going to bed. Due to the restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract in the first 10-14 days of taking kefir, you need to take into account its strong laxative effect and not use it in the morning before going to work. Those who are just starting to take Tibetan kefir are recommended to drink it in the evening one hour before bedtime for the first 14 days. In 10-14 days, most of the toxins and toxins will leave your body, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract will improve, the laxative effect of kefir will disappear and you can drink it several times a day, starting in the morning: your body will work like a clock, even in humans, leading a predominantly sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.


Infusion of sea rice. It is an excellent natural skin care product. Infusion of sea rice refreshes, smoothes and tones the skin. It has both a cosmetic and a healing effect. The basis of skin care is to cleanse it through a gentle action that does not destroy, but restores its natural acid reaction. Rubbing the skin with sea rice infusion restores its acidic environment while cleansing the skin of harmful bacteria and dead cells. For this reason, it has established itself as an effective skin care product. On the basis of the infusion, a lotion for facial skin care, a mouthwash, a body deodorant, a hair rinse, and various face masks are prepared. The infusion is added to the water when taking a bath: this is a great way to relieve fatigue. The use of sea rice infusion for rinsing hair gives hair a natural shine, strengthens hair.Cosmetic products based on sea rice infusion are useful for any skin type - the main thing is to choose the right recipe that suits you.

Please note: infusion of sea rice cooked on dry sour apples is much less healthy than infusion cooked on dried apricots, raisins and figs.

I have had sea rice since six months. Half the time he lives in the refrigerator, half insists. If drained in time, it is a very pleasant drink. And in the summer ... I insist on raisins. So I thought, maybe it can still be attached ...
Among my friends, no one has sea rice and there is no one to take for cultivation, therefore. And I have long wanted to start it at home. Petersburgers, respond, who has a surplus?
Quote: Hope

He and I once brought sea rice, which, everywhere they write, in addition to everything, contributes to weight loss. I drank it for 1 month, as a result I gained 2 kg. The husband drank for 3 months and gained an extra 6 kilos. So much for losing weight. Moreover, we added very little sugar. When we stopped drinking his weight returned to normal.
Nothing of the kind was observed from kombucha.
I myself drank it for almost a year with interruptions, but there was no weight loss or weight gain. But I already read the complaints that he was getting fat. Maybe they get fat when they drink an unprepared infusion (that is, sugar-coated water with raisins) ...
I already wrote that we drank the infusion practically without sugar. insisted as required according to the instructions. This is not the case. My husband is not inclined to be overweight, unlike me, but he also recovered.
For the last three years I have been actively involved in my health. Before the wedding, my weight was 51 kg. Three years ago, he reached 76 kg. And my mother weighs ... probably 120-130 kg. My prospects were deplorable. Now I have a weight of 65 kg. After all my experiences, I came to the conclusion that the main thing is not to lose weight, but to normalize metabolism... From this and immunity, and weight, and even mood.
I am writing this to the fact that, according to the theory, sea rice normalizes metabolism, and does not reduce weight. After all, not all problems and being overweight, there are people who are also actively trying to gain weight ... Maybe in your case, it worked like that. If your spouse gained 6 kg, what was his body index? Just in case, I'll write that body index is weight (kg) * weight (kg) / height (cm). If the body index was less than 20, then there could be no weight loss. In this case, the weight should have increased. If the body index was over 30, then there should have been weight loss. And in the range from 20-30 - this is how the curve will take out.

I'll make a reservation right away that the introduction to the topic was copied by me, and this post is already my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong, but truth is born in a dispute!
So let's look for her !!!
Hairpin, there is some truth about the normalization of the exchange of substances. A year ago I became an active sport. I came to a sports doctor - she weighed me about 57 kg. was. Immediately he says we will weigh more, says the metabolism should improve, the weight will have to come to the middle of the norm according to the index (57 was a shortage, my height is 174). Well, a year later, the weight became 63, the doctor says now the norm. The exchange of things is improving, I want to eat more.
By analogy, sea rice contains acids in the composition, which neutralize the fat content of food and reduce its calories, so you want to eat faster and more often than the actual weight is catching up.
Or it can be done in another way - acids help to neutralize excess fat and calories supplied in excess of the norm in food, thus helping to normalize everything.
In general, the matter is dark.
It would be nice to know at least approximately how many people gain weight from sea rice and with what body index ... Still, statistics are a great thing!
Take to the company. I wanted to know: Are there any contraindications?
Officially - no, but ... several times I read complaints about weight gain, and ... my husband's ulcer did not react well ... So with an ulcer or gastrodedenitis ...
The mother-in-law shared with me about a week ago. There were two spoons - now 7.I like the infusion to my taste, and it seems that the information is only positive, but you never know ... But in the morning I began to wake up much easier (I am an owl), but with the weight we will wait and see
Our forum is just a storehouse of all sorts of different topics.
Now I have Indian rice. Three days ago they brought in with instructions. I fed it with sweet water with raisins, now I'm waiting for it to be infused. The taste is still very weak, not sour. There is a lot of information about rice in the internet. It turns out rice is of two types, small and large. I have a mix of large and small rice in the mass. Now let's try the infusion of rice, I had a kombucha, it's very good, but taking care of it tires you. I do not suffer from overweight, with a height of 176, weight 60 - 62, but age already makes itself felt with all sorts of ailments. I will write in this thread if I feel any changes in the general condition.
I have rice for 2 weeks. mom shared. tastes like kvass. Let's see if I get better, I have a weight of 169 with a weight of 57 I need to be a bit disposed to be overweight so that the sales will recover well. but my aunt knocks sugar with this rice. she has diabetes. and I want to try to wash my head I read it on the Internet without sugar.
Oh, and as without sugar, sweet syrup is a breeding ground for rice.
23anita please write an instruction. As a family, we already drink rice infusion, I like it, the fruit taste is very pleasant. Weight has not yet gained, but it seems to me that there is a threat, as the appetite has improved. Yes, moreover, I began to fall asleep better, this is a very big problem for me, I did not sleep until 4 am.
I haven't tried it myself yet, but I want to. for shine and silkiness, wash with warm infusion of rice without sugar. with oily hair every other day, wipe the hair with a swab dipped in a mixture of weekly rice l. rice and 4 tbsp. l. vodka. for dry and brittle hair 1 st. l. rice 1 tbsp. l. odorless vegetable oil. 1 yolk. and a glass of warm water apply the mask for 30 minutes. and wash off with warm water.
And how to prepare an infusion without sugar, as usual? Will the rice go missing?
In general, I set to insist I will write Che will work.
Quote: 23anita

In general, I set to insist I will write Che will work.
it turned out rice was missing without sugar, the current was infused, I did not hold it for 2 but 3 days
And I put it, it was not lost, only strong, horror. For rinsing your hair, probably just right. After all, it is recommended to add vinegar to the rinse water so that the hair is shiny and silky.
Hedgehog's wife
Hello everyone! I've also bought sea rice for a couple of months (I ordered it on the Internet, sent it dry, but it became normal in a day). What can I say - I drink 200-250 ml (faceted glass) almost every day, I rarely miss it, only when I forget. With my height 166, I weighed 49 kg. Now I weigh 52))) So I can say that with the beginning of the use of the infusion of Indian sea rice, the weight has increased. But it seems to me that this is only because the body normalizes digestion. (and, not to the table, be it said - the chair also normalizes very well) I also noticed that I did not hurt during the winter, except for a runny nose and sneezing. And the most pleasant thing for me is that I forgot about the thrush. It took me a long time .. I like the taste of rice infusion so much that I can’t live without it) And at first it grew and multiplied very badly with me. I insisted it on small raisins with dried apricots (dried apricots from a set of dried fruits - such packets of 100 rubles) But a couple of weeks ago I bought large raisins and dried apricots on the market. Fresh, soft yet even. So, he quickly went to multiply! I have already transplanted the extra 8 tablespoons into another jar. It’s a pity that no one else wants to take, offered at work, offered to relatives, no one needs (((
As a child, my parents had kombucha, I also liked it. she took it to herself from someone, but only it did not take root with me, he died.
Hedgehog's wife
Something Temka faded Has calmed down .. Nobody is holding sea rice already? And here I conducted an experiment .. True, unplanned.The summer of last year turned out to be hot and my rice infusion was very quickly acidified - they did not have time to drink, it grew quickly - there was no one to share with and it was a pity to throw it away. Well, I dried it. And then I forgot about him. We drank vitamins as a family and I did not even remember about rice. And then I decided to drink. I took out my dried rice (it lay for more than six months in a shelf wrapped in paper) and decided to try to revive it. I made an ordinary infusion of sugar + water, threw in dry rice (he had a vidocq zhuuuut! Brown-black brr). and two pieces of dried apricots + 7 raisins. Of course he stood longer than usual - a week. But surprisingly, he moved away! And grains of rice are like icicles. There are, of course, brownish ones, which apparently did not survive, I throw them out)) I poured out the first infusion (by the way, at first it was brown from rice, and then brightened and became like weak tea), now I poured it again, I will now drink the rice infusion again ...
This is all I wrote for - you can store it dry! Even more than 6 months! Feel free to dry - it will not disappear anywhere! Then I'll try to experiment with storing frozen rice in the freezer.
Good day.
"Then I'll try to experiment with storing frozen rice in the freezer." - have you tried it?
Hedgehog's wife
Quote: bobar

Good day.
"Then I'll try to experiment with storing frozen rice in the freezer." - have you tried it?
They are already in the freezer. For a while, I'll hold it for another month and defrost it. Those rice that were dry are almost all transparent as ice and are growing slowly in size.
Good day! I have an extra kombucha, if anyone needs it, I'll give it to good hands. Generally it would be nice to exchange for Indian rice. I live in Zelenograd.
Hedgehog's wife
Hello again everyone! So my dry-reconstituted sea rice has finally begun to multiply! Urya) True, after a girl from my former job gave me a kefir mushroom. I began to drink less rice, but still I make the infusion - my daughter also sometimes drinks it.
It turns out that it took 4 months for my sea rice to acclimatize and recover. But I think the experiment was successful. And the one in the freezer - I won't get it yet.
I wonder if anyone else is drinking the sea rice infusion?
Natalia, good afternoon!
I wanted to know if you have any extra rice to share?
For a long time, I had it, but unfortunately died ... if you are in Moscow, you could cross. I live in Zelenograd.
Hedgehog's wife
Quote: Trishka

Natalia, good afternoon!
I wanted to know if you have any extra rice to share?
For a long time, I had it, but unfortunately died ... if you are in Moscow, you could cross. I live in Zelenograd.
If you are me. then the one that is frozen is, but it requires adaptation - that is, I do not know how long it will come to its senses until it starts to multiply again. The one I am using now is not yet multiplying unfortunately (((. Probably you should still ask someone else. If you don’t find it, I’ll defrost it.
Yes, I come to you. If I don’t find it, then I’ll write to you again, can I? ...
Hedgehog's wife
Trishka Yes, of course you can! I'm just not sure of my risk - I have some kind of frailty lately)) Still, such stress has passed
And while I don't have much rice, I drink kefir mushrooms more often, but I still make infusion of rice, just change it less often. I don't want to die.
Oh, do you also have kefir? I also dream of starting it. Well, I became insolent. And I have a kombucha - don't you need it?
Hedgehog's wife
Quote: Trishka

Oh, do you also have kefir? I also dream of starting it. Well, I became insolent. And I have a kombucha - don't you need it?
I got the hint))) I'll put rice on defrosting and sprinkle kefir (a couple of tablespoons, that's enough for 2 liters)
We can meet in early June.
And I can’t pull the tea one))) I’ve probably lost the habit of it ..
Thank you!!! Where will it be more convenient? (What metro station?) I live in Zelenograd.
Hedgehog's wife
Trishka Well, very, very convenient for me of course on Tushinskaya.But if you are far away, we can meet in the metro where you and I will not be so far away))
I already put rice on adaptation. In a week we will meet, I will bring you rice and kefir.
Natalia, the hedgehog's wife!
Let's meet at Tushinskaya, but I don't know when I will definitely go to Moscow.
Do you go there every day? If not, then I will somehow adjust.
Natalia, the hedgehog's wife!
Something I did not understand, whether my message went in a personal or not, I am still writing here.
Now I have your phone number, I will call you as soon as I decide with Moscow.
Hedgehog's wife
Ksyusha, the message in the PM received and answered.
Hello! I somehow added frozen berries with juice to a ready-made sea rice drink - I liked it, now I add fresh ones. Tasty, aromatic, healthy! It seems to me that it is more dietary, I suppose, because it turns out almost without gas, for those who have stomach problems, it’s very acidic, you can dilute it with boiled water and add a little sugar.
Hello dear members of the forum, I suggest you check out the blog where you can find everything about Indian sea rice, as well as how to turn the cultivation of this mushroom into a small home business 🔗
I want to try sea rice. I cannot find it in my surroundings. Maybe someone from Kislovodsk or Pyatigorsk breeds and could share? I can exchange for a kefir mushroom.
Good afternoon friends. A long time ago, in the 90s, I had such rice, drank, I felt wonderful.
Can someone tell me: you can make it yourself from ordinary rice? Or just a spoon from someone to take the finished product?
Anna Makl
Ksenya09, Indian sea rice is a type of mushroom and has nothing to do with ordinary rice at all. It's easier to take a spoon from someone and dilute it. It grows very quickly.
Quote: Anna Makl

Ksenya09, Indian sea rice is a kind of mushroom and has nothing to do with ordinary rice at all. It's easier to take a spoon from someone and dilute it. It grows very quickly.
yes, I remember that there were transparent grains. Sorry, I will look further.
Thanks for the answer!
Ksenya09, do not cook it yourself, just take it from someone.
I would also have had such a "animal" ...
Quote: Trishka

Ksenya09, do not cook it yourself, just take it from someone.
I, too, would have had such a "animal" ...
once the thought has formed, let it go and wait)) exactly where we will find it.
Ksyusha, girls, they sell rice on Avito. The price of the issue is 100 rubles per serving. I've already looked after us in the city, I'll go buy
Boom look!
I'll raise the Temko.
Trishka, Ksyusha, found sea rice?
What kind of site we have, I decided to make a request for a sea mushroom, which is interesting, I remembered how they were looking for Kombucha for Shpilka, and here the topic is also our author Katyusha. Surprisingly simple.

I saw a Milk Mushroom on Waldberris, Indian rice came out there, I ordered it and only received it, I realized that it was not for fermenting milk.
I haven't opened the package yet, I want to do it tomorrow.

If anyone is drinking a sea rice drink now, share in the topic.
Quote: francevna
sea ​​rice?
Nope, I didn't find it, I wanted to exchange with someone, I have a kefir mushroom, and a tea (dried) ...
Yuri K
Quote: francevna
Trishka, Ksyusha, did you find sea rice?
Alla, Ksyusha was looking for him in the 14th year, it seemed like they agreed with a forum member, and then in the 19th she began to look. Reread the whole topic, drew attention to it. Probably they never managed to meet
Coincidence, today I also began to be interested in this rice. Previously, kombucha was in childhood. I remember it was delicious, but I've never tasted rice infusion! It became easy to wonder if the taste is very different? And then the topic surfaced

Quote: Trishka
Nope, I didn't find it, I wanted to exchange with someone, I have a kefir mushroom, and a tea (dried) ...
Oh, you already answered, I didn't see just ...
Not at 14, then he appeared with me, but he did not live long, he is very preoccupied with the quality of water, now I want to get it again ...
And with tea it does not taste like, it is different ...

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